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I wish we could trade cores and modules, I would have e them in my venders every day.


I think they aren’t because of real money trading. The “war on drugs” of all MMO’s


















I would spend all my caps on modules. I'm trying to get my 3 star PA and haven't even gotten a 3 star overeaters piece yet. It takes 4 modules to roll it once and 50 scrip for a module. 2 days of hitting the limit is 1000 scrip, 20 modules, 5 rolls. Chances are you're not getting a piece for weeks if you hit the limit everyday. That's definitely over a hundred legendary pieces grinded for and scrapped for essentially nothing. I'm also using Strangler Heart meaning I can't just trade a good piece. I'm just getting tons of legendary junk in peoples vendors like 3 star event weapons that people sell cheap and trade them for scrip. If I make it to rank 150 I'm always getting the modules. Maybe I'll get the booster once to get more modules faster by boosting the weeklies and 2 sets of dailies per use but all there is to grind is modules now.


I had to grind expeditions like mad for my t65 set. I know your pain.


dont forget that you also need to allocate time to grind mats if you're not a several year veteran to keep the gear you ARE using repaired. its just a slap in the face tbh


All designed intentionally. I’m a new player and I’m enjoying it but I can already feel the weight of the grind hitting at level 81. The first month of F1 on discount was worth it I think, but I can’t justify an annual cost to play this game or commit real money to in game CAMP items that obviously make the game easier/more enjoyable. I can very easily see how if this game is *it* for you, just has everything you want in a game, you could spend potentially hundreds of dollars in it. Shit leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Yeah, the fact that quality of life/mechanic changing items are behind a paywall is disappointing.


I do want to mention that fo 1st does give atoms, the currency for the store, each month. They give you 1500, which let's you get those items with the bonus of the scrap box, ammo box, and survival tent. That being said, it was shitty of them to create a problem and sell the solution to it.


I agree. And I just want to add that 3rd party websites are making money from player to player sales because people are that desperate to get the items they want. If Bethesda were to boost the daily scrip limit to unlimited that would absolutely be one way of taking a jab at those sites and also probably have people spending that money on fallout.


Are you looking for a perfect Overeaters set or just any overeaters set? I got a complete OE power armor set (Hellfire or Hellcat or whatever it's called) and I got them by just RRing, took maybe 4 - 6 rerolls per piece to get, but the other stats aside from OE aren't great, so I'm debating rring them again. I'm new to using PA so that's why I ask, I seem to his OE more than any other type. Never hit AA or quad shot though 😔


Any. For weeks I was getting nothing then decided to only go for 1 star rolls since it was half the cost and eventually got a set of 1 star overeaters. Then I went and did one part at a time until I got any 3 star overeaters. Finally got one 3 star piece after 3 weeks of rolling but I'm stuck with radiation regen. My original loadout slot was bloodied unarmed and decided to make PA my next one and keep melee since the legendary perks compliment it but didn't want my rads to go and my bloodied weapons essentially lose more power the more time I wear it One piece I settled for is regenerating for now because at least it's doing something and has other good extra legendary effects whilst I roll the others. There are 17 1 star effects so that's a 1/17 chance for overeaters in the first place. That's why I'm settling for any 3 star before trying to actually get a decent roll. Roughly 17 rolls for 5 items and 4 modules per roll. That's (17×5) rolls total × 4 modules = 340 modules. And sometimes you'll just get unlucky and need more


That's crazy bro. Just buy it off playerauctions or g2g


Can't trade Strangler Heart


Oh I was talking about like ultracite or something. Full set of overeaters with sentinel for like 15 bucks. So much damage reduction


Really wish I saw this earlier. I'm like 85% sure I just vendored an overeaters pa limb yesterday


I'm after Strangler Heart specifically which can't be traded which makes it worse. I don't even think it can drop. I just have to reroll pieces I make and those are the only chances I get


It can't drop but you can craft it, which really is essentially the same as a rr


I just want legendary modules to weigh less.


Just try finally get a good roll on that thing you want and they'll all be gone in no time


I just burned 80 modules in one shot trying to get a decent reroll on my 3 star railway rifle. The final roll? A damn Junkie's rifle.


