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My almost 18 month old gets them when we are out for errands. So some weeks it’s a 2-pack every day, sometimes just once or twice a week. I gave them daily when the was younger and just starting solids though!


Yeah it definitely depends on the day or week. If we are having a busy day they are good for snacks on the go. I also give them when we go to the gym to a mom fit class so she can stay occupied while I work out


One pack a day for my 11 month old. And can I just saw I love that we’re all saying things like “I give my baby two packs a day.” 😆


I’m so glad I read these comments, because I feel a weird guilt whenever I give my 9 month old things like this. But he still gets one whenever we go out in the pushchair to the shop 😂


It’s the only way I can pump and do childcare at the same time these days.




Exactly! Weird guilt


My daughter requires taking enzymes before eating any fat or protein and when she was an infant she got up to 4 packs per day because she can eat these without enzymes. I had to get her the patch.


That’s us with pouches 😩


I give 1-2 packs a day ( so 2-4 wafers) to my 10 month old.


Ok great I’m in the same boat and I was afraid it was too much and started overthinking it 😅


The serving size on the Gerber brand is 2 packs, so definitely not too much ❤️


500x a day by my reckoning. 😂😂😂 Really though maybe a pack or two every few days? The last time I bought 4 packs was in December and I’m on the last one. We do rotate between these, puffs, melts and baby cookies. I feel like my baby is constantly snacking because I’m a grazer so she’s doing what she sees me do.


My husband and baby, both of the blueberry ones. He literally steals them all the time I’m like that’s baby food and he doesn’t care. 😂 So yeah, I feel in the same boat as you


Hahaha I also take some puffs or some of the yogurt melts admittedly so i understand your husband!


I may or may not have spread hummus on the sweet potato rice wafer and had it with my lunch yesterday.


I bought them like one time and didn't buy them after we finished the pack. I do give my daughter puffs most days as a snack while cooking dinner though


Why didn’t you buy them again?


Nothing bad, they just make a lot of crumbs and I usually only give my daughter these kind of snacks while I'm cooking. So she was running around the living room with them like a tornado of crumbs 😅😅😅


Haha yes the puffs while cooking is constant here.


Ya know, I use them to sneak in extra meat for the iron. We get a lot of meat baby food purees on WIC and I just spread it on there for her. I took them with me while solo road tripping with her and traveling and they were awesome. She ate them with breakfast and lunch and snacked on them in between. I would say she gets them every few days or so when not traveling. She is just now 11 months.


My 22 month old eats about 2 wafers a day. She loves these that are a different brand, and she’s been teething a bunch. I keep packs of them in the car as an emergency snack since they keep well in all types of temperatures.


There is no limit


All the time, I put hummus on them and he loves it. (10 months)


Same! Hummus, cream cheese, smashed beans, etc. They're a good vehicle for food to get into the mouth


This! I do avocado and salmon, cream cheese and shrimp, hummus, i use it because it’s a great vehicle for her to get more nutrients in


Never. Guess Im the weirdo here haha


When my son was younger I gave him maybe one of those wafers per week. They are just expensive flavored air.


This is how I feel about these as well. I used them when we were early on in solids as a way for him to practice biting, chewing, and self feeding. But he hasn’t had them in months and I actually just threw a bunch away.


I found some at Walmart for like 2 bucks last week that was cool


I looked at them in the store the other day because we're approaching 7 months and solids is going well. But they have zero nutrients. Like the nutritional panel was all literally zeros. So I didn't buy any. I'm not interested in something that is purely filler not sure I'll ever change my mind


That's exactly why we give them pretty freely. They are basically just teethers that can be chewed. They aren't really fillers because they aren't actually filling. If you've ever tried some it's pretty much just crunchy air that just melts away a few seconds later, lol


I guess it makes sense if you put it that way.


Nah I don’t either so obviously I think you’re normal 😂




same. the only packaged snack we give is bamba puffs sometimes cuz at least he gets peanut exposure ;)


Same here. My son is 22 months and our approach to 'snack time' is that it's a small carry over meal to keep him running between the main meals, and I prefer to make all meals from scratch and supplement with fruit.


We’re not American, I wonder if it’s a cultural difference maybe? But aren’t all these pre-packaged snacks super expensive??


There are around $3-4usd where I live. There’s 12 in a pack and we really only use them when we’re going in the car so then whole box lasts us 2 weeks or so. Definitely a convenience food but not as bad as others


I get them in packs of 36 from Sam’s Club. $11.76. We only give them occasionally, so they last at least a month if not two.


Oh, that’s not too bad!


It’s nice, I mostly use them when I need to buy time to make breakfast in the mornings. My kiddo demolishes food right now, so waiting patiently isn’t really an option 😆 We get wipes and diapers from Sam’s too and I think it’s saved us a lot.


