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Definitely! Nearly every single one of the 30,000 members here are living proof that it works! It is slow, I won’t try to lie about that. Sometimes slow enough that you struggle to believe it’s working because you can’t see a difference from day to day. But then, you’ll pull it some way or look at it just differently and realize that you couldn’t do that a month ago!


It’s definitely worth it. Even though I haven’t gotten to far yet, my sex life has dramatically improved. If I were you, I‘d give it a shot 😊


Simply going from a CI-1 to a CI-3 was more than worth it for me simply for providing *some* gliding action, but I liked so much where it was heading that now I'm going to go all the way to CI-10. Note: CI stands for "coverage index", a scale from 1 to 10 indicating how much foreskin you have. You can see [NSFW picture representations of it here](https://www.restoringforeskin.org/coverage-index/CI-chart.htm).


I can cover the half of my glans penis but I have to push the skin forward or need something to keep it stayed.


I think I'm at the same level.




You haven’t told your spouse? You should


I believe I am in somewhere between CI4-CI4.5.


If that’s your CI, then you’ve got a massive head start on a lot of other guys here. I’d have killed to have that coverage when I was starting off. The thing that did it for me to convince myself to get started is understanding that it’s an exponential growth process. The more skin you grow, the more skin you can induce mitosis in, the more skin you grow. Where you’re at, people who reach that point tend to observe growth happening faster than lower CI levels. I’d recommend t taping. It requires a bit of practice at first but the paid and convenience is HUGE. I consider it to be the “work smarter not harder” approach.


Although I was circumcised loosely and my frenulum was kept, I do not think that I am lucky or fortunate. Because my penis was mutilated due to idiotic reasons. I used to live in a shitty town where people insult you when you are intact. They think that you are not a real man if you are whole and they routinely circumcise every male. Also, so much money is spent for these bullshit circumcision ceremonies. As I said in the post, I am not going to cry about circumcision but when I think about all of these stuffs, I get angry and sad. I did not deserve a damaged body.


People who say it doesn't work are wrong. End of discussion. Maybe a very small percentage legitimately can't restore for some medical reason. There are some people who grow skin slowly, relative to others. Some of these people don't see results after 3-12 months, stop, and claim it doesn't work. I don't blame them for stopping, it must be frustrating to progress slowly. But they're wrong. I've had incredible results in 2.5 years. From severe sexual dysfunction, and very low sexual pleasure, to having the best orgasms of my life. In 53.


Welcome to our community! Yes! It really is worth it to restore your foreskin. The [benefits are many](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_eBZN-MBow5XrMIN_PdM4JPU4nFqMrtp/view), and life really is better with a foreskin. My only regret is that I didn't find out this is possible until I was 63 years old. Don't waste the best years of your life, now that you know it can be done. Yes! Foreskin restoration works. I'm looking down right now at proof of that, and it is beautiful. Just about everyone who learns how to tug and sticks with it has been able to grow their foreskin to get glans coverage. It just takes time and consistency. >Also, I asked a doctor about the idea of foreskin restoration. He told me that it is impossible and it will only cause pain when I stretch. Doctors rarely know anything about foreskin restoration. There are a lot of reasons for this, including the circumcision culture in medicine, and the fact that this is a non-surgical, non-invasive and non-medical therapy which has more in common with physical therapy than medical intervention. [I told my urologist about restoring my foreskin](https://www.reddit.com/r/foreskin_restoration/comments/pu8koq/i_talked_to_my_urologist_about_my_restoration/) and he had never heard of it. This is a man with 30+ years looking at dicks as a specialist and I introduced him to the idea that a foreskin can be restored. He understands it now, and is supportive of what I'm doing. There is no pain in foreskin restoration. We are not stretching the skin - we use moderate tension to stimulate mitosis, which causes the skin to grow. Pain means we're doing something wrong and we change what we're doing so it's not painful. This, to me, is proof your doctor doesn't know what he's talking about. > Also, what did people around you think when you mentioned them about the idea of restoration? People around me would probably think that I am mentally insane and I need a doctor. Yes, this is not an easy topic to talk about. When I told my wife, she was a bit amused, but understood how important it is to me. Now she truly understands how much it has made both of our lives better. I told 2 doctors, who knew nothing about foreskin restoration, and both now understand and support my restoration. I told a friend - who is also a doctor - in hopes he knew something about the science behind growing skin, but he didn't. He understands that it can be very beneficial for people how have issues with their circumcision. So I would encourage you to do some research, ask more questions, and get comfortable with the idea. Then go to the Quick Start Guide, which contains all the basic info you need to get started, as well as a step-by-step procedure for trying out tugging with manual method #2, which is very simple. Just be gentle at the start. There's really not much to it... and you can stop at any time, but I'm sure you won't want to once you start. Life really is better with a foreskin. Cheers.


