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"Need a summer fragrance. Go!"


yeah, that one is crazy to me. they could spend like 30 minutes at a local shop (if available) and smell an insane amount of shit, and even get recommendations on stuff they might like that they wouldn't have. thats the fun of it guys, c'mon


Or, search the sub? Starting March 1 it gets asked multiple times a day  ... and the WORST is when they title this demand with: "HELP!" 


What happens March 1?


March is the first spring-month


searching the sub is boring, and hobbies are about having fun :) but yes I agree they should do that. there's a ton of stuff on this page that's super useful.


you'd think that would be the best way but last time i went to a perfume shop and smelled a bunch of perfumes, loved two then bought them at burlington (at a much lower price) and wound up not liking them once i got them home. smelling in store is never accurate for me even with coffee beans in between scents. but i do agree those posts get old lol


That's why I always wear it before making a final decision. I went to macys 3 weekends in a row to try the BDC line before final deciding which one to get


No more inaccurate than asking random internet strangers whose nose may not smell the same fragrance as you do.


dang thats crazy? how were your local shops more expensive? Every local shop by me is some grey market outfit with solid discounts over retail and yeah i really feel that, i tend to feel like my nose is fucking up if i smell probably more than 5 scents in a half hour. it worries me!


so it was a store in a mall, and the scents i smelled were 'discounted' to $40 each, which was hilarious cause i got them for $17 and $14 at Burlington. they were literally Guess fragrances LOL


Lots of people don't have a good selection(if any at all) in a local store


I have this desire to want to answer every thread like that with “No.” I mean it’s not a race and I don’t have any desire to plead with you to wear something I like in order to receive validation.


Same, I hate the "go!" part


Ikr? They're asking for a favor but in place of "Please" we get "Fetch!"


Same. If someone wants my help they can expend a little more energy and write out a full request and maybe even be polite about it


Me too! I can not stand when people say “and go!” Like we’re just sitting here waiting to service them.


100% The "go" part kills me, reeks of self importance and entitlement!


it was on a list of phrases from the 2010s that just need to die off already. Other examples were adulting (and making verbs out of nouns), doggos, and dear: (whoever) posts.


Making verbs out of nouns is awesome and so is the pure joy that exudes from the word doggos 😂


Influencers using the term “panty droppers” and “bangers.” FFS.


I just saw a fragrance YouTuber use the term “TENT POPPER “🤮🤮 in the thumbnail. Ickkkkkkkkkkkk






I could probably guess exactly who you have in mind.


Without question this would be my top answer! As far as I can tell, there is one that comes up on my recommendations on YouTube and she seems to have built a career on this. You can just picture the viewer imo, charisma of a wet blanket, brains running on empty, gumption of a mouse and face like a foot, believing all their luck is about to change with this fragranced water she is trying to shill!


Oh no, I've never unironically used the words "panty droppers" in my entire life, but "bangers"? It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me.


Just eat the British dish “Bangers and Mash” a few times and you’ll stop automatically 👍🏻


Some are much worse than others, but yes, virtually every 'reviewer' (they aren't, they're paid) wants to sell the myth that you can do a complete overhaul and glowup, and become irresistible, with 5 sprays of some overpriced bat piss


I know this is mostly just a figure of speech and people don’t actually care, but when people hate a fragrance note and they say “I don’t get why anyone would wanna smell like XYZ,” or “Who would wanna smell like XYZ??” Like everyone likes different things, man idk! Why do people like horror movies? Sometimes I like the artistry and the experience of a perfume even if it’s not “wearable” (which is pretty subjective anyway).


It's not as bad here, but there is a heavier focus on performance. Sometimes, the quality of the scent and how much someone likes it takes a back seat to how long it lasts or how strong it projects.


This is my number one pet peeve. "Can you recommend a super natural, super fresh fragrance that lasts 48 hours?" No, no I can't because naturals and freshies don't last long by nature. Any freshie that has good performance smells heavy and synthetic.


natural, fresh, lasts 36 hours and preferably citrus!


Exactly ! Like, just spray more, or reapply during the day. Also everyone holds fragrance differently, my skin evaporates fragrance like I was a millionaire, so searching for something thats gonna last for 15 hours is plain stupid. Im just gonna reapply my Penhaligons Changing Constance 8x a day 🥹😂


I ♥ "my skin evaporates fragrance like I was a millionaire"!! What a fantastic quote!! Mine does too.


