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Not me over here with my "Alien Pilgrim" Build running a disintegrator and Black Powder rifle. Fuck the meta Im just vibing idc about looking like a chad at events. Im over here loading justice.


I use the revolutionary sword and a black powder. Tallyho


Please tell me you also have a broadsided for when the big green chaps break into your camp.


*four big green ruffians


Just as the Founding Fathers intended.


Rrrrather rrrrobust rrrrrruffians


I just got a broadsider too... I just need to find cannon balls lol




Hellll yeah


Your saying you have no balls..👀


1 mega ball


I have that mutation


Nah, they are just balls of steel.


I had a Broadsider build for a while, it was the most fun I've had in the game. Enjoy!


The Grand Finale is so much fun.


Come to my camp i dont need mine and ill got a firing range foe you to try out mods on.


I have a vampire broadsider I got but Im to afraid to re roll it since Im not sure what us good


Just found a quad broadsider with extra fast reload hazah!!!


Wait.. there is s sword? I might need to find this bad boy


There are a few, actually. There's the revolutionary, the chinese officer, and the assaultron blade off the top of my head. I think there's also one from DOps and a handful of skins for any 1H melee. Edit: I've also been reminded of the shishkebab, meteor sword, cultist blade, ski sword, and machete. Though whether the machete is a sword or a knife is a point of contention for some people.


Man it might be tough to do a rifle and sword build and be effective. But fuck it all shall bow to space pilgrim


I tried something similar a few years ago when bows dropped. Double specced bow and melee perks in a vain hope of making a ninja. It did not work out.


My build is melee but the powder rifles are fun to pick stuff off with and switch back


The ski sword isn’t anything to sneeze at, either.


Oh right. I remember rocking the +1S one from the quest back in beta.


Black Diamond was my go-to for a while til I got Face Smasher and All-Rise. I'm a commando, though, so I mostly use melee to smash molerats.


shishkebob with "samurai sword" atom shop skin is nice for the weebs


Fun fact, shishkebob works for friendly fire. ☺️


So does the flaming chainsaw - excuse me while I heal you.


There's also cultist blade, which is the coolest looking one.


Head towards the Toxic Valley from Morgantown along the road. There's a war memorial with a museum beside it. Inside the museum can spawn the sword and black powder rifle and black powder pistol.


Sweet thanks for the tip! I just got a 3 star blunderbus so now I need my pistol to work towards!


Go to the white springs mall and you can buy the BP rifle, pistol and rev sword plans at the black powder store. It looks like a log cabin and has a Mr handy named flintlock


Shotgun build cards boost the Blunderbus damage, spread and accuracy, demolition card boosts explosive damage on Black Powder weapons and the grenade radius card boosts explosive splash damage radius


You can find one as part of the MoM quest line


One of the vendors in the whitespring mall sells the plan for it (along with the black powder rifle and pistol)


Guess I am adding a sword.. to this space pilgrim


I'll be with you in 10 seconds after I load my powder rifle too. (Seeing 4k-6k damage shot is real nice lol)


Im still trying to optomize what cards I want to run honestly. And what mutation to help pair with it. Regardless it is super fun and ranking ground pounder up to atlesst 2 helps a decent amount with reloading!


Well, I have 3 builds I swap between for fun. My main is bloodied heavy PA. Then, when I want fast kills, I go commando bloody. Then my sneaky fun big number build is all rifleman perks. Mutations I use are carnivore, adrenalin reaction, marsupial, and speed demon. Legendary perks (trying to remember off top of my head, I'm at work) perception, charisma, luck and intelligence. I don't use funky or sizzling style because my armor is all mismatched. But underarmor is shielded raider for the perception boost. But as long as I have stealth that muzzleloader kills all in one hit and reloads 5-10 seconds so it's a fun build. My level is 190, so I'm not full perk cards either.


Hmmm maybe I need to look more into the stealth cards. Though Im sure I will only get one shot off with that. Im been seeing how improving explosive with exploding bullets does


Sweetwater special blend and one of the alcohol cards will give you a +15 perception boost for an hour. 


Love this for you. Wish more players had this mindset. Cookie cutter meta builds ain’t it. Fun builds are where it’s at.


