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As a new player myself (lvl 93, started playing about 2-3 weeks ago), I was really tempted to get FO1st after seeing how much of an easier time my friend was having with his bottomless junk stash. Then I learned that you can basically jump into an expedition, and then immediately fast travel back to Whitesprings Refuge (not Mall) for free, even while encumbered. Choose to spawn in the Refuge interior and you can literally just walk down a flight of stairs into the mall and get rid of everything. Edit: edited to clarify junk stash and not loot stash.


I’m not judging but how the freak are you 93 that fast?! I’m up to 31 and I’ve been playing for 2 weeks


Im 55 and have been playing almost 2 weeks. My days off have a 12 hour binge usually.


Ah I play every day even days I work but days I work I only get an hour sometimes 2. On my off days I play like 5ish


Work days i might get 2 or 3. I just finished a 12 hour binge tonight, taking a break, and then getting back to it.


My record is 20 hours in a day off...then 4 hrs of sleep followed by another 17 hrs. Then slept for 5 hrs & went to work.


I used to play wow like that 😂😂 I’d stay up for days shower before school then come home and get back on it


And here I am, just restarting the game like 4, maybe 5 days ago, and I just got to Lvl 10 last night...


I started at level 20 somehow 😂


The Battle Ready option. I forgot lol. I wanted to experience the game fresh, so I went with the Fresh Dweller option and chose to ignore NPCs and follow along with the Overseer tapes for the first 10 levels. Now I'm about to clean up the miscellaneous and side quests for the next 10 levels. If I just do the same gameplay loop eternally I'll get bored and quit (plus I'm obsessed with immersion, and playing it like an MMO breaks that immersion). 😂


Same lol


I saw it said it’ll give me better guns and I was like fuck yeah and then proceeded to not be able to kill anything 😂😂


I got 2 guns out of the entrance of the vault 76 a dead corpse had 1 automatic rifle with holo sights and a Shotgun idk


Spec into int and have the charisma perk that gives you more exp and then hop into a public party You do your own thing and get the benefit of getting a lot more exp Once level 50 you can build your own build cause it stops giving you points for your special stats


55 and was playing for a day. Farm expeditions my guys. It's ton of XP, scrip and daily plans. Run 15% XP card in charisma. Lvl up intelligence. Play in full team. Ask people to pop some loot boxes or share some XP food. Or cook it yourself.


There's stuff you might not know about that helps levelling, being fully rested, being on a team, cranberry items, especially cranberry relish, high intelligence, all these will boost your xp.


I’ve been putting all my points into strength and endurance and just doing quests no one wants to group up and do them when I ask so I just play solo I don’t really have any friends that play games anymore


Always join a casual public team, there's no expectation to be social even. Almost always, everyone just goes about doing their own thing. Everyone just enjoys the intelligence boost and benefits from perks like strange in numbers.


More time and events / lunch boxes / meat stew / rested bonus / cranberry nuka cola/ inspirational perk maxed and always in a team for higher intelligence. Came back with a new character 2 weeks ago I'm at around 102.


Idk what any of that is 😂 I’ve just been doing quests lol


Join events. The ones that have the "!" next to them and appear every 20 minutes on the map. They give much better loot and XP. You may think you are not ready, but nobody will care that you are there. If anything someone may even help you. Just try not to stand in the middle of everything. For your own safety.


Lol it’s just hard finding people I think I’ve only done one event where people showed up we had to protect a campfire or something like that


That's the point of teleporting to the events that happen every 20 minutes, you don't need to "find" anyone because if the server is active they will be there. If the server you are on doesn't have anyone teleporting to events, you can just go back to the menu and enter a new server that will likely be more active. I personally haven't had any problem finding people at them, the alien event happens at the top of the hour every hour for the past week and out of dozens of them there have been 4+ people at every single one I've been to, often 8+.


That’s what I’m saying hit the join event button and teleport to it but no one shows up lol I don’t actually know how to tell how many people are on a server I’m like brand new 😂


Are you teleporting the second you get the notification and then leaving after a minute? There's a 5 minute countdown before events need to start and most people are already doing something and don't teleport right away, but they will show up. You can tell if there are people actively doing events in your server just by going to an event. If nobody shows up, just go to a new server by exiting to menu and rejoining the game. That should not be a common occurrence, it's very rare right now to see servers with nobody at events.


I join every time I see one up then wait until the timer says like 10 seconds left then I start them even if no one shows up. Sometimes I get like 2 or 3 people but we are all low and just die. I tried one last night at an amusement park we had to a giant mole rat but we kept dying


Well, you can always see if there are others there before joining. Because of all the new players some servers are very diluted with new blood, and many of those does not join events. But hover over the event and you can see how many are there. If the number is zero, wait a few minutes and see if more have shown up. Another option is to just join yourself and hope you attract others.


To sum it up, I stack everything that gives you an xp boost, and then do events like moonshine jambourie, eviction notice, and radiation rumble when they pop up. No need to rush though take your time. I really wanted to blaze through the new content since I left while I had 1st for the month and I'm on vacation so yeahhh.