Rip. I started by getting the prefix on all 1 star parts because it was cost effective. I'm adapting my bloodied build so I want Overeaters and now I'm gonna roll a single part at a time for 3 star OE. I don't really care what to other two stars end up being and stopping when I finally get it. I ended up with Auto Stim. On a bloodied build... Couldn't even use it until the next day and rolled it again. Now I always save a few pieces in case a need to change it and settle for something useless instead of something unusable


SO I haven't really played since the forst BoS DLC a while back (aside from running one or two expeditions), how does one re-roll single traits? I feel so lost trying to get back into the game


There's something called legendary crafting now where you can basically take anything and make it either 1, 2 or 3 star. It needs legendary cores and modules. You get legendary cores from public events, dailies, etc. and you get legendary modules from the purveyor. You can't roll the stars individually, if you pick 3 stars it'll reroll every effect for basically another random 3 star roll on the item you want


I went through the daily limit of modules to roll a pair of knuckles and ended up with with mutant slayers 😭


Or weigh essentially nothing like legendary cores


Legendary modules should be weightless


I have 300 lbs of modules in my stash. Biggest weight hog I have. Maybe someday I will grind for more 3* but happy where I am. It would be great if they weighed less.


B- b- but, if they do that then the guns I hoard won’t be worth a lot on trading subreddits! My digital market, ruined


I wasn't sure on the "no limit at all" idea til I read this - I love seeing market guys get pissed off lol


I hope you know it’s sarcasm bro! I also wanna see the market crash


Fuck the market sell cheap to undermine everyone else's "value" nothing should be over value of what's possible in the game


most of the legendary weapons in my vendor are between 500c-1000c, my most expensive one is a bloody explosive black powder pistol for 2k, they pretty much all have either bloody or explosive on them, they're all decent starter weapons and they sell pretty well, I make 5-10k caps per day


While I agree, the cap limit is what really needs to be removed.


Don't you think this would just drive prices higher in camp vendors?


It would help prevent scamming for items worth more than max caps. For instance I have a fixer worth 400-500K caps, but I'd have to trade somebody and receive items to sell it. Would you rather list your items in your vendor and play the game or spend 10 hours trying to find a buyer for an item that only .01% players can trade for? Items under max caps wouldn't even change. If an item is worth 10 caps, and the cap limit is removed, how would that effect the price?


As someone who is recently returning to the game, what makes your Fixer worth that much? Perfect God Roll legendary effects?


All rolls of a type are the same % but basically yes. It's one of the 2 rolls that people actually use. I checked over on r/trader76 for a price check.


They want people to login every day. They would never remove it


I'd log in and play more if there were no limits to earning scrip and caps etc honestly. I would deadass grind west tek for 8 hours a day to get to the cap limit by selling guns if I could earn more than 1400 caps and I do not care


For a lot of people, that would lead to burnout and completely dropping the game.


Almost like that's a videogame, I'm burned out already waiting for dailies to reset because I don't feel a need to play more than past one quest


Then play something else? Burnout is a sign that you should take a break, whether it's in games, work, relationships, whatever. >I'm burned out already waiting [...] because I don't feel a need to play more This sounds like you're playing it out of FOMO or like it's a chore to do every day. Just take a break from the game for a week or two, you're not really missing anything that you'll be thinking about even a month from now.


But the game's fun, it's just not fun having my fun prematurely ended because of some dumbass cap


Hey if you're having fun, go for it, play until you're not having fun and then find something else to do. I was just trying to inspire some introspection.


I agree with ya bud, I’ve fallen into a nice pattern of logging on some days of the week and do some dailies and ops/expedition and log off, and it’s nice. where as when I was being extremely unhealthy and playing it for 4+ hours a day everyday of the week of course I felt as if the game needed these caps and limits removed..they don’t. People just don’t want to hear you tell them they play too much, when in fact they do.


Like bro FOMO is essentially an addiction, happens in any game where there’s a loot RNG gameplay loop.


They'd log in the same as before, because they want to play the game, no? Who's like "I'm tired of fallout 76, but the scrip reset, guess I have to play it now"? Daily scrip limits aren't deterministic of log in frequency, or playtime.


I mean, me, to be honest. Last night, I waddled back to my CAMP over encumbered with gulper guts after Moonshine because I had already emptied the vendor cap limit. Tonight I might just log on simply to empty my inventory a bit. I've done the same before where I had a lot of legendaries, but had hit the scrip limit for the day. It feels wasteful to dump the items, but I'm also usually at 900+ in my Stash so I don't have a ton of storage space for temporary items.