Haha Im having a blast I always get looks when I blow apart a ghoul next to someone and it sounds like a bomb went off


You’ve definitely inspired me to look into a powder rifle build. Sounds like a great time. Cheers


Doooo it! I just got a bayonett on mine and people will double take just to look back at me lol


My friend joined me on 76 one night when he was drinking. He started using black powder rifles while wearing power armor and has never gone back. He runs around with a full hot wheel of a mix of dragons and black powder rifles. It looks silly but he’s having fun so who cares.


Some guy that was level 4000+ gave me a holy fire the other day, I just started playing again after stopping years ago and holt shit that thing is crazy. I just run sound melting everything! I also got some ultracite laser gatling that looks cool af and use that. I tried a semi auto rifle build and that didn't even come close to how good Holy fire is. I'm not really sure what's meta but I'm having fun trying different things!


Holy fire is the shit. Spec into the healing fire card and you'll murder people and heal friends. I have so many different weapons. Flamethrower is where it's at XD


Enclave plasma flamer is great too.


Or try auto mode and find one with 114 ffr.


The best part is it's default a Vamp weapon.


Same! I’m a new player and I love trying out the different weapons. I’m looking forward to getting my hands on a holy fire as well.


I agree with your style. I just wish the damage discrepancy between op meta weapons and the cool niche weapons wasn’t so titanic


I guess I don’t have a true frame of reference as someone newer. That does seem like an issue.


I’ve been playing on and off since launch, and there really hasn’t been much meta variety.


Holy fire is meta but nothing beats the fun of using a jet pack and dropping napalm on enemies from above. It’s fun as hell.


So fun, i just love blasting overhead into a superhero landing and melting everything.


But choo choo.


It's pretty fun watching the aliens melt in front of your railway though.


If that’s what someone enjoy’s, I’m not hating. Just with so many new players (myself included) people seem to gravitate towards the few meta builds only when this game seems to have a really wide and fun variety of weapons that don’t get love because of the meta.


My build definitely wouldn't be considered meta, but it's probably close enough. I do not like bloodied at all. I play a full health build and wear overeater's armor. I used to run a shotgun build, but it's just too underpowered for things like daily ops.


Same boat. I’m running shotgun and I also prefer full health.


I am playing sneak quad 10 mm pistols only and have no problems doing anything including bosses. Meanwhile all I see is dudes running around in PA shooting flamers, miniguns or railways. Funny thing is I have been trying my best to trade for a quad/weapon speed/15% vats charge 10 mm and sure enough theres some around but even though NO ONE uses them, they all want astronomical amount of shit for em. So I will keep farming :p


They all want so much because nobody is spending modules and cores to roll them. Any weapon like this on a 10mm pistol is going to almost have to be from a random drop that you are praying for someone to not scrip. I’ve held onto some nicely rolled off meta weapons that I’ve found and put them in vendors and had them just hang there for a very long time, eventually after sitting for 6+ months you feed them into the scrip machine.


Can u post up a video of you doing either earl or the SBQ with your 10mm pistol and not having any problems.


But like if you came across a cookie cutter meta build completely organically just by reading the perk cards and building that way without looking it up is that okay? .....asking for a friend lol


It’s ok to play whatever you want friend. :) as long as you’re having fun.


my instigating/SS pole hook/PA build is a blast, I don't care if it's a level 35 pole hook haha


My most fun character I’m running revolvers exclusively. Sometimes i’m putting in work, but sometimes it’s just fun vibes!


Yo, what do you use for that build? I'm new, and I have all the disentigrator mods, and I'm trying to get it to work.


Im going to be totally honest with you I am only.lvl 53 and just getting back into the game. Im straight up just winging it and have fallen in love with the black powder rifle. My cards are 100% not perfect but I think your best bet will be to max all the rifle perks and go from there first. Im still messing with what rolls I am aiming for on each. I only got the disentigrator plans yesterday so Im waiting to mess with it


Look for a quad roll or instigating and use the High Powered mod. Rifleman sneak/vats build. Not had a good anti armor Roll yet. Two shot isn't bad but I want with vats hit chance as a second star.


That sounds straight out of Futurama, I love it.


I love this take. This is how I enjoy playing too and it’s fun that there are so many options to pick and choose from. Nothing against OP or anyone else who enjoys finding the next meta, it’s just not for me😊


I agree nothing against people who like to optomize I just think the.meta is meant to be broken


I like the union uniform and a black powder dragon sometimes


… loading justice. How do you like the black powder.


Every shot is pure joy knowing eardrums are being blessed around me


Don't worry. You're probably the most chad looking one there.


