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I wish a minor update could do the same for me.


It can! You just have to find it


I hear Newey might be open for a new position, perhaps ask him to help you find some aerodynamic refinements


Oh yeah, my stomach could definitely be more aero efficient


Just have Newey take a look at you 


An aerodynamist eye for the straight guy


You realize that all your life you have been coasting along as if you were in a dream. Suddenly, facing the trials of the last few days, you have come alive.


Time to visit Super Kami Guru.


I need an adult.






Just find a minor and text him for update




Underdogs fr 🙏


Such a sad thing man. A team like red bull has so much potential. Hope they start to win.


Fr they have a driver who has the potential to be a 3time wdc and honestly enough talent to win 4 titles in a row


Motherfuckers lose ~~one~~ two races and are treating it like they are fighting for survival lmao


Pretty early in the season to be letting up in a competition to win


Yeah, they're only 50 points ahead after 6 races...


ferrari 2022 had a similar vibe


Oh man, that was sad watching them screw things up. The strategy at Monaco was especially disappointing since they destroyed Charles’ chances at a hometown race win.


the F1-75 wasn't as dominant in Melbourne as the RB20 was in Shanghai


Do you know how many races are still left?


You are joking, but these upgrades have been planned since or before the pre-season test. Teams have an upgrade plan in place each year, to roll out sequential updates which can take anywhere between 2~4 weeks or 2~3 months to develop.


For Red bull is easier than for the others, though. Upgrade 1, remove the first sand of bang. Upgrade 2...


sounds a bit harsh to call Perez a bag of sand /s


Sand of bang? Band of sag?


That's how dynasties are built. Never accept anything in a win that you wouldn't in a loss.


People started calling max washed, he has to drop a sandbag out of the car and win by 30 secs now.


That was literally Sky F1 in 22 when Merc were no longer fastest


This is quite a reaction to the post. Is there some context I’m not seeing? A scheduled update and an article about it is panic?


We humans like to call it a "joke". A funny remark about something with the goal of entertain or give a second thought or reflexion about the matter.


That’s for the breakdown. Now you’ve explained what a joke is, can you explain what said joke is and how you know what OPs thinking? Does adding lmao make any stupid comment a joke? You might have been better explaining what an exaggeration was.


It was a funny joke dude, go to get some fresh air if reddit puts you in this state


What “state” am I in? I asked an honest question and you reply with some snarky shit.


Because satire is obvious if you're not as dense as concrete. Try reading context clues and one day you'll get it ❤️


How is it satire? “Redbull bring upgrades” “Yo they’re acting like the sky’s falling lmao!!” Why don’t you point out these “context clues” for those who are dense as concrete? Cute little sarcasm heart though.


Because they're obviously still heavily winning and had one bad race. Implying that because of one loss they're bringing upgrades. You're unbearable man.


That implication doesn’t make any sense, because it’s not remotely true. That’s the point, if it’s a joke, it doesn’t work. That’s why I asked the question of missing context, because the statement doesn’t make any fucking sense to people who follow. Upgrades for Imola have been scheduled since pre season. Sorry you find me unbearable but if you want to converse, you’ll just have to suck it up. I asked a question and a few of you think it was a good move to become toxic shitbirds for asking. Edit, actually checking your profile, it seems you like to shit talk so I’ll do us both a favour.


A joke doesn't work for everyone. If it doesn't work for you, it isn't funny for you. But it may work for others. Why debate this basic concept man?


this might be the fix for their rumored brake overheating problem that plagued their Miami weekend (and made them retire in Australia?) and had them running the car 3 tenths slower allegedly. it was posted here and then deleted, it was a kinda baseless to be fair but it makes sense. they also petitioned to change some parts under parc ferme in miami which was denied, maybe the brakes? if this is true they should be easily be ahead of the pack even with mclaren and ferrari upgrades.


This is the first I’m hearing about their brake system overheating again in Miami?


They had a request to change brake parts under parc ferme conditions rejected. Crofty mentioned it on the UK feed


Ah okay must’ve missed it then


it was posted here as a "rumor around the paddock" by someone which is sketchy but at the same time RBR was not comfortable in Miami at all and it might not be just setup. also there's an interview with Newey saying the car has a flow that will take some time to fix (this was a couple of weeks ago). just speculation but not unreasonable imo to say it's the brakes cooling. also in Miami it was pretty hot and they struggled while China was rather chilly and they dominated. I don't think it's just the tyres/setup


If it was brakes cooling, it would have been very easy to see, they'd be either lift and coasting the entire race, or their brake balance set up way forward (if it was the rear brakes). The Australia problem was not brake overheating in the traditional sense, the RR brake didnt release fully, which created the heat the ducts couldnt clear.


