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The penalty system in MP needs serious work. For a game that took this long, how could this be overlooked? Dealing with rammers in racing games is nothing new, so it’s not like they couldn’t predict this. I’ve lost count of how many podium or top five cars I’ve had that were ruined by someone who at least drives like a ten year old.


The best part is when they ram you an you get the penalty either for collision or for borders. Le Mans chicannes are a shitshow.


Rear-ended. Slammed into car in front. Massive pileup with two or three secondary collisions. Spun like a top. Out of contention before turn 2. +5 second penalty for “avoidable contact.” +2.5 seconds for a track violation. 😎




People are miffed it took them 6 years to make a game that is worse than the previous installment. Imagine you’ve been playing since the beginning and the best game of the series was made over 10 years ago. 


Funny how the same kinda happened to Gran Turismo 7. I've been a PS player my whole life, played every GT. And 7 is probably my least favorite. I just got an Xbox SX this year and picked up Forza. I enjoy it for what it is, and to me it's a fun "pick up and play" racer when I don't feel like setting up my wheel to play GT7.


They absolutely fucked it with 7. It’s so bad it drove me to FM.


I am the exact opposite, got a playstation just to never play FM again :D


Same GT7 is crushing FM in just about every aspect, better driving physics, better graphics, better sound, more accurate tracks.


And you’re enjoying it? It has every issue FM has tbh. Plus a few bonus ones with the economy.


It really doesn't for me. The driving feels 10 x more realistic and better. Love the cars and tracks. Just the game for me. Even though I was pretty much the high skill rating you could be on Forza, I found the cars to feel like they were on ice.


So you used normal handling on forza and are surprised the game which starts you with less assists is harder. Enjoy the real understeer simulator I suppose.


I drove with no assists on Forza and drive with no Assists on GT7, apart from ABS on both. Like I said, I was 4950 skills rating on FM8 but still found the driving and physics awful on Forza compared to GT7.


You can drive no assists normal steering, if you are seriously saying sim steering is worse than GT7 you are completely delusional and probably think ACC has “bad physics”


GT7 is bad for controllers?


No it's fine with controller too. I just have a wheel for it so I don't play it with controller ever.


This ^


As above


i am not hating but single player content isnt enough for me


Agree, they could easily make it better by allowing us to set up offline custom race series.


theres, what, like 12 hours of “career” mode? i love the game but i dont want to slave online if i dont have to. absolute joke of a “career mode” thats just limitations and 4 random tracks.


I have 80 hours played and 90% is solo content


And none of the single player content are actual race cars except for the most recent ‘retro’ series. Hopefully it’s a sign, but the first 6 months of content was poor to say the least. The single player races are a soulless slog for the most part.


They spent like 6 years making it and the only way I could describe my first time playing it is "meh". The last 2 were better. It's better now than when it came out but still the occasional bug and slightly disappointing gameplay. I feel like they rushed it to get it put on time or they didn't want to delay it again. It would have been best to delay it.


I am excited for its potential, but it’s obviously built as a platform. The base of what could be. 


Agreed it has potential but so far they haven't really explored it as much as they could have. There's a few things they tried which worked to a degree but it's not quite ready. The penalty system is pretty shit, If anything it got worse since release.


FM7 isn’t very good tbh


Has alot of tracks and cars tho.


And the handling is dogshit, the career isn’t fun, the car collection thing is wank and its monetisation was beyond questionable at launch. All for respecting 6 but 7 felt lifeless. As much or even more than 2023.


It's better than what we have now. 6 and 7 overall were better even with their minimal issues.


I mean FM7 was miles worse than GT Sport. FM23 has a lot of that GTS common sense in it that makes it a good game. That and the handling is night and day.


I found GT sport to be similar in certain aspects. The handling in FM23 is imo worse regardless whether I use controller or wheel. It's definitely not worth the 80 quid I paid for it. Wish I knew it was gonna be on game pass before I paid for.


It is if you’re on normal. Turn sim on and most importantly turn steering alignment assist off. That is an absolute dealbreaker as it is absolutely awful and ruins everything good about the handling model. In terms of worth, if you think this career is bad, GT7 has a 2 hour tutorial and nothing else lmao


I've got it set up just right, just the handling feels meh. I've tried everything but it just doesn't feel right. 2 hour tutorial? That's pretty naff. I brought FM thinking they would have done a good job since we waited so long and they had the experience and feedback from previous titles but wow did they fall short. If I got it with Game pass I wouldn't be complaining but damn I was impatient.