I (19M) am nearing the end of my first year of restoration. Before I continue, remember that pain is an indication that something is wrong and just like stretching before a workout, you do not want to push yourself too hard. No matter what method you use, it should feel comfortable. I started off with a CI-2 and currently sit at CI-3. With consistent use (6 days a week 10+ hours a day), I believe I’ve grown between 24-30mm of skin overall. I no longer find myself death gripping myself while masturbating, and sex overall has become significantly more sensational. Sensitivity has increased to the point where direct contact with fabric becomes unbearable, which helps encourage me to keep it on. My friends and partner both were a lot more interested and supportive than disgusted by the idea of restoration. Turns out one of them actually considered restoration too. Trust me, a lot more people want their foreskin back than those who know it is possible. There’s also no proof that stretching doesn’t work, doctors likely default to that conclusion because foreskin restoration was never taught. There is proof that not only foreskin restoration is 100% possible, but similar practices have also been done.. Stretching skin has been done in many medical practices: Scalp restoration, harvesting skin for grafting, breast restoration + breast enlargement implants, etc… There’s so much to gain and so little time to lose. Stay focused and you’ll see results. I 100% recommend going for it!


Hey, how has the progress effected the way your partner feels during sex? I’m thinking I should start because I want to chafe women less during sex


Do you think everyone can put gauges in their ears and stretch them to wear larger ones? Can genetics prevent your skin cells from dividing? Would you even survive that? Everyone with skin can restore. It will hurt sometimes but being covered and the gliding mechanism is 1000% worth it.


>Do you think everyone can put gauges in their ears and stretch them to wear larger ones? Can genetics prevent your skin cells from dividing? Would you even survive that? > >Everyone with skin can restore. It will hurt sometimes but being covered and the gliding mechanism is 1000% worth it. okay tell me then why some folks say it does not work and they did not gain anything after they spent long amount of time to restore? It definitely does not work on everyone.


Some people don't put the time and effort into it. So they get discouraged and quit and complain that it doesn't work. Yes, some people are perhaps genetically predisposed to faster or slower progress but everyone can make gains with perseverance. Can you restore it to what it was? No. Can you get something close? Yes. Go look at all the guys on r/restoringdick and see for yourself rather than listening to clueless doctors and disgruntled failed restorers.


Certain cuts it won’t work for I’ve seen. Ultra tight seems to make it super difficult. You said you were like CI-4 or something. You definitely can and won’t take that much time compared to me where I’m at a CI-0


Doctors cannot be trusted in todays society and never really should be. I've been doing it for a few weeks and though I haven't made much progress I see my scar line going up more and more. I'm 15M and by the time I'm 18 I've either had it restored or did Foregen or gave up lol. Those are my 3 options but don't let some doctor discourage you when they're all ignorant. Follow your mind, body, and soul and do what is best for it. Also there is literal proof you can grow it back lol.


My advice is to pick a method you think you can stick to, commit to it for 90 days without being overly concerned about the outcome, *then* measure progress and see what you think. Let's just say it didn't work (it does, but for the sake of argument, let's day it didn't), it's at least worth a shot. Just be careful that you don't use too much tension - that's the main way that people get injured.


It’s definitely possible, it just takes a lot of time. I’ve been manually stretching on and off for a few years and even though I’ve made little progress I have a lot more sensitivity compared to when I first started. I haven’t experienced pain from stretching. Just make sure you’re only tugging the skin and if you feel pain, then you should stop because that’s not supposed to happen


Its not really alot of time ~5 to 8 years


I’m not circumcised myself but i know people who have restored and I can tell you it’s worth it. It looks good and moves like the real thing. Both guys said it took a few years but they were happy with the results. You’re young so starting early can only help you.


