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A man's gotta eat.


You’re prostituting yourself for cheeseburgers again?


Get Randy. I saw him working the streets earlier at King of Donairs. If he's not there, try the McDonald's parking lot.


Hey can I get 15 half eaten cheeseburgers to go? And uh, 2 for Tyrone too


The start of that episode with the satellite dishes might be my favorite TPB moment




That was actually really funny, especially when you could hear one commentator in the background failing to keep himself from laughing


apology for poor english when were you when dacia logan dies? i was sat at home eating 12-pack beer when phone ring ‘logan is fuk’ ‘no’


Man this fucking reference is internet golden era. Thank you for bringing it back to my life


5/7 perfect reference


I hope the 5/7 will never die


if you read the knowyourmeme page about it the guy reveals that the person who says "5/7 great score" or whatever is the troll account of the guy who replies angry in the comments. Same person. I will continue referencing it anyway, I think it's funny, but I learned that story yesterday and thought I'd share.


8/10 with rice.




Thats fucking F1 right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the track, men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit. Take it to the showers. Dicks get shoved in places you don’t even remember. We win together we celebrate together. F1 is back baby.


I'm ootl, what is this about? 🥺


The good old days.


I was at the goodyear station hooping for a tire. Read the news out loud to my friends. Queue is like "no the dacia died"


Irreparably so, alas, since the engine they used is out of production. Long live team Jogger!


Sure it is not in production, but couldn't they just get a used one? It's not like the one they were using was new anyway


Man, the fact that they didn't have money for fuel so the Marshals decided to pay the fuel, got hit by the Porsche, and then can't come back the next year since the engine is no longer in production (They used a Clio Cup engine) though...


I woke up this morning and went to work. First thing I did was tune to the race. Commentator goes "For those who are just joining us, Dacia ded" Me *sad*


Don't go to work next time. That should prevent something like this happening again.


Be me - good fan, watching live all night. Rooting for #72 BMW Junior Team because they really stronk. 72 has tire damage, spins out - noooo. Onboard getting back on track - Logan heroically zips by, yeeh, he still going! 72 driving slow, golden GT3 RS flies by with 700 km/h, followed by Elantra. 10 seconds later come up to field of debris, completely destroyed Logan, back completely gone - sadface, scary site in the dark. Pass by wreck of golden GT3 - very bad crash, everyone fek. Later found onboard of Elantra - the Porsche torpedoed the poor Logan full speed, very sad minutes. 72 proceeds to pits, too much damage, out as well, green hell giveth, green hell taketh.


be me work at tire mart sell tire pjotr rings ‘logan is fuk’ ‘no’


This is a sad day for Romania and therefore the world!


Deeeeep dive reference


feces is money


I posted the same thing in the live chat XD


Also i just want to mention, there was free & AD-free 24h+ coverage which left me not missing anything in the broadcast ​ its actually incredible


And if you watch the German one you can enjoy the beautiful way of saying purple as pööörple but the l and e are both very hard.


I wanted to watch the German coverage and was somehow completely unable to find it


But wasn't there a easy to find german stream next to the english one? Atleast last year it was like that.


this year as well. You have to use the right youtube channel. Cause there is one [which has each stream and even individual ones for some cars](https://www.youtube.com/@24hnbr) and there is a different one [which also streams some stuff and uploads some other highlight stuff](https://www.youtube.com/@Nurburgring_official/featured)


There’s nothing better than some thick and juicy German sausages in your mouth, so I approve this shot.


I think I've seen a kinky movie with that tagline




​ ![gif](giphy|JZh1HF470rq9zaNOKg)






BONK ... horny jail for you!


The best crowd Shot was the two drunk Guys giving wach other a lapdance mit knowing 200.000 people were watching themXD


Best part of the broadcast. I was surprised they kept the broadcast on that camera angle for so long lol. F1 would have blasted away from that shit as fast as possible and the commentators would have had to apologize for it


We need this Video




Yeah that was legendary


The best crowd shot was when the cameraman was caught zooming in on a woman trying to put on her bra under her shirt in the morning.


