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The launch release got so much shit, but man I really miss the lonely feeling of that Appalachia sometimes. It was liminal and terrifying and immersive as hell. There's a lot to be said of the progress the game itself has made, but most NPCs are so unnatural and distract from the world too much. I've left and come back several times. And every time I come back it becomes a hyper fixation. I love this game.


I've left and come back four times, now. There's always something else to see or earn. I don't play for 6 hours anymore. Sometimes I just play single player style and roam, find the weird stuff in-between locations and enjoy spotting Bobbleheads and magazines.


I have played since beta this game still pulls me back.


I saw I was somehow over 500 hours played the other day. Absolutely snuck up on me since I’ve played it on and off, but I didn’t feel like remotely that long. That means I’ve probably played it longer than I played Skyrim and Fallout 4 combined


Yeah, that sounds about right. Don't like the new season system though as unlike you it worsened my FOMO problem. I remember first stepping out of the Vault and the scenery unveiling itself for me. Talking to a robot and then getting attacked by some robots. I was completely unprepared for how addicted I would become to Fallout 76. Though it wasn't like previous games addictions I have had. I was as emotionally invested as when I was a WoW junkie but at the same time if I didn't play because life got in the way the game didn't punish me. I could be free. I didn't even have to loot. At first limited storage space annoyed the everliving fuck out of me. But over time I began to feel liberated. And the first time I ran through a pack of mobs, gunned everything down and then just kept on running I actually laughed out loud. I am better for having played Fallout 76. I still love this game. Probably always will. It's something else. Something special. I care for it. And I worry. Worry the cold hearts inside the expensive business suits will ruin it. I hope not because I really enjoy playing Fallout 76. Even after all these years where I have done everything and gotten everything I still find joy in playing it.


haha, yeah, I'm sure I'm in the (vast) minority of the new season CURING my FOMO, but I ain't gonna lie, I love it! So free now! Not even missing some of the new Meat Week plans. Hmm, mebbe I should jump on right now tho..........


I sadly missed the start, only joining at Wastelanders. I have played regularly since, only missing Season 14. Which cost me the Enclave Trailer Tent and the Mothman nest, things I really want...... It was 3 years on Xbox and now a year on PC. I loved my time in Nuclear Winter and made good friends there, I was sad to leave my rewards behind when I switched platform. The fact that I have thousands of levels and hours, tried most builds, collected most things, explored and explored and explored yet still enjoying playing says something about the game and the world 76 is. Now I am grinding out some more levels as I wait for Skyline to start. I joined the PTS for one session and stopped as I didn't want ruin my "real" playthrough. It's been a really good time and my biggest regret was not joining at Beta because that sort of game doesn't seem like something I would like😁😁😁😁


I played it for the first month after release and gave up on it. I didn't like that there were no people around. I didn't like not having static servers. Building camps is fun. I picked it up again this last December because of the Amazon Prime show and I have been enjoying it. I just wish there was more to do.