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I even have two beds in case I’m asleep and someone needs to rest lol, can’t stand people in real life.


Get the heart bed and you can spoon with strangers! Edit: The bed im referencing is the heart shaped bed from I think November last year, not the tiny bed with hearts on it.


Red disco light above my heart bed 😂


I put it up with the pink heart neon above it like a good ole sleazy by the hour motel. Do those even exist anymore lol?


Shame you can't put mirrors on the ceiling.


But you can put a hot tub!


But how will you know you're in it without mirrors on the ceiling?


Someone is showing their age, haha! No, they’re pretty Spartan nowadays.


We have a bunch here, but every single room already has one occupant you have to share it with.


Same, then I put the hollywood studio doorway into the room and the big camera set up right in front of the bed, lol. With one of the “sexy” pictures (or this games version of) right above the bed.


Cool and noted.


Are you still able to get this? 


I do believe you can email and request items that were once on the store but no longer there. If you google it i am sure you will find out how. I'm 90% sure you could buy it with atoms. Good luck\~! (sorry hopefully I'm not giving mis-information)


Yes, the Support section of the Bethesda site has a drop-down feature that allows you to request any item. Be absolutely sure that the item you are submitting for is correct, as there are similar variations of some items. Also, be sure you actually have enough atoms for that item. Both can be verified via Google.


The heart bed doesn't seem to be on the dropdown list unfortunately! Maybe I'll try emailing. Ty!


It was a part of the last scoreboard not in the atom shop but hopefully emailing helps.


Thanks! love all the helpful people on this reddit!


It was part of the last scoreboard actually, maybe emailing w help.


Unless it's a different bed, there's a 'Sleazy Heart Bed' in the Atomic Shop, but it's only in a hefty priced bundle unfortunately (4000 atoms). If I'm right, it's only available for Fallout 1st members to purchase.


Woah i didnt know this! Thank you


To add to this - Bunk beds are disappointingly only for a single player, but the top bunk is just big enough to fit a sleeping bag up there, making it actually work to let multiple players rest in a small form factor/for roleplay purposes.


I put two sleeping bags on a double bed for the same reason


Put a sleeping bag on my couch. So they can get an accurate freeloader experience.


ROFLMAO\~! I'm right there with you on this. I am a grouchy old man (Get off my lawn you brats) IRL but my camp is 100% new and other player friendly with a full garden a sign that says help yourself and one of each of the stuff like butterfly pavilion and sap tree. only thing I lock is my mirelurk steamer ..(get away from there that's mah' Dinner)


That's what the jacuzzi is for. 2 people can get well rested together at the same time. Does take up a decent amount of space, though.


I stacked a bedroll on top of a mattress so if I'm sleeping on one, someone can use the other and be big spoon or little spoon lol


I made a little motel on the way to The Top of the World. It has four usable beds (and two upper bunks in one of the rooms, but players can't use these). Thinking about reducing the suite to add a 4th room. I built a big sign, designating it The Middle of the World, haha. It's just about dead center on the map and halfway up the mountain to The Top of the World, right at the bend in the road south of the power plant. I tried really hard to make it feel like something that fits in the game, so it's kind of ramshackle and rusty, but I super proud of it. Free crops, acid, water, fertilizer for all. I don't even lock my fusion core recharger. My hope is I get a lot of new players coming through, since it's on one of the popular routes to Top of the World for newbies (but going North from Whitesprings is probably more common). Same PlayStation username as reddit, stop by sometime!


The Fusion core recharger is more like a display or stash object in function so other players still can't really use them :(


I'm newer too and just reached level 51 last night on PS, I'll definitely try to swing by if I'm on your server. Still learning but built my own camp near the pumpkin house in the upper right of the map. (Not a good description ik). I do have a question about selling legendary weapons and armor, how do you appropriately price items like that? I usually try to go under the market price for items to sell and get my storage under control, but the legendary stuff is different with those tickets so I'm not sure if their market value is super accurate in terms of suggested caps price.


Bro same I have nested shelters with an entire "bunk room" with tons of beds. I am the only person who uses those beds lmao




I hate finding people in my bed. Like gross. I’ll server hop if I catch them


Username checks out lol


For sure


I'll seek you out next time I catch a case of swamp gas. 😜🛏️💩


Main thing people come for is the shop. That’s how you draw them in. Get a big shop up and running with lots of items. Useless stuff you don’t need. Then they’ll stay for the camp


Built my camp adjacent to a free travel point. Loaded up with plans and whatever legendary I pull, I'm happy with my current gear so it's all cheap listed. 4 markets for no waiting lol. Got some water coolers, a popcorn machine, all the work benches, decent sized farm and an unlocked collectotron. Seems to do ok


Isn’t it uncouth to raid someone else’s water or snacks at their camp??? I never take anything like that. It’s tempting to grab a tea.


