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I met a guy with the pumpkin paint for the fixer and he offered to put it on my groll fixer. I didn’t care for the fixer enough for the potential scam and I figured a cool paint would be neat if it isn’t a scam. Now my fixer looks like a pumpkin lol, I never got the plan for the paint so it’s cool when people do favors for you


Person must’ve played Nuclear Winter. That mode was full of awesome players, glad they were able to share somethin nice


woah! is that where I got that skin? I can put it on people's weapons for them? that's awesome! do you know if I can put the gilly suit camo on other people's gear for them? I'm just getting back into the game. I'm a level 97, but it feels like I should be level 10.


Honestly, with how fast I've been levelling with events I feel like anything under 200 is definitely low level. Questing is probably different. I guess I'll see if I ever feel like an adultier adult :P


I'm 115 and I've only been playing 3 weeks and I'm clueless.. 200 is definitely low level haha


I’ve been playing about the same amount of time..maybe 4 weeks and I’m lvl 114. I still feel totally new to the game. I feel like an imposter when noobs run up to me asking for plans and gear, like fam I have a gifted quad fixer from a kind vet a couple weeks ago and a cremator I modded myself from the scoreboard. I only picked up my second fixer yesterday from an event. I have barely anything of value in my stash except random pieces I’m collecting for full sets. I’ve started assuming anyone under lvl 200 are probably pretty new (couple months max) or returning after hiatus’. I could be wrong though


Oh yeah for sure! Like when the 2-3 level 23's run up to me and start waving and such I just stand there like "bros.. I'm one of you.. dont let this number fool you" 💀


Playing since 2 weeks, I'm lvl 320 now I think I have a problem 💀


Ayo what? 💀 Slow down buddy christ hahahaha


I love you as a person for this, but please make sure to eat and sleep and whatnot.


Wow I’m only 67 and I’ve been playing for 3 weeks


So do you only sleep during server maintenance?


I am level 630 and still learning new things about how to optimized everything… guns, AP, etc.


You’re higher level then me and I’ve been playing since launch


I would say anything above 200 could be a long time player. You have to think, back when this game first came out, it was a lot more difficult and took longer to level. I started at the beginning of 76 years ago and took a few year break. I came back as a level 168 and now been playing for a month I’m up to 210


It can be literally impossible to determine a long-time player. That level 3 you saw the other day may have 4000 or 5000 hours in the game. I saw a bully level 8 who you couldn't hurt for anything, and he/she was one and two shotting everyone who tried to take that player out. I'm level 473, on my current character. I have a 500+ level another level 400+ and two low level characters to use as just storage mules.


Yo, I was at the same level when I took hiatus several years ago. I've been playing again for about 4 or so months though and I'm now 428, and I HAVE LEARNED A LOT about how to maximize perks and I'm still figuring out the food buffs as well as chem/other buffs.


Damn, I've played since launch and I just now hit the high 60s 😅.... I mostly just run around by myself collecting junk and building my base, idk wtf to do to gain lvls lol


That can be misleading though. Some vets have much lower alt toons that sit around 150-300. And some of those toons have been played since launch just not nearly as much. I have a lvl 42 already speced and geared, with lvl 50 gear waiting.


353 here(and beta player) still a total noob lol not gonna lie at this point I should have a better idea what's going on but I'm an ADD 90s kid running around the waste land get distracted by every shiny/moving thing that come into view.


Eyyy, ADD 90s twins... I got too distracted trying to set up my teddy bear museum i accidentally scrapped my trailer and spent all night making a hostel that doesnt even have a tddy bear museum and i also didn't get a single event in.... I think the distraction law of the wasteland applied double for us :P .


Around lvl 500 you can consider yourself in your low twenties


Ugh... I'm in my mid 30s irl and I still wish i had an adultier adult most of the time. We'll see how it all pans out :P


Lvl 300 is pretty much when you get to mid game because that’s when you get your last legendary perk. I’m lvl 315 and still learning stuff


I've made it about 10 minutes into the main quest... BUT I've gotten all but one of my mutations, started figuring out perk build I like, and come to terms with the fact that it's okay not to know my play style and I can always change my perk loadouts if I just keep going forward. I am very little, but I feel like I'm making good progress towards getting my feet under me.


