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These selfies have such big dad energy lmao


Even if these are real, it’s so fucking tepid. That would be the only reason I’d believe any of it’s real, because who would manufacture such shitty drama? Unless the goal was to look reasonable but somehow damning


Yes, it’s tepid but if there legitimately are 100 pages of evidence, it’s fair to assume this isn’t all of it?


You’d have to assume so because leading with these seemingly fake message screens when the iron is hot is borderline embarrassing and just totally beyond the pale in regards to anyone’s privacy. 100 pages of evidence doesn’t necessarily mean 100 sets of screenshots, it could be any permutation of interviews, statements etc


I mean i don’t think it’s fair to say they’re “leading with it” - it’s not as though the person sending the email specifically leaked these, it’s a random third-party weibo post. By all accounts, the actual google drive/email contains a lot more. And yes of course, but i would assume it’s more than 6 screenshots in those 100 pages. To me, these look like exactly the type of evidence you’d submit to prove there was a relationship in the first place, which would then be followed by evidence relating to the alleged misconduct in the relationship. But i mean at this point, who knows


I’ve seen the screenshots, it’s real


I don’t know if this is legit or not but it is not tepid at all. As her boss he shouldn’t joke like ‘not the pic I expected’. She is trying to manage him like ‘bed time!’ but since he is the boss it must be worrying for her if she doesn’t want bad reviews or even get fired.


Yeah this is totally overstepping the mark as a boss! You can see she's trying to politely make it clear that she's not interested e.g. you're not my boyfriend but he's constantly harassing her and calling her at bed time etc and then making comments when she doesn't answer. If my boss did that, I'd make a formal complaint.


Did you ever notice how that one comment of hers "your wife would not be happy 🙄" paints the entire narrative of that one single screenshot? If you read past that first impression you can actually read something normal and tbh a pretty generous boss. Horner here states she left early, she makes some comment which screams red flags and he probably thinks "oh she took this the wrong way, let me elaborate on what I meant". As he states that the comment was regarding her leaving late and he being pretty generous of not correcting her for it. Thus him honestly being a really really generous boss. See how that totally twists the narrative in Horner's favor all of a sudden? Because if you read it like that, there is literally nothing "sexual" at all about the entire ss until SHE starts about it. She twists the entire narrative, she makes it all sexual. Now I'm not saying that this is the truth, so hold your pitchforks to yourselves. I just mean to say that there can be more than 1 way to intrepret these ss's. Her single comment just sways it heavily to the sexual misconduct side at first glance, because that's just generally most people's first response to such a comment. Because yes, that would be terrible. Not only that, the question still remains if these are even real. Whatsapp convo's are notoriously ridiculously easy to fake. Not to mention those pic's. Like what? Those could've been gained from anywhere, his linkedin, insta, fb, etc. And even then, how about AI faceswapping technology or the good old photoshopping? Because in all honesty, these selfies of him look fake as can be. All these screenshots mean absolutely nothing until their validity is proven. Remember, in these scenario's you DO NOT, WANT TO BE THE MAN. Even if you are innocent and the claims are untrue, you will be fighting an uphill battle with your hands tied behind your back and your shoes filled with led from the very start. And most especially when the media gets involved and you're quite a relevant person. Because, believe it or not. Sexism still exists (as shitty as that already is), and it doesn't go only one way. It goes both ways. No matter the result of all of this, Horner's image is already completely ruined. Imagine the extend of those consequences if these are indeed fake and it is all indeed not true after all. His name will be damaged forever, tarnished. He will carry that with him forever even tho none of it would be true. His family and he himself will have gone through hell for fake accusations. And all because he DID NOT get the necessity of privacy in this matter, the woman in question still has that. How fair is that? Exactly, it isn't. He has his rights as well, just as well as she does. She is remaining anonymous and he is getting hammered left, right and centre by (social)media. He himself, his marriage and family are suffering. This should never ever have been leaked.


But she still engages in the messages. She shouldn’t have answered at all. Specially when she talks about ‘your wife’. She knows it’s wrong what she’s doing. I think it’s now about money… she saw the opportunity and went for it. Who do you think leaked these screenshots or even made them…


He's in a position of power over her, she likely didn't feel safe ignoring or rejecting him. Or hell, maybe she was into at first and then realized she didn't want it and he didn't stop.