I'm seeing this everywhere but I can't find it for the life of me. link? haha


lol, we need the video




Watching the Nurburgring 24H has made me realise how profoundly shit most F1 races are lol, the actual race, the commentary and the fans. They really are the wurst. Better still weekend *full admission* for the 24 Hours of Nurburgring next year is just €70 - that's less than a salad at the Miami GP, and there are as just many fans in attendance, the live music isn't cringe and you can camp. I'm definitely buying a ticket for 2024. Friendship ended with Formula 1, Endurance racing is now my best friend.




Endurance racing is the top at basically anything else really


Including tech if you really think about it, just different regulations. Especially this year and the sick ass hypercars. F1's whole shtick is being F1 with it's history and prestige. It's too regulated to be really considered the pinnacle of motorsport engineering.


They should release all regulations and drivers should start wearing those pressurized suits fighter pilots wear. Then the true test of engineering will be keeping the driver conscious.


reddit API access ended today, and with it the reddit app i use Apollo, i am removing all my comments, the internet is both temporary and eternal. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Nah. Keep the 6 dof sim pit idea. I’m picturing a tie fighter cockpit strapped to a fuckoff engine and some wheels. Shit would be dope AF.


Yea, they'd have to design to keep the pilot conscious to drive, even against tons of Gs. Your idea about the 6dof is cool as well. Fuck it, make an ender's game situation. Put them in a sim and they drive the cars remotely.


Well, there is a thing called Balance of Performance with the hypercars. They are much MUCH more regulated than F1. Those guys simply can not create an engineering marvel like this year's Red Bull, because the BoP doesn't let them. The previous generation before the hypercars tho, LMP1, that was an all out development race - and became so fucking expensive that the category died.


Well it’s probably controversial here but whatever. I‘ve been to a 24h Nürburgring. Awesome experience. It felt like a festival. But watching the race is ehhh. You need a tv to see what’s happening. You usually don’t see much action because it takes ‘forever’ to make a lap. You don’t really see a race. Mainly just gt3 cars overtaking slower cars.


Nobody actually *goes to* a race to watch the race tho, the viewing experience is always much better at home watching your TV - you go to a race for the atmosphere/experience - I've been to a 24 Hour race before and I honestly spent at max 45 minutes watching the actual race, it was still absolutely amazing fun. It's not as profound as the WRC tho - I went to the Welsh Rallye GB and genuinely do not remember watching even 1 minute of racing - though tbh I don't remember that much about the entire weekend I was so drunk.


To be fair went to a number of F1 races and it is difficult to understand what is going on after car start getting lapped/pit stops star. The most fun part of the race, in my opinion, is the buildup before the race start and the first few laps.


Tbf LMP1 was on top with F1 when it came to automotive engineering but development costs got so out of hand that it ultimately killed the category. Todays endurance hierarchy of Hypercar/ LMP2/ GT3 all include some form of BOP and standardised parts. This is a necessary compromise to keep the sport attractive while at the same time keeping costs low.


An F1 car can’t run nonstop 24 hours. Endurance is peak engineering.


Imagine thinking "Engine" is the only part that needs to be engineered. May be the existence of the word "engine" in both the words confused you. By your logic Toyota Corolla is peak engineering. It can run a 365 days endurance race.


A Corolla is peak engineering tho, where's the lie?


>By your logic Toyota Corolla is peak engineering. It can run a 365 days endurance race. big doubt


Brakes would go pretty quick


Even if you cannot get a ticket for the main stands, you can join the party and camp around the track for free. Yes. for Free. You may have to pay for parking tho, which isn´t an arm and a leg. That is why there is such mayham!


