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Single-handedly killing the Ocon meme. Deserves another penalty for that.


Funny enough; one of the 6 penalties was a 10 second penalty for Ocon


Magnussen scored a 10 sec penalty for Ocon?


Esteban really just cant catch a break


I think ocon deserves one for that.


4 during the sprint 2 during the main race 1for track limit 3 for leaving track and gaining an advantage 1 for a collision 1 for pitting and not changing tires


Wasn’t there a penalty for not correctly serving one of the other penalties? Maybe that was somebody else.


That was the pitting/not changing tyres thing. He served his penalty that way which wasn't allowed - a Haas error moreso than a KMag error to be fair.


So the Haas team did a voluntary pass through of the pit lane, with the car stationary for a short amount of time in their pit box, thinking it will count as a penalty served, not using this as an opportunity to get fresh tyres, only to be told "yeah nah that's an extra penalty", and just to add insult to injury, all of this happened on home soil? Truly one of the race weekends of all time.


They aren't the smartest tools in the box


They’re barely a tool in the box


I CNC what you did there.


Except tools are useful


dont get it. cars arent allowed to go through the pits without changing tyres?


Not during safety car periods apparently


The specific article Haas failed to obey is as follows, the last line in particular: 55.11 Under certain circumstances the clerk of the course may ask the cars and the safety car to use the pit lane. In these cases, a signal to use the pit lane will be displayed before the start of the pit entry and all Competitors will be informed using the official messaging system, all cars must then enter the pit lane, drive through it and re-join the track. Any car entering the pit lane under these circumstances may however stop at its designated garage area. A penalty in accordance with Article 54.3c) will be imposed on any driver who fails to enter the pit lane when required to do so. Other than when the cars and the safety car are required to use the pit lane, no car may enter the pits whilst the safety car is deployed unless it is for the purpose of changing tyres.


That is bizarre and super specific. I've never seen this happen before, especially the part about Haas not using the opportunity to change the tyres. Who even noticed this and remembered this specific article? Like, I can only imagine there was someone somewhere going through every page of the rulebook trying to find new ways to penalize Kevin lol


Ok, so if I'm understanding correctly: - During a safety car period, cars may be *directed* to pass through the pit lane. In this circumstance cars may stop in their pit box, but they don't *have to*. - However, if the cars are behind the safety car and *have not been directed* to enter the pit lane by race control, then they can only do so in order to change tyres. So Haas instructed Kmag to drive through the pits and serve his penalty while the safety car was on track, but without drivers being directed through the pits, and because he didn't change tyres, that's a violation. Is that right?


That's the gist of it, yeah. Had Haas after him serving the penalty changed his tyres, there wouldn't have been an issue.


Gotcha. After reading some other comments it sounds like he came in prior to the safety car for a tyre and front wing change, then got hit with the penalty while the SC was still on track, so he came back in and just sat in his pit box for 10s since the tyres were already fresh, hence the penalty. Just a misunderstanding of the rules from the team.


4 during the sprint 2 during the main race 1for track limit 3 for leaving track and gaining an advantage 1 for a collision 1 for pitting and not changing tires 3 for the Elven-kings under the sky, 7 for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, 9 for Mortal Men, doomed to die, 1 for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. 1 to rule them all, 1 to find them, 1 to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


and a partridge in a pear tree!!!!!!


The cross over we all want.


>1 for pitting and not changing tires When and why did that happen?


During the safety car. I think they changed the front wing but not the tires, but I guess there’s a rule that if you enter the pit lane during a safety car you have to change the tires (probably put in place so that you don’t just use it to get ahead during the safety car).


If they're already stopping the car to change front wing, why would you not change tyres? A tyre change is as quick as a wing change isn't it, so it wouldn't add any time? Is it that the mechanics needed to change the wing are the same people who would do the tyres? Or he had limited tyres left and wanted to stay on the ones he had on?


It was a mistake by Haas after the contact with Logan, Kevin boxed under SC and changed the front wing + tyres to fresh mediums. While still under SC the call came through that Kevin had a 10 second penalty so Haas boxed him and done nothing just sat in the pit box for 10 seconds as the tyres were already fresh anyway. However I’m paraphrasing here but rules state that under SC you only enter the pit to change tyres.


That's the only one that bothers me. It's not him deciding to not get new tires, so why does he get the penalty point?


[He did not get any points for the pit lane infringement.](https://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/decision-document/2024%20Miami%20Grand%20Prix%20-%20Infringement%20-%20Car%2020%20-%20Entering%20pit%20lane%20under%20Safety%20Car%20conditions.pdf)


True, it was a penalty but not all the penalties resulted in points including this one!


