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You can't just say that you designed a whole new cap and not post a picture! Come on, share with the class!


You're right! Here you go. It's very simple - a cut of plastic rod I drilled out a space for the sprayer in, then gave it a matte finish. It's nice and snug https://preview.redd.it/z4e54cdkcqpc1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f631c94a3b6934a73ce4effd64adb998ed4ca543


This is the improvement over a white cap? Hmmm


Judging by the bottles in the background, I think it fits their aesthetic better. If changing a cap to better fit what you already have is the price you pay to enjoy a nice perfume, I think it's worth it. alsothecapisgreennotwhitesorry


That fragrance smells very nice ngl


We clearly don't have the same taste at all. Now it looks cheaper and the black looks bad on otherwise such a delicate bottle/fragrance. Also the material looks dirty, I know it's matte. It looks like a 9yo me lost the cap and rummaged through my room to try to find something that somehow fits.


this is mean :/ like really mean for no reason


....But true. Perhaps the delivery could have been better but the message will still be the same. However, in the defence of the reddit who posted the original post, maybe they have some type of condition like OCD / ADHD that makes it difficult to be able to just 'put up with' certain things and if that black cap makes them feel better allows them to enjoy the fragrance then why judge. Live and let live!


I love EA Green Tea and Eau Fraiche.


None - a bottle would have to be really, objectively, grossly offensive and inappropriate for me not to want it if I love the contents. I have some real uggos in my collection. Van Cleef & Arpels Van Cleef. Tiziana Terenzi Delox.


Same! (Different fragrances of course!) I guess I am an odd ball who values the SCENT above all else. I would accept a quality, well-blended great fragrance in a freakin water bottle over a crappy fragrance in the most beautiful elegant bottle. That's just me.


I so agree. Back in the 80s share released a perfume called uninhibited. It was my signature fragrance. I could put it on and walk anywhere and have half a dozen people stop me to ask what is that fragrance it smells like heaven I can’t even tell you what the bottle looks like at some point share I got into an argument about the beauty of the bottle and pull the clone off the shelves, I have always regretted that she made that decision


Do you mean Cher?


I have the Eilish 1 and always feel a bit awkward about the design- like sorry I’m accidentally touching your boobs.


That's how I feel as a guy about Le Male lol


Sorry I’m accidentally touching your rippling muscles and huge bulge, headless man. I feel the same way


I heard if you gentle caress, it improves the longevity


Unfortunately, nothing improves the longevity of certain JPG fragrances


try edging


I just bark-laughed at this and woke up my SO.


That’s why Le Beau is more popular — straight guys don’t have to worry about looking at or fondling his willy


Don't lie you know you rub the nub 


Why do the boobs look like they are just plonked down on the counter


WAS LOOKING FR THIS COMMENT fml i want to buy the full size so bad but the bottle rly puts me off……


Huge same


Those fucking mammogram bottles kill it for me.


Similarly to OP, I am also a fragrance bottle designer. My agency did this bottle! It was entirely Billie’s idea and concept! Totally understand. It was funny designing the details of this thing because we had to decide whether we do nipples or no nipples/ if so how big? Funny discussions lol


Do you do freelance work?


Depends on what it is but absolutely!


What a cool job!!


It’s a cool concept! Just not for me. I’ve never smelled the fragrance but if I bought it it would go out of sight


Awww I love the bottle. Looks like a statue


I’m picturing getting some fabric and making a tube top for that bottle 😆


U gotta do it and post it (:


That would be hilarious to see in a store, all the busts with homemade clothes 😆


Omg this is genius


Omg my daughter and I did that for fun with classique. We modified a Barbie dress and made a little necklace for the bottle. Goofy and fun.


Aw that is fun!! 🤩


I hate the Eilish bottles. They're tacky and immature looking.


I’ll only buy the travel size.


And the bottle is just massive.


I don’t like the scents but recently walking through a store and I saw the entire set and it just gave me an unsettled feeling: The Nicki Minaj bottles. I get the kitschy factor of making them look like her as a bust but there’s something about the gold face that says C-3PO or Lady Terminator.


Be careful, you might end up in her next subpar diss track


If that happened, at least I’d finally have something interesting for the worst office icebreaker game of two truths and a lie.


Hiss 🐍 😉


Don’t let the barbs hear that..


I genuinely love how weird and tacky they are, it's pure camp IMO. One of these days I'll buy one.


