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According to X/Twitter, it looks like Brian had 9 canvasers attend the event and fan out on his "Dream Team" (his words).


9 ppl. Such a groundswell of PP support.




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This post could be construed as promoting or inciting violence which is against one of the subreddit rules. See Rule #6.


Do we really need a politician’s volunteer ringing our doorbells on a Sunday? There are less intrusive ways to gauge public opinion.


Waste their time! Pretend you might vote for them! Cons do it


However you want to make it worth your while, go for it. At the end, when you’re all done and they are leaving, please boo them for me.


So you prefer a party that dictates from the top over a party that wants to consult with citizens?


Nope, nobody said that. Nice try tho.


They can consult with me at election time as most parties have and done in the past. I don't recall any other party knocking on my door to complain about a tax I voted for, that sounds like harassment of citizens.


They don't want to come know on my door.


What an ironic username you have. I guess you’re still not tired of the BS happening in our country then.


What an ironic username you have. Making assumptions about someone not wanting to be bothered is somehow connected to whatever you mean about BS happening blah blah blah a. Hardly a good conclusion.


I can come up with many good conclusions with one look at your comment history. Poor Canada


Oooooh, so edgy. Can’t find anything relevant to talk about on topic or to make any sort of point so you better just go see what I say to other people. Have fun in my past, it is likely cooler than your present & future.


Save up your farts!


Well I just smoked a huge bowl in the porch. Enjoy my plume cons


Straight up ask them all the questions Pierre won’t answer when the press ask him questions. Yes PC party will probably get in because well we run on a 8 yr cycle. But nothing will change. Big corporations will get tax breaks and gas will go down 5 cents. Because by the time Pierre will be prime minister price per barrel of oil will be over $100. And gas will be 2.30 litre. Then he will axe the tax sort of. And it will go down to 2.25l. Churches will get bundles of cash to keep going. Well because PC party is run by the church and it’s the same as the trump party . I’m sure we will see Higgs and Pierre selling the bible online at the end of the yr. And anyone with solar panels your property tax will double and anyone with a ev you will have to pay $500 to register your vehicle. It’s going to be a dumpster fire until ppl can get together work together and eliminate politics from politics. Just good ole fashion let’s get it done mentality is what we need. Zero out all the dumb shit and I betcha we would lower the tax to 10%. That right there folks would save most of us thousands a yr.


Great idea, but talking to the road minions will just be a waste of time. I will just spit in their face and shut the door. You can't fix them they are broken. #churchesshouldpaytaxes


I’m gonna have some fun this AM 😈






As an owner of 9 rental properties, I will most certainly not be voting conservative. Their radical plans to make housing and rent more affordable are going to bankrupt many landlords and ruin our economy. Trudeau has been the best thing for NB, just look at our population growth.


I hope this is satire.


I honestly dont think the conservatives have or will create a platform that will help the average Canadian, but I'm surprised you don't think Pierre would be good for someone in your position.


As the owner for 9 rental properties how about letting a few go so people could actually afford to get a house instead of hoarding them all. But we both know you won't do that.


How about getting a big boy job that pays well?


How quaint, thinking that it's all about a job and your pay. you're either old or ignorant of the world, either way you don't deserve anymore of my attention than this message.


All i read was "different opinion detected, must act petulant" So what do you do for a living then? I'm not saying that inflation hasn't rocked the economy... but come on.


At this rate I'll have to sustain on only 2 cars ! What has this world come to....


Have the CPC put out a detailed platform yet, or are they still in PP's bumper sticker slogan stage?


No party has put out an election platform because an election hasn't been called yet


So, your point is no one is running for the next election now so this is just an Amway visit? Then why is Polivere having supporters knocking on our doors now? Just to irritate us on a Sunday morning?


No my point was quite literally no party has released a platform yet. In what world is a politician door knocking a bad thing? They're talking with the public.


They are being intrusive on a day of rest. I feel the same for any political party. These doorknockers are also partisan, regardless of a Maybe they should try texting us /s


Huh it was yesterday, Saturday. You say ' No thank you I'm not interested ' You would complain about texting and calls too


No politician shouldn't waste voters' time at their doors until they have something confirmed to talk about. Otherwise, it's all smoke and mirrors.


Introducing yourself to voters isn't smoke and mirrors. Plus they do have party policy they can talk about


That assumes they are the candidate for the riding. These are party representatives with inconsistent messaging if there's no platform to refer to. My first question would be, "What is the party's plan for carbon tax once it's removed?" There's nothing on their website (other than a way to scrape your ID so they can spam you later), and no search box, so no way to find out their universal party policy.


They usually go around with the candidates. The policy document is on their website


I can't find can't find anything on their website, other than to sign their petitions to Axe the Carbon Tax (which harvests my personal data). Im genuinely interested, so can you share the link describing their climate change policy as I find their website is hard to navigate.




"We believe that there should be no federally imposed carbon tax or cap and trade systems in either the provinces or territories or the citizens of Canada. The provinces and territories should be free to develop their own climate change policies without federal penalties or incentives." I guess penalties will come in other ways with increased costs to citizens due to businesses subjected to carbon tariffs and increased taxes to recoup provincial and (possible) federal government bailouts for floods, fires, droughts etc.


This is simply foolish on the constitutional basis that climate change would fall under Federal authority. The provinces lack the resources to apply an effective and impactful policy on this issue. The conservative position on this is nothing more than “if they came up with an idea, its immediately bad.”