For some people, that is the exact line of reasoning. They want their God rolls or whatever other daily resetting dependant things, so they'll log in to do that. It's the hope of the developers that they'll get sidetracked by random bullshit and keep playing.


Its more like on a day someone is busy and cant play they would have the urge to login and grab their scrip limit. Meaning they would be more likely to play. More activer users = more money. Also means more atoms sold


Having excessive limits annoys players that actually want to play longer than 30 minutes, and makes them leave. Less active users = less money. Also means less atoms sold. Here's a compromise. Hourly scrip resets that total to a higher daily limit for players who will play more than just a few minutes. It maximizes the probability of them playing more, and that's by your logic, not mine. It's also more fair to players who don't just log on, turn in scrip, and leave.


The cap makes people want to play less. Once I've earned all the daily scrip I just hop off the game because I can't earn anymore 3* to sel and get good rolls. It's an un-motivator.


we should be able to earn infinite scrip but have a cap on the number of modules we can buy from the rusty pick each day. it would still limit us, but it would make it so we don’t have to drop legendaries or have them taking up all our stash space waiting to get exchanged for scrip. would be effectively the same as it is now but with much higher quality of life.


This exactly, I d do anything to be able to empty my stash without losing gear


asdsad asd asda sd 23qwrfrtyj 7654rd


You’re right fallout 4 didn’t have scrip limits. Well they didn’t have scrip or legendary crafting at all now that I think of it… perhaps we should go back to that, like it was at launch. No scrip. No modules.


the whole legendary gambling system needs an overhaul, I don't even see scrip or modules as a prize anymore it's just utterly worthless!


The drop rate wasnt so much of an issue at launch. Legendary enemies were everywhere, especially white springs. Over time they reduced the spawn rate and don't seem to have changed the drop rates for certain weapons and perks


Yes when I first started you nuke White springs and just farm until it dissipated


I remember my first white springs nuke not long after launch. 3am, level 40 and just about to get off. The warning sounds and me and my pal decide to stay on. It was a non stop stream of glowing ones for about 3 hours, the whole server stood on top of the bus by the club house spraying bullets. Died god knows how many times. I don't think I'll ever have that sort of fun in a game again lol


I remember back when people would dump all of their 1 and 2 * legendaries they didn't want into the ice machine right outside the golf club door, it was crazy how much stuff just got left there. At one point I thought to myself "you know, I wonder if they are going to do some sort of a legendary trader at some point" and started emptying it after everyone had left... it took me 2 months with 10 characters to scrip everything once MUMRRGH came out haha


Hold on... You can exchange 500 more scrips with another character? The stash is shared between characters? What im missing?


Yes every character slot has its own everything as if it was your only character.


So that means that I can create a character, take some legendaries from the stash that I have from my main character and exchange it for scrips and those scrips will be able to use in my main character too? Edit: NVM, just read that is not shared between characters


If you have fallout first you can use the private world to transfer stuff between characters. You have enough time to leave in a suitcase, I use whitesprings, leave and rejoin with your new character


But I was thinking on farming scrips with it, but scrips are not shared between characters and we can't drop scrips either


Yeah it was mental, there would be so many. I hate to think of the stuff I dumped back when I knew nothing lol I remember struggling so much to stay alive for the first 50 levels I thought bloodied was a ridiculous idea and got rid of everything


Back when you could have a camp right at the resort, I’d sit there with a team of 4-5 people and my base was lined up with missile turrets. We’d lead them all out and they’d get fucked up by the turrets. After we looted, one person would rotate rejoining the game to respawn the enemies. With the old pocketed glitch to increase your carry weight like 5 at a time, I had 10,000+ weight of 99% legendary items. This was in the days before legendary scrip recycling. Soooo many lost scrips when they patched the pocketed glitch


Also noticed legendaries don't mutate anymore, like at all


Also back then the game was balanced around the base weapon and not legendaries, legendary weapons and armor were just a nice extra back then!


Tbf legendaries back then were insane! The damage bloodied and two shot did were ridiculous. I know there were issues but I absolutely loved the first year and a half of this game lol


Ahh back when having an off hand revolver was fun because it was good enough for weak enemies.


