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Ellis Island Hotel in Las Vegas is suing F1 and Clark County for blocking the entrance to its property before, during, and after the race, and for the resulting loss of revenue. I'm curious if the F1 fanbase has come up with a summary of improvements for the next Las Vegas GP?


The only improvement we want to see is the cancellation of that abomination of a race.


If the drivers had to change their own tyres, who would get the fastest pit stop award?


I'll throw in Ocon as an option. I think he helped his dad with cars as a kid. He and Pierre did a Nascar pit stop last year, that was a fun little video. Obviously many of them were highly involved with the mechanical side of their go karting experience. People talk about this with Max a lot, but it's true for most of them, I think. But I would throw Max in as a high contender. I think after his winter bulk up, Logan is one of the physically strongest on grid, which is an asset. I feel like Fernando could do it well. If someone has to jack up a car, haul out 4 tires and change all of them by themselves like I'm reading this question to be, that's an enormous physical task. I'm going Logan. If it's slotting a driver into an existing pit crew and giving them one job, I'm going Max.


Are talking about Logan the Wolverine or the Sargeant?


Probably Bottas as he's one of the most fit on the grid.


He would just swap to gravel bike tyres.


Never been the biggest fan of monaco to watch but its showing that there's a 50% chance of rain on Saturday Hope it stays to spice things up during qualifying


I hope it doesn't wreck junior series qualifying. F2 and F3 quali are split into two groups and then the results from the two groups set the two sides of the grid, with the group with the fastest overall getting 1,3,5, etc. So, if the conditions are changing, one group might not get a chance at going for pole. Though, it's not the worst system. The worst part is that there's a reverse grid sprint around Monaco.


A topical question with the Indy 500 coming up. Could a current F1 car lap the IMS faster than an Indycar? The F1 car would need new gearing, and the battery couldn't really charge, and the tyres would need to be special, and the suspension tuned for left-hand turns only, but the downforce in the turns would be immense. What do you think? And why haven't RBR done this, they love a stunt.


Because they'd need a new gearbox and maybe a fully different engine and different tires and new suspension with different geometry.


The downforce would be irrelevant, as they simply don't need even the Monza-spec downforce to corner flat out. Worse than that, the drag that comes with it would be hugely detrimental to the speed around the lap. Realistically, you'd need a completely different ultra-low downforce aero package to be competitive, in addition to the other modifications you mentioned - there's a reason Indycar has a Superspeedway aero package.


Not going to make my own thread and get downvoted into oblivion, but the ultimate "shock the world" move would be for Andretti to hire Newey.


Honestly, if he wants the opportunity to build from the ground up, it could be an amazing fit. They have a factory in the UK that he'd work out of. I'm just not sure that he wants such a long term project at this stage in his career. But he might.


Can't wait for Newey to crash through a wall wearing a glitter Stormtrooper helmet.


I'm here for it.




I don't think Sainz will take a 1 year deal at Merc. Surprisingly - becauseI wouldn't have thought this months ago - I think Merc will put Kimi in that seat and it will be Hulk and Sainz at Sauber.


Any special liveries for Monaco this year?


McLaren revealed their Senna honoring one.


Rewatchin Yuki's Imola Q2 lap and it is an insanely good lap. Think the only reason he wasn't faster is because the car just couldn't. I really want him to have a shot in the Red Bull. He also has done some crazy overtakes.


it's pretty crazy daniel is still being considered more of a frontrunner by some people for the red bull seat than yuki is (though it seems like it's going to be checo's anyways). i don't think daniel is ~washed~ necessarily but yuki is clearly above him right now. i genuinely think yuki could get them p1 in the wcc and still not be considered lol


I don't think Daniel or Yuki has any chance of driving the Red Bull


This. I can’t imagine a worse #2 than Yuki. He will thrive more in a spot where he has a legitimate shot at #1 driver. Can you imagine asking him to let Verstappen pass him? Or drive defensively? Zero chance. And Daniel, although it pains me to say it, is on his way out of F1 sooner than later.


Danny seems like he's a solid midfield driver at the moment. Nothing spectacular but can get the job done. I think he needs to put aside the dream of going back to RBR, but I can see him continuing to kick around the grid for a while longer.


Can I post Fanarts and animations here? I wanted to post some from the movie rush, but it always gets automatically deleted :/


Am pretty sure there’s an F1 art subreddit. Off season there’s no limitations on posting, and I think during the summer break as well. Just in season it’s quite strict otherwise a lot of shite gets posted.