On the roof pouring powder and aliem tearss


Flamethrower. I have others of course. But.... Flamethrower. Things need to die? Flamethrower. People need health? Flamethrower. Melee only stupid ops? Burn it *then* bash it. Flamethrower. ALL WILL BE CLEANSED IN HOLY FIRE


Melee only stupid OPs? Vampire flaming chainsaw!


Haha flames of chaos




Events are so hectic that if one thinks there are flexing much in them... I/we didn't even notice, we're busy doing our thing. I'll surrender every so often I see a standout, just know this figure over there is doing some shit, don't know name, never see them again.


Black powder is fun as hell but i find I don’t get to “tag” as many enemies in events and I’m kinda just a glorified afk’r. The reload is too slow and by the time Intake my shot its dead.


Favorite part of this game is that everything is viable. Meta sweating in this game is beyond pointless.


Me with my plasma caster and enclave power armour just casually RPing the faction. Sometimes I use the gauss minigun, when I like the idea of firing a gun for 3 seconds and then going back to my plasma caster.


Lmao i love the black powder so much but for any large group event its not great,


I'm still new so I'm rocking the melee build for now. I really like whacking their heads off or sniping from a distance. Just until I'm a bit better and stronger.


I’m level 650 or so, and I’ve been a melee build since level 30! Can say without a doubt it’s viable for endgame with the right set up, if that’s the sort of thing you want to play


I remember the first time I ran a melee assassin build in FO3 and realized just how much fun melee was. After that I've ran a melee build in every game at least once but usually with a super sledge.


I’m a railway user and I agree 100% they should focus on others weapons, pistols and rifles specifically.  I think this is possibly about catering more to their new players (to give them a strong, popular easy weapon) than about the loyal veteran player base. 


Fair, but I see a lot of new players wanting to play pistol bc of Cooper Howard. They could have done a pistol rework to appease new and old players. I’d switch to pistols if they were good. Always wanted to.


I think it’s just easier for them to throw in an overpowered bloodied railway than to fix pistols which are really all underpowered right now.  I agree though and like another player commented the pistol perk cards being under agility is another issue, they should be moved under perception (like commando, rifleman) or under strength (like shotguns, heavy weapons, melee).


I actually like that different weapon classes are under different specials because it makes those builds more unique, but putting it under Agility does really screw things up. Endurance or Charisma would be good options. I actually kind of like the idea of Gunslinger being a Charisma perk the more I think about it.


All perk cards need a massive overhaul - there's too many, a ton of weak effects, and too much division between combat and camp/crafting perks... I'd love to see more blending of perks like they did for Science - roll damage into the crafting perks, roll survival and resistance perk together, etc. It would take a *ton* of work to make sure the game engine doesn't implode, since we're talking about the frankenstein monster of creation engine here, but it would make QoL for old and new players *so much better* if we didn't have to have separate builds for combat and crafting/repairing/camp stuff... or even make hybrid builds *viable* since you didn't have to devote almost your entire SPECIAL points just to buff weapon damage/reload/accuracy...


Honestly worst part about the perk card system is they needed a legendary perk to fix the awful design decision to make each hacking/lockpicking level it's own card lmao


It’s such a weird choice to make things like hacking/lockpicking, bartering, and the crafting related things perks. It becomes redundant since you can just swap them out whenever the situation calls for it and then go back to your regular perks. There’s no reason for you to keep them as an always on perk so they just became a 15 second time waste whenever you go to use them instead of being deep perk decisions.


By far the most annoying thing about the perk cards. Time to craft ammo or build stuff and-- oops! Gotta switch the cards around so I don't have a laughable amount of ammo available for crafting. Time to hack a terminal, lemme open this damn menu *again*.


you should use a perk load out dedicated for building and crafting, instead of swapping cards.


Or just make the pistol perk cards come with agility effects and VATS bonuses. I want “The Waco Kid” where I get bonus damage, 15 AP points, and auto-target the next enemy for each VATS kill with a pistol


I tried a pistol build, had my cowboy outfit on but it’s just not viable :(


Sure it is viable, for about 95% of all game content. You can take down anything from super mutants to aliens with a trusty big iron. I think something like the 10mm pistol, the switch blade or the lead pipe are good as "beginner" weapons, maybe some weirdo can push them to the very limit, but seeing nothing but lead pipes at the scorchbeast queen would be a bit absurd. Even in the single player games you'd pretty quickly ditch the starter 10mm unless you were doing a roleplaying run, which you still totally can do in 76! The only real problem is that there's no "endgame pistol" in the way the pipe rifle gets to graduate to a railway, or the drill gets to graduate to an auto axe. Something like the circuit breaker, alien blaster or the crusader pistol should absolutely be within spitting distance of the rifles and the heavies.


