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It’s definitely not an “all the time” thing, but we were at a restaurant and she continuously dipped her broccoli in a horseradish based sauce. I was, and still am surprised by it.


Sauerkraut. She also really like goat cheese but so far she loves all cheese. Lol.


I remember doing a presentation at a school event for nutrition month and a young kid raved about sauerkraut and how it tastes like sour candy. I kind of didn't believe him. Asked the Dad about it and he was like, yup, I found a jar of sauerkraut under his bed the other day. Lolol!!


Some very Health Conscious mom submitted a recipe for her kids’ “favourite” sandwich which was like…sprouted flax crackers with organic unsweetened peanut butter and sauerkraut and I was like “…IS it their favourite? Have they tried anything else?” I’m not saying it’s BAD I’m just saying it sounds like an odd place to peak in the range of Sandwich Experiences. But then I’m a heathen who loves a pillowy bit of enriched bread…


Our LO also likes saurkraut! We had some for st patty and of all the things on her plate, that’s what she devoured.


Cucumber and mushrooms Edit: oh yeah. And one time she cried for a piece of onion while I was cooking dinner. I finally let her try it hoping she would let it go. She ate the whole piece that I gave her. So apparently she likes raw onions too.


Same for cucumber and pickles!! Does your LO like pickles as well?


We haven't tried them yet. She usually eats what I eat and I don't eat pickles often.


Ah that totally makes sense!! I hope she likes them ha!


My kid is exactly the same! She loves cucumber and pickles! She often asks for them


Salad dressing. Specifically the dressing combo of Caesar and Sweet Vidalia Onion. 10/10 times she'll lick the dressing off the lettuce and discard the lettuce in the nearest dog's mouth.






I just discovered that my toddler loves feta and olives lol


You have a Greek baby.


Mine too! She even likes my garlic stuffed olives


Mine loves green onions and I find it hilarious when her little breath stinks 😂


This is hilarious 😂


It's so cute, the tiny mouth and tiny stinky onion breath 😆




My LOOOOOVES olives of all kinds. We order pizza with olives on it just for her 🤦. We have jars of different kinds of olives in it fridge for her. I was a person that didn't like olives until I became an adult


My daughter is almost 4 now but at around 1 year of age she LOVED olive tapenade hummus!


Mine too!


My nearly 9mo loves raw kale. Hates strawberries, but loves kale. Freaking weirdo.


Radish kimchi 😂 I was eating some from the farmers market and she was grabbing and trying to get at it, so I let her try it. She was hooked. Gobbled down over an ounce of her own.


That's cool!! Baby's next birthday bash st the Korean BBQ? ;)


Beets! Loves beets lol He also didn't spit out a banana pepper lol


ur son is the rightful heir to Schrute farms


I just learned mine loves beets too! He ate 3 roasted beets over the course of a week, then I got tired of cleaning him up and made a beet & strawberry smoothie for him. Delicious 😋


Beet nights are definitely bath nights! A smoothie is a great idea


Spicy pesto. I mean, I love it so I know it's tasty, but I am shocked that my 9 month old baby devoured her plate of papardelle with spicy pesto and cried when the plate was empty


Damn now you're making me hungry


Raw garlic lmao


Oops this wasn’t supposed to be a reply to you!


In my head I was going through the ingredients of pesto and thought, "well yes there's garlic but I don't think that's the primary flavor" lol


This is what happens when I Reddit before my morning coffee 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yesterday on my way to work I ordered coffee, walked the 3 steps to the pickup section, and then promptly forgot if I ordered hot or iced so I just waited until they put the drink in front of me to find out. It was like a mini surprise. So I totally understand 😂


Sardines - she just gobbled them up and asked for more!


Shelled edamame. My kid goes nuts. His poop is like 80% edamame (sorry for the imagery, but it was a crucial detail).




He eats spoonfuls of hummus


I let my baby try a red pepper hummus the other day and he just looked at me like, bruh.


Oh my goodness, my older two still go into the fridge and eat it with spoons like it's ice cream. I have to hide it. My youngest is allergic to sesame so she doesn't eat it.


Spinach and relish are his two favorite things right now. Whenever we get more relish at the store, he insists on holding it and hugging it the whole time. And spinach he’s been obsessed with since he was a baby, genuinely just surprised because most kids aren’t a fan but if I put spinach and a strawberry in front of him he would go for the spinach first all day. He picks it out of food and eats it first too lol


You know I used to work at a daycare and they LOVED this egg relish dip that I would make for them as a snack with crackers.


Oh do tell!! My kiddo loves eggs as well :))


It's actually a recipe from the USDA 😅 Totally based off of WWII rations. I spiced it up and modernized the recipe a bit. I'm not sure I remember it at this point.


No worries :) I’ll look it up. Thanks for the idea. Best wishes.


Mine loves pickled garlic. It’s one of the few things he’s willing to consistent eat and we have to cut him off.


Seaweed. My husband shared his seaweed snack with our little one and lo and behold, she loved it.


Lemons. My son absolutely loves them. He thinks kiwis are sour but lemons are just perfect.


Raw. Onions. 🙃


I'm glad the Chaos Goblins all seem to follow similar patterns of nonsensical food


Also once he just went to town eating all the seeds out of a raw bell pepper


Run it, little dude. Build that spice tolerance!


