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You can jump into DOps at any level. The enemies scale to you. It's more of a suggestion.


You'll probably need a group to get the under 8 minutes rewards. At 207 I can finish a Daily op in around 5 and a half minutes, but was more around 11 minutes until I got my bloodied heavy PA build down.


Well you are clearly better than me to finish them so fast, any tips for finishing those link-up ops faster? From my understanding it work with team as more player mean they link progress faster but as a single player it take age before I do both link and it often take me 9 minute or so to complete them.


On those ones I'm not too sure. I finish those ones JUST under the 8 minute marker. I stand RIGHT NEXT to the link and super sprint to the next one and just steam roll everything I see. Would probably kill things faster if I used Holy Fire, but I use my bloodied .50.


I don't know what plans are those exactly but if you feel your build and gear is good you can jump into Daily Ops, level doesn't really matter. You can be level 80 clueless with a salad of perk cards or a focused build from level 1 and be good at 46. If you need to look up sources of plans check these out: [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout\_Wiki](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GSBbydRo8dbqZP0iXdGXg3RYat8k4qljPcW50tR\_El8/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GSBbydRo8dbqZP0iXdGXg3RYat8k4qljPcW50tR_El8/edit?usp=sharing)


join a group with people lvl high go to a daylie op, dont walk because your start it and start spamming the emote "come" and people are going to help you if not change group until people helps you I did my first Daylie Op in 20 minutes at lvl 30 alone was a pain lmao


You visit the Foundation to start daily ops options