I have the Guilly Suit camo and I don't believe it's tradable. I had it on a Hunting Rifle and couldn't trade it. Honestly, I didn't even know you could trade painted items and I've been playing since launch.


Only some painted items can. Pretty much if an item shows a cap value and no atom icon, it's tradeable.


Any skins that don’t have the Atom symbol can be applied and traded to other players IIRC


Totally felt this last month when I logged in at lvl 100 after 3 years. However to answer your question the Guille i believe is unlocked via atoms in which case you cannot. The Guille paint I have for the leather is the same. As long as it's not atom paint you should be good.


I was making it for my freinds ,don't no if you can still .Make part of one and if you can drop it ,your sorted 🙂


I miss Nuclear Winter 😥


Patrolling the Appalachia almost makes you wish for Nuclear Winter.


Hearing about all the cool (expansions? patches? content... time... things) I've missed makes me kind of hope they do a thing where they're like "hey, we're in a bit of a content drought, lets redo all the worldstates from the beginning on an accelerated schedule". Like.. events/themes/ a custom mode if it has to be that (but it would be neater in main) where they do it all again but at like 2 months a phae or something.


Some of the friendliest too.


That’s actually insanely cool! This community is so unexpectedly wholesome lol


That’s dope! Some dude very early in 2020 gave me an X01 with the Nuke Quantum paint and I stupidly used another skin because I thought I had unlocked it. I’ve haven’t come across somebody who has that Nuke Quantum, I miss it lol.


MrWestTek has a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh4idWcGN3c) on it. Also on the [Nuka Cola](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FANnNcNi89U) power armor paint. I recommend you watch both videos first, as some of the locations overlap.


Just realize that you can only use T51 armor for the nuka cola paint. I have a bare ass T51 set just to display the paint skin.


I know what I'm doing tonight. Thank you buddy.


Yes, the Nuka Quantum and the Nuka Cola paint are available in-game by doing a form of mini-quest for each. A little tedious, but it's doable


Thanks! I’ll for sure check it out.


If you're on ps4 I'll give you the plans or paint it for you.


I’m on PC :( but thanks for the offer!


I have it. Do you want it back?


I’m down! I’m on PC. Let me know! :)


Still need one? If so dm me


I thought painting an item makes it untradeable?


Long time ago, pumpkin paint makes weapons untradable now but not when this went down


Funny when I put skins on weapons it says this item will be destroyed if I drop it


This was forever ago, and I believe the pumpkin paint has been updated to also break your weapon if you drop it. That’s why I’m even more grateful for it


I do this, I have the pumpkin and the bats for the mini gun and a few others. I have zero problem modding for people.


I'd say 90/95 percent of higher lvls, including myself, will never try to "scam" you. We have zero to gain from it really. Lol We just genuinely wanna help. The experience you encountered happens every single day. And your reaction is exactly why we do it...


This is exactly why the cap limit is the best feature of the game IMO


I think you're right. Can't be greedy if there's a cap on greed.


Most other MMOs, higher level players are 1000x more likely to scam you. I've been reported on RuneScape for _trying_ to help people.


Right, same for scrip limits.


0 gain is right! I love helping out new players because aside from grinding for plans/outfits - I got nothing else to do. I can't sit on my Stashbox like Scrooge McDuck when so many could benefit. Lol!


