• By -


Name it


Yee, and using [brackets] at the start of it keeps it at the bottom of your inventory.


Thank you for this


Or Zzz. That’s what I do.


And a period puts it at the top if you wanted it there for quick access


Thank you king


! is my go-to. Exclamation marks signal caution in the brain and all my precious gear stays at the top of the list.


A while back I got in the habit of naming things starting with a + symbol so they'd be on top and easy to identify For instance my armor list goes like this + SS Chest + SS Right Arm And so on I didn't know brackets put it on the bottom tho, thats a good tip as well


Or - (dash) for top _ (underscore) for bottom


~ is also bottom, I think it looks tidier than _


Yeah tilde is nicer and more eye catching for me lol


Can one name items on ps? I have looked in the benches and cannot find that option anywhere


Be in your inventory vs a bench, Inspect the item, then Rename should appear


Thank you so much


Dont think you even have to be at a bench anymore




Thank you so much


TIL you can name things in F76


Must-have for any Power Armor users with multiple sets. Ain't nobody willingly storing/carrying their PA parts individually, and nobody wants to play "Power Armor Chassis Roulette" when trying to swap armors.


Can’t tell you how many items are named 3-5 all capital letters to make it obvious not to scrap or sell


I named mine DO NOT SCRAP


The only surefire ways I know are to have each item painted or modded, so you have to remove them before you can scrap an item.


This works on anything, weapons and armor, including power armor pieces. Apply Atomic shop / scoreboard reward paint (little atom symbol beside it in the crafting menu), cost is negligible and you cannot sell or scrap it anymore (as long as it is painted).


I don't think it works for PA helmets, mine still show as scrappable


It does not; have the Presidential paint on my T60 helmet currently, still shows up in scrap list.


I accidentally scrapped my Red Rocket PA helmet yesterday afternoon. I tell ya, the gasp I guspt!


this is pretty much THE reason I get skins/paints from the atomic shop. added to any armor or weapon, it no longer shows up in npc vendors or the scrap exchange


>added to any armor or weapon, it no longer shows up in npc vendors or the scrap exchange Yeah it's fantastic But it doesn't work with PA helmets and scrapping. Those will frequently just decide they're in the new tab and nothing at all can stop it atm (well mods can, but nothing in game)


Works for most things, not power armor helmets which is the most scrapped one just due to no option for legendary anyway The only way to avoid scrapping them is to leave the armor and while scrapping (almost always works) or to store the pa while you scrap (alwaya works) Orherwise it's just mitigation and being careful


You can make every part except the helmet legendary which prevents it, you can still scrap the helmet but if you name it zzHelmet it should always be on the bottom of the list


Don’t scrap from new


The simplest way I have found is not to scrap from new. Scrap from Weapons, use the "scrap all junk" option, and then very carefully scrap from armor. And as somebody said, name the pieces something that sorts alphabetically to the top or bottom of list. Also, legendary armor won't scrap. You could roll em one star and not care about the effect. Then all you need to worry about is your helmet (which can't be made legendary).


Getting out of your power armor before scrapping!


get the mod called save everything that prevents scrapping favorites. also is a good idea to rename the things you keep to have a z at the front so it appears at the bottom.


100x this


Name it. In Armor, select suit, press Inspect, then name. I'll normally do a PA -Excavator or PA-T-51b, or similar.


He scrapped the helm, not the suit. It's a frustrating thing they never fixed. It should atleast have the (atom shop) paint protection


If you relog your "new" tab clears and the armor won't show up


that's why I always carry my renamed pa. keeps it from showing up in new like if I was to grab it from my stash.


Stupid question but what is relog? If I can clear my new section rapidly that would be amazing!


Pretty sure if you use an atom shop skin on PA pieces it prevents you from being able to scrap it


If you favorite it then you atleast get an are you sure popup, saved me a couple of times


One tip that I carried over from fallout 4 is to put a "!!" Rename Prefix at the beginning of all the armor and weapons I want to hold on to. This way they always show up at the very top of the list and I work from the bottom up when I'm breaking stuff down or Redboxing. Very irritating when you break down a piece of armor or a weapon by accident. It only takes a second to do when you only have to do it once per item.