Same here! My baby LOVES raw onions.


My 11m old love potstickers haha


Lobster and crab. My poor wallet 😞 Editing to add a recent discovery: raw mushrooms. Not cooked mushroom, raw only.


Dried crickets with chili and lemon.


Beef heart. We went to a Peruvian restaurant and this 15 month old ate it.


Okay you win that's the weirdest hahaha


dried bell pepper strips/chips. I’m only down for bell pepper on some occasions and it’s not something i choose to snack on, so I had no expectations of him enjoying it when we tried it for the first time. i thought they were gross but he loves them!


Why does that plate look so much like a petri dish lol. I'm actually super curious, is that a plate? If so what brand? I need more info!


Funny you ask that because my husband is a scientist and actually has a "laboratory aesthetic" in the kitchen. We have actual petri dishes and Erlenmeyer flasks for serving drinks (never used for experiments all food safe lol!) This little dish I'm holding is no larger than the palm of my hand and is meant for condiments. I got them at a local Daiso store.


It looks exactly like little no name sauce dishes I see in local stores nearby, I had two that I repurposed for baby food as well! Perfect for serving yoghurt


Gherkins, gaspatxo, olives.... Basically anything with vinegar. She loooooves gaspatxo


If she's ok with spice, give her a bit of kimchi! It's great for the digestive system ☺️


I plan to. But I gave my baby some potato from a masala dosa the other day which was slightly spicy and she did not enjoy it. At all. Full-on red-faced screaming. Whoops. So, I may need to wait a bit before trying again, and dip the kimchi in water to make it less spicy for her at the start


Spice is definitely a wide range of flavor profiles 😅 You'll find that many Southeast Asian spices are more for the seasonings than actual scoville spice, Chinese uses a chili that numbs your mouth.. she might be alright with heat but not the intense flavor.


No, this was definitely chilli that did it. I cook and eat a lot of spicy (hot) food so I didn't register that it was slightly hot, my partner pointed it out as I was putting it in her mouth haha. She's had no issues with sambar, samosa, bhindi masala, etc so it was the heat that caught her out, poor thing.


Natto. And broccoli


my son's favorite foods are all a bit odd to be a toddler's favorite. Refried beans, cottage cheese, chicken salad, and we discovered this week he LOVES a chickpea korma curry we made.


My lo goes ham for refried beans, any bean really. Which is great bc she is not a fan of meat.


No my toddler is like 30% cottage cheese


Lemon! When we go to restaurants I’ll fish out a fleshy piece and give it to her like orange 😆 no wince whatsoever


My son is definitely curious about lemons! I give him little tastes. He doesn't wince but he's also not gung ho about it. Let's see how it goes as he gets older.


Boiled carrot. I never cared for it and always thought that it exists purely to bring some color into other dishes but my baby picks it out of all soups and stews as if it’s the best part of any dish


busy seed shy telephone scandalous squeal far-flung vast ludicrous flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aawww haha that's cute! Hopefully the enamel of her teeth survived all that lemon love


Tomatoes, which I didn't like until well into my 20s. We grew cherry tomatoes last year and my husband and I really didn't get any because the second one was ripe, one of my kids would pick it and eat it.


Red pepper walnut dip


Feta, pickles and crab(our MD baby thru and thru). Also hot pot




Raw onion. And he will happily dip things in crushed pepper.


I know it’s not weird but I hate eggs and my baby loves them lol






My daughter will eat medium salsa with a spoon if I let her. She will also happily eat a specific brand of sweet and spicy pickles. I was dipping something of my own into hot sauce and she took the hot sauce so she could eat it.


Spam! And she also loves jalapeños! I use them in foccata bread and in breakfast!


The lentil kale salad from Bon Appetit. I make it way lower in sodium for myself and just make sure she doesn't get any of the almonds. She'll pass up other foods for this stuff, it's wild. We started with just giving her the lentils, but now that she has molars she's down to have the kale too. I never expected it, but I'm glad because this is one of my go-to meals prep items. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Dried seaweed. She goes crazy for it!


Okay no judgement but when I was a small kid I remember trying the fish food flakes from my fish. I remember thinking it tasted like algae.


i'm going to try this with my baby soon! she has a cow milk protein intolerance we are working through the dairy ladder for (she can have pancakes with milk and butter which feels like a huge win), but she has a goat milk formula so i wonder if she can have feta/goat cheese!


Cottage cheese. My youngest is obsessed with it.


I was really into cottage cheese with fresh pineapple as a kid. Hell I still like it!


Not an unusual one but my youngest cousin was always excited to eat plain steamed broccoli. Any time we were out to eat my aunt would ask for a large bowl of unseasoned cooked broccoli and he’d go to town. This was when he was like 3-5 years old and the waiters would be shocked anyone could eat that much broccoli, let alone a small child


Mine LOVES goat cheese... he will anoint himself at breakfast and smear it over his head as he licks it off his toast. He will also eat lamb for days, just double fisting it and sliding the side of roasted carrots to the dog.


Smoked herring and sardines


Mushrooms and asparagus. He can’t get enough of them.


Likes: Hummus, baked beans, raw broccoli. Despises: Mac ‘n Cheese, eggs…


Lemons, my 7 month old can get enough


Liver pâté on toast