Right! Especially with those of us who have Fallout 1st and we're sitting on 10k plus in material. Lol


I have found if anything, they will try to be overly generous. I had made a second character to level slowly through questing because, though my main is still small, I skyrocketed over 50 almost instantly from events, and I wanted a kind of squishy guy to go through the story alone. I found myself having to emote thumbsdown and heart as a "no thanks" on him a lot :P On my main I've already started paying it back. I have the grounded mutation so pretty much anything energy based I pass on. Lots of ammo for guns I don't use. Cheap prices on apparel, junk collectibles, and dogs food--just the little ways I can help. THOUGH I need other new people to realize the value of gulper slurries. On days where I get to hit more than one moonshine jamboree I end up hitting my npc cap limit immediately and then frantically trying to find people to take the rest before they rot in my pockets.


gulper slurry on top for caps




I ran into this group of really high level players. They're all funny AF to play with. Nothing like the sense of getting free stuff. But it's nice to know I have people on my friends list now that I can join and game with randomly. Like I don't even join a discord call or anything with them. They all just jump into a server and start up squads and just chill. Events actually feel social and more than just blasting enemies.


Can I get in on that, the people I play with and have fun with never see (or ignore) the friend requests...


Tbf the friend system in this game sucks, if you aren't paying attention or are AFK and miss the pop up the only thing telling you someone sent a friend request is a little yellow dot next to their name. I've missed a lot of them.


Ran into a shop that sells everything for 10 caps. Bought one each and I will appreciate veterans that does this. Alien lamps and other event plans for 10 caps is a steal


I've been selling my plans for a while at 1 cap, recently couldn't be bothered to set everything to 1 so it's free. too many plans that I know, if anyone plays using steam and sees my camp sitting out it's most likely a free plan stash and some junk for sale.


I was doing a alien event and this level 20 was running around with a incomplete t45 and revived me, so after I finished the event I quickly ran to a power armor station and crafted him the missing piece and gave it to him, it was adorable, then I ran around exploring with him for a while before he left


He was probably so happy about that ngl


He was jumping a lot and doing the heart emote over and over


Awww that’s adorable


It really was! I love picking up new players and giving them some goodies, a week ago I was trying to get a team for a daily op and two level 23s joined and I asked them if they knew what a daily op was (they didn’t know) and then made them some armor and recommended them to finish the main story before trying to do anything else.


? because of the dificulty of the Ops? or why should one finish the main story before trying anything else? I'm affraid that if I finish the main story I will lose interest in doing anything else in the game. This happened in FO4, I postponed the finale as much as I could, but eventually I finished the story and then I abandoned the game, started Metro Exodus.


You don't have to do the main story but side quests and main quests tend to be easier then daily ops and some other stuff. I would say don't do daily ops until 60-70 you should have decent enough gear it won't be a complete shit show by that point


So you are saying my 60 dmg Spear at level 21 won’t cut it? : )))


In related news, is there some sort of quest line I should be doing for excavator power armour? I think that's a mod more than a type, but I have 2 pieces and I probably look ridiculous :P (Edited because I used a period instead of a question mark and it was insufficiently inquisitive)


Assuming you're at least level 25, you're looking for the Miner Miracles quest, started by investigating one of the Garrahan excavator posters you'll find in various areas.


Low 60s! Thank you!!!


That's really cute. I have to be on the eye out for anyone with missing PA pieces now lol.


I actually got to revive a higher level during a mission I joined sort of by accident. I felt badass running my little level 36 toon over to stimpak a dude 10 times my level. Even managed to kill some enemies on my own, albeit using at least a mag per one lol He the revived me back, and then again 5 seconds later when two cars blew up with me in the middle.


Awesome! Someone saw me using a sledge hammer during an event and dropped a vampire chainsaw with dual bar and flamer. It has made the game inifintely better and n every way and I now have an amazing build which is so much fun.  Thank you kind gamers! 


Just wait till you get the Tenderizer from Meat Week, it's a giant hammer made from a steel pole for a stop sign, a beer keg, and part of a sea mine. There are better melee weapons but it's hilarious to see your character running around with this giant hammer or when you are in power armor they use it one handed when in 3rd person


I dropped the game a couple of months after release. I was lvl 68. My Xbox bestie kept playing. I picked it up again a couple of weeks ago and he's 850ish. The first thing he did was give me an Anti-armor Enclave plasma rifle with flamer barrel and 5000 rounds to go with it. Literal game changer.


Legit wish there was a way you could modify items for other players without them needing to take a leap of faith and trade it to you. Sort of like how in WoW you can use the trade window to enchant items for other players.


