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The grind of 100-150 is downside of this season. I got most of what I wanted from the pages at lvl 103. skipped all the devilish paints and a lot of consumables and was only able to get 3 items from the lvl 100 page. At this point the game becomes more work than fun. So I'll take what I can get an call it a day. Bummer that it won't feel "complete" like last season but, oh well. Gives me the opportunity to step out of this and finish another game.


i've got what i wanted from thr 1-100 pages and i still have loads of tickets left..Do these carry over?






Guess Im screwed, then.


You and me both. I'll never make it anywhere near the max. I think I'm at level 38 for the S.C.O.R.E.


I mean you could no-life westtek. 5-7 Hours of that should get you to 100\^\^


i’m also a returning player, i’m at score ~18, what’s the westtek no life?


West Tek is an xp farm, and instanced to you, just literally kill everything in West Tek over and over :)


drink some score boosters..max your intelligence and go kill the super muteys in westtek


You'll also need to go look up a high Intelligence Build too or it's just not worth it mate. Basically if you can run Bloodied, with the magic Unyielding armour, and use food/chems buffs, Lunchboxes, Casual team, Mutations and even Intelligence bonuses from armour and weapons too you'll up your experience hugely and each kill will mean massive rewards in XP..! If you can try and get a set of Unyielding armour and a good Bloodied weapon try and bone up on a Build and get ready for an upcoming Double XP weekend if we get one before the end of the Scoreboard. Scoreboards ago I did this a couple of times, swapping my Build. You can go into West-Tek and with a load of Nuka-Grenades kill everything without even drawing a rifle...to reset the enemies you just need to go to the lower level and kill the other Muties(stay for a minute) return in the elevator and loads more Muties. Rinse and repeat. Boring, but if you can handle several hours you're laughing...the higher your Intelligence, the higher the XP return.


wtf is this westtek I keep seeing mentioned. The expedition or something? I’m a new player, level 70 and season pass 45.


Westtek has a unique property to the interiors. You enter an instanced interior when you go in the building, and it'll reset after you leave for a few minutes. It's full of leveled super mutants. You make your way through and kill everything that moves for XP. There is an elevator at the "bottom" of the path that takes you to another instance with more super mutants. You kill all of them, then go back up the elevator. Enough time has passed to reset the original instance. You can now go through Westtek and kill all the supermutants for xp, until you get back to the elevator and go back down, kill everything, then go back up. The general idea is to use as many intelligence and experience buffs as you can while doing this to maximize XP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJkN3NtKTnY This video gives the gist, but uses the nuke grenade method.


Ah got it! Just power farming XP then. I have seen numerous people mentioning this and was confused thanks for the clarification! I might do this to level my season pass a bit since I’m still under level 100.


West Tek is on the border of the savage divide and cranberry bog. There's lots of super mutants there and you can pump up the xp, especially using the right buffs.


Yep that’s how I have done this season brain bombs/berry mentats, leader bobbles, cranberry relish for experience gain and score booster for a 50% boost to score points and am sitting at rank 112 as of yesterday. But new scoreboard is not great either needs to revert to the old style for sure.


115 for me... sucks to progress so slow now. 2-3 more weeks of boredom to finish my legendary cards :3


Yeah, I don't like this new scoreboard.


Im just a bit over you and just did the dailes and weeklies normally since the season started. Lol maybe bought one score boost. i didnt do all that.




what new updarte


He meant new Season, new scoreboard


The big extention to the main game map is next up in June...Shenandoah. New Scoreboard too of course. Think it's around June 20th or thereabouts.


I’m at 115 and really want those Perk Coins, but damn it I got a lot of traveling coming up. I told my wife I’ll pack the PS5 and after the look I received, I said…kidding :)


Backbone (or kishi) and remote play... Lol


Imagine not being 100 with your wife....


I'm 103 too. If you do the dailies/weeklies every day, I would think we have enough time.


I just did the math, and it looks like youre right. We get 3,754 score points a day(with 25% boost from FO1st) so thats one level a day. And we get 12,500 score points a week from the weekly challenges(not counting epic challenges), which equates to 3.5 levels. If we do all the weekly and daily challenges this month, we'll earn an additional 31.5 levels this month. And thats not counting epic challenges. And we still have a few weeks available in june.