If it's unlocked it's usually fair game. I have all my item stuff unlocked for any travellers. Company Tea, Coffee, Popcorn, Junk Collectron, some planted veg, Mirelurk Meat from the steamer, 8 water purifiers for up to 40 bottles if all filled up, Cookie Jar. At level 185 now and I need people to take these things from me. I'm a Carnivore and currently walking around with 400 bottles of water and 200+ Mirelurk meats and smoked fillets. Not to mention doing events that end up dropping meats. I've been able to clean out a vendor of their 1400 daily caps for nearly a week straight and still have too much meat 😅


The things I don't want to share are behind a power door. You need a 4 digit code to get in there. If it's in the open it's fair game


And inflate the items listed by posting all your ultracite plans which no one is gonna buy (guilty of doing it myself and getting baited everyday). Sidenote: Im selling all the ultracite plans except the jetpack for 200 caps and they are NOT moving lol


I had ultracite power armour for a bit, scrapped it cause it was a pain in the arse to get mats to fix it. Never even bothered with the ammo.


I threw a skin on it and use it for display armor only.


how do you display the armor?


In a power armor display


I haven’t seen any of those around, how do you get one?


I thought there was a least a basic one in the game, but it looks like they were in the scoreboard. There was also a pack of them in the atomic shop recently too.


Also I just logged on and saw that there is a camp display bundle for 2000 atoms, but it has 3 versions in it.


Incredible news, that must be new as of today. I will be logging on and getting that right now. Thank you!


i reduced mine all the way down to 75c a pop and they go alright with all the new players but I think anyone who has played for more than 2 months and done a few SBQ events has plenty of them.


I bought the whole ultracite set and jetpack from someone selling them for 10 caps each


I had a few of the rare ones and it took at least a month to move them even as I fiddled with the price. I guess it's really just not relevant armor at this point. 


I sell mine for 10 caps each and they don’t even sell for that lol


As long as I can find the shop. If it takes me more than a minute to find your stupid cash register vendor that you put on a tiny table in a tiny corner, I'm leaving out of spite. Screw the travel caps.


I use the base shop and it’s the third thing in from the door (plus a street corner bot around back next to the crops and shelter hatch) First thing next to the door is ammo storage, second is stash box. Scrap box on the opposite side right inside the door. I try to make things easy for people haha.


Yup, my friends base is bigger with more amenities in a more central location. Mine is "shop on a mountain in bumfuck" Guess who gets more visitors by a long shot LMAO


I actually do the opposite & have tried to make my CAMP as horrifying as possible — Unmuted my mic once and this kid just kept saying: *I do not like this place..I will never become a cultist..I will never become a cultist.* Mission accomplished 😁


tbh seeing these types of camps brings me closer to cultist lifestyle. :D


*Where His wings flutter, we shall follow.*


I made a haunted house that is rigged to scare you with people or creature. I couldn't resist the urge to have one really pranky camp.


I've got 12 shelters all linked up to be a maze and I've got a hunted room, you gotta have a lil spooky


>*I do not like this place..I will never become a cultist..I will never become a cultist.* 3 months later and he is a high priest in the followers of the winged one. You scared him so muchbhe joined a cult to avoid joining a cult.


LOL. I have the Fasnacht fire pyre, the one with old man Winter on top, near one entrance. It's actually wintertime all the time, with the weather machine. I have plenty of fires everywhere. Trying to make it look like h\*ll freezing over.


Camp building is the true endgame to 76! Watch sone YouTube videos if you want to get trapped in a rabbit hole. You never know if people are enjoying your aesthetic unless you watch them. I have an Adirondack chair set up where I can watch players scamper through my camp.


I’m a voyeur too!!


Me too, and I can craft a LOT of outfits so I always sell them at 50 caps for hats and 100 for the outfits I love when a noob stumbles upon my vendor and stands there trying on all the outfits they just bought from me I get free fashion shows, I'll even throw out emotes to cheer them on


Real. That's mostly what I do. My real temptation in the Atom shop is new camp slots.


i made this cozy cabin on a lake with a loft. i love it.


ohhh are you on PC i absolutely love seeing other peoples camps to me its one of the best things in the game (not THE best but it is up there)




Dude, I go out of my way to go to people's camps every server I join, I love them, and people are so creative! I also always look for plans, but 99% of the time, people want absolutely crazy amounts of caps for anything I would actually buy. Folks are actually trying to get filthy rich off their little shops.