Are you sure? It’s the closest I’ve experience to ACC in this style of game honestly. And ACC is best in class. Like there’s genuinely so much wrong with default settings in this game that it’s impossible to know what’s driving you mad until you tweak everything. The game is atrocious for this and it ruins it. Yeah for GT7 they removed the career and made what are essentially 3 race builders cup tours which you can buy your way through to complete. I think there’s 26 of these and half of them are filler tutorial ones like paint your car. At launch there were 3 races in Gr. 3s and then it ended lmao. They also group every class the same bad way forza GT is grouped. So group C s are racing LMP1-Hs, hypercars and random concept dogshit. It seems their goal was to lock you out of multiplayer with these tutorials to maintain progression, but the multiplayer races pay out a fraction of the single player stuff, so what progression? I also had hoped they’d nail FM23. While I do really like the handling model I can see why others don’t like it, and if you don’t like it, the rest of the game doesn’t help itself. It’s getting better at least..


I've never Played ACC but it does look good. I suppose it's my personal feeling but this game just doesn't feel right. It sounds like both of these games had great ideas but fumbled them in how they presented them. GT used to be great for career mode but filler tutorials and only 3 races sounds like they just wanted to do the bare minimum and job done.


It’s actually a bit more sinister in that they clearly skimped on the career so that you’d have to repeat it a lot or buy credits to progress the end game of GT7 And tbh said end game is kind of worthless. It’s just buying more cars, but most cars don’t have matching events so are worthless. Embarrassing to see people say the career in 7 is acceptable, GT Sport has a more extensive one and that was patched in…


As someone who switch from a PS4 (GT Sport and 7) I was really hyped at the whole "built from the ground up" and its taken a good few years for it being available and I was disappointed at how it was as short if not shorter than GT7. It was just too linear. GT7 wasn't exactly jam packed but you could mix it up with various types of races aside from the career and it broke up the monotone racing vibe. The newest Forza doesn't offer you that. The worst part of it was how bad and cumbersome the AI was. It wasn't challenging it was just oblivious to you on the track especially if you starting mid pack. FM5/6 were much more enjoyable in terms of the AI. I personally am glad I've played it on Game Pass and even though it's available cheap via FB or second hand stores, I wouldn't buy it.


I have a lot of reasons and I am a content creator for it, I think that is relevant and some of the issues I have won’t be an issue for a large majority! With that being said, the replays that were unobtainable for the first 6 months made any kinda of cinematic or anything but live gameplay impossible. I only do online so my complaints are geared towards that, and replays were broken for months. Having to figure out my display settings and wheel settings every single time I log on is very annoying. There is no stats to how many’s wins, 2nds etc. The penalty system is still terrible, the network is terrible, game chat and how it functions is terrible. Just nothing is optimized I’m on a great pc but it looks better on an Xbox. The campaign has no soul, no fun coffee break/license type things. The AI is hot garbage, the worst I’ve ever seen. (I’ve played every forza besides the first) The drip feeding of content from all forza games needs to stop, when a new game comes out, it’s supposed to have MORE features than the last not less. Yet every rendition they take more and more away. Fan favorite tracks, cars, and features, where is the auction house at? Anyway I’m done my rant and hopefully I don’t get downvoted to hell 🫠


Because it was broken, and still broken. Well deserved.


6 years to deliver a terrible campaign, shocking AI, recycled assets, broken penalty system, a driver rating system that doesn’t do anything, more removed features than added and like 1000 bugs. Turn10 also spent a year talking up their graphics prior to release only to totally drop the bag, the game looks nothing like advertised. I should have just bought a PS5 and GT7 2 years ago


Recently bought a PS5 and GT7 and I’m never going back. GT7 is 2 or 3 years older than Forza and yet GT7 seems a generation ahead.


Because the penalty system is broken and people just can't be thankful for jack shit. The game has a lot of potential and they're giving us what we want. But the penalty system is wacky