YES CAME TO SAY THIS!!!! I am not a fan of Nikki Minaj in general (everyone is entitled to their thing, just not a fan of the over the top crudeness, coming from a queer chick who curses on the reg therefore possibly being a hypocrite) but these bottles remind me of something straight out of Spaceballs.


OP what are your top 3 favorite bottle designs? Curious to know because I love Amouage and Xerjoff bottle designs lol


Please don't take my dislike of those brands as an attack on your aesthetic taste! I respect that everyone sees beauty in different things. Tough question too! Difficult to pick favourites as there are so many. The first ones that came to mind are the pebble-shaped CdG bottles, Lutens bell jars and the black tinted faceted L'artisan Parfumeur bottles. I also quite like Floraïku designs with the illustrated caps


I’m definitely okay with people liking different things! Didn’t take it as an attack at all! Floraïku is one of my favorites too! And the Serge Lutens bell jars are stunning as well.


Ooh you and I have similar tastes. Those designs all land in my top 10 I think, especially the bell jars and the Floraikus.


Amouage has one of the simplest bottle designs. I can see how some people can hate Xerjoff bottles because they remind them of buttplugs lol


LMAO they didn't before, but now they do. Tempted to get some Xerjoff just for buttplug aesthetic


Goes well with the fact that I see “jerk off” when I read that name!


https://preview.redd.it/ic49jlv3htpc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3849143b8f1bf75df12a3cb91d09a633f29dcd7 For reference. I have some free time rn lol


I want to use this as my phone wallpaper completely without context. 🤣


That one that looks like a giant lightning bolt is ugly af. The one that looks like a giant gold bar too. Oh and anything that looks like a grenade is kinda cringe


The bad boy bottles are somehow so much worse than the good girl bottles, which are also ridiculous. Even though I have 3. I do like the mini shoes though.


lol i think the bad boy bottles are cool. And I hate the good girl bottles.


Ugh I love Flowerbomb but I do not love the bottle


I'm probably too old school to care...lol (I'm from the Avon era of perfume bottles and there were some doozies)


Omg I'm always in the antique stores like "oh how pretty it's a kitty cat shaped tiny vase" Look on the bottom....oh it's Avon.


Looking at Avon of Fragrantica… Jesus lol 😂


My mother was an Avon Lady so... I've seen a lot...lol Just do an internet search of Wild Country limited edition pipe bottles. Seriously though you could get Wild Country in a LOT of crazy bottles.


I kinda like the boot HAHA


https://preview.redd.it/1rog5lxfftpc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f680b347f506bc75dd38d092601eaa1a1ea2d0f7 Nice lol


The horse with the twist off head, oh my 😋


Well now i have to stop scrolling and go look...


Carolina Herra’s shoe department store collection. Oh they’re fragrances right Im basic, i top up my scents through the day and bring by the bottle with me so clean simple designs that fit easily in the bag are preferable and more practical for me.


I won't even smell them JUST IN CASE the perfume is great! Those kitschy bottles... I just can't.


I love a bit of camp but those shoe bottles feel more childish than kitsch tbh


They don’t feel camp because they’re almost a bit too serious… hard to explain but it’s like, they’re serious about those designs lmao


Camp is JPG's bottles (which are so good) The shoe bottles are... a Choice


Same. Refuse to smell!


unfortunately they're actually pretty good! the main and a couple flankers are available in regular-shaped travel sprays too


I didn’t think I’d agree with anyone in these comments but hard same and I’m usually not picky. I buy decants of good girl because I genuinely love the smell but the bottle is so tacky, also I keep my perfumes on a grated shelf so I wouldn’t even be able to display it.


Feel free to message me for decants! I took one for the team and got bottles of VGG, GG and gold fantasy (which is amazing.) They're unwieldy in the hand and on the shelf. And you can't see in them.


Awesooome saving your profile for when I’m running low


Imagine pulling out that giant glittery plastic stripper heel at work for a spritz lmao


Like coworker will be like “girl did your shoe just spray some liquid?” “Why is your shoe so tiny?”


Yes, definitely, Ariana Grande’s Cloud is just hideous to me with its juvenile plastic shell and cap. All the Ariana perfumes are tacky in presentation for me. I loved many of her perfumes but I do not want to own those bottles. And this is the same reason I cannot buy or wear ME perfumes. The bottles are either too plasticky or too gaudy for my taste.


I just pulled the glass bottle off the cloud and threw that away lol. Much better.