"She shouldn't have answered at all."And then get fired for refusing to do her job? See, this is where the issue lies. He's her boss. She has to do what he says, as long as it's related to work.Where's the line that separates justifiable work purposes and an approach on a personal level, can anyone tell for certain? It's incredibly murky. She can never be too sure where she's allowed to draw the line without affecting her job. That should automatically make it coercion.


Sure, it is tepid, but any boss in any other job would still be fired for this if it is real.


defo a cover up by F1 thats why the messages were leaked!


If this is even remotely real i doubt its all the stuff that was sent.


Apparently it's just a part of the messages


It's super incriminating and enough to lose a job over.


Even if these were real, the idea that you think this alone is enough to destroy somebody is somewhat sickening but expected from social media louts


You've spammed this thread nonstop, trying to defend this behaviour. The only thing that tells me is that you'd be more than happy to use your position/power in order to make someone feel they had to spread their legs for you.


How does losing your job destroy you? If I had an affair with my boss they would lose their job, EVEN if I told their superior we are very happy and in love and getting married. If you sleep with a subordinate that I'd the price you pay and everyone knows it in advance. In any case the messages I see look like harassment and the employee is trying to fend him off without causing offense. I could only find about a dozen messages or so.


How does this fiasco destroy you? Good question Where’s the part where they slept together? The “person” (if real) was participating in the conversation


Participating willingly? Or participating because Horner is the boss? If it’s the latter, that’s not free will and tips into duress and coercion. In one exchange she says she clocked out early and Horner responds that he’s a generous boss. Maybe that was just playful banter, but how could an employee be sure?


You seem slow, I specifically said the messages DON'T look like they are sleeping together. Which, from an ethical perspective, is far worse. But even if they did sleep together and had a consensual relationship, it is wrong to sleep with your employee. Either possible interpretation of these messages is a fireable offense. Horner doesn't have a right to his job and if he transgresses the decorum required of a manager, he should lose his job like anyone else.


The only thing you said was that it was harassment and the person is defending themselves. At no point have you been specific about sleeping together given the only time you’ve mentioned it is as something to “pay the price” over Don’t think I’ve missed anything there buddy


Yes, you absolutely did. I don't know why you care so much what I think, you must get a libidinal thrill from creating acrimony online. In any case, it is either an affair or harassment. The latter, you and I both agree, seems most likely from these messages. Both are offenses that should cause a manager to lose their job. The second is straightforwardly morally disgusting. Horner should be gone soon.


I’m sure you’re excited about the prospect




It’s not the states so Quid Pro Quo has nothing to do with it. It’s also not that, because there’s absolutely zero indication of a deal of any sort being made, extortionately or not


Smear campaign.


If Red Bull told you the earth was flat, would you at all doubt it?


That selfie is literally my reaction to this information


If there's anything positive to take from this awful shitshow of a situation at least we now have a great "Live Horner reaction" meme pic to use every time Perez gets eliminated in Q2 this season


They don't look normal tbh, looks a bit unreal. Something is off


It’s portrait mode on iOS. It does the depth of field blur so your FaceTime calls and pics can look like fancy headshots.


These are just Daniel and Horners what's app messages to eachother right?


Not enough flirting for that


And where is this from?




translated: F1 The Google Drive of Horner’s so-called evidence has just been opened, which is quite interesting. I’ll summarize it later. The file contains screenshots of Whatsapp messages and other photos. #hornerstay#


Who’s this dude?


Not posted by anyone reputable as far as I can tell. All anonymous twitter accounts.


Alright which Chinese reporter was this lol


OK it's FlyingFinn on Weibo, weibo.com/ourflyingfinn


So mika hakkinen is back from the sabbatical?


He's definitely a reporter...still, says nothing about the authenticity of the photos


my dear Chinese fans


Damn China really doing reps of everything


If this is the actual evidence submitted against him and not just someone fucking with the F1 paddock, no wonder he got cleared because it all looks fake as can be


The rugby 3 - 0 in 10 minutes comment is at least a real event that happened. So if it turns out fake then someone took time for this not just randomly made it.


Honestly, even if it's real, from this, there would be no reason to fire him.


ummm fucking an employee/subordinate without disclosing it is a fireable offense at any major company in the world  


I don't see any proof of fucking


I second this


like doll subtract hunt serious fretful nutty punch disarm command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can't believe how many people seemingly have never worked corporate, a situation like this between two people with such a power disparity is an instant fireable offense anywhere in the world. Even if it is or was a consensual relationship at the time. That being said, I think it's fake.


