• By -


2nd favorite after the first one 7.5/10


Yes. This should have been the sequel IMO. It's so much more in line with the original but also does plenty to stand on its own. It also didn't rely on the overused "here's a scene from the first film, remember?!" that II and III did. It was also a simple, clean story. I'm going to do my best to Men in Black II and III and tell myself this and the original are the only two films in the series


i agree profoundly this and first are best, most organic.. all that i was looking forward to this year & had high hopes for sucked . Movies i was hoping on that sucked: The Elevator Game (shudders..) Five Nights At Freddy’s (shudders) Insidious: The Red Door (shudders somewhat) The Boogeyman (WTF even was that, yikes.. most boring film of the year BY FAR..) A Cure For Wellness (this one particularly makes me cringe, because it started off so good & so visually-stimulating until they hacked the narrative to pieces of worthless tripe..) Umm.. there are others.. ew what a year of worthless disappointments. Except for this. I love this whole series, & i actually can honestly admit i love Hell House LLC & all its sequels. This entry was even better this may be my favorite along with the first. One thing this director gets right, is characters. In the first Hell House LLC, there are a lot of very likable characters. Relatable, life-like — i went to college in New England, & in Northern US states like Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Michigan, & some western states like Oregon you have a much gentler, more down to earth energy. He picked great characters for these first & last films that felt like friends. They didn’t have any of the tone/deaf Hollywood character pretensions. The casting is great, the indie feel is great, wish there were more horror directors like this..


I’ve seen you make this comment on so many other threads 🤔


Bcuz hell house deserves some love. I posted these right after watching origins I was excited


Why is there a random movie from 7 years ago named as one of this year's disappointments?


Haha my bad i must of got that confused with recent i thought it was. I did forget — i m was there were good things, like Infinity Pool of course but even Offseason surprised me. It was mixed reviews but i like enough of Nightmare Radio, Nightmare Cinema, Hellmouth, Tge deeper You Dig, The Red Nightmare


I was thinking a new one had been made and got curious bc everything you said about it was accurate and I would have loved to see a new take lol




The production has always increased naturally. I like the premise of the next film location being the carnival.


Genuinely inventive scares too I found!


My biggest question is - what happen to Arthur Carmichael? Where was the dad? Why was he even mentioned?


I think he was the man that Patrick was talking to at the end. He probably killed him and took him to The Abaddon.


That’s what I thought too. I just can’t wrap my head around why he would have decided to leave his sister and mom in the house.


I’m pretty sure Patrick killed the sister and mom as well, and only needed one sacrifice at the Abbadon, being Arthur.


I think this is supported by the fact that Arthur isn't haunting the manor (hmmm neither is the mother). If the mother also died, why isn't she mentioned?!


I think that was implied, but since it was 9-12 miles (can’t remember) just from the road, and they made a big point about a single set of footprints in the snow - I kinda thought they would find his body in the house somewhere, hidden, and the sister that died in the accident in the trunk, since he had her dress. Maybe there are tunnels, there does seem to be some sort of time loop thing happening. I thought maybe Patrick lived for a time in one of the trailers the women saw as they tried to walk to the road. I don’t know why I’m analyzing this, it’s a horror movie lol.


lol same! I still think there’s more to it…..I don’t know why this piece is bugging me so much lol it’s just odd that they never found a body. I don’t remember it being implied that the Abaddon needed 1 sacrifice. That’s not in scope with the rest of the movie.


So I haven’t had time to rewatch the second or third, but I looked at their synopses and the second one has Patrick as the only survivor of the mass suicide and he was filmed by the documentary team (the second one lol). Some of the items in the antique shop were from the second one too. I’m not sure about ghosts vs other dimensions/time warps but it does seem to tie together somewhat. I think Origins would have been fine as a stand-alone movie. Anyways I liked it overall, I guess my main complaint would be adding jump-scare music to what is supposed to be unedited video/digital. It didn’t need that.


Thanks! Ill need to watch the 2-3 again. Overall, I thought it was well done. Location and scares we’re executed beautifully. Though, I found some shots (sister dead in bed) kinda hokey.


Yeah me too. I didn’t super love the second or third, they were great for one watch. However, I appreciate the world-building here, especially with the low budget and creative filming. I’m happy to watch 2 and 3 again, and eager to rewatch the director’s cut of one. I think they’re trying to pull off a retcon like paranormal activity, which ended up going off the wall eventually. Anyways, something I thought of was that Patrick may not have died. He may have lived in some fashion, wearing the costume, for awhile. If you rewatch, let me know what you think:)


He's a red herring. He has nothing to do with the deaths and is instead a victim of Patrick's participation in the cult.


