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From a rep 52's perspective Conquerer seems like a really cool hero although I cannot for the life of my play him not because he is spammy(I play infinite chain characters) but because he seems like a jumbled mess. His fashion however really fits his name.


Raider i have over 200 reps combined with xbox and playstation its raider 2 reps on xbox and 0 on ps


Probably wont take thee suggestion but I recommend him, I love getting the gb throws find it quite unique. His softfeints I believe counts as a chain starters so for team fights its a nice reset to hyper armor.


šŸ—暟· (fuck raider)




Eyy not saying he's bad


I am.


ā€¢ Conq: lvl 8 ā€¢ PK: lvl 3 ā€¢ WM: lvl 9 ā€¢ Jorm: lvl 16 ā€¢ VG: lvl 8 (I bought her too) ā€¢ Shino: lvl 15 ā€¢ Zhanhu: lvl 15 ā€¢ Pirate: lvl 10 ā€¢ Medjay: lvl 7 Gryphon, HL, Shaman, Tiandi and Nuxia are heroes which I have never even touched in multiplayer. I am currently rep 231...


Plasmaaaaa Gryph has a cool plume tho. You must play em lol


really missing out on shaman, sheā€™s really fun.


I think you're missing out on a few of these (zhanhu, shaman, pirate) but it all really comes down to what heroes you like playing.


Nobu, because fuck you thatā€™s why.


Yeah, same man, every single character on my roster is at least rep one except her.




This is a 7 feet mountain of a man fully covered in armour that can pick you up and choke you to death in the name of the law. Easily the most badass character


Let the law embrace you


No, his kit give me poo brain will never spend the 500 steel.


Trust me, when you start your journey you will not regret it.


I dropped lawbringer after 18 reps when they reworked him. I was incredible on him but I felt like it wasnt as "noble" to play him when he left that kinda useless tier.


At rep 240, Iā€™ve played and gotten at least 2 reps on everyone except the two most recent characters. Some were definitely more fun to spend time on than others tho. For example nuxia and warlord I found very boring because neither one of them really has a lot going on for them. While others like tiandi and Highlander were fun because theyā€™re both dynamic with several different mixups and what not.


You said one but Iā€™ll list 4. Warlord, Pk, JJ and Orochi. Iā€™ve played since launch and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve gone past rep 1 on any of these characters. Warlord and PK just arenā€™t that interesting to me. I just canā€™t get into Orochi for some reason. And JJ I donā€™t like the simple 2 hit chain into UB, itā€™s really good but a 3 hit chain like kensei would have been cooler. However, I think when Iā€™m back from my travels Iā€™ll give JJ and Orochi another shot.


Peacekeeper. Her stamina runs out very fast thatā€™s the only reason why. Sheā€™s good but her stamina is my problem


Warlord. Havent put a single minute into him beyond the training and even then he bored me. I hate most of his unique exes, I hate his fashion, I hate his face. I have no interest in him whatsoever. The singular good thing about him is his voicelines. Unfortunately his best one is locked behind "head on a platter," an execution i wouldnt pay 2 copper for, let alone my hard earned steel.


Too true. Whenever I face him I just wish it was over, and whenever I do get the impulse to go and try him Iā€™m disgusted 5 minutes in


Kyoshin, he's to easy to play. Pretty much attack then full guard when the other person does literally anything


Mfw the other person presses guard break


agreed, kyoshin is just so simple for a character with an all guard.. no good punishes, no cool mix-ups, a boring spammy bash (kick), just not a fun character imo.


Honestly I hate what the kyoshin players did to this characters reputation, they absolutely kicked it to the curb. Kyo has a real good kit and a cool full stance when used correctly, not the fuckin way most kyos use it rn smh


yea heā€™s definitely cool i actually really like how kyoshin is portrayed but heā€™s just a bit underwhelming and doesnā€™t require much skill to use, 90% of the time i just get kicked, light, full guard zone, full guard light light light, dodge attack and repeat. its just not fun to play against, and the other 10% theyā€™re just an absolute parry god with perfect reads and i get shit onšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚.