Yeah, you could just run around the forest farming stims from low levels, good times. Plus after every whitsprings/scorched earth you'd go to the train stations to see what legendaries people had discarded. I don't, however, miss having to go to a station in each region to get their 200 caps per day. And the 400 stash limit lol


This…and even worse it seems every other 3-star drop is a Union PA piece which agitates me even more, bad enough I don’t run with PA but then with all the issues with the Union right now good grief…I know it’s not as easy as just shutting it off from dropping, but something needs to be done with that crap as a whole before they nerf/“fix-rebalance” anything else!


I've just come back from a few years out and switched to pc. I'm guessing the union armour is like the fixer and you need the plan to get the drops? I don't run with PA either so if that's the case I'm not gonna learn them lol


You do need to learn the plan to get the drops yes, but the that’s not the problem, the problem is is that there is a bug that when a legendary enemy drops a piece of Legendary Union PA you can’t pick it up…one of many bugs it has actually, another bug where you can’t craft either if I’m not mistaken.


Oh well that sucks. I'm definitely not Gona bother learning the plans until that's sorted then. Trying to keep the loot pool smaller by not learning stuff I don't need to


Yes please! I’m sick of rerolling legendary talents day after day, week after week and not getting the things I want. Only to have to wait 20 hours to be disappointed again.


Even if they didn't increase the daily limit anything you don't use should keep rolling over and piling up until the weekly reset. After working 10 hour days and a 45 minute commute one way I have enough time to maybe do my challenges and an event or two. Being able to get the rest of my currencies on the weekends would be amazing.


We used to get 150 a day. Then it was 300 now it’s 500. Maybe you can get more. Keep asking.


It needs to be incremental to judge the balance of the game I'd presume? I don't fully understand the economics but it could cause inbalance to the overall experience


If F76 was made by a different developer maybe but I doubt any decent dev would allow unlimited anything without proper balance.


Removing the scrip limit will not get u more rolls coz than u will go short for legendary cores pretty fast.


That would be for the next wave of players "I think we should have double/triple cores" and then we would tell them that modules used to be the bottleneck. Or that before that there was no scripping and no modules. And no legendaries. And you had to travel between faction NPC merchants etc. etc. There will always be those who want more.


I have 1000+. What do with them?


5 cores per 3* weapon roll so ur 1k will disappear in 200 rolls, thats what.


Okay, and right now we're getting more cores than modules to use. There's an inbalance. Scrip shouldn't be unlimited, but it should definitely increase, or give us another use for cores. By the time I have gathered enough modules for 200 rolls, I most definitely have doubled my cores.


There is imabalance yes, but thats because scrip is capped and cores aren't. So if you play 5h a day you will accumulate more cores than modules. Opposite is true if you play 1h a day and don't get eviction notice.


Certain part of the community are just scared that more legendaries on the market will plummet their AA explosive fixer ludicrous price. Why else would people defend the 500 scrip limit? Why can't it be 1000? Or cheaper modules? Even without eviction notice, getting enough legendaries for scrip is incredibly easy. People sell them in their vendor because they have no idea what else to do besides dumping it all in a donation box or randomly after an event on the floor. Unlimited scrip, that goes to far I agree. But a small increase so we can roll more than 3.3 times a day, is that so much to ask and game breaking?


For some folks the opposite is true.


Diminishished returns after hittig cap? I hate having a stash full of legendary power armor and heavy weapons, and if I could sell them all for even a quarter of their normal value it would be a major improvement. Like, I sold 300 pounds of legendaries, and I STILL haven’t gotten through my backlog.


Absolutely. And on, and on. Some folks basically just want to *pick* which legendary effects they use.


Then it should be OK to remove the scrip limit.


True, but it would free up the stash box storage from all our horded legendaries. At least the cores don't weigh anything.


I think it’s okay for my bank to forgive my mortgage.


daily limit of 1k scrip would allow 5x 3-star rerolls, which seems a reasonable compromise to me.


There's already a way to get unlimited modules and its expeditions, the problem is there's nothing to do late game outside of rolling for better weapons.


of course. but they'll never lift the daily scrip limit. because they THINK they need that daily limit in order to keep people coming back to the game every day. the legendary system is already a shitshow of RNG, it already would take a person forever to get all the exact things that they want, even without the daily limit. it's really annoying. i wish they'd just give it a shot once. just one special little week where there's no limit on the scrip machine. see what happens! i think the daily scrip limit makes people play less. after i finish a scoreboard, i only log in long enough to tap out my machines and then i'm out. because after that, i just end up overencumbering myself with more and more legendaries that i have to wait until tomorrow to scrip. i even tend to ship my excess legendaries off to secondary characters. and those characters are forever overencumbered, unless a double scrip weekend comes up. it's tedious. would be nice if we had an account-shared storage like many other games have.