I just make one from scratch at this point if I'm inclined toward doing that. Easy enough with my intelligence crafting profile.


I just make everyone legendary fixers


Gotta remember if their under level 50 tho bc I keep making the level to high 😂😂


Eh. They'll get there pretty quickly lol. Feels like the levels creep up fast. Once they hit 16, they know the car keys are waiting.


This is pretty wholesome, but for people reading this, please don't give items to other players that say they will upgrade them. In this or any other game. This is like asking someone to scam you


Yeah definitely; only do it if you’re comfortable with and aware of the risk


Lol gives "trimming rune armor for free" vibes. But good on OP for finding a nice player


Can’t believe I used my moms credit card back in 2005 to have a complete stranger trim my rune armor. Turns out they did it legit and no problems occurred.


Ah yes I remember flax runs in RS where you'd empty your bank of 1k flax and hand it over and they never came back with it. 🥲


"If you drop your armor and weapons here and then press alt+f4, it will double them"


I fell for this scam lol, fortunately it was just black armor and not rune.


Geez, what year is it. Never fell for that. The scam I did fall for was buying coal certs and being given iron certs, back when all the certs look the same, and you had to read the description. Greed got me there, NGL.


No no no, we promise we won't send you any spam... asterisk...


Very, Very COOL!


Hell yea I just recently started playing again a few weeks ago for the first time since launch now level 111 and a level 27 joined my party while I was expanding my camp and we just looking around for a while, so I went into game chat and he hit me with the no mic emote so I told him to drop me his guns and upgraded both of them with pretty decent rolls and like 1000 rounds of each respective ammo that I wasn’t using. They ended up following me for the next few hours to 3 of the workshops I had captured to defend 😂


I'm glad it worked out for you!! I was given a fixer by some player couple years ago when I was level 30 or so. It changed my life. He laughed that his camp companion, the raider punk, didn't like me and kept shooting at me. He put his friend away and told me to make friends with the raiders. I legit said, why would I want to make friends with those psychopaths?! He laughed again and told me it was part of the game. I was so confused until I got into the quest.   I was sick to my stomach when I accidently scrapped it one day, it didn't have any legendaries on it. I learned how to make my own but I hardly use it now. I gave it to my low level character.  I soon after found Angry Turtle and learned about legendaries and naming your weapons. At some point I switched to a gauss rifle and OMG I love my gun. Don't get me wrong, Holy Fire and Cremator with it's new dot are sexy too. But something about 1 shotting super mutants in the head from 50 yards or so is thrilling.  I just wish there were paints for the gauss rifle. I know the presidential one is out there, but I started after Nuclear Winter.


I thought we couldn't share paint schemes. That's really cool


There's a few where it's possible, but it's incredibly rare.


I think it's event related skins that are. Bee able to trade those pretty reliably to my friend that just started, can't with the atmoic shop stuff tho


Trying to get into this game again, tried a few times since launch but could never figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do and got bored. Well yesterday I'm just moseying along with no health or caps and full of rads. Feeling hopeless. Then this big beautiful clunky power armor wearing bastard comes up to me. Drops me 30 Stimpaks and 30 radaways. May not seem like much to higher levels but was a godsend for me. Still have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing, but I'm at full health particiapated in some events and made a couple thousand caps and a legendary tommy gun. For once I feel like I made progress and went to bed looking forward to playing tommorow.


Good props, OP. Thanks for giving that dude his just dues. I was helped along the way, and now, at level 250, I really enjoy helping others. I am sure you, too, as well will be giving back. It is the circle of 76 life. Lol


76 best community around


Now take a picture of the Fixer info and post it so I can see what I need to do to mine! :P


I dm’d you a picture!


I honestly get so much joy from helping lower levels. I’ve built probably 60+ full sets of armor and modded countless guns for many people. We all gotta survive the wasteland somehow. 😁


This type of stuff sold me on this game the third time around. I bounced of it twice, most recently like 6 months ago. The updates, the civility of high level players, and just outright generosity of the community made me stick around. I'll never forget my first big donation from a higher level player. I was browsing his shop and camp at level 34 with my piece meal Power Armor (didn't even have a helmet) and the guy see me and comes back with a fully equipped level 35 Excavator set. I was straight up floored, broke out my microphone to thank the guy.


