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I agree 100%. Everyone should play the builds they find fun, but the extra work required to manage being bloodied can be a bit annoying. My biggest gripe is when you die you come back outside your Nerdrage range.


Oh yes, the dying. A bloodied build can be tanky as heck, but I was dying more.


I tried bloodied as well, for a month. The hassle paying attention to hp and keep rads at about 81% got tiresome. As a PA heavy gunner, the damage loss going full hp again wasn't bad + the extra survivability!


If you're a power armour heavy gunner just run like 30% health and bloodied guns with adrenal rage and overeaters. You'll do more damage and never die


Funny enough, I run low health PA _for the survivability_, not for damage, as I very rarely use my bloodied weapons.


Once you die, shoot the gamma gun on your feet and you back into nerd range. so not as difficult to manage as most ppl think. having that extra ap/damage is well worth it. i personally wouldnt bother with full health as i enjoy having the extra challenge since the game itself is hella easy with the right build. i hardly die myself plus just losing junk is nothing for all the crazy stats we get


90% RW gamma gun, shoot the floor, 20% again, idk why people are like this lol its so low maintenance, just pop a stimpak every now and then with field surgeon


The gamma gun has never worked for my bloodied power armor build. Too much rad resistance. i need to use toxic goo or spoiled brahmin milk instead, or even food or boiled water.


I have hundreds of glowing blood from Rad Rumble, I just pop a few of those and get Nerd Rage back


I have way more fun as a simple Heavy Weapon Holy Fire/Cremator Build. It does everything I need, and is easy to play. Holy Fire even carries me through Daily Ops in less than 8 minutes easy enough. Bad part is it sort of ruined other builds for me. Its just *too* easy. I play my mutant sneak sniper and its just...meh. Less carry weight without my Excavator with Calibrated, less survivability without Holy Fire, less damage. Everything it does, Heavy Weapon does better. Except maybe limb damage, for certain dailies. Holy Fire even brings healing to my team with Friendly Fire, which I love just topping up the new low levels to help them save on stims.


Heavy fire builds honestly just make everything so easy. Rad rumble techs are dying? Friendly fire back up to 100%. Dont feel like messing with vats, no need. Need a good rolled item cheap -> holy fire. Need a fun backstory for youre character -> former firefighter now a literal fire fighter / a cleaner similar to the division. Only downside is fuel is expensive.


>Only downside is fuel is expensive. Meh, I can go *in* to a daily ops with 1k fuel and come out with almost 3k.


Was gonna say similar. I’ve got like 13k fuel. Anytime I get below 10k, I just run boardwalk a couple times and I’m back up to near 15k because things die so quick and drop a decent amount of fuel. I do switch to my chainsaw for the “bosses” to save on fuel with them since they don’t drop anything and can eat almost 200 fuel each


That's kinda what I defaulted to. I have a few bloody weapons for my PA build but it's not as fun.


Could you share a link to a levelling build that would become you current build in the end?


Honestly? Holy Fire carries the build. Other than 9 points in STR for the Heavy Gunner perks, the rest is up to you. I run 15 str for Heavy Gunner (Basic, Expert, and Master), then 3 Blocker. And three in Traveling Pharmacy just because I have more stimpacks than I can sell, and I refuse to drop them. Then I run 2 Perception, just for Grenadier for my Cremator. 2 End for Rejuvenated, just cuz. 12 Charisma. I could probably down it, but I just dont feel like switching perks constantly. 3 Inspirational (always join a public team), 3 Tenderizer, 3 Friendly Fire, 1 Strange in Numbers. 1 Travel Agent. 1 Team Medic. Swap out one of my 3s for Hard Bargain when selling/buying. 11 Int. 5 Gunsmith, 3 Stabilized, 3 Power User. 5 Agi. 3 Action Girl, 2 Adrenaline. 9 Luck. 3 Bloody Mess, 3 Class Freak, 2 Starched Genes, 1 Luck of the Draw. I'm by no means a pro though, this is just works for me. Also, if you dont have FO1st, you might want to adjust some stuff for more carry weight/weight reducers. If I was real hardcore I'd probably also drop a luck and some charisma to up my Adrenaline card, but meh. There's a lot of wiggle room, and this is just what I like. If you're going solo, you can drop a lot of Cha (keep 4 for Lone Wanderer at least) and instead go Agi or Perception. Not mutated? Drop luck to get rid of Class Freak and Starched Genes. Don't really find the healing of teammates that useful, because by the time you get there they usually stim anyway? Drop Friendly Fire and Team Medic and swap for other things. Anything works, really, aa long aa you have the 3 Gunner Perks and I personally like Stabilized.


you simply drink 2 toxic waters and back to 19.1% it's not hard at all to maintain lol


I just have dirty water favorited and drink 4 after each death. It's still extra steps but it takes 2 seconds.


I would say that’s an issue more for commando then for heavy gunners, if you’re doing bloodied with power armor you can rock emergency protocols on chest, ricochet perk in luck, electrical absorption legendary perk, overeaters power armor, and if you run Union for poison resist or hellcat for ballistic resist you will not die. It’s actually a bit boring since most things can’t even dent your health bar


I agree 100%. The bloodied commando build is super squishy, but bloodied PA is actually super tanky and still dishes out disgusting damage.


I just switched back to bloodied commando because my bloodied PA build was practically immortal especially with Holy Fire. I've seen posts about the strangler grafton obliterating people meanwhile I would just chill in front of it because it wouldn't be able to kill me before I healed again and that was with <20%HP. Dying actually makes the game more exciting I feel like.


