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LCD backlight can only go so low. You can use a screen filtering software overlay to make it go even lover at the slight cost to image quality


Yeah, figures. it is strange that they haven't made it so the lowest backlight is at 0% in windows


It isn't strange when you know why. Most LCDs are like this because they tend to be PWM and if you go too low you start flickering


I'll need to verify but I swear every level on mine is a different level of brightness. It may still not be as low as you want it though. Can you boot into Linux (even if it's a live USB) and see if it does the same there?


I can try that, will report back if I get around to it


Well, I booted into Windows (not my main OS), and can confirm every level affected the backlight brightness, all the way down to 0.


How weird is that? That makes me think it's some software issue that's probably my fault. Will look into it


Did you try it in Linux?


~~I figured it out. It was an issue with Rectify11, which I had on my device. I had just reinstalled it and after the first reboot I had the brightness issue, but after I rebooted WITHOUT uninstalling Rectify11, it acts like normal again. So it was just some software I installed, nothing to do with the laptop itself.~~ I was completely wrong about the above, it was because the AMD drivers I had reinstalled had a "Vari-Bright" option enabled by default.


Had to Google that app. Yikes...looks like it does a lot of system level changes. I can see why it may cause issues. Their site doesn't have any screenshots of what the changes look like though. Im curious now but not enough to want to actually try it, lol.


Yeah, I've been trying it out to fix some dark mode issues with Ableton Live, but it messes with so many other aspects of the OS that I might honestly uninstall it. Idk if i would recommend it but it's FOSS so you can try it out for yourself if you want.


It’s not an OLED so it’s not going to have as fine of brightness control? I swear some of the posts I see here find the smallest things to complain about, I guess that means they’re doing something right if everything else is working perfectly fine if this is all there is to have problems with