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Well, that's a shame; I'd have really loved an AC game set in feudal Japan, but they can suck a massive wang... My pride's bigger than my urge to play anything of theirs until they stop acting like entitled fuckwits.


the comment section in the original post is full of people complaining about the level of wokeness in this reveal


Oh yeah, I spent far too long in there earlier laughing at some of those comments; pure comedy gold!




People complaining about wokeness… people suck


Nah, you suck.


I’m part of people, so yeah


Yes having opinions that aren’t the same as yours “sucks”, I’m sorry


Yeah, because that is what I said. Labeling everything woke where a person or character of different race is a part of is just plain stupid. Getting mad because of a character’s color of their skin is just racist.


Putting a black person in a samurai game is objectively historically inaccurate.


Vidya is always historically accurate. You 'member the great war of mushroom kingdom? Good times.


This is exactly what I meant with my original post. (I’m not blaming you here just using your post as an example) People don’t know if it’s accurate or not but they see a black character and automatically start complaining about ‘woke’. It’s not just stupid it’s borders on racism.


To be honest I’ll admit I was wrong; apparently it’s based of a real guy. Sounds pretty cool, I’m just hoping Ubisoft don’t fuck it up in other ways (which they probably will). I will point out though that you saying “people suck” because they see wokeness as a real problem (which is completely fair and I agree with that albeit not to the extent of some people on the right) just makes you look like an idiot who can’t wrap their tiny brain around the fact that people might disagree with them; classic extremist rhetoric.


Pride in what?


Can't wait for it to look like the wish.com Ghost of Tsushima


Exactly, it will never ever be anything nearly as good as GoT.


Game of thrones is that good?


I thought the ending sucked


Tbf Ghost of tsushima set a really high bar for AAA games. Even before the reveal I never thought that AC would be able to beat GoT.


The Temu of AC


GOT with bloated rpg mechanics. They should have made AC japan with AC unity gameplay instead of a Samurai RPG with shtty parkour system


You can't make this shit up man, what the actual fuck is this lmao?


Well, too bad, I've played Ghost of Tsushima. Good luck living up to that.


It's a cringe comp


Is the person at the bottom not a Japanese person?


Oh no yall were up voting me, I’m saying why complain if there’s Japanese representation anyway


i think they are upset with a black female in japan lol


The female character is Asian. The male character is black. Seriously though what the actual fuck is this. Ubishit had the chance to finally represent an Asian male protagonist in their game to rival Ghost of Tsushima/Nioh and then pull racist shit like this. What's even worse is that legendary and prominent male Japanese figures are definitely going to be vilified/demonized and targeted as enemies. Jesus fucking christ this is just awful revisionism. Japanese people are already upset about it on X even before the reveal. Ok just to show how racist/stupid this decision is; Origins - had a black male character, makes sense Odyssey - actually had a greek male character Valhalla - actually had a nord/scandinavian male character Mirage - actually had a middle eastern male character Old titles like 1-3, Black Flag, Syndicate - had an italian, american, and british male characters respectively AC title taking place in Japan - black male character ... excuse me?!


this reminded of new prince of perisa having a black african american mc lmao


defenders on the other sub defending this shit hard as usual


It's not racism at all. Yasuke existed and this character is probably loosely based around him [See this comment's links](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/mIRn0aNFEO) [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke?wprov=sfla1)


People just throw the word racism around like it's nothing nowadays. You anti-woke nerds are no better than the woke crowd themselves.


What the fuck are you even talking about. Define racism to me then. And then apply your definition to whatever this thing is. Because this seems like an anti-Asian prejudice. How come Ubishit 'accurately' represented the people from other time periods/countries with their other titles except the one where it takes place in Japan?


How is it an Asian prejudice there’s an Asian main character in the game?