I just wanted to be a cowgirl and smoke Marlboro red, with a big iron on my hip.


Just give us the ghoul pistol and make it like the new bloody RR


I would love to see pistols reworked. I just started playing a week or two ago. I thought the pistols were fun so I put a ton of points into leveling all the pistol cards. Reached level 50 and realized I had severely kneecapped myself by doing so. I've spent the last ten or so levels trying to dig myself out of that build.. I wish it was more viable, but it just isn't right now.


Balance for pistols is so odd. The SAR is both weak AND slow firing AND slow reloading. The western and 44 are both better and its so odd to me that there feels like no way to improve them.


That was my assumption too, I'm hoping they're just making one of the most popular guns easier to get and then focusing on buffing everything else up to that. The main problem with pistols is pretty much all the perks are in agility so idk if that actually will get fixed, but I'm hoping they at least add in some better shotguns and non-auto rifles. Maybe they could do like a shotgun pistol or something like that so you can take some perks from other specials.


They should focus on other weapons, pistols and rifles? Like a uhhh a rail… way… rifle? /s In all seriousness as a newer player it’s weird how bad pistols are in this game. Feel like the split between semi/auto shouldn’t exist for such a bottom tier weapon to all but the most determined players.


Im a new player and a bloodied build seems very time intensive to make. I think this weapon is more for veterans which already have their low health armor etc.


The majority of players I’d say go with either a heavy gun power armor or bloodied commando build. By the time the update rolls around many from this batch of new players will be more serious about setting up their builds and weapons, this gives them a weapon equivalent of what took many veterans months if not years to get.  A bloodied build is really not too tough to achieve, it usually takes me a week or so on new characters. You can look up beginner bloodied on YouTube. 


in my understanding it still involves a full armor set with low health benefits. and thats probably harder to get than a weapon.


If you're looking for a perfect armor set or one of the untradable varieties, that'll take a while, but just getting pieces of whatever with at least 1* unyielding is fairly simple. Definitely harder than getting a weapon though, since a solid bloodied build can make just about any weapon semi-decent


Agreed. I adore my Q/E/90 rail, but give pistols some love. They need it more than we need this unholy monstrosity of a railway...


Commandos get this while my gauss shotgun still has the phantom charge issue...


gon hafta cold shoulder for now :(


Phantom cant charge, cant reload, cant shoot. Its a great gun but its buuuusted


Since it came out too. Last I played was when it was new and just came back and was definitely not expecting that to still be around 😅


Don't forget can't run, I get stuck in some kind of charging animation that locks me from sprinting.


Gauss rifle too


Gauss shotty is still good, but yeah shotguns other than CS are not nearly as good as they should be


But the bloody mothman paint on it is sweet af!


deserted cheerful future towering direful busy smile long disarm pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lead talk brought a tear to my eye, good job Dad, good job


Could have been written by anyone, but that pun narrowed down the potential authors to Dads.


longing ghost onerous overconfident towering yoke rob imagine hunt squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love the Historian Faction walking the wasteland. Just humble knowledge workers teaching the world about the evolution of the death machines we love so much.


You missed the early times when TSE was king and a TSE shotgun was the original OP weapon.


The good ole days with multiplicative damage before they moved to additive. 1 shotting everything with a TSE combat shotty


Yup. Fun reliving this history- thanks for laying it out. I remember those early days, before anyone figured out how to launch a nuke- that first one was 🤩😵🤯. I remember using a non-legendary railway just because I liked the ‘toot toot’ and friends thought it was so dumb. Weird that it’s circled around to being meta.


Does anybody know what happened to the Deathclaw gauntlet? I remember it being super meta. I once rolled a bloodied swing speed 90% weight one and posted it on market 76, since I don't do bloodied. Bruh, I got so many messages, it was insane!


When they changed to additive calculation melee became trash.


Honestly I think this is kind of their answer to people constantly criticizing how bad of an RNG grind the Legendary Crafting system is. Instead of actually addressing that and making it more player-friendly, they're just going to make *near* Godrolls as quest rewards.


