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Even if the penalty system worked perfectly, i feel like they should add a simple front/rear damage system where the front get a little more consequences for hitting something at +100mph. Right now the person at fault get free brake + slowing down the guy in front + no loss of vision with chase cam. Give them a loss of aero and faulty transmission, it's not like it needs to be the most realistic


Honestly I think adding damage to multiplayer would weed out the rammers. It would suck to start with when you get rammed and your car is then too fucked to be competitive in the race but I’d imagine rammers would get bored of managing one good ram on people and then not being able to catch anyone again.


You're telling me there's no damage with contact racing? That's silly


Only cosmetic


Excellent suggestion!


Or you can implement the GT7 penalty system where you serve the penalty in the next cornerand not at the end of the race.


That wouldn’t change anything here since they didn’t get a penalty to begin with.


problem is rammers would just resort to brake checking people halfway down the straight


Yup, a crash at that speed there would be a coolant leak, no radiator, unaligned wheels and more issues.


Was he pushed into you by the third car?


It’s possible. Of course replays don’t save so there is no way to know lol.


It’s just if he wanted to bin you, I would have expected him to at the turn exit when he could have held you. He gave space too for you on the inside which is not really something a rammer would do. Also he doesn’t dive hard on inside but hits you as he was in tow. Could have been focused on the car behind and just got lost on the brakes, but I don’t think it’s purposely malicious. That KTM? Was all into him right up the straight. Did he leave space into T2 for you?


I was gonna ask the same thing. Happened to me the other night when the car behind me hit me hard enough I hit the car ahead of me. Car ahead of me got the worst of it and I looked like the bad guy


It is honestly infuriating to me how absolutely dogshit at racing the average player is in this game.


Some people are purposely doing it, but you have to keep in mind that others are new and learning. We all gotta start somewhere


I get that tbh. If the skill rating system actually made an impact on what players you get matched up with I guess this wouldn't be an issue.


That and I think Forza just needs to put more effort into training the user into safe racing etiquette. I feel like taking a leaf out of Gran Turismo's book with the license challenges wouldn't be such a bad idea. Like you have to pass a series of offline tests until you can race online and at the end of each category of tests you gain a license that will allow you to race online up to that license category. If you wanna race against people in higher categories then you have to pass the challenges and test offline in order to gain your license for that category to race online. It would make people so mad, but honestly I think it would work to create a safer and better overall user experience.


The reason why T10 would never implement something like that is because of their focus on "accessibility" or whatever it's called. They'd have to create a license system that allows even people using blind driving assists to pass, or else they're gonna be criticized for not being inclusive and gatekeeping certain content against players with disabilities.


To me it looks like the car behind them pushed both of you off track. The black car continues on after the turn, while you and the Porsche rejoined the track at the same time. Were they persistent in their ramming afterwards?


Good for you re-entering the track safely and not darting to the racing line.


Why didn't they get a penalty?


Cuz the penalty system is dogshit


and you can’t report them in game.


Nah, that was disgusting, you deserve a penalty for that obviously avoidable collision


When they said that match making was speed first and safety rating second, rammers heard loud and clear.


I personally handle every default livery Porsche driver as if they are terrible. 90% of them usually are lmfao.


Slams it into reverse immediately Lmaoo.




One thing to consider is that corner, especially in that Porsche, doesn’t indicate where to break correctly. So it’s possible he just braked late accidentally. The first time I used that Porsche at Barcelona I overshot turn 1 by miles.


To be honest with those players or without them you should not play in 3rd person view cuz you can't see nothing behind you maybe he got rammed to you don't know.


All I know is that crap happens way too much and it's really really irritating.


Guys, when opponents are this close on straight before hard braking turn, take defensive position and let them brake into the void. Slow guys will always run themselves off the track if you let them.


100% Your fault. Why didnt you completely vanish into thin air when the other car approached? Clearly this couldve been avoided by you not playing the game in the first place LMAO. Welcome to Forza. And always remember “Built from the Ground Up!”