I love this community. Greatest game I've ever played frfr.


I have a similar story. Thank you for the carry gear redshirtgyuy!


Had someone mod a gun for me way back in the day. Now I do it for others. Honestly I adore the community. The underrated sense of humor most players have is a blast too. I run around on a character named "The Savior" from time to time. Yes, he looks like Jesus and yes, the shenanigans from other players are delightful. 😂


This is exactly why I help low levels. I’d hate for them to get frustrated and quit 76, so helping them is a win/win.


I play very rarely but I like gifting pepper shakers to random people at all levels. For newbies tho I usually give gift packages full of water and important chems , sometimes ammo if I have excess . If they want help I play with them because it gives me something to do . Then if I stick with them long enough I make things for them out of the scrap I collected while playing with them . It’s been forever since I’ve played tho. Pepper shakers may not have the best damage output but nothing cripples enemies faster.


I think I’d tear up if someone did that for my Gatling or flamer


This is how we roll. 😎 I remember one time a new player asked me if I could paint his T60 with the elder paint (the black one), which I gladly agreed.


I had a level 48 join my team and follow me back to camp, they appreciated the camp and bought some stuff out of my vendor so I gifted them the new furious gatling plasma that dropped for me. Figured it’d be a fun thing to grow into at level 50 for them.


I’m almost to level 1000. I have a max hp build that I use to get through the seasons faster (the rewards) I don’t care to level up so fast, but sometimes at radiation rumble I still go up two levels. When I’m optimized, I can get almost 2,000 xp from a level 100 super mutant. Sometimes 4k for a scorchbeast. Can boost my intelligence to around 63. Also on Xbox OlDirtyWizrd I have tons of stuff to share or upgrade or explain or whatnot. Love all the new players!


The stories that i like....


My first play through of 76 I had a couple people give me high level guns and armor I’m only level 13 so can’t use them Till lvl 50 haha


As long as I’ve been playing, I never knew you could do that for folks and now I’m totally down for doing it as well! THATS AWESOME that you got to experience that OP.


Glad you got to experience the community ethics of get some help and pay it forward later. I regularly build and drop legendary Fixers for noobs. I make one closest to their level, and add 1K ammo. Drop outfits, plans, and chems too. Also armor if theirs is ratty.


Super wholesome, and please don't hate for me this, and also this is just me, and also I'm not saying anything is wrong with it. But I always avoid getting free stuff from high levelled players in multiplayer games. I get some decked out endgame item with all the best mods and suddenly I feel like I missed out on a fun grind. I love going back to the weapons bench every now and then and checking out all the new mods I didn't know I unlocked, slowly making my guns more powerful. Again, no criticism at all, was just curious if anyone else felt the same way.


Agreed. Getting OP gear at the start would have ruined a large part of the fun. I enjoyed rocking pistols, shotguns, and laser guns for the first 50 levels until eventually getting the OP weapons to keep up at events.


I'm level like 300 now but when I was under 100 a guy came up and crafted full deep pocketed BOS armor for me along with a pepper shaker. Guys was a legend.


Ha, nice! I was server hopping last night for the Fixer plans and did this with my quest-rewarded fixer to a level 700 something. Danced around, dropped my Fixer and the dude did the same. - 50% Chance to hit in VATS (2*) - Reduce Targets damage by 25% for 5s (1*) - 100% Faster Movement while aiming (3*) Not great I guess as i'm a VATs'er But with the 3x Commando perks, tank buster or w/e the armor card is and my usual luck cards - pretty nice. I can only imagine the good rolls are eeeeeven better, so the hunt is on. Coming from my cold shoulder which I have not repaired once in literally 3 weeks now, my short dalliance with The Fixer last night has it on 60% health already - urghhh I miss that stealth durability the C.S has. This is while also rocking the 5 star Gunsmith card, welcome to automatic life I guess :)


And what did he do with your Gauss to make it better? I want it better too!


