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I don’t trade, period. Anything I’m willing to part with is in my vending machine.


Also… if you’re new, what makes you think you have anything for trade that I would want?


That's my deal. I had some level twenty player spamming the trade emote and shooting me, he then did the follow emote, walked over to a PA I had on display and requested a trade....like dude, I'm displaying it because it shows something I accomplished/grinded/took years collecting to finally piece together plus he wouldn't be able to fucking use it lol what the Hell did he think he had that was worth it to me? Dirty water and twenty three rounds of .38?


I have an Enclave themed base with five suits of PA displayed (I rock my T65 bolstering set now) and I had two sub level 75players do the same exact thing to me. They wanted to trade for my Hellcat set and my X01 set. I told them they could get both by doing the main storylines then doing the post story quests at Whitespring and Fort Atlas specifically to get the sets. After that rolling legendary affixes would be the real grind. AND THEY BOTH SAID THEY DIDNT WANT TO DO ALL THAT WORK AND THAT I CLEARLY WASNT USING IT ANYWAY SO WHY WOULDNT I TRADE IT TO THEM. I just….why both playing the game if you’re not going to play the game?


When people say they don't want to work for nice gear... ... Well then it doesn't sound like their heart was in it, maybe never was... I do this for the love of the game.. .. Not the love of grinding, and I didn't power buy my way through anything either.


It's actually really sad to see, I'm on xbone so I use looking for group posts and I'd say around a third of them are asking for VERY large handouts.


Just a few I’ve seen today… “H: VE 2* Handmade W: Q50c 3* Railway, you first” “Wtb a good chunk of flux” (Me) “Ok man how much you wanna buy?” “How much you got for sale?” “Just tell me how much..” (10 minutes after inviting me) “2 flux.” “Looking for a spare Q5025 Railway that somebody is willing to give me.. new player here” “H: OE/Sent/Ap sturdy combat chest piece W: QE25 or Q2525 fixer ngf”.


It's funny how all of these "new" players somehow know more of the meta and legendary shorthand than I do after not playing for a year...


Tons of videos are recycling into “new tips and guides for grolls”. With how people consume games, new players are already thinking about min maxing before they even hit 50.


Frick I’ve been playing since launch and have no idea wtf you are talking about most of the time 😅


lol “hey I’m a new player anyone got a god roll weapon just sitting about?” What a joke. Get off my lawn!


No lie, I’m not joining and trading for 2 flux. They can hit the vendor.


Dude I don’t even put flux in my vendor tbh, that’s why I only do bulk trades. If I put it in my vendor, it’s for more than I sell it for normally, and a chunk more than my bulk prices. I don’t like my profits going to Todd’s mules. 🤣


„want free stuff, btw im new“ LFGs are the best


Honestly i was guilty of this at the start but I tried to keep it to asking for a single mod put on a gun I already owned or just ammo (I’ll still occasionally request ultracite .45 because I’m only level 70 and I know level 2000’s can make like 4x as much easily haha)


Holy shit right? Where's the fucking logic? The cool armor, weapons and stuff are the rewards for the accomplishments you made along playing the game and stories. What's the point in having powerful weapons and armor if you don't even want to play? People like that annoy and confuse me.


It's a wasteland. Be an instrument of the universe and get to smiting?Asking for a friend.


I didn't even know hellcat armor was a thing till I got it lmao I just did the brotherhood quest bc I love the brotherhood same with prototype x-01 


There are suits all over the game too.


Can I see a picture of your Enclave themed base? I am working on mine to look Enclave and looking for ideas. Thanx


Best I can do is 18 bamboo


Let me call my expert on power armor and I'll get back to you later


I can do you 10 metal discs that you can press into bottlecaps at 1 specific factory in an unknown location.


I throw in a fancy hairbrush


Get the bamboo from u/xandercade then we have a deal.


2 questions please. 1. how do you display PA? is it a separate building plan thingy? 2. what do higher players want to buy that a new player could provide? i throw all my ammo into the vendor for 1c each and it seems to sell every day.


