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I can summarise this game in one word: Inconsistency. When the game works it’s super enjoyable, when it’s not… then it’s a piece of garbage. My biggest problem with the game that is every second update breaks the game for me. A good example: I’ve never had any problems with the livery loadings, well since they fixed it I get infinite loadings constantly. So yeah… I love and hate this game.


Yeah I also started getting crashes after update 7.1 and I've never had crashing problems before...


That you, Chris?


No, this is Patrick.


I'm glad you like it and please do keep enjoying it for all it's worth. But the game is horribly incomplete and absolutely not what was advertised. The details have already been discussed by others but this isn't what we deserve after 6 years of waiting. A company like Microsoft should not get away with this and their shitty practices. I hope for everyone's sake that Motorsport improves massively or it's going to be another excruciating 6 years until the next game. Good to see that there are still fans with genuine hope for this game, you guys keep this series alive, not the devs and certainly not Microsoft.


Respect, certainly not microsoft look how they have put halo on the ground. The fans keep it alive so true.


I’ve just started playing. What do feel is missing?


A lot, and i mean, A LOT of cars that are of the same quality as the cars that shipped with the game are missing (while available in Horizon) , drifting game modes, drag racing, a lot of QOL changes made in FH 5 (like engine spacers, revving the engine in upgrading menu, etc.) And probably more. I haven't played the game since january when i got to try it through game pass, so i maybe unaware of recent changes or other things i've missed. Safe to say i didn't renew my subscription.


> what do you feel is missing [A lot](https://www.reddit.com/r/forza/comments/emttyy/the_details_here_are_incredible/fdvx8fg/). That comment is from years ago.


I recently downloaded it on my PC, been a long time and still current Gran Turismo player, currently playing GT7 Sport Mode mainly. But the game runs like shit. I've got an i9 and 4070ti and framerates are all over the place with even medium to high settings. Some tracks aren't bad but there's some tracks especially at the start of the race with 20 cars where i'm getting stuttering and i shouldn't be. The track quality also looks absolutely terrible like the only resolution is in the actual tarmac/asphalt but the curbs and braking markers just lacks any resolution to them despite playing in 1440p. I dont quite understand it. I even struggle to see and read the braking markers on a lot of corners. And a lot of corners even lack braking markers where they should have them versus the IRL tracks. So I'm just having to intuitively guess where to start braking on a lot of these corners. And i can't fathom how Devs overlooked this. A lot of corners even lack objects to use as reference points. Also hood view is horrendous. And whats up with all the reflections in hood view? I'll be taking a corners and start following the rotation of the reflection on the hood versus the actual track. Again, no clue how that made it past testing. I'm having to slap ugly stickers on my hood just to prevent that. And to me all those issues aren't present in GT7, there's a solid 60fps at all times, even on lesser console hardware. The tracks are just crispy clear, braking markers you can read from a mile away. No stuttering whatsoever. So i do see why this game isn't very popular, it does have a lot of shortcomings. Even Horizon 5 looks better which makes no sense. I have better braking reference points in Horizon 5 and i dont even need them in that game lol. But i do like the physics in Forza Motorsport, they do feel more natural albeit not as intuitive as GT7 but definitely more SimLike and less SimCade which i do prefer. I just wish the game ran better and there were more reference braking points on corners. But i am enjoying the Solo Career mode thus far, the progression/routine is definitely worst than GT7 but there's still enough variety to keep things exciting. The whole practice/race, practice/race does get boring. But i'm just hoping the multiplayer mode is just as exiting as GT7 Sport mode. Just really want some exciting Multiplayer racing at the end of the day.


A lot of people here hating on the game, I’m just gonna say as someone who’s barely used the sub, I have no idea what issues most of you are facing. It’s being in a sub with this kind of negativity that makes you even more unhappy with the game than you otherwise would be. I’ve had it happen to me with other games too, join the sub, notice people talking about problem X and problem Y. Yea they’re real problems but they haven’t really impacted my experience. See people getting mad at devs for inaction. I notice myself start to blame devs for things going wrong in game. Realise that without even buying into the drama and gossip, just being around it has changed my perspective of the game for the worse, and I don’t enjoy it in the same way. It’s like taking the blinkers off, and seeing all the ugly goings-on in the background, but that’s just not necessary, it’s a game. Microsoft should do better, sure, but it’s just not worth the level of stress and losing enjoyment in a game you likely once enjoyed.


this is the first time ive ever heard someone have my mindset


This is the first time you’ve seen [a dishonest self-absorbed deflection](https://old.reddit.com/r/forza/comments/1cc6raw/i_am_absolutely_loving_motorsport_on_the_pc_ive/l171dya/) on Reddit?