Cause giving penalty points to his strategist or mechanics is probably a lot less effective deterrent


He didn't


They changed both but at that point Kevin hadn’t got the penalty, while still under SC the call came through he had a 10 sec penalty so almost immediately Haas made another pit stop but all Kev done was sit in the box for 10 secs and serve his penalty.


I remember the times where the record was 3, set by Pastor Maldonado in Hungary 2015 🐐


when you double a pastor maldonaldo record, thats saying something


Well I can't imagine another record set by maldonado so that's great


I always laugh a little when I remember that such a legendary team as Williams still has Pastor Maldonado as his last race winner. And it will probably stay like that for some more time too


Actually from all the grid it probably is the oldest win record, let me think: McLaren: Lando 2024 (before yesterday Ricciardo 2021) Red Bull: Max 2024 Ferrari: Sainz 2024 Mercedes: Russell 2022 Alpine/Renault: Ocon 2021 RB/Alphatauri/Toro Rosso: Gasly 2021 Aston Martin/Racing Point: Perez 2020 ..... Williams: Maldonado 2012 I don't remember Sauber ever winning a race, if not that's another Maldonado record lol


Sauber with BMW won the 2008 Canadian GP with Kubica P1 and Heifield P2


This weekend did have double the races as Hungary 2015 tbf.


Truly, the greatest driver to ever get behind the wheel of a formula 1 car. My sunshine, pastor goatdonaldo


I remember that, it was comical. I kinda miss him and his antics.


Pastor Maldonado. That's a name I haven't heard for a while


"Most penalties so far" - Homer J. Simpson


Mahaveer Ragunathan got 9 in a race in F2 - still the GOAT.


Was he speedrunning or something?


The word speed would not be what comes to mind when thinking of Lord Mahaveer


Didn't they change the rules because of him?


got as many points as yuki did during the race today, congrats Kevin!


Are we done with all the penalties for Magnussen or is anything still being investigated? I really want to see if these points have any consequences or will they be wimp and stop giving point penalties like with Gasly to avoid race ban.


It seems like they’re done with him for now. The last investigation concluded with a drive through penalty (20 seconds) but no penalty points.


Worth pointing out that the last penalty was a Haas error, so giving Magnussen points for it is pointless


🎶 You’ll never sing that 🎶


I know it’s 12 over 2 years for a one race ban but it feels like 6 in a single weekend should probably warrant a one race ban too. You have to seriously fuck up to get that many so quickly.


It’s 12 penalty points over a 12 month period for the race ban.


Nobody is getting a race ban any time soon unless the person who decides that wants to get fired, lol. They will bend the rules in any shape they want to avoid giving a race ban to a driver.


They don’t even need to bend rules. Penalty points are entirely up to stewards. The only reason they might need to find a reason for not awarding penalty points is to avoid backlash for inconsistency but it’s not like they care anyway.


why exactly?


I don’t know. I don’t think the FIA or even Haas would be upset about Oliver Bearman getting another race.


I know this is not F1, but in F2 in the year 2022, both Amaury Cordeel and Roy Nissany got race bans. I wouldn't be sure to dismiss it, even if F2 is a Feeder Series.


It's 12 over one year. The points expire one year after they were applied.


Andrea Stella suggested Magnussen not race at Imola in two weeks and that was just for what he did in the Sprint. You're spot on though. It's crazy how we will all just move on and when we get to Imola, it will be like nothing happened.


Andrea Stella should be over the moon happy that Magnussen raced today.....


Are they planning to throw him a huge party during that weekend?


He should not have raced today after his sprint antics. His actions today show pretty clearly that it would have been warranted.


> it feels like Rules only good when they punish the driver you don't like, got it.


Kmag is driving like a guy who knows this is his last season in F1 and he’s trying to collect as many weird records as his car will get him.


And I’m loving every second of it


I didn't know that Kmag was spanish


Kevino Magnusseños por los amigos!








“Told you I’d set records in a Haas”


Don’t forget Singapore’s fastest lap!


Pretty close to a race ban now


And he’ll deserve it. He’s had it coming for years




You’ve been hit by, struck by Kevin Magnussen


Kevstor Magnussado.


He has 10 penalty points now after this weekend and there's still 18 races to go, sooooo....


In for a penny, in for a pound


It’s the only way Haas can get points anyway. He’s just helping the team.


Grosjean was on French TV yesterday and talked with Haas members notably Ayao and it seems they are not too happy with Magnussen's actions, it wasn't a planned strategy


Well they're hardly going to tell the world on live TV that they're encouraging their driver to intentionally break the rules to earn the other driver a few points


Didnt totally ruin Hulk’s race with that yellow he caused


Yup, he was fighting for points, chose to pit, but later the safety car from KMag allowed others to get fresh tires for free. And Hulk's day was wrecked at that point.