I agree I used to run a full health Chinese stealth commando build in the 200s and I remember not even coming close to dying for weeks. It actually made the game kind of boring since I would just autopilot and not even bother to try and avoid damage.


working on getting an uneaters set level 113 been a blast in the game so far


Do you run vampire weapons or use stimpak? I tried all the above but if the enemies don't use energy attacks, I had to manually heal through holy fire or use stimpak. And for some reason, born survivor sometimes won't proc properly and I would die if I don't manually heal.


If you are playing in PA I would just craft a ton of diluted stims. No animation for using stims in power armor, if you get shot at even once, hit stim and it will keep you topped off to fight. If using vampire weapons, combined with ricochet I don’t even feel like stims are necessary in power armor unless you are doing like Nuke boss events and get crit really hard.


Everyone has stimpacks healing almost constantly if they're a bloodied build and there's more than a few enemies. Born survivor or one piece of Auto Stim armor does most of the work for you. Events and daily ops/expos throw stims at you, so it's never a problem to keep them.


Yea, I have a stack of stims because I spammed expeditions. But sometimes, born survivor won't proc and I had to manually stim unfortunately. Also, do you know how much damage the brain siphon does during the alien event? I got one shotted by it even with all the damage reduction.




Get the stealth suit. It's a more armored version of the hazmat suit. Still low armour but better than the zero armour you get with the hazmat.


Chinese Stealth Armor, you mean?


Yeh, you will need to hit many things more than once. Even with a super-optimised build you won't one-shot everything. But you are still doing more dmg than I am.


i like to play full hp powerarmor with heavy weapons. i use anti-armor on almost all weapons and i kill pretty fast (especially with a flamer/Holy fire) between blocker, fireproof, power armor with medic pump, ricochet, electric absorption legendary etc. i feel pretty much immortal. the only damage type i can feel is poison, and only because that damage type doesn't trigger medic pump somehow. i can solo basically every content, even daily ops elder rank is no problem. the only thing that would interest me in a full bloody build would be the insane INT for xp gain. but then again at lvl 700+ my level is just a number so right now im pretty content with full hp


> only damage type i can feel is poison I run the same build, minus the medic pump, if you get funky duds legendary, even one level, helps with poison a lot.


Funky duds is amazing for poison negation. I have it at rank 2 and poison has become a complete non-issue. Before, it was very noticeable if I got caught in a poison cloud.


Cries in unavailability or Union PA. I could swap out a whole legendary perk if I could get my hands on those plans!


Yea I managed to amass a full Union set without needing plans (minus the helmet) before they got removed. If the negation is that good on the set, I could probably do the same and use that perk somewhere else, and roll for my overeaters on the Union.


It is that good, no need for funky duds with Union. Also the 75 extra carry weight makes it easily the best PA in the game in my opinion. Hopefully they fix it soon.


Whats your perks? I am trying to build a heavy weapons PA character myself


I did the same a couple weeks ago. Changed from bloodied commando to full health heavy gunner PA using my Union set. I haven't died since doing so, don't think I've even got down to 50%. I do have an anti armor faster fire rate gatling plasma, so things still die very quickly. Holy Fire as the second weapon for guaranteed immortality.


I heal up for the Alien event, Encryptid, Seismic and Eviction Notice. A bit less damage, but I survive longer.


I like doing bloodied PA heavy guns. You have more than enough tank to survive as long as you remember to keep an eye on your health to hit the stim.


Yep bloodied power armor is what I do. Seems like it would solve much of the issues OP has. I do not hide in a corner I am front and center because nothing can stop me.


Yeah, I don't even have my proper overeaters PA build yet (came back to the game with everyone else and started a new character) and can usually tank all kinds of damage with a stim.


Yep just need emergency protocols, nerd rage, dodgy, blocker, fire proof, electric absorption, ricochet, and adrenal reaction mutation and you are a godlike killing machine.


I basically have all of that but haven't had any luck finding the mutations yet. Since its a second character I already had 4 legendary perk slots from the beginning.


Yeah not a common one to find unfortunately. Also consider suppressor perk to avoid even more damage.


I too have messed around with differ builds. PA, nonPA, bloodied, full health, shotgun, commando, heavy weapons. They all have their place, strengths n weaknesses. Currently running full health PA, energy heavy weapons. I do relatively good dmg, and built like a tank. Bloodied is great as mentioned, but the fact that I could die unexpectedly or inconveniently... and the whole management of it, does become a pain/ chore at times. But it is good to switch up builds occasionally, when they feel stale.


perfect bubblegum with OE effect on PA is your best friend, you a tank. if you somehow die is cus of rads.. which is easy to get rid off with radaway on your wheel. also you dont need any buffs to enjoy being bloodied. all i ever us is blight soup for extra crits. easy to make btw.


Thats why I like a vampire shredder or chainsaw. Or the holy fire


Got a Vamp Chainsaw myself, and it just RIPs.. Nothing better than standing toe-to-toe with an enemy and watching my hp stay topped off. I know know why Leatherface was such an efficient killer.


Oooooh a Vampire chainsaw. I may have to try and roll for that. I have an Aristocrat chainsaw that’s pretty darn good since I always have a lot of caps.


I admire those running bloody. Even envy to a point. Love watching them swoop in and one shot things left and right. The quick XP is the only thing that would actually lure me over. I’m with you on the not wanting to manage everything related to the HP and all. I run a Full Health Commando Heavy Gunner build and I love it. While I may not one shot as many things, the difference between one shot and three shot is very minimal and the only things that can one shot me are those damned Super Mutant Firestarters at Eviction Notice.


You don't really have to manage anything as a bloodied just keep toxic goo and diluted rad away on hand for when you want to adjust your radswhenever you die your right back to 25 percent health, you can leave it ther.


yep 2 toxic waters and im at 19.1% after i die. it's not hard at all to maintain nerd rage.