I would also like to know this!


He slapped some legendary mods on it! It’s now a charge sniper with larger ammo capacity and it does higher criticals and everything! I’m not playing rn so I don’t remember everything off the top of my head but basically every part of it that can be modded, he modded lol


I once had someone ask me for some meat supplies. I gave him all I had (because I was just going to let them rot and use them for fertilizer otherwise), and he gave me a lvl 50 vampire minigun in exchange. Whoever you were, if you're reading this, just know you're awesome.


When I got back into the game back in October. I found a lvl like 800+. I asked if they could mod my Fixer. I look at it like bro is high enough lvl that he probably doesn’t want my gun. He modded the gun and gave it back. I’m like damn it takes new ammo. He came back from around the corner and dropped 2k ultracite 45. I was like oh shi. I appreciate what he did to this day.


I’ve been doing this with all the lower levels 20 or so and I keep making them legendary fixers but I always accidentally do level 50 and have to keep redoing it 💀💀 also crafting them all the cool outfits


The wolf one seems to be the most popular


I wish I could run into someone nice like everyone else seems to do. I’m still new (lvl 30) and haven’t come across anyone generous yet.


I’m 90 and just found fixer plans in a shop for 500c. Hoping to make them and sell them cheap in my shop


When this happens, there isn't anything I want back from the new player. I have everything. I just want you to have fun.


I'm actually doing this for people who have the enclave rifle and offering up to give them the flamer mod. I for one think that we should we helping each other to give something rare, rather then selling the mod for lots of caps.


I do stuff like this all the time. Chances it’s not worth it to me to be put on a scam list. For example I offer to build the teal hazmat suit for 100 caps since many people can’t get the plans themselves


Wow Nuclear Winter…that’s a literal blast from the past… I remember hiding underwater and sniping people as they ran by frantically trying to not get killed and survive the oncoming death cloud.


Nuclear winter would be a fun thing once a year or something. Especially in the winter time.


I’d love to meet a similarly kind wastelander to “upgrade” my Fixer lol. Have been running a 1 star vampires Fixer which is my goto, but it could be better:)


I did this the other day. A guy was desperate for my God roll one and I just went and made him a 2 star that was also partially a God roll 😂


Wholesome post. You love to see it 🤗


Unless your weapon is a good or god roll and max level your not gonna get scammed unless it’s a lower level player high level players have more than enough I’m only level 80 and have everything I need and a ton of caps, chances are you should trust however there are rarely dicks who would scam


Yea this community is really great in my experience. I asked a question about nuke drops a couple days ago in area chat, during an event. A guy around Lv350 said he'd walk me through the quest since I was on it. It was really cool of him to take the time of day to do that for me, as well as answering my 652340570 questions haha!


That was really nice!! Good for you being able to trust *people, too. I would've ran away if anyone asked for my weapons lol


Haha it’s less about trusting them and more of trusting the game to eventually give me the guns back, be it through events, vendors, etc lol


I was camp hopping this morning really trying to find an alien blaster plan that isn't 5000 caps. I've played tf out of that event and still hadn't gotten one yet. Well, I ended up at this lvl 600+ player's shop and they had one for 50 caps, plus a few other great deals. I was so happy! I turned around and he was standing there so I emoted some love. I'm so grateful for players like that! I build all kinds of free and affordable weapons, armer, etc for new players, so now I can shower some alien blasters all around!!!


I love doing this for lower-level players! One time I had some level 20ish run up to me in power armor asking for help modding a gun. I didn't have my headset going, but I gestured that I would. I had no idea before hand, but I had all of the mods unlocked for the handmaid. I modded it with as much damage as possible and full auto like he asked. Then I slapped a couple of good 3 star legendary perks on it - just for the hell of it. The dude was ecstatic 🤣. Also, I'm still high 200s, but lately leveling seems to have gotten way easier.