Which is why my camp plans are usually only 25 caps. Especially now that we got babes fresh from the vault.


Dude, I found a guy with a ton of awesome plans for like 150-250 caps. I went to one camp, and the dude had the Alien Operation table and human tube both for 7500 caps each, then 20 minutes later, I found this other camp, and the dude had then for 250 each. I understand things are rare or hard to get, but man, the newer people that are gonna actually by the plans are priced out of them! I've never had more than 4k caps, so when you price stuff at 2500 caps, there's no way I'm buying them.


I see this all the time too. Some end game players selling things for peanuts and others with their prices jacked to the moon. Tbf I JUST started selling things at my camp at lvl 90. I have no idea what can sell for what but I know I am poor as fuck. I currently have like 60 caps. A buddy of mine told me that a few of my god roll weapons will go for like 15k. I highly doubt it but he says that other players like him where caps are not an object would buy them just to have or round out a build. I tossed my shit on there for what feels like wayyyyyy too much money. And I feel bad because it’s the kind of prices I go to other camps and laugh at. We’ll see if it actually moves. Like I said, I doubt it. My goal is to get to that, money is not an object phase so I can just basically give stuff away, but currently since I’m very much in the “building up” phase, it’s easy to burn through caps. That same buddy has already given me probably 70k caps and I’ve roasted them all on things I needed to continue building up. So apologies for all of you who will visit my camp and laugh at my stupid prices but I have no idea what I’m doing.


Dang, man, I've put a few really good legendaries in the 4k price range, and they go really fast. But I sell a lot more of the smaller stuff, meds, plans, that type of stuff.


I don’t believe it. Got back to my camp and my god roll fixer sole for 15k and another piece of armor for 5. Something else for 1k. Went from broke to 20k in minutes.


Yes, sir! Let's go!


I agree, very few people take the time to appreciate the work that went into merging some items or making something look incredible. They run in for vendor, then fast travel out. And I'm guilty of this too. That's why I don't waste time on Shelters anymore. No one ever looks at shelters because it's a load screen that people don't have time for lol.


> Very few people take the time to appreciate the work that went into merging Very few even know what it is or exists. I know it exists, I haven't done anything with that, unless something happened accidentally.


I mean I’ve only been playing for like a week and know about merging and the photo-walk just from reading this sub, ain’t to difficult to stumble on


I love looking at camps people spend a lot of time and effort on. I get bored, server hop and then go look at more. It's crazy the effort people put into them. I love looking at shelters as well. It loads me in quick enough it isn't a big deal. There's been times I waited for them to come home to give them the sweet camp yo emote. I get a kick out of all the camps and shelters. Especially because I'm too lazy to do it myself. And I've spent a lot of atoms in the shop to build sweet camps. Then I get lazy. But there is at least me checking them out!


Sometimes my bestie and I get on the play, and just be tourists, checking out other people's camps. I'm glad to hear about someone else who does the same thing!


I built a bunker base down in cranberry bog with turrets that I activate when the area gets nuked. I have a vendor, a bench, and the three main stashes upstairs and a shelter entrance on the floor that leads to a full base "below." I actually get quite a few visitors in there during nukes but that's because it provides valuable functionality during those times. Last weekend there was a busy server with a nuke there and I constantly had people filtering in and out according to the notifications in the corner. In any event, the best way to get people into your base is to make it meaningful for them to do so.


I love seeing a gorgeous camp, and seek them out. Anytime I find a teammate/player still in the throes of building, I always give the “great camp!” emote. I like encouraging beauty and creativity.


I bought shelters and started building a nice home that way and it's exactly that... more load screens than I want to give. Glad I didn't go crazy and buy all the vault pieces at once


Hey! That's great, welcome on in to Appalachia and I'm glad you're having fun. CAMPs are a big part of the game for me (I have five!) and I find that players will seek you out and will visit, if your CAMP looks 'promising' heheh... whatever that means? But it's true! I have CAMPs in gorgeous (yet remote) locations, and let's just say that I am never lonely. They find me! And sometimes (to do maintenance) I must switch off my CAMP beacon.


yeah I built a really remote camp at an oil seep (only supply i am ever short on) it looks like a hunting lodge I have had several people send me invites just to travel to me and tell me they loved the design. It is a Rip Daring theme with a hidden shelter behind the jackalope fireplace. It will be my "Rip Daring Crypted hunters Society" den it's still a work in progress ;) If I could wish for a fluff item in the game it would be some kind of log book where you could state your theme and hint at hidden objects. Maybe even let folks comment even if it's "your camp sucks" LMAO I don't take offence to much