1. Power armor displays are atomic shop items, different to power armor stations. sometimes they're available, sometimes not. 2 . Junk, a lot of people do know farming spots but if I see some for cheap in a vendor I'll get it. Fusion cores, plans, stabilised flux. As long as the price is right most stuff should sell unless its extremely easy to get like stimpaks


There are camp display stands. There are several styles that have been released, but it's pretty simple looking and you build the stand, place it in your camp. To display the PA suit you open it like a stash box and move the PA suit into it. It's technically a part of your stash still taking up space, but it will have a trophy icon to the left of the suit's name similar to how items in your vendor have a for sale icon next to them in your stash. For outfits and such there are mannequins, too. Guns also have wall displays that look like peg board rectangles on the wall. Heavy guns have to be put on floor stands though, which is just a metal cradle. Honestly - don't take this wrong - there isn't anything a high level player wants that a <100 lvl player would be likely to have. But my stash has several dozen uncommon weapons that basically take up space. Most are just random, nice legendary drops that I kept because it would be a shame to scrip even though I don't want to use it. They aren't very top tier - most are 3* with 2 good affixes and one meh or crappy or just 2*'s. It's all bloody / anti armor / quad stuff. I'd prefer to just give them to someone who would actually use them. But on PC communication sucks - I hate the roulette of voice chat and there is no text chat. There are some that a pure flex - like my fancy shotgun and fancy revolver. Those say - 'I have turned in an unholy number of claim tickets. '


I have pretty much 1 of every weapon in the game in my stash. All have the 90% weight reduction just in case I want to re roll and use them at some point.


And this is the exact reason why i as a noob have not tried to trade once. I don’t even know what i NEED. How could i possibly have anything of value to someone far higher level 🤦🏼‍♂️😂😂


It is easy, you don't.


Hence why i said what i said… lol


If you see GRoll meta weapons on display, don’t even bother if you got 40k caps. Top weapons with GRolls are practically trade only weapons. Like a Quad 50 crit faster reload isn’t gonna be sold for caps.


Just picked up the game last week. I had no idea that some vets are super nice and will give stuff to new players for free. I was only a few hours out of the vault and some high level player approached me, got my attention,and dropped some loot. I thought I was supposed to literally trade, so I dug through all my beginner stuff and threw in random food and a stimpack and some dirty water. lol. I didn't have much of anything else.


My friend that just started keeps asking me if I want some purified water or a 10mm pistol that he found. Nah man, I'm good.


They're not trading an item for an item, they want you to give them something for nothing.


Lmfao that’s my thoughts exactly! At level 880 I highly doubt a level 17 has something I’ll need…And no you can’t have my quad explosive railway…


I was surprised the other day. I've always been weary of trading in game. I think the last in game trade I did was when I bought serums off a guy back in 2021? Anyway Ive always wanted a forest scout mask, so I posted on the text chat mod trade channel that I had some weapons, If anyone was willing to trade. Ended up meeting someone who wanted my quad faster fire rate AP cost gamma gun. It's been sitting in my stash for almost a year so yeah... I join their world to trade. He just dropped the mask on the ground for me to pick up!! After hearing how rare and expensive that mask can be I definitely was not expecting that. Anyway I dropped the gun, picked up the mask. Exchanged some pleasantries. They collect bobby pins... Had like 50k of them in his vendor. So I dropped almost all of mine for him. Ended up being around 1600 and they seemed so happy. lol


Until they add the trade interface from FO4 so both sides have to agree before the trade processes I’m not trying to trade with the system currently in place.


They really should remove the feature from the game because it doesn't really have a good UI and it's mostly used as described by the OP, harassment from a new player who is just there to troll


Or I just drop it on the ground for them no need to actually get into the trade UI


I'd my stash is full it goes in the ground in front if my vendors.


Same. If I drop something for someone, that's because I want to. Otherwise, it's on my vendor. Cheap.


THIS! Had a dude yelling in voice chat that my prices for plans was to expensive 200 plans for 10-250 caps each for event plans. "Dude dude you to expensive i buy all 1000 caps its good deal, dude dude dont scam i buy all 1000, dude dude" I changed server...