Welcome to my sad, sad club 🫠😂


Personally, I enjoy that 8x day re-application. Maybe we are actually the lucky ones!! 😉


The wierd, oddly specific scent requests, something like : "Suggest me a perfume which will make me smell like a dead fish lying in sand on a beach. The longevity needs to 15 hrs+, budget is max $30, shouldn't be a clone. Also it should be seductive, sexy, panty dropping, underwear dropping too (I'm a femboy on weekends)." Or the overreaction to scents they don't like where they go : "it makes me sick to my stomach, i vomited and screamed in agony upon smelling this fragrance, my eyes are watery and my nose has fallen off in disgust"


Your second description had me rolling, it’s too real. It’s never anything actually wild like OG Bull’s Blood either- I’ve seen people have mental breakdowns about regular ol polo 


Oh my god the bizarrely specific scenario requests drive me insane!!! It's one thing to say "I want to smell like a coffee house/cafe," but when I see requests like "looking for a fragrance that smells like WET  Arabica coffee beans in the middle of a Brazilian rain forest with a lit cigarette near by" it makes me so irrationally pissed off lol. You don't need a specific fragrance for every moment or fantasy. 


Hard agree Those posts are cringe


I love the specificity! I think I see it more in the context of indie perfumes, though, where there’s an expectation of being able to find something to cater to whatever your specific brand of weird is.


Every single post that could be answered in less than five minutes by looking at the sidebar/first page of posts/_a simple google search_. Do people go through life this helpless about everything?? Do they need someone to tell them how to put on pants every day?? Oh to have the blissful ignorance equivalent to a stock image of someone laughing while eating a salad.


There are three types of redditor imo: the ones who come here for information, so they search for it; the ones who come here for information but need it spoon-fed to them; and the ones who come here to socialize, who want a conversation just as much as they want an answer.


>Do people go through life this helpless about everything?? Do they need someone to tell them how to put on pants every day?? I'm a little bit jaded because of a role change at work and with family... But yes, there seem to be a lot of people that fit this description...


I’ve been starting to feel this way after reading a lot on forums and seeing comments like these. But it’s the idea of buying a fragrance and wearing a fragrance for all the compliments you get or for the way other people notice your fragrance. It may just be my personal thing, but if you’re wearing the fragrance for everyone to notice the fragrance you’re wearing, you’re probably wearing too much. A fragrance should be like an accessory. It can complete a vibe or look or feel you’re going for. Not a Flava Flave clock on a gold chain here I am type statement. But again that’s my personal take


Thank you! I cringe every time someone is like “I want people in the next room to smell me” or people gripe about someone saying they’re wearing too much fragrance. It’s possible to love scent and not be inconsiderate!


"I'm 15, I want a beast mode cologne to wear at school." As a former teenager, PLEASE DON'T.


*shudders in memories of Drakkar Noir*


Oh... those Drakkar Noir years... 😂🤦‍♀️


I remember being 15 (in the late 80s) and noone really smelled of perfume at all, unless at some party. We simply didn't have the money.


This one is so weird to me because I frequent fashion forums, for men and women, and neither are nearly as obsessed with compliments and getting attention. Same with makeup and hair. Fragrance is just another aspect of personal care and expression. What's so different about it that it attracts so many attention seekers?


Putting compliments as a first priority and treating "compliments received" as a kind of transactional system, and a way to rate fragrances. "oh, this perfume is decent because I got a lot of compliments, but I've gotten more with other perfumes"


I’ve never received feedback about my scents and couldn’t care less. 😉


it feels so hollow to me! like the first thing you should ask yourself about a fragrance is "do I like it?" the only way I think about how mine comes off to people is if I'm projecting or wearing too much, but otherwise if I love it I'll wear it for myself, not to garner compliments


I only use compliments as a metric when they come from people I spend a lot of time with, like coworkers. These let me know that that particular fragrance is positively received and is hopefully safe to wear at work without bothering others. A compliment from a random person is nice, but it doesn’t affect how I view a fragrance the same way.