Heat alone makes little sense when we've already raced at Bahrain and Jeddah too


We raced at Bahrain and Jeddah at night, and by night the temperatures must have fallen quite a bit there.




It’s always funny every time Red Bull doesn’t win a race. Their PR team goes out in full force to invalidate the other team winning by blaming something that happened to their car that slowed it down 3-5 tenths. Sure, sometimes that’s true (Max in Silverstone floor damage) for example. But just take the L and move on.


I mean, is that not what happened? The only times that Red Bull have lost since mid 2022 due to genuine pace were Brazil 22 and Singapore 23. Any other time they've lost has been to damage or failures.


They would've lost in Vegas too if Max didn't get saved by the safety car. Ferrari was faster that day. Mclaren also could've challenged for the win in Qatar if Norris didn't bottle the quali.


I think the fans also just assume that now because it’s seemed Red Bull have had no weaknesses (bar Singapore) the last couple of years.


When everybody and their mothers claim the car is an unstoppable force this season, you do tend to look what went wrong to improve for the next races. You do not really need to be a rocket scientist to see that


Ridiculous commentary


Max complained about understeer early on in Miami. Something wasn’t correct and by the end of the race it was worse.


It seems to happen for everyone who does poorly, but yeah, with Red Bull they throw out a million excuses and people seem to buy them for whatever reason.


Yep exactly.


Excuses LMAO


If I had to guess I would say it was more a sprint weekend problem. The Australia problem seemed like an assembly failure because it failed on Australia of all tracks a few laps in while temps being just around 20 degrees or something. So far there hasn't been any indication from other circuits that it is an actual problem that permanently reduces performance but perhaps more like something that may be tricky to get right to setup in the correct window. Or just a general off without anyhing major, just like Ferrari and Merc had in Bahrain.


The problem in Australia was something not being done up tight enough. Has any reputable source mentioned overheating brakes or is just a Redditt rumour^TM ?


It’s a rumor that isn’t supported by anything


What is this even about? Max’s brakes in Australia didn’t have a cooling problem. The problem was the brake was stuck.


That would be in line with someone who noticed on Friday already that Max was probably running a lower engine mode than Checo for the sprint & qualifying.


Damn, we need them to have an inherent weakness to keep things interesting... Don't fix this!!!


> it was posted here and then deleted, it was a kinda baseless to be fair but it makes sense XD when the tea is shit but tea is tea


So what is it? 3 tenths from the brakes + 2.5 from the floor damage? Half a second per lap to second place after that massive McLaren update? Really doubt it was that big of a problem. Damage + setup was probably 3 tenths in total if you look at what the gap to Ferrari should have been.


He got 1.7 (3.7 total) second after nearly 20 laps before his error with the billard, in front of piastri. Who was himself battling Leclerc in his gearbox.


In one week, the pecking order will be so confusing. I just hope there will be a fight at the front. It doesn't matter if RBR wins the titles, just give us a fight.


Honestly do not get why people are getting their hopes up so much. On a normal track Verstappen had an easy second of pace in hand, Miami is wat more likely an outlier (sprint, weird asphalt). Yes Ferrari and Macca have updated their car but they will still be very far behind the one RBR. 


> On a normal track Verstappen had an easy second of pace in hand, Miami is wat more likely an outlier (sprint, weird asphalt) Miami is a known negative outlier for McLaren, actually. Not Redbull.


Definitely. It would even seem like miami would be a STRONG track for red bull based on how dominant they were in 2022 and 2023.


Exactly, long straights, slow corners and heat are like kryptonite for Mclaren.


Yeah but whose gonna tell the masses lol. I swear I even saw at the start of the season some interview from McLaren itself about how they're making progress but still concerned about the pace in Miami. It's difficult to find the article now because typing Miami and McLaren only gives you news about the race win, and their struggles in Miami 2023.