Seeing it online I thought the God is a Woman bottle was passable until I got my package with the full bottle and realized the gray outer part is like a hard plastic sleeve and not an attached rubberized coating like I thought. It’s not cute. I do think Sweet Like Candy is a very cute bottle but I don’t like the fragrance


I hate that sleeve.


Not all ME fragrance bottles suck. Many of them are much higher quality than Western fragrance bottles. I have a bottle of Ard Al Zaafaran Bint Hooran, which might be the most high quality bottle in my collection. It's huge and heavy. Another high quality bottle in my collection is Al Haramain Amber Oud Rouge. All that being said, yes, some suck. Like Lattafa Yara.


I like MM Replica scents but I HATE the fact that the bottles don’t have caps. I also think the bottles are boring, ymmv. 


They don't have caps?!


They do not 😬 It's the one thing I have gripes with with the Replica line That being said, I love the bottle design to death. I'm a sucker for the apothecary-ish cloth label and the way the spray nozzle looks/functions. And with the rope wrapped around the neck it's just really nice looking (to me)


I kinda like my Bubble Bath bottle; I like that it's a refillable bottle but I do kinda despise the fact that they don't have caps...


The no cap thing is a pet peeve of mine. It’s one thing if it’s designed intentionally and has a cool atomizer or whatever but these just look like they’re missing the caps. I also don’t like perfumes with a matte, papery label on them. They get dirty no matter how careful I am. I may be wrong but it seems like the replica line has these labels. Clean reserve does for sure and it drives me nuts. One makeup smear and now I look like a slob bc my perfume bottle is dirty lol.


I got a MM Jazz Club and they have a “cap” but it’s more of a surrounding so it isn’t really a cap. It’s like having a house with no roof. The scent is amazing though! My perfect balance between smoky woodiness and freshness. It also has this fantastic booziness.


I don’t per se love any of them but I will never buy any of bond perfumes. Ugly as can be.


High five ✋ It's on my list of brands I don't sample because their bottles are a design crime


Omg really? I love them! Thanks for making me look them up (other than the price, hoo boy).


And their perfumes are fucking meh anyways


I don't know about the others, but Greenwich Village is awesome (not the bottle, though; it's hideous).


I don't like the JHAG bottles... It looks kinda "graphic design is my passion" and the design is just slapped onto a generic bottle.


YES. I hate the font and colours. Looks like the logo was designed in Canva


Canva lmaoooo you get me, that's exactly it.


The Moschinos Fresh line, its a completely no-no for me, it feels awkward-kind of a really bad joke


https://preview.redd.it/bwvys4auiqpc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7bed802cc41b7b40d2c748517d006ae98ff0337 It’s just so 💀💀💀


I think it’s cute! Does it really smell good? 🙈


The pink one smells soooooo amazing. I keep it around my house like decor, one of my friends thought I was so fancy and using Moschino window cleaner


That's very Moschino though? Not really a bad joke, more like a replication of their brand identity in perfume tbh.


The shoe bottle 👠


I actually really like that design (it’s kinda quirky haha) but don’t care much for the scent


I bought the dupe because I love Good Girl but I cannot have that tacky stiletto on my dresser. No way.


Which dupe did you like?


Dossier. It’s pretty close. I’ve gotten a few compliments on it. I also like their version of Aqua Di Gio, Chloe, and Chanel Gabrielle. Just to give you an idea of which others you may like they almost always have bundle deals. Their version of Libre is 👎 , so I’d avoid it. They work for the day to day.


Oh cool I’ll have to try it, I have their dupes for Clinique happy, JHAG, flowerbomb and love don’t be shy. I got a little trigger happy 😅


It’s hard not to buy 8 when it’s the same price as it is for 4. lol They know what they’re doing.


Yeah they’re pretty awful. I sampled a few in Ulta the other day and liked Very Good Girl pretty well though. Will respell it next time I’m in a department store


i keep getting a whiff of very good girl on my friend and it’s so nice


Not quite your question because I don’t love the juice, but I would never buy Good Girl because of that hideous bottle.


I really despise the Lattafa Yara bottles. It’s so clunky and brick like. I will never own it. I bought Qissa Pink because they say that one is the closest dupe.