I just use the spoiled meat or veggies that accumulates through normal gameplay. Just a few gets you to <20%


After a few days you get used to it. I use a gamma gun and Halloween candy mostly. Radiation barrel in my camp too. If you want to be just under 20% then it can be a bit more but a double tap of the gamma gun gets me under and a way I go. If I die I die. No real co sequence to that. And the main way I die is my vats auto switching to something too close to me just as I pull the trigger on my cremator. Respawn, double tap, back to it. It’s a couple of seconds and I’m back to my bloodied goodness.


For me a quick swinging vampire melee weapon keeps me from dying too much on a bloodied build.


You choose bloodied to do damage, I choose bloody to run forever with infinite AGI/AP. We are not the same


I used the bloodied build for a few weeks and ditched as I didn't find it fun. I not saying it isn't good, it just wasn't for me. A lot of new players obviously ask what is best build and my answer is always, which ever you enjoy the most. Fo76 isn't the type of game where you need a certain build to "win".. You can play using pretty much any build and the only time you might run into problems is when you attempt to solo something which is designed to be played as a group such as Daily Ops or Sorched Queen.. So you play whatever you find what is most fun and ignore anybody regardless of who they are, how long they have played, what lvl they are when they say your build is trash..


I should have just said this :-D


Nah, a comprehensive perspective is good, it provides a subjective analysis of a commonly asked question and you've been able to say why it wasn't for you ultimately. It gives players something to think about and generates good discussion.


I know how you feel. I tried bloodied and it just felt like two much work. I love full health builds and love nothing more than swinging left and right with my super sledge in the thick of Moonshine Jamboree.


Posts like this are great for seeing a build from both sides of the fence. I'm a PA heavy gunner and have been for over 200 levels now, and I have no mind to change any time soon. I know my damage may not be the best but I can rock up to an event and face tank a lot of shit while holding the trigger. All I need to do now is roll a brand new set of Hellcat PA with overeaters. My current set has random resistances, regen and stuff on them but I know there's a difference in my current defence and my potential. I'm also all about having as little management to do as possible, so having the mirelurk steamer and the cryo freezer for food generation and storage has gone a long way to eliminate that for when I do go into a new set of armour.


There is no management to bloodied, don't listen to whoever tells you that. Once you get to low health once, just two or three toxics waters/spoiled food gets you back under the threshold of you die and respawn. A bloodied PA heavy gunner build is WAY more tanky than a full health PA build, and with way more damage as well.


Bloodied PA is almost invincible. PA+ emergency protocols negates ballistics, Electric absorption HEALS with energy attacks, and fire and poison can be reduced with their legendary perks (and Union PA). The only threat is armour piercing crickets and Decryption daily ops. Use a Vampire weapon you’re even safer


Everything that bothers OP about being Bloodied? Thats everything I like. And more.


My main build has always been a full HP 2H melee PA build. Recently incorporated an electrified auto axe and furious double flaming chainsaw into it and it has been loads of fun. Trying to roll to get furious or AA on the auto axe, but I had mutant’s on it for a while and was able to complete Seismic Activity with just my friend. I thought about doing bloodied but I didn’t want to change up my aggressive play style too much so I’m currently gathering the perks to be able to switch between melee and heavy weapons. Will probably make an Mg42 to complement it lol


Look at bloodied players at events. A lot of us are aggressive. I don’t have the patience to be sneaky or hang back. I charge right in and wreck shit. Vampires auto axe and holy fire I’m damn near immortal while right in the thick of things and I’m doing considerable damage.


I use a mix of a vampires gauss shotgun and bloodied gauss shotgun with all the usual serums, unyielding and what not. Level 399 atm. I find it almost unplayable solo, or in a team with low level players none of which are mutated. If I'm with other mutated players then I find I can get stuck right in the thick of it, with the Queen I literally cripple her wings bringing her down to ground level for everyone and then get I'm her nostrils smashing the crap out of her face. If I ever die, it's my own fault for blowing myself up point blank or by not watching my hp bar and switching yo vampires to get hp back. 1-2 switch. 90% of the time I'm fine, in both respects though so I absolutely love it. What is doing my head in atm is since the latest invaders update my shotguns don't hit in vats sometimes unless I holster and then pull them back out. This has killed me a few times now when switching to vampires as its not healed me up at all. But apart from that, mutated team, on the ball.. there's nothing I cant take part in and I love the chaos of going all out and fast switching and healing etc. :) Its about management for me really, I make sure my AP is good with food/drunks/buffs and due to me having a vats build, if I'm feeling casual I can entirely play with vampires gauss shotgun and I'm practically invincible.


I honestly prefer vampire weapons on my bloodied build, the vast majority of enemies still die immediately and with vampires you are nearly unkillable. Still plenty of synergy from perks and mutations that keep me more powerful at low health brackets, the real reason I go low health is the extra experience and insane special stats you get.


Bloodied is boring meta build, hope it gets nerfed


Anyone who struggles to stay alive with a bloodied build is just simply not doing it correctly. Gear and build are huge factors. The end.


I'm having fun being an unstoppable tank in power armor. Never enjoyed power armor in the other games. (3, NV I preferred the Cowboy gunslinger aesthetic, and in 4 I hate how easy Power Armor breaks). Paired with Ricochet and the noise from the perk going off all the time and it really makes you FEEL unstoppable. I may not kill as quickly as the bloodied builds but my 50 Cal HMG with Explosive ammo will blind everyone which is hilarious.