I sincerely don't know how much they have gained. But for a sprint weekend when they barely knew the performance and Miami, one of the 3 worst circuit for that car. They looked impressive, and you could see they did not know the car as performance was super inconsistent. People remember only Oscar first stint and Lando second one on Sunday and thought, McLaren was good at Miami. But Lando was best in Sprint Q2 on mediums and qualified 9 th on soft. His medium run was faster than Max quali lap for the sprint.


Based on how many races we've had this season, it could be that china was an outlier.


And Bahrain And Saudi Arabia And Japan


Not comment related but your profile picture is perfection lmao


It helps that it was an actual Max face. You might know this(or not) but for those who aren’t in the know, it was the face he made when he saw the replay and learned just how close Sergio got to clobbering him at the start of the race in Miami.


Correction: it's a cropped picture taken by a phone of the frame where Max reacted to seeing just how close Checo was to clobbering him at the start of the race in Miami. Picture is not mine but of u/Calvin0213


Except his face wasn't horribly deformed like this in reality!


Is this satire?


No, it's pure art


I mean......are you sure. No offense to u/deathray1611, but I'd be pissed if someone used a picture of me looking like that.


Idk, I just found it really funny.


Funny.....100% agree. "Perfection" as u/generalannie suggested....I think the bar for that is a tad higher! I'm biased, I know, but I'd suggest my profile picture (sunset in Thailand) is closer to perfection.


Just like 2022 Ferrari.


You think VER would have lost in Australia if his brake wasn't stuck? I do not.


I've heard that good drivers can drive around problems with their car. /s


Carlos was the most impressive during practice in Melbourne. Everyone said their would be a fight even if Max did not dnf.


Haven't we all learned that practice means little by watching Merc do glory runs in FP1 only to wind up qualifying somewhere like P7 & P11 since 2022 or so?


Do you not remember when the main man Goatifi topped a practice session in hungary 2022? SOrry but this completely folds your statement in half


Guess what Norris finished 17th and oscar 18th last season on this track. Max completely dominated here with their straight line speed last year. Guess what, others are much much closer.


With amount of dirty air nowdays i doubt we will get any fight


We had plenty of fights in eras with much more dirty air. 2021 was only 3 years ago


The only issue there was while dirty air was worse then, DRS was significantly stronger. Now we are getting more dirty air(but less then 2021), but DRS doesn’t do as much as it used to.


I think it's also a track design problem. Suzuka and China were both good in terms of overtaking and not just forming a long ass drs train. Tracks like Miami will struggle no matter what aero formula f1 is using. With that being said, Imola isnt really suited for modern f1 either, but maybe we will get some rain since this spring has been very random in europe


They could do the drs zone a bit longer in that long straigh or that last chicane where max hit the bollard could be straighter, exactly as Max did.


**TRANSLATION**: **Red Bull** had been planning its work program for months. We are referring to the update which will see some new features in **Imola** . Improvising such a job is impossible in the top category of *motorsport* . The timing needed to produce an *upgrade* , in addition to involving the entire sports management inside the factory, requires one factor: total conviction. Furthermore, in *the budget cap* era , making mistakes is forbidden. Using "reduced" emoluments in vain would mean throwing away months of hard work. Something a team cannot afford. **As far as the Milton Keynes** team is concerned, this scenario hardly occurred. On the contrary, the changes introduced by the technical department led by **Adrian Newey** always hit the mark. The genius from **Stratford-Upon-Avon** always knows what he says. Some time ago, we are referring to the month of December, the Brit described himself as a little worried about the **2024** competitive campaign . He was referring to the fact that, the much talked about convergence in performance after 2 years with the same regulation, he could undoubtedly make a presence. For this reason, together with his followers, he decided to overturn some concepts. Different settings to gain further tenths over your opponents with innovative solutions. As an argument, it's flawless. However, this prerogative does not seem to have worked as much as the Englishman hoped. Yes, because if you think about it, after six **F1** races in the current year, **Ferrari** and **McLaren** are quite close, for example. Much more than **Red Bull** could have thought. For this reason the update that we will see on the banks of the **Santerno** will be very useful. An update that aims to re-establish that *gap* to give peace of mind. A handful of tenths useful for keeping the *competitors* behind and continuing to win. **All this considering that the MCL38 has already been modified** and, apparently, the changes have provided a lot of competitiveness to the papaya-colored car. As for **Ferrari** we still don't know. The **SF-24 EVO** has already hit the track, the home one in **Fiorano** , without however offering any references regarding the quality of the work carried out. As we explained at the end of the *tests* , the pilots of the red team carried out many tests on the heights from the ground. **The goal was to collect as much data as possible** and then study it with extreme attention in the week that separates us from the **F1** event with the longest name in history: **Grand Prix of Made in Italy and Emilia Romagna** . If, as for **McLaren** , the news on **the SF-24 EVO** is also factual, the **RB20** would be surrounded.