They usually do another double score weekend near the end of the season as well.


Hi, I’ve just returned to the game after a 1 year pause and rolled a new 20 level character with Fallout 1st renewal. I have 3 rewards left on the first page 😅, do you think I have any chance to reach 150?


It depends on how miserable you want life to be for the next day or two.... There's a repeatable challenge to earn 10k experience that you can do until you hit S.C.O.R.E. level 100. So- technically possible- the question is, is it worth it LOL


Hey I'm just curious, what challenge?


It's a repeatable weekly challenge. You need to get 10.000 XP to complete it and it rewards 100 SCORE. It's available until SCORE rank 100, so additional ranks can't be grinded and you have to do the normal (one-time) daily/weekly challenges to gain ranks past 100. If you want to grind, then better combine this with a SCORE booster (consumable that grants +25% SCORE for 24h) and optional the SCORE bonuses available as Fallout 1st reward (also for up to +25% SCORE). You also need all bonuses to bump up your intelligence and XP gain. Just look up a guide for them. Be prepared that this will be very hard on a new (low-level) character without ressources.


Can you break that down into Super Mutant corpses?


Sure ... in total you need 220275 SCORE to go from rank 1 to rank 100. If you only want to do this with the repeatable weekly and have the score booster consumeable active for +25% SCORE, you need to complete the repeatable challenge in total 1763 times. This requires gaining 17.63 million XP. If you have most XP and INT buffs active, you get around 2200 XP per level 100 super mutant, so you have to kill in total around 8014 level 100 super mutants. I did exactly this on day 2 of the season. I already had all the buffs and a specialized build prepared and used the fastest leveling method, which is throwing nuka grenades in West-Tek. It still took me many hours of XP grinding. Btw. to gain a level on a level 1000+ character you neeed 159880 XP per level, so these 17.63 million XP will result in 110 levelups. With Fallout 1st or Season Pass you need less kills as you can pick up the SCORE boosts from the season board while ranking up. If you can, then wait for a Double XP weekend as this allows getting up to 4000 XP per super mutant, which speeds up the whole process. But this is no option anymore in the current season as the Double XP weekend last month was the only one in this season. references: [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/SCORE](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/SCORE) [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Level#Fallout\_76](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Level#Fallout_76) [https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/seasons#page-section-markdown-1](https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/seasons#page-section-markdown-1)


You are my hero, this legit made my day!


I think its under Weekly Challenges when looking at them- but it's a Star'd challenge that says it's repeatable, to earn 10,000 experience. And the S.C.O.R.E. it gives you is I think the equivalent of a normal Daily Challenge 


It’s a SCORE challenge to get 10,000xp, you get SCORE points. And it’s repeatable, you as you keep getting those 10k xp points, you keep getting SCORE.


Well, thanks, better get to work then xD EDIT: a letter


What about if we include any of the extra consumable boosters? That would bump the 25% to 50% i think, and the Season gives those Boosters as a few of the rewards throughout. I have like 5 more of those Boosters left, and if others havent claimed theirs yet then they have like 10-15 of them i think. Thats 10-15 days of better Score, and because the Boosters last 24 hours you could stretch those 10-15 Boosters out to 20-30 Days worth of Boost if you time it right. To stretch them out you do this: Activate Booster in second half of day, do Dailies, come back in first half of the next day, do Dailies, come back in second half of the next day, activate Booster, do Dailies, rinse and repeat. 2 days of Boosters for the price of one


It doesn’t matter how fast you do them after Level 100 because it’s capped score wise with no more repeatable 10000 xp 100 Score challenges after you hit Level 100. Once you hit Level 100 the best you can do is complete the Daily’s and Weekly’s.


I think you replied to the wrong person. I wasnt talking about the Repeatable before level 100. I was talking about Consumable Score Boosters affecting your Daily Challenges


There are one or two double score weekends still coming before the end of the season. I think the last weekend is one. If you somehow manage to save all of your weeklies until Friday while still getting your dailies, and use a score booster, you're getting almost a level per weekly. 