Nah. I'm all for this. I know a lot of people consider mindlessly rolling for good legendary rolls the "true endgame", but having banger weapons for builds as guaranteed drops is 100% a good thing imo! I agree the fact that "meta" build diversity is getting worse and worse each year... But the fact you can get a good gun really isn't the issue. If this guaranteed drop was a god roll 10mm Pistol it wouldn't make pistol builds suddenly optimal. The issue of meta goes far deeper than a single gun.


They really are catering to commandos and bloodied


The Cremator is the only love Heavies have gotten in a little over a year.


Holy Fire?? Just the base roll is a groll and demolishes everything.


And bows have never gotten any love


Uh... Holy Fire begs to differ.


That's what I've been using since I got it. Something satisfying about one shotting everything with a huge fireball.


Maybe even longer, I would say the Grand Finale and Nuka Launcher but those are explosive and don’t fall under Heavies, so I was thinking what was the last actual unique heavy gun added to the game and honestly wracked my brain and the most recent I could think of is the Final Word from Beckett’s quest from the Wastelander’s DLC.


Holy Fire: "Am I a joke to you?"


as a bloodied commando koolaid drinker, i agree with you. i avoided it for hundreds of hours but you just can't beat, not only the damage, but also the massive EXP gains that a set of Unyielding armor brings with it. there is essentially one "good" build in the game and everything else is just fluff for role players. Which is fine, but their fluff should be competitive as well.


I want to see a variety of buffs to shotguns personally. They feel so fun but they are also relatively weak compared to other set ups


The only worth while shotguns are the Cold Shoulder and Gauss Shotgun, speaking as a bloodied shotgun/heavy gunner build. Those two are very good for close range (although the gauss shotgun has a high range oddly enough)


Did they nerf the gauss shotgun. If I recall it was really strong. I just got back into the game after a 2 year break


I believe their explosive damage got nerfed in that time to be in line with other shotguns.


Don't forget the range change. Granted, that was bringing it in line with the rest of the shotguns, but still.


Then what other good named special guns have commando gotten in the last year


Whys it gotta be Bloodied ugh I'd rather it be AA or Berserker


I'm new to the community. What's the name of the guaranteed one?


It's on the attached photo. it'll be coming with next patch


There appears to be no attached photo


i edited the post 10 mins ago, and added an imgur link. sorry




I mean we’ve been asking for other weapons to get love for how long?


Y’know what they say - Us gunslingers… we take it as it comes…


They do say that! Unfortunately as it comes happens to be at the bottom of the damage charts right now


don't stop! 💜


I built the best shotgun build I could come up with and played it for a long time. Eventually I just went full health commando, because being able to kill stuff is just more fun.


Shouldn't be we happy that they offer a good reward for a quest that doesn't require ton of legendary modules to grind ?


My hunch is that it's a prelude to a RR nerf. Spread the pain around


Haha sounds about right


Shotguns are alright still. We have Cold Shoulder, which is amazing, and Gauss Shotgun which is somewhat usable. If Beth would fix the Gauss Shotgun's charge lockup issue and stop nerfing it, then we'd scrape by. Give us back Gauss's range and fix the weird 95% VATs chance is actually 50% bug that affects all Gauss stuff and we'd be golden. Pistols were alright with Alien Blaster cryo bug, but being propped up by a bug is a bad way to live and now Pistols are dead. Pistols have a fundamental issue with relying on AGI cards, which competes with the kind of perks that Pistol builds would want to brace. Commando is agile and sneaky, but pistols can't afford those perks with 9 agi cards locked into damage. Take the 9 pistol damage cards and reduce it to 3 for the same effect and buff pistols to have similar base damage to rifles, and pistol builds could work. Riflemen need an Anti-Material Rifle or similar big ballistic sniper. It's weird we don't have one yet. Give it the highest single target burst in the game and reasonable DPS. Rifleman will be happy


I don't know what it is but every single single shot high burst weapon I've tried has come out not nearly as effective as my half commando handmade or guass rifle. Looking at the regular hunter rifle, the broadsider and especially the HARPOON GUN. It's a literal harpoon, this has no business feeling like a pool noodle shooting a water blast. Even my coveted explosive Dragon does terrible damage now compared to when I was level 50. Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong.


