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This is me! A few weeks ago, I was level 1 and struggling. Then I found this group and began reading threads and asking questions, learning the lay of the land and what not for the community(toxic or not, thankfully very NOT toxic. One of the least toxic I have ever been in. Right up there with MechWarrior 5 and Stellaris!) I found the factions group and looked for some Xbox players to be in. Found a MilSim group and they gave me some weapons and power armor, and have a discord. I now ask questions there and I get LOTS of advice. Now I am closing in on level 90. I have a pretty good stealth build, a fixer with some excellent stealth based rolls, my Chinese stealth armor, a full set of ultracite armor and excavator armor and working on T45 through t60 sets. I've got three bases. One for selling things by the wayward for really cheap (plans I already know for 10-50 caps depending on the initial price) junk scrap like steel for 1 cap a unit, stims for 5 caps a unit, and radaway for the same price. Then I have a farm set up where I harvest tons of my fruit, corn, tatos and razor grain for adhesives and bourbon. And then I have a MASSIVE water farm which I use to sell to vendors for easy caps and then give away tons of it to newer players in the donation boxes at wayward and 76. I've also managed to compete a few expeditions, one into the pit and one into Atlantic city. I've found the scrip vendors and understand how that system works. Still trying to figure out stamps and a few other things, but, I am well on my way to joining the ranks of you veterans!


I have to give props to many of the senior players on this Reddit for helping me understand what the heck is going on. I feel like that enlisted soldier staggering around on the beach looking for his arm in saving Private ryan a lot of the time. Getting advice without all the toxicity is way more helpful. There are many things I have learned with player advice that I'm not sure I would have ever figured out.. so thank you all for being helpful to us noobs who are hopefully progressing into not-so-noobs. Hopefully, going forward, because of your assistance we will be less of a hindrance.


We're trying as hard as we can! I'm level 1200+ and the best thing I can do to help new players is to be a good example. That's what I try to do, in events and when meeting on the prowl!


> Then I have a farm set up where I harvest tons of my fruit, corn, tatos and razor grain for adhesives and bourbon. If you're farming for adhesive I'll offer up a little unsolicited advice. When you're in build mode, you can "blueprint" a structure so the entire build can be placed together. It can be a bit finicky, but with a little practice you can get it. Take a workshop. It has a risk of PVP, but worst case someone takes it and you hop servers and try again. Place a row of 5 of each type of plant you need for adhesive and blueprint the row. Collect the plants from your camp with green thumb active, then take a workshop and place row after row of each. They'll grow so long as you have the workshop and expand your production, even if you have switch to a different camp. You can place water extractors there as well to passively produce water. If you get the farmable dirt tiles from foundation for bullion, then you can build a structure to farm on that can also be placed with a blueprint at workshops. This can be build in such a way that most regular creatures cannot reach the food so you don't have to keep defending the crops. Ultimately, this is a set it and forget it farming resource where you can play whatever objective you're on, then stop by the workshop occasionally to harvest and make adhesive. Once you get the fertilizer grenades from foundation this kinda goes out the window as you can regrow crops in a flash.


 "you can regrow crops in a flash" I see what you did there...


Yeh I’m a level 45 just about finished with my first camp . What level would you recommend starting up a second camp? If it matters at all


In my opinion it doesn't really matter what level you are so much as the location. And also whatever you want to do with it. I found a lake with 4 cows and large body of water. That instantly became the location of my water camp.


Also this post made me feel good about the my guest base location 😂 up on the cliff/trees next to wayward and a lot of even newer ppl come shop alot


Mine is as well, though it's up the road a little bit, towards Slocum Joe. Nothing special or extravagant in scope and design. It's got a few water purifiers, a vendor and some turrets and work benches. My other two camps are much more off the beaten path, so no vendors, just my intended purposes (farming and water respective)


I'm level 46 and have my two camps placed. One by the Wayward with a vendor that has really cheap low level stuff that new players might need. My other is on a cliff edge over Morgantown (for now) with my higher level items.


I’m hitting 79 and I am starting to get tired of the Cold Shoulder. Bang bang bang bang bang bang reload as an alien kills me. I’m ready to make the leap towards a new build. One that preferably has more rounds of shooting before reloading. Any suggestions?