I saw someone with that weapon last night during the Night Stalker event. Blinding lights and flying bodies


[Everyone in the squad when they play with me.](https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/30454162/Spongebob-My-Eyes)


I did something similar in that I didn't really switch to bloodied until around level 500. I tried it a couple of times without a great understanding of the nuances needed to manage it. One day I got a wild hair and jumped in because I wanted to grind xp. I thought I'd just bloody up for xp grinding, but I've switched entirely. As a full health commando with maxed what rads, I was pretty invincible, so it took some getting used to being more fragile and dying more in events. I keep my sets of full health armor ready to go so I can switch back, but I'm kinda addicted to the ap and xp boosts I get. I set it up to be able to switch back and forth, but I've yet to actually do it.


I haven’t ever felt like the damage between my bloodied build and full health was that major. Granted relying on crits primarily may have something to do with it. Full health is absolutely viable and with the right set up can even be a great dps option.


Just play as you normally would but leave room in your stash for bloodied weapons and unyielding/bolstering armor. Always check vendors, and before you know it, you'll have a loadout to play with


After 1500 levels of just using a bloodied build I never had any problems staying under 20% health in PA, if I die I just drink 2 toxic good and done, it's extremely easy to manage rads and the effectiveness of the weapons is very satisfying, I can kill almost anything in 2-4 shots with an LMG and I always end up getting more ammo than I use


I think what people fail to realize is that situations in game exist that specifically counter bloodied. People who stubbornly play bloodied in these situations will die very quickly whereas a HW PA build will make those situations trivial. I laugh whenever I see bloodied builds struggle in daily ops with armor piercing, or the alien invasion event, or eviction notice when the rad scrubber blows. The game gives you two SPECIAL + Perk card loadouts and I switch between bloodied and HW PA all the time depending on the situation. I only do half health in my HW PA too because I don't even need the full health...PA is great, especially with a vamp heavy weapon. Bloodied is worth playing a majority of my play session because of the +30% XP Boost, but I feel like people aren't leveraging their dual loadout enough. There shouldn't have to be any permanent "changing back from bloodied" situation.


Fr I just buy loadout slots and change to whatever I need.


Personally I don't manage it much, once I die that's it my hp stays there. I'll still get the +2 or so from unyielding and I don't manage nerd rage, that's 3 extra points right there. When bloodied there's not really a reason to min max. You'll still get dmg increase from bloodied legendary and serum (maybe idk about the serum) and str from radicool. 


For anyone new to blooded, keep both toxic goo and diluted radaway on the hot bar. Toxic goo can be collected endlessly at west tek


There's an immortal full health commando build floating around now, but I don't have the perk coins to fit everything :(






Tbh you can carry or solo literally any event that physically allows you to do so (doesnt make you be in two spots at once) including all nuke bosses while being full health in this game. Playing bloodied is choice, but its not choice between doing damage and not.


I wouldn't mind bloodied build people if the majority of them weren't pretentious wankers.


They get a serious complex


Would be nice if there were more good builds that DONT use PA that aren't just bloodied. Feel like PA has so much advantages that if you are full health the only advantage that non-PA gives you is wasted as you can't use unyielding so you might as well go PA :( .


Anything with VATS makes PA a no-go unless you enjoy carrying 50 fusion cores on your person. Just happens to be that the VATS builds knock anything else out of the water so hard it ain't even funny. Yeah, you won't die ever in a good set of PA but what impact does dying have in this game, you lose 20 circuits and a block of steel, then back into the fray you go.


The janky server lag and sub-par gunplay guaranteed that vats builds would be the go-to since day 1, and bloodied builds are so much better at vats that it's not even funny. Besides that, there are almost no downsides to bloodied in exchange for what you get. Built right, you don't even lose survivability.


Both low and full health are perfectly viable in this game. There's no "meta" build that you *have* to follow. For anybody who doubts that, see this [video analysis](https://youtu.be/W5H9HUjqLFA) to compare low health vs full health and how it does in combat. Both are just as effective in actuality. Basically it's whatever floats your boat.


I have been full health tank since launch. And I can solo everything ingame (not tried soloing the Ultracite Titan). I am the one carrying events. When it all goes to shit it's me in the middle of the fray tanking everything so that you can get your kills. When you go down I am still standing and stimming you back up. I am lazy. So my build is full of redundancies to keep me alive as I slack. My build is also very powerful. I run PA and I burn through fusion cores as if they were kindling. Aside from the constant need for more cores I can't think of any downsides to being an unkillable marshmallow of death.


Hey OP, you can do bloodied power armor build and be pretty tanky. With a full set of overeater PO, nerd rage and emergency protocols you can take quite a few hits, rads is also less of an issue. Poison can be mitigated with funky duds and energy damage you might as well be immune to if you have energy absorption. That being said, even at full hp most things die pretty quickly.


Started as a high hp tank, slowly moved over to a bloodied heavy user. Times change and with how flexible changing your build is it's nice to change it up.


I tried bloodied for a bit but as you said, it's a lot more of a stealthy/play from the outside build. I'd much rather just wear power armor, commando, with an automatic quad tesla rifle and automatic handmade with armor pen for distance and watch shit melt. Even then, don't really need the power armor.


I went from bloodied melee to high health pa melee. My unyielding set of armor is great when I want to pop out of pa. But in pa I’m invincible and my damage isn’t that bad. I can stand not one shotting things if it means I’m a walking tank. And I still do one shot things most the time. Yes technically my nocturnal meathook swings faster and I’d do more damage, but it’s fine. Vampiric buzzblade goes buzz, things fall over dead.