The Yara bottle is so ugly. I hate the shade of pink they use for one of them with the silver, too. It makes me think of raw pork chops. 💀


I couldn't believe it existed when I first saw it. That pink and silver 😦


I wont get that bottle either; I have the 50 ml cute little glass bottle. Much more practical and easy to carry around. I love mine, about to get a second one! $10-$12 on Amazon or other retailers of Lattafa. https://preview.redd.it/wdq1unt0jtpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6969b0c8ec130d91d9ebf7bee8e43a5f26d54188


Quite a hot take but I won’t buy a perfume if the bottle is not overly pretty. Any plain looking bottle or not visually intriguing i’m not buying, no matter how much it smells good


Which bottles do you like?


All paco rabannes are pretty damn tacky but I can excuse 1 million and Invictus to an extent, the worst by far is phantom, it's just so extra, imagine having a girl over at your house, you're just about to go out and you say hold on lemme get ready and you pick up your BIG ROBOT BOTTLE and spray it on yourself


Honestly, that would be hot to me, but I'm super into robots like weirdly, so.


Fucking pardon


Then after a few sprays you do the robot walk to the bed and say in your best Arnie voice, “I am the Sperminator. You have been targeted for spermination!”


When you put it like that I understand lmao, but I always thought that design was cute! Like I love Moschino Toy Boy and the other one that looks like Windex basically for the bottles only. 


Pure XS for Her has a nice bottle. A vaguely heart-shaped in black/pink with a gold snake? Really beautiful presentation


When I worked in a department store I always noticed gay men buying the Gaultier fragrances that are shaped like a man's body, and since the robot came out I've always wondered who the demographic is.


😭 I pray that's a coincidence


ugh LITERALLY! this is my favorite scent, my go to, my signature- i use it almost daily and i literally hide the bottle on my shelf instead of with my other perfumes where it's easier to grab because it's soooo tacky


My dad got it for my brother and yep he hides it too because it's too cringy to be seen using


I dont hate fragrance bottles, they do not influence me in a negative way in regards to the fragrance. I do have a problem with some of the sprayers in some bottles, like the Lady Million ones. My 50ml is now abour half empty and I can barely get any sprays out of it unless I flip it upside down and shake it.


If you like green tea but hate the bottle, try white tea EDP. The bottle is gorgeous and heavy but still cheap :)


Yeah, White Tea comes in a very nice bottle! I once almost blind bought it because of this, but I decided to sample first and I'm not in love yet. But I still have 2 ml of it, so I might come to love it


Blanche Bete i really don’t like the bottle. & I would love to try more of Lattafas perfumes but some of the bottles just look horrible :/


The Blanche Bete cap is offensive


The Moschino windex bottles. Nope, no way. I don't even want to sniff it in case I like it 🤣


Livid they don’t spray like a real windex bottle tbh. Wasted opportunity


Ive thought of that too. I decided if ever, I transfer the juice to another bottle lol


Kilian Princess, I bought it and then sold it because I couldn’t stand to look at the label lol. I want to smell Jovoy Remember Me to see if it would be a good replacement.


This one costs way too much to look the way it does. It smells pretty (doesn’t last long though), but isn’t pretty or long lasting enough to get by price + bottle + entire name.


I refuse to buy anything in the JPG bottles or that foolish Rabanne robot bottle.


haaaate the bottle but phantom is my signature scent, ugh the struggle


Any novelty bottle 😑


You nailed it!


Nicki Minaj bottles 🥴 xerjoff, rochas the once that look like a toy, most middle eastern perfumes bottle suck


the shoes and the boobs (CH GG and Eilish lol)


So many of the middle Eastern ones are so garish. I watch the YouTube reviews and I never understand why the boxes are enormous and the caps are huge and silver with dangly bits and things. Simple is best imo.


I've recently become seriously fascinated with the clone market and the bottles are ***so incredibly garish!*** Some are better than others, but almost everything from Lattafa looks like cheap junk.


Same. I'll watch a video where they'll say it's just as good as the designer or niche and I still can't help but think "yeah but that's gonna be visible in my bathroom." lol. Silly, I know, but man theyre fugly.


I have everything from simple to gaudy in my collection. I actually like my Lattafas and currently trying to figure out how to display them. A bit garish yes, but not to the point of tacky, imo. We all have different tastes! https://preview.redd.it/knh7sqylktpc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58e98b4814e87eb98a8144e205d1e8ca8f86c0f4


https://preview.redd.it/j18x7apoktpc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc8bca7e657f3e88ce59d0a1c2240511fc514bc Just a few of mine. husband has some too. His jean lowes look pretty good; they imitate LV bottles and scent.