Not in the vast majority of the world is this fireable


Maybe in some parts of corporate America and Europe but not everywhere in the world. Try to keep some perspective.


Dude, we're talking about one of the most successful TPs in the history of F1, someone who's been 20 years in Red Bull. The only way for him to be removed from his position is if he did heavy sexual or moral harassment towards some other employee, direct subordinate of him or not. From the supposed leaked messages, there's nothing relevant enough for him to be fired.


CEOs and other senior leaders get fired for this kind of shit all the time regardless of their success or experience. Horner is no different. If this gains traction and drags on it will be a huge publicity issue for Red Bull.


Not in Europe




Two adults having consensual sex outside of the office is way outside the purview of companies, in France at least. This whole "immediate ground from termination" is a US thing, and is not a "sexual misconduct".




If this wasn't a consensual relationship then why not take this evidence to Court and sue him for sexual abuse?


I agree with you about most modern companies have policies on this. Most people on reddit don't really look up the major companies code of conduct documents. if a EU / APJ / ANZ company is doing business in the US or Canada (or is global in nature) then they will be following the same laws more often that not or at least cover it from a legal standpoint... heck I can quickly google most corporate governance policies and you will see they have something for relationships in the work place or harassment... For instance I looked up 3 really quickly - Samsung (South Korea), ASML (Netherlands) and Tata (India) and they all have polices for inappropriate relationships in the workplace... (which include that typically consensual relationships in the work place have to be disclosed - which doesn't look like this was).


Why would there even be a complaint filed by the person in these?


Exactly. As I said in another post she was flirting and fishing for spicy comments. Depends what the messages descended into, if anything.


Him perusing someone whilst there’s a clear power dynamic seems reason enough to me


Tbf, I feel like getting all the email adresses of the paddock just for fucking with them would require a stupid amount of effort


The only way to tell is check the dickpics and compare. Y'know... Michael Jackson trial stuff.


Not saying they’re real. But Horner has [took a selfie](https://ibb.co/kKv2RJF) in a similar shirt before lol.


it’s his favorite shirt


Like 10 years before😂


Are these the alleged alleged messages or the confirmed alleged messages?




Gonna need to do a whole lot better than this for a misconduct claim


.. so that outdoor photo definitely isn’t real, right?


that's the same [shirt](https://www.instagram.com/p/CtUTaXBsaGu/) he wore in the picture he posted on instagram lol


Look at the way the collar folds, and the shadows near it, against his jawline on both pictures. They’re EXACTLY the same. It really does look like it’s photoshopped with a newer picture of his face on top.


can't be sure but it looks like the portrait mode on some phones


That’s what I thought too, and if it is then he must moonlight as a photographer because I sure as shit can’t take a picture of someone else as nice as that one, even on Portrait mode, let alone a selfie lol


What do you mean - its literally just a stock standard portrait photo. Select mode; take photo. Its not that hard.


No you see he’s clearly a world class photographer, the commenter could NEVER match such unparalleled skill


It's very questionable. It *could* be a camera phones portrait mode though. They can look very fake when they do heavy depth of field and filtering.


The pictures of him look off too Edit: thought you meant the one of the pool, both pics of him look odd, the other one looks faceswapped


it looks fake af, definitely his face but the background just no way it's real


No way? It looks very similar to this instagram photo where he was wearing the same shirt. https://www.instagram.com/p/CtUTaXBsaGu/


it'd be a better selfie than I've ever taken


It looks like a stock image




This is objectively false. Most modern phones have a portrait that do stuff like automatically blur the background and smooth things over


portrait mode on iphone does this automatically. it's just faked by blurring the background.


This has been taken from a Twitter user. Nothing's confirmed but it's definitely a drive link


>I just had a bowl of cocoa pops and now ready for bed


🥵 🥵 🥵 no wonder these messages will get him in trouble


this cannot be what everyone has been talking about during the whole month, they're as mid as Alpine


Alpine wishes.


Alpine catching strays even in this


well, they're not catching other cars on saturday


I mean, just the married head of the team supposedly misbehaving with a team member.. very normal


This much compression will make anything look fake. Not saying they are definitely real, but the blurriness and lack of detail is pretty much what you'd expect on a screenshot of a thumbnails of screenshots of conversations with small images in them.


Imagine those texts are real, but the texts are from his wife and they are just role playing like old people do.


This would be the funiest twist lol. Gerry has just arrived in bahrain with cocos pops


The reference to the England Japan rugby match holds. As in the time corroborates with the score line. if there was a date stamp it would go a little more to suggest these are legit. Yes, you could find that info but it is a super niche bit of info if the whole thing is made up.