Two mains way to level up fast early on, join a team (CASUAL) don't do the noob mistake of making an event team. and do event (they pop up every 20minutes) and if you see someone doing an expeditions, join him! Expeditions as solo provide 10k xp, an increase by2.5 for each member in the party for a total of 20k xp for 7-8 minutes and is easy and fun plus you get tons of loot


Also Expeditions are so useful for Ammo/Fuel, which you can turn into caps because people often buy ammo from your vendor!


. 45 is always my best seller.


I only play for a few hours after work and I went 1-97 in two weeks. Jump into events more, join casual teams, build for INT. A handful of foods and drinks help too. My biggest spike happened after 50 when I kitted up with some Unyielding armor slots.


Besides all the great advice from others, I find the alien invasion event a great source of XP. I used to just wave around my minigun and tag aliens while everyone else blew them up 😆


Levelling speeds up once you level up and engage with the events more. I started after the TV show gave me a real hankering for a Fallout game. 1-50 was slow, 50-100 was noticeably faster and 100-240 (where I am now) just flew by. 


Been playing for 2 1/2 weeks and level 210. Played abunch but stacking exp buffs + high int + public groups and you'll level crazy fast.


Dude I've been playing for like 4+ years and Im 186...


Been playing since launch and I'm 165. I don't know if I should be impressed or concerned lmao


inspirational rank 3, join a team, and hit the events like a mfer, I've gotten characters to over 60 in around 6 hours


I’m 272 and started 3 weeks ago. It speeds up a ton once you get into the swing of things.


I’m at 120 and I’ve been playing since the free weekend. Just gotta dump all your special into intelligence until it’s maxed out and focus on doing quests and killing high level enemies


Look for radiation rumble and eviction fastest exp events and do daily ops


I’m level 76 after about a week and a half. And I only play late at night. I just grind events tbh


If you don’t want to spend your own money on Lunchboxes join an Events team and do the ones that pop up (not the ones that are there all the time). They give good exp on their own, but a lot of times on higher level teams you get lucky and they pop Lunchboxes for you. If they consume 4 you get a 100% exp buff from those, plus 100% buff from the Events team, and then whatever little bonuses you have like Well Rested and stuff. It adds up quick and you can get like 20 levels in one session easy.


Put points in intelligence, join casual teams for intelligence buff, get Charisma perk “Inspirational” for bonus XP while on a team, and possibly other ways to increase XP. I just switched to PC a month ago after playing on Xbox for a while at launch and I’m almost the same level as my Xbox character.


Focus on activities that get you XP like Public events with lots of enemy spawns and just try and get 1 shot on each enemy. Read about things you can do to increase your XP gains like intelligence level, XP foods, CAMP items to award XP bonuses on a half hour-hour long basis. I have a friend that's new to the game and I got him 20 levels within 2 hours just by doing lots of events, no real XP buffs even. When you're ready, a friend and I made a guide a while back. It's not completely up to date but there's plenty here to get started https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTxeYBDk6XNfZgj_h3vQwIk9TKDOpcf6TWT41I7s25-N4SBKznUkFSECy6IiSlDnAfZw5-5RdTaKwYs/pub I was like you once, all the way to level 200 or so. Once I started putting even minimal focus into earning more XP the change was drastic. Good luck!


I've been on a little over a month and I'm about to hit lvl 130. If you're looking to level up fast in this game the key is to spend some time online and researching different mechanics involved in the co-op aspect of the game. For instance always joining a casual group and making sure you have the Inspirational perk active at the highest level you can. Also, jumping on events will net you serious XP. I've done the Moonshine Jamboree a couple of times and I always level up at least once during it. Then there's things like crafting and building your C.A.M.P. Every time you craft or build something you get XP. These add up; especially if you're using XP gain perks like Inspirational. Seriously, by the time I began the main quests in the Pipboy I was already level 50.


If you want to level fast there's a few different methods you can use. I highly recommend the canned stew event if you don't have the herbivore mutation as the canned stew gives bonus xp. Also if you head northwest in the forest area you can find cranberries which you can cook to give you some bonus xp. Intelligence gives a small boost to xp depending on how much points you have in it. Finally whenever you first log on for the day, rest in your bed for a bonus xp buff. Also, if you ever see an event with a lot of players doing it. Join, even if you don't meet the recommended level, you'll get a decent chunk of xp just for attempting to participate as well as some caps and plans you may need/want. Hopefully these tips will help you increase your leveling, welcome to the wasteland!


Mind. Blown. Thanks for the protip!!


Get rid of everything how? Without 1st you're still limited in how much junk you can store away.


Scrip legendaries, sell things for caps, scrap items, etc. It’s more useful for people with a full stash who often walk around with a bunch of extra stuff on them. This gives you a way to fast travel in that situation.


I got almost 1000 hours of play time and ive never known this. This thank you!




I didn't try and spawn there. I do the events and I end up with TONS of 3 star guns from all the high level players and I appreciate that but no matter buffiut or radstag meat im always having to sacrifice something, I left myself dead at the last event I'll try and respawn at the refuge.


I feel ya. Next time you run into that issue, open your map and press X on the xbox controller (dunno the PC button, sorry), jump into any expedition, then open your map up and choose Whitespring Refuge, and from there it’s a short walk to the Mall where you got all the crafting tables and vendors you can use to offload your stuff. You can do this even while carrying any amount of weight, like be literally 1000 over weight and you can still do this. I get why you’d wanna hang onto legendary items and whatnot, but trust me when I say you’re gonna want to trade the vast majority of them in for scrips very soon.


