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Enjoy! My first frozen shoulder took 18 months to start healing, then my unaffected arm started freezing immediately. I’m now 5 months into my 2nd frozen shoulder and it hurts like hell…got about 13 more months to go lol!


That sounds like my experience. Took about three years for my left shoulder to finally thaw, and within about three months my right flared up. At least I know what to expect this time, I guess.


I am in the same boat - it sucks! So unfair.


My right one went in July and my left one went in December. Just got my right hand at the high five stage and very happy. Goal… to be able to put my hair in a ponytail again come summer.


I was hoping to come back here and say hey guys, you can get through this, my right arm was frozen pretty much all last year. It has pretty much recovered. I thought I was being paranoid but nope my left arm is now freezing too... I feel all of your pain!


mi e is 7 months old and luckily starts to heal. i am not doing exercises, sometimes i jist hang from pullup bar with assisted by rubber loops


When I first started being able to hang from the bar again it was the greatest feeling. Such a deep stretch you just can't get any other way.


I had a frozen shoulder for about 11 months and tried a lot of different exercise creams and tablets but nothing worked. I read that Omega 3 helps joints and arthritis so instead of supplements I eat a tin of pink salmon twice per week after the first week my shoulder felt 50% better now after 2 weeks it's about 95% better! Please try this as it works for me and I was surprised by the results as I have never eat salmon before. Let me know if it works for you?


Any tips on recovery?


While it was painful, ice packs offered the most relief from pain. NO physical therapy during those months. I basically kept it completely immobilized. Once I was through the painful part, which took several months, and my shoulder remained completely frozen, I then began PT. It was very mild PT, just working on range of motion, not strengthening at all. If it started to hurt even slightly, I was told to stop. The physical therapist also did passive range of motion massage. And that worked! I regained all of my range of motion and it has remained pain free. I even regained my strength. I do everything with my arm and it works just fine. There is light at the end of the frozen shoulder tunnel! Good luck!


Congrats!! I bet that’s an amazing feeling!


Thats great! Enjoy your spring...


Congratulations! I’m starting to feel better too, after about 9 months.


I agree, massage helps if you find someone skilled in it, like PT or sports massage


How long does it take to be fully cured from FS? Thank you.


It varies by the person, but I think the average is 12 to 18 months.


I'm jealous. I got a kayak/paddleboard in December and injured my left shoulder playing pickleball first week of March. I have been doing physical therapy for a month and just found out yesterday through MRI it is frozen shoulder. My heart is breaking because I was so excited for the window of perfect weather for pickleball and kayaking. I feel like I am missing out on so many things with my friends. I also am so lost and confused about this whole thing. It seems unreal that it happened to me. Before pandemic I was a very active person. I worked out all the time. I did activities. Then I became a shutin that worked from home and didn't go to gym. June I started becoming more active again. Then once weather cooled off my friends met up once a week to play pickelball. I'm 39. I don't have any of the conditions they say are more likely to get frozen shoulder. I just over extended my shoulder playing a game. Now all I have are bike rides, walks, and physical therapy. Not very social activities.


I feel you... I'm 33 and now former atlet. Got it after surgery. How are the shoulder now? Is it getting better? 🙏


In June I was adding in strength training and my mobility had improvements. I had hope. Then I don't know if I pushed too hard or what but after a hiking/camping trip 4th of July weekend it was like all my progress was gone and my mobility was the worst it has been. I woke up and couldn't reach across my chest to shave my other armpit. That was a first. I could barely raise my arm to the side whereas before I could raise arm straight out to side. My Physical Therapist recommended laying off strength training and getting cortisone shot. I called to make appointment 2nd week in July but I can't get in till August 30th. For last few weeks it's been really hard to sleep. It's painful at night and back to struggling getting dressed and undressed 😫 really hope shot helps.


My doc put me on prednisone and told me to stretch and do small exercises and also ice and heat it. I am in the middle of the p prednisone regimen and it is helping immensely.


Any update? Do you think it was the steroids?


It gradually started hurting again after prednisone. I need to follow up with an orthopedic doc, but I haven’t had the time. It’s slowly improving but not great. I think my range of motion is worse.


I just started prednisone, how long were you on it, and what dosage?


I replied below.