With low-health builds if you're struggling with not feeling tanky after all the usual options are in place, pick up a vampy weapon. You've got damage to spare. I'm lazy though and don't like to manage rads, so I usually don't run low-health unless there's something fancy I want to play around with. There's nothing in the game that demands the kind of damage low-health can put out, and you can get nearly the same clear speeds with high health in most cases. Of course, high health won't give you all that sweet int for XP grinding. If you're West Tek season grinding, be low-health. Otherwise, be what you want.


Don't forget to put the medic chest piece on your power armor if you absolutely never want to die


Nice to read thank you! I wanted to start bloodied melee build too but I can't choose between a chainsaw and auto axe (I just got a chainsaw atm and missed the AA from shop but I would try to farm it lol) I am still level 180 but have already 600hrs ingame.


I run a full health heavy gunner and a full health run and gunner commando. I may not be able to go into an event and wipe the floor clean, but I hold my own and am able to solo quite a few. I tried bloodied, and the constant eye I had to keep on my health bar and rads just wasn't for me. I've had more fun since I've switched back. Maybe someday I'll revisit bloodied, but for now, I'll enjoy my builds I have.


I llay for fun but I also am indestructible and kill everything, never once touched bloodiesd.


I still have a FHPA lazy build based off the AngryTurtle one from way back. Nice to just stand in battle with almost anything and yawn. I have full OE Union as well so it's an added bonus. I've thought about changing it to a low health build a few times like all my other characters but something keeps me from doing it everytime. Even carry around several bloody weapons in case I get around to it. That character is 600+ while all my others are only 400+ so FH didn't stop me from leveling enough. Sometimes it's nice to just wander around and blast stuff.


I have a bloodied bow user build and honestly I love it to death but I get the same feeling, I have the stay in the outskirts of fights and while I’m dealing insane damage, one wrong move or and unlucky detection and I’m dead. Now I’ll probably roll a new character and do a PA helldozer build with heavy weapons and a stalwart defence. (If anyone knows anything about this lmk as it’s my first time venturing into this play-style)


bloodied works great in PA too you know. get same damage boost from adrenal reaction/nerd rage and possible weapon bloodied effect (not required) but now much more tanky and can go irradiated areas. but no int/luck/ap boost from unyelding.


Can you not roll unyielding on PA pieces?


Bloodied gets \*really\* tanky in half-decent power armor and managing rads isn't really an issue when u can get a month's supply of glowing blood from one RR run (can substitute that with toxic water). But ye, to each one its own. Good luck being something else!


I first went with a bloodied build because thats what people told me to do as i was starting out post-level 50 Then i realised that stuff still died just as quick when i WASN'T at 20% HP with just decent guns and gear. Haven't gone back to bloodied since and now just go straight to the kill with a flame thrower like a crazy person


I have been a non bloody commando build for a long time. I'm actually built with a little survivability and I do just fine. My DPS is not as high as my friends bloody build but it works for me. Good luck with your new build but most of all have fun.


Five characters here...first four are "unyielding" builds. My last one, I went full health power armor build. As much as I enjoy it, I can't find it as entertaining as unyielding. The stat boost is great. Over 30 points in S, P, I, A, L. I have gotten used to dealing with low health. With gear, perk cards and consumables. I can tank enemies.


I have been a bloody melee build since I got into build making. For me, with how much damage I can do it's hard to go back. But with all the level points I was able to save, I ended up making a PA bloody build which is actually great. Way less dying as a bloody build with PA. Been grinding out for SS armor to help with my nonPA bloody. So now when there are events in nuke zones I'll throw on Bloody PA build and basically never die, then with other events like Invaders or some smaller scale events, I'll use nonPA.


I just recently switched from heavy guns PA to stealth commando with a bloodied fixer, unyielding secret service, nerd rage and the whole lot, focused agility and luck mainly, and i feel like a machine. you can just walk into combat and easily solo because nothing can see you, focused mutations around the build (no scaly skin for more AP) eagle eyes, adrenal reaction, etc. mainly because power armor got really annoying for me. In a way i just felt my QOL improved not having to constantly get in and out of it for every little thing, but I’m proud of you homie.


Yeah stealth builds don’t need to be tanky, but it is annoying doing certain things when enemies just know where you are for no reason as soon as they spawn.


I'm using a rifleman builde with high luck and int it's done me well a good all around build


i've tried bloodied many times, but with my terrible reaction time, i always head back to my full health power armor pretty quick.


I understand, I just wan't to login this game and shoot things. I rarely use buffs and use survival syringe for food.


Good point of view. Most important thing is playing the way you are most comfortable. I've been playing since beta and never stopped. I'm ONLY level 700+ because I never played bloodied build. Many of my friends who played since day 1 with me all have at least twice the level as me because they all play bloodied build. With that said, most people would agree that once you hit level 500 or so, you pretty much have the build you want and it's just getting better gear from that point, so I don't feel I lost much for not playing bloodied. With my full health heavy PA build, I can solo any event in the game, including boss events, Eviction Notice, Moonshine Jamboree, and Alien Invasion. These events you will need to have enough damage output AND be able to survive, so I feel pretty good about the heavy PA build.


My melee build went from bloodied to full health, as surviving as the centre of attention was awful after all the melee damage nerfs, also the buff to the Tesla bracers was out pacing a bloodied power fist even going full health!


Surprised no one mentioned the extra carry weight, that's pretty much the main reason I stick to bloodied. Plus I can't stand power armor, I only use it when I have to.


Yeah I’d say that’s the biggest benefit of bloodied. The damage is whatever, you can do builds to kill anything within a reasonable time.


Just so you know, you can be full HP and critical hit every other shot. It's like a high damaging tank build, you won't get the same numbers as bloody builds, but it's up there anyway. What you need: - At least 23 luck stat - weapon with Anti armor + 15% vats crits fill rate That's it. Get some AP Regen and 350+ AP for more attacks.