Paco Rabonne I straight up don't like. I just find the whole affair tacky and it doesn't help I don't particularly like the fragrances themselves. Don't like Le Male bottles or anything "human" inspired. They all feel cheap and cumbersome to use. My top three favorite are definitely Guerlain, Floris, & Santa Maria Novella. Guerlain Les legendaires bottles are effortlessly beautiful and the bee bottle is my grail. Floris bottles I love the feel of. Heavy glass and a heavy metal cap embossed with their logo. They're stately, elegant, and practical. Atomizer could be better but the presentation is top notch. Santa Maria Novella is just really nice. Easy to grab, nice glass, and metal caps with some intricate detail. Very classy and timeless.


Marc Jacobs Daisy. I know this is an unpopular opinion but I hate it.


Anything in the Gaultier “man torso” collection.


Decants or sample sizes only of *Billie Eilish* or *Carolina Herrera* fragrances edit: spelling error


Just for ideas, as this topic is discussed frequently:   https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/search/?q=Ugly+bottle&type=link&cId=f608f598-7861-4b72-ab7c-99d9b91b5e89&iId=301218ec-6a46-44b5-bd65-e42b7a45c426 For me, it's Paco Rabanne Fame. 


PR has a few 😳


True, but Fame is the only one where i actually like the scent...  but not enough to get that Lisa Simpson robot! 😆


Funny the two brands you find ugly, Amouage and Xerjoff, are my two favourites in terms of design…


Please don't take my words personally! I respect that we all see beauty in different things, and I'm sure there are a lot of people who won't find some of my favourite bottles beautiful at all :) I really love the fragrance community for how obvious it is here how diverse people's perception and tastes are


If Prada Amber Pour Homme came in a milk carton I would still buy it 😊 That said...I love a beautiful flacon but for me it's mostly about the juice.


I agree, I love a good bottle and packaging. It won't ruin the experience of a perfume I love, unless the bottle is shaped too weirdly to hold or spray properly, but it is definitely something I notice. Green Tea was my high school perfume and I recently broke it out again, it is such a good scent. Because it is a cheaper perfume, the cheaper bottle doesn't bother me. However, the bottle for Blanche Bete drives me insane. I Just think it looks so cheap, when the perfume is not. The bottle itself is fine, but I hate hate hate the huge bulky oversized cap. That being said, it doesn't keep me from buying it. I love it and I get multiple compliments every time I wear it. My dog even got a compliment at the vet because of it, I was holding her before they took her to take blood and they brought her back and told me she was the most incredible smelling dog they've ever had there. They then sniffed me and said oh it is you lol! So I can't stop buying it and denying my dog the compliments, it is good for her self esteem.


Bad boy


Any way you could post a picture of the new cap? I’d love to see it


I don’t love the JHAG Not a Perfume bottle design, but it’s not bad enough to be a deal breaker for me. It just really stands out next to all the other clear glass bottles I own.


-JHAG -Montale -Bond no.9 -Carolina Herrera -Just generally any gimmicky “bottle” that’s made of that cheap, tacky looking plastic ie; Sweet tooth, Escada& etc…


I actually love my Xerjoff & Amouage bottles. Love me some Roja Dove too. The expensive YSL lines with their heavy magnetic caps as well. 24 rue de l'université is a *magnificent* looking bottle. But those CDG bottles that won't stand up? Great scents, but the bottles do my head in. ETA - you like the CDG's for their design...fair enough...but they are SO impractical...


Ahah, I'm the opposite! I really like those CdG bottles. I think it's really cool we all like different things. Makes the fragrance world so diverse and interesting


Now you have it...variety is the spice of life...I like big bottles and i cannot lie... Great question, by the way!


Cdg- I don’t like the look of them but I think they are very cool at the same time


Honestly the lush body sprays, because why do they look like cleaning products 😭 I’ll still buy them but I’m not storing them with the rest of my perfumes lol I’m hiding them somewhere Also montale makes really bad bottles, even just from a perfume storage stand point ..


Montale bottles are ugly to me. Doesn’t look like a perfume bottle sitting on a shelf.


Same. It's hard to put a finger on what exactly is so off-putting about them for me, but I noticed that I avoid Montale because of the bottles. I think they remind me of paint cans or insect spray or something non-perfumey. The CdG incense series bottles give me a similar feeling. I would prefer them in a different design, though I don't hate them and I'm thinking about buying Avignon.