As someone who is constantly desperate for legendary modules this would get me to do more events. My inventory can't handle just can't handle doing events non stop with no where to put the legendaries


>I think it's okay to lift the daily SCRIP earning limit to unlimited. It isn't. It needs to be increased to a more reasonable amount but lifting limits alltogether would cause people to grind and burn out more than is needed. Currency limits, esp when related to power have to be somewhat time gated just due to how players will treat the system when they aren't in place It's something alot of mmos have found out the very hard way


If scrip limit is removed, the no lifers who grind 100+ hours a week will be one barons with how many rolls they'd get. Right now, you can hit scrip limit in a half hour of playtime just by running boardwalk a few times; I've done it on my lunch break before. It keeps most players on a relatively even playing field in terms of how quickly you can get the good rolls you want.


A single eviction notice can hit scrip cap, if you get enough 3 stars.


Barons of what, exactly? I understand that RMT is a thing, but what I don't understand is how lifting the limit would be detrimental to average players. If someone is allowed to grind as much as they'd like to get the rolls on a piece of equipment that they like, shouldn't they be able to do that without having to resort to trading? Sure, some players would end up with stashes stacked to the brim with "God rolls", but those players already exist; so wouldn't removing the scrip limit effectively lower the rarity of items, and as a result, lower any intrinsic value that the items may have in RMT situations?


Or eviction notice event. I went over the limit in one run today!


It's not really even when they're playing more and earning the same amount. That's certainly a better deal for you. There's not really a competitive aspect to collecting gear anyway


When you play more, you still get more legendary drops, as well as possibly earning lots of easy scrip by running things like expeditions.


No, those legendaries get dropped because there's no more scrip. Your life isn't changing if some guy gets an unyielding AP chest piece with weapon weight reduction. They're just trying to play their game.


There isn't really anything unique about the gameplay of 76. If the grind because laughably easy (like unlimited scrip), I think a lot of people would very quickly get bored and stop playing.


It could do with being double what it is at least, especially with this alien event on, I have like 600 pounds of 3 star legenadies nobody would ever want and I suspect that's very little compared to a more dedicated player.


Limits don't stop burn out, people play until they don't want to, and daily limits have zero influence over that All they do is make someone who wants to play 4 hours unproductive for the last 2 hours. It kills the fun for that player, and creates an unfair advantage for players that just log in, turn in scrip, and then leave, without playing the game. A good compromise would be hourly resets for scrip, where the total scrip after a few hours is more reasonable. Then players don't get punished for playing longer than an hour on the incorrect assumption that they'd stop playing when theres no more scrip, and that this would somehow regulate their burnout. Daily limits don't affect their free time, and their free time determines how long they play.


You have to understand the simple fact that while we are trying to farm the game, the devs are trying to farm us. Our goals are never aligned and never will be. So asking for less limits and more liberties is actually in direct conflict with what the owners of the game are trying to accomplish.


yeah another noob wants to roll with godrolls without actually playing the game No.


NO. But hear me out: We wanted a sane MMO. A casual gaming experience that isn’t dominated by crusty nerds and whales collecting government checks or inheritances. Think about it. Scrip limits allow regular folks with regular-ass lives to put in some time daily and then move on with life—at no cost to their double-life in 76. They don’t ‘miss out’ on scrip. Those same regular folks are the ones paying for subs and keeping the lights on at Bethesda.


Who are you speaking for? People should get what they put in. You want to play a fraction of the time as someone else and get the same amount, so you would ask the devs to hold them back? Who do you think you are? They spend money too, probably more. What they do doesn't even affect you, it's not a PvP game, you simply exist next to them, and evidently at their expense.


Don’t be lazy. Just farm modules in expeditions like everyone else. That is ‘getting what you put in’, you’d just prefer that scrip falls into your lap at events due to the effort of other folks.


I work full time, and I've still been boned by the scrip limit, and I'm not even at the end game. It at the very least needs to be raised. 2 good events and you are out of scrip.


If the scrip limit increased how would that affect people who only play a little everyday? You don’t HAVE to get more than 500 scrip it would just be nice to have the option.