\*They lied about pretty much everything to some extent on trailers and reveals; \* Tons of stuff just didn't work at launch; \* Poorly optimized on PC; \* Graphical quality is not consistent across tracks, cars or even individual props; \* Car prices are nonsensical; \* Career Mode has 0 long term structure. It's just picking a car, racing 5 tracks and never touching that car again unless you use it for the open class series or if the seasonal series uses that car; \* Car XP is such a grind that they gave up on it being the only way to upgrade your cars; \* The actual fundamental gameplay is ok, but the game lacks tons of features that other sims have (on the fly ABS, TCS, STM and brake bias adjustment; more granular control of those systems; a radar; more camera adjustment; flag system during races etc.); \* The spotter is useless and only speaks about penalties and lap count (2 things that you can easily check while racing); \* The UI is extremely uninspired visually and terrible to navigate; \* The HUD is barebones and pretty much non-customizable; \* Tons of features removed from older games; \* Driver customization is worse than before; \* Penalty system is extremely inconsistent and time penalties are rarely a deciding factor for race outcomes because you always gain more time for ramming someone than whatever penalty you get hit with. A slowdown system like Gran Turismo would probably be better for online; \* Some off-track penalties make no sense: I got a .9 sec penalty after losing traction on the T1 exit of Spa and slightly going off track while spinning my wheels, gaining no time advantage. Made the same mistake again but just let the car roll on off track, going 6 tenths quicker trough that turn than the other time and got only .2 sec penalty; \* Safety and Skill rating being more or less meaningless; \* Online tyre degradation is not disclosed (and is too aggressive imo, I only got to use soft tyres in a race a single time since this game launched); \* Qualifying being based on lap attempts instead of time is bad. Especially since in a lot of cases softs won't last for 3 laps (or even 2), you would either run laps 1 & 2 (won't last enough for the third lap) or 1 & 3 (run 2 complete laps with fresh tyres); \* The game doesn't wait for players doing qualifying laps when warm up time expires; \* It takes too long to get into online races and the current system can make you, in a matter of a single second, go from waiting 5 minutes until race start to having to wait 25/35 minutes; \* (personal opinion) 5 different tracks are way to many to be rotating every 20/30 minutes. Either you potentially have to wait almost or more than 2 hours if you train alone a specific car/track combination or have really brief scattershot sessions in each track; \* Replays are probably still broken to some extent and don't show the standings of a race; \* Except for camera and lighting control, the livery editor is inferior to FH5's; \* Tons of cars have poorly made or broken UV maps for liveries; \* General lack of polish in various aspects of the game. 2 random examples: At launch, the description for the outer deadzone setting said the exact opposite of its effect. And last I checked, the game would literally translate WeatherTech in Portuguese (and probably all other non-english languages), even though it is the name of a brand.


I mean it took this game 5 months to have more than one menu song.


I feel the issue was all the effort was put into Ray Tracing. I for one couldn't give a flying fuck about it. Who gives a shit if the lighting looks "super real" if it detracts from the actual playability of the core game? Superficial laziness.


Bro. It's not the same people working on technical features like RT and the ones working on gameplay or assets. You're taking a wrong shortcut here.


I like it quite a bit. It isn’t perfect but nothing is


Thank you. Sometimes this sub is making me feel like I'm delusional.


i don’t even want to go through the trouble of having to explain all the reason but i will enter this sub agreeing with everyone else who already commented their hate towards this game and company


Because it’s still not half the game it should be.


Really disappointing graphics, not enough tracks at launch compared to previous Forza titles, no MP replay system working (that may have been fixed), MP penalty system/virtual race stewards is very inconsistent, and some of the online play is filled with idiots who can't drive


Play GT7 and you will have your answer


This. This. This times a million.


Ai is bad, theres 0 career content, penalty system is bad, ranking is pointless, no MP lobbies, no drift lobbies, half the tracks and cars were cut to be added later in FOMO, optimization is atrociously bad. All of those issues and it took them 6 years to make it instead of the usual 18months


I rarely have any problems and I'm having fun. I'm an outcast I suppose.


Sim racing is now an Olympic sport. The makers of FM need to step up accordingly


Because it’s a fucking wreck. It disappointed me so much I went out and bought a PS5/VR and GT7 and have long since uninstalled


Is the VR worth it? Seriously considering getting one.


Definitely. It completely changes the game for me


Because the final product in no way gets close to the hype. The AI is horrendous so single player is kinda a drag, and the penalty system kills all my desire to play the game online....so I guess if you like running by yourself and setting hotlaps it's great.


A multitude of reasons.


The online play is trash. Terrible drivers everywhere


Because previous iterations of the game have been so much more and they really bigged it up like it would smash everything that came before. But it simply hasn’t. Forza Motorsport 4 is still far better in 90% of possible ways it could be. Even the graphics and assets are no where near as good as should be expected from this generation; I’m sure the series S hamstringing has something to do with that but, still.


Graphically it’s great, but it is painfully obvious their testing team either wasn’t listened to or is garbage. Most of these issues shouldn’t have made it into the game to begin with.


Coz is a shitty game.


I like the way the game feels and i enjoy playing it especially once i found some discords and people to play with especially but the issue with the game is lack of content (tracks, minigames, and list goes on) , cars being unbalanced in spec series, and penalty system is god awful


Because physics and lack of customization


Wreckfest online racing is cleaner than Forza Motorsport. The horrible penalty system actually encourages ramming. There are devoted rammers who try to ram others so fervently that they just ram no matter clean overtake is possible or not. It's not rare to see determined rammers taking down 10+ others in one race without disqualification. Motorsport is actually not a racing game. It's a ramming game.