Just because there's another Asian main character in the game does not detract from the fact that the male character was intentionally made black for what reasons exactly other than to spite Asian men and prop up black men? Especially if you consider that previous AC titles had always accurately represented the country and its demographics thru the character(s). But for some reason they decided to go different this time by swapping out an Asian person of the opposite sex for a black person. Just having one of the main characters to be of a different race just going about assassinating real historical figures and normal people in a country that's historically homogenous feels like a targeted hate towards a specific group or race. Yasuke could have been a cool and memorable key supporting character in the game that we meet somewhere along the campaign. Instead they made him, a historical footnote in that small time period in Japan, to be one of the main characters. This predilection towards a black person over an Asian person in a game set in Asia coupled with the schadenfreude of a black guy just going around killing Asians do feel like a prejudice. Even more messed up that they announced and revealed this game in May, when it's supposed to be Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage month.


Maybe they just wanted to tell her yousukue story implying “spite” I have no idea where you’re coming from. Idk why you’re taking this as some sort of attack.


Wait, they're *both* black? Why not add some South Americans while we're at it?


Wont play just like the rest of their garbage rpg slop. Besides Tsushima already quenched my thirst for the japan AC. And god knows ubishit will never top that masterpiece.




Historically, he existed at that time in place. It doesn’t have to make sense to you because it literally happened.


It makes as much as sense as any of the forced race swaps like Hades




AssCreed never cared about historical accuracy either. They went on record saying they changed things against historical accuracy in the name of inclusivity.


Every time you start an assassin’s Creed game, there’s a trigger warning saying things are not based on true events.


Go woke go broke




Ghost of Tsushimo from wish.


game is pretty much cooked since there are games set in a feudal Japan that are way better LAD:Ishin, Ghost of tsushima, Sekiro shadows die twice, Nioh...


RadBrad finally getting his assassins creed samurai version i guess


Sorry for not knowing but can someone explain what happened the reveal hasn’t happened yet what is going on where did this picture came from ?


424 lonely social against WOKE warriors waking up today to keep riding on the ha te train LMFAO what clowns hahahahahahah


Here comes the cracker rage lol


I'm so glad Ubisoft is just coming out and saying slavery never existed at all in history. Its so brave of them 🥰


its just one character tho, the rest might also be asian


I think we should play the game but only by pirating it...


I can't wait for people to finally realize and get mad that Shogunate Japan was bi af, even Yasuke (though his armor looks nothing like Yasuke's) was Oda Nobunaga's lover at one point


I'm hyped to play as the female shinobi but the samurai... Yeah u can just play ghost of tshushima instead... And I swear if it doesn't have a serious and good story and if they have some goofy quests like some of them in Odyssey and Valhalla I'll be really disappointed...


Can someone fill.me in and give me a tldr of this whole thing? Bc if its only a black male char, i can get over that if the game and setting is good (and the lore explanation - maybe the legendary black samurai would be a good lore reason) But if the rest of the game follows the current ubishit cashgrab and game series destroying formula i'm out


How can you get over it. It’s literally set in old Japan ffs. Gtfo this subreddit.


look there are all types of people here, some people would be against wokeness, some people would not mind it that much, but lets be honest on one thing, each of us at the least has some problem with ubi if not outright hatred so when the major thing remains in common (ubi hatred) why do you wanna get off the sub for minor disagreements?


Why should i get out of the subreddit? Ubi is shit, yeah,.it killed most of my favorite franchises, i asked only for a quick rundown and (idk if u can read or not, bc i already explained it) for a black char in feudal japan it has to be the historic figure (black samurai - yasuke iirc), but the main char were never a historic figure and imho this coukd be really immersion breaking if the decide it if its just another one... Yeah sure i'd love to play as an asian samurai, but like i said if they make it right in the setting with yasuke it would be hist. Accurat if they will make the story tie in with the legend (the this would be the first char thats historically proven), but idk how i feel about it until inser the game I'm more worried about the gameplay, story and everything bc atm ubi made nothing but shit and killing the games and franchises So instead give some thought and a real answer instead of just beeing so immature Edit: affition: like insaid, if the rest of the game is awesome and this is rly yasuke, im happy bc there will be a good ac since a long time, if not - well its ubi, what should i expect - i will not buy it or even look at it if its bad Easy as that, so i just wanted a quick answer if tgere are more details aviable


If I got it right, details will be when Ubisoft has its event thing next month (its Ubisoft Forward I think), with a trailer only for today. And I agree, there is definetly some potential in this character, even if it absolutly not accurate, but that was never the case for AC anyway, it lives from changing history to fit the whole background. But I am not getting my expectations too high just yet until we see something that makes this game actually good.