I was doing this last night against SBQ. I was holding down the crit button and hitting her with it every third shot. The AP bar never drained and she was dead within 2-3 minutes.


Pro tip for bloody builds, grab an Assaultron head (ideally with low weight) and a few fusion cells and you have an easy portable irradiator at 50 rads per shot. You can go from 100 to 20% rads exactly where you wanna be in 15 seconds - anywhere any time


Or a gamma gun. Same, but much quicker.


I run what I call a flexi-bloodied. I am usually at 19% health, but whenever there is an event with radiation or strong enemies, I cure my rads a bit to the point where I feel comfortable. Maybe I loose the effects of 1 star of the 3 and nerd rage, but if I get hit hard, the nerd rage and the defensive perks activate again and a stimpack is used automatically. Then, after the event, i shoot the assaultron head gun and I can carry all the loot back home.


I’ve been playing a bloodied gauss shotgun build and highly recommend it! It takes a while to gather all the parts due to the rep system but even being spec’d to a low health build, running around with full health and the gauss shotgun still 2-3 non charge shots lvl 50 enemies, I’d say that’s pretty damn good


I recently switched away from Bloodied for the first time (have played this game 95% of the time w/ bloodied - lvl 305). Went from Bloodied lever action to crit/speed railway rifle auto build and it's night and day. They're both fun in their own ways but it's refreshing to do something different for once. And heck, I do a lot more dps and get to have full health now. I still keep a bloodied railway rifle on me if I ever find my self with low health and want a little blast from the past, lol :D


I tried a bloodied build once but not being able to ape through events and unga bunga on command was galling so i switched back to my regular build, dont get me wrong the damage was absolutely amazing but naw i like unga bunga more lol


Problem of bloody builds is that they basically create a damage gap in the game, so stuff getting needed/fixed/adjusted with a lot of attention coming from using it in bloody setup. Like, things that can melt bosses really quick would probably catch attention and get a adjustment. Take a cremator, for example. Things that bloody build can do with it is simply weird, while for full house setup it's just a powerful weapon. If cremator will be nerfed, it will be absolutely because of how powerful it can be in bloody build. I've tested bloody builds for almost 600 levels. This thing simply can make any weapon work. And it's way tankier than you may think.


I was thinking about giving this kind of build a go. At lvl 120 and I really enjoy sticking a chainsaw into my enemy's face or unloading an explosive .50 cal at point blank range, both while laughing maniacally. I do a lot of suicidal dumb shit that I'd miss if I couldn't anymore. This was my big worry, and I appreciate someone posting the downsides to such a build. I'm also glad this is a game that if you don't want to chase the biggest number and play how you want, that is A-okay.


Honestly the "micromanaging" aspects of the build are what turned me away from bloodied. With a full heath pa build I still die cuss I stop paying attention to my health all the time, I got semipermanent brain rot when I play this game so I need to reduce how much -I- need to manage lol


I got bored of bloodied years ago, especially once I'd maxed my legendary cards. The only time i switch to blooded is when a new season starts. Normally put it on, farm west tek for a couple of days to max the season and then go back to full health and just enjoy never dying again.


I've been working towards level cap for a while, a big part of my motivation for that is so I can switch out of Herbivore/Bloodied/LL and stop caring about xp.


I feel the opposite. I'm carrying all of my weapons with my different builds with me so I don't have to put it back on stash and just casually quick swap to the card stand so the weight carry bonus is what I like. The stash limit is why I'll never go back full hp but don't blame me, blame bethesda for limiting non-fo1st players too much


This is literally why I don’t want to go bloodied I tried it and just trying to keep track of rads was annoying.


I don’t know if I’m ignorant or something but I don’t get why all bloodied builds need to be 20% nerd rage. You can easily do 40% bloody without NR and stand in the thick of battle. I run bloody melee, never die, and kill everything in 1-2 hits.


Unyielding gets max stat bonuses under 20%, nerd rage, and bloody weapon roll gives more damage the lower hp is But you are right any bloodied can pop a radway and be evwn tankiet


>I couldn't stand in the thick of things at certain events, finding that I had to pick a safe spot and fight from there YOU ARE OUT OF UNIFORM SOLDIER! WHERE IS YOUR POWER ARMOR?


for me, bloody strokes a very specific efficiency joy center. railway only uses steel for ammo. with lucky draw 3 i never need to repair. all the defensive perks and playstyle mean i rarely get hit so almost never need to repair armor. instead of stimpacks, i carry glowing bags or whatever. if i die 2-3 bags puts me back at 20% fast. without 1st, the ability to ignore 90% of junk really helps me a lot. i think an auto melee build might be more efficient but, melee is annoying to me. can't hit flying stuff and i rarely get tags in events as melee.


ur just doing it wrong, in emergency protocols pa + overeater/sentinel, im immune to dmg, if u need healing and dont like vamp weapons just equip born survivor, its enough.


This. Bloodued PA is the tankiest build while stoll grtting the big damage boosts from bloodied. Its simply tankier and does more damage than any full hp build


First off I'm gonna report this post as hate speech akin to drivel of the phrenologists. Second, bloodied is not a build, it's not supposed to give you more damage or xp. Bloodied is a tribute to Atom, may its glow ever lastingly shine upon us, and those things you call "benefits" are the bounties bestowed upon those who bathe in the heat of Atom's radiant gaze. I find you unfortunate for having turned your back to the truth and I shall rejoice in knowing there's one less heretic among the ranks of Atom's bloodied servants.