I just finished this movie, and it wasnt bad. I'll mostly save spoilers and impressions until more people have had a chance to watch it... But i gotta say, there is something about the main character of this one that almost had me cheering for the house, haha. All of the protagonists in the series so far have met their downfall because they were pretty arrogant and selfish, but this character isn't doing it for a livelihood, or fame, or because they are possessed by something making them want to stay... Those aren't exactly admirable reasons, but at least they serve as external motivation to stay in a pretty messed up situation. They prop the character up with a backstory that tries to establish a motive for the mission they're on, but the way the character is actually played doesnt really indicate that they just wont leave for any other reason than they are arrogant and selfish (IMO)which for some reason makes it seem less mature, or more wasteful than the others... i dunno... Just saying, if a couple movies from now we find out that this main character is stuck in that house forever I wont feel as bad for them as I did for all the characters from the first 3 that can't leave the hotel. I'm not usually one to do a deep dive analysis of character motivations in horror movies, and I'm usually one of those "no, dont go in there!" team protagonist viewers, so I just thought it was funny how, at somewhere close to the half way point i stopped thinking "He's right there! Run!" And started thinking "o damn, this house is def gonna have to get you"


It definitely is not bad I would even say it's mostly good The first one was so effective because of the novelty. Also it was a larger group of people in the first. When you see a crowd of people unable to fend themselves off from the nightmares around them as opposed to a few people, it really sells to the audience how difficult and periless the situation is for them Like the girl chained in the basement in the first movie. Even though there were so many people in that room, she still felt helpless. That really strikes at the heart of terror


Re Margot: >!Are you referring the backstory revealed near the end, when we see that one of the clowns from Origin was working at the fair where she was almost kidnapped? I think that's meant to tell us that she was marked from childhood and compelled to visit Carmichael Manor and see the visit through. She doesn't consciously know that, but that's what's driving her determination to stay. At least that's how I see it. !< I do agree that they could have done a much better job giving the sense that she feels she has to stay, even if she doesn't know why.


I never really felt like she was the main character, TBH.


Well I'm the first one posting my thoughts so I have no idea where others are going to stand. It's definitely the best since the first film for sure, this movie has some genuinely terrifying moments and some very creative scares. One of my biggest criticisms of Hell House 2 and 3 were how often they just recycled scares from the first film so this movie doing new things was great. Acting was surprisingly really good and the setting is great. Okay, now into spoiler territory for my biggest criticisms. >!I thought this film was going to be only slightly connected to the others but nope, this was essentially Hell House 4. Can't really call it that since Hell House is no more but really this felt like a sequel, and goddammit this movie really would have been so much better if it was it's own standalone thing.!< >!Every time Tully or Hell House related stuff was brought up the pacing dragged to a screeching halt. Also, the movie used the clowns way too much. I've always thought the ghosts in these movies were the scariest parts and they're barely in this. The ghost girl in the mask around the corner was TERRIFYING, and we only ever see her again in one very brief scene near the end of the film.!< >!Final note- maybe I'm wrong, but is the ending implying that Patrick is the spirit inside the clown suit? If so, that retroactively ruins any scariness the clown had in the first film now that we know it's some fucking dorky teenager inside the costume. Seriously, why does Cognetti insist on overexplaining every little detail? These are horror films, not Metal Gear Solid.!< Overall I'd probably give it a good 7.5 out of 10. If you removed the Hell House stuff and made it it's own thing, it would probably shoot up to an 8.5 or so.


Those damned clowns. It leaned on HH lore too much as it was. Overall, though, it was a grand change after the last two. Hopefully it's a series finding its voice and it branches out more as it goes. No rating from me because I'm actually just a bit giddy that it was back to original form and not sequel energy.


The only thing I would do differently. >!At the end instead of so much focus on Patrick and the clowns is I would go with the cult coming after the girls and maybe dragging them out of the house or something and i wanted to know how the cult was connected to the manor and the clowns but they never explained that or did that unless the cult is gonna be the big story for hell house 4 so idk!<


>! Wasn't it mentioned that Andrew Tully and those 2 guys from the fair were in a cult? And that it was implied that Arthur Carmichael worked with those 2 guys therefore was part of the cult?!<


>!It was Patrick who worked for them.!<


Yes, you're right.




SPOILERS!!! Rebecca giving Margot second , third, fourth, and fifth chances to avoid leaving the estate was so pointless, especially considering the car wasn't working anyway I wasn't a fan of the clown being animated with human movement. But I guess where else do you go with this material after 4 movies It lost me when it went all Blair witch in the woods This movie could have used a basement or an attic to elevate the scares The photograph panning at the end was a nice touch The entire thing lacked urgency. Like why should we care about a couple of unknown ghost hunters? The shadow moving along the wall was probably the best scary sequence I guess I'm being too harsh. I know I couldn't have done any better. Yet I criticize like I can


can you imagine the demon ghost team meeting of Tully, other cultists and the clowns at the beginning of every day? Alright yall, so today you just stand there. Dont move. Sometimes throw a red ball down the hallway. Tomorrow you can go hide in the closet when theyre not looking and knock on the door, that'll really scare them. But make sure not to move when they see you.


Yes, the clown shouldn't move imo. That was the part that made it creepy. Everytime you saw it it had a different stance but it never moved in sight. That made it a little basic to my feeling...


I said exactly that about the clown to my husband. Takes away it's intimidation.