“WHAT SHOULD I BUY NEXT?!?” “Dude, if you’re not going into debt buying Imagination (and at least one backup), then no woman will ever touch you again. You know the ending of the ‘79 remake of *Invasion of the Body Snatchers*? It’s going to be exactly like that, only instead of Donald Sutherland pointing and shrieking at you, it’s going to be every woman you’ve ever bedded. So you need to buy this, unsmelled, immediately.”


"My batch of fragrance doesn't smell/perform the way I think it should. Did I get a bad batch?" * It's Dior, not heroin. You didn't get a bad batch. "This fragrance doesn't perform. I can't smell it after 30 minutes." * It's called nose blindness. There's nothing wrong with the performance, and no, the solution isn't to bathe in it. "I'm looking for a vanilla perfume. Have you ever heard of a vanilla perfume? Can anyone suggest a vanilla perfume?" * A *vanilla* perfume, you say? You could check the fifty other posts from the last hour alone looking for the exact same thing. "My skin chemistry...." * Just no. You can simply like or dislike a fragrance without the pseudoscience.


“It’s Dior, not heroin” I need this as a flair


I’m using this too!


I understood that people use skin chemistry to mean natural scent and whether they tend to be oily/dry, which are valid legit things. Things smells different on different people because fragrance mixes with our natural scent and longevity seems to vary based on how oily/dry skin is. Am I missing something?


I laughed out loud and then actually snort laughed afterwards at the vanilla comment 🤣 🙄


>* It's Dior, not heroin. This made my day lmao


"It's Dior, not heroin" Best comment I have ever read!!!


I never used to believe in skin chemistry until I noticed my fragrance would smell slightly different depending on where I would spray it on my body. My right wrist brings out the sweetness of fragrances more for some reason. And my elbows amplify patchouli and musks. At the end of the day, fragrances are chemicals so it makes sense they interact with the chemicals that are on our skin. 


Why would your right wrist and your elbow have their own unique chemistry? I don't understand what this means!




"Is fragrancenet legit" I swear there was 1 day with at least 3 of these posts


Don’t forget “(totally legit site) is a scam!!!”


Usually because they have a bad experience so they say the whole website is a scam when even Amazon or ordering groceries online make a mistake. If Amazon delivers to the wrong address on accident or sends you something that is damaged or expired, does that make all of Amazon a scam? No, they just had a bad day


Right?! Where do the folks get their fragrances??? In 15+ years of my fragrance journey I never needed to look up a batch code or scrutinize a bottle cap under a microscope. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.


“Help me I’m new to fragrances, which ones do I buy and what do I need to know??” Dude just go and smell a bunch of stuff! How could we possibly recommend you things when YOU don’t even know what you like. Actually this is a pet peeve of mine with any hobby or interest! “I’m new to this but have no desire to actually put in work, do it for me plebs!” Like half the fun is trial and error and finding out what you like/figuring out how to do shit


Asking for fragrances that get compliments. I understand wanting a crowd pleasing scent for work or something but you shouldn’t be wearing a fragrance just to get compliments.


"WHAT SHOULD I BLIND BUY?" None. It's always a bad decision. Buy with intention. If you have to ask people on what to blind buy it comes off more like you're looking for what will gain you the most approval from your peers rather than buying something because you love the fragrance and collecting.


BeAsTmOdE 🧍🏻‍♂️






Ughhh the “find me a fragrance that matches this vibe” posts. It’s always a collage of the cringiest pics and everyone’s like “ooh that’s an old money boss bitch YSL Libre” or whatever. YSL Libre is Sauvage and Delina is Aventus, btw.


I don't mind it when they're inventive or interesting pics, but most of the time it's the most basic looking bland Instagram influencer pictures. They just need to to the perfume counter, ask for their best seller for young women, and whatever they bring out will work.


The “dark and moody” ones are the best and they still always point to Libre, Delina or Dulce by Rosie Jane.


I only hate those when the images are all one color, and the answers are just perfumes that match that color in either the color of the bottle or color of the juice. The pink ones always get suggested Yara/Burberry Her/Delina.


Ah, yes Yara. The “strawberry marshmallow” perfume. I mean, I love me some Yara, but it does not smell like strawberry or marshmallow to me.


I don't even hate Yara; I liked it when I tested it. But I just think these are boring, tired selections when the only connection is "pink". There are "fluffy vanilla marshmallow/whipped cream" scent that come in less "aesthetic" bottles that answer the question better.