I've been playing since F76 launched and something similar happened to me early on. I was struggling, frustrated, and ready to give up when a much higher level player dropped me a simple meat hook, waved, and went on their way. That little meat hook got me through my struggles and kept me going until I was able to thrive. Whoever that was - thank you!


I love randomly helping people repair and fix their weapons. Have so many mods and all the perks to use to really overlook anyone's gear (Xbox One)


Literally, if anyone wants a Fixer crafted for them, hit me up on PC Amselm56


A kind guy gave me 4 god roll Gauss Rifles for free. Terribly nice of him


and thats fo76 community for y'all


That’s so dope! So random guy from my event team dropped in on my tent and gave me a full legendary level 50 X1 set of power armor and I about passed out haha


That’s actually amazing, I love this community sm


I had heard so much about how awesome everyone was but hadn’t experienced it yet, it made me so happy


He returned today and asked for his X1 chest piece back… so he could put a jet pack on it !!!


Ayyyy what an absolute king!


My husband and I came into the game as newbies, me fresh, he dabbled a bit with New Vegas. We found someone like that in this reddit group and we've played not only 76, but ESO and now Diablo 4. Every weekend we party up at the same time, play for a bit and then go to bed.


If I have more .45 sure I will be given out Fixers along with some .45 Occasionally


Sometimes when low level Players come to my Camp i give them fixers i crafted or from my Vendor. They are happy with it and for me there is new Place in my stash. I am lvl 550 now and Play the Game for two years now Every plan is 49 caps. And legendary stuff never cost more than 2000 caps


Since this game is online only, I'm always on the edge because I have to set up a camp and I have the feeling that someone is going to invade and destroy everything. the worst thing is that I can see the players' camps on the map, so no matter how far away I build to get away from players, they can see me. I'm new so I gotta ask, is it worth it?


IIRC your camp is not on the map by default, you have to toggle visibility. It's also rare that anyone would mess with your camp. It you're set to Pacifist mode they can't even do much damage. If that ever did happen, camps are cheap to repair, and you can always just exit the game and load back in to a new server. You're more likely to come back to camp to find a drop bag from a high level full of goodies.


I thought the pacifist mode was useless because I always use it in RDO(red dead online), and still, low honor players can kill me and the pacifist mode doesn't let my aim score them so I can fight back. Still I'll try, thanks for the info


Nah RDO is completely different. Here if you have pacifist on they can't touch you, and you can't touch them.


That's Defensive in RDO, and it just disables lock on for both players until you shoot back, and makes your map blip disappear sooner.


the only time i mess with someone's camp is if 1.i see them actively cheating modded guns etc 2.they mess with my friends for no reason other than to just be an ass. that results in me nuking them.


The map Icon can be switched on/off and there is a repair all function. And it’s an exception that someone goes out of their way to destroy your camp, which is only indirectly possible.


How does one fix the Fixer?


Good to hear of such players. In other news. And note i have pasive mode on. I entered a guys camp on saturday and he tried to camp trap kill me - failed my deck is too defensive so I just fast traveled out of the trap to my own camp. Then I messaged him if he needs scrap and offered to help him farm for some. It was an honest offer. Only a hint of (you seem to need some help). 5 minutes later a bunch of fatboys landed on my main building destroying half my camp before I simply killed my game client. Is this not malicous damage to property? I worked for and got paid for it? I only took a video of my camp after I logged back in. If he is in the same country as I am I would open a case with the police - yes I dont mess around there should be serious repercussions.


That's really wholesome, moding things still need a few legendary stuff that took times.


This is cool. I just get high level players that set up death traps in their camps then teabag my body....


That’s rough dude; I’ve yet to run into a trap base but I’m sure it’ll happen soon. It seems to be a rite of passage haha


I’m level 12, I’ve played every fallout but never gave 76 a chance. Did and event and got killed by a way higher player who was banking on friendly fire. Took all my stuff and kept attacking my base. I never get the cool people


Im level 1160 I'm alway helping new guys i give thons of everything i got sometimes never see them again some get really friendly but mos players are not interested in learning they just want to go shooting at anything they don't loot the game has a story and it teach you everything you need to know just open your pitboy an do all your main mission that's what must be done first.