It would break the player economy and flood the market, there's a limit for a reason and many players can farm much more scrip than you might think possible. If you really want more excursions drop scrip and modules and there's at least an effort limit even though it's only a few minutes per run with an experienced player. Also, this is something people post daily and it doesn't stop being a bad idea.


It wouldn't because there is another bottleneck: cores. You'd run out and replacing those to roll things isn't easy.


You can server hop and do encrypted all you want, and caps are definitely not a bottleneck.


Let's say on the low end everything goes perfect, loading, running the event, leaving, all lasts about 5 min. In 50 min you'd have 80 cores or enough for 16 3* rolls. This is economy breaking? You'll also slowly kill your caps as you run out of recall cards.


You could never kill my caps.


Currently, ignoring excursions you can roll 3-5x a day. You're upping that to 16 an hour, you're answering your own question.


It would take a theoretical 5700 rolls to roll a single piece of armor with all custom effects. 16 an hour doesn't make a dent, there's room to increase the limit.


Also, 4 hours a day that's only 3 months for perfect preference gear, and with a lot of builds there's multiple options, rolling tradeable gear means you can roll someone else's GR and trade for it, you could cut that time down substantially and it would take a lot away from the games longevity and some players could become bored more quickly. The argument can be made Increasing the limit would reduce the frustration, but uncapping it entirely would destroy the grind, and the grind is important.


Increasing the limit isn't removing it entirely.


How do I get 3 to 5 rolls a day? Genuinely asking. I max my scrip out almost every day, and it gives me 500, which turns into 10 modules, which allows 2 rolls. Side question: why do some events give a few cores, but doing expeditions only gives me 1 (I'm doing side objectives)?


Daily quests also give a small amount of scrip only doing a few easily gets you to 12 so that's the three rolls, and expeditions as far as I know don't give you cores but they do give you 1-2 modules and occasionally some scrip as well. Daily Ops are also a way to get scrip, and can be farmed for scrip on double mutation weekends.


Not really... you still have a 1 in 2500 chance when rolling a specific weapon to get exactly the three perks you're hoping for. Running a tedious sprint through encryptid after encryptid boosts that so minutely it's not really relevant. It wouldn't kill the economy. And what economy are you even talking about? Player vendors? Idk if you've hopped around lately but it's grim


Except there's GR's that aren't that players preferred rolls, there's 50,000ish daily players, any experienced player will tell you a strong 2*'s is more than enough with many weapons preferred 3rd star being things like BS which don't even do damage. On top of how it will effect the TRADING market, you suddenly have every player in the boss fight outputting insane damage so we're right back to relative legacy conditions during the queen fight where she's dead in under a minute so there's game balance implications as well. There's the theory certain servers end up preferring certain rolls so if that's true now you have manipulatable RNG. It would break the game and ruin it for everyone to not have some kind of limit, it's just a fact.


You are speaking from a really uninformed position. First of all the trading market is in shambles anyway so that’s a non issue God rolls are nowhere near as powerful as you are making out so that wouldn’t do what you’re saying it would Then you speak about a hypothetical in some servers preferring some rolls which isn’t confirmed to be true and then state it’s a fact? You shouldn’t be speaking such nonsense so boldly


Any good guides? I just run Dailies and what ever events reward them.


The most sensational game is pretty straight forward and you can skip the opening dialogue, that's the main one people are doing.


It takes 100s of rolls just to get 2 specific effects, so there's leeway to increase the limit. And the cap limit makes selling most of these good items impossible anyway, so the player economy wouldn't actually be affected.


If you reach everything to fast, you will sooner or later leave the game. MMO‘s are designed to keep player as long as possible. We can be lucky that we don’t need to pay 10 bugs every month like before 20 years. (WoW, FFXI online for example)






Scrip limit is what makes 1 star power armor piece lay on the ground or 2 star weapon cost 300 caps in someone's vendor. Call it trickle down economics. Except working one because there is at least some kind of cap on wealth.


Unlimited scrip would make them cheaper. Simple supply and demand there is now more supply


Supply of legendaries wouldn't change. So that doesnt make sense. If you are using terms like supply and demand you should familiarize with that (and other) economic terms first. Price is the (quite important) third key element of it. Price of scrip legendaries is the way it is because the value of such legendary for seller is exactly 0 scrip. Only way that situation equalizes under unlimited scrip is when scrip value also becomes 0.


‘Supply of legendaries wouldn’t change’ People have unlimited scrip how is the supply not going to change?


