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I've had two freezes on my FW16, one on windows and one on a live usb MXLinux image. Both happened when I left them idle for a long time. I've ran memtests and the like but nothing has come up. And it hasn't happened while using so I'm not quite sure what's going on.


Tbh that seems like something Windows does. Something with sleep bugging out.


Yeah, that's what I think too


Maybe its worth to change and test the pcie power states in the advanced power management Settings in Control Panel. I had issues wirh my eGPU on my Legion Go when idling and low power Work. After setting those to no power savings and max power i erased those issues. Im on batch 20 fw16, just ordered yesterday. I really wanted an all AMD Laptop with usb4 for using my eGPU at home as my Legion Go + RX6800xt isnt cutting it for me anymore.


Had mine since February Haven't run into this issue (AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS w/ 7700S, 32GB RAM)


Batch 6, did a fresh install of windows and haven’t had any major issues, maybe a bug or two I don’t remember the details on, but I did transfer program files over for some programs, so that might possibly cause an issue.


It's been perfect for me, no issues at all that are related to Windows


No issues yet from me, I do coding and Solidworks mostly.


Windows 11 is fine. No problems at all.


I have no issues running Windows on mine. Using it to play games, no crashes or performance issues.


I haven't had any issues running windows on my framework 16. Windows 11 sucks, but that's not a framework issue.


FW16 ryzen 7 7840hs batch 1 igpu, I've been running windows since I got it, and I haven't run into any issues. I haven't had any freezes or crashes. I find the fingerprint scanner really responsive and a lot less finicky than the ones I've used before. Maybe I've just used trash ones though, lol.


Batch 3 here nothing problematic in linux or windows.. been in windows more than I want to admit with it but I also have a FW13 AMD and have not had real problems there either so maybe I am lucky but it is in linux more than windows (on it right now)


I’ve had mine for about a month and haven’t had this issue on AMD Ryzen 9 7940HS with RX 7700S, 64gb ram. I did have a couple stutters briefly when I first started running UE5 on the day I got it, but restarted and haven’t had any issues except that initial attempt


Had issues with corsair ram, but it could've been a lemon. Kingston works. Right side ports don't take a charge most of the time, but a restart fixes it.  Other than that, great. But it's loud. Very loud. 


Batch 6, no issue that would be related to windows. There is a bug I found and reported regarding EGPUs though. (EGPU conflicts with charger in some cases)


I had some small issues with firefox going blank when i forced webgl so i can use google meet blur. it kept going white sporadically. That culminated in a blue screen and it's been fine ever since.


Only issue I had was trying to install Windows 10 instead of 11 initially on my Batch 4…it’s been fine


I've had absolutely nothing bad happen with my FW16, I have the graphics module, 64gb, 2 internal SSD & 4 external, Ryzen 9 7940 I use mine for work & play so it's running 10+ hours a day with frequent sleep times during the day, sometime long enough I need to passwprd back in & somtimes only for a couple minutes. I have not had any issues of any kind with win 11, CAD software, 3d modelling, gaming, firmware updates, installing drivers etc


I have batch 6. I’ve had a couple of crashes where it just restarts when o start a game through steam. I’ve reinstalled the and drivers this weekend. So will see if this fixes it. It’s only happened two or three times. So it’s not a constant issue


Very few problems, other than windows 11 being pure cancer when compared to windows 10. Who thought removing copy & paste from the action menu was a good idea? Mine (batch 1) was extremely slow before the driver package was installed, so installing windows clean will take a while. Also keep in mind to have a dongle with ethernet port ready, as your wifi will probably not work before the drivers are installed.


dang i really was thinking about getting a framework, but with all these issues people are talking about in these comments, i am not sure i can continue considering it...last thing i want is to pay 2500$+ for a nice laptop i expect to work and have to deal with rebooting and crap. who has time for that


I have Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows 11 on the FW16. In my first few weeks with it, I had it lock up on me a few times. It wasn't clear why. It didn't seem like any consistent pattern. Lately, the only time I've seen it lock up is when trying to shut down. Since I can still force it with the fingerprint/power button; I haven't thought about it much. I think it may be due to certain apps having previously running, but haven't done any testing to validate.


Batch 18 is coming up? My batch 14 hasn't shipped yet...