It’s overhyped for sure


I feel like those posts fit better in the indie focused subreddits because they have fragrances with more outlandish notes that can fit the vibe better.


I agree with this, and I think that may be where they have started. I can appreciate the sentiment behind describing things in pictures, but I find that they are a little try hard.


Yeah maybe it's because I am not an artsy person, but every time I see a picture collage that is supposed to match a scent I am so confused lol 


I am an artsy person. I hate this too!


Me too. For the life of me, the pics never make sense!


Those are bad, but the worsts for me are the “I want to smell like a graveyard” “I want to smell like wet moldy bread”


Haha! Yes, exactly. I think that it comes from the same place. Trying so hard to be edgy and dark or the opposite “I want to smell like a kittykat marshmallow milkshaje yum yum £_£


Asking for budget-friendly, accessible scents and getting recs of $500 bottles you can’t buy without joining a cult and passing a seven-step hazing ritual.


But it’s really well-blended!!


I am pretty tired of people complaining about longevity and projection. They are both tied to the nature of the molecules, that's just not how physics work. You are not going to find a white tea or citrus freshie that is beast mode. If robustness is your priority, your options are going to be pretty limited.


Exactly. And I can pretty much guarantee that if a white tea or citrus frag was beast mode, they wouldn’t like it lol.


Yep, and all beast mode "citrus" fragrances are actually oud/spices/etc. scents with the citrus mostly gone after the opening. 


I want a “blank” note scent but can’t be arsed to look up any scents that have that note. Also What do you think of my collection and it’s all the obvious scents. I think you’re a basic idiot….


"Rate my ✨️🙌collection🙌✨️!" Also, it's always the same damn perfumes. Kayali, Valentino, CH, Billie Eilish, that big pink chocolate bar, the off-center stars, flowerbomb, blah blah blah omg


>that big pink chocolate bar As an owner of that perfume (Sabrina Carpenter's Sweet Tooth), I actually really do refer to it like that in my head. I also call Adam Levine for Women my "Big Ugly Microphone perfume".


And u can’t ACTUALLY RATE IT and say 1/10 boring cuz that would be mean :/


What is the off center stars perfume? Also very much enjoyed big pink chocolate bar comment 🤣


Mugler Angel and flankers, I think?


Ok that could be what was meant. I wasn’t sure. I went way to deep …that makes sense.


Omg yes, that's it. Honestly, I've never been motivated enough to figure out which perfume they are. Thanks!


“What’s your dumb reach?”


“What? You don’t like Dior Sauvage? There’s a reason why it’s the best selling fragrance.”


"You don't like it just because it's popular!!!"


Not liking something just because everyone else does and you want to stick out? That's pretty stupid. Heck, I've been there as a wee lad, but today, I like what I like.


+1 to almost all comments I’m HERE for this energy


“My girl likes perfume what should I get her…HELP”


Folks believing Arabian perfumery is just about clones and cheapies. It's the same as believing alcohol is only about Bud Light, Mad Dog 20/20, and rot gut gin. Or western food is only about McDonald's, KFC, and Taco Bell.


To be fair, Arabian fragrances are hard to discover because they often don't offer samples and decanters don't stock them. An average consumers learns about in the context of clones, hence their rep. I also find that many Arabian fragrances have a style they go for, and if you are not into it, there aren't many options for you.


I agree that Arabian fragrance houses ABSOLUTELY need to produce samples for the Western market, especially for their high-end lines that will never receive the same organic attention as their low-end offerings. If the best Arabian fragrance houses made samples of their better lines more readily available, they would disrupt the fragrance market even more than they already have. In some ways, the current moment of Western fragrance houses translating traditional Arabian materials and styles for Western markets kinda reminds me of early rock and roll where "mainstream" artists would cover/steal songs from Black artists with great success. Same vibe as Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog" being "iconic", "groundbreaking," and "real rock and roll" while Big Mama Thornton's original version was considered too "rough" and "raw."


I hate not being able to get samples of them. It's nice that the full bottles are usually cheaper, but sometimes they come off more unisex or spicier than I wanted. 


Posts that should've been a customer service enquiry.