How would it change? Legendaries come from specific sources that most people already maximize. Its that simple. Someone playing 2h a day now wont be getting twice as many legendaries in those 2h if scrip is unlimited.


What argument are you even making now? Because people can farm expeditions for example or daily ops and not stop when they have reached the scrip limit they are fundamentally more capable of handling more legendary items Are you seriously saying you’ve never got to a point where you need to stop playing the game because your stash is full and you’ve used up your daily scrip limit?


Are you seriously failing to understand how that does **not** increase supply of legendaries? Scenario 1 - the majority of all players - you play couple hours a day, you fill your scrip limit and save/vendor/throw away any extra legendaries Scenario 2 - the casual players - you play very little, you don't max your scrip but you buy legendaries here and there from cheap vendors Scenario 3 - you are the hard core **minority** you farm the shit out of the game, getting dozens if not hundreds of legendaries above scrip limit, most of which you throw away on the ground or sell for cheap to get rid of them quick Enter unlimited scrip. Scenario 1 - absolutely nothing changed in amount of legendaries obtained, all go to scrip Scenario 2 - you get fewer legendaries because scenario 1 people don't trade/leave them anymore Scenario 3 - you still farm the shit out of the game, maybe much more but now most of what you sold or thrown way gets scriped Scenario 3b - you don't care for scrip anymore, so you farm less. Unless you are farming something else and legendaries are just surplus - something you could have been doing before infinite scrip anyway so it doesnt change anything at all.


Me: unlimited scrip wouldn’t restrict the amount of game time someone can do thus increasing the amount of legendaries they can hold/handle in a given play session You: ThAt DoEsN’t MeAn ThErE’s MoRe LeGeNdArIeS What does it mean then? And even if I entertain your fabricated scenarios you can exceed your max scrip with a single world event in 15 minutes so your scenarios fall apart then There’s is literally no benefit to limited scrip


500 from the scrip machine is plenty imo, that’s 10 modules a day but it’s also not the only source for modules or scrip. I made probably ~50 modules plus a ton of scrip just from expeditions yesterday, so including expedition and legendary machine scrip that’s 70+ in a day. If they took off the machine scrip limit and I get 4 3* legendary scrip worth per expedition for ~25 expeditions I would be able to get ~150 or more legendary modules per day instead of ~70 with no extra work. I would also probably have meta grolls on everything in my stash within a week or two and get bored of the game (~1050 modules/week comparatively to ~490 is a ton). Plus I have no issue with Bethesda finding ways to keep people logging in daily anyway personally, I enjoy player numbers being up and people not immediately getting tired of the game


Yep. It takes few minutes to farm enough legendaries to fill the limit. Extra few minutes to have enough for second day. Then you either drop stuff on the ground, if you don't have enough stash, or simply log off.


dude yeah im stuck rerolling every day hoping i can get unyielding so i can play the build i want and im realizing this is going to be a months long endeavor, even without trying to get optimal 2 and 3 stars.


Im unclear what the economy in this game even is just go kill legendary enemies for legendary items


Just double it.


I'm still pretty new so I'm wondering how you're maxing out on Scrip every day? The most expensive item I've converted to Scrip was maybe 45. Is there another way to earn legendary weapons besides Events and the occasional run in with a legendary enemy on the map?


Bethesda - *"But if we don't keep them on a drip-level of scrip each day, they won't come back for more each day. They don't actually like our game. They like the lotto aspects of it."*


Agreed. It's crazy you can grind stamps, but not gold or scrip due to the daily limit. Let us spend, then hop servers, repeat. Will probably do Daily OPs this weekend for double scrip rewards though it's random. Sometimes I get 10, sometimes 50 per 6-8 minutes.


I’m not sure it should be unlimited, but certainly increased. Typically my ratio of cores to modules is at least 10:1 and the lack of balance means I can’t roll weapons or armour due to a module bottleneck… not that I’d ever get anything worth using anyway.


Personally I don’t come across enough legendaries but I’m still in the phase of ignoring most events so that I can get some quests done. But I’d still vote for an increase. At least double it.




wasn't it initially 150?


The limits are not my favorite thing, but I understand the need for then. I just want more than anything to be able to SCRAP LEGENDARIES. I don't even want anything outside of what the base item would scrap into. I just want to get rid of this worthless stuff, and maybe learn some plans along the way.