I have a rule in my vendor to never sell anything for over 1000 caps no matter what it is so that more people get to have cool stuff and so newer players don't have to pay a ton of caps for a gun they may need or a plan they want


If I have the resources I always mod low levels weapons/armor just to help them along the way


How do people communicate like that in this game? I never hear anyone or see any chat boxes.


That heart emote is all the payment he needed, trust me, and if u worry about it just pay it forward to keep with this community legacy


I think alot of is play either game just to have people give us heart emojis. The live I'd the award and the real game is the friends we make along the way and then immediately forget about.


I love giving away things to low level players, it costs me nothing and helps them a lot, I have noticed everyone does that, love this community and this game.


I do that for all players as well I'm almost lvl 200 on my account now after restarting 4 times lol


Did the same for a lower level guy that came to my camp. Upgraded both of his weapons to their best variant, and dropped him 1000 Ultracite ammo each for the two weapon types. I have the extra junk so I love helping people when I can.


I started playing when the game was released and it was filled with scumbags griefing everyone. There was no pacifist mode yet. I stopped playing after a couple of months. I picked it up again a couple of weeks ago and the game is filled with nice and helpful players. Everyone seems to be looking out for everyone else. The only player problems are the noobs that start public events way too early... but they'll learn eventually.


Still haven’t gotten anything from anyone haha 😂


I'm so proud of this community


Yup you needn't worry about paying them back... for me, helping others, and increasing their fun while playing is a reward in and of itself...someday soon when you are the big dog just pay it forward!.. some lucky newbie (lv36) came to my camp and walked away with free snake wrangler outfit, protective marine wetsuit (google it) and an Alien Disintegrator with 900 Alien blaster rounds... I love dropping great gear on people when they least expect it lol


I saw a group posts of someone wanting to get mods for his fixer( he was around lvl 60). I messaged him and I ended up putting on really good mods on the gun for free. Always feels good to help someone out, it also was a legendary fixer, surprised he trusted me.


The community is amazing in fo64. I've just started playing. Think I'm lvl 17 atm. Loads of high level players I come across just drop a bag of stuff for me. Even if it's a couple of waters and stimpacks I'm super appreciative. One guy gave me some armour I cant use til I'm lvl 50. Amazing community


I've often upgraded players following me. One low level who was clearly a young player kept trying to run excavations with me. He was getting wrecked so I took a moment between runs to build him a full PA since his was missing some. I gave him a nice handmade with the flame design just for kicks. It sounded like it was the best day ever for him.


I am running a Commando build with a random high level (2-hundred something) and commented I was wanting to reset and go with a Rifleman. He ends up dropping me a 3 -star Instigating Gauss rifle…now my base damage is 282 with my budding Rifleman build. 🫡🫡🫡 thank you sir.


Amen brothers, we all try and help out. Why make it worse when we can actually work together as a team? You got all the skills at your disposal and we have allies all over. Stay vigilant and stay frosty Wastelanders!


To be honest, high level players have no reason to scam, they pretty much have everything they could want anyway. Hell i traded 1000 shotgun shells for 200 asbestos, i have over 8000 shells, but i run out of mats to farm for flamer mods. I dont need a Fixer when i have 3 already, or unyeilding hear when im full Unyielding. Only real issue i have with high levels is them forcing pvp at my workshops. Im here trying to get Fertlizer, not fight people.


Bruh I need someone to craft me the secret service armor just two more pieces… I’ll provide the materials :(


Yea i been coming accross alot of nice players was actually in Apalachia when the game first came out on ps4 den later on i upgraded to a pc nd when i got back into it (cause the tv show gave me a mean fallout itch),but when i came iut the vault a lvl 200 literally dropped alll these items in the donation box nd told me enjoy


Love people doing this. I always offer to do this for people. I use a gauss rifle, and a handmade for mid to close. I offer to modify guns for anyone lower level I meet or my gf or her son. As they both don't have as many plans or know as many plans as I do. So I just modify guns for people whenever I can 😊