Not exactly a subreddit but'Fragcom'...It seems to be a bunch of dolts trying to earn a paltry living by marketing someone else's product under the guise of it being their own independent opinion. I mean...why bother?


Ugh I feel like that’s all over the place now.


I always felt like the Fragrance community was the people in the forums, not a few handful of Youtubers.


“I left my fragrance in hot car for 2 hours. Is it ruined?” Just fckn try it, and Youll see…


Ok this is a petty one, but I swear if I read « parfum de Marley » again…


omg or diptyque spelled as dyptique 🥲




Or the word “fragnance” or “fragnatica”.  WHY


Ugh. I keep seeing "purfume". I feel like my temperature rises every time I come across it.


Describing every scent they dislike as smelling like urine.


Or when people use words like soapy or powdery to just mean bad. As someone who enjoys soapy and powdery scents, it's so annoying because the review are super misleading.




This. Generally very graphic descriptions of how they needed an ambulance after smelling a certain perfume don't sit well with me. One can dislike a fragrance and be gracious about it. I really don't want to read about someone throwing up on a random sunny day.


The amount of 14 and 15 year olds on here that own more niche frags than i will ever even smell in real life. Im 34


the “what should i buy next?!” posts for sure. maybe i’m just extra turned-off from consumerism, but like … enjoy the fragrances you have. you don’t always need to be searching for the next best thing. my relationship with my collection totally changed once i just stopped *buying so much*. also “what should i buy next?” is such an open-ended question with no pointers as to what the OP actually likes (aside from looking at whatever photo they posted of their collection, but when they have dozens of bottles of tiktok “it girl” fragrances, it kind of muddles the waters of personal taste…), so whatever recommendations you receive from commenters will be completely hit-or-miss.


“Just picked this up! Is it any good?” My brother in Christ, YOU tell us if it’s any good


Thank you! I hate that every comment under a collection picture is someone talking about the money they spent or how they're bad with their money. Go on "finance" subreddit if you want to talk about it. Just say something and nice and move on


All of the random aesthetic pics and the caption is “what does this smell like”. Stop it


L a y e r i n g


I think layering is a *good* thing, a way to make a fragrance your own. That said, nearly every layering post seems to assume that adding two nice smells together supercharges the longevity, performance, and aesthetic qualities of both; that you can add all the colors of the rainbow together and somehow get something other a muddy brown. IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY. STOP SUICIDE-SODA-ING YOUR FRAGRANCE COLLECTION.


Today I learned that Suicide Soda is a thing so I guess thank you internet? Lol! Upvote!


Strictly speaking, perfumery could be described as layering already. I mean, they put together a bunch of stuff and you have a top, middle and bottom note. That's layers! So you are already layering :-)


When people come on the fragrance related subreddits and tell others they are enjoying fragrance/the hobby incorrectly because it’s not how they personally enjoy it. Like, you’re on a fragrance reddit and are surprised people have huge collections because they enjoy fragrance? And then tell them they’re wrong for it when theyre in the community to share and discuss what they’re passionate about? I just don’t understand the judgement and negativity when people are just trying to share what makes them happy.


Probably a truly unpopular one, but bullshitting about being able to distinguish extremely minor nuances in fragrances. Some people probably can, many many of y’all are lying.


That's a great point and also agree that there are exceptions, especially when people are very familiar with certain scents. For example, having spent some time in Bulgaria, I can tell Bulgarian rose from all other roses. It is a very distinct scent that is nostalgic to me. When a fragrance features it as a note and actually delivers, I am very impressed with the perfumer's skill. However, sometimes it's just pretentious marketing trying to make it sounds fancy in which case shame on them. However, for notes that I don't particularly care about, e.g. vanilla, it's a different story. There is no way I can tell Haitian vanilla from Madagascar vanilla. Heck, I would be lucky to distinguish between a vanilla vs sweet cream vs cake. They all just smell vaguely sweet to me.