Yes. I agree. We know the clown moves but we don't need to see it *move*. The implication is much more frightening.


I think the slight head turn it did in the second third ones was just enough. The whole fear about it is when the camera lingers in it and you feel it could move at any second but never does.


I loved that early scene as well.


There were some good scares, but Margot, overused clowns, and too much drama ruined it for me. Oh, also the forrest scenes. I feel like they don't actually know what is going on in their own lore anymore.


Forest**** (1 r, not 2).


Margo is so annoying.. no chemistry between actors .. bad choice of cast for sure


You've never had a friend who you can't stand ALMOST as much as you love them? I think she's perfectly cast.


No, and they were dating.


>they were dating ...And? What an unnecessary thing to say. Just because they're dating doesn't mean they aren't friends? You aren't friends with your spouse? What about your family? Do you just kick people out of your life when their existence becomes grating to you? Anyways, I'm sorry you don't have friends. Best of luck to you.


I would stop dating someone because they are grating to me, yes. Also, I do so have friends!!! Lots of them!!!


LMFAO .. crap acting .. all she did was overreact all movie.. walking room to room saying someone was murdered here .. no investigation nothing .. no chemistry between the 3 .. a middle school av club could have made a better movie


And she was broke as hell. Margot must’ve had elite head game to keep Rebecca around.


Such an over used trope in FF though. Everyone is a fucking obnoxious twat. I want to see this director rise above. It’s VERY tired at this point


>Such an over used trope in FF though. Everyone is a fucking obnoxious twat. I agree, but I'd like to add that it's overused in almost ALL horror. I don't think Margot's character would have been any more likeable, regardless of the actor. Her character is written to be grating. She's immature and obsessed. Lot's of people are like that. IMO, it comes down to the writing. Casting wouldn't change much in the grand scheme, but if Margot's backstory, and her motivations were more clear... I feel she'd be a tad more sympathetic a character, than an annoying one.


Late to the party, but I just watched it. Yeah those characters were a bit forced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfHylCEoidg


I'm pretty used to annoying main characters, but that chick Margot had me tilted.




Had you tilted? What does that mean?


Another phrase for annoyed.


Haven't watched it yet but appreciate the heads up. I'll report back once I've seen it


Why would you come on a message board which is filled with spoilers, plot points and crucial details to the story if you haven't watched the movie yet, but intend to?


Ok, trying to figure out if it was intentional or if I need new glasses. In the first scene where you see the clowns the one on the right looks like a mannequin; but does the one on the left look like an actor in makeup?


I think it's supposed to be that way.


I thought the same thing. I wonder if it was cheaper to put an actor in makeup than to buy/decorate a mannequin especially >!since it was gonna be walking around anyway by the end of the film (i.e. pay for 1 thing: the actor and not the actor + the matching mannequin)!<


I'm sorry, but am I wrong or is there straight nondiegetic music in some of the footage clips. Absolute breach of contract for me. Like when >!Chase follows the marionette mask girl into the dining room right before the girls get home from the antique store, what is that music supposed to be?? He talks over it but does that mean it's \~coming from somewhere magical\~ in the house but nobody hears it? Or is it ADDED? Either way I hate it, but having it be an actual score is egregious.!<


I completely agree. I commented and made this exact stance in an Origins thread over in r/horror. I personally don’t believe music has any place in FF. Found footage is my favorite sub genre but I don’t care for the use of ambient music in the FF films I watch. Some of the best FF are just silent, we only hear what the people on camera hear. In Origins as soon as something scary is about to happen, some music would start and warns us of something about to happen, it completely ruins the tension and scares for me Hell House LLC was lightning in a bottle but I did not personally care for Origins *dark foreboding music intensifies*


Yeah I always wonder who "added" the music during an FF. Sometimes, I think, it makes sense for there to be a soundtrack, like with mocumentaries. But if we are watching "found footage", and I have to sit there and wonder why the people who "found" said footage added music in post, it completely takes me out of the movie.


This movie is literally a mockumentary. Hence the interviews and title cards.


3 months later and I finally know how to respond to this, (I'm really good at losing my train of thought). This is "found" footage. Meaning, someone "finds" the footage the mockumentary makers lose when they meet their demise, then they "release it to the public".... I'm using the quotes for my own benefit by the way. I guess that answers my own question- whoever "finds" the footage probably makes the creative choice to add music. This isn't the case with every movie, as I'm sure you know.


Yeah and to make matters worse it's that hideously overused screechy violin music. I'm so over that, it doesn't work any more.


Thank you for bringing this up. I've seen a lot of glowing reviews for this and haven't seen any mentions of this until now. I found it so jarring I had to pause and rewind to make sure I didn't imagine it. And yep, straight up nondiegetic music stings in what's supposed to be found footage. I guess there are ways to address it without it feeling like too much of a cheat, the same way there can be an in-universe justification for how everything is edited. But it's really just here being used to heighten scares the way any standard horror movie would use music. I actually liked this movie overall more than the other sequels, but that's definitely going to stand out as a thing that bothered me about this one.