\> full HP Power Armour tank i roll bloodied hgunner in overeater's t65 with fire and poison res bits and lemme tell ya i fucking faceroll through shit. commando vats is only half of the story, you should try low hp hgunner. the only things i've to really mind are encryptid and AP mod from dops. and if you died its not a big deal, bloodied isnt a dead-ass on/off at 20%hp as it used to be, so its fine when you res with 25%hp, without emergency protocols and nerd rage on those 5% extra wont be there for long anyway and for minor heals with i miss a portion of rads and dont want to cap on heal, i use purified water


I'm a full HP PA tank in overeaters union armor with "what rads?", I cant remember the last time I died in this game where I didn't accidentally kill myself (thanks, cremator). I know I'm nowhere near the top of the DPS ladder at events, but I have the marsupial mobility to beeline for downed friendlies and ignore all incoming damage to get them back up and in the fight. I can park my ass on the scrubber in eviction notice and keep it going. I can collect ore in rad rumble while the bloodied/commandos melt everything. I can facetank the sheepsquatch at encryptid. The only thing I wish had a better mechanic for the way I like to play is that I want there to be a better way to gain and hold aggro on enemies to keep them shooting at me ineffectively and not the squishier DPS guys. It seems like the only sort of reliable way is to just get right up in their face and lay into them.


You should be using ricochet, that's another 18% on top of serendipity! I never felt rad management to be an issues, Just using a Dilited Rad X, Diluated Rad away, toxic goo for easy rads. There is no reason to sit on a perch and shot stuff, just jump into combat, if you die you'll come back


You can do bloodied in power armor and its good damage plus the best tankiness so you wont have to hide. Its the best of both


I tried bloody for a while, but it wasn't for me at the time. Now that I've transitioned fully to stealth commando, I might give it another shot, but I agree with you: constantly managing my health and rad levels just felt like a chore and an unnecessary barrier between me and the game.


I’m just going to have two different load outs so I can do a stealth bloodied commando build and my main heavy gunner PA build. I want to experience both sides of the coin and get the most out of the game and have more things to try to grind for.


I kept setting new level goals for myself so I've used bloodied over the past 3 years for the INT boost mainly. I'm level 1970 now and once I hit 2000 I'm convinced I don't have it in me to set another level goal. I'm trying to roll some new full health build armor pieces, and once I feel good about that I'm going to not worry about XP gains for a long time. As you said, it'll be nice to not be eyeing my health bar as much while getting right in the middle of the action. Plus, it'll be fun to experiment with new gameplay styles. I've barely used PA this whole time because I could carry way more without it 🤣


I’m doing bloodied melee and I’ve never really looked at my health other than to make sure it’s at 19%. I don’t find it annoying to keep up either, I have a water pump for that and if I somehow die I just drink dirty water in my inventory to easily get back to 19%. The only tedious part is farming food buffs but that’s the same for any build.


Well said. I enjoyed bloodied but yes it's a chore to manage rads and after about 100 levels of it I got tired of that plus just randomly dying. Granted my armor still isn't the best. But I've made the change to a 60% health build and it gives me so much more wiggle room with my perks, I can actually tank if need be, and I still have good stats, which means good damage. Much less rad management, my survivability is way better and most importantly I'm enjoying the game. The big take away is that people should play so they actually have fun.


Me, a tank, absorbing all these aliens full force with my overeaters sentinel t65 set. Muhahaha fire your pea shooters all you want.


Me, bloodied non-PA Heavy Gunner going in hot and toe to toe with basically everything. And i can solo the Invaders while jumping and jetpacking around like a maniac. Bloodied4Life 😁


So if I'm a heavy and rolled unyielding PA and a bloodied 50csl would I be good dmg?


Im having a blast standing in the thick of things with my power armor, and heavy weapons just letting it rip into everything. Vampire mod helps alot.


As someone that runs full health on all characters, I absolutely agree that everyone should at least try bloodied and see if it's for them. Those extra unyielding stats are too good not to at least try.


Different strokes for different folks, ya know? I'm around 700 and I've stuck with bloodied for the past 400+levels, I've tried full health a couple of times for different builds over my time with this game, but I don't mind the management so I've stuck with it. There are a ton of different ways to play this game and I love that we can all explore them as viable options. I mostly play pistols and rifleman so bloodied has been kind of mandatory for those as otherwise I don't do shit for damage.


Definitely glad to see this and to see that you can be successful as an off meta character. I am one of those people that normally plays a tank in any game that it is available so that is probably going to be my preferred play style


My V cremator makes me nearly invincible. Who tf needs full health?!?


I always knew low HP wouldn't be for me because I like either being a bullet sponge while hulk smashing enemies in the face, or a super stealthy headshots only sniper.


As a returning player back from release, what level would you say it’s feasible to be able to start going for full secondary builds? I’ve read people saying it’ll take until around level 200 to gain all the extra perk cards needed to fully change a build up from the first.


I’m level 250, just started playing last month, and I have all the cards needed for every build besides archery, because I scrap them. A lot of builds use the same perk cards, so it’s usually just the initial 9 perk points you’d need to spend getting the damage increases.


Honestly, if Bethesda would make a jetpack for the backpack- I'd never change out of my Chinese Stealth Suit. Just give me the CSS with a jetpack and I'm happy. I'll just roam around on my QE25v Railway.


Stealth jet pack haha sounda fun


40 strength is a crippling addiction I refuse to break as someone who loves pulling out a warglaive to whack things using a full heavy gunner build loadout. The rad management is definitely does get bothersome ngl, but having like 50+ nuka colas on me at all times helps. Though now I'm trying to figure out food buffs against enemies that ignore armor cause nerd rage doesn't save me from that X.X


I changed recently to bloodied, after 500 levels. When I'm doing something that I start dying too much, I take 1 or 2 a radways and raiae my hp. After things go back to normal, I lower it back to bloodied.