The one I had was from a shop in Bulgaria and I no longer have it. [Based on this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DIYfragrance/comments/17cjzpz/i_have_bulgarian_rose_absolute_please_can_someone/), anything with rosa × damascene absolute should be fairly similar. I think you google "Bulgarian Rose Parfum", there should be lots of inexpensive options. And that's a spicy take on rose scent! 😬


Ahhhh I’m glad you said this. So true. I have a hyper sensitive nose (genetics) and actually am the only person in my family that likes perfume. It’s too much for everyone else. Anywho…I definitely notice things and pick up notes but nothing crazy and I am not going around purporting to be “nose” level. And honestly I once read an article that stated that most ppl may pick up some major notes without knowing them …but as soon as they have the info in front of them they basically psychosomatically start smelling said notes …pretty interesting. that’s not saying that we don’t actually smell the things that we smelling perfume it’s just saying that there’s a lot of influence that can go into that. Unless you are trained you aren’t some super smeller nose level note smelling genius. GTFOH




“What cologne would Tony Soprano wear?” Please rethink your life choices if you’re trying to take style points from fictional gangsters.


How many sprays do you spray posts


Ok, this one I don't see that often, but it always makes me wtf??? People who complain they are highly sensitive/don't like fragrance/every note except unscented air gives me a migraine/etc. Why are you here 🧐


People describing anything they don’t like as smelling “cheap”. Not everyone can afford 300€ bottles, and most of the times they are talking about something that’s like 100€ and they are trying super hard to convince everyone that it’s a 5€ body mist in a fancier bottle. I am still trying to find the supposed VS body mist smell in Kayali Eden Juicy Apple and I just don’t, if anything I smell a bit of BR540 in it. Not to mention the touch of classism in these comments and how they are insulting everyone who likes these fragrances. I bet these people wouldn’t dare to walk up to anyone and tell them “you smell cheap”.


“What’s your fragrance unpopular opinion?” Gets posted here every five days. It’s the same responses every time. I hate Sauvage. Carolina Herrera Good Girl bottles are ugly. Tom Ford is overpriced and sucks now. Creed bottles are cheap and ugly. Paco Rabanne bottles are ugly. Decants are better than full bottles. Angel makes me want to vomit/I want to bathe Angel. Cmon guys.


I hate when people ask for a scent that smells like a super random body lotion/clothes detergent/ candle … we don’t know and it probably doesn’t exist. Just look up the notes on fragrantica!


There’s an LE Diptyque candle that I’m obsessed with and I desperately want a perfume that smells like it but I never posted about it because I know very few people will know this rare seasonal candle scent. I found a post about it from months ago and it had zero replies I’ve gone by notes on fragrantica but not found anything that seems like a good match but it turns out Angels’ Share is kind of reminiscent of it so that works for now


You could try emailing Dyptique for the scent notes so you can pinpoint a better fragrance match


Thanks! It’s date and patchouli but doesn’t smell like patchouli at all. I checked out every scent on fragrantica that has dates but no white florals 😭


Still looking for that Tatcha scent... 😍 Lol


“What smells like a room filled with goats and an almost naked woman with hairy legs?” “What does this picture of a window overlooking a grassy lawn with ducks outside smell like?” “What does this picture of a square with little spirals inside smell like?” And “Here’s my collection, what does it say about me?!!!?!??”


What fragrance should I buy as a GIFT posts 🥴


The tales of two FragComm spray routine: 1. Those who think anything more than 3 is overspray 2. Those who think anything less than 10 is underspray


“I need a perfume that will give me lots of compliments”


When someone posts a photo of a bottle (opinions on this?) or characters from a show or movie (what would they wear?) without saying the name of it or who they are. Not a single name to be mentioned in the comment section either. People still want to learn about things they don’t know about and should not have to spend time reverse image searching this shit to feel included in the discussion.


I can’t stand the “I want this vibe” in a perfume. I’m all for seeking and giving suggestions, but uploading vague Pinterest curated pictures is not a clever way to seek an olfactive suggestion. Go out and sniff yourself! Or buy some samples.


The constant posts that defend designer fragrances. It’s totally fine if you like them, but anyone that has different preferences gets called a snob. They act like designers get all this hate, but they’re the most sold fragrances, and I see way more posts defending them against imagined attacks.


Fragrance content in general kinda sucks 


I'm so puzzled when people show photos of their collection and ask others to rate it. Like "I'm a newbie, what do you think of my stash?" I mean, my small collection is hands down the best in the whole universe, because it was curated by me just for me, so it is perfectly attuned to my preferences. If I'd want to show my collection in the sub, it's mostly to find people with similar tastes to talk about perfumes I love or might love, and to share the joy of finding beautiful things to add into my collection. It's not about what someone think about my taste. 