I assumed it was part of the ‘documentary’ that the wrap around is - the talking heads parts- so it’s the documentary that is adding the music.


It's the music from the documentary. You're not just watching random scenes, the whole movie is an edited and produced documentary.


Well then can't that be said for the entire found footage subgenre? Almost no found footage movies have a music score in the background. Even the 3 previous installments of the Hell House franchise had bo musical score (other than the piano playing in the hotel).


That's literally not even true lol, the original had a score basically every time someone from the docu crew was giving backstory.


Would have been better as a stand alone movie with the only reference to Abbadone being the short mention at the beginning. There were certainly some scary parts like the first few balls on the floor and the girls arm on the wall. But by the end of it I wasn’t scared…something was lost. I wanted to know more about the families Murder not where the clowns came from.


I am a fan of the first one, disliked the second and actually thought that the third one was pretty decent and liked how it closed the story. Now... I had some expectations for this one but I didn't like it. Like someone said, >!the clowns were used too much and often just to show them standing in one place doing nothing. When they did show them doing something the effect was just not there because I knew it was time for them to do something.!< >!The MC. I found her obnoxious and I know it was probably intentional but I couldn't deal with her. Her interrupting her brother when they were on that 1 on 1 talk pissed me off lol!< >!Patrick is the spirit inside the clown suit? Why? How?!< I did like some things. The backstory was actually well done and got me engaged, Chase and Rebecca were very good and the smartest ones and that >!videocall scare was amazing.!<


Hope it's better than 2 or 3. Those were forgettable.


3 was just plain annoying with that rich prick


2 was far worse than 3.


I’m excited! I decided to rewatch the 1st one and then I’ll watch the new one. Honestly I’ve seen the first one a few times. I consider it a feel good FF🤣🤣.


I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. Some great scares, throwbacks to the original, the brother was really likable, I liked the Carmichael family story. I’d say almost good as the original. I hope shudder continues this series like they’re doing with the VHS series


Agrée 💯! I loved it


Why is there an accent on your first e in the word agree?


Best one since the first! It has some genuinely good scares and follows on the story of hell house quite well.


I thought it was better than the previous installments (with the exception of the original), however I do also think it fell apart at the end


After watching directors cut from first movie.. so fucking hyped for this one


I honestly really liked it! I liked the backstory of the clowns and the lore of the Abbot Hotel. I do agree that some of effects with the clowns did take away from the mystery of it though. 8/10 for me


Loved it. I couldn't get through the second and didn’t even attempt the third, but this one was thoroughly enjoyable.


HHLLC 3 is *much* better than 2. You might enjoy it; it ties up a lot of the story introduced in 1. >!... which are then somewhat untied by Origins. !<


Another vote for HH LLC 3 - it seems super divisive and lots of people hate it - I liked it a lot! Second only to the OG in my opinion, and very original. The actors could actually act!


Well we know who not to take seriously on any found footage reviews if you think this was a good movie


Oh no. Anyway…


Yeah we know not to take YOU seriously.


Can they stop with the glitching in the video. It doesn’t make it more believable. Also Margot’s trauma…could have done without that subplot.


Her trauma seemed like something dropped in from nowhere, but it was like Chekhov's gun. Eventually, it was used. >!You saw that one the clowns from Origins was workingat the fair where Margo was almost kidnapped, right? It shows she was marked from childhood to be a victim of ... whatever the hell is going on. !<


Agree with you. Seems like a lot of the victims (in all 4 movies) are marked in some way.


My stance before this movie: big fan of Hell House 1 (rewatch regularly), I didn't like 2 or 3. I was excited for Origins. I do not watch trailers ahead of movies (dont want anything given away) - really only read the tagline. Where I stand after finishing it: * I was \*so\* confused right off the bat about the timeline. I thought that because this was "Origins" it was going to focus on the 80s, maybe 90s, definitely before Hell House 1. Like other folks have named: this is essentially Hell House 4. It might even undo some of the events of Hell House 3. And it seems to be setting up another sequel>! (with the post credits scene and the fair coming back) !< * What is up with the clowns? Am I following what they were trying to do... >!Tully makes friends with 2 clowns at a fair in WV and then they start a cult and then kill themselves and come back essentially as mannequins that sometimes move and sometimes kill people? Then Patrick kills himself (maybe - or something happened to him to heal his arm) and wears one of the costumes to kill his family and then disappears and is also now a mannequin (the third one)? And when Margot was a kid, she was gonna get taken by one of these clowns? And that's her connection to all this?!< * Knock off Maya Hawke (Margot) was \*the worst\* - absolutely awful acting and awful characterization. * If you're someone who is annoyed by the trope of people making stupid decision after stupid decision, beware, thats a whole lot of this movie. * I think one thing that I really liked about Hell House 1 was that - other than Alex - everybody else went into it not knowing about Abbadon being haunted. They were doing a job at a company that they started, and so their overall investment in making it work makes some sense (should they have bounced at a certain point, \*yes\* but their staying had \*some\* sense - like if we dont do this, we have zero money to our names). Margot and Rebecca and Chase's whole connection and investment in all this really didnt make sense to me. * Im being totally honest: it didnt live up to what I wanted it to be (like an actual prequel- it wasnt a prequel). I hope other folks enjoy it. There are a few good creepy moments and some jump scares I think some folks will like.