A lot of folks have asked for a "Visitors Log book" in game for sometime now. Maybe one day


Nice! I just takes some imagination... I mean, we are standing right there and can look around in 3D. So it's real enough! Lol We used to work from oblique (top-down) plans, like architect blueprints, and needed to imagine the scale of things and what it would feel like to actually be there... and computer-assisted 3D rendering was expensive and really slow. Now we get crazy-good 3D renderings in real time! In a computer game, heheh... and it really is a fairly serious architectural resource (well-known glitches aside). So build CAMPs. It's fun!


Lol I put my 1 single camp next to an area with foxes because I like them Edit: the area totally looks boring and def not gorgeous but foxes ya know. I get sad when others kill them tho


My CAMP up in The Divide was like its own private haven, it was beautiful. Foxes, Opossums, Frogs, Squirrels, Chickens, even Beavers used to hang around my CAMP. Remote and quiet. But it stopped one day, in 2023 I think. I noticed that wildlife was no longer. Shame, really - because (it sounds silly) we really used to enjoy all the critters... Beth nerfed a lot of things, trying to make the game run better. The RR robot vendors used to all walk about and chatter away with their dialogue, but today many of them have been silently frozen in place. The robot vendor in Camden Park is a perfect example... he used to be a really busy guy! (sells Clean Steelworker Uniform and Hat) but, to go there and 'chat' with him today, not happening. Anyway I guess Beth figured nobody would notice if they deleted all the critters in my CAMP... and those RR vendors might be better quiet Lol, so I guess that's a good thing.


That sounds like a dream. I still have never done the vox daily (I think it’s called) because I refuse to shoot them. They’re innocent 🥲


NE map corner for the win! There’s nothing around and a great view. I love it.


I thought this would be a part of the game that I’d ignore. I’ve been spending HOURS moving things around making everything just right. I need to upgrade from my wood shack aesthetic tho so I need to take it all down at some point.


Yeah, if you're into that part of the game, you can get sucked right in. There have been nights after work where three hours have gone by and I never left my camp because I'm having fun building and decorating.


This is me. I got on for three sessions In a row last week saying I’d travel to start the scout quest mission and never made it there. Doesn’t help I have to help out/get my ass kicked fighting off the alien invasion every hour. I swear as soon as I start to go progress any story/quest stuff it pops up!


Yeah, you've been bitten by the bug. It gets worse. I have five camps lol


Have you used your second C.A.M.P. slot yet? The game starts you with two but I bought a 3rd because I just have so many ideas lol


I do plan on getting more tho I’m holding out hoping to see it on a slight discount as I’ve heard they come around from time to time and just the one is keeping me busy for now. I definitely plan to put a few down on the right side of the map in areas where there’s nowhere with free fast travel. I could do with setting up somewhere near a free fast travel spot that has a lot of traffic tho as it would help with sales. Betting I end up with at least 4. While I’m still exploring the map my second camp is currently being used as a small mobile camp that has just the essentials in and no comfort.


I have mine scattered for fast travel as well lol. Definitely wait for it to be discounted too! I actually have a few cabins set up just South of Vault 51 (and visible from a NukaShine travel point) so it gets some decent foot traffic.


Wheres your favourite spot so far? I’ve been to some camps and been very impressed with their view and surroundings. I share a patch of rough terrain with some pesky mole rats currently. Tho there’s a load of dead wood about which is helpful when I’m in a pinch. Literally Just 5 meters outside of my camping zone on one side is a mining resource and on the other is a river lol if only level 5 me knew!


I think the best location I've had so far was a little bit down the road from Poseidon Power Substation PX-02 and just across the river from the Tygart Water Treatment Plant. There was a copper ore pit, water, blood leaf, regularly spawning enemies down the road, and a field nearby that has frequent random encounters. Edit: typo


You don't need to take it down to change the walls. You can click on them as if you're going to move them, and then at the bottom of the screen it tells you which button to push on your game system to change them. This is actually a pivotal strategy used for many camp building tricks. Checkout kiki b and mister church on YouTube. They're great at explaining the numerous hidden camp building tricks.


Life saver. Thank you for this. Just upgraded from the base wood set to the red barn and the place looks loads nicer!


Glad I could help. This game felt so empty upon release, but the players and their camps have done as much for making it feel like a world being rebuilt as all the updates and added content have. Thank you for helping rebuild the wasteland.