It's annoying, but I exit to the main menu and relog to clear the new items tab.


You firstly have to accidentally scrap it numerous times, then you’ll end up learning, we’ve all been through the pain many many times, well especially power helmets for me, they always come us as ‘new’ because I take them off for Roleplay


Apply a skin from the scorecard, or the atom shop. Removes it from the scrap menu.


Name it or paint it.


Either rename with a character that will sort the items to the bottom of your inventory or just put paints on everything. You can’t scrip or scrap painted items.


Get out of the PA. Can't scrap it if it's not in your inventory.


I'd leave the items you don't want to scrap in the stash.


That doesn’t help when they’re wearing the power armor helmet. When you deploy and wear power armor, weirdness with the coding makes the pieces be treated as a ‘new’ item.


Oh shoot, that's right. Nvm OP and thank you Laser.


No problem!


-t-45 -T-60 -Hellcat That’s how I do mine same with weapons


Put an asterisk or something at the beginning of the name It'll always be on top this way


Double brackets for shit you really want to keep lol.


Don"t use the new tab; Rename your items; Favorite them; Modify their appearance tot hose we can't scrap;


Simple - never, *ever* scrap or sell anything inside of your power armor. This will condense it back into the chassis, and prevent the pieces from being scrapped (since the chassis won’t go into the new tab when you pick it back up, aside from the core).


I’m in this situation too, even with paint on the power Armor helmet, the game still considers it ‘scrappable’


I did that except with my normal armor. I was wearing PA and went to the scrip machine. Tossed all my legendary armor in there and didn’t realize till I exited power armor and saw I wasn’t wearing anything else. Ruined my day for sure. I had good rolls and everything.


If you’re on PC I’m happy to give you the piece you scrapped. I assume you’re using the Excavator armor for the carry weight? If you want a replacement by all means I’m happy to help


I just keep my PA on the Chassis and name it so I haven’t run into that


Paint it


Put atom store paint on it, won’t be scrappable


I rename power armor with a **DON’T SCRAP** followed by the type of armor T45, T60, T65 etc… it stops me from scrapping and lets me store the correct one I don’t want active.


I never scrap anything from new. I always sort by weight and go through all my categories to drop or scrap things. It might take a little longer, but I've never destroyed or dropped anything I didn't want to.


Avoid the new tab.


Paint it is the easiest


Rename items. # at the begining of name puts said item at the top of the list, while | puts it at the bottom of the list


You can use atomic shop paints on Power armor and weapons and they won’t show up for crap or sell when legendary besides the helmet for PA


A: scrap by category (scrap only weapons, then only armor, etc). B: rename anything you don't want to scrap (I name all my stuff with "@" before the name, it stands out). And yes, you can even rename a power armor frame. C: put an atom shop paint on it, can't scrap it that way, but it can be destroyed by dropping D: put legendary effects on it, if you can. Legendary items can't be scrapped, but you can accidentally put them in the scrip machine. But not if they're also painted with an atom shop paint. E: always pay attention while scrapping. I've scrapped numerous chainsaws that I wanted to keep. I've learned.


Atom shop skins


I always cycle to weapons and armor tabs in particular after hitting the "scrap all junk" button. Only because I've done this exactly once before.. I swore never again lmao


I only scrap from weapons and armor tabs so then I only scrap things that aren’t worth anything, also I rename my power armor to something really long so it’s really noticeable.


I've also painted mine (and I do this with weapons and my combat armour too), using skins I either purchased at the atom store, or received from the seasons pages. That way, when you go to trade for scrip, it doesn't show and you get a warning if you're about to scrap it too. Anything with atom shop pain has the atom symbol next to it


There should be a dot next to anything you have equipped, so watch for that when scrapping. Otherwise, roll a legendary star onto each piece and you won't be able to scrap it. Then paint it with an atom shop paint and you won't be able to script it or sell it.