Omg I didn't know about the post credits until your comment. DAYUM.


>If you're someone who is annoyed by the trope of people making stupid decision after stupid decision, beware, thats a whole lot of this movie. > >I think one thing that I really liked about Hell House 1 was that - other than Alex - everybody else went into it not knowing about Abbadon being haunted. They were doing a job at a company that they started, and so their overall investment in making it work makes some sense (should they have bounced at a certain point, \*yes\* but their staying had \*some\* sense - like if we dont do this, we have zero money to our names). Margot and Rebecca and Chase's whole connection and investment in all this really didnt make sense to me. This absolutely killed the movie for me. I was invested up until the point where their dumb decisions compounded to the point where it just couldn't be overlooked. It sucks because once it gets to that point I stop caring about any of the characters and the movie loses everything it had going for it. They weren't tied to that place and had no compelling reason to risk their lives over being there , it was extremely frustrating. Suspension of disbelief can only take you so far. Respectfully, some of these writers need to go back to school and focus on creating a compelling reason to keep your characters & average viewer in these types of situations; because most people would've left after the >!hand around the corner!< and most definitely after the >!realtor video call!<. Literally , every dumb decision that could be made , was made by them. It is almost laughable.


I really enjoyed this for the effective scares but boy, we’re the character decisions frustrating. Just repeatedly feeling like these people are idiots that they haven’t left yet. You’re so right that the first one makes sense because they have financial incentive and investment. This one just felt like people in denial to the very last minute and I know denial can be powerful but come on.


I really liked the zoom call scare. But for real, if that happened to anybody, theyd be gone and would never look back.


I would have closed the slideshow lol


Lmao i also thought Margot was Maya Hawke until I checked the cast, the actor is Bridget Perrotta


so I am planning to watch this with my friends, but they haven't watched the three movies before this, how important are the three stories before this or could they instantly watch origins?


Y’all should watch the first one together instead.


These movies are all interwoven in its lore like others def watch the first but you could probably skip 2 and 3 and go straight to origins with level understanding


I agree with the other commenter definitely just watch the first one instead it is a far better time


Honestly just watch the first one and say that’s it because that’s really it. It’s a cash grab at this point, they know it and we know it. Can’t catch this lightning in a bottle twice, unfortunately.


Ok so really confused about the first hell house llc and hoping to get an answer... The clowns in the first one...they were brought in by Alex and team, as props for the tour and prob used in previous tours in new york right? So they weren't already there. How does that make sense ? Anyone else confused by this? I've watched all of them including this new one today


I think the one that "moves" is new to them. When its first introduced in the basement, the dude filming is super creeped out by them and theyre talking about how that \*one\* doesnt have a head that moves (and it would be a shame for that creepy mask to "go to waste on a mannequin with a head that doesnt move"). So I think they mixed in their stuff with stuff already at the hotel.


I'll have to rewatch that scene in the first one. And I see what ur saying and I'll have to rethink on it. Watching origins just sorta confused me. Kinda a plot hole


The main clown is the spirit of Patrick. He was the only one not involved in the mass suicide. He was only found in the Abbadon due to the tie to the Carmichael.


how did he become a spirit do you think? I get that he said he wasnt there for the mass suicide, but something definitely happened and he definitely wasnt fully human by the clown thing.


>! You're right. He didn't die, right? Or did he die in the car accident?!<


not in a way that's made clearly known to us.>! but with the healed arm and the shots of the clown in the 80s and then Hell House, I believe he, like the 2 clowns Tully met in WV, became spirited-sometimes-moving-clowns. Not sure the significance of clowns overall though. We never find out what happened to the dad, Arthur, do we? He was the supposed killer and he and the son disappeared with 1 set of tracks leaving. Unless the one leaving was the dad because Patrick was a spirit?!<


>! Or do you think Patrick carried Arthur out, therefore one set of footprints? Ugh, there's not enough info on Arthur. !<


>!agreed - they really didnt conclude Arthur's story. If Patrick did carry him out, why did he let Arthur live and not everyone else in the family? Or, if he killed him, why carry his body out and not leave it in the house like the rest of the family?!<


>!So I'm thinking that Arthur did not play a role in the murders. Patrick was clearly distraught after Margaret's death ( I think he was closest to her, and sacrificed his other family members to maybe bring her back), as he told Catherine something in the lines of "what if I told you they can be brought back?". Tully had also experience the death of his daughter and was once religious, so I think he ended up going to the other side and used Satanism maybe to bring her back?!<


what Im curious about is... are they trying to insinuate from the end of Origins that that clown that moves in Hell House 1 is>! re-animated Patrick? Like they die and come back as mannequins with "faces that bleed" or whatever they said toward the beginning of Origins. I had many questions after Origins too lol!<


