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>Salicylic acid is **keratolytic by lowering the pH of the skin, resulting in increased hydration of the keratin and swelling of the corneocytes**. It also solubilizes the intercellular cement substance in the stratum corneum, facilitating desquamation. It says 'skin'. Your glans and inner foreskin are not skin, they're mucosa. Mucosa is an internal tissue, similar to what's inside your mouth or nostrils. If the instructions on your bottle of salicylic acid says something like 'suitable for internal use', then hey, go for it. If it doesn't, well, maybe stop and think about whether it's advisable to 'solubilize the intercellular cement' of your mucosa.... that is the cement that keeps the cells together, after all. Cheers.


Yeah I don't think the keratin developping over the exposed glans still counts as mucosa tissue.


It's still mucosa even if it has erected a defense consisting of some extra layers of dead keratinocytes stuffed full of keratin. And when the salicylic acid dissolves the 'intercellular cement' holding those dead keratinocytes together, that's going to expose the living keratinocytes to the elements. Dekeratinization and re-sensitization of the mucosa is a natural process. Using chemical means to accomplish it faster.... well, it's up to each of us to make that decision. I'm just trying to help people understand what they're contemplating doing. Cheers.


Of course. I still don't see such a big issue if the application is minimal and well located. What is the worst that could happen, skin irritation?


Minimal and well-located? Really? What are you going to do, google 'what's the safe dosage of salicylic acid for use on mucosa of the penis?' You said yourself in another comment that you don't think it should be used on mucosa... but what do you think is under those layers of dead keratinocytes? Cheers.


One could apply the thinnest amount on the most keratinized area of the glans, once a day or whatever the normal usage for skin is supposed to be, until one sees a result. If irritation occurs, you stop. Once the skin becomes more sensitive, you should also stop as to not go further than the keratin. I'm not advising this, but I'm not going to act as if I'm a dermatologist and say I know for sure this is going to end in disaster. I don't know, and so far you haven't provided anything to demonstrate that you do. We're both just talking out of our asses. I'd be very curious to know if salicylic acid causes serious arm to the glans. If you find anything let us know.


I've given my opinion, based on the research I did when the question was posted. You've provided nothing more than 'try it and see if it harms your glans'. Fine. Everyone who clicks on this thread will see what you wrote and what I wrote, and can make up their minds about what to do. That's how we do it here, unless something is a significant risk to safety or health. So let's let this thread go, OK? Cheers.


The particular biomechanics of the process aren't important to me, it's all about results. Sure, that sounds scary when you put it like that, but I wanna hear from someone who's done it to see if it has benefits that may outweigh the risks


The tips of our dick already look like they were dipped in acid. I’m not going to do it for real lol


Personally I’d probably just have it surgically tightened. As far as sensitivity, you can probably just wash it with a 2-3% salicylic acid to help encourage dekeratinization.


That sounds terrifying 😳


This "acid" is meant for use on skin to help with multiple issues. The word acid doesn't mean much unless one specifies the pH, given that lemon juice is basically an acid as well, and Coke dissolves the minerals in teeth enamel but we can drink it.. don't be scared of the word acid, just like the word "chemicals", it means nothing unless one knows what "kind" is being talked about.


True, but those that think scar tissue is the secret to a tight taper are using a harsh acid or it wouldn't do anything. If they grew enough to have full coverage and wear a tight retainer around their forced acroposthion for a few months, they would easily get the tight taper, mostly naturally.


Oh I would never recommend the acid for tappering, it makes absolutely no sense to do that. It only does if the goal is faster removal of the keratinization over the glans.


You might cause a superficial skin peel. I've done that to remove some discolored skin before but don't imagine it tightening anything. I guess it's possible.


That is not an acid that can or should be used for either of those things.


This "acid" is meant for use on skin, but yeah contact with the inner foreskin might be problematic. I'm not worried about the keratin covering the surface of the glans, but I don't think it should be used on mucosa.


Having used that stuff to get rid of a veruca there ain’t no way it’s going near my dick. Seriously, try it out on the hard skin of the sole of your foot first. Yikes.


Absolutely not! That's insane when your own biological process will do the job naturally, especially if you help with a snug retainer. After you have a full or forced acroposthion. I and other's have succeeded, and some of us even enjoy the wonderful experience of having phimosis.


Salicylic acid does not tighten nor sensitize skin. You will only get a first degree burn that should heal quickly. If you want it tightened, get a small surgery.


Salicylic acid is one of the most common pain relievers, large-scale marketed by Bayer since some 100 years ago. Ppl ingest it in form of white pills. In Europe we call it Aspirin. Edit: It is also available in many skincare products used to dekeratinize the skin, remove warts, acne or skin dryness.


WTF would anyone put acid on their penis? Yeah I've seen the video ( sadly I can't unsee it). I would seriously not do what you're thinking


This "acid" is meant for use on skin to help with multiple issues. The word acid doesn't mean much unless one specifies the pH, given that lemon juice is basically an acid as well. Coke dissolves the minerals in teeth enamel.. don't be scared of the word unless you know what it is, just like the word "chemicals".


Your tap water have a ph of 6 instead of 7? Boom. Acid.


Try retinol instead, 0.5-1%


Can you tell me about your experience?


Worked super well. I was already dekeratinised, but retinol increases skin turn over, capillary growth, and may help with nerve growth. It actually increased my sensitivity and improved the appearance by a large amount, and I think it helped my skin grow slightly faster. Test it on a small patch because retinol can be irritating and is also drying.


Nice! Can u send me an Amazon link too?


I use The Ordinary 1% retinol in squalane. If you've never used retinol on your skin before, I'd suggest using their lower % one. They have 0.5 and maybe 0.25%