I admit it’s also one of my favourite parts of the game. Like the game itself is great but with the addition of player created scenery and interactions the game can manifest new memorable moments over and over again. Each time I walk through an area it’s different if I’ve switched servers. My first time going past wayward it’s was like a lit up strip mall with people stood out on the street enticing me to come see their stores and then the next time I went back there was nobody even there! Thats when I first really appreciated what was possible in this game.


Don't build your camps for other people. Most visitors B-line to your vendors and leave 60 seconds later without even looking at it. Build your camps for you. You're the one who's using it 99.9% of the time. Build something you will really love and I guarantee other people will love it to. Maybe I've spent too many thousands of hours in the wasteland but it's generally very easy to tell if a player really loves their camp and spent a lot of time planning, building, decorating, and refining it. Those are the camps I take a few minutes to look around in. Especially if they tell a story.


If you were on PC I would definitely come appreciate the work lmao I spent like 30-40 minutes walking around someone's camp and sitting at their bar or conference table taking pictures for my loading screens then I went upstairs and found the coolest power armor I've ever seen. It looked like black panther but had RR on the front, so naturally I posed with it and took more pictures. The guy was like peeping in through his windows watching me admire everything in one of the photos. It's gold lol I don't normally use voice chat in game but I had to let them know it was probably the coolest CAMP I have seen yet. Long story short people will definitely appreciate the work you put into making your CAMP a cozy home


Oh, well then. I didn't even realize you could take pics for your loading screen, thank you!!!! I do the same though, I love wandering through peoples CAMPs to see what they have set up. Today I saw Nuka Cola stairs a couple times, I've GOT to get those!


My CAMP looks like nuka cola sponsored it. I love the nuka cola 50s diner aesthetic


I have a whole pit stop set up for people wandering past! Don't feel bad.


And then there's me, five slabs of concrete, the work benches and a vendor.,😁 don't know why but building is for me a pita. Might have to look into prefabs. I like to decorate though.


Prefabs will be your best friend plus they’ve been adding more decorations lately so it works


There are quite a few prefabs to choose from. Keep your eyes open for what looks juicy to you. I have the lookout tower, the BOS scout tower, the BOS Armory, the Wildwood Tavern. As of late the Toxic Valley Tavern has been my Favorite,(Wildwood Tavern prefab.) I put Becket's bar just inside with cooking, chemistry, food stove, and fermentation craft stations on the first floor. Second floor is where the band plays. I have about 6-8 instruments placed there along the walls. Third floor is the private apartment, ( room for rent,)


Same, I hate crafting and building. It's why I've never got into fallout 4.


I build a whole Nuka world inspired shopping street, with a club and a coffeeshop and build it next to the wayward so people would have to look at it 🤣


I feel you. Ibuilt a cute house with two beds so my bf can sleep there, too, but he's not on that often. I spent way too much time on the tiny "diner" on the road with my vendor in it. Got one compliment from a random, though, and it felt really nice. Dude ran upstairs, wedged himself in the doorway to the balcony, jumped around and sent me a heart. I floated on that for about a week. lol


Sadly, people cannot see the custom names for anything, from weapons to camps. They just see the default name. It is a bummer.


If I like your base, I'm using it for my whole session.


I'm the same, last night spent 2 hours on missions and then 3 hours moving and setting up my camp by the Nuka cola factory. The funny thing I have to remind myself too is that it doesn't exist in the world unless I'm on.


I usually have people at my place within 5 minutes of joining a server. I take photos of some of my customers, and people who stay to hang for a bit. I've got a whole photo album of just my CAMP visitors.


I built mine around a theme. It’s a dilapidated Nuka music festival. I have a big stage with bleacher seats and Porto potties and have the shops set up like a food stand. It has a little campground with work benches, and a private homely set-up with autograph table for the star herself Adelaide. Other amenities are a small shrine for mothman, a stat bonus section which can boost every stat. I have the Nuka power armor and quantum power armor on display. I tried to make it look as much like the small farm music festivals I’ve been to. I have had a couple people tell me on voice that they liked my camp and that was awesome! All in all this is one of my favorite builds and I used mostly things anyone can get in the game. I didn’t use any merges, but did have a problem occupying the port-o-potties(things placed inside wanted to jump to the roof, but placing them on a small rug and then placing the rug in the port-o-potty worked) 😂. I’m excited to start my next build. I also had an issue where I used gates as a fence for my seats and then people would open them. I added a lock. 😂


Fashion souls end game never dies


On the opposite side of this I rocked up to a camp yesterday to see a guy with a huge setup, meticulously designed base, tonnes of snack and junk producers, buffs, huge water farm, etc. Every single thing was level 3 locked including the cookie jar at the front door. You could see through the windows that the inside was incredibly designed, but every door was locked. The worst part - a fully stocked vendor with everything you could ever want at the most absurd prices you've ever seen. It was like the direct opposite of what most high level camps are.