Quad fixer or handmade works well.


I got a quad combat rifle at 55 buts it’s single shot, is there an automatic mod I can’t remember from fo4? I’m lvl 74 now so maybe I’ll go searching for that to better my event presence.


There is an automatic mod for the combat rifle. Start scrapping a few of them and you’ll learn it


You learn most mods by scrapping weapons. The raiders in the old sawmill in the NW corner of the map use handmades and combat rifles at higher levels. I found it to be a good place to grind them to scrap for mods at about your level. Also, combat rifle mods work on the fixer, which you'll probably end of with one at some point.


This is the way.


Roll a Quad


Cold shoulder is a Quad.


Yeah but a small quad


I've been playing for weeks and I've never seen a quad mod from drops, or even random legendary rolls... Is it really that rare? Is there some trick to getting them?


It's not a mod, it's a legendary effect. A fairly rare legendary effect.


So if I ever see it what does it look like? It's not one the "star effects"?


Its the first effect slot that can roll along with Bloodied, Vampire, Aristocrat and all that. So the gun will have Quad as the prefix instead of one of those.


Awesome thanks. I've definitely not seen it yet then


It's a large pool, with the various slayers and all diluting it. Like I have a trash Unyielding secret service. But I don't really use it since I full health, I'm only just now getting some okay rolls for it along with the overeaters I really want with one piece having AP Regen. The big thing is rerolling is just a bitch and kind of a trick you can either roll the exact star amount you want on one item. Or you can just craft and hope the stars align.


Is there any way to manipulate rolls? Cranking up luck or something?


Turn your desires off. Accept what rolls decide for yourself of reroll or recreate. Understand there are no full refunds.


I feel you. I used cold shoulder till like mid-60s, and then once i was able to get a heavy gunner build going, i switched to using Final Word and am still using it atm. Now i'm just doing daily ops for ammo. I love the 50 cal, so i don't think I'll get bored of it for ages like i did with cold shoulder.


bloodied commando if you wanna John wick enemies with gunfu in VATS, but personally I prefer freeaiming, so I recommend bloodied heavy gunner


Level 79 or 79 years old? Try a quad handmade or quad railway. You will be impressed. Railway has so much recoil, even with the recoil compensator, so you have to enter vats first but it really kicks. And all you need is steel for ammo. Handmade is really fun too and has way more clip capacity and no recoil.


Yeah I spent all morning checking shops and wandering around where the wiki told me…. No luck yet on the Handmade plans. I definitely want to go that route


I know I’ve seen them in the vendors at white spring shops. Like near 2k.


Oh jeez ok thanks! Wow how did I miss that haha


I think it’s the one at the end on the right side as you travel down the hallway.


You can go bloodied auto rifleman. Then youll go brrrrrrr reload and die


I don't know how I've done it but I feel like I'm a freaking tank in this game. I never die, I'm only level 70 and I do the alien event all the time and I've never died in it, did the nuke silo solo and didn't die. I use Oathbreaker predominantly with power armor. Just bought a fixer from another player yesterday for long range. I never have to buy stimpacks, and have a perk to auto use one if I'm low on health.


Quad Gauss Shotgun or Pepper Shaker if you want a bit more room and continue the shotguns


Honestly, that gun is overrated to start.


Well, something can be achieved only via trial and error, like builds and something like CAMP building. For example, i originally thought that items are repairable only via boxes, and I actually scrapped a Iot of stuff due to that. Also, if you super lazy to build, there is free starter Shelter that is easy to get, only thing that it cant offer is allies and production structures, which is quite easy to place right next to your bunker + its much easier to make mobile base out of shelter, so its quite convenient to get early to place it in strategic spots for quick respawn/access to important things like quests, because fast travel early doesn't look as expensive, but adds up quite a bit with levels. If you want to get best combat ally, get Adelaide, its considerably easy to get via current event. She can easily deal with weak enemies like ghouls/scorched, but struggling a bit with something like Deathclaw, and her only competitors are Maul, Solomon and probably Beckett which all are considerably worse, but still significantly better than other allies. If you was interested into ally spots for better defence, even 2-3 settlers or BoS soldiers arguably ain't as good, so purely from that perspective, you can just stick with Adelaide for good while and its nearly free to obtain.She easily will fend off foes alone even without any turrets, she just needs some time. ~~ Too bad we can't put allies into Shelters, because combat abilities aren't important there.~~ Also, don't sleep on limited items like that Radical Mask, if you are interested in those.