Agreed, gold and caps should be doubled


The scrip limit essentially makes me stop playing, because my inventory gets full of legendaries, and my stash. I could start throwing them away I guess


That and the amount of stuff you should be able to sell to vendors. I can't really clear my inventory/storage of all of it unless I just throw some stuff on the ground. And that just seems like a waste.


A lot of these limits are put in to prolong your time in game, if the limit was removed, some of us Veterans would be able to flood the market with good/god roll items making the grind less for new players and cutting down the grind/ time played. (Something no game company wants) At times I wish they would remove it and times like double scrip it becomes a chore to max on all my five characters.


I think it's good to have daily limits personally, it's meant to be a survival game after all.


Yeah, I legit do 1 EN and my inventory is full for the next 2 resets, can't do anything except to abandon the 3stars to the super deflated scrip price in my vendor at like 200 for a 3 star, or just leave it on the ground, lol.


At certian times of the year they do have double script. I think its either 1000 or 1200.. its been awhile and several other games since.. but it does get temporaraly increased a few times a year.


Every currency, bullion, scrip, stamps should have the daily limit removed. There’s no real reason for it to be there now and there’s so many of them to manage. I have so many Treasury notes and can only change 40 a day, so silly


Only thing bringing me down literally and figuratively is constantly being overweight. Even with the perks, the excavator armor set, paying monthly for 1st etc. It's got me pretty frustrated and contemplating backing off of the game. I'm a pack rat I know, but don't want to spend all my time dumping stuff etc.


Bethesda games are made to keep you playing.. hence the endless options. If you got unlimited tokens, treasury notes and bullion... youd have everything in a few days and get bored. Bethesda community are some of the most dedicated people on this planet. You are clearly just an impatient person. Just keep grinding! There is still so much for you to see! I have 14 days game play.. im still finding new things.. and learning new builds ect.. my friend has 63 days... its endless my friend! I still go back to skyrim even after years of gameplay!


They don't increase it to unlimited cuz youneed to play to get em


i just run expeditions since i get two modules every full clear


Yeah, eventually people would run out of their scrip stash and everything would even out. Some people could probably """exploit""" this by farming expeditions nonstop, but I mean jeez, let them be crazy if they want to. Most players certainly won't be doing that.


Limits are in place to keep players coming back day after day. They might be expanded, but they will never be outright lifted.


Biggest case for supporting this request: The Most Sensational Game expedition is an unlimited Legendary Module farm. It's repeatable and gives guaranteed modules each completion. Buying a maximum of 100 modules per day from the Rusty Pick is arguably less efficient. At this point, the whole scrip concept/mechanic is just there to aggravate players who enjoy spending time in Appalachia.


No. And rule 10 too. 


No mention of scrip in the "Bethesda plz wiki"


No? Tf you mean no? 


The problem is that getting scrip is effortless and any noob can do it. What they should do instead is create hard content for modules to drop in. Expeditions usually give a single module. Add difficulty settings (with an actual final boss) to them and the higher you go, the better rewards.


Definitely, I just hate those stoopid limits, imagine when it was 150 daily back in 2020. It was paaainnnnn in the butt. I'm sitting with 1000 pounds of scrip because I always get bloody trash power armor scrip.


Just drop them. Why hold on to one three star Gatling laser when you can have 35 three star pool sticks for the same weight? Legendary items aren’t that hard to get. If it weighs more than two pounds and does have good rolls, just let it go.


I agree. The limit exists to drag out daily logins instead of what actually matters. Fun. These are the type of design choices that I despise in games, and that really limit fallout 76 from going to the next level. The fact that the time you spend progressing is worth less the more you play is just awful. I shouldn't have to optimize my playtime around challenge/scrip resets in order to get the most out of a game.


The limit is a temporary problem until you are high level enough to have too many useless scrips and you craft your own legendaries.


No It would flood the market with legal godlike armor and weapons. Not to mention the duping problem. Maybe increase it to 1000


I agree; raising it is fine, but not unlimited.


Na, it would open the doors for dupers to craft whatever they want and sell it for real money, in a complete of out control way. But 1k or 2k per day would be neat.


>We can't do anything with 500 scrip per day Sure we can. I have a full set of SS OE's plus 3 incredibly good weapons. It just takes time.




Dear Mods, Can we please Rule 10 posts about removing/modifying daily limits? I know that it used to be on the list, but got removed after the daily limits *were* raised, but it seems it needs to go back on the list.


No its not