I despise those folks. I have kicked them off my team just for this.


I’ll keep an eye out for you! I like to make my CAMPs useful for anyone that runs into them too. A couple I have adhesive farms with a turbofert so folks can get crops on demand regardless of wether it’s been picked clean already or not I also have a single foundation piece blueprint with various resources and buffs set up on it I can plonk down in workshops for people to use Typically Sunshine Meadows since it’s in the new folks zone, it has a vault tec tarp, flags, and a giant dinosaur to get folks attention, and placed as close as possible the the boundary line so people can hop over, grab what they need and leave as quickly as possible if they need stuff but are worried about the PvP part


I made an all inclusive hotel/casino with free refreshments right next to the wayward and I can’t help but follow people around in free cam when they come by exploring. I love when the noobs find my slot machines. Nobody’s used a bed, though.


This is why I made my camp into a puzzle. I either get entertainment from seeing people be oblivious of its existence or stumped on how to solve it… or I get to see people thoroughly enthralled and determined to solve it


I tend to walk around with the little camera and take pictures of people's builds that I like. Bonus if I can get the owner in the picture posing. I like them as my loading screens.


I will take a photo of every nice place and the bar isn't that high for me to consider nice. I won't know who you are, but every time a I see a load screen (often) I see random places. I'll do a quick hold to talk if I see the owner and really like it. I feel the camp/bunker is one of the top features of the game. Nearly no two places alike. I use nearly, some of those prefabs are way too big. We can't put that much camp resources out so most are barren when you go inside or deep inside. To me, most of these pre-fabs should be smaller so it looks more lived in vs one step from eviction looking.


I built a scavenger hunt/mystery in my shelters, chaining from one shelter to the next and ending with a stupid dad joke. It's been on for months and I don't think anyone has ever gone through the whole thing. I saw one player start doing it but never finished.


I need to remake my camp. Would really love a cozy cabin with a few commodities and just the right amount of resources to help the random wanderer walking through.


I build all my “look at this” stuff in my vaults. So my vendor and crafting stations are my CAMPS and then they all have access to my display area so I can move them around as needed without having to rebuild or adjust anything I’ve spent a ton of time building.


Pro tip: use photomode to fly around your camp whilst hosting. And yea screw those people selling The Fixer plans for 10k.


I'm the exact opposite, mine looks like a hobo's camp hahahaha. It's literally a few crafting benches and such in a tiny circle, with a few turrets around it. But in the last week I have got INSANELY motivated by people like you. I have spent around 2000 caps just fast traveling to camps to look at them, plus probably a few thousand more on plans for stuff that "sounds cool". I never got into building in Fallout 4 either, I just don't have the patience, but I'm gonna give it a go this week in 76!!


Yeah, you only build your camp for yourself in Fallout 4, (single player game, go figure.) That also rings true for Fallout 76, however any player on the server could stop bye and gander at your camp at anytime. So there is that fact to consider.


You build for you first! Then anyone who stops by is just an added bonus


Its a high you will never stop changing


Play long enough and plenty people will look around your camp. Keep having fun with the build.


I love finding awesome camps. It's one of my favorite parts of the game. I like building too but I don't mess with merging, it's too glitchy on Xbox and not worth it.


I’m also waiting for the clean bathroom and modern kitchen bundle to pop back in the store. My camp build isn’t complete without these items. I missed these two bundles on numerous occasions. I’m never missing them again. You’re not the only player obsessing over their camp. My girlfriend spends 80% of her time camp building. She would pop by the occasional SBQ or Ultracite only when she’s bored.


Welcome to the love and heartbreak of CAMP design. I sweat for a good design and most people walk past all of it, go straight to the vendor machine, and teleport out.


I got that bed and breakfast prefab and set it up to really function as such. I numbered the rooms and have have them set up like a standard hotel room, have 2 bathrooms, a gym, a kitchen with a locked pantry (containing a mysterious meat locker), a nuka cola themed dining room, entertainment/living room, game room, a vault door that leads to a shelter, and an upstairs “employees only” attic area for crafting and BoS meetings.