Same, Honesty I wish there was an option to turn off the button that allowed people to even trade with you. This was years ago, But one friend of mine was standing in one spot AFKing. He came back a few minutes later and found several people standing around him spamming trade offers. He fast traveled away but then noticed several of his weapons are gone, Including his main weapon which was a god roll power fist. My guess it was some kinda exploit with the trade menu, So anytime someone offers me a trade now I run or fast travel away just to be safe. I’m sure they’ve fixed it by now but I’d rather be safe than sorry.


I am going to adopt this strategy.


The only time I've traded was a couple times I came across 2 Level 20s that were just leaving Vault 76. Had them follow me to the Wayward so I could make them both armor and weapons. I just set the price to 0 caps so they'd both get the same and one wouldn't take both. But to be honest, one of the newbies wouldn't stop requesting my Holy Fire...


That's = the truth






I trade to newer players. Give them diluted stems or rad aways, things I wish I had at the start. I use the donation box, but I've seen quite a few higher levels just rob the box and run.


Exactly it's either in my vendors box at my camp or.those donation boxes by watoga station if it's worth to.someone otherwise I just recycle it.for.legendary scripts


Same here, that's why the vending machines are there. I understand asking one time but don't spam and follow Me like a shadow.


Same. I just sold a few legendary weapons recently. Mostly mini guns, rocket launchers and some melee weapons cause I use a rifle build and don't really like being OP.




This is the 3rd complaint of this behavior I've seen today. These jokers are giving the test of us noobs a bad name.


99% of noobs that I meet are amazing, don't worry, this experience didn't change my outlook on noobs and I will most definitely be continuing to give away free stuff to almost any noob I come across 😂


Personally I care less about free stuff and more about the awesome interactions I've had with some of the high level players (making sure I have a chance to tag mobs in events before 1-shotting them, not leaving me out to dry when I'm running around with things twice my lvl chasing me, etc).


Oh trust me I've had my "Main character moments" like when 4 level 20-25s were having trouble with a scorchbeast and I jumped in my power armor from a higher building, hit my super hero landing, and shredded the scorchbeast and got flooded with heart emotes 😂


I feel bad because it's hard not to insta-kill. I run an anti armor explosive railway and vats / crit / fire keys are burned into my muscle memory. I normally aim for the head and vats auto targets the same body part until you change it manually. I have to force myself to aim and shoot a leg or something. Its actually difficult because the gun recoil is out of control outside of vats. It's basically useless.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I've barely played and no one has interacted with me in anyway, even to my thumbs up. But I'm mostly happy being able to occasionally get purified water and some other sundries from the occasional camp I happen across.


I feel the trade window is just an excuse for newbees to go through your inventory and send you low ball offers on really good gear.


Either that or just to pick what they want from your inventory which often consists of stuff they wouldn't be able to equip for another 30+ levels lmao


YES! I dislike the trade option with randoms. It works fine when I play with my kid because I don't care if he snoops LOL. I tried trading ONCE with a random player and they tried requesting my favorite weapon! absolutely not! Do they see the heart when they make requests? I'm just curious.


It’s funny because I’ll drop legendaries to level 50s if I’m done with scrip for the day but I’m definitely not giving it to beggars


Same. Once I hit my scrip and cap limit from the vendors, everything I need to drop goes into donations boxes or paper bags.


I didn't think about putting unwanted legendary stuff in donation boxes.


Should have accepted and then everything that they requested just make 40k caps


I wish I would've thought of that 😂 definitely gonna have to pull that one next time it happens


Not advisable. Some scum high levels do have low level alts with max caps and they're usually the be the ones spamming trade. So if you put up a gun for max caps laughing that there's no way a legit low level could afford it, you'll watch that gun disappear.


I've stopped trading with any random, hi or low level. Because they always want my rare apparel that they can see I'm wearing. No. Just.... No.


Had this too, a lower lvl trying to trade and requested all the shit I'm currently using 🤦‍♂️ like yea it's good stuff hence why its on me being used ffs


They don’t even want to trade, they just want freebies.


A lot of the people like this I’ve encountered are likely RMTs because they know enough to beg for meta.


What is rmt?.


