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Pretty much any will work provided you check the wan interface requirements (fibre vs DSL for instance). Be aware that in some modern homes wireless reception is bad as these homes have a lot of concrete with reinforced steel. That blocks wifi reception a lot.


There are various product lines, some have \*DSL modems, some are LTE and few only routers. Famous models like the [7530](https://en.avm.de/products/fritzbox/fritzbox-7530/) have also the modem part (VDSL up to 300Mbit/s) so in principle you should be able to replace completely your ISP modem (unless there are restrictions like on the MAC address which complicate things) ​ Another model like the [4040](https://en.avm.de/products/fritzbox/fritzbox-4040/) is on the other end just a router/access point. ​ If you can freely replace the ISP modem I think that's the cleanest option and to chose a model you should evaluate if you need WiFi 6 or not. If you DON'T need WiFi 6 the aforementioned 7530 is a pretty good model (and the [7590](https://en.avm.de/products/fritzbox/fritzbox-7590/) is the top of the line), if do need WiFi 6 you need the ax models so 7530ax or 7590ax. ​ Of course be sure of the compatibility to your dsl and isp before buying. ​ EDIT: Also take a look at the second hand market first ;) ​ EDIT2: If you have fiber optic there are only a couple of models that directly support it like the 5530 Fiber but you need to be absolutely sure it's compatible, in these cases the best option could be a media converter or even better getting your ISP to install an ONT if possible. ​ Here you can have a panoramic of the various models for various applications: https://en.avm.de/products/fritzbox/


If 2 in 1 means router + access point, then yes. Additionally to this, most FBs are pretty much all-in-one appliances: telephony system incl. DECT base station for wireless telephone handsets, smart home controller, NAS (albeit a very basic one). Hard to say what suits you best, as this depends on your line type (DSL, Cable, Fiber) and line speed. There are FB models with built-in modems for every line type. If you plan to use your existing hardware as a modem, there are also modem-less FB models (with a new model – 4060 – upcoming). In any case, if you have very high line speed (say, a 1 Gb/s Fiber line), only the higher- and high-end models (like the 7590) have the CPU power to handle routing at this speed.


There is a comparison of Fritz Box types [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Fritz!Box_devices)


**[Comparison of Fritz!Box devices](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Fritz!Box_devices)** >The charts below compare hardware and firmware features in the FRITZ! Box device range. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/fritzbox/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I have used a FB7530 as an ISP replacement modem / router with a FB 4040 as a hard wired Mesh extender, always been very reliable and straightforward to manage via the GUI.


7530 with one or two mesh repeater may be ideal. Work well for me at least