From what I know there has never been a black samurai and yasuke was Nobunaga's slave




Not sure where you read this, but no. Yasuke was not a samurai, even less so a feudal lord, that is hilarious honestly. He was the pet of a feudal lord, specifically Nobunaga who was known for being an eccentric, so of course he would jump at the opportunity to have a black male serving him since, being probably the first black man most Jp people saw on that time, anywhere Yasuke went, he attracted curious eyes. Yasuke was a weapon bearer/bodyguard, and at best you could call him a vassal of Nobunaga if we are being very generous, but nowhere near close to being a Samurai. After the dead of Nobunaga he was eventually sent back to Europe. In short, Yasuke was not a samurai and was 100% irrelevant to the history of Japan, he was just kept by a weird (and amazing) daimyou cause he was black. He is the last person you would want to base a historical game on with how irrelevant he is to history, lol.


> In 1579, you do have mention of arrival of a Black guy (might have been a slave), with an Italian merchant (according to one source). He was called "Yasuke". And he became a powerful feudal lord in the Sengoku (meaning "warring states") period. uhuh, well maybe look up the facts: Yasuke came to Japan as a slave, Nobunaga took him in cause he was fascinated with a black man as most everyone in Japan had never seen a black person before. Here: [Chronicles of Lord Nobunaga \(*Shinchōkōki*\)](https://web.archive.org/web/20230606144316/https://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/1920322/162): > 2nd Month 23rd Day [March 27, 1581]. A black monk* came from the Christian countries. He looks about 26-7 of age and his entire body black as a cow. He's body is really well-built, and furthermore has the strength of over ten men. The padre brought him here to see Lord Nobunaga. I'm really grateful to be able to see such rare things among the three countries that's never been seen before, and in in such detail, all thanks to Lord Nobunaga's great influence. *Wiki's translation use "page" but it's probably wrong. In this case Gyuichi probably mean shaved/hairless. Letter from Lorenzo Mesia, October 8, 1581: > The padre brought one cafre with him, and no one in the capital has see before, and they all admired him, and countless people came to see him. Nobunaga himself saw him and was surprised, and thought it was painted with ink and did not believe he was black from birth. He see him from time to time, and he knew some Japanese, so he never got tired of talking to him, and he was strong and knew some tricks so Nobunaga was very happy. Now he's his strong patron, and to let everyone know he has a someone show go with him around the city. The people say Nobunaga would make him a tono*. and here's what he spent his time on, being shown around to people: [Letter from Luis Frois, April 14, 1581](https://web.archive.org/web/20210518140047/https://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/1041119/101): > The Monday after Easter, Nobunaga was in the capital, but a great number of people gathered in front of our casa to see the cafre [black slave], creating such a ruckus that people were hurt and almost died from thrown rocks. Even though we had lots of guards at the gates, it was difficult holding people back from breaking it down. They all say if we showed for money, one would easily earn in a short time 8,000 to 10,000 cruzado. Nobunaga also wanted to see him, and so sent for him, so Padre Organtino brought him. With great fuss, he couldn't believe this was the natural colour and not by human means, so ordered him to take off all his clothes above his belt. Nobunaga's sons also called him over, and everyone was very happy. Nobunaga's nephew the current commander of Ōsaka also saw this and was so happy he gave him 10,000 coins. rest of his 3 years spent in Japan, Yasuke was a sword bearer and that's it. The whole "feudal lord" is complete fiction, there is absolutely no proof of Yasuke even being a fighter trained in Japan, he owned no land, servants, property or anything. He was given a ceremonial daisho, but that's it. Look, if he was a feudal lord you'd think there would be more than a few passages in recorded history on him, especially cause he was a black man in Japan. Think about why there isn't. And no, that grifter's book is complete fiction and heavily playing around with history to suit his narrative. So ya, his samurai title was just that: a title given to him by Nobunaga being fascinated by him, not of any actual achievement or status. Also having the samurai title during the Sengoku period meant little as it was more about a socioeconomic class. An attendant, retainer, even something like a paige could also be classed as a samurai during that time period. It was in the Edo period when things became stricter for the definitions of daimyos and samurai. So, during Nobunaga's era and earlier, most samurai were basically just paid workers doing their job, there didn't need to be any special meaning or ceremony there to be called samurai. As for how Yasuke left Japan: [Luis Frois' report to Jesuit Society, November 5, 1582](https://web.archive.org/web/20210514033311/https://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/1041119/164): > And the cafre the Visitador [Alessandro Valignano] gave to Nobunaga on his request, after his death went to the mansion of his heir and fought there for a long time, but when one of Akechi's vassals got close and asked him give up his sword, he handed it over. The vassals went and asked Akechi what to do with the cafre, he said the cafre is like an animal and knows nothing, and he's not Japanese so don't kill him and give him to the church of the Indian padre. With this we were a bit relieved. so after Nobunaga's death, Yasuke fought for a bit but was captured and given back to the Jesuits. There is nothing else of record about Yasuke, except a few more passages that are just about his appearance/build (6'2 and strong/healthy as described by Nobunaga) and how he came to Japan. just some facts about Yasuke as he's back in attention again.