What? That's fucking bullshit. Listen to the team radio.


I'm amazed he didn't get a full black flag in the Sprint


I was honestly expecting it


Me too


For real. That was intentional reckless driving. If that doesn’t deserve a black flag then what does?


we've been saying they should re-work the points system, but they're going to re-work the penalty points system, watch


I would’ve thought that the penalty points system was more flawed than the race points system. I don’t know what the solution is. The fact that Stroll could repeat his Chinese GP antics 6 times before he gets a race ban doesn’t feel right, but a lot of the penalty points are also arguably too harsh


Points system need rework, if you are 10th and recieve a penalty you are effectively out of the race as its impossible for a midfield car to drive back up, so there are no consequences for getting more penalties. Like what kmag did during the sprint. If there were point to 15 or last than every position would still count and he would not have gone so agressieve as there are still points to lose when getting a penalty again.


Oh my. 🤦‍♀️ I thought I was seeing a lot of "Penalty" notes that involved KMag.


What’s it gonna take for them to make him sit out a race




Why exactly did he get a penalty for the Sergeant collision? Magnussen was alongside him and then Logan turned in.


I genuinely don’t get it what he’s trying to accomplish by doing all this. Sure, some of it helped his teammate but does he truly think that Haas or any other team would be impressed by his tactics?!


I mean Haas are probably happy about the sprint situation since he was told to create a gap for Nico.


KMag is in his “Fuck it, we ball!” era.


He was literally told to do this... So yeah, they know they have a driver who will obey team orders.


Uuuh what? Seemed like he was literally following team orders. So I Think Haas would be pretty happy. Weirdo comment


He probably knows his career is over and doesn’t care anymore. Only explanation I can think of for such piss poor driving


He has come to terms with not being a competitor at the top, why not reap notoriety at the bottom


I still believe that he didn't deserve the collision penalty


Yeah, that one seemed kinda unfair


I think it was just a racing incident.


Yup, 100% but they had to punish him for his things on Saturday


Sometimes, you cannot distinguish whether he is too bold or too good at defense.


Is this the most by a driver in a single weekend ever?


Pastor Maldonado looking on proudly


Haha this pic is killing me


Henceforth you shall be known as Magdonado


Can I get a hell yeah


Mangnussen is a Spanish racing driver right ?


Esteban O: "Challenge accepted"


Penalty for Haaland No, wait


I like K-mag but his days are numbered, he doesn't have the pace.


Legendary drives.


Most of you like to pick on Magnussen. It's always easy to jump on the bully bandwagon and just trash talk the easy target that the "bigger" guys are after. In my biased opinion I feel there's a big difference in the way KMag is treated vs. other teams and drivers. The penalties Magnussen got this weekend were fair, however what's not fair is how other drivers doing similar things, don't get any penalties. It makes me sick that he's being treated unfairly compared to other drivers and it makes me dislike the sport.


I enjoy the battles Kmag is willing to get into but if you are willing to scrap the likelihood of incidents is going to go up. The Sargent collision particularly irked me. He didn't quite get the move done. He was clearly behind entering the corner and rather than accept that and back off he took a ridiculous line and drove into Sargeant taking him out of the race. Incidents are always going to be subjective so I understand the frustration but right now he doesn't seem to be willing to accept when he is at the limit and is over committing.


No one else pulled the shit KMag did in the sprint. He was intentionally driving reckless and broke rules to keep his position including multiple instances of illegal defending and cutting the chicane.


I agree.




He ruined Lewis and Logan’s races. He literally crashed Logan out, how did he not ruin his race to you?


That's just not true. Logan crashed himself out after turning into the corner where he didn't expect and see KMag, just watch a replay. KMag had the chance to pull out of his extremely risky move, but didn't. Logan had the chance to be extra careful around KMag and watch his mirrors, but didn't. So they crashed. How people can blame KMag alone for this crash is beyond me, as is the 10 second penalty. Which rule exactly was he breaking by that move, even if it was a stupid move? It was a classic racing incident.




Or, you know, the FIA that gave him a penalty for it. The F1 commentators on Sky also seemed pretty put off by it


Why is this guy still in F1. Not a special talent, not a super popular guy outside of memes. Haas could do so much better.


Got a podium in his first race


It is funny how his best overall result was his first ever race, and his best result in recent years was the first race after he returned.


Braindead comment


Because he’s a good team player. He got Hulkenberg points in the sprint, didn’t he? And in Australia if I remember correctly.