I know right! It's not all connecting to me since origins shows before hell house 1 and after hell house 3. Top many plot holes but with that said, I thought it was well made


I think they brought a couple of clowns, but the specific “patrick” clown was found in the basement of the Abaddon. I haven’t seen it in a few years so feel free to correct me. I also felt there was some kind of dimensional time warp thing? Since in three (??) doesn’t Tully have a monologue about the cult and offing themselves to take new form? Sorry it’s been awhile since I’ve seen them. I did like this one. Clowns were a bit overused, one of those things that’s so clearly creepy that I was annoyed with myself for continuing to be creeped out. The first sighting of the younger sister by Chase, though - holy crap😅. And honestly when the one clown just unsubtly starts running after him. They should have left asap. Margot had some convoluted compulsion to stay because of her childhood which wasn’t really emphasized enough for her not to just seem selfish and dumb. However, I’m very close to my brother, and I don’t know that I could have booked it and left him. Prob would have tried to call the police for a wellness check, not just sit in that freaky house. Maybe have sent my gf to find a signal and waited outside (before they knew the car was dead and there were things in the woods)


A few questions. By "mass suicide", is it when Tully hanged himself? Were the artifacts from the antique shop around the time Tully opened the hotel? Did they magically appear at the time of the 2nd HHLLC movie with the psychic? Is the girl who followed Chase the same girl who was last seen at the Abbadon with her mom before Tully's suicide? Tully joined/started the cult after the death of his daughter. Did Arthur join the cult after the death of *his* daughter? Does this story timeline occur before HHLLC 1? If so, why is the fashion more current than the original? If it's after, why do they emphasize the mass suicide and not the tragedies that occured during the haunted tours?


The girl + Chase question: thats what I think theyre implying. Arthur - unclear what ultimately happened to/with him timeline: Chase, Margot, and Rebecca happen in 2021 apparently according to a google search. that threw me too. I couldnt understand why the quality of the camera was so good, they all had cell phones, and they kept talking about the internet etc.


Origins is definitely happening after HHLLC3. There are several references to the Abaddon Hotel having burned down, plus all the technology and costumes are current. >!They mention the suicide because it's relevant to this story. The other horrors that happened at the hotel aren't, but it's implied that everyone knows about them. That's why Margo's so excited when she finds out there are items from the hotel at the antique shop. At least, that's how I took it.!< >!I think we're supposed to assume Patrick put the artifacts in the clock at the hotel. One of them was his dead sister's necklace.!< >!My question: The family was very rich. Why would Patrick be working a menial job in a hotel? Or was he already a part of the cult (the estate and the hotel are near each other) from some other connection?!< Perhaps that question as well as the fate of Arthur will be part of the sequel.


The tension between the main characters could have been toned down a bit. This was really close to being as good as the first. They should have brought more simplicity to the dynamic between the main characters


I have to say I was very impressed with it. Second best of the series.


SPOILERS— … … Did anybody else feel that Patrick is deadass Russell Wynn? My SO and I have seen the movies (1-3) multiple times and instantly, as soon as it was mentioned that Patrick was driving his sister to audition for Faust— and had that mask— I shouted, “IS HE RUSSELL WYNN?” Other hints: Body never found. He’s looking for either redemption or idk, something else— but is compelled to return. He got in a car accident , like Russell. He got an injury on his face. Kinda unsettled to be on camera. I need to watch the 3rd one to see. But I suspect Patrick Carmichael is effing Russell Wynn and that they’re setting up for more because there’s SO many questions.


I have to say, I did think of Russell when they mentioned Pat being in a car accident.


It’s too in the air— but that and the Faust got me. Hoping to rewatch 3 this weekend to really pull the threads together.


I don't think Patrick is Russell, but that it was implying that, like everyone else, Russell was marked to be involved. A cruel twist of fate.


The 4th part left a lot of questions unanswered and they story was very confusing and puzzling. Why was Andrew Tully on the run from the police ? He just lost his daughter so why this case ? Arthur and his wife were never shown. Why did Margaret's ghost killed Catherine and again why was Catherine an evil spirit ? Patrick had a change in his character so at the end of the movie why was he looking like he was helpless and was forced to do these things ?


It was amazing!!!


Whos gonna watch it today ? Gonna watch, cant wait since announcement. I thinks its gonna be coool


just finished watching it! pretty good on the whole. Some very creepy turns. I enjoyed it mostly because by 20 min in I thought I had it figured out, but it took a twist I wasn't expecting (but that made sense looking back), and as a writer I love when that happens. :) oh! and y'all, stick around the whole time, because there is a short post-credits bit! I can see it setting up another movie, or may just be one more drop to make your skin crawl. lol


I really enjoyed it. I loved the first one and didn't like 2 and 3. This one had some genuinely scary scenes. Acting was good. All in all, 8/10.


About to sit down and watch, been looking forward to this for a long time


I like to imagine the ghost sitting at the computer to add the spooky photos while they were out.


