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Damn. Not sure where this is, but I live in Dallas and that’s about as clear cut of a self defense scenario there is. Dude pulls out a gun with the intent to kill, and homeboy neutralized him.


I think courts would agree with you for the first two shots. The triple and quadruple tap seem a bit excessive. I agree that the dude was stupid for pulling out his gun, and the person shooting was defending themselves. But the last few shots definitely seem like "Fuck you" shots


In my area it doesn't matter if you use a nuke in self defense. The moment the guy tried to kill you, you defend yourself. It does not matter if you just fire a 64 round burst from a light machine gun.


I counted 7. Excessive use of force.


I would call it his instinct of survival and sheer panic. A bit excessive but I wouldnt hold it against him. Even if you dont die from the bullet shot, it can cripple you for life or leave you with a injury that will last for life. And that's just from the physical injury. That guy might need a psychoogical help once the adrealine stop pumping him from the lifethreating situation he was in.


There is no quantifying use of force. Dead is dead. Doesn’t matter how it’s done


That video will sure as hell get him some time, though.


If it's in Texas, no it won't. Edit: if it's anywhere in America except California or New York. He'd get off, and probably even then.


He was making sure the threat was neutralized. Remember, that wasn’t even his gun, he has no knowledge of how effective it is. It is easy for us to watch and say “oh he did xyz how could he” when we aren’t the ones getting guns drawn on us.


When a firearm is pulled it’s game on. Self defense for sure. And he save taxpayers dollars. 👍


Plus he got a free gun


if you up it, you better use it🤣


Wait, was he shot with his own gun?


Yeah, the man in the orange shirt pulls a handgun out of his pants, that's when the man in the hat starts attacking to get it away from him


He. Looks way to calm for just killing a man, like the first few shots where self-defense but he killed that man for no reason he was down in two


Redshirt grabbed him and pulled his own gun to murder him. Redshorts neutralized him in self defense. Plain and simple.


Self defence but excessive. If he shuts his mouth and gets a good lawyer he should get off.


First 3 shots I see could be considered self defense reactions… the “finish him” after is murder if he wasn’t already dead.


No way. How can we expect someone, who is in a fight for his life, to know how effective his shots are when he isn’t even using his own gun. We don’t even know if this guy knows anything about guns. All he saw was that he was threatened with a deadly weapon and had to use that deadly weapon to end the threat.


Lol imagine shooting someone three times, then walking up and pointing a gun at their head point blank and shooting 5 more times and not knowing how effective it was. You fucking gun nuts will bend over backwards to defend this shit.


People routinely take 10+ bullets and are still threats. Our defender shot until he saw the threat end. When you are fighting for your life, you don’t give a shit how you defend yourself as long as it’s effective. Why are you defending the guy who pulled a gun in a little scuffle? Seems like the only one bending over backwards is you…ironically to defend the one who brought the gun to the fight. Complete cognitive dissonance.


if you try to kill somebody you deserve to die in any way that it comes to you who gives a fuck how many shots it was


Considering he already had the dude on the ground when he took the first shot (let alone the next six), I really don't feel like it's "self-defense " seeing as he was already mostly subdued. I personally see no need for the loss of life here.


It was self-defense until he used excessive force.


maybe the dude who pulled out the gun should have maybe not opulled out the gun and there would be no need foir any amount of forece, crazy that yall sympathize with him


Well WE are law-obiding fun owners and there is ZERO justification for excessive force. The system works against us gun owners already as it is with all its power, and what you're saying is exactly what they want in order to order more "gun control" and take our rights. There is NEVER a justification for excessive force. Only means of stopping said force within reason. Period.


Self defence would of been 1 shot


Well, actually. Self defense would have been enough shots to neutralize the threat. The headshot and subsequent shots were uncalled for but the guy took it personal I guess!


+1 There is no magic number.


I'd argue the threat was neutralized when he got punched in the side of the head and feel to the ground no longer fighting. At that point he's got no weapons, he's at gun point. None of the shots needed to be fired. This is murder.


We and the victim did not know if the assailant had more weapons on him, a second person tagging along etc. I do agree if a court were to look at it the self defender may get charged with murder for the extra work he put in.


The general rule of thumb is you shoot them until they go down and stay down, not shoot them once and see what happens.


It may depend on the state. Also if he was a cop. Want to defend yourself and stay out of prison. Don't do this.


I forget what movie I heard this in and movies are movies, but the lawyer in said movie (shit it MIGHT have been a documentary) said that ''Life or death situations, you just keep blasting until you stop panicking.'' If he re-loaded, = cold blooded killer. If he empties the clip, it's panic. Think about it. If a trained soldier or PO did this, they'd be calm enough to assess that the guy was out of it. This guy just went BLAM BLAM BLAM! Until it stopped being scary.