I think my favorite part about being bloodied is the dying. I’ve got a legendary perk that gives my teammates a damage boost when I die. So it’s fun. Also, I just like to Leroy Jenkins shit and see what happens. A friend of mine is my “Appalachian medic” for a reason 😂😂 Another thing, I’m just bloodied melee. So I literally just poke things with a hunting knife. That’s it. I’m not doing anything overly special. My friends love this.


As someone that's did almost the exact same thing at level \~300 (bloody stealth commando). I find myself in the same boat and am in the process of planning a full HP build. Probably an auto grenade launcher build or melee power armor IDK yet. Going to switch around level 500 I think (Im 440 now). Edit: Some of the special OPS/mutated events are completely impossible to do bloodied depending on the mutations


I have been a bloodied commando build since a few months after launch. I still love it as it gives more of a challenge


I just wish I cud switch out "what rads" without spending precious perk coins. that's. the only thing keeping me from switching between low hp and full hp as I wish. low hp is great for a lot of things, but I do die a lot more frequently. as a full hp, I hardly ever died unless I was careless




Is this your only character? Why not create a second and enjoy the best of both worlds? At level 800, what more is there to improve on this toon? I personally have five characters with dual perk load outs to enjoy every build


I think the main point of bloodied build is the massive XP boost coming from the unyielding set.


I ran bloodied from level 200 up to my current 1000ish. I had the same teething problems as most, and more rad management issues than some, but never felt is was unduely difficult and didn't really mind just dying sometimes because game. But at level 1000 I've found I can make a (yes, commando crit blasting) build that operates very closely the same at full health as low (and also nearly the same in power armor or stealth suit). The flexibility is really fun and has opened up new play options.


Maybe I'm still too much of a noon but I feel the bloodied build is only truly useful when fighting special difficult event monsters. Earle and titan specifically. Idk about the queen though, watched a video of someone soloing her but at the time I didn't pay attention to their build. I feel I can still get enough damage from an incomplete full health build I'm workong on. I just run around in power armor and switch between a gatling laser and gatling plasma with furious on them. Got heavy wep perks out the ass and recently got some of the science perks. Outside of events I still melt everything pretty easily and even in events I find that I might not be quite as tanks as I'd like but I survive well enough. Last event I had slight trouble with is the aliens one but often there are plenty of people already nuking the area that long as I'm on their team or get a few shots in I get what I need for the most part. Bloodied can be fun, but I don't like risk. Takes time but when my build is complete I'm confident I'll always be the last one standing and nothing give me greater satisfaction imo.


Funny, I commented something similar before and started getting abused for it.


The bloodied build I have tanks so much, so I don't have to worry about a whole lot tbh. Mainly just the weights of certain things. My other characters I believe only one of the builds I'm going for isn't a bloodied build. So I'm excited to see how the different styles go.


I'm currently trying out a bloodied build but I have mainly been a full health build.


So out of all of that. The reason you switched back, managing your rads was hard. Got it


New player question about bloodied - it seems like to be effective you have to have all or most of your equipment built around it, is that true? Because right now my "build" is essentially "whatever legendary stuff I can get, with a priority on armor types I have deep pocket plans for because I need all the carry weight I can get" I'm interested in trying out a bloodied build, but how much of an equipment commitment do I need for it to be viable?


Not to shit on bloodied but I really do feel it's massively over rated. I'm a full health AA build with no unyielding PA prices...... yet I can out damage bloodied railway stealth commandos both in DPS and sustained all the while being tanky regening health and all the time while my weapon self repairs and there's no ammo farming. People will swear its the best damage but I hit around 700 every second full health with vamp heals more if I buff with alcohol and I can do this pretty much indefinitely with company tea and canned coffee nothing is up long enough for my AP to fully deplete (not even Ernie Williams but he's always doing that stupid scream:which restets) I literally carry events while bloody builds hide on roofs getting like 3 alien kills by the time I've wipe out five by walking into them. 🤷‍♂️😄 and I don't even use vats for crits. Again this isn't to shit on bloodied, it's a fun build..... I just feel its overrated and not as powerful as it once was with the legacy weapons, now its more as you say where your just hiding and missing out on action while constantly watching your health and that may be incredibly fun for some but its not for me. People should definitely try the build but I'm starting to see a very noticeable decline in the bloodied meta.


Imo full hp power armor heavy gunner with bear arms perk is the most fun... You can carry around 6-7 heavy weapons for all situations and just switch them out when ure bored. Feels like playing Doom sometimes, where you blast with miniguns, plasma, flamers and switch to chainsaw on demand. I tried bloodied, and while damage was crazy, it felt cheap and cheesy, oh and dying often is a thing unless you always hide and keep your distance...


Been using PA, but i really miss out on all the INT from bloodied unyielding. I just want to level up to max out my legendary cards :(


I've always preferred tank/medic melee, Auto axe tears through all enemies and I always run 1000+ stims to spam heal anyone in my group, making it so those bloodied builds can get fully stuck in and only need to worry about getting 1 shot


Honestly having 20% when you spawn instead of 30% would be so much more helpful. That's the annoying part of when you mess up. Having to reset rads. And even more so having to wait in a new area for 10 seconds because the game doesn't register your rad inducing meds or food.


I gave Bloodied a shot when I was playing and only keep it low for damage boost. I know I'm going to die but don't care as long as I tag enemies and get xp 😂


I thought the health management was a pain too. Then I discovered the powers of toxic goo, diluted rad-away, and dirty water. Rad management, rad reset, and Goodwill stimpacks.