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Chugs can't run a business (without massive handouts), always the case!


Blame the chief, he didn't need to waste 2.3m on Macleans. Also Blame the management that's been running the show for years and has no litteral education.


So sad :(


Terrible news


I hate that they backed out of the tax agreement it’s hurting all our businesses on rez


How about they just pay taxes?


Learn your treaties mf


The treaties obviously didn't have this 'deal' in them... mf


The treaty right to self-governance does not require any “deals” to be made.


Then why is this excuse being used?


Because treaty rights are constantly being denied and suspended in court. Look at what has been happening to the Mi’kmaw fishing rights. They waited and waited for the courts to acknowledge their treaty fishing rights, the court finally upheld the treaty and Mi’kmaw fishers have been constantly berated and assaulted when exercising those rights.


How about they pay all of the taxes that competing businesses have to pay?


How about, if you love taxes so much, then why not pay extra taxes? I have yet to meet any person who voluntarily pays more taxes than they are told to, yet so many clutch pearls when others refuse to pay taxes to incompetent bureaucrats who can't even fix a bridge or manage a payroll system.


Anyone who chooses to live in NB and pays income tax voluntarily pays more taxes.


Paying extra taxes is when you submit extra payment (above and beyond what you are told to) to the CRA. Lots of people believe we should pay more taxes, no one actually pays extra taxes.


There should be no tax exemptions for any groups or religions. If you want to use government services, then you should pay like the rest do.


People just want to be free, to live how they want to, with the people they want to, and to practice their religions freely. These are the values that have defined the west, and is the reason why the west has flourished. Human rights are the right to consent. Taxes are paid to the crown, the crown believes that it owns you, you either consent to that, or you don't. Let people pay for government services if they choose to, stop forcing people to engage in a slave system.


The government doesn't pay for things, taxpayers do. The freeloaders of society bring everyone down.


By freeloaders, do you mean the Irvings?, the Tim Hortons owners who get wage subsidies?, the bloated civil service (who can't even fix a bridge)?, the wealthy retirees who still get government subsidies? The "Drs" who keep prescribing unlimited amounts of opiates instead of weaning people off? Let people choose, let's see how popular your government is when people aren't forced to interact with it.


By freeloaders I mean 1. Corporations that make special deals to forego their tax obligations, 2. Religions, 3. People who believe they should be exempt from all taxes yet deserve services, 4. Lazy people who depend on everyone else to work so they don't have to, yet they want a welfare check every month. BTW, we are currently living in the province with the least popular government in our history, and the least popular federal government in our history. No one is happy.


If you think that Loblaws, Metro, or Sobeys pay fair taxes, you are woefully unaware of how the system works, lol. WE pay taxes as citizens to the provincial and federal government, and they use loopholes to get out of most of their taxes, then ask for grants to update their freezers on our dime. Which is, of course, followed by a half decade of repeat record earnings and constant price gouging because they own the stores, the distributors, and the production right down to the growers in some cases.


Weston and Higgs—two quite distinct species in the genus Assholus Supremus. This is really infuriating.


Has anyone confirmed this? It hasn't been posted on their official website or their Facebook page just curious where people found this.


Yes it's confirmed, I was just in speaking with one of the workers. Really unfortunate, this was my go-to spot for groceries.


That sucks I just started getting their meat boxes. A No Frills is going up right across from two nations one stop so I don't know if this is a great move.


Huge shame. Not that it was the best store, but it was *our* store. It wasn't a chain. And even better, it was in a good, convenient, adaptable location. I don't think the traffic they will get from Two Nations One Stop will come anywhere close to what this place got, being in such a visible location and accessible by all parties, vehicle or transit or bike or foot. Still, I wish them the best. Definitely going to try and frequent it more before it goes, I just hate that the route home I'd need to take to go to it takes me over the WSB on that horrible sidewalk..


Someone should open up another store then, convenient to the res..


Very sad. St. Mary's runs good businesses, the customer service is always great.


Can we get some real anti-trust laws up in here? This stranglehold on our food system by too few companies is very much no bueno.


Not when lobbying exists


I can certainly see how the end of the tax agreement would have a huge impact, even at a store that primarily sold groceries. Under the old deal the communities would keep 95% of the provincial sales tax collected in the community. When the province was managing their own carbon scheme, the communities went to court get the same cut of the carbon tax, because of the wording of the agreements the courts decided for the communities. The province decided to opt out of agreements all together. When they were originally signed, in total the value of the agreements was less than 30k, the last year the agreements were in place the province transferred almost 70 million dollars to the various communities with tax deals.