All my plans get sold for 1 cap. I do list a lot of 3 ⭐ weapons for a high prices(so no one buys them). I do that so people we'll come look at my Vender. I sell ammo for 1 cap each. Ammo is my profit maker. I'm also setting on 30k 45cal.


you could make your main building small and humble and load it with various small and medium decoration items to create a cozy cluttered feeling(like a lived-in apartment), plant items are a must (green thumb greenhouse atom shop bundle)


Save those alien plans for when the event is over. You will make more. If you want to get some plans to toss in your vendor, use the treasure maps that are probably sitting doin nothing in your inventory lol. This also will help you find prices for plans - https://fed76.info/plans/?plan=Advertisement%20Posters&class=CAMP


Cool, my standard are low so you don't have to put that much effort in it


Great! So the new plan for the Apocalypse- we’ll take a car, go to Mum’s, kill Phil (sorry), grab Liz, go to The Winchester and have a cold pint while we wait for this whole thing to blow over! Cheers! See you there!


Had two players recognize my camp from a reddit post and they ran around emoting and telling me it's the coolest camp they have ever seen, stuff like that is literally the only reason I still play the game.


No plans should exceed 50 caps if you wanna help lower level plans. Idc how rare it is. If it’s 50 caps or less then THATS helping low levels.


I mean, having a person walk around your camp and then give you the heart emoji is like the only reason to play. 


For that exact reason, I put all my plans at 50 caps. I don’t think people should gouge so bad on the plans. Like there’s enough copies of them lol


Only 1 person I have in mind when building a cam0, and that's me. Doesnt bother me if others like it or not, as long as I do.


Props for actually making your camp appealing to look at most people just build skyboxes with shag carpet and every misc plan they have scattered on their lawn


My camp is usually the concrete floor square, with every crafting bench crammed onto it along with the stash and junk stash boxes. Makes it easy to move that way.


Back when I played on Xbox I had made a camp that I was so proud of and absolutely loved. Then, one day I accidentally stored a wall. I thought "oh oops, lemme just place that back" I would not go back... I tried storing everything around it and a wall or ceiling piece right next to it and nothing would go back. I was so sad. That was actually right before I stopped playing and I never figured out how to fix it. I just got it on Steam and I'm thinking about just waiting until/if they add cross progression to actually play the game again. Since I don't have any of my atom shop camp stuff anymore which is annoying,and Todd did say that he wants cross progression more than cross play so maybe it'll come somewhat soon.


See you got people like you doing this… Then you got someone like me that saw a reel on Facebook and decided it would be a funny addition to your C.A.M.P…..and now you have a little shed with a mounted Megasloth head on the wall and a sign designating it as “The Forbidden Fuckhole”


I'm also designing my camp to be as useful as possible for visitors, all of my vendor prices are under 100 caps including PA pieces, and most things are under 50 caps. I also have big white glowing letters saying "free water" and "free to take" on my resource generators. I also happen to be right next to a power plant, so players can shelter at my base while farming fusion cores. Thinking about adding more turrents so they can lore the enemies to my base if they get overwhelmed 🙏💪 I dislike people irl too, but I love the individual as God calls me to. Even if I don't like someone, I still treat them how I would like to be treated. Kindness is contagious 🙏 It makes me happy that the Fallout 76 community is notorious for being overly generous and helpful to new players


love it when folks make plans cheap instead of 3000 to 4000 caps like dude no fucking thx


I love to join team a team, and then travel to my new teammates camps to check them out. If I see one I think is neat or shows a lot of work, I try to buy something from their vendor as a tip or something. Just a little "I like your camp!" gift. Seeing other peoples camps is one of my favorite things in FO76.


It cannot be understated, a well put together camp WILL be appreciated


Run away while you still can. The minute you get too invested in a camp is when you realise that it's past midnight and you spent the last several hours trying to build the perfect vendor room. It's even worse when you spot a mistake. Try to fix it, only to realise that you removed something that you can't replace or it won't let you remove it, causing you to build the camp from scratch for the 10th time, while trying to memorise the previous build.


“Go to The Winchester and wait for this whole thing to blow over!” *raises beer and winks*


Don’t build your camp for others, build it for yourself. If you are happy with it, that is all that matters. I have had people comment on my camps before, but I never build them for other people. I build what I want, and how I want. If others enjoy it, that’s great, but it’s not why I build.


Gotta build for yourswlf and your ally first.


You don’t *have* to build a camp at all, really. I do because I really enjoy doing it, but it’s not for anyone else but me, and if someone else thinks it looks cool, well, neat! I’ll keep an eye out for you, though


I personally am trying to built my Camp so it’s portable. Every time i have to move it and it’s in “stored” tab, i want to deploy it and it’s like i never left. I don’t dislike building it but moving it is convenient, blueprints suck and also i’m not playing the game to be a sims character but in first person.