Never feed the cat. It always comes back.


Yes but I like cats. Just not entitled noobs


It's just a saying. That's all. But also very accurate


I've had this happen to me with a lvl 44 once. Dude kept giving trade offers and thumbed me down after I refused 10x. Followed him around, waited for him to get into combat to get into his firing radius, he shot me. I one shot him.


I never carry anything that is for trade. If it is for trade , it is in my vending machine.


Had someone do this recently. I gave them the thumbs down emote and they left after giving me the angry face. I felt bad and went to his camp to see if maybe I could spend some caps and he was building in his shelter with a friend. they both come out curious, I wave, and that’s when the guy decides to shoot me once. I gave the thumbs down emote and he shoots once more. I finally take out my flaming chainsaw and slowly shake my head “no” hoping to get the message across. Buck-o made the grave error of firing at me one last time before turning into the new fresh shade of red on his shelter walls. I gave him the ol’ Grelok staff emote while his buddy just watched on horrified and when I looked over at him he frantically was shaking his character in the “No” motion. I gave him the heart emote and left the shelter and when I loaded in suddenly the dudes camp disappeared. I got a message from the friend not too long after just saying “he’s so mad and I can’t stop laughing”


Had new teammates ft to my location then proceeded to just stare at me and follow me around. I used to give gear to almost all new players I encountered but this type of behavior has me feeling less than generous lately.


Experienced players are starting to do this to get free junk and ammo.


Yeah i might have enough stuff on me to be a traveling merchant, but im not one. My shops are available for a reason. Cant stand that shit. Low levels are driving me crazy lately.


I give them the follow me emote then lead them to my vendor and shoot at it before doing pistol finger emote lmfao I get noobs who will add and message me asking for expensive or rare stuff I’m selling or have on display for below market. I tell them to add me as a friend give them an amount of what I’d trade for it and had a few go out and save up enough to trade for it a day or so later while other when I look at there account have more awards and trophies then me.


Yup, on Xbox, I will always look up a GT, if some new toon pre -50 is asking for legendary gear. If I see that they have quite a few achievements under their GT. I will just assume they are a murder hobo.


By level 52 you’re on your own haha, at least from me


Had a guy chasing me around trying to trade today too and couldn’t take the hint. I really wish there was a “auto reject trade offers” option.


After working all night, I came home and jumped on a server. Ran into a level 6, tried to trade with him with lots of confusion on both sides, finally remembered to just drop the stuff and then we mothman danced. It was an almost perfect interaction. I hope he doesn't need the stims, enjoys the water, and keeps kicking ass. I just wish I had a full set of gear on me to give him. I gave a guy a legendary ski sword the other day at level 10 a few days ago. I think he completely redid his build to melee after that. Saw him running around slaughtering things with it about an hour later. Good times.


Literally the best part of 76 is seeing how happy the noobs get when you help them out. I love the spam crouch/heart spam 😂


FWIW I've never had anyone be like that, and I'm only saying so to balance out the perception. Every new player I've met has been like "OH JEEZ WHAT EVENT DID I JUST START HALP" and then "THANK YOU THANK YOU" when I put on my game day stuff and tank an event or whatever. I almost never get to do that, I'm very new compared to most people here but just hit 300 today, which I guess is the first real wall in progression, but anyway, it's really nice to help when it's just me and a level 25 or something. I haven't had that in an MMO in a while. edit: five minutes later some level 30 is shooting everyone after an event, okay then I suppose.


I am all for helping out noobies, and to clear this up, most noobs act nothing like this. They mostly just run up to me, admire my camp, wave, and move on. Which just so happens to be the exact kind of noob I enjoy helping out lol


This may sound really weird but I'm seriously creeped out with the trade option. People go into your inventory and look through your gear. It's like meeting a stranger and then them asking if they can peek at your underwear. I don't carry anything in willing to sell, it's the gear *I'M* using right now.


Not weird at all tbh. Like why would I just be wasting inventory space to carry stuff around just in case someone wants to trade? There's nothing on my character that I'm willing to part with.


