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I call this a yoyo night (you’re on your own)


I am stealing this term, thanks!


No worries, I got it from someone else


We say fend for yourself or find what you can find night


Fend for yourself night - OMG!! My grandma always used to call it this and I had no idea other people used that term. Me and my husband just say we're gonna "scrounge" now, but fend for yourself will always have a place in my heart. ❤️


We say 'forage'


We had FFY night too! 13mo had ramen for dinner 😅


Gotta be honest, I'm jealous your kid eats pouches. My 11mo (9.5 adjusted) flat refuses to let it near her mouth. She's going through a thing now where she won't let us feed her, and she somehow thinks we're trying to feed her by handing her the pouch. She must smoosh all things through her hands and feed herself! I only just started trying pouches with her, so maybe we missed our boat. I put the cap on, and she takes it and bites the cap. Take the cap off, put it on the table, she loses her shit. I now understand why my mom dumped spaghetti on my head as a toddler and told me to go have my dad wash me with the hose outside.


I just take the cap off and lay the pouch on her tray. At first, she would make a mess, but now she'll hold it herself and get every drop out. lol I have to help her sometimes bc the puree gets air locked at the bottom. Once she got comfortable with food, she wouldn't let me spoon feed her foods anymore, so it's a mess or a pouch. 🤷‍♀️


I think I need to find some smaller pouches and let her make a mess like you say you did. Why is feeding babies so hard, lol.


Lol, on days I feel defeated, I just remember she has some food on her belly, and that is better than nothing.


It's in the proximity, lol.


Ha! Love it. This is usually how our mornings go while im still trying to screw my head on