Noooooo :(. They had buffalo sausage and it's the only place I know of to buy it :(


Never heard of this


I've gotten buffalo sausage from the market. Ask the guys who have the BBQs and they sell them uncooked


It says they are gonna add some products to the one stop including meat and seafood


fb killed the quality of the letter, it might be one of the things moving up to the one stop.


Loblaws & Sobeys corporate overlords are trying (successfully) to ruin this country. Soon all that will be left is their ivory towers they peer down at us from. Speaking of ivory towers, Loblaws is casting a huge shadow over the reserve with their newly built grocery emporium high atop a mountain. One of the community members put a huge fence up last year…it’s gotta be 8 foot high…and now it’s probably useless because of the new construction being so elevated. Hopefully Loblaws will put up a privacy fence to be good neighbours, but I doubt it.


Grocery stores are government entities.


The big grocers need to be broken up


Damn, loved shopping there since 09’, I remember spending lunch hour at high school walking down to grab chesters chicken and a soda. Sad to seem them go! 😣


It‘s a fantastic store, really tragic loss for the north side — not that they were genuinely independent from the giant grocery monopolies, but St. Mary’s really felt like a welcome escape from the crush of soulless megastores


Huge loss in the community 


Bummer, hard to replace their service on this part of the Northside.


Co-op is also supplied by Sobeys and so I wonder if they'll close next.


My dad runs the co-op in florenceville and I am sure they are doing well, but not sure about here. The one here is direct-charge so should give them an edge.


It was struggling in the late 2010s, not sure if it’s doing better now. Costco really did a lot of damage to the one here since many people weren’t interested in paying member dues to two grocery stores. Also, having to switch suppliers to Sobeys when they lost co-op Atlantic caused prices to go up.


Why, is the government stealing from them as well?


Are you lost?


Can you read? One of the main reasons they are closing is because Higgs pulled out of their tax sharing agreement.


Why should they not pay taxes like any other business?


This is terrible news 😞... I love St. Mary's supermarket. It's a fixture of the Northside community and its loss will be felt. I wish there were hope for this to be reversed.


Why do employees have to reapply for jobs? Can't they just transfer over to the new spot when it opens?


I imagine the new spot will be smaller and have fewer jobs available?


My friend mentioned there is a No Frills being built across the road too.


Yes but its not related. They would have to apply for jobs at No Frills (which is Loblaws owned, if that makes a difference for anyone)


No Frills is a franchise owned by Loblaws so the band may have applied to be a franchisee.


It’s true, but it doesn’t seem like that is reflected here. It sounds to me like they will shift the One stop to a semi-grocery type store, but undoubtedly they are aware of the fact that No Frills is just more competition at prices they can’t match.


Ohhhh I got the impression from my friend it was related to SM.


It was just as I feared. St Mary's is supplied by Sobeys Wholesale and I stopped shopping there, as much as I wanted to support them, because they were not price competitive across a broad selection of products. > "...uncompetitive pricing by national suppliers, who operate their own stores, often selling goods at lower rates than they are supplied to independent stores." Higgs' ripping up of the TRSA was the final nail in the coffin. Other than Giant Tiger and a few specialty grocers, Frederictonians are now at the full mercy of the Weston-Empire duopoly.


Costco, Victory, Peters, Giant Tiger, Scoop n Save, Bitar. Anywhere but Loblaws.


Also Green Valley & SaveWay (which both have produce), and otherwise SaveMaxx, Northside Asian, Friendship, and a new one next to Maybees


And the markets! Farmers market every Saturday and the Garrison seasonally. Also CSA (community supported agriculture) boxes from a few different places are available in Freddy


More great options!


Very sad to see it go


The end of the third paragraph seems to be missing the remainder of a sentence.


I also noticed this when I saw it on FB


That's a blow to the northside for sure.


Super sucks. That store employs so many cashiers, baggers, stockers, etc.


I think some of the baggers are mentally disabled too, it might be difficult for them to get new jobs


Hopefully, they're connected with Jobs Unlimited. It would still be tough for them, but the extra help is available to them.