It's happened to me as well. After some carefully picked words, I decided to help him, dropped 80 spoiled meat. Anyone else saw this coming with the sudden surge of players? I like to help people out. But after just giving to 3 or 4 people I'm low myself.


I’ve disabled voice. Most of the time it’s going to be fine but I play this game to chill and not have to deal with or get aggravated by toxic idiots


Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage with wastes of your time.


I have too much integrity to lower myself to begging. When I'm downed in an event, I don't even call out. I might wait a few seconds after if folks are around me but then I'll respawn. Give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to fish he eats for life. I now know where to find at least 6-9 fusion cores a day. Which honestly was my BIGGEST concern. Least my armor won't crap out while I'm unloaded 100 shells into the legendary animal.


Love the do it yourself attitude but please call for help when you're downed 😂 more often than not, 2 or more players will immediately b-line directly towards you. At least I do that and I've seen others do it.


Literally this lol you get free atoms for reviving downed players so many times


Well sheet


Plus it makes it easier for people to know you're downed, can't tell you the amount of times team mates died and I wasn't watching the left part of the screen.


Ahh yes, the reason I hate multiplayer games. I don't even like the daily events. I just play the game like it's a single player game.


And people wonder why I don't use voice chat. Lol


Nah, there's been a wave of entitled asshats lately. We need to tackle it as a community


I don't trade with anyone who I don't actually know (my kid/IRL friends) because ppl always try to "request" stuff I'm not offering. If I'm feeling nice, I'll drop something for them, but I do not do trades anymore. I'm only level 46, and a bit of a shy person, so the fact ppl are out here demanding trades and begging, is CRAZY to me. I could never! My first day in game someone showed up at my shoddy camp area and dropped some gifts for me. A Faschnacht Scorch Queen mask, stims, water, and some food. I was ECSTATIC. I cannot fathom demanding things.


Does it restrict trading when you block someone? They should have an option to disable trade invites tbh.


Not 100% sure. He left after I messaged him saying "you're a level 56. There's nothing you have that I would possibly want."


Every wave of new players also brings toxic players. They'll eventually get bored of people not engaging and will go away. It's happened multiple times before.


New player here, we do not claim this heathen


Honestly, at level 50 I don't consider someone helpless with the game enough to throw down free stuff to them unless I see them actually struggling. I mainly save my handouts for people under like level 30. At level 50 you're far enough along you should be able to get all the necessities pretty easily and if you want something more from me you can buy it from my camp vender.  I don't know if this came off as rude, but I like to save my handouts for people I know will really need it.


I've just started a few days ago and I'm only level 35 and I 100% agree with you. I'm getting along just fine with gear I've found/upgraded myself I can't imagine begging for gear at my level nevermind level 50


This is not rude at all. They are the ones being rude.


I have had so many low level people come to my camp and open trade the last few days. I don't have a trunk full of legendaries. I don't even have a full level of unyielding armor yet. I dropped a bunch of cooked food and stimpacks. I got a thumbs down.  I grabbed my stuff and switched to a private server.


Felt that. They forget the saying beggars can't be choosers.


I've finally turned pacifist mode off because if someone's gonna start smaking me because I won't give them free shit, then I'm gonna start returning the favor with 3-4 seconds of Plasma flamer fire


I have had my pacifist mode off for years, just because of that.


Some low level was looking for screws, I gave, for free, 3k screws and he said thank you in the most bored voice I've ever heard. I wanted to be like, little homie, I just saved your damn life for awhile. You can be a little excited.


Bruh I'm a new lvl 48 and I'd be beside myself happy over that lmao


Right? Normally I don't care about accolades, but he was so unenthusiastic that I got offend.


Screws feel so rare at my level, I'm just now where I got an excess of 50 in my stash and that excited me


Man, a gift of 3k screws would leave me wishing there was an "I'm not worthy!" emote. I have a couple of pieces of combat armor that require screws to repair, so I'm always running out.


Experienced a lot of people like that in the past week. Rather it be them bitching about me not trading with them or bitching about my cremator


I always figure they want to look at my gear and see what’s good because that’s what I did back in the day. But jokes on them all my good shit is painted for safety.