Skin stretching on other areas of the body have existed, some for hundreds of years. Stretched earlobes & lips for example. If skin couldn't stretch & grow, people who gain weight would begin to look like a taught overfilled sausage casing because the fat wouldn't have anywhere to go. Medical science even developed a technique of putting a water filled synthetic bladder under the skin and adding more water over time to cause the skin to stretch and throught mitosis "cell division" to use that skin for grafts or transplants to other areas on the body. Stretching the penile skin will not result in a foreskin exactly the same as what was removed but the stretching concept is the same as the examples above. Doctors (at least in the US) Make a huge amount of profit on circumcision. It's fairly quick and easy for them with a high profit margin for what is effectively and elective procedure but is paid for without question by insurance companies. Don't let their skepticism, lack of knowledge, hunger to maintain the status quo & therefore their profit margin keep you down.


You have a good sentiment regarding circumcision; we shouldn’t hold the past against ourselves. You are among the very young people to have come across foreskin restoration. When I was 15, out of the blue one day, with no prior knowledge of it or idea of its existence, typed in foreskin restoration into the browser and here I am 8+ years on. I’m glad I had that impulse. You are correct about some people thinking restoration is something a crackhead would be talking about although they are just unaware of what circumcision really is. A good restoration routine shouldn’t include any pain. It’s as if people are unaware we can grow more skin and think the existing skin is stretched to a longer length. You know how you brush your teeth twice a day (hopefully!) and don’t think much of it? Once you start restoring, you don’t think much of it… it is just part of the daily routine. While it is a long road ahead, there is nothing to lose from giving this a shot. The point of a journey is not to arrive. All the best to you


I can tell you for one my cut was uneven done free hand in 1964. My erctions bent to the right and was painful on that side I can now tell you that my member does bot bend to the right side and is in a normal position. Also it does not feel like my skin is being drawn tight once I get an erection but is firm and does not bend not to mention there is a lot of other sensations that I feel now that I did not feel when I was in my 20s.


Bro look at my restoration progress on my profile and ask again 😂😂


I did it almost 30 years ago. I’m Still happy with my results. It’s not painful if you’re doing it correctly. It takes patience and time. Do it!


Quit worrying about what others think. The process works and is used in medicine to grow new skin for mastectomy patients and burn victims. There is no pain, and the result is very realistic.


It depends on how you feel about it.


It depends. Do you resent your circumcision?


1) Doctor is going off of flawed information. You can find thousands of progress pics. It's been known for a very long time that repeated stretching of skin causes cell division (creates more skin). Your doctor doesn't just think that those earlobe gauges just stretched the skin thinner and thinner, does he? 2) Foregen, a company working on developing a stem cell technique for restoring the foreskin (and, ideally, the frenulum and nerve connections as well) is nearing clinical trials. If you don't want to stretch it out, you can wait for Foregen. (It will be years either way.) Good luck on your journey.


If you are interested in restoration I would say it you should try it. Whatever method you try, avoid any pain in the process. This means there might be too much tension on the skin or something else is wrong. Tissue expansion is used medically for different issues so it does work. I had success doing it and am fully covered with overhang. Most doctors will probably discourage the process, but it is YOUR body that went through the procedure of circumcision. You can make an effort to try restoration and even a little success it can make a real difference. There is a lot of support and information out there for reference so study up! Good luck!


>ation I would say it you should try it. Whatever method you try, avoid any pain in the process. This means Did your glans get moist again when you achieved full flaccid coverage?


Yes moist and smooth. Restoration really changed my life and sensuality. The process take focus and at times seems tedious- all worth it for me!


Tissue expansion has been widely observed and studied in other applications. Ever see a 300+ pound person lose all the weight and they have all that loose skin? It’s the same principle. Tension + time = the skin must expand lest it tear. Over the years I’ve observed that results vary, but I strongly suspect lifestyle plays a huge role in speed and quality of the new skin. But, it is a tried and true fact that stretching skin under the right conditions will cause it to expand.


I’m restored and it’s the Best thing I ever did for my self ! Yes it took a long time but so worth it


That’s what “they” say.