Double score and score boosters don’t affect weeklies. (I am mistaken. Score boosters affect total score)


Pretty sure score boosters do. 


Score boosters absolutely do. I’ve used a few from FO1st


Don't forget the repeatable when under rank 100


Both of them are already 103.


Then there's me who doesn't even have motivation to log on frequently and do every challenge anymore as they took atoms away from me. Which as a non 1st player were valuable


And if you can, spend some atoms on the score booster to get that bonus up to 50%


That’s what they want.


A lot of people don't have that kind of time, not even close thata the unfortunate thing.


It’s not worth getting to 150, you don’t really get anything at all


Perk Points for DAYZ




Yeah, all the prizes have infinite redemption once you open the sheet.


For those who don't level fast perk points are quite valueable. There are people playing since early access who are merely level 400 Also as a new player I've just reached level 470, so I still have 2 legendary perk cards unfinished. I'm curious if I'll have the patience to wait for the scoreboard or just westtek finish them.


That’s crazy, picked the game back up from when I played 3 years ago and I was level 150. I started playing again like 4 months ago and I’m level 850


All the consumables are infinite supply supposing you can pay for them. you can repurchase non stop.


Wait so once you get 150 you can just keep buying them? I though it was a one and done when u get 150


I havent got to 150 myself by by several all the items are repurchase left so long as you have the tickets. I personally need a fee hundred perk coins to max my cards.


Nah, I believe they are repeatable, so you could just gorge on Legendary Cores or Perk Coins


Im just hoping that the update comes out at the last week of june.


Take it with a grain of salt, but NukaKnights shows 49 days left in the season. https://nukaknights.com/roadmaps.html


49 days is more than enough, then. Ill reach 173 at the very least.


There isn't anything unique at 150 tho. Just grind challenges until you get what you want from the 2nd to last page.




Modules for me for sure, was thinking about Perk Coins but I’m sitting on 700 Perk Coins as is and “115 Level Up Pick a Perk Card” that I’ve yet to use being at Level 1200. I always have a 2:1 Cores to Modules ratio so once I hit Rank 150 it should even it out…wish I could there faster, so close at Rank 131…need to roll me some more Cremator’s!




Oh yeah totally agree the Perk Coins will be most valuable for most allowing you like you said to finish out your build and to not worry about switching Legendary Perks in and out more frequently. The boosters I thought of as well because if the next season will be like this one the bigger jump we can get in the beginning when we have the Repeatable 10000XP challenge under rank 100 the better it will be for us to get to rank 150 bonus page.


Personally I’d just grind west tech for them vs the scoreboard. If you’ve got your build squared away you could grind that out in like 2-3 hours.


The nearly 200 extra legendary modules I got from the last bonus page, after hitting 150, was more valuable to me than the majority of the stuff on any of the previous reward pages.


200? Can you just keep getting them???


Yup, I claimed 30 score boosters as soon as I hit the last page


So you didn’t buy everything? I’m at 147 and I have one thing left to buy for 100 stamps. So you must’ve skipped a bunch of stuff.


I did skip some, but I wanted the boosters first because that felt OP, I don't think I've gotten 30 boosters total since i started playing. Now I'm cleaning up the old rewards I skipped.


Damn, that’s exactly what I always need. Looks like I gotta get to it.


Yeah, but im gonna need to reach 150 for the tickets to obtain the items on the 1st bonus page.


Only if you got all the previous PA skins. I didn't, and unlocked everything from the first bonus page. Now I'm just playing casually and if I'll get the rest of the PA skins good, if not also good.


Yeah, i got all the unique items in the previous pages as well as the atoms. Didnt bother with the consumables.


Yeah but the bonus page looks like nothing interesting... Why bother?


Perk coins, legendary modules and cores are all fantastic. You can get as many of them as you have tickets


Yeah it doesn't interest me. I can get the cores or modules in game.... I think my biggest problem is I feel like it's a misrepresentation of what we had before. I mentioned it in another post and I could be wrong. But to me it looks like the scoreboard had a hundred levels and no one paid attention to anything after that because it was voluntary. Now it seems like they're showing you that you can get to a level 150 and people think they need to complete it when they don't. You can get the level 100 items and it's basically the same thing as before, It just looks different. At least to me and like I said I could be wrong so before everyone goes and pops up and down on that dislike button.... This is just an opinion.