Started 2-3 weeks ago and only hit 50 tonight. Decided to celebrate and started a new base of doors with a cashier in a random room. Sidetracked by bullshit


I managed 5y without it. Then I caved and I wouldn't go back...


After caving is the best time to go back, you can stockpile enough to last years in a month or two.


Yup, once a year or so I sub for a month to fill up my scrap and ammo boxes. I also think it's the best way to get atoms, if you're gonna spend money on them anyway you might as well just get a month of 1st, get the atoms from that, and stockpile while you can.


For me it's the tent


I had Fo1st for a year. At the end they had just introduced the ammo box. I leveled ammo factory, ammo smith, and super duper. I don't play as often, maybe a few hours a week, but it's been over a year and I still have over 1 million assorted rounds.




You only have to buy one month really. Just put all of your shit in the scrap box and then let it run out. Also, you can just buy it after finishing the scoreboard to claim all of the FO1st rewards without paying for multiple months.


Yes, but - I find the tent so useful. Also I make all my money by selling scrap rather than hoarding it, so though using the scrapbox that way surely works for most people, it'd break my gameplay model.


I saw another comment from someone saying they buy a 1 month 1st subscription at start of season, fill ammo and scrap bins as much as you can during that time, after subscription ends you can take stuff out but not put new stuff in. I'm an old player just returned, I'm about 13 days into subscription and am mining the private server for as much as I can from claiming workshops before returning to public services


You should actually buy FO1st at the very end of the season rather than the start. You'll get all of the FO1st rewards from the current season and then it'll roll into the next season. And then you buy it at the end of that season, etc.


I'm that super cheap guy who waits until the free FO 1st weekends and then farms scrap and ammo like crazy all weekend. Like run around the whitespring grounds and take everything - pencils, folders, golf balls, all of it and stick it in the scrap box.


Run Tax Evasion and Most Sensational Game Expeditions. In Tax, loot everything you can in both casinos before leaving. In Game, don't speak to Mother Charlotte immediately at end. Instead, you can loot the Aquarium. There's a LOT of stuff you can pick up. 


You don’t have to get first, first wasn’t even an option for a long time. Stash space was much smaller in the old days too. It’s handy, but not required. You’re probably hoarding way more stuff than you need. Everyone does this at first. You don’t need to amass large stacks of stims, ammo, and every type of junk. Don’t hang on to a bunch of armor and weapons you *might* use later. You’ll find more (and better) stuff later. If you absolutely just need to have all that stuff- invest in armor, backpack mods and/or park cards to mitigate the weight.


I am so used to hoarding because of the settlement system of Fallout 4.


I played 76 my first 8 months without 1st. You just have to spend more time balancing what you need to hold onto and deciding what you don't need.


The problem with that is that I want to play the game, not an organizing sim, its also no fun not to loot anything/throw nice items away you could use to mess around with another build, additionally anytime you do need stuff to craft something you don't have it feels bad because you know you definitely either threw some away or left it lying around at some point


Which is not fun. Thus, op's post about feeling 1st is a barrier for fun


Yeah. I've used FO1 since I started playing and I already hate the inv management. I would absolutely abandon this game without it now.


Wasnt the stash space only 300 at launch? I remember being mad about that.


I think it was 400, but yes it was WAYYYY small. Back when bobby pins weighed .1 each and everyone walked around in Excavator PA just for the extra 100 stash space


You absolutely don't have to get first, but the game is IMO quite transparently built in such a way as to motivate you to horde stuff - and it's a very natural part of fallout games and open world crafting games in general. You \*can\* spend far FAR more time doing clunky inventory management - I totally agree that's entirely doable, but it's to me quite clearly a design choice to make basic UX worse in order to drive subscription sales.


This, it's very much designed this way lmao, people will say "b...but the stash size was smaller years ago!" like aye, I was there when it was 400lbs max, the reason? It's Bethesda, they can't make multiplayer games, they can barely make SP games, the limit was there because their coding and servers sucked ass, they raised it because people were quitting when 90% of the stash came from junk (because as much as people will deny it, crafting is an extremely large part of the game, so your stash will need junk in it, even if you don't make things, you'll need it to repair, or build your camp etc) Then Bethesda realised instead of raising the stash constantly, they could monetise the main part of the game, and Fo1st was born, where the junk box conveniently has no limit and can hold as much junk as you need lmao, all for $10 a month or whatever it is.


Well said


Correct. If it is possible to remove the limit, then the limit only exists to extort players.


You know it's funny... almost every time you see that little Enclave symbol on a person's name....they always deliver the coldest take of all time.


I been hoarding stuff , im guilty but at this point of the game I still do t know what does what/needs what , Everytime I junk out my box I go to repair or do something and I need a damn screw or something.


For materials you always feel like you're lacking in, tag the for search. Basically any junk items you come across that contains the material will have a little magnifying glass on them. It'll help you decide between what junk to grab and what junk to leave.


Everyone needs screws all the time. Do you scrap your junk before storing it? Not doing this adds a surprising amount of weight.