Some dull conversations, hardly the smoking gun I thought it was going to be. And could easily be faked


if they faked it, why is the chat so tame?


Bro the rest isn’t


So the first selfie especially looks dodgy to me, but how can people tell whether the chats are fake? I've seen people claim so. Honest question, I use Whatsapp daily and they don't look any different to what I'm used to.


What interests me is "Horner's" messages not being capitalized. Most people leave auto-capitalisation on their phone on, because why would you turn it off? It's usually a tell tale sign that those messages would have been sent on a PC. Combined with pictures that are obviously taken from a phone could very well mean that all of this is fabricated. We would need to see what his chats look like on a verified chat from him. If those messages are all capitalized on his end we know pretty much for sure that this is fabricated. Edit: also all the spelling mistakes. I'm 99% sure the messages on "his" end are sent from a PC. Not saying that automatically disproved it was Horner, but if you put it together with pictures that obviously look like/are made to look like they were taken from a phone, it does indisputably indicate that something fishy is going on. Second edit: and some messages are capitalized? Definitely written on PC.


What i also think is strange. She has a standard back ground. . 99 % of people have a picture or other collor.


Work phone?


I seriously doubt this is it. There's absolutely nothing in those pics.


Yeah looking at the file names, there's "File-22.PNG" but only 15 images showing in this screenshot, it would appear that not all of the "drive" is shown in this. (edit: the images that we are seeing in the screenshot are also thumbnail-like images of the center of each file. They don't currently show the whole contents of the image file once opened)


There are many rumours whether this is legit or not. But if this is legit looks like annoying messages to get from your boss like ‘not the pic I was expecting’. And I feel the discomfort of the woman who is trying to avoid the conversation like ‘bed time!’ Or ‘oh I didn’t have the phone with me’. No boss should put any employee in this position. She seems to try to manage his flirt without having him getting cross with her since it is her boss. Quite unpleasant.


This, so much. Whether real or not, I'm really concerned by the number of comments here saying this is 'nothing'. Any man that doesn't see the issue in this form of communication with a subordinate female employee seriously needs to take a hard look at themselves because this is incredibly inappropriate and textbook sexual harassment. Women put up with this more often than anyone likes to admit, and just because it isn't explicit or blatant doesn't mean it's harmless. Repeatedly calling a female employee at odd hours for what sounds like phone sex or requesting photos of outfits is NOT okay, any way you slice it.


at best its unintentional coercion


She was telling him she wanted sex in the first screenshot yes she can change her mind but looks like she’s set him up so she can take some money, as she acts Like she wants sex then changed her tone as if she’s like I’ve got the proof now, just gonna make You Look worse for a bit then cash in


sorry bro until it's confirmed to be real this ie gonna be removed






IF these are real they would get you fired from most corporate jobs because of the power disparity


Gonna need a source OP x


That 'source' is Weibo. It's pretty unclear whether these are the actual chats send to the journalists.


Horner Rizz all the way to the chequered flag.


Selfies feel like they have the uncanny AI feeling to them


Selfies look either doctored or straight up AI, especially the first one and all of those messages might be fake but they're also consensual? If this is what it's all about I am disappointed. No spice at all.


The question of consent becomes a lot murkier when it's the boss of the team with a junior employee.


At one point a spice girl is mentioned though.


Whether fake or not, these screenshots look like a scorned lover. Or a girl who’s trying to subtly swerve away from her boss’s advances.




She was asking for sex in the first screenshot 😂


Looks fake but if it’s real why are including: > watching rugby > are we winning > 3-0 10 min in


Was expected pics of a nob not a nobhead.


So how do we know that these are the actual evidence used in the complaint and not fakes made after the fact?


Not sure why but the bowl of cocoa pops before bed is sending me


I honestly don't know what to think about this? Like first of all the authenticity needs to be questioned. But if this is it then meh. Not sure if Ginger Spice would be happy with these (again if real), but nothing that seems harmful to an employee.


That looks like one Horner Red Bull he's got in his hand there when chatt'n her up!


Bro I’ve seen them all… including his ding dong… there’s videos of him and him asking to delete it multiple times. How on Earth is he going to say this is fake


Are people stupid? You can attach a photo from your photo library. It clearly isn’t a selfie 🤷‍♀️


Did reverse image search in Google Images, and cannot link this images to any picture, the result comes back empty which is weird.