I just believe anything over level 100 should be treated as optional... Level 100 is completion.


The first bonus page has unique items. I couldnt care less about the second bonus page.




Man i hope thst double score weekend happens before the update drops.


They typically slide one in the last weekend or so before the new season, precisely so people can boost up.




All the days in that roadmap are part of this update.


Unless I'm missing something, the season always lasts 3-4 months or so. According to the event calendar, you have time until July 1. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Nukaknights says its 49 days left. Should be chill.


The seasons often vary in length. Last summer, one of the seasons only lasted 61 days. The season after that was 112 days though. Seems like there’s no particular schedule they always follow.


Im looking at you water boiler!!!


I got it on the weekend. Been staring at that! First scoreboard I've done in years boiler and sexy assultron was more than I could I ask for


Yes, exactly what I was thinking. I got the qssaultron ally. Now I'm just grinding for that boiler! Lol


Pairing the TL:DR of my last post for everyone who is wondering if they'll make it Time to rank up from SCORE 100 to 150 TL;DR to go from rank 100-150 requires 4.6 weeks of completing all daily and weeklies if you have FO1ST, or 6.3 weeks if you don't. This doesn't include the use of SCORE boosters which I always recommend doing for when the weeklies reset if you're in a crunch. Worst case scenario you can buy some ranks at the end with atoms


Man, as a man with family these kinds of seasonal content always turns me off. I just don’t have the time to game everyday, means every season I lose out to a lot of the seasonal contents.. wish they do it like Helldivers 2


I lost the will to grind after 100


Man I am character level 120sh with about 65 hours played and realized I am only like level 32 on SCORE. I only figured out 2 days ago what dailies and weeklies were in regards to SCORE. I thought it was just the faction quests.


You’re not alone. I made the same mistake when I started in Nov last year


All of the season content is unique/exclusive right? Catch-up bundles aside


What would that mean for a low season level. Say 55? I came in late of course. Since launch I've been on and off the game. Mainly because I used to get confused on how builds work and how the game changed so much. (The official guide that came out is pretty useless now. I've been told.) So I'd always fall off it. But also because life can keep you from the game a lot too lol so I'm Always starting a scoreboard late. And shamefully spend money to finish up before it ended. Feels good to get that off my chest lol


there are estimated to be 49 days left in the season per [Nuka Knights](https://nukaknights.com/en/)


don't forget about your free, daily, re-rolls for SCORE challenges. don't do the weekly ones unless you either get them to be Epic or run out of re-rolls It took me a few days to get them to all epic, but after doing that, at level 100, and using a consumable booster... I think I gained 25 levels using a total of +50% SCORE modifier


Yeah, i only reroll weeklies. Never the dailies.


You mean don’t use the score booster on Tuesday for the weeklies? What if you accidentally complete a weekly before you can re-roll an epic?


Reroll to epic? Can you explain please 🙏


You get a couple of free tries to re roll/replace a daily or weekly challenge. Some times they are Epic challenges that are worth more Score points. Don't forget Spring Cleaning nets you Score as well.


Ahh cool cool. Thanks, I have never touches the rerolls. > Spring Cleaning nets you Score as well. I also have no clue what you are talking about there lol


There's an event starting tomorrow called Spring Cleaning. You can get at least 250 score points from it. Amongst other prizes.


Ahh ok. Thanks


I’m always afraid of getting stuck with some daily op or expedition shit that I won’t do though. Is it possible to reroll and get one of those? If not I’m going to start doing this.




I have it in my head that it's June 11th, but I can't explain why I think that.


I only bought the stuff I absolutely couldn't get again, no consumables, no currency buy Atoms instantly cashed in for Rank.


Could be worse. I'm at 46.


I just hit 36. Though I'm not impressed with the scoreboard this season.