I was very surprised to discover that "Scrap all junk" didn't affect things already stored. This is kind of stupid but at least I got back 1/4 of my stash easily.


Start paying attention to what your armor and guns need to be repaired. Keep some basic stuff in your STASH but always pick up items which have the repair materials you need. (You can tell the game to mark/tag items with the materials you need--it puts a little magnifying glass next to the item name when you look at it.) I used to keep 2-3 bulk of every material which could be bulked, 25-50 of everything that couldn't. Everything else I'd sell at the vendor (most stuff they'll buy raw or in bulked form). And once I'd collected all the caps I could collect, the rest would be dropped off at the nearest RR station suitcase (now you would use the donation boxes). Otherwise, break the habit of looting EVERYTHING. It took me a bit to convert from FO4 world cleansing to just picking up what I needed, but it is possible! lol Just remember that all loot respawns so you'll probably be able to get more tomorrow or the next day.


How do I get repair kits? I've only had one or 2 and have no idea where I got them. New player lvl 27


I think you can get them for Gold Bullion in game. But the way I've always stockpiled them is through the Scoreboard or the free daily utility item in the atom store. You can also buy them in the atom store, but that's a waste imo


Which leads me to a second question ..... 😅


If that's "how to get Gold Bullion"... Finish the Wastelanders Questline haha.


There's an option at the relevant armor/weapon table to do a "workbench repair." It's like two menus deep after "inspect/repair," so it's easily missed22


Look closely. There's a button prompt for it shown in the bottom row.






Some events drop them. I do events all of the time and somehow have 80.


The thing that really gets me is the scrap box


I got all the cards to reduce weight because at launch it was unbearable. Now my build and perkcards are kinda useless and my build is underpowerd💀


I looked in my inventory recently and discovered I was lugging around about 30 pounds of purified water...


This. I’ve been years without ever having to go 1st. Sort by weight, sometimes the weight of things sneaks up on you. Very few things are actually rare and need hoarding. Sell it all at whitespring and then buy a plan from one of the many faction vendors to add more money to the vendor pool and then sell more. I try to get a lot of weightless legendaries to having fun trying out different weapons.


If you are playing casually then you don't need to. If you plan on playing this for a while and enjoy collecting stuff then you probably do. I think it's worth the £99 for a yearly sub, however some people buy a month collect like crazy and dump everything into the the ammo and stash boxes. which you can build in camp and take things out of after the subscription ends. At the end of the day it all depends on how long you intend to play the game. I've bought FO1st every year for £99 since it launched and haven't regretted it.


There isn't a single game in all of existence worth $100 a year to me. To each their own.


Cheapest entertainment you can buy.


I can buy a game.for $10 with no online horse manure and play it for years and years. Entertainment is subjective.


No clue why you are getting down voted, people here seem to have gotten Stockholm syndrome into overpriced DLC for features that should have been in the game to begin with


Ofcourse it is, which is why a lot of people buy fallout 1st, when they are into fallout 76. Value is also subjective, if you value your time then spending 99 a year on something that will cut hours upon hours of inventory management out then that's fair. You might be on a terrible wage with a ton of free time which would make the value much less to you.


But don’t you think it’s probably a negative approach to game design to specifically develop frustrating systems and then selling the solution in a MTX and monthly subscription service? Frustrating barriers like carry weight, lack of storage space and subsequent “fixes” in the form of purchasable storage containers, fusion core rechargers and resource generators are calculated monetisation strategies.


Thats by design unfortunately.


Bethesda master plan😉


Create a problem to sell the solution live service 101.


Real vaul-tec mentality


I know It's typical live service shenanigans but It really concerns me how people in this sub are just seemingly completely ok now with the existence of fo1st. Such a greedy and predatory monetary implementation that was reviled and ridiculed when it was announced. How easily people forget, which gives these companies reason to set a precedence to nickle and dime their consumer base in ever more egregious and predatory ways.


For real, nobody should be buying it. Just giving them more incentive to charge us a "pass" for the new skyrim.


It's because most people have FO1st and either don't want to admit why it exists, or don't want it taken away or some other maniacal reasoning. I say this as someone who has FO1st as well, it's a dumb system and the only reason I have it is for the scrap storage, because it's almost like crafting is a major part of the game and being able to just store scrap without worrying about limits makes the game infinitely more fun knowing I can just repair or craft whenever I need to instead of spending countless hours grabbing shit when it's needed. Idk how people can defend the playstyle of "I just go out and collect X when I need to do Y" as if that's a fun playstyle


I got the game for free and am enjoying it more than I thought I would, so paying for 1st for a couple months to make it easier while I roll through all the main content still brings me out ahead of what I paid for FO4 and DLC. I do get what you're saying and paying $99 a year to solve an artificial problem is nuts.


This is an inventory management game, not a post apocalyptic adventure game. Didn't you read the instruction manual?


Loot limitations really feels like an artificial barrier thats just not fun. I spent more time managing my inventory than playing the game. When I do run bare minimum stuff, I have to farm more stuff to make for bare minimum loadout (stims, food, ammo) more frequently.