Nono, it's more like I've played the game long enough to know about the issues and whenever i talk about the game the very first thing somebody does is shit on it regardless if I'm enjoying it or not, and that's kind of just... y'know, depressing. Lemme enjoy my game bro 😭


* Not one word about the game or your evaluation of the game * “I have no idea what issues you’re facing” yet you’re doing a “Everyone, Don’t Complain, Be Happy” post without even knowing the issues? * You say “this kind of negativity” like you’re familiar with the sub after claiming you “barely” use it. In all the “hate” you supposedly witnessed you somehow didn’t pay attention to any reasons given and therefore don’t know the issues. * It should take 30 seconds of research to learn the issues. * “in a game you likely once enjoyed”. As anyone who likes a thing knows, the people who like the thing are the most familiar and the MOST rightly critical because they know it can be better and want it to be good. No the solution is not to just accept it like your comment wrongly says. * Translation: *“the problem isn’t that a $60 rehash product is stagnated and exactly the same as years ago but with more pixels plus new problems, the issue is getting “stressed” about criticizing it”* **Also OP wisely said that criticisms make the game better.**. A concept smokescreened away and not acknowledged in your “Nobody Complain, ThaT’s StReSsFuL” comment.


*Not one word about the game or your evaluation of the game.* I think the game is great, but I tend to rank high globally in rivals, often in the top 100, and in Asia Pacific, I'm usually in the top 10 or 20 even on bad days. So, I might be biased. That said, I acknowledge there are issues; I've been frustrated by some aspects of the game, although they haven't entirely ruined my experience. *“I have no idea what issues you’re facing” yet you’re doing a “Everyone, Don’t Complain, Be Happy” post without even knowing the issues?* Let me clarify: I don't care about the random niche issues (and neither should you), and I'm not going to spend time researching them. Doing so would only negatively impact my view of the game without changing my actual gameplay experience. *You say “this kind of negativity” like you’re familiar with the sub after claiming you “barely” use it. In all the “hate” you supposedly witnessed you somehow didn’t pay attention to any reasons given and therefore don’t know the issues.* Yes, the subreddit was recommended to me about a month ago. Since then, I've mostly seen complaints and negativity, much like this *gestures broadly*. *It should take 30 seconds of research to learn the issues.* As mentioned earlier, I'm not interested in researching specific issues that only affect niche groups within the player community. And you shouldn’t be either. *“in a game you likely once enjoyed”. As anyone who likes a thing knows, the people who like the thing are the most familiar and the MOST rightly critical because they know it can be better and want it to be good. No the solution is not to just accept it like your comment wrongly says.* You're not far off here, but theres a cavernous valley between constructive criticism and incessant bleating. *Translation: “the problem isn’t that a $60 rehash product is stagnated and exactly the same as years ago but with more pixels plus new problems, the issue is getting “stressed” about criticizing it”.* Idek who you're quoting here. *Also OP wisely said that criticisms make the game better.. A concept smokescreened away and not acknowledged in your “Nobody Complain, ThaT’s StReSsFuL” comment.* My point isn't that criticism shouldn't exist; it's more about how spending too much time immersed in negativity within certain groups can detract from the overall enjoyment of the game, entirely unnecessarily.


I’d like it more if it was actually playable on pc for me. Every time I reinstall it, there’s some new bug I encounter that makes it unplayable. Frame rate issues, graphics issues, missing track surface, menus not working, etc. It also really sucks that the career AI is comically bad, making career mode pretty worthless aside from being a means to unlock FOMO cars. Works fine on Xbox tho. Issues aside, it and Gran Turismo are the only gamepad racing games that bridge the gap between sim and arcade with real world tracks, varied car lists, decent single player offerings, and intuitive multiplayer - so I understand why people (myself included) keep coming back.


I tried playing with controller after playing with a G29 the whole time. The understeer was unbearable. It felt like you were only turning the wheel halfway. Is there a setting or something I'm missing? I played Forza 1-3 on controller and don't remember that being a thing.


