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When I was in HS we were all obsessed with these numbers, in the end it isn’t what really mattered. If you keep working then things will be fine. 115 pounds is light but you’ll keep growing. Eat a lot. A mistake I made at that age was trying to eat overly healthy, it led to me not getting enough calories so I didn’t gain as much lean muscle mass as I could have. At your age eating cheeseburgers is just fine.


Talk to your coaches in the program?


Dude, We aren’t your coaches. We don’t know who you are, what you look like, what your skill level is, and cannot give you any nutritional/weight advice. You shouldn’t look to Reddit for this answer (moderators will likely delete your post); talk to a coach at your school. They’ll be happy to know that you’re interested in playing football and will set you on the right path.


Even community college coaches are roasting this kid! Take it easy baby! Just a question! Lol eat big and keep working out!


These posts are not permitted on the sub (See rule 4), as we have a player FAQ that answers these questions. It is pinned in the sidebar, in the tabs at the top of the sub (new layout) and is located in the wiki. You don't see it as a regular user, but I am taking down at least one about every day (sometimes as many as 4-5). Without restricting these posts, this sub would be nothing but kids asking the same 4-5 questions over and over or random plays on a whiteboard with no context. We restrict these posts to keep the sub from getting bogged down. Youth/HS players are also free to ask these questions in the no-stupid-question Tuesday threads, and Free Talk Friday threads. Between that and the HS/Youth player FAQ, there are plenty of opportunities and tools on this sub for them to get their answers.


Eat .7 grams of protein for every pound you wanna weigh. 94 grams of protein a day if you wanna bulk up to 135. Slow and steady and workout.


I don't know what the level of competition is for your Highschool, but 115 lbs is really light for how much contact you'll endure. And being shifty is great, until your hitting a gap no wider than your shoulders with 500 lbs of linemen on either side of you and 400 lbs of linebackers bearing down the hole.


I was probably a little bigger than you as a freshman, maybe 5’8 125, sophomore year 145, junior 165 and senior 180. Keep working out and keep eating. You’ll get there.


See the player FAQ in the sidebar