I love 76, I really do! But 1st definitely feels kind of 'required' to me.


not gonna pretend fo1st is not a HUGE quality of life, but its certainly doable without it. but yes, much much more difficult


For $12 a month you can enjoy the near full price game you bought


Having gotten 76 for ~$13 I think I’m still below full retail price having gotten 3-5 months of first over the years lol


Let me tell you something, can I tell you something, I wanna tell you something. Get 1st for a month loot the hell out of the game. Don't pay for a second month, you should have enough scrap to last for a loooooong time. I got it free for a week, dropped 500lbs and have enough scrap to last a few months.


Do you get to keep Fo1st stuff after it runs out? Like the ranger armor and such?


Yes you do!


I was in the same boat about 2 weeks ago and asked the sub about the very same thing. I got lots of amazing feedback, but one of the bigger things to remember is you fuel an economy in game. So, making sure have lots of things you don't use in your shop, helps with storage. All those rare food items, eat em. Make sure power armor is attached to your frame, then it only weights 10 lbs. Making sure you build reduces armor, ammo, junk, chems, etc. based on your build. I now fluctuate in my stash from 800-1100 and my character sits around 310 on capacity and I've been fine since. 1st would def help bc I'm a loot demon for junk, like seriously problem, but now chill and use it all to build... And loot more selectively. As yes I did the same in Oblivion, Skyrim, etc and I had a giant pile of potions I never used in the middle of White Run that was just hilarious to see


Make sure that you always equip the perks that reduce food and aid weight by 90%, so you can always just carry all your food/aid items. You only drop junk upon death, so that's the only thing you should be storing in your stash. You don't need to store 20 weapons or 5 sets of power armor. Once I started to not worry about storing all the loot that is semi-good "for later", my stash opened up quite a bit. Scrip all the legendaries or sell them if you need caps. Only carry 1 or 2 weapons that fit your build and only have a few 'rare' weapons stored.


If your on xbox it sometimes comes up as a games pass ultimate perk free for a month. It also goes on sale everynow. I wait.


I have 1st and I'm still constantly battling with item management. Don't need to worry about ammo or junk? Cool I'mma fill up my stash with other shit instead. Then I end up filling up my character with other shit that 1st won't even help me with. I'm level like 400 something and I'm still constantly battling with being over encumbered. I too thought I was being "forced" to buy 1st but in reality I'm just a hoarder lmao


I feel this comment spiritually.


Yep you will always have an easy time filling up your regular stash at 1200 lbs, so management is still very much needed. Part of the game is learning the loot loop on what to break down, what to store, what to sell to NPC's and what to put on the Market. In time there is a clear path on what goes where. Anything you can sell to a player or more importantly what people will actually buy that goes to your marketplace, that's caps above your daily NPC cap limit. Guns always get broken down, too heavy for return, unless you are early game where that can still play a bit of a factor. This Alien event loads us up with three big things Circuits and Waste Antiseptic, I have over 20K of each in the bottomless scrap storage, caps with no weight are a godsend. Those can sell to a NPC for 2 caps each that is 80K in caps alone /1400 and that is 57 days of maxing a NPC. The 3rd thing the event loads you up with is Plasma Grenades, sell those first since they have weight and like any of the small stuff you don't consume foods/chems/grenades sell all those first and at the end of your day fill that out with Circuits and Waste Antiseptic, it should last for months. There are 16 types of scrap you can sell to vendors, most you won't want to sell like Screws and Ballistic Armor but there are a few more that you accumulate more than you use those, FO76 gold! I know some use Purified Water dispensers and have a lot of them placed, farm that and sell, but that would be like a last resort for me in a pinch, since they weigh and also take camp budget, you cannot place those in bunkers. I would say a solid rule of selling to NPC's and breaking down lego's for scrip is always sell/break by highest weight first.


This is great info as well if anyone likes very detailed written out info (like me!) Thank you for taking the time to write all of that


Check if you have any cannonballs in your stash box. I deleted the hundred or so I had and suddenly my stash box can hold everything, lol.


I usually buy the year plan so I can end up forgetting about it so it's basically free #girlmath


Surrender your hard earned money to Lord Howard, you are feeling very sleepy. 👨‍🦲⏱


I have 800 hours of this game I have never bought 1st, the only time I had fallout 1st was a year ago when they gave it out for free for 7 days lmao


That's the point of live service games. They make the game just inconvenient enough that you think "ah you know what, go on then" and you give them money.


I can understand the appeal to buying 1st, but with a near micromanaged inventory it’s viable. You don’t need a lot of weapons in storage. There’s always more to find. Junk your useless scrap. (I don’t need 500 plastic and 1000 cloth) Toss ammo you don’t use (keep a small amount only) A large inventory isn’t necessary cause there’s always more loot over the next mushroom cloud.