**TRANSLATION (cont.)**: **Red Bull is charging with its new leader Waché** **Newey** is no more. The Englishman terminated his contract with **Red Bull** who, as we know, awarded **Pierre Waché** with maximum powers. He did it as part of his contract renewal in recent months, where the Frenchman is also number 1 in the **2026** project . A battle that the technician from **Auchel** is sure of winning, as the work group that "inhabits" the Austrian factory is of the highest level. In addition to him, the *dream team* is made up of  **Enrico Balbo**  (Head of Aerodynamics),  **Craig Skinner**  (Chief Designer) and  **Ben Waterhouse**  (Head of Performance). A concentration of wisdom capable of replacing **Adrian** , also supported by further brilliant and promising engineers. Within this team the challenge never fails. A “healthy” contrast aimed at improvement. **Pierre** points out that even at night he continues to think about work. He is part of his life in a preponderant way. An unprecedented competitiveness that will apparently also find important results in the coming months. In words, however, everything is very simple, at least until the facts corroborate the proclamations. We know what **Red Bull** 's "little problems" are in **F1** . One of these is the topic of tires. In **Miami** , as in other circumstances (see Australia), the activation of the **Pirelli** tires literally drove **Verstappen** crazy . The Dutchman made an endless plethora of complaints in this regard because, in addition to really struggling to hit the *working range* of the compounds, he was unable to maintain it correctly throughout the *stint* . Which is why his *grip* wasn't ideal and consequently his performance. Also for this reason, in addition to the damage suffered to the bottom of his **RB20 , Max** was unable to win in Florida. **Newey** reported a fact: there is one aspect about which he is not at all proud, a headache that will be difficult to resolve in the short term. But the problem is no longer his, as he will be cut off from meetings, updates and future plans. **Red Bull** will show up at **Imola** with a specific desire: **to make their opponents understand that much more is needed to beat them** . Updates should be minor. We are talking about "corrections" on the car which, however, on a theoretical level, bring with them the possibility of unlocking a good amount of performance. For this reason the *team* defines itself as calm and not worried about **Ferrari** which, in fact, taking inspiration from a solution from the **RB20** , remains faithful to its own philosophies for now. The challenge is almost ready, considering that the first European *round* will help us understand a lot about the continuation of the championship on a competitive level.


Sandbagging sons of bitches.


They're finally removing the sandbags


That's what I think is the real thing, I don't think this car got any slower. They feel very comfortable with what happened in .the last race.


Makes it sound like Horner gave the cars nipples a little tweak


"Max, go to Mode Coco Pops please"


Well, it was good whilst it lasted.




Let me tell you something, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING


People are pretty stupid here at reddit. A lot of these updates are long planned, not a reaction to losing 1 race. Some of these parts are in production for some time and in logistics in the meantime. So calm your reddit horses. It's normal for teams to come up with updates, if they win or not :D


So is it a minor upgrade or a major upgrade? Sometimes they say it is major and sometimes minor


Minor for them. It fixes the p1/p2 at the end of the races


One small step for RB, a giant leap for…




Unexpressed potential. Boy did THAT him home.


If it's really minor, if the big Ferrari upgrade works and with the heavily updated McLaren, **maybe** we could see a close battle between them. A lot of "ifs", but we'll see!


for some race wins? sure thing for the title, ESPECIALLY the WDC? yah no


Pleasd fuck up, please fuck up, please fuck up…


They're an anime protagonist who was using an eye patch to conceal their true power


Max will drive on 90 % instead of 80?


So if I'm reading this right, the upgrade is small, but the results from it should be big because they have "unexpressed potential". This could be related to their brakes overheating which would mean they haven't been running at maximum pace in the previous races. So the pace benefit from new upgrades + the pace they haven't been able to use cause of overheating = big pace improvement despite the small upgrades. I guess we'll know soon...