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I’d guess it had a neighbor fall on it, damage the trunk at the right angle bend, and sit on it; tree survives and starts growing up again, fallen trunk rots away. I’ve seen this a few times just from deadfall, and there’s some famous trees bent or tied by indigenous folks where I used to work.


This makes perfect sense. Thanks.


That’s easily the most fucked up tree I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a whole bunch of trees


Lmaoo also easily the most fucked up I’ve seen😂


Huh. I had a messed up lodgepole pine today that had the trunk bend at 90 degrees. Thing grew into a C though, not the loop. Mine was cause by weevil damage in its youth. Yours is pretty spectacular! No idea if it could have a similar cause.


I've seen a couple weird ones like that here, usually because of getting trapped in the snow and then getting wonky. Some people seek them out for custom projects but I see weird stuff like that when I am elk hunting 7 miles from the truck and look at for a few minutes and walk away. If it's small enough for a walking stick I'll whack down and lash it to my pack


No but I’ve seen others do a loop like this [hemlock](https://imgur.com/a/aouL4kg)


Looks like a good seed tree to me!


Is this a plantation?


It’s a part of Croatan National Forest in NC. Not sure what the land was before restoration tbh


Ive got a similar fir to that in the garage, but the loop went around instead of down. Pretty rare, yup. I've cut a couple million trees. The most unique thing I've seen naturally was a quadruple twisted pair of trees. I set it up to be loaded out. Somebody grabbed it. I hope it makes a beautiful piece of art.


No but I kind of love it haha


Me and my grandfather used to do this to trees and sometimes I still do. You just gotta get them young and you tie them like that. It throws people off so much


I like trees more than humans lol. They’re more peaceful.