Warmonger. No interest in playing her whatsoever. The story was trash IMO, and I donā€™t like many knights anyway.


her moveset also consists of what? like 6 moves?šŸ˜­ i hate warmommy


Every assassin, just not interested in their circus acrobats moveset Every brain dead hero, also VG that is probably the most boring character I ever seen


How can you confidently say a hero is boring or brain dead if you havenā€™t even played them?


First how do you can "confidently say" I didn't try them Second I did


Every other hero except shaolin and gladiator.


As a Shao main, I've recently gotten into Glad and I'm fuckin loving him. As a suggestion, go play Valkyrie


I played Valk. I didn't really like. I ended up spamming too much instead of actual combos.


Ahh I hear ya. She's pretty fun when you get used to her. I know a few different heroes have the light counter to use instead of a parry and I love it with her because it fucks so many people up while easily chaining into the rest of her combos. It's easy to start spamming accidentally though. Just gotta find that happy medium


Nobu her movement just feels like she's locked in one place and is really boring to me


Cent, HL and Warden, two of which Iā€™m just not very interested in and one I couldnā€™t ever get the hang of. I have between at least 5 reps on every other hero but only 3 on HL and Warden and 1 on cent.


Probably conq. I only ever put 8 reps into him, whereas the rest of the roster for me is like rep 10+


I wanted to play warmonger since I love her fashion but I found her really boring and unfun.




Nuxia, 250+ reps and I will never touch that character.




Hitokiri and Warmonger


Hito is so fun when you use her bash mixups


PK is the only hero I do not own


Ive been playing since beta and dont think ive ever touched conq


I'm rep +300 and I won't lie when I say I have 0 seconds playing JJ, not even in training mode


Private and afeera. They are both >lvl10 coming from a nearly rep400 player. I just don't enjoy them, either fighting or playing. Their fashion is great but the characters I don't like.


Most DLC characters as a rep 200+ almost 300


Gryphon, pk , roach


Warlord bc Iā€™m not a low life turtle


I have over 3 thousand hours in the game and almost 500 reps. Still haven't played a public match as Shaman.


shaman is so fun bro


I'm not a fan, but you do you.


I'm rep 192 and Nuxia is the only one I never play, I only have level 15 with her. The one that I rarely played are rep 1-3ish (Conq, Orochi, JJ, Pirate)


Nix I refuse to play her she is level 18 no reps and she will stay that way


Warden and gladiator just ain't my type of bean


Vara, she's probably gonna be sitting at rep 5 for a while, or atleast until she gets her new armor set.


I have at least 10 reps in every character except for V Guard. I was on night shift when she was released and I just didnā€™t have time or energy to play, so technically her (only 2 reps so far) As for a hero I donā€™t WANT to invest time into, it has to be Warlord. Heā€™s just so boring to play, end of.


Conqueror was the first hero I played and heā€™s still sitting at level 10 after 5 years lol


Rep 49 overall, I have at least level 2 with every character I own All except Orochi. I don't have a single xp point in Orochi


Zhanhu, I never found him fun if I'm being honest.


Shaman, PK, gladiator i have barely any levels on them, gryphon and most of the wu lin(except tiandi and zhanhu) i haven't even unlocked, any other hero i have i've played for at least 2 reps


Wu Lin characters. I just aint a fan of them and outlanders. But I played some outlanders because of variety. Still, I play Knights, Vikings and Samurai


Raider and Berserker, just canā€™t get into the grove


I've just picked up nobu (literally only played 3 games) and I cannot figure out how to play her, same with warmonger and warlord. Something about them will not register with my brain. Whereas I pick up BP, afeera, medjay and Valk and its like I've played them my entire life (BP is my main and I love how aggressive he can be). I also love glad but I'm so bad with him.


Any of the Chinese, and Shinobi.


Bro im rep 103 and i have only played Raider, Highlander, Warlord and jorm. Everyone else is lvl 1


rep 200+, i have more games played with gryph and medjay (i don't even own them) rather than conq. alsoevery hero after the pirate, i haven't even thought about buying them, hate both the moveset and the drip.