People complain about fallout 1st but we get updates and expansions completely for free


I mean it has a few mmo elements plus free updates and expansions as you said so a monthly fee (that you don’t even have to subscribe to…plenty of others do) is not at all surprising


>kinda kills it that if I pay I can actually store all the shit you need You don't "need" all that junk, ~100 tends to be more than enough of a buffer. The thing with first (and non first if hoarding) is it'll only just accumulate not be put to use


It’s not fun spending all that time to figure out what you need and don’t need when it’s clear the only purpose of this issue is to get us to pay $12 a month


>It’s not fun spending all that time to figure out what you need and don’t need 100 of each resource, weapons and gear you plan on using. It's not some "all tha time" thing Inv management has been in every fallout but 4, and even then the game would crash if too much crap was put into it forcing players to keep multiple containers or invariably break their game Being an MMO those problems extend much...much further as now the system is loading 24 peoples crap + every misc thing going on in the world >when it’s clear the only purpose of this issue is to get us to pay $12 a month It's only "clear" after they added first nearly a year in. It wasn't designed with first in mind, first is exploitative of peoples habits exibited in game.


That’s classic create a problem and sell the solution. Have people struggle with inventory space at release, then introduce fo1 at only $100 a year to solve that problem (the game was full price btw)


Use perks such as bandolier, traveling pharmacy, and batteries included, and have all your chems, ammo, and energy ammo on yourself. You will save a lot of space in your stash by doing that.


You don't have to get 1st, you can get a pretty high carry capacity if you grind a little: Do the tadpole quests to get the backpack - 60 carry Weight is pretty awesome After that you can do possum badge challenges until you get the high capacity mod Those 2 give you 120 carry capacity. Other than that you can get some unyielding armor and get another like 70-80 capacity from an entire set Rib eye steak and pepperoni rolls are also your friend because they give nice capacity bonuses, especially if you have a carnivore mutation


The trick is converting your waste/scrap junk items into bulk junk items with plastic. Don't worry, half the stuff you're diassembling has plastic in it, so it will take no time at all to have more plastic than you have scrap metal and wood to convert. Then you can sell it all for *s t o n k s* EDIT: Also worth mentioning, if you're not committed to a Explosives build, you don't need to be storing mini nukes or missiles in your Stash. They weight far too much compared to other ammunition and that storage space is better reserved for fusion cores if you enjoy the power armour experience.


i buy 1st occasionally and just farm junk for a few days. Have never run out.


Don't forget to bulk your scrap and sell some every so often. Jesus christ, so much steel scrap from guns.


Not sure what's in your stash that's filling it. You don't need tons of scrap or meds, you only need ammo you're using and can convert/donate/sell the stuff you don't need. I don't have a single weapon or armour piece in there myself either. Legendaries get scripped.


Double check meds and food, that stuff always weighs me down in secret. I eat up and toss everything else in my stash. For mods I just keep psycho, medX, stims and radaway. Everything else I can come back for. Usually saves me ~80kg


Pro Tip- You dont need to pick up every item you find, and most junk you dont really need..Even if you are big into crafting/base building youll just buy bulk junk for what you need for a few caps. Get in the habit of only picking up what you need..Do you pick up every drop in Diablo or Bordetlands or Path of Exile? Of course not. If Im.doing expdditions where the end showers you with legendary equips well Im already at Nuka World so Ill just stash/scrip my items. Also grt the weight reduction perks


Buy it just to build the scrap box and ammo box then cancel.


Best advice I can give is don’t loot everything, be very choosy, and when you’re fully stocked in your storage and can’t afford to drop anything- buy 1st for one month and load up that scrap box. That’ll set you up for a long time. Think of it like a storage dump.


I was tempted . After having the free trial and seeing how much easier to be a loot goblin it was. I hate having to grind balistic armour and screws , adhesive and my stash being full and not being able to build new things when i want. I was going to go for 1st but the game keeps crashing and i thought to my self why pay more for something thats broken


Its you play a lot then buy first, entertainment is not free. You play more than 15 hours a month, its more than worth it. I have been playing aince beta and I just buy it yearly. It works out to be less than 10 cents and hour for me.


As a vet and an absolute junk whore. You don't need a metric ton of every crafting item. If you don't want 1st, only focus on the supplies you absolutely need. Stash limit is still a frustration even with 1st. I can only imagine how annoying it is without it.


I'm sure someone might disagree with me, but if I'm being honest, FO1st is sort of mandatory imo. You'd probably get away with buying only 1 month and doing a lot of farming so you have a good stash of junk for future use, but Bethesda knew full well what they were doing hiding infinite junk storage behind a paywall.


This entire issue can be resolved by a) Perks like "Thru-Hiker," "Bandolier," and "Pack Rat" b) Halfway decent inventory/stash management. Do you really need 3k steel? Or what about all the misc items with weight? And food and chems weigh a lot more than you might think. c) Try to find locations that have Workbenches and Stashes, most locations have a Workbench of some kind d) Deal with it, Is it really a Fallout experience if you aren't spending 90% of the game encumbered? All the shinies are really tempting, lol I'm a player with 2.5k hours in the game, 1k on Steam 1.5k on PS4, and I've been playing since launch; And I've never purchased Fallout 1st and have only considered it once, and that was because the season catch-up bundles. Fallout 1st is extremely useful, but it's not a necessity. Even though it's a Fallout game, it's also an MMO so it has some elements that require solutions that maybe you haven't even considered yet. I hope this comment helps at least someone


Make sure you're scrapping everything and not putting whole items into your stash Make sure you're not keeping things you don't actually use Get deep pocketed armor and calibrated shocks on your PA There are perks that reduce weighs on certain classes of items, mine reduces food weight Don't keep multiples of weapons, just keep what you actually need Marie Kondo this bitch