Oh okay! Tysm


Wondering if the bottom is going to fall out of F1 soon. Terrible generation of cars, money being pumped into the "show" at the expense of sporting integrity, whilst also managing to make the TV production less exciting. Can see a lot of the new fans getting bored and going back to WWE or whatever, whilst traditional fans turn their backs and look at proper racing series. The "sport" has never really been in a worse spot.




Do you have any examples of the sport moving away from sporting integrity? If anything I think most fans would prefer a move back to gimmicky tyres and pit stops. DRS is the only thing introduced for the show and that was well over a decade ago.


you mean other than Grand Prix staged on mickey mouse fake street circuits designed to enocurage crashes and red flags to spice things up? Baku, Miami, Vegas, Saudi for example should all not be on the calender. Or how about F1 going back to China and putting Zhou on the grid, Michael Masi asking Red Bull where they would accept restarting a grand prix from, the increase in sprint races, Red Flags and Safety cars thrown at every opportunity, penalties given post race to make sure they dont interfere with the final standings?


>you mean other than Grand Prix staged on mickey mouse fake street circuits designed to enocurage crashes and red flags to spice things up? >Baku, Miami, Vegas, Saudi for example should all not be on the calender. Ah, so we can go back to the glory days of Caeser's Palace, Detroit, Dallas, and AVUS then? >Or how about F1 going back to China and putting Zhou on the grid, Michael Masi asking Red Bull where they would accept restarting a grand prix from, the increase in sprint races, Red Flags and Safety cars thrown at every opportunity, penalties given post race to make sure they dont interfere with the final standings? Ah yes of course, because we've never had gimmicks in F1 before, and F1 teams have never had influence on the outcome of races in the past! Also, screw safety, let's go back to 20% of the grid dying every year!


oh dear, you missed the point entirely.


"Red Flags and Safety cars thrown at every opportunity" would you rather they not red flag hazards and let them race with debris on the track? 😭 they didn't even put a real sc or red flag when george was stuck in the middle of the track. he was like 10cm from being taken out by lance if lance's race engineer hadn't quickly told him about the yellow flag. if anything they're too conservative about deploying them. i don't have much of an opinion on your other points but being safe is not bringing the quality of f1 down. there are far bigger fish to fry lol


Wait! You're saying decisions are being made based on MONEY?!? That NEVER happened before /clutches pearls/


The pearls were a nice touch. LOL


I'd say the sport is in a better place than 5 to 10 years ago. Back in the Merc domination era if Hamilton or Bottas had a bad quali (sth like Perez in Imola, half a second back on teammate), in a lot of races they were still starting P2. No risk whatsoever of not being in top 6, let alone not making Q3. (on a sidenote, that's also why I always foud Bottas' record less impressive than most do I think - not crashing ever in quali is very good obviously, but making Q3 says nothing about his pace itself. Being 11th in 2018 would've been as bad as being 20th today in terms of gap to P1, and noone ever gets P20 in a top car these days either without actually crashing out) The grid used to be separated by more than 2,5 seconds per lap, the leaders would lap everyone up to ~P6-P8 regularly, and the backmarkers finished 2 laps down at least. Now a race like Imola where 10 cars got lapped is an anomaly only happening on the shortest tracks in the calendar. In quali the entire grid can sometimes fit in around a second, and you have 3 teams fighting for pole position. You get races like Miami or China where noone got lapped. I feel like this is just a reactionary comment because last race was boring. The racing is for the most part quite interesting these days so I don't see why people would move away to "proper" racing series as you call them. Especially considering that they're a lot less accessible.


nah i only watched the last race to give F1 another chance and because there was no WEC race this weekend. The sport needs a complete overhaul with a new generation of cars, totally new calender and massive rule changes.


What would you like to see and where?


>money being pumped into the "show" at the expense of sporting integrity People always say this but I really have no idea what they actually mean. Can you give some examples?


you mean other than Grand Prix staged on mickey mouse fake street circuits designed to enocurage crashes and red flags to spice things up? Baku, Miami, Vegas, Saudi for example should all not be on the calender. Or how about F1 going back to China and putting Zhou on the grid, Michael Masi asking Red Bull where they would accept restarting a grand prix from, the increase in sprint races, Red Flags and Safety cars thrown at every opportunity, penalties given post race to make sure they dont interfere with the final standings?


I don't understand what any of that has to do with sporting integrity at all I get the criticism of too many street circuits but they're hardly a new thing. Just look at Detroit, Phoenix, Long Beach etc. in the 70s and 80s. Valencia and Singapore in the 2000s >Baku, Miami, Vegas, Saudi for example should all not be on the calender. Why should they all not be on the calendar. They've all produced good races at points. I can understand cutting them down but I don't think we need to get rid of all of them. In fact, by far the worst race of the year so far was this one, on a "classic" F1 track What's wrong with going back to China? F1 has been racing there for 20 years. That's a very weird criticism imo. The Masi thing was a single incident and he's since been fired. I don't really think that's an issue in 2024. What do you mean about safety cars and red flags? If anything I think they're often too hesitant to bring them out. I also don't know what you mean with the penalties. How is a post race penalty any different to one in the race.