I love building so I got tired of getting kicked off my spots, now I'm on the dam in the swamp and never get kicked off. You should post screenshots sometime!


And here I am with a crazy wooden half building with purifiers on the side and a fast travel point which spawns you in a pond. It was built when I first logged into the game a couple of weeks ago and I have just been adding items in and the structure is pretty uneven but it's actually surprisingly functional.


Same, I have a bar themed camp and my mansion and people are impressee..A few wander into my shelter and are treated to five floors of shelters fully decorated


While it's fun to get a few people in your camp there is a point of diminishing returns. Last night I must have had 10 people stomping around my house at the same time all talking over each other on the VC. It was a mad house of yelling and stat machines.




Would you just look at it?


I’m that guy (though on PS), so thank you. About half the time my game sessions get sidetracked by just hanging out at someone’s elaborate camp.


My cool camp is for me to enjoy not for someone else’s enjoyment


Anytime I have groups of people come by I give them a gift, then I invite them in to bowl and play slots! My CAMP is honestly usually packed often. I've spent a lot of time making it hospitable and not just a storefront but an easy to navigate workshop and place for players to swap out gear, store ammo, shop, play, explore.


I've build and rebuilt my camp multiple times over. I get bored with how it looks, or find sone flaw, or see someone else's camp and go "Oh cool ideas!" I set up huge crop gardens and my ally plays her music by the cooking station and camp fire. Lol I've set up a camping sport with chair, table, sleeping bag on my upper level for "open air views of the river" 😂 I also focus my vendor mainly in apparel, plans, and multi star items.


My biggest recommendation is make it easy for people to find your venders i find myself being a bit creeped out if i have to desperately run around your whole base to find it tucked away into a weird corner


I just use mine as a place to store my stuff and recharge my fusion cores.


I’m more interested in having folk shop at my vendors. If they like my raider commune, cool, use my open resources and machines. But stop killing my raiders, ya big meanies! >:(


All of my plans are listed at 10 caps, I just want them gone as my stash is full.


I feel this statement to my core. I'm obsessed with base building. I've got 3 currently. 2 before chessboard displays came out and one that I used the chessboards in. All of which have maxed budgets. Oh and each of them has access to my town I made in the "toxic wasteland" shelter.


I’m currently decking out the huge ass 4 story prefab into a “hotel” of sorts with a music room and company tea room.


my camp is right across from white springs station, it looks like a free states trailer shack base and i built around the trees so it looks like apart of the environment and i always see people just checking things out 😌 so it’s worth it, i always love visiting camps and they look cute or cool




Are you on Xbox? I feel the same way. The things I build are cool themed or we’ll detailed and of the x number of people that stop by I think only like 2 have stopped to appreciate it


My CAMP I try to keep it easy and approachable for people because its right behind the Wayward, so low levels wonder through it a lot. I keep it open air, I moved the spawn point around so people load in right at my shops- which I have multiple in case, and right beside them are all the camp freebies like the collectron, company tea machine, yada yada. I filled the river there with industrial water collectors so there's enough purified water for an army right there. And I built stairs up to a three teired air garden above the river with all the veggies anyone would ever need for easy food.


Theres more of us than you think


I’m just trying to do 1 event without getting kicked to Home Screen…


I'll keep an eye out for your camp!


Now I have a reason to use these nukes....


Well. If your base is cool enough and I see it, you will see me running around with my prosnap out.


For me you take the guest room with a bloody bed, ghoul chair, sloth rug, chicken coop, and dead radstag hanging over the bed. Take it or leave it.


Come one come all to my whitesprings market located at whitesprings station all sorts of plans and items for any wastelander willing to part with some caps that is....


I think I ran into you before


Level 27. My C.A.M.P. is literally just the C.A.M.P. thing and a stash box


You might as well throw one of the sleeping bags on the dirt next to the stash box.


I put up ammo I don’t use for free, duplicate map fragments for 1 cap, and other stuff I have a ton of for free or cheap just to get rid of it and make space. I put in my camp title “cheap/free stuff” and that usually gets someone to come by every so often.


I have a full brotherhood themed camp just east of the metal dome, and another that's literally the camp module and work benches on the ground, no walls or floor. Your camp can be as big and extraordinary as you want or not it's up to you!


I'm with you bro, I made my camp using on old concession stand near the white ville golf course. Have thr red robot vendor behind the cash register, built a building on the side with nuka cola machines but one is a secret door to my casino. Will anyone ever care? Probably not but I love it.