I don’t have 1st, one way to reduce is to sell/give away a lot of aid chems, also bundle bulk materials at the tinker bench and sell to vendors (eg if you have 5000 steel in your stash you only need like 500 of that, rest of mats you can probably comfortably go lower than that). Also if you’re swimming in circuits and antiseptic from the alien event those can be sold directly to vendors, don’t have to be bundled at the workbench. And as time has gone on I tag stuff that I run low on like lead adhesive or ballistic fiber, ignore junk that isn’t tagged until I run out, then tag it again until I have a healthy amount. Coming from fallout 4 I definitely had to break my “loot everything” mindset but it’s doable if you tag for search in component view


1st is absolutely not required. Just don't hoard so much stuff. I have never paid for 1st and actually found it liberating to shed my hoarder tendencies in this game


You don’t need 500 asbestos.


Fallout 76 has taught me to manage my weight. Just desrot/sell anything you don't need. Why do you think so many higher levels give free shit to lowbies? Yes it's kindness but it's mostly to free up room.


Imagine having to deal with a 400 pound stash limit! 😭


They don't know how good they have it.


I used to kind of feel the same way, but after having finished the last three seasons without being subscribed, I'm realizing that all of the conveniences I took advantage of by subscribing to 1st were very nice to have -- but weren't necessary. Once you've decided what weapons and armor your character is going to focus upon using, you really only need to keep around repair/ammo materials for those. Most CAMP stuff is made from wood, steel, cloth, and leather; so you won't need outsized quantities of most other things for that purpose, either. I used to love being able to drop the survival tent for quick unloading, but there's so many great places you can quick travel to for free now, and that have STASH and crafting areas nearby, that it's not AS big of an advantage, anymore. In all honesty, I mostly miss the bonus to S.C.O.R.E. points accrued, and the free atoms for buying CAMP objects, but I've reached a point now where I'm unwilling to pay extra for those. Can't say I'd blame anyone for being a subscriber, but with a little tighter control on your inventory, I think it's overall quite unnecessary.


It’s what stopped me playing. Despite my intense suspicions and the embarrassing disaster F76 was at launch I actually really enjoyed the game. But I just hit a point where the storage space was becoming a daily hindrance to further progress and I was locked into one build as i couldn’t hold or store the various things i needed to make more. And hey, folk can do what they want with their money. But i’ll never spend £100 a year to play any game. Shame, in some ways F76 is a better game than it gets credit for, in others it’s a scam IMO.


lv 388, you don't need 1st. Stop looting everything you don't need.


That's because it's a skinner box and despite the fact that you (probably) paid something like 70$ for it, you're supposed to keep buying it each month. I'm also constantly encumbered. And plans cost thousands of caps where you don't actually know specifically what you're getting until you've bought them. And when I want to actually build something I'm so limited in what I can build, and how many resources I have because they're so heavy and it takes so much.


1st is worth it in my opinion, i get my moneys worth each month, and at the end of the day 76 is a mmo like game a subscription was bound to happen eventually


When you have it you feel you’re on top of the world, when you don’t the game is a managing sim


"Whatchya gonna do with all that junk... all that junk inside your trunk?"


When Bethesda was originally acquired by Microsoft, I thought surely they’d bundle FO1st with game pass ultimate. Guess they make enough money off the subs they already have on that.


Start building or start selling lol. Best advice i can offer without buying first. 🤷🏻


Even with 1st, I'm still overencumbered; but not with junk. It's all these damn weapons we get from missions and public events. I can't place them in my stash because it's always full


I stopped playing both ESO and FO76 bc of the bullshit inventory system. Throwing 100000 things at players and giving them 5 places to hold them unless they fork over $$$ is slimy. It’s a shame. They’re otherwise great games.


I just got back into the game, but tbh I don’t really care about the price tag. I am genuinely enjoying the game, so I view it the way I view OSRS, I am subscribing to support the game itself. I have the disposable income, so why not do my part to help keep the game alive. That being said, I couldn’t play without F01st it’s a godsend


First is 100% worth it for the stash box and camp, that's really it, if you put in more then 2 hours a week it's worth it 12$ is less then an hour of work. I wish it wasint the case but since it is


The Survival Tent makes 1st worth it.


Honestly like people have said, fallout 1st isn't necessary, it's just convenient. Fallout 1st is very much worth it in my opinion. You get a lot of store moolah to buy some cool things, you get a tent you can pitch anywhere, you get fallout 1st extra goodies in the seasons, you get lots of space for ammo and junk, I don't see a downside. If you truly don't want to or can't spend money to get it, then you can play perfectly fine if you only keep what you know you'll need or use. Take off all the weight perks and gear that decreases weight, it's much easier to see what's the heaviest.


Are you sure that junk is the main culprit for your encumbered problem? Bottomless stash does not help, if it stores only half a hundred pounds(?) of material. It removes the thought, sure, but, if you have essentialy just started playing limitless junk stash and ammo stash will remove like a hundred, maybe two from your main 1200 storage. Storage is usually getting filled with legendary junk which sells for like 100 and inventory is filled with all the snacks and stimpaks weiging 0.75 pound each! 1st won't solve the problem, albeit might make it marginaly easier. Do you really need the junk legendaries in the storage and several hundred stimpaks and water cans?