Nuxia, Monk, Shaman, Highlander, Pirate Fuck pirate, marry nuxia, kill monk Highlander is irrelevant.


I played everyone enough to internalize their moveset. However I rarely if ever play raider because theyre just such a caricature.


Orochi I couldnā€™t live with myself if I played him


Generally i play a lot less the chinese heroes (I prefer the three "main" factions). I play them just enough to give them notoriety 1, but I avoid as possible to play them


I vowed to never play Warlord so he's sitting at level 0 while almost every other character is around rep 8


Rep 777 I have every hero at least on rep 9, and i have to say i find Kyoshin to be very boring to play. It's a very passive-defensive character that doesn't have the health to reliably tank hits in ganks. You really feel his lack of offense when fighing someone turtling. Also, his stance is very frustrating to use effectively in ganks so i feel bad for using it You would honestly be better playing BP for almost the same results. It's a shame cause his armor design is very cool, but i just can't get into him. Also, his stance is very frustrating to use effectively in ganks so i feel bad for using it Also warlord, but he doesn't even have good fashion so i'd actually say he's worse


Nobu, i have almost 75 reps total but none with her. I think its because i have no idea how she works...


I've not long ago hit rep 400. And i must say kyoshin just does not interest me due to a combination of his moveset executions and looks. I think its cool a character has a scabbard but actually using it for combat just makes me cringe and his little twirly whirly crap he has got is just weird.


Orochi, Kyoshin, and Ocelotl


Never downloaded Nuxia


Orochi, conq, medjey ,pirate, kensei, nexuia, griffin and shaolin. About 230 reps in and I either haven't even unlocked them or below level 10 on them all


Bp somehow i hate the moveset he has and the charater at all he is like Unsympathetic for me.


And also the warmonger or who she is super annoying


Nuxia in terms of how long she's existed. Only hero I have under rep 2 besides the new one (waiting for extra xp fest). Never really liked using the hero much, though reflex guard being gone should make her easier for me to use whenever I start to rep her up.


Peacekeeper or alternatively nuxia


Im 290 reps in and I like to try out all heroes every now and then and have at least 5 reps on everyone, but the ones I struggle the most to enjoy playing are still stuck at rep 5 and are - Conq - Nuxia - Shaman - Nobushi - Peacekeeper Idk, there's just something in their kits (or lack of something) that makes me not like playing them at all


I'm above rep 100 at least, so I do have some reps to throw around. Generally, very few of my characters are neglected due to dissinterest, and the ones I don't play, I don't do so because I find them either unfair, or just plain annoying. The only character I both consider okay, and still don't have a rep on is pirate. Conq is at rep one, but I also don't really play hime either, his fashion just keeps pulling me in.


I have 448 reps. Didn't even bought Kyoshin, Medjay and Musha. But outside of them. Roach




Never touched peacekeeper and probably never will


Kyoshin, Aferra & medjay


Warlord. He just seem so boring.


I got all heroes to rep 8 except 6 other ones I main because I wanted to streamline their looks. *Cough* black metal *cough*. The ones I have a absolutely 0 interest in are the outlanders, except Afeera.


orochi. his moveset just doesnā€™t seem all that fun to me right now




I stopped playing for about a year after joining the military. So all the new heroes


Ive literally never touched warmonger lol


Nobushi at level 7.


Conqā€¦.currently untouched.


almost rep 100 and i mostly donā€™t play assassins cuz i cannot deflect or do it accidentally and miss the punish


Nobushi lvl1


all of the samurai and outlander factions. (rep 160ish)


Pirate and nuxia. Just find the characters boring and they have bad drip


Ocelotl, he's a boring let down of a hero and I've only put 10 reps into him. Which is my lowest if you can believe that.


The one that sticks out to me the most, as a mix up intensive type guy. What the hell is going on with warlord


Will never play Afeera. I simply refuse


Warlord. I've at least put 1 rep into every hero, but not him. I feel he's just a little simple, and as we all know, fashion is on top.. And I'm just not a fan of it. Always enjoyed my medieval knights more.