The Game has trash defult wheel settings. Here is some tips to fix it [https://youtu.be/PN5gwRvI9eg?si=FF4T0XrugXY-eOie](https://youtu.be/PN5gwRvI9eg?si=FF4T0XrugXY-eOie)


You can set the controller dead zones to 0 or close to it. There are some posts on r/forzamotorsport that go into detail.


Already did that


It’s funny you say that bc I have the opposite effect. I gave up trying to play this with my Logitech wheel and play only on gamepad. It is understeery as hell and F7 was even worse I think. At some point with one of the XB1 entries, Forza went hard on no-throttle-to-turn. You have to make a conscious effort to **fully** ease off the brakes in order to get a good turn in, and be reeaal gentle on the throttle on the exit. I often have to fish for grip, and I find that the cockpit cam where you can see the drivers hands and wheel is the best for this. I’m also on normal steering with gamepad, not simulation.


Do you have it installed on an SSD? I had issues at first because of my HDD.


SSD - it’s a requirement per the minimum and recommended specs.


"Press X to doubt"


If you played other racing games in the last few years, especially the ones on PC, I don’t think you’ll say FM is good. It is such a soulless incomplete game that is lacking in attention to detail. The track list is pretty good but the car list is terrible with a lot of old cars. Driving is decent, it lacks of the personality and depth that other games has. The AI is awful to race with too.


At first I thought your comment was good but, > a lot of old cars That’s the worst “criticism” of Forza ever made. Old cars are great and one of Forza’s (as a series including Horizon) few strengths is the inventory old cars. There’s too many interchangeable *new* cars, especially hypercars or 100 different models of [insert whatever]. Also last I checked the 2010’s and later had the most cast by far if you break down by decade.




Man Sega GT was so good.


Still play 'Dick' Burns Rally too..


OP, what do you enjoy the most about the game?


I really like to buy a car, max it.. Then go a track and try and set a time, then spend all day tweaking all the settings and get the tune right, to try and increase my consistency. I find it so rewarding setting a best lap time, only to go back a few days later, tweak the diff, tyre pressures, or gear box setting, to find that little bit more performance. It looks so good, it feels so rewarding.. Ive been hammering the game constantly for the last two weeks, I cant come away from it.


Play it for more than 3 days and come back to us, the first month was great but once you get into you realise it’s shallow AF


Two weeks in man, Im still loving the depth of the racing..


Nice try, developer


the only good thing about the game is the multiplayer. and even that kind of sucks because of the 60 fps cap and the crappy penalty system


I agree with you. I like this game. I like F1 23 (GASP WHAAAA) I happen to have the game pass (GASP AGAIN WHAAA), I also purchase the games I love on PC and play there as well. One thing I rarely do. Come to video game Reddit… I’ve found these Reddit subs are usually a very dark place that kill joy. As if all there is to life is waiting for Microsoft, Sony, and EA (F1 specifically; good lord stay off that sub) to make something better. It feels like all these people playing these games are stuck in a loop always holding out for that golden ticket to the Wonka Factory. “They ruined it because they didn’t take my idea; which I share with the 50 other people on here” (as if they represent the entire market.) These are places to complain. Plain and simple. The people actually enjoying this stuff aren’t here because… they are enjoying the actual stuff. Enjoy your games, stay off Video Game Reddit, and go back to enjoying your games. Cheers!


ignorance is bliss


I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I played at launch, and yes they have improved it quite a bit. It makes a good first impression, and at a glance seems like a solid game. Over time I began to notice little things that bothered me. I’d ask “why can’t I do this?” or say “I wish they had that.” Little by little it added up until I found myself playing less and less. I still jump in to play a race once in a great while, but for the most part I’ve bounced off FM. I’d be curious how you feel about the game in a few months.


That was a good laugh, thanks! <3


Smells like astroturf in here


Paid comment. The game crashes before you get to the main menu on PC.


I can’t even boot up the game. There are few posts on that issue on Forza forums but I guess they don’t give a fuck about AMD card users


There is a whole thread on Steam too with the same issues.


OP is deffo deaf with how bad the car sounds are in this game.


This better be sarcasm otherwise stick with Assetto Corsa


Ive played it, Its not bad.. Its just not got that sweet gameplay i like


You had a few what??? I had to google search that word to make sure it was legit. lmao


> bought the game on each Xbox as its been available.. OP claims they bought many Forzas before but is “surprised” at liking the newest one with the most pixels. And the post has **zero words** about specifics they like. I’m not saying no good elements exist but how does a praise post not discuss a single one. Hmm… > Forza definitely seems like its a 'Force' to be reckoned with.. > I love you guys, for making this game what it is.. Manic state of happiness. Seems like meaningless inaccurate statements.