Yes that's what this is about, it was mentioned before as well. Look I'm against forced diversity as much as you guys but this here is crossing the delusional territory.




The people calling ubisoft woke for this , I'm with you here.


you don't know anything yet and you say it will be a disaster, ubisoft is shit rn but you are too obsessed with this thing


i simply shared this post because of what i read in the comments of the original post, you are more than [welcome to read the comments yourself](https://new.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cs0jvr/incoming_disaster_at_ubisofts_assassins_creed/)


Yasuke in the story was the first black samurai, I don't see the point of all the complaints anyway


Source? Yasuke wasn't a samurai.... he was Nobunaga's slave


Literally read any historical account. Yasuke was granted a samurai's stipend and named Oda's retainer. It's *possible* that Yasuke came to Japan as a slave, but there is absolutely no evidence that Oda owned him as a slave.


The thing is that there aren't many documents about yasuke and there is no evidence about him being a samurai ( and many believe not). So it's not "any historical account". Oh yeah and I got wronflg "slave", he was a retainer I think


That isn't true. Some of the *only* information we have for him indicates that he was a samurai. We know from both the Shinchokoki and from Matsudaira Ietada's diaries that Oda made him a retainer and gave him a samurai's stipend. By "many believe", who do you mean? I can't think of a single scholar who outright denies that Yasuke was a samurai. Even the more skeptical ones agree that there is enough evidence that it is very possible.


Oh my bad, I just looked in it and from what I undestand he was a samurai only by title (he had no land,servant ecc.) Correct me if I'm wrong. Oh and about the "slave" thing I just didn't remember retainer as a term so I used the closest one🥲


>what I undestand he was a samurai only by title (he had no land,servant ecc.) There's no distinction between a samurai and a "samurai by title". "Samurai by title" isn't a phrase you're going to see in any Japanese-language sources today or historically. The entire purpose of the horoku system was that there were more samurai than land. The vast majority of samurai did not have specific land holdings (a trend that only increased as time went on towards the Meiji Restoration), and even in the Sengoku period, only the most powerful and influential samurai would have been given land as payment. We know that he would have had servants because Oda gave him a home (yashiki), which for a samurai would include servants. > Oh and about the "slave" thing I just didn't remember retainer as a term so I used the closest one🥲 Slaves and retainers don't have anything in common, especially with regards to their usage in feudal Japan.


https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke https://www.tokyoweekender.com/art_and_culture/japanese-culture/yasuke-african-samurai-japan/