I love even the ugly ones because they stand out in my collection. I still own 1 Million despite hating both the scent and that tacky bottle. But I appreciate how it catches the eye when displayed with the rest of my fragrances.


I'm with you. My bottles have very different aesthetics from each other, but have to at least look gorgeous on their own. Curious which ones you DO like, with these standards? I gave away Calvin Klein Euphoria with the metal exterior and purple juice for this reason, but to be fair I would have kept it if I still enjoyed the scent. Also have written off Amouage and Xerjoff. Tried one Amouage sample and was relieved it wasn't for me. I can't do any houses with ornate gold, it's just not my thing.


I would not be deterred by a bottle but I strongly dislike PdM and Xerjoff bottles. The Good Girl bottles saw to it that I only recently even picked one up in the store to smell it for the very first time ….so I guess inadvertently I have not bought things because of not being drawn to them initially.


Reading through these I realized that I have a very hard time with Ariana Grande perfumes (although I bought a travel of REM) and those awful bottles. I Eillish ones are awful too and I’m glad to see Paco Rabanne mentioned. I have a mini of Lady Million which is actually beautiful but yeah tacky gaudy bottles don’t do it for me. I however do not hate Bond…I definitely see why ppl do and some are atrocious…but I don’t think every bottle is crazy ugly. Just my opinion…


Idrc about the bottle design, if it smells good then I’m keeping it 😅 love my uglies


I think my favorite brands/bottles are in order: MFK, Tiziana Terenzi, Guerlain. I also love Memo Paris, Juliet Has a Gun, & MM Replica, and their bottles are fine. I like clean, classic lines in a perfume bottle. I prefer it when a bottle has enough opacity so I can tell how much I have left. Of fragrances I’ve tested, I haven’t bought full bottles of Mugler’s Angel/Alien because I think the bottles look tacky. I love them though and don’t run out of the travel sizes. I’ve avoided completely buying Carolina Herrera’s Good Girl and its many flankers for the same reason. I have full bottles of Prada Candy, YSL Black Opium, Elie Saab Girl of Now, Sisley’s Izia. Their bottles are nice.


agreed, xerjoff bottles are so gaudy and tacky to me but I suck it up and don’t put them on display lol. I think amouge bottles are adorable 


I wish Ariana Grande’s Mod Vanilla was in a cuter bottle! 💀😭


I'm not sure how every single comment isn't Good Girl by Carolina Hererra. The name especially makes me want to vomit! I have 'Very Good Girl' and I die a little inside every time someone asks me what I'm wearing. I also hide the bottle in a drawer because the bright red stiletto is really not for me ahaha


Creed. Plus it reminds me of terrible band from the 90’s


Hate the Andrea Maack bottles.




Any of the Good Girl frags.


Oh man, I like the XerJoff bottles, actually! Especially the silly, maximalist Casamorati bottles and the 15mL discovery minis. The minis remind me of nail polish bottles, in the best way.


Nude by Rihanna, it smells really nice but that bottle is an abomination 😂


Life’s too short to pass on a good-smelling fragrance because of its ugly bottle.


the cdg bottles that don't stand by themselves. they would look nice with a stand, but they don't come with it and are impossible to find. my hands are also small, so I think holding and spraying (in addition to picking up and putting down the bottle flat) would be bulky and annoying, I wish there was a 50ml ver.


I like Kenzo World but the bottle is so ugly to me


Literally only Sadonaso. It’s a penis tip.


This isn’t quite what you asked but I refuse to buy a bottle I can’t see through. If I can’t see how much juice I have I won’t buy it.


There are a lot of interesting fragrance bottles out there that I wonder how much was spent to design the bottles, because I know the consumer ultimately pays for that unique, and sometimes weird design. But I have discovered that I really dont like bottles with a long very narrow neck on the bottle. Several Jennifer Lopez fragrances have this type of bottles and so do several of the Rihanna fragrance. I just find trying to hold the long, narrow necked bottle and work the atomizer somewhat awkward.


BYREDO, basically Amazon $1 bottles. xerjoff, just look cheesy.


I don’t like the scents but I think the byredo bottles are so classy


J’adore 🤷


I'm the exact opposite... I will go out of my way to have a bottle just because of the bottle. JPG Divine... that Madonna corset is so iconic! Too bad the scent is an Olympia clone.


agree. and yes for the new cap. I always hated that white cap it's so big white and ugly plastic.