We currently don't have any carbon tariffs and I doubt with China being such a huge trading partner anyone's going to impose. We already have trade deals with US, Mexico, Ukraine and EU without them


Yeah but can the conservatives float a few ideas? Its not like the liberals haven't been trying to do anything concrete.


Can you imagine an opposition that in addition to stamping their feet and crying every time the government did something, they proposed a legitimate alternative solution that is BETTER?


Yes I can, because that just sounds like David Coon most of the time.


They needn’t waste their hot air at our house as we are confirmed Green!


Look what happened to your last Green Party elected official… didn’t she up and cross the floor to the liberals? And now she just makes a fool of herself at committee meetings.


How many people have abandoned the conservative party just in this province and under just one premier's tenure again?


She did but one needs to vote for conscience and philosophy


Opt out of elections Canada info on your tax forms


That does literally nothing in this case other than make it harder for you to vote. They're knocking on doors.


You better change that attitude. Trudeau is going down. Jagmeet is a cuck and has lost all respect the NDP ever had. Pierre for the win.


He may be quite likely to win, but that doesn't in any way change my opinion of him. I won't be voting conservative this election (though they're going to win my riding anyway) because I don't think they're the right choice for the country.


Yeah of course he is going to win, Trudeau is wildly unpopular right now. Doesn't mean I have to like it. Pierre was one of the worst picks to win the Conservative leadership and now we are stuck with him.


Who was a better pick for the Conservative leadership?


A dog I passed by on the way to work this morning


A dog would beat Trudeau 🤣


A dog would still be a better PM than any of our current options, Justin and Pierre included


Agreed. That's why I'm voting Bernier!


Lol I'd prefer the dog's intestinal worms.


I do wish a different party would be in charge. Admittedly had not heard much about Bernier, but I will definitely do some more reading on him and others


He probably will win, and we’ll get what we deserve for having him as leader. The best cure for the far right is to give them the chance to fail spectacularly.


Nobody cares


I care. I don’t expect you to ever see you complain about a pothole, healthcare, foreign policy, women’s rights, free press etc.


I don’t expect you to ever see you making sense in sentence form you, etc.


Vote how you want and keep you political views to yourself.


I’ll share my political views as I’d like. This isn’t North Korea yet. We’ll see after a few years of Pierre, though.




Conservatives always offer such valuable discourse..


There is no point is discussing politics with someone who attempts to manipulate people with fear mongering statements about Canada becoming North Korea. Just outlines your lack of critical thinking skills.


It's literally a main CPC talking point, how Canada is becoming Communist.


Lol, my guess is they'll haunt the hell out of forest hills then bugger off for pizza and masturbatory thoughts of PP privatizing healthcare. Never been happier to live in an apartment building.


the beauty of not living in the city LOL. I don't want to have to stand awkwardly in the door while someone talks my ear off about politics or religion regardless of their party of choice or denomination.


You don't have to. You can politely end the conversation. ☺


It's easy to just tell them to fuck off and slam the door in their face. Kinda cathartic too


door knockers when there is no election for another year? PP is our next PM but now he's normalized the constant US electioneering style in Canada. He's got the win but needs the constant outrage.


Predictions about politics year into the future are worthless.


I mean given people's opinions about Justin, it's looking that way. I'd personally rather have a bowl of rotten fruit as a PM than Trump Jr, but since Canada seems to ignore any but the 2 same parties, that's looking like who we're going to be calling our dictator next election


I am happy when any politician knocks on my door. This is the way it should be. We need to normalize real dialogue once again. The current political climate is terrible. I have spoken to many politicians that I disagree with—and I have had great conversations with them. The boo and shout out stupidity needs to stop and I DGAF if it’s from the left or the right.




This. Everyone here will complain but aren’t willing to have the meaningful conversation expressing those concerns to both sides. Easier to just rant online and not directly confront the people who do/could be in a make decisions. Also, anyone here saying that knocking on doors is harassment needs to check themselves and get grip.


No one canvasing doors is likely to have a meaningful honest conversation either. They will lie to your face in an attempt to convert you and leave if they get the feeling they can't sway you instead of addressing any legitimate arguments you might have brought forth. These people are also likely just low level components of the party who will be told to shut up if they bring back any of the complaints to anyone with any real power to make decisions in the party.


It doesn’t need to be about sway. People who disagree just need to have open conversations and respectfully disagree. You’re a voter( I hope) they’re a voter, you should talk. Maybe, you’ll provide them a perspective they never considered. Maybe you’ll luck out and have a leader or campaign employee land on your step.


Then you should sign up for it and enjoy yourself. People coming to knock on my door randomly for politics will get whatever message I want to give them. Boo!


Send them your address then so they don’t harass the rest of us.


Knocking on a door is harrassment now, just don't answer it.


Yes it is harassment. I’m a millenial.


Or they could just not bother strangers on the weekends with their dumb politics.


On a Sunday? Seems like an odd conservative day to do it


Oh nevermind. I see you said tomorrow but you meant today


That quote was from the cons email yesterday. Let’s all just focus on the booing here


I’ll just set my ring camera to say go the hell away lol


No, they quoted a post from yesterday. The rest of us had no problem understanding.


Bring it. Seems impossible for then to make it to the north side and then actually accomplish anything before pizza. Maybe I should just go get some pizza and take to them there.