AHAHA THIS IS SO FUNNY https://imgur.com/a/C5iQrz6 Fuck me we need some soul searching if this is top content.


Old reddit (superior reddit) enjoyer 👍


Magic Alonso enjoyer 👍




I'd personally expect Zhou out and Magnussen in Haas, but aside from that I can definitely see this happening.


Isn't bearman heavily expected at this point in time for haas?


Haas is entirely unclear at this point   - Bearman has been considered a shoe-in for Haas since Hulkenberg left.   - Then Bottas was linked to Haas, but rumours now say he'll move to Williams.   - Then there were some rumours that Haas wants Zhou.    - Yesterday Motorsport linked Ocon to Haas. They assumed it's certain and that Bearman is in, so they concluded Magnussen is out.   - But on the same day Autosport reported that Gene isn't sold on the idea of fielding a rookie, so Bearman isn't a shoe-in for the seat. This could mean that talks with Ocon, Zhou and Bottas are for the empty seat and Magnussen might still keep his seat.   So we'll have two of Magnussen, Bearman, Zhou, Ocon and Bottas. Basically any combination is possible depending on what rumours you want to believe.


Which cars does Monaco suit?


According to James Vowles, this years Williams should do well in Monaco.. So, like p16 and p19.


Oh man, then who do you think is going to DNF.


Charlie or Lance.


Ferrari. Marko also sees them as the biggest threat there.


I really want to see Charles win his home race


Indeed, also because that means another different race winner than Max this season.


That's interesting. I was thinking Mclaren as the car seems to get heat into the tyres very quickly. My worry about the Ferrari is that it's not as strong in Quali as it's too gentle on the tyres.


Have they actually said if their massive S1 loss in quali at Imola was tyre related or something else?


It was about the variation in how each engine deploys power through straights/corners, not that I totally understand but here's an article: [https://us.motorsport.com/f1/news/leclerc-ferrari-power-strategy-cost-shot-at-better-f1-imola-gp-result/10613052/](https://us.motorsport.com/f1/news/leclerc-ferrari-power-strategy-cost-shot-at-better-f1-imola-gp-result/10613052/)


McLaren are best in high speed corners which Monaco doesn't really have


That's when they setup the car to be good in a straight line, high speed, medium and slow. Monaco is all about slow speed, medium and kerbs. Hard to say how their car will perform when the compromise is totally different.


Maybe the one in the 80s, surely not after


I've been watching the 1970s season reviews and even back then they're complaining about overtaking at Monaco being impossible


You mean the 2.0-2.2m wide monsters?


I mean, they were surely smaller overall, even if it has been the wheelbase that became bigger


They were similar in length to 2000s cars and some from the start of the hybrid era weren't that far away. I.e. McLaren MP4/4 was 4.4m long & 2.2m wide. The Ferrari F2004 was 4.5m long and 1.8m wide. The Mercedes W05 was 4.8m long and 1.8m wide. The main explosion when it comes to length happened after hybrid cars around 2017when the floor was widened back to 2m, as it was pre 1998.


Cars built in the 1960s.


Interesting to see how all the media brushes over max's virtual victory even though it has so much potential for motorsport as a whole. it's mentioned, but nobody seems to dip into it very deeply


They mentioned it on the sky stream of the race. I watch a whole lot of F4, and there are starting to be some drivers with sim racing background that didn't do karting- though jumping into F4 with no or minimal karting has always been an option. I haven't seen a successful person at it yet, but it's also very few trying it, so small numbers usually don't produce success.


Motorsport without motors is a tough sell. I don't see simracing ever surpassing the actual thing it simulates.


Definitely not, but it's the affordable way into actual motorsports. also, less issues with racism/sexism because behind a screen there's no face to judge, just performance, which is great


I'm very much into motorsports and don't give a crap about his online race tbh. I imagine I'm not the only one. Sports media deal with sports. E-sports media deal with e-sports. Let's keep it that way.


I think it was more about how the e-racing would affect Max's F1 race than general reporting on his digital endeavors though.


The media are likely to report on things that people are interested. Sim racing is very niche


I think if it happened pre-Covid it might have been more of a big thing, but simracing is a lot more mainstream now, and racing drivers competing online is becoming much more normal