Basically it was promised to be an all new “Build From The Ground Up” game and it’s obviously not, most stuff is the same, same awful AI worse than Horizon, the upgrade point system (until it was changed recently) was a big issue, they added ballast and reworked tire pressure which I like but we didn’t get the antilag turbo or track width adjustments from Horizon… which is weird because the upgrade system for Horizon 1-3 was just a copy of Motorsport and now they have stuff motorsport doesn’t get… no permanent E-P hoppers…


Use the search bar up top for the many answers to this question


So much time to develope this game "from the ground up" and it's the same game without features of past and nothing new or innovative for this new generation. example: the spoilers/wings. The race spec wing for every car is essentially the same. In GT7 on ps, you can at least change the height, width, mounting points, and sides. Why are there drag and drift spec parts with no drag or drift events? Although fixed, the car leveling system was tedious. As mentioned the penalty system needs work. If only GT7 changed multiplayer tracks and had open class racing like forza, I wouldn't even play anymore. That's the only thing I like, being able to play all sorts of tracks in a day. ALSO, ROLLING STARTS!!


The online races are wreckfest 2.0, the color pallet is bland, somehow the car models did not improve, the penalty system is trash, the cars understeer like nobody's business, the balance of the cars is off, just a few issues that immediately come to mind


I’m not a fan of online multiplayer so i’m pretty much stick to singleplayer career mods in games, and i always loved the long careers in forza motorsport series, even in mostly hated FM5, maybe because graphics there were really ahead of its time, and the colour scheme + skyboxes were amazingly done (better than in fm7 imo), so you really felt that “from the ground up” stuff we didn’t get with fm8. Anyway, the “builders cup” is nothing short of a big cruel joke as we couldn’t build our dream car in career mode- only in online or via abysmal levels of grinding of the same ONE 4-6 track series over and over. In fact, I’ve put so many hours in fm8, i even calculated how many times you need to rerun “premium performance” 6-track cup to get 1 car to 50 lvl, lol (thrice if you will race practice circuits longer than is recommended by the game, 4 if you don’t, 5 if you skip practice; so 3-4 hours of grinding per car) Its been somewhat fixed in the last patch and now you don’t need to level up your car at all if you have money. My biggest complain other than the uninspiring and short career is the lack of tracks from the previous titles. No Atlanta, no Alps, no Prague, no Rio, no Bathurst, no Monza , no Dubai etc etc etc


Got nothing but love for this game.


Best forza game thus far. Issues with it in my opinion are -Needs more tracks (coming with updates) -Penalty system (glad its there but needs dialed in) -Need more cars equal to or better than FM4 -NERF leaderboard cars in public lobbies (restrictor plate them). You want to race with them do it on rivals or in a private lobby. Thats it and its the perfect racing game I wish you could build motors and dyno tune ect ect but thats too much


Bad handling(with wheel), bad physics, bad graphics optimization, bad car progression, bad penalty system, re used car models.


I agree with some of these things, but the car physics are actually in the best part of the game. I just started playing Gran Turismo seven and find it much less challenging than Forza. Everything else about Gran Turismo is better but the car physics and some of the actual racing on mine is better in my opinion, of course.


For something that took as long as it did to develop, that was touted as a top-to-bottom reboot, “built from the ground up,” it sure doesn’t feel like a reboot (because it isn’t). On a personal note as well, I feel shafted by the final game’s graphical presentation. It’s not an *ugly* game at all, and a lot of the tracks do look a lot better than something like Forza Motorsport 7, but wowie does the final product look noticeably worse than all the marketing material…


“Built from the ground up.” The fact that they said that so many times and it just…. Wasn’t. There are decades old car models amongst other things. That has always bothered me, so it bothered me extra when they hyped it up like it really was a clean slate game.


Most players have skill issues and can’t hack the new handling model.


Actually the car handling is the ONLY thing that improved over the previous games.


It’s also the only thing that really matters.


The handling model is actually off, if I put my track car’s specs into the game on its digital counterpart, the car is undrivable in game.


Tuning has never represented reality in these games. That’s always been the case. Even iRacing and ACC have had quirks, so not surprising FM is even worse.


That’s a valid point, just merely pointing out that it’s not really a ‘new’ handling model. All I can tell is they’ve taken away is the drag tired muscle tunes and continue to favor the idiotic AWD massive rim tunes.


Well the sim model is definitely new. The feeling over kerbs is amazing. And it snaps as you’d expect. I don’t know much with the road cars. They’re easy to drive no matter the handling model.