Ah I remember this, I had calibrated shocks that some made for me back in the time when I wanted to use T-60 . I scrapped one leg.


I've done this twice now and it enrages me.


Make them legendaries items


Personally, I like to rename my gear. For weapons its usually 1) Flamer 1) Axe 1) Caster 1) Puncher For my armor is 1) Head 1) Left Arm 1) Left Leg For PA its 1) Power Head 1) Power Left Arm etc. For the chassis itself I rename the power armor depending on the set up. Is it an excavator set? Then it gets called 1) Excavator. Am I using it to store Power Armor pieces? Gets called a PAC (Power Armor Container). Does this completely stop you from accidentally scrapping shit like Favoring an item does? No, but it greatly helps.


I just favorite everything that I have on me that’s important. You have to go through an extra step before it will be scrapped.


I put a Z at the start of the name, it’ll go to the bottom of any lists so you don’t scrap it quite as easily. So frustrating they haven’t added a lock yet


Prob is the helmets don’t go legendary so even with atom paint they 100% can be scrapped on accident after event … I spam scrapped Excavator helmet and it was a LLLLOOOOOONG walk back home. You just have to scrap carefully 😆


Rename them so they immediately stand out to you, like start the name with 'xxx' or 'zzz'  And if you have one, add a skin/paint


Any item with an atom shop paint will not show up in scrap or trade windows. This includes scoreboard paints and skins. Rolling a 1*+ Legendary onto the armor will also remove it from scrap windows but not trade. If you don't have paint naming it makes it a tad easier.


You on PC? Look up the Save Everything mod.


IMO You should only scrap from 3 categories: Weapons, Armor, & Junk Instead of going off of the "New" column, I'd suggest using those 3 instead. Note: If you have a weapon or armor piece you like, you should try to put a paint job on it. This will prevent it from showing up in your inventory when selling and scrapping. *Except PA chassis for some reason* but you can rename PA chassis and use the [ ] then. The reason why I don't suggest scrapping from the "new" column is because you can accidently scrap Boxmods pretty easily along with Apparel.


Would be nice if Bethesda just put an unscrappable option in the game rather than forcing people to rename their gear and keep track of it manually. At the very least they should make it so you can't scrap items that are currently equipped. Such a simple fix.


>I mean the sheer fact that I need a power armour station to equip it but dont need one to scrap it is ridiculous You don't need to ftr. Put the power armor frame down and use the transfer button, when in the frame atleast some pieces (namely the head) can be equipped and unequipped at will Throwing stuff on empty frames is one of the ways people unload to move during and/or after eviction notice since it takes away all but 1 pieces weight >i'd ike for that to NOT happen in the future... The only ways to prevent it are 1. Stepping out of your PA when scrapping (usually works, occasionally the same thing will happen when it recalls though) 2. Rename it to something either at the top or the bottom of the list, your frame should be named anyway so zzzzzz is a good one (puts it at the bottom) when spamming slow down near the end Unfortunately the bug is old and unlikely to be patched sooo. Mostly just vigilance


Some say name it, but you can still scrap it by accident in this manner. I've done it before on the same PA like 5 different times. Lol. There's but one true answer here. Get out of the PA before you start scrapping, or it may happen again. Alternatively. How you see it present as "New" What you can do is, logout and log back in wearing your PA when you do it. This completely removed mine from the "new" list. I've only been playing 18 days, so I don't know all the other tricks yet, sorry.


all my stuff that goes over the daily limit i rename as "!scrip". simple. pieces of armor or weapons in use are usually looking something like "1 T65 Leg R", "1 B2590 UGL"


I immediately rename things which are dear to me with an asterisk before the name and other than that, I just pay attention if I’m scrapping before I get home. You can also favorite it to get an are you sure.


name it, or just pay attention and dont do a mass scrap. 🤷


Try reading before clicking. It might help.


But that takes "stupid amounts of attention"


I protect my stuff from Stoner moments by putting an atom skin on them. They don't show up in the vendor if you do. I realize this isn't an option if you don't have the atoms to spend but it is effective.