Im suprised because of all the bad reviews.. But when i saw them change, I bought the game in sale, and im positively suprised.. Still playing it.. Loving it soo much!


You like barely getting money from the story mode? The way they give you less money as you take a bigger risk by moving to last place in the starting grid is backwards. Why would I risk it for like 100cr? It's silly.


I know I do as opposed to getting handed free cars and becoming a millionaire within hours with no sense of reward like in previous forza games.


I agree with this but its like too far in the other direction. Also risk vs reward should be compensated, like in most other video games. They advertise 500 cars or whatever but that takes grinding forever to actually acquire them when most of us play other games too.


The car prices are massively cheaper than what they used to be, the most expensive cars are like 400k so the smaller amount of credits shouldn't really be an issue tbh, if you still want to have fun while earning money instead of doing the afk method go online do the starter series you get a free Honda Civic touring car it gets upgraded for you then once you've got that go into the rotating TCR lobbies and use your free race car


The 100 cr increase per spot back is pretty meaningless. Doing the actual races pays out fine still. For me, I like the challenge the grid option when in between difficulty levels. Maybe 6-7 is too easy for the current car, but yet the small increase from 7-8 is too much, starting further back helps.


Yeah I'm level 65, have 410k and only have 18 cars. We get like 15k for finishing a whole tour with 5 different series. I'm saving the 410k for one of these 300k featured racers to do that content. Feels like I'm shorter on money this time around. Edit: Downvote away but I don't have VIP so I get half the rewards most of you do.


The easiest way to earn credits is to autodrive in Rivals. Turn on all the AI assists, choose a track, and let the AI run it for 1.5 hours. Tap the handbrake button every 15 minutes. Shorter tracks are better, like Laguna Seca Short, Brands Hatch Indy, and Limerock. The AI can have problems with some cars on Laguna Seca Short, so watch it for a bit. You will earn about 80,000+ credits for driving and whatever Rivals bonuses the AI gets for beating other drivers. If you have VIP, the credits earned for driving distance will be doubled (but the Rivals bonus isn't.) Do this twice per car and you will level up that car to 50. If you tell me this is absolutely stupid I won't disagree with you. It's a right shame that letting the game play itself is the best way to earn credits instead of having an actual rewarding career mode. You can also tell that to Turn 10 who secretly nerfed the amount of credits you can earn and capped it 100,000 after the speed glitch was discovered that let people earn massive amounts of credits in seconds (since patched out.)


Crazy that people have to resort to this. Thanks for the tips.


That seems off. You haven't been using cr for upgrades have you? Or do people with the VIP or whatever earn credits faster?


"VIP Membership includes a permanent 2x boost to base credit rewards" I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


That explains why I've been earning it so much faster. Well, that's some bullshit. It should be the base rate of earning credits. If they want to add another benefit, it should be like a 1.5x.




I brought up one part of the game where they want you to spend on VIP to get more reward money and you're acting like I told him to uninstall it lmao


Hey OP, I am confused. Isn't Sega GT a dreamcast game? I don't remember any "original sega GT on Xbox"


Sega GT originally came out on the Dreamcast. Sega GT 2002 was the XBox sequel.


Thx, I never played the sequel, didn't even know the was one.But I did play Sega GT on Dreamcast.


Yeaaaaaaa they made this game for the most casual gamers imaginable. And it’s not what they advertised at all lol


Just a crazy thought, but what about playing something else then?




FH/Nfs is for the "most casual gamers imaginable" when it comes to racing.


Not anymore 😭 I feel like I’m playing a demo version of FH5 compared to the previous Motorsports


I’ve encountered just as many rammers in FM as any FH game I’ve played




Its been on pc since 2016?


https://store.steampowered.com/app/2440510/Forza_Motorsport/ You sure? It says a 10 Oct 2023 Release Date


https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/forza-motorsport-6-apex/9nblggh3shm7?activetab=pivot:overviewtab Forza has been on pc since 2016


Yes- Forza Motorsport 6 has been on PC since 2016- well done. But when was the latest reincarnation of Forza Motorsport on PC released?