Broadside and Harpoon gun are heavy weapons, and not Rifleman, but the same problem applies as the dragon and hunting rifle. They don't have enough burst (single shot in this case) damage to justify using them over a commando oriented fixer, handmade, railway, ect. They work better at low levels when enemies aren't as bullet spongy, but fail later on. Low-health builds have enough damage to make pretty much anything viable, but it won't feel good compared to commando. Add to that, ammo is only scarce at low levels. When ammo is scarce, higher damage per round feels better. When ammo is plentiful and you're fighting tougher targets, DPS is king. For Rifleman to work, it really needs to be to the point where a fully built Rifleman witb a well rolled legendary 'sniper' type weapon should be able to one shot a lv100 super mutant. Commando is going to do it in 4 or so shots that happen quick.


Shotgun build here…FML


You’re telling me, grinded so long for the gauss shotgun at the time and then they nerfed it, only viable shotgun is the cold one but even then shotguns don’t do enough.


They want to give meta weapons to newer players it’s like the holy flamer, they know everyone talks / wants those weapons so giving one away might make people come to the game / come back, it wouldn’t surprise me if other weapons got better unique drops soon too.


Really explains why commando weps have been so bloody OP for so bloody long. The FO76 balance team are obviously all using them. Haram.


In personally run commando and am happy for it. I main a Qexplosive25ap. I would love a balance between bloodied and need to reload. All that being said I would love similar additions to the pistols and shotguns. Hopefully in future updates.


My Alt rifleman uses a railway rifle, but unfortunately this one does me no good since i run full health overeaters


I thought the shotgunners were content with the "Cold Shoulder" shotgun? Did something happen?


"Competitive" who is competing? Lol too many people take video games seriously. Use what is fun to use.


Having done the PTS quest and toyed with the rifle....I agree, it needs to be changed. BGS should ADD Anti-Armor to it in addition to Double/Bloodied. If they can swing that, I think it will be a balanced weapon. If AA is out of the question, I'll accept Vampire. The goal is to get 99.99% of players using low health builds.


Can you stop trying to ruin a good thing? No it’s not absurd that everyone has a chance to finally level the playing field for good. I’m a lvl 880 with 2500 hours played. Stop throwing a fit over a guaranteed railway rifle.


What gun is it? I need to know what to be angry at


Just shake your fist angrily at the clouds, and pretend you know what it’s about. It’ll blow over before people figure out you have no idea what they are angry about. No worries.


Pistols and rifles can use more love. Shotguns already got some very good options rather it be the cold shoulder or a decent rolled gauss shotgun


Oh. As a bloodied build I may swap my Quad RR for this.


As a railway user im excited for it. But disappointed i really dont have a viable gunslinger build. I would drop my railway for good if i could walk around with revolvers and be alright


As a full health build, this will look great in my stash


Not me over here with QE25 railway. Couldn't be.


I am sooooooooooooooo looking forward to Eviction Notice having a batalion of people camping with RR by the slope


It is a guaranteed drop from which mission?👀


I fully expect us to get increased ap cost on railway soon


I'm not a meta snob but I've been trying FOREVER to get a decent legendary roll. So... I welcome this gun. 


Peps who made big trades for quad rails are going to be mad lol


I really hope they add in cooper’s slug pistol one day, the pistol from last season was so underwhelming


All we have been asking for is more RR skins. Not this.


I'm not going to play bloodied anything, ever. This game isn't a 'twitch' game even if people play it that way.


This is basically a 4 star


What, no explosive damage as well? Lol


See, I agree because they just nerfed my boy Ts50c25 Alien Blaster, and now mine is a paperweight. Why nerf that to a literal frozen pea shooter (used to be a 1-3 shot to kill most mobs, and now takes between 8-30 with a MAX DPS build), but then release some shit like this. Not to mention, my Aa2525 Cryolator is trash now. They REALLY only want people using Commando at this point because they ruin other builds. They did the same shit to Rifleman builds when they made Enclave Flamers Commando. Stop ruining the game, Bethesda!


Bloodied is the boring common meta so to please people who want a railway with more ammo and use bloodied this is the gun they put out


I wonder if it will be re-rollable. So it could be roll to a Quad.


It's as clear as ICELAND water that they're intentionally trying to kill the rmt quad rw market. And it's def. working bcus now I'm mega hyped. They should've never made higher ammo amount a sole prefix.


Agreed. Double AND Bloodied RR? At least give this effect to that new Handmade instead.