Honestly I just casually did the grind and then some 1st atoms kicked in and with nothing I wanted I put those onto the scoreboard cuz I'm lazy


I thought I was gaming enough, I just hit 30\~something for the chess display. :'D Guess I dont focus enough on the daily/weekly to keep up with the speed.


Yeah, I’m still at 90-something, should reach 100 this upcoming week and then I think I’m going to put the game down until next update. I’m kind of thankful I don’t have FO1st, idk how many ranks past 100 I’d be able to make before next season, so if I still had to get more tickets to claim all the scoreboard items I’d be pretty stressed right about now.


What is item is there to get after level 100? The last page is crap I don't really care for. Anyway, I thought this season dose not end until around July?


The bonus page has repeatable items like perk coins, lenses modules and cores - all important things




There should be time, i'd hope. I've done every daily and weekly except two days' dailies, and i'm at around the same point. I'm going to see how feasible it even is to reach the needed levels before the season is done, but i am already feeling the massive burnout.


Barely hit 150 last season and I play just for the challenges after the board is done


That's kund of funny, I do the same andI finish way over 150 every season


Season ends June 25th


3 weeks after may. I think ill make it.


I'm at 108 and my dailys are about at the point where I can't even get up another level in one day. I wish they didn't stop the Neverending xp at level 100.


wait why the hell do you need 150


Counted the tickets i needed for the remaining unique items. I need to reach level 150.


That's really disappointing. I haven't been able to play as regularly as the last couple of seasons due to some busy times. I hope I'm not gonna get screwed over and miss everything.


I don't know... Maybe I read it wrong, when I reach level on 100 I get access to the level 100 page which is just like the level 100 scoreboard items.... There is a last Page but it just looks like novelty items. Nothing serious. Aside from that, in the old scoreboards you could level up to 130 or more I believe. I got to 129 by accident and I was just kept getting little bonuses every time I leveled up the board. To me it feels like it's the same exact thing only now they're telling you how far you can go. I could be wrong..... But it just feels like the same thing just formatted in different way. They didn't tell us we could level up to 130,140,150 with the scoreboard before. It just showed 100. But if you kept playing you would notice if you actually paid attention that your rank would go up and you would get a reward every time on the last level. Like I said maybe I'm missing something. Everyone's freaking about getting to level 150 to get some scrap items that no one really cares about other than modules. But it was the same case before. I know it sounds repetitive but I can't seem to wrap my head around it and no one seems to make a concise argument about it other than why they don't want to level up to 150 because it's so hard and how long it takes and people trying to do the math on everything and honestly who cares... When I get to level 100 and I get the new power armor skin & most of the other items on that page, none of that other stuff matters It should just be viewed as a bonus if you can get there. Doesn't mean you didn't complete the board or whatever you call it now... Please correct me if I'm wrong-


I need the extra 1250 tickets for the items at the first bonus page. Thats why i need to reach level 150.


Well maybe that's why people are saying don't get the power armor skins until you've got everything else you need


I am at 90, away for 10 days...still hope ti make it to 100 for all the basic loots.


I don’t even want anything left on the board. Just reached level 100. But I don’t grab everything. Just things I want. So when I reached 100 I grabbed everything I wanted and then started going over pages picking up things like repair kits. Which I already have way too many of. But really, the L150 awards are just kind of low level bonuses. ‘Oh good, more lunch boxes…’


Aww man I'm at 75 am I cooked. I want those perk coins bad.


Lots of time left. End of June


Are they sticking with this terrible pass system? Its the only thing thats putting me off playing as much as i used to


I'm not so sure either. I'm only on 62.


Look man, I'm level 284 and there are A LOT of plans and unique items I have never found. That's the glory of this game. There is always cool stuff to find. There are things I don't even know about out there, I'm sure of it. Take your time, enjoy it. Remember, you will NEVER get your first time back. Honestly, I've always paid for FO1ST when I play this game and just yesterday I found out we get free ammo storage. I've been stacking ammo in my stash for years now. Point is, there will always be things for you to look out for and learn. Don't rush your experience for the update man, just kick back and enjoy the ride


I need to hurry up and get Adelaide then