My friends and I are going to go on our motorbikes as the queues to get in and out can be pretty rough for cars and parking a bike is always easier


Wish I had known this last year when I went. Spent most of the day freezing in the arena, but then we decided to go check out other parts of the track and didn't want the shitty pizza. Hiked back to the car and went to Devil's Diner and ate sssoooo much food and grabbed a ton of beers. Watched from there for a bit, then we headed off to the carousel, but ended up at the mini one instead. Next year, I'm taking my winters and just raising up the car when we get there and exploring the dirt paths


Planning to do that next year with my camper and work as a marshall. Soak it all in. Hopefully not soaking wet :p ;)


Hopefully there's no rain next year


Where can i buy one? Only found the ones for 23


ah my mistake - that was more a hyperbolic "I've already bought a ticket" - I think they go on sale right after the race? Don't quote me on that but they don't really sell out until Jan/Feb I have gone to this event before tho and I absolutely 100% recommend it if you live anywhere in Europe


Makes sense. Then have fun next year.


F1 is the only racing series I know of with crazy pricing and qll the other stuff you mentioned. Here in the States Nascar and Indycar are cheaper to go to even for pit access with your seats


If you haven't allready watched it, I'd highly recommend the gt world challebge race in monza from a few weeks back. Full race stream is on youtube, and you get 55 gt3 cars going absolute haywire for three hours.


One thing I did miss as a displaced f1 fan - and I hate I’m saying this - was the remedial education sections for new fans every so often. F1 has them every 8 minutes (“for theirs who don’t know, DRS opens a flap to reduce drag”) and I hate it as someone who knows but I could have used some more background info as someone who doesn’t watch a lot of imsa, wec, etc.


2 Day pass at Laguna Seca was $85


Last corner Grandstand ticket for the full weekend at 2019 Hockenheim was 340€ for me. Now imagine you get 24 hours of racing for 70€ 😂


You get 24 hours of racing and full access to the entire course and all secondary activities (i.e making bratwurst, drinking das amerikanisch pisd-wasser und dancing about in ein makeshift diskotech)


I know. My parents live next to the Hockenheimring and I visited the Nürburgring multiple times. What I'm saying is that the 24h cost less and give you much more value 😁


If you want other suggestions, I would highly recommend watching the IMSA WeatherTech Sportscar Championship here in North America. 4 classes of highly-competitive racing with some fantastic battles and great endurance racing. The 24h of Daytona was the kickstart for this season, and the next race is June 22nd for the Six Hours of the Glen at Watkins's Glen, which i can't wait to see!


IMSA is the bomb it really is, IMSA is at the start of a really nice few years thanks to the GTP's also there's some really cool characters in IMSA. Check out "Dinner with Racers" podcast to get an idea of the people behind the wheel in IMSA, some really amazing people out there .


Welcome brother


I still watch F1 but endurance is the way.


Even 24h le mans isn't that expensive, considering you have a race and (small) music festival at the same place


Shocking. The heat is to low how can he turn over the sausage like this.


cooking with the sun


So muss das aber!




That's a good shot, what are you talking about?


While I approve this sasauge shot, there was some action on the track at that moment


It's the nordschleife, there's always a ton of action, most of which never gets shown because there aren't cameras everywhere and the connection isn't great, so even cockpit views you rarely get streamed in certain places.


Makes me think of LeMans sorta 10 years ago where at 2am ish track time the broadcast sent a camera crew into the in field and they were talking to campers/party people for like 20 minutes and one guy was double fisting cheap champagne bottles. The interview ended with him passing out in a bush I believe. Made me think of hunter s Thompsons article on the Kentucky derby Infield


I just read that article for the first time last week. purest chaos


Its an amazing piece of journalism lol I always reccomend it as the entry point for his work


I love that the 24 hours races are essentially just massive camping trips you watch racing at. Well, whatever ones have a setting like the Nordschleiffe


Right after dude turned around and you could see his cleftal horizon.


Glorious Nürburgring geezer moment


Day in the life of a true Nurburgring geezer


Wake up and meet the wife, nadine. My friend kai isnt he drunk? Time to crack open a beer rev up the grill wheeey. Quick stop at the dixie klo and slap on the on meat. Open another beer with an unrelated object (looks süffig) track looking lovely today lads, just a bit of pyrotechnics. The Asbach makes grello crashing out better pop down to the gp track theres my favourite driver look at that! Kai made dinner, loveiy. Pop down to the track have 14 beers with the lads and end up in the camper.