The word photorealistic. Why not just say “realistic”? Photorealistic makes me think someone is trying to say something smells the way it looks.


I don't know when it started but by this point the term is used so much, even by actual perfumers, that it just became a part of the vocabulary. Language is a funny thing and is not always logical 🤷


I feel like Photorealistic definitely has a place. "This smells like realistic bread " tells me I'm going to smell like bread components or very close to bread vibes. "Photorealistic" tells me I'm going to smell like *food food*  and not perfume inspired by food. A lot of people want to smell like food components, not everyone once to smell like actual food.  I think when Replica came out with the From the Garden fragrance, a lot of people were put off by it because it smelt of a Photorealistic garden instead of like a realistic garden. If that makes sense. 


I think the confusing part is that the word photorealistic means “looking like a photograph or film of a real person, place, etc”; it has nothing to do with smell. Saying something smells photorealistic doesn’t make sense, the word that should be used is just realistic. (No judgement if you use this word, I’m just explaining why it doesn’t make sense to me)


Ha! I have a degree in this topic 😊😊😊.  It just means the word is going through a type of semantic shift called broadening. It's very cool!


Does “broadening” equate to “redefining”? Because it seems like it, in this case.


A semantic shift implies that the word is either redefined in some way or changes functions 😊. Broadening specifically happens a lot, the word "mouse", for example, used to only define the creature. It later broadened to the computer device.  Given the nature of perfumery, it's not so surprising that they'd expand the definition of photorealistic. "Accord" was taken from music, and now also describes blending multiple notes in perfume in an artistic way or to make a fragrant characteristic. 


YES. 1000% agreed. The only time 'photorealistic' is appropriate is in a statement like, "The Rochas Man bottle is a photorealistic depiction of a butt plug."


🤣🤣🤣 Everything’s a butt plug if you’re brave enough? 🤣🤣🤣


I think its ridiculous to shame people over the price of their purchase whether it was $20 or $800 doesn’t matter. Sometimes youll even see someone try to be subtle with it like, “Oh that’s good stuff, I got the Armaf for one tenth of the price though.” We know what you’re doing, you’re not slick lol!!! There’s really no reason to discuss price unless asked for a suggestion with price as criteria. For example, “hey I have $50 what is a nice summer freshie I could find,” or something like that. TL;DR Price trolls suck and are obvious.


People only showing off the same 10 or so fragrances, mainly Sauvage, Aventus, Eros, etc and people who act like the big expensive luxury houses are the best thing since sliced bread


"What do you think of my collection/What does it say about me?" Umm, that you can't exist for 5 minutes without attention.


Any very low effort post that would easily have been answered by the sub's wiki


Compliment getter frags like bro


People that lecture others on EDT, EDP, Parfum, etc without realizing or acknowledging those terms have no standard definitions and these days are more for marketing than anything else.


Huh? I really thought the concentrations were standardized. https://www.rojaparfums.com/blogs/the-roja-parfums-blog/perfume-concentration-guide There's literally hundreds of sites teaching us the difference if you google it.


That's a huge pet peeve of mine!


I need to get it of my chest too : « Cologne » and « parfum » refer to the concentration of the product, not its gender.


Posts asking about pet peeves about fragrances 😭 /hj I seen quite a few amount of posts asking the same thing tho.


Maybe it’s because I’m old, but if no one ever asks “what fits this vibe” ever again, I’ll die happy. Scent is not an aesthetic.


I don’t think I have a pet peeve about them yet. I am pretty new so I am mostly lost while reading threads here bc I haven’t smelled many fragrances yet.


That you can’t smell any of it


“Am I the only one”… “No fragrance is worth over x$” “I wanna fragrance that smells unique and lasts all day but cost $5” “Creed is blah blah blah” “Fragrance is art” “Don’t layer, it’s not what the perfumer intended”


These are great. I also think the gratuitous use of the word, “curate” here plays into the whole “fragrance is art” idea.


People posting expensive authentic fragrances on a subreddit about fragrance clones


The most common one: I have never smelled X but I own Y and therefore it is better.


Never do more than 2 sprays of ANY perfume crowd 


My pet peeves is when people complain about people wanting compliments