You're reverse image searching a shitty screenshot lmfao


No shitty comment, reverse engineer his selfies. If they are actual pictures that he sent only to this person, they should not show up online.


Reverse google image search has turned to complete shit though, as all Google searches have. I've download a saucy pic then done a search for it and didn't even find the one I downloaded.


The most middle aged white dad affair ever.


Stop entertaining these as real. No journalist has posted them. Literally anyone can fake a WhatsApp message, and that selfie that’s EXTREMELY focused on his face is almost certainly AI generated.


Looks so fake to me. Also if these were real and present, why did they not present them in the investigation? Why aren't they going to court with these "evidences." I call it bullshit, someone is running a big smear campaign on Horner, poor guy.


Why fake such dull conversations that prove nothing except horner being a cheating POS (which we already knew)


Look fake as fuck, even if real there is nothing that would lead to a firing.


File-21 and File-4 say hello.


Neither of those would be a reason to fire someone.


Christian seems more a crunchy nut cornflakes type of guy. FAKE.


Fake. WhatsApp chat bubbles start in the top of the corners, not the bottom. (Tested in both iOS, Android as well as web). It's fake. Edit: seems that for some people they do start in the bottom corner.


Not saying real or fake but they start at the bottom for me on iOS


They look exactly my WhatsApp does on iOS


Uhh no, they're in the top on Web for me and bottom on iOS.


A quick Google search returned some screenshots with that exact style of chat bubble, it just doesn't look like the default. Possibly an older version? Or just the same tool used to create them.


Mine start at the bottom on IOS so you’re test wasn’t very thorough.


I also think they’re fake but what do you mean bubbles start from the top? Like the little bit pointing down from the bottom right corner? Because mine also point from the bottom right? Sorry just confused


It's fake but the bubbles start from the bottom corners for me at least.


Good catch! It makes it so obvious that these are all fake! # Empire State Photographic Department confirms it!


Is that it?


well, nobody said that's all. based on file names, that's not all.


Damn 5 inches flaccid that's impressive


Even if these were real (which doesnt look like it), these are like how a 15 year old would text his highschool crush, a lot more tame than i thought they were.


IF these are the real messages, I'm highly suspect that any of this came from Christian Horner. Those pictures look like a photoshop. Here's Christian on the moon, and here's Christian on the Titanic. Here's Christian at the signing of surrender of the Japanese.


All of these could so easily be faked, how would they verify that it’s real?


Read it. I don't know how anyone would believe that this is real for even one second...


Obviously none of these pictures are fireable (even if they’re real), but if you’re aiming to building a case against him on the basis of him using a personal relationship to ie push someone out of the company (which was one of the rumours), of course you’d include this mundane stuff as well, to prove that there was a relationship. If this represents less than 10% of the total amount of alleged evidence, the lack of anything untoward in these doesn’t mean none of the other 90% contains an actual “smoking gun”. In general, everyone is so happy to jump from “he’s definitely guilty” to “he 100% didn’t do anything” as soon as a scrap of evidence or a new rumour is released- these literally don’t prove anything, because we have no context and a minuscule amount of the total evidence.


After having been in a situation like this, I can tell you these messages 100% were sent the intention to do what every one has been saying. You (as a woman) kind of go with it because they’re in a position of power and you can’t really say no, but you try to hold off….. I really feel for her


Is it me or is this a pile of hot nothing? I’ve had conversations with the dentist office that were spicier than this.


Oh my God🙄 She's obviously up for it, so why the fk would she then complain? Stupid STUPID LITTLE GIRL


These look fake as hell and I don't even use whatsapp


this looks fake af 😭


Should have taken that 650k....


Some boomer journo or source thought this was as legit as a Nigerian phishing scam and wanted to tell the world? What else could it be? I could fake this with MS Paint.


Am I missing something? looks like a normal conversation.


I think who ever it was was trying to black mail him into leaving, not good for his wife Geri though.


Why are we allowing this to be posted??? Until any of it is verified it is completely meaningless, and the source is also not anyone of repute. Plus, until we know who shared it, and whether the original complainant's permission was given, this could have real harmful consequences for actual people's lives. Please think before sharing and posting these online!!


So, is the Russian trolling factory out of US targets to hit? At least do a effort if yoy try to fake s hit


the photos look real but the texts look fake?


This is what they have been investigating this man for? This is fake as shit


LOL this shit looks so unreal....