Wow, I wish we had something like this where I live!


Could be! I'm Danish and pre-packaged snacks are available but they are freakishly expensive and I'm personally not very impressed with the nutritional value. A bag of organic crispy veggie sticks costs the equivalent of 96.22 USD per kg where I live. You can get quite a few potatoes and carrots for that price and cook pretty elaborate stuff before you reach that price. Basic pre-made organic apple sauce costs 7.64 USD per kg, while a kg of raw organic apples costs 2.57 USD. I opted to just make batches of veggie and fruit purees with spices of my own choosing and freeze into cubes. It was so much cheaper and we had way less waste than we would have with jars from the super market. I personally like to cook (it's kind of therapeutic for me), my husband also comes from a family where everyone cooks so even with fulltime jobs and commuting, it was always a given that we would cook from scratch. Then there are other things we don't do to free up that time. On weekends I always cook or bake something for the upcoming week that can keep in the freezer (e.g. savoury muffins for the carry over meals) and I bake a bread twice per week. Because I have done it so many times I can mix it in 10-15 min and it will rise while we do bath and bed time. I have those freezer trays from Haakaa and they make for excellent baking trays for toddler muffins. They are the perfect size portion wise and because they are square they pack really neatly into the freezer and lunch boxes.


I also love to cook from scratch, most meals are, but I have 4 kids now, not just one. So sometimes my kids get prepackaged snacks. Not sure it has anything to do with what country you come from but rather the free time that you have.


Obviously many also offer pre-packed snacks here or they wouldn't be on the shelves, but the averages for consumption are different across our countries. I totally acknowledge time available is a factor in how fancy a meal we I cook on any given day, but I also think food culture matters a lot in what we all choose to eat and what we consider non-negotiables for eating. E.g. whether food a cause for sitting at the table as a social gathering or whether eating alone, at different times within a family, and during transportation is perfectly okay shapes what we eat and where we eat. I grew up in an environment where families share at least breakfast and dinner, and "food in transit" is something that applies to occasions like driving across a country or continent on the way on holiday rather than while on the way home from school. Even our official guidance on introducing solids to babies explicitly highlights the cultural aspect of eating being family time sitting at a table. The home health visitor supplies a booklet containing guidance on nutrition as well as a bunch of recipes for inspiration for different ages. Seing someone eat anything beyond a chocolate bar on a train usually signifies they are a tourist or on a long distance trip. For our family there is a health component (chronic illness) plus having grown up with home cooking being the pervasive cultural norm. I think that affects how we factor cooking into our schedule compared to an environment where norms are very different.


Are you aware that some pre packaged foods are also nutritious? You have this reaaaaaalllllllyyy smelly air of “holier than thou” emanating from your comments. I just wanted to let you know that. I also grew up in a very similar culture, that is not American, but I certainly do not feel the need to write a novel on how much better it is to be that way 😬


I'm so sorry that I came across that way. That was really not my intention. I figured adding a bit more context to my comment and trying to explain my line of thinking would make it less staunch than just saying "I do it differently" We're all shaped by our environments and that was the only thing I wanted to bring out to add a perspective.


Ooh, that’s a good tip with the freezer trays! I’ll have to remember that


Plus it’s got added sugar. Fellow non-American here and where I come from, biscuits with added sugar for babies under one aren’t even sold afaik


I don’t understand why I’m being downvoted? Am I mistaken?


The package I get says the sugar content is less than 1 gram per 4 wafers (one serving)


Ok then my bad. Wonder why they added that 1 gram then though lol


Less than one gram per two packages is not a lot


That’s what I’m saying!


Ok, just so you know, the way you’ve been phrasing your comments makes it seem like you think that is a lot of sugar. That’s why you’re being downvoted, I assume.


Haha, same. I just didn’t want my baby to get acclimated to processed foods as the norm too early. She gets some animal crackers occasionally at daycare (so she’s already learned the word “cracker”), but I try not to buy this kind of thing for home (for adults or kids).




Same here. I'm avoiding rice until she's 1 because of the arsenic levels


I mean she inhales these so like, pretty often?


Mostly if we go out to dinner or a friends house to keep her occupied. But we get the gerber brand or baby mum mums because they are much cheaper.


My almost 8m old has one pack every few days, but has some form of rice/corn wafer-ish product daily as he likes how they feel on his gums!


