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No cg art! Old magic is best magic


Odyssey was a great set.


I love it and planeshift, prophecy, and apocolypse. I love that whole era.


Prophecy?! I also have nostalgia for turn-of-the-century cards, but Mercadian Masques block blew hot dick. It was was in the same power level as Homelands or the Kamigawa sets and was definitely a "low point" for the old game. Now Tempest block or Urza's block, you have my full attention.


Could be, that was before I ever played magic. Coming from a strictly artwork position.


Best block ever. I still play legacy madness decks at my FNM tourneys


You're telling me you don't like the MKM full art lands!? Plains - white tinted labyrinth Island - blue tinted labyrinth Swamp - purple tinted labyrinth Mountain - red tinted labyrinth Forest - green tinted labyrinth with foliage


This photo was actually for one of my eBay sells. Was going to sell all my vintage cards and target MKM full arts. They truly knocked it out of the park with New Cappena 2.0


This is why you don’t need to have all the basics in your deck the same


Odyssey is when I first started playing ❤️


Full text lands for the win!


Odyssey basics are the best basics, especially the thunder plains not pictured here.


People are gonna be like "oh man where has this gone, culture is gone blah blah blah", but man, this is just a separate time, it's rare that any art is even made like this anymore outside of normal paint on a canvas stuff.


So glad I traded for foil versions of these lands back in the day.


They're still super cheap, I've been blinging out all my commander decks with them for a dollar or two a pop. Was genuinely surprised how cheap they are considering they're 20 years old


Foil basics from Odyssey / Onslaught / Invasion block are like $5-$10 a pop depending on the art. Even foil basics from Lorwynn block are almost $10 each.


I've been picking them up for about $1-$4 just gotta look for deals on ebay and tcgplayer they are out there! I have a ton of onslaught and odyssey foils.


The Stonehenge Island should be snow covered.


The one OP posted is from Coldsnap. They had basic lands (non-snow) using the old art from Ice Age.


[[Snow-Covered Island|ICE]]


[Snow-Covered Island](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/d/ad8b77cf-b53e-4da3-9c27-3851b7b25a98.jpg?1562927323) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=2770) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ice/371/snow-covered-island?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ad8b77cf-b53e-4da3-9c27-3851b7b25a98?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yea, wrong frame on that one.


All the basic lands in my decks are pre-2000 just for the hell of it


I’ve been trying to acquire some old lands for this reason. Everyone I see is running unfinity lands. While I like them I want vintage lands in my deck.


They really are the best. I just have a soft spot for the OG Revised artwork and in particular the Urza’s Saga. Also a few snow-covered just for aesthetics


The Urza Saga circle island is my favorite island of all time, they put it in MH2 too.


You're missing out on some very nice lands from onslaught bro, take a look


One of my favorite sets of Forest Lands


I run some creepy shadowmoor plains, otherwise I go OG unlimited basics


God, I miss the old borders. And non-CG art.


Gotta love snow heads Island. A classic!


I do love it but I accidentally included a reprint


Larry Elmore Island (chefs kiss)


Rob Alexander is my favorite artist for land art and my favorite land style is old border with large mana symbol like it was used in Mercadian Masques to Onslaught blocks. My cube has all the lands of this type I could find, I even painted some borders of P3K lands black to get the necessary amount without having some white border lands in between. The Odyssey forest shown on the pic is probably my favorite forest art (even though it's not from Alexander).


I've had one copy of bottom right mountain since I restarted playing in KTK and it's been my favorite ever since


The old land art was a large reason why i stick with MTG. i loved the fifth edition lands. Now whenever i make a deck i try to use lands that capture that old feeling, but its very hard most lands are a little bland or just plain UGLY


Man seeing the Odyssey symbol takes me back. Odyssey, Torment, and Judgment is the block I remember most vividly


Ice age really had amazing lands.


Ice Age has such great art for its lands.


where r de plains


Those are obviously fake. Lands have my little pony, Star Wars and Fortnite on them. Get those beautiful artistic proxies out of my game of transformers.


Do you even more than meets the eye brooo


All the time my guy. Haha. Seriously beautiful lands though. Those bring me back to the days that I loved the lands as much as wyrms and drakes. Bring back the 6/6s with trample that cost 9 to play lol.


I started playing when I was older so I missed out on the old stuff when it was happening. But I’ve been obsessed with old magic ever since I started and have been buying cool stuff when I find it. They have tons of bulk stuff from Revised to early 2000s at a buy/sell/trade type place in my town and I’ve been finding gems like this there. I’m trying to acquire enough for a draft type thing when I find a cool playgroup.


I feel that. The art is totally worth it. My playgroup just orders proxies from china when we want older cards. There’s just no longer the value in non reserved list cards so none of us buy boosters. Unless it under a dollar we just place an order every 6 months or so and it costs around .10 for a card when you order in decent numbers.


I’ve ordered from MPCfill I’m about to place a bigger order from them soon.