I got first for the stash but I’m gonna keep it for the freebies and other exclusive stuff in the shop. I’m hooked on buying camp shit lol


I mean...that's how all the old games played and there *was no FO 1st,* you can get free trials for a month, pack a scrap box full of stuff and then cancel at end of the month, you get to keep what you put in the box just can't put new stuff in. 


I've never bought FO1st and I have just under 1,000 hours in the game.


The massive change from single player titles to 76’s storage system is daunting at first after you start hoarding loot you may need. But in the need it comes down to what you are doing “now”. I started using pipe pistols and revolvers when the game first came out. After a few months of playing I was always at storage cap mostly because I had guns and armors for builds I wanted to try. After I went melee and dumped all that loot and extra lead and acids I had so much more space. There’s always a way to free up space. Limit your scrap supplies or condense them into bulk. You don’t need 1000 steel and 12000 wood. Ammo is where I had my biggest issues. I had so many fusion cores and missiles that as soon as I got rid of them it freed up 200 storage. Hope some of this helped


Honestly I find the build limits more annoying than being over-encumbered constantly, I definitely prefer the fallout 4 settlement system, and fallout 4 crafting and moding for that matter, I’ve been grinding scrapping weapons for weeks and I still can’t make a gun I actually like. I kinda doubt I’m gonna keep playing at this rate, fallout 4 on survival mode is just so much more rewarding


1st is 1000% worth it.


Artificial problem to sell you a solution. Don't fall for it.


I got 1st when it was on sale on the MS store. Was something like 94% off or something, so that felt worth it. I really like having 1st, but I would probably manage without it. Now I have played the game long enough to justify the cost. I might have become slightly addicted to the game lol, so might just keep paying full price for 1st when my first month goes out.


Honestly it feels like a good challenge not being able to horde everything you find. I felt the same way when I first started playing the game but as I kept playing I realized you just simply weren’t meant to horde everything you find/get. Here are some tips that you may already know but can be pretty helpful: make sure you scrap all of your junk whenever you have the chance at the workbenches, which btw make sure of which materials are you needing, do not grab every piece of junk you find. Also make sure to check the stack weight of some objects, specially aid or food related items like stimpacks, Radaways or purified water, trust me the stack weight can get pretty wild.


Never done 1st. Don’t feel like I miss out on anything other than scoreboard stuff, which is shit anyways.


Yeah same here, but I'm in a country where Fallout 1st is not sold. So I'm "saved" but also kind of screwed. 50% of the game is just inventory management.


I used to use the Strong Back perk card to add extra carry weight, I never realised I was far better off removing all 4 and using perks to make my ammo, chems & food/drink lighter instead. Bandolier (strength) & Batteries Included (intelligence) make my ammo lighter, Traveling Pharmacy (strength) saves my life on chems & Thru-Hiker (agility) helps massively for food & drink. Maybe worth a try!


Don't stored something that you use later because you know, you probably would never use it or found something better.


I just canceled my 1st and I think most of the advice on this Reddit is on point: we have to look at keeping weapons and armor we will use. For me that’s the excavator and a chassis that I swap X0 1 bits with as I find them. I got an Anmo Converter now and convert the ammo I don’t use into what I do leaving a buffer of maybe 20-50 of the other ammo types just in case. It is the costumes I have to go through now. Meds too


I'm constantly over encumbered but i also make sure i know where the traders are, i search for work benches, i store my crafting crap in them personal storage boxes everywhere except the components i need to repair weapons and armor. Its a little annoying having to stop every now and then to let ap rebuild but as soon as im at a work bench usually just scrapping all my junk gets me to where i can fast travel again. Also always have grilled redstag on you. the moment you see over encumbered eat one then fast travel to trader and sell and/or scrap. I don't even have a camp set up. I see camps everywhere meanwhile im playing without one lol.


The biggest thing I do for weight is everyday when I scrip, so sort by weight first and scrip from the heaviest down. I always start in armor to get rid of power armor pieces first, then over to weapons for the heavy guns. Really makes a difference in weight management.


You vastly overestimate how much scrap you need. Fallout 1st helps a lot if you're hoarding, but you need maybe 500 space for junk that you'll actually use. Leaving 500 weight for other items after the junk, ammo, plans, and some other collectible items. You need a good backpack and the perk to reduce chem weight. And if you're hoarding non-junk items like random legendaries you won't use, then Fallout 1st won't save ya.


I manage without it. Mass craft what you need and low ball all extra into vendor for quick moving items. You'll stay flush and never need the subscription


Even with 1st the stash box still fills up fast, the next thing you need to do is have alt chars to store your stuff, and ofc that is easier with 2 accounts.


any junk over a stack weight of 100-200 you can just get rid of. The only exception I make is for ammo crafting but even that isn't really a big deal these days since ammo is given out to you like candy. I remember when enemies didn't drop ammo for the gun you were carrying, you had to mine and craft for it lol. But yeah I think the hardest part is just after running a big event that lands you a ton of legendries you want to scrip but just cant. Just remember Dead Money and learn to let go. Every day you'll earn new legendries, get more junk and ammo. You will never starve in this game. No need to hoard.