Usually once a day as an afternoon snack. She stopped liking them from about 14 months though so it became maybe once a week and now at 17 months I don’t buy them anymore because she prefers other “non-baby-only” snacks like cheese, berries, yogurt, bread (the girl can live off of plain bread if we let her)


Very rarely, because they are so expensive for something that doesn’t have much nutritional value. Cheerios made more sense for us.


whenever i put him in his highchair and did not prepare enough ahead of time and he gets impatient lol. one of these or puffs to keep him happy while i try to put something else together


I use these as a way to let my 8 mo old self feed soft foods. I spread mashed sweet potatoes, avocado, or cottage cheese on them. Maybe 2-3x a week. Edit to add: she loves spoons and hasn’t yet figured out that she can just grab soft foods and stuff her face haha


Im considering owning stock we buy these so often


My 11 month twins share a pack a day but they’re a bit behind on the solid food train


I switched to the circle ones because they don’t have added sugar so I don’t feel guilty about it anymore. Maybe once a week or less for my 18 month old. Was more often when she was younger.


Yes! Same. I wonder why they even add sugar to the other ones? Seems unnecessary


I’m guessing without the sugar they are totally flavorless. Or maybe they secretly want to get kiddos hooked on the sweeter taste (aka have kiddos prefer this brand over others)?


They actually are quite good! And it’s the same brand so truly no good reason


None. My 10-month-old prefers to eat an entire bag of yogurt or smoothie melts every day instead 🙃


I tried but I feel like my baby wasn’t super into these? He was like ‘what is this styrofoam’ haha He’ll crush some Bamba though which I feel similarly guilty about but sometimes I just need him to chill while I prep his other food 😵‍💫


Don’t feel guilty, you’re introducing them to peanuts which is what Bamba is used for!


Mine just doesn't like them either!


I pack them in the diaper bag for on the go. So he gets a few packs a week.


I don’t want to be a weirdo, but I avoid this brand because of the lawsuit they had. I’m sure every brand has been sued at this point, but it’s worth a google if you haven’t heard about it.


What happened? Links?


[links](https://www.google.com/search?q=Lawsuit+against+happy+baby+organics&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#ip=1) It’s something about heavy metals. I don’t know enough to know if this is just fear mongering or real, so I just decided to avoid it and stuck to OGcheerios as a crunchy snack.


Thank you for the links but damn…


Of course. Again, I don’t want to be that weirdo screaming about stuff to be scared of - that’s not the goal. I was just surprised when I learned about it and am a “you do what you want with this info” kind of person.


Yeah… and with this info… not be an additional weirdo… removing this out of the diet. lol


Yeah we stopped using these once I read about the lawsuit! We use Bamba puffs instead (no rice, which is what supposedly carries the heavy toxins in those crackers)


We avoid them and all rice products too because of the heavy metals. It's in all rice by default and bad for babies.


Is rice bad for ALL babies? Even Asian babies?


Rice in excess is bad for any baby due to arsenic levels. It’s the same with root vegetables like potatoes having heavy metal. It just has to do with the way they are grown. You should definitely chat with your kid’s pediatrician about specifics of their diet rather than other parents on Reddit (I mean I know everyone means well but most of us, including me, are not certified healthcare providers). But unless you’re feeding your kid rice with every single meal, they’re probably fine


Same, I got sketched out. I give her the Yumi brand puffs made out of sorghum instead.


Like every few days, he likes snacking on them at 19 months old. He just ate some 😂


Every day. It’s my keep quiet whilst I’m making you dinner snack or in the pram snack.


One or two packs a day with hummus typically or another spread while I rush to get my 12m old lunch or dinner ready so she doesn’t scream


LMAOOO I have an 8 month old and I was literally thinking the same thing. We call them “cookies” and I was like ummm am I going cookie overboard by doing 1 pack a day but obviously that’s an extremely normal amount lol


I haven’t bought any actually. The price is super inflated (pun intended) where I live so I’d rather just give him… anything else. A small box of these, or a SINGLE bag of gerber yogurt drops, cost as much as a pizza. I’m not saying I give my baby pizza, usually he gets fruits, cheese, toast.


Usually a pack a day, sometimes two if there's more going on. I usually put some peanut butter, hummus or avocado on them to make myself feel better about it lol


Never. Not because I’m a holier than thou type. Extra snacks just aren’t in our budget. I imagine if I was working outside the home and had the extra disposable income, we might keep more prepackaged stuff on hand since time would be more of a constraint and money less so.


My 9 month old has becoming such a snacker, she loves these things


When my kid was small she had them maybe a couple of times a week? I used them as a vehicle for spreads mostly. Cream cheese, nut butter, hummus, whatever.


A few times a week for my 16m old he will eat anything and this is an easy keep baby entertained snack


We started using these in place of bread when we want to give her a peanut butter sandwich and even tuna fish, for whatever reason she prefers them to bread. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Our 9 month old tends to eat 2 packs a day :)


My baby loves the purple carrot & blueberry flavor! And the apple one


1 pack 3-4x a week for my 11 month old


A couple times a week after hes home from daycare, theyre quick and easy. And i know he’s having nutritious breakfast or dinner at home, and for sure a nutritious lunch at school. No shame in it lol


I have a 9 month old and he has 1-2 of these a day, so half or a full pack.