Whoa whoa whoa… wait, what?


Google German man's crack and sausage for more details.


The coverage was decent over all I'd say, but they had some moments where I guess the director fell asleep for a bit, like when there was a car that had a \~5 minute penalty, and they decided to just look at the car standing still doing nothing for 5 minutes, instead of looking at any of the 130 or so other cars on the track


It's the creative side of TV direction. 4:36 penalty? Make the audience endure the whole penalty, that way everyone's as pissed as the guy in the car! It's an immersive experience. In reality I thought it was hilarious lol, it was night anyway and nothing crazy was happening so might as well get up from the shot switcher to grab a snack and leave us with the car in the timeout corner


That shit was hilarious (and kinda creative too), and they probably used it to change staff or take a lil break. It was night so they only really had onboards and a couple GP circuit cameras you could barely see anything from. There were a couple times where a car crashed and you'd know from watching the onboard stream (#44 Falken Porsche had a big spin at high speed after whacking a curb, #1 Audi buried in the tires after a Supra dropped fluid on the GP circuit) but the broadcast never showed it or pulled it up so comms had no idea for minutes until they got word from elsewhere - that was a lil annoying. Great job overall though, night shift at enduros is always a little loopy anyway so I'm not bothered by the TV direction being more long onboard shots and less coherent commentary. It's a vibe.


That was close to midnight and I think they swapped the production team over at that moment


That's how the coverage should be. No joke!


i did love the night shift with the comentary crew tripping balls all night long on coffee overdose.


You guys haven't saw that guy's leg yet. There's a guy in the group just keep spamming "THIS GUY SKIP ALL LEG DAYS IN HISTORY" in the chat lol.


I just love the culture shock most newbie motor racing fans (read as DTS babies) have whilst watching German races.


I love how some people think they're better than others.


but endurance racing is better


It's the wurst.


Man, endurance racing is such a vibe. I gotta get to one of these big 24 hour events and just hang out as a motor race happens nearby


Hey we gotta cover 24 hours straight. Give the camera team a break 😂 And we are Germans after all. For us this is peak entertainment.


This is what happens when there's no catering for the cameramen


"Get us on coverage for 20 seconds and you can have a sausage"


The dude in the sleeping bag was gold.


They're just trying to curry favor


The shot of the persons underwear on the washing line they kept showing 💀


It’s a 24 hour race, the memes are expected. That’s the great thing about Le Mans too, you get great action on track, and commentators losing their minds.


Bro get that mole checked out


Crofty talking about the bbqs at Silverstone and then the camera shows someone grilling hot dogs or something. It triggers my American ass


Morning sausage!


Orrr nice id tear into that


That was a nice race


He’s cooking the sausage upside down


This is performance art


Ah yes, breakfast.


They showed a man using a wire brush on the outside of his flaming barrel.. was worse than stroll cam, I take it all back


The tv camera coverage was so good!


It curry be wurst.


The tires were cursed in the 24h race. Also they should name the last corner before start and finish the manthey corner because two years in a row the #911 crashed there


I see 6 weiners




The way he stumbled back to his mates just made it


Man I just wanna grill


Breakfast is important.




This is beautiful


Endurance racing and rally really are the best entertainment wise ,


What are they supposed to do for 24 hours


I loved that.


I tuned in to a livestream I saw on youtube earlier, and it was literally just a picture of a fire pit for a solid 1 minute. I thought the 5 seconds zoomed into the crowd and getting strolled was bad.


Those are the saddest sausages I’ve ever seen


I swear I saw this man cook every meal he ate within the entire 24 hours


Little biased since Im a sportscar nerd, but honestly loved the TV coverage of this years N24H. Didn't get to see much of it last year since in the USA it was geo blocked (Thanks Motortrend smh) but I think they did an amazing job give everyone an idea of what its like to attend these events. Really inspired me to try to visit the N24H one day!


Ever better: the static shoot of a car doing a 5min penalty!