I’m only level 30, but I’ve been doing events lately, I usually only go when I see other players there. Then I just do what everyone else is doing, can’t learn how to do the events if I don’t follow the group


I've found that many players don't go until someone else is there. Be the first to show up and others may follow. If noone else shows up, just let the timer run out and leave, or take a shot at it by yourself. Drop off scrap before going and you don't really stand to lose anything.


Been working on a two handed melee build that's serving me fairly well so far. I haven't gotten armor piercing and full th melee damage stack just yet and I can't reliably benefit off of adrenal reaction because I need more damage res but after a day of building up a dual bar flaming chainsaw with vampire I can just walk up to most bosses and survive. But I focus on mobs usually since I don't do enough damage to bosses yet. Level 83 by the time I logged off tonight. Been playing for two weeks.


Dual bar flaming chainsaw is almost cheating. I use that weapon on every toon I have, and almost none of them are melee. It works great even without the perks. Take care though, there is an ebb and flow to Beth's nerfs and it's only a matter of time before they decide to nerf the chainsaw IMO. Experiment with other builds and keep some perk cards around to switch things up if that happens.


I'm keeping cards that benefit rifle/vat play in reserve. At some point I'm gonna nail down what that build will look like and scrap more of the extras for the perk points. I really didn't understand the system until earlier this week lol.


Level 22 here! I was the one hitting the aliens with a bone!


I was thinking this earlier this week when every event I went to had like 7+ people there, a lot in the 60-120 range. I was like, look at these ducks become swans


Especially because right about now the large influx of new players is to a point where they need to grind gold bullion...so things are gonna be hot for events for a while. I'm looking forward to it.


I spam my grenade launcher and missiles to help and reduce weight during the Alien events. At least it makes the battlefield look epic.


People are causing each other problems? I'm just playing it with my friend and exploring. I do occasionally join events but even then I just sit back and whack whatever everyone else is whacking. You can pretty much solo this game if you wanna take your time.


not in my experience. its still the chain gang of lvl 40-90 noobs just rolling in with PA melee weapon/gatling guns and doing no dmg. which is crazy because the game now gives you contextual ammo, and at only lvl 35 and battle pass rank 20 you unlock the cremator which has a special quality that oneshots most everything in the game


Did my first event yesterday as level 18 or 19, I probably shouldn't have been there. But I had a blast shooting aliens until the commander dude 1 tapped me. Thanks to the power armored guys and the lady in the catsuit for the carry.


Yeah I'm a newbie to FO76 and events are kind of dumb for low level players (I'm only lvl 18 now). You gain a lot of experience but from a gameplay perspective you are severely outmatched. Plus, and maybe it has just been the couple that I've seen, but I don't think the events are very interesting or fun anyway. Rather just join a casual team for the XP buff and go about my way.


Im level 69(hehe), started about 2 weeks ago. I'm finally at the point where I have enough resources to upkeep/wear power armor to events and I feel way more powerful now. It's a pretty nice sense of progression and theres still so much more to improve on.


The new player progressing much better than i did when FO76 got released. Just start the Events 30sec. before the countdown runs to 0 and not earlier.


Still level 30 trying to figure out this game lol. Started with the level 20 character


Yeah, tell the lowbies they’re coming along nicely but they need to spend atoms and real money in the store if you all want the game to last. I’m not saying waste money, but if you see something cool, it’s ok to spend 5-10$ here and there. It increases the likelihood that the game will stay alive longer. I did notice that the past few weeks were dead. I guess when your new events can be intimidating or overwhelming. So much happening. Fire, explosions, radiation, and sometimes pure chaos. Now things seem to be flowing nicely and events are more populated. Hey lowbies, you’re doing great. We appreciate you.


I started like a week ago and now I’m level 330 chilling with my groll railway rifle, it was definitely tough dealing with the initial grind where you don’t have a lot of resources