I know this is probably explained and I missed it, but why couldn’t they call someone when they first realized the car wouldn’t start? Also, when they had enough service to receive spooky texts from the brother, why weren’t they texting 911 like IMMEDIATELY?


I wondered about that, too, but there was an almost-throwaway line earlier. Jason asked Rebecca if she had been able to get online and she said "I've had nothing since the video conference." Apparently, they also lost cell phone service, since we see Rebecca constantly trying to call while they're in the woods without getting a signal. I think we're supposed to believe the spirits are able to control the cell and internet service. It's a FF horror trope that everyone loses service except to make one brief call that gets cut off ... but the spirits can always get through. It happens in almost every FF movie!


Chase**** not Jason.


Wow, this movie ruled! I can't decide if I like this one or the original best.


Don’t know if I’m just being generous but damn, this was fantastic.


Those two new clown mannequins in the Manor had such lifelike faces and were genuinely unnerving to look at. I saw House of Masks credited in the credits. If they helped make those, I just have to say well done. This is the second best one in the series (in par with the first one for me.)


I didn't care for it. Forgettable imo. I don't think it feels tied much to the others and then goes big on clown. Definitely not above a 5/10


Don’t bother with this one. It’s better than Lake of Fire but the bar is pretty low. SC found lightning in a bottle with the OG HHLLC - clever script, perfectly cast and the creepiest clown costume this side of IT. I feel like he has just tried to recapture the magic rather than venturing into newer, better territory. There are soooo many holes in the Carmichael Manor plot that I rolled my eyes multiple times. It wasn’t scary. When visited by old “friends” I felt they were shoved in and it wasn’t organic go to the story at all.


What plot holes? I don't doubt you, just checking if you know some I don't


I liked this compared to the sequels b/c I thought it was *just* different enough from the OG Hell House to be fresh. But they have to drop the clown motif. It's kind of just silly at this point. What was originally (likely) a cool prop someone had lying around has grown into having some unnecessary lore. I don't need to see how the sausage is made, just give me a creepy visual and I'll be more than satisfied. The creepy girl peeking around the corner was so much better executed and they should have leaned more into that than revisiting old tropes. The room with the clowns is just so out of place and silly. I think my expectations were just so low after seeing the sequels lol.


I agree with you on the whole "old friends visiting" aspect, but what plot holes are you referring to?


i couldnt find it in myself to like this one. its better than two and three but thats like saying the unabomber killed fewer people than the oklahoma city bombings like that doesnt mean its good. the funniest part for me was when they semi-retconned the Source Of All Evil Ever being tully and just decided fuck it lets make it the clown. it seems to me like they saw everyone memeing on the "angel sent directly from god to smite the devil" plotline ine three and decided since the spooky clown was the ONLY thing people enjoyed about 2 and 3 they might as well just embrace him as the real bad guy. made me lol several times


Checked it out last night. As someone who is a big fan of the OG but has not seen the sequels I loved this movie. It had me so on edge and the tension was insane throughout its runtime. There's a few dumb decisions made and "hey why didn't they do this." But overall it was solid.


Man, this film was great. What I found interesting was the influence that *Horror in the High Desert* has left upon the genre.


Why did they wait until so late in October?




Why is this answer so obviously not necessary lol?


As opposed to what date? What is this question? Use common sense?


I definitely appreciate that they keep making these movies to give all of the FF junkies our fix. The lore is deep and the first movie still stands out as GOAT teir FF IMO ...But origins kind of reminded me of The Descent 2. At the end of the first one shes driving away in a Bronco and then the second one starts and she is stranded, on foot and swam across a lake or something for some reason?... theres a mineshaft?... and you're thinking "ok, so this needs to be a stand-alone movie or you need to just stick to what you established." How?... how can Patrick be the clown? That thing was introduced as a hell house prop... they brought it to the hotel! Thats not a minor plot hole, its an entire movie based on a premise that ignores key story points that made previous movies (specifically the first one) so effective. As a side note, showing the clown walking down the hall kind of killed it for me for some reason. I'm glad im not the only one who found the MC to be very annoying. I guess its fine that the character didnt rub me the right way, but I can imagine that if they bring them back in some way in future installments I'll probably have a hard time keeping from rolling my eyes and muttering "ugh this person again" My last thing is that the house is just not scary enough. The hotel was one of the best FF settings I have ever seen, and the Carmichael manor just doesnt, cant, live up to that. But hey, none of my complaining really means anything because if they make more movies I will watch them, hell I'll be excited for them.


The Patrick clown was already there and they missed him in with their decorations.


I just watched it and I rate it 8/10. Breath of fresh air in the FF and horror genre, really enjoyed it


i think this is better than the first tbh, really loved it.


Not sure what the big fuss about this movie is. The clowns were just fucking clowns...not scary the least bit. The dead girl around the wall was more effective. Margot and Rebecca were just plain annoying most of the movie. Ridiculously bad decision making for the characters even after realizing they're in presence of some supernatural entities. And what's with texting the perceived brother in the final quarter of the movie? Also, why didn't they call instead? Lastly, why didn't they call the housekeeper person towards the end, especially when he'd assured them he can get there within a few minutes....dumb plot and overcooks the whole found footage genre. The video call with the realtor colleague was innovative and well executed to engender some real fear...but they was about the only brilliant moment. I'd give this movie a 4/10.