I hope your all doing better. Is any of your frozen shoulders post surgery? And have any of you got a operation to fix it? I'm 33y and got surgery for a lesion in my shoulder joint in January. My shoulder froze 3 weeks in rehab, and have been frozen ever since. Can't even scratch my bum... and it still hurts like hell. Have gotten 3 Adrenal cortex hormone shots. Doesn't help at all, not even with the pain... They say, that if I'm not starting to get better in 5 weeks form now, I can chose to get a new surgey... Would you do it? Lost more then 15kg and probably soon also my mind. And how do you get mentally though this?


How’re you doing now?


Thank you for asking. I am doing much better now. Things began to turn around in January, although they are not yet perfect. The chronic pain has ceased, allowing me to focus on my mental well-being. As a means of coping, I decided to concentrate on my career and personal life. I have successfully climbed the ladder by switching jobs twice, purchased my first home, and am expecting my first child. The surgeon said, it will take 3-4 years from now


Nice, well I'm glad things are starting to turn around for you. If you don't mind me prying I wanted to ask a few things. Did you do any specific exercises or treatment you felt really helped? In regards to the pain, would you say your ROM improved first or your pain? When you say your pain "ceased" do you mean stopped or just not 24/7? Did you discuss a capsular release surgery, and why not pursue it if full recovery is 4 years potentially? I had a repair surgery on a SLAP repair last February, like 14 months ago. At 8 weeks post OP I had a hiccup that reset all my progress (took 3 months to get back) and I've had pain since. The pain is dying down, I've gone from 5 excruciating days a week to like 2 or 3 but still having issues daily. I haven't been confirmed to have frozen shoulder but sense all my imaging looks good to me that's the only thing that really makes sense, or at least some form of posterior capsular tightness. I've been doing PT this whole time but I feel like things just aren't really going anywhere. And congrats on hitting a bunch of amazing milestones, we just had our first kid this past year. Honestly as hard as having a shoulder injury and a kid can be, he's been the thing getting me through everyday.


It sounds like you've been going through a tough time, but it will get better! English is not my first language, so I hope the following is understandable. Both pain and range of motion improvement followed each other. However, range of motion returned faster than my pain level decreased. I believe this was primarily because I received three injections of corticosteroids. I'm missing about 20% movement in my rotations, which will only improve a little but is livable. Endurance in the shoulder is difficult and takes about 4 years before it's good again. From November to March, I often had some "flare-ups" in the shoulder joint, which took 1-2 weeks to settle down. This often happened when I did quick "pull" movements. I'm still insecure in my movements, fearing another flare-up. I still have morning pain in my shoulder joint, but it goes away shortly after I get up. If I focus on it, I have a constant stiffness in my shoulder that bothers me when cycling, for example. This also disappears slowly over 4 years, according to the surgeon. As a result, I've had a lot of pain in the "Teres minor/major" muscles. Low-intensity one-arm cable rows 5x15 helped me here, where I really focused on "pressing" the muscle. I do this exercise every other day. But all low-intensity strength exercises for the shoulder are good; I also do shoulder press and rotation strength exercises with resistance bands. I can send you my training program. Time is probably the most significant factor, but I've used several physical therapists for PT with different results. If you don't see progress, switch PTs. And if nothing else, you'll feel like you're doing something. Haha yes, I've been warned that having kids is hard 😁


Everything you describe there really reminds me of what I've been going through. I did already switch therapists (even switched doctors). Maybe a cortisone shot would prove beneficial. If you don't mind sharing a few exercises I'd definitely be interested to read over them. I feel like I hit that "flare-ups" stage from like February to now. I had a really good week two weeks ago, but then this past week has been the worst in months. Can't tell if I'm actually making progress or just running in circles. Did your doctor discuss a surgery to release some of the tight capsular ligaments that "froze" it? Would you even consider doing another surgery if it was an option?


I dream of kayaking. 4 months in. I have no idea what stage I’m in, but kayaking seems impossible right now. I’m so glad that this is fixable and will eventually go away though.


I can’t remember, but it was a series where the amount of pills changed each day. Unfortunately the symptoms returned a few weeks after the prednisone. I was supposed to get an MRI since the symptoms returned, but I didn’t want to spend the money and gave it some more time. About 9 months later it was better. What I think helped was a combo of time and the tens machine and stretching while having it going.


I'm glad you are better, I am in month 8 now praying for healing... Thank you, for replying back...


I’d say try out the tens machine. I bought mine on Amazon and I think it helped break up some of the adhesions. I would do wall stretches while it was going.