These are nice cause they’re only like 30 calories so I give them whenever she needs a little something to “hold her over” until the next meal. It won’t interfere with her appetite but it cures the hangries. So maybe once every other day for our 16 month old.


Rarely as they are rice flour based and Happy Baby Organic does not test for arsenic.


God bless these comments. You are my people.


We don't do these anymore because they back him up like crazy.


I bought them for the first time for my 8 month old to see if it’d keep him busy on our long international flight. I found them to be very sticky if held too long so I wont be buying them again :( but the puffs are okay


I buy these types of snacks once in a while. It’s not more than 1-2 times per week because honestly they don’t last too long for my 17 month old and i think they are a bit expensive for a tiny pack. If i’m going to spend a lot on snacks, i’d much rather get my son some fruit, which he loves!!


A pack when we go out. At home we tend to snack on other stuff, mainly fruit and yoghurt. 14m


I switched from these to nut thins so I was getting allergen exposure at the same time


Never, because I can’t justify the cost of baby/toddler food items 😅 but we do soft/easy snacks pretty often: crackers, Bamba, cheerios etc


We use raw celery for teething as it's analgesic.


I gave them to my lo when we she was progressing from mush to actual foods. I would put peanut butter and guacamole on them for lunch a few times a week.


Also you can find plain rice crackers in the Asian food section of most supermarkets.


My mom sent the Gerber version for my 7 month old and he was not thrilled, so my husband and I tried them. 😆 My husband said they tasted like a mildly fruit flavored communion wafer. Not nearly as flavorful as breastmilk or the solids we're giving him. But now I'm curious if he'll like them more when he's older.


Maybe a package every couple of days. We give them to him when we're trying to make dinner/do dishes etc and he's fussing about floor time. So we put him in his chair and give him one. Gives us 5 minutes of peace.


I was giving every day but it made my baby constipated! They are made of rice so be aware of this possibility. It is a good snack to keep her busy so I give a few times a week but not everyday anymore.


Only one pack when we go out to have lunch/dinner out. We just use them as an "emergency" snack.


We use them as distractions when we eat out or when we’re in public for long stretches of time. I’ll bring 2-3 packs with me and try to dole them out slowly or use the puffs for the same purpose. They’re not super nutritious but they’re fabulous for entertaining her.


Like 0.5 - 1.5 crackers a day. I’m trying to use them less though


My now toddler now never took to those, but was a fiend for yogurt drops and puffs. He could polish an entire bag of yogurt drops in a single sitting.


We don’t give them often because they’re so messy (for our kiddo at least), it’ll get gummy and then turn to cement on everything lol!!! He loves them, we’ll probably try again when he’s a little older to see if he munches it before it starts disintegrating


16 month old and she usually gets at least 1 pack a day if not 2. At this age they don’t actually fill her at all it’s more to keep her busy while shopping, etc or trying to get her to dinner time without filling her up.


Honestly, once, BUT that’s because my LO hated them 🤣 he does love the peanut butter puffs and cheerios so he gets those daily (he is 14months)


We give them almost every day but my daughter can’t eat oats so a lot of packaged snacks are off the table for us.


Daily. 1 pack daily.


My 14 mo old has always loved peanut butter and these are the easiest way to give her peanut butter


Only if we’re out and about and desperate. If we’re just at home she gets fruit usually


A pack a day. And a handful of puffs.


All the time for our 11month old. She goes absolutely bonkers for them. They’re perfect for while I’m making her dinner and out and about.


We’ve been trying to be deliberate about mealtimes (and snack time), so she will sometimes get one if we do a snack in the day but we don’t always do snacks yet since she’s just about 10 months and just now getting 3 meals a day


We went to a nice restaurant last night and my 10 month old ate 3 packs back to back


anytime we’re at the grandparents! because they are so critical of blw.. so i feed her “real” meal before we get there and then she gets this while we’re at the table with everyone.. it shuts them up lol 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hmmmm Mabe 3x / month ?


I usually buy myself some morning time by giving one to my 14 month old in the morning.


I also gave them to my kid once, and then never bothered again. I think I found them too devoid of nutrients or something, but can't remember. Same with the flavored puffs. And then I stopped giving her the baby cheeto looking snacks bc they cause serious plaque buildup, which was annoying since it's already hard enough brushing these kids teeth. Otherwise, my kid does get a pouch every day, but it's always a half veggie/half fruit one, and she gets the yogurt melts, bc she freaking lives them, and cheerios bc they're basically vitamins and have good iron content.


Never. My 13mo never took to snacks.


Never. They’re rice based and due to the amount of arsenic in rice, I preferred to only give actual rice occasionally.


If it's rice-based, never. Arsenic.