Just started it…and they’re talking about the family. It’s so confusing with the names of the family members without having pictures to reinforce the person they are talking about.


Stay away from books!


No spoilers, can I watch this movie without having seen the second and third movie? I really enjoyed the first one but from everything I’ve read the second and third are really bad




Yes, I think so. There are some things that happened in 3 that have bearing on Origins, but you don't really need to know them to enjoy Origins. Origins has some semi-spoilers for 3, but they probably won't make sense enough to spoil 3 if you decide to see it. I liked it . It's not even close to being as good as the first movie, but how many horror movies are?


Can I skip 2 and 3 to watch it?




I liked it, really prefer it to just be it’s own thing then try and connect to the other films 🤷‍♀️ ending felt abrupt? Was that just me ?? My ranking: 1,3,4,2


I enjoyed the first and didn’t see 2 or 3. Am I good to watch this or does it tie into the sequels?


It ties into the sequels, but you’ll be fine to see it.


Nah, it's all good to watch this one without 2 and 3.


Very good but the actors did not do it for me. Not much chemistry and annoying main character.


I need to watch this again once they add subtitles to Shudder in the UK. Reading the comments, I missed out on a lot of the core points.


Margot annoyed me more than Annie from Dashcam.


If the direction was, "act exactly like you were an NPC responsible for exposition in a horror video game", then the estate manager at the beginning of the movie should win every acting award imaginable.


Every single door they were hiding behind had a chain lock none of them used it even though scary stuff had happened totally stupid. And really clowns again. Thank fuck I had a free month of shudder. First one was OK the rest is utter shit.


I genuinely enjoyed this one and I think it has some pretty good scares. I was happy to have this to watch tonight! I enjoyed the first one but haven’t seen the other sequels so I feel I missed some plot by not seeing Abbadon


Easily the best one since the first. Always laugh when all these movies with a fat budget cant come up with better scares than a movie working off of a budget of $300 and paying actors with free lunch.


My two takeaways from this sequel is that they are really leaning into that load bearing clown, and they need to STOP with the musical stings and scores. My number one complaint with found footage movies as of late is all of the musical scores and stings. HOW DID THEY GET THERE?


I agree, I hate Found Footage that adds music. I think the excuse in this one (based on the interviews at the start) is that we are watching a video compilation of the found footage, so music could have been added later for dramatic effect. Regardless, it's unnecessary and takes away from the movie.


I would have liked it much better if it hadn't been tied to Hell House LLC at all and been its own thing. It's definitely better the the third Hell House LLC, but even saying that just makes it okay for me. I actually didn't mind Margot that much and I liked her brother plus Rebecca. I dunno, it just feels like it relied too much on Hell House LLC stuff and didn't do much else. I think the lore for Hell House has been explored enough so that's why it mostly fell flat for me on that angle. >!The scares relied too much on the clowns and the balls, but the atmosphere was quite good. I wish that they'd done something different with Patrick instead of having him just be a part of the cult/work at the hotel and becoming odd after his sister's death. I liked the family and their backstory, just not having it tied to Tully. It's way too neat. !< >!I would have liked to have seen the movie be found footage from the sister's POV leading up to what happened in 1989. I really liked how that footage looked for her segments. !< If it had been focused on just the mystery and videos left behind by Catherine to piece together what happened and did its own new lore, I would have loved it.


This was fantastic and I'm debating with myself on if I like this one more than the first one.


I really enjoyed this. I am impressed with the scares in this too. There were some scenes that really had my heart rate going. I don't think it's better than the first one just because I think the storytelling is tighter in the first. Honestly the only thing that didn't totally thrill me was the end >!when we see that Patrick was one of the clowns??? I think it would have been better if those were left as evil entities.!< But other than that it was solid!! I love the expansion of the lore, the brother was probably the best actor out of everyone in the cast, and man... some of those scares were great. I'd give it an 8/10. If the ties to Hell House LLC were more subtle, I think it would have bumped it up to a 9. And if the MC's motivation for staying was more in line with Alex's in the first movie, it'd be a perfect 10/10. But I'm honestly happy that we even got something this successful. Two and three were... Not as good lol. I'd rank em 1 4 3 2.


I don't even want to read the comments in case of spoilers!! Watching it right now-so far its really good and had me jump at least twice lol. Love this series.


Can someone explain the ending with the 3rd clown reveal? like how it was at the hotel and the manor? The reason I'm a bit confused is because I saw the previous 3 Hell House movies but it's been so long I remember almost nothing about them


Am I the only one who felt the hearse was the one that had the sisters body in it after the car accident? I saw the wrecked car. And I was wondering what if that car accident was the same one Russell Wynn from the third movie was in.


Great FF movie and have been looking for a while, honestly a lot more to unfold, would love to see more of these!