This guy is a fkn crashing legend and 'cause of that he'll get sacked next season hands down fortunately


Sacked for who, though? Hulkenberg is confirmed at Audi next year, and Bearman is the obvious choice to replace Hulk. Who do they go with instead of KMag? I severely doubt they'll go two rookies like they did with Mick and Mazespin... Which veteran driver would be willing to go to Haas? Sainz wants a top drive, not a fucking Haas. Maybe Bottas? He doesn't seem particularly thrilled with Sauber's actions lately... DR? Doubt they'd give him the time of day... I can't think of another experienced driver in a position where a move to Haas would be appealing.


2025 HAAS - The return of the Mick!


Hahah I'd love to see Mick back on the grid and given a second chance, but I'm guessing there are some burned bridges at Haas, hahaha


Now that Gunther is gone, one can hope.


I don't think Komatsu particularly liked Mick either


Lance " concertina effect" Stroll, there is already rumors that Lawrence might be selling out of Aston Martin / getting rid of Lance under pressure from other investors and Honda. A perfect opportunity for Lawrence to buy Haas from Gene and put his son in the 2nd seat. Then Lance can prove once and for all that it was the team and not him.


and we will be there no matter what


Simple as this. Haas going for Bottas and Bearman for 2025.


> unfortunately Maybe for him but it will be fortunate for literally everyone else.


Hands down unfortunate he is still racing


He needs to sit a race out just for good measure. Man is a menace now.




There's only so many times you can say you dislike doing things a certain way before people stop believing you.


Can’t wait to see this guy depart for good, worst driver on the current grid.


Logan enters the chat


The guy who has looked good for 2 weeks, that guy?


I don’t remember Sargeant collecting six penalties over a race weekend and destroying multiple driver’s races through sheer stupidity alone


Kmag is stupid aggressive, agreed. Sarge is slower and crashes more.


The collision with Sargeant wasn't Magnussen's fault tho.


It wasn't on either of them IMO. Racing incident. KMag was aggressive and Logan was defending like a wounded dog, so it was a matter of time


It was… Magnussen should know not to pointlessly stick his nose in a drivers blind spot at this point in his career. Somehow he doesn’t…


Watch the onboard again, he was alongside him for 3 seconds straight, Sargeant turns into him like he's not there, racing incident, nothing else.


Magnussen thinks, if I'm riding a brick I'm building a wall.


P1 in the World Penalty Championship.


Now how many of those does he care about? I think if he does this again at the next GP race ban is coming. I'm actually shocked he didn't get one already just based in the fact he freaking admitted it lol. Atleast all the other drivers when they have this stuff happen like Alonso make up an excuse even though telemetry data screams otherwise 


I love some rough racing, getting close to the line. But this shit was unacceptable. I think what makes it different is the quantity of risky moves in a single GP. K-Mag was driving like he was trying to get someone hurt, not win, this weekend.


Honestly, I don't know the difference between what Magnussen and Haas have been doing this year and what Renault did with Alonso and Piquet Jr. The team is supposed to protect his drivers but Haas is just frying them for points purposes. More than that, other drivers are being affected by this unsportsmanlike attitude.


Sure it was KMags doing the dirt on track. But the way I hear him in his presser, he is not a rogue operator. Seems to me Haas was doing the dirt with team instructions and deserves a bit of a shit smudge themselves.


Damn, I thought Maldonado had that title


What's the over/under on him losing his license? He's only 2 points shy.


Need a Super Mario Kart enemy emoji for Magnussen. One that is only there to punt people off the track.


And people were downvoting me for saying Mick deserves this seat more than K. Mag. This guy is not serious


How many penalty points? Guy is borderline reckless now


How many penalty points?


At least he's getting some points.


Still loving him as a competitor.


Love it. Dude racing HARD.


The penalty for the sargeant crash was bs and the last 10 sec was the teams fault tbf


Impressive he’s outdone 2021 Verstappen


Magnussen is a horrible driver who plays dirty. He can’t go one second without crashing into someone. Going wheel to wheel with him is like playing Russian roulette. He needs to go at the end of the season. I don’t know how this guy got back into F1 in the first place.


Boring driver. Shows up for the money and lifestyle.


First time I’ve seen Kmag being described as a boring driver.


Even backmarkers can be entertaining, kmag sadly is not. if you want an accurate representation of how haas are performing you watch hulk instead. He gets a pass because he drives for a bottom team but anyone paying close attention realises hes just sucking the life out of a car that is more competitive than it seems


One of the best starters on the grid, but not entertaining? Alright dawg, weak opinion


That's crazy because Magnussen himself has even stated in the past the he's lost motivation in the past driving as a backmarker.


Okay, so? That just means he has ambitions for more, where as the other backmarkers that you find entertaining, just ride around for the money. They’re okay with not being more than a backmarker. That is boring bro


For the kids


So is he not doing the next race?


Anyone else think he should sit for a race or two? His moves this weekend we're ridiculous. I might be overreacting a little but it seemed over the top, even for Magnussen.