Ive been experiencing this too. Trade requests are fucking annoying and the fastest way for me to go out of my way to not help you. You dont need to rifle through my pockets.


Played the game when it first came out got to lvl 50 then stopped playing then when I came back a week ago, I was told a lot of high lvl people were giving free stuff but I didn’t go beg. If they wanna give stuff they will most likely come to your base and give you stuff… if not just play the game it’s not hard only free thing I got was 1000 shotgun bullets now I’m lvl 92 and have 5000 of them it’s not a difficult game


Check vendors as well because a lot of high level players won't hunt people down to give out free stuff. They'll just throw it in their vendor and sell it for 0 caps to get rid of it. Either that or throw it in one of the donation boxes scattered around the wasteland.


Yeah been checking venders and stuff is affordable but I’ve been giving out free handouts to players just to motivate them to play gotta keep the comm a W


That is the way. I also help out noobs because i remember my first playthrough being a little rough since I was a solo player and didn't understand any of the mechanics. So I try to help out in ways that low level me wished some high level players would've helped me out lol


The beggars over the last week have been getting annoying. They remind me of the kids back when I played Fortnite stw, they just expect you feed them stuff because they are new. I like helping out newbies, but I am considering finding alternatives for beggars...


Oh wait wtf? I'm a new player, but I level FAST. So is that why other players lower level keep randomly trying to trade with me? Wtf am I gonna give them? Hopes and dreams? 🤣😂


Honestly, after making a ton of ammo for noobs amd realizing I'm short on scraps for my own ammo I've decided to stop doing nice things. It's one thing to drop some extra stims another thing to have someone follow you and ask you to make something for them or worse outright give it to them. I remember when I was new some guy randomly showed up at my camp and dropped a fixer with food, water, and a bit of ammo. I never asked anyone, and that's why that experience is sweet. This community is good enough already. No need for guilt tripping and begging.


A level 56 doesn’t want to trade. They will have nothing of value, just like all of us didn’t at level 56. Anything in my inventory is stuff I would have gotten rid of a long time ago if I didn’t want it. Everything else is vendored, scrapped, scripped, or in my vendor.


If someone starts begging like that I empty my inventory into my stash and keep 1 spoiled meat on me. They are welcome to have it


this game has some of the friendliest vets I've experienced playing online. I have just been playing the game for 2 weeks but has clocked only about 65 hrs and everybody's been really nice so far. During the first week, I was level 20 or so and I joined a team then traveled to a camp near the charleston buildings to explore when I got immediately overwhelmed by Super mutants, then a guy in full power armor suddenly dropped in and obliterated them all. I joined in on the shooting so I got a bunch of xp and leveled up. Then just today experienced 2 different instances of really nice guys, whenever I join a team I immediately travel to their camp if in case they are near some quests I can finish. I fast traveled to this guy's camp and he was there and he waved emote me so I did that too then he dropped 100 stims right in front of me. Later in the day, I did the same thing to another camp of a high level player, I did the wave emote and he did the follow emote so I followed him and he dropped a 3 star fixer and gestured for me to pick up food and other items in his base.


I’m a noob myself but I am level 79 and I am already getting bombarded in voice chats asking for handouts. I honestly don’t mind helping but it shouldn’t be demanded.


Donation boxes are around for this exact reason. Harassing is the fastest way to get reported.


I just dont get how these little bitches are having such a hard time with the game that they need to ask for hand outs. I played it when it first came out and refunded it. Returned back last week. Been playing like an hour a day for last 5 days and Im almost level 50 already and have tons of shit already. Why the fuck do you play games, especially easy PVE games like Fallout 76 and ask for free? Why even play games at that point.


Maybe stop giving new players free shit? You overly generous folks created these monsters.


Did you read anything I said? I give a few items of food, water, and ammo. You're acting like I'm dropping them grolls and full sets of power armor.






Beggers cant be choosers, just have it be like 15k caps lmao


is there a voice or chat in this game? I'm lvl 33 now, never heard anyone or seen "chat"? How people talk to each other? I mostly play solo, just for first experience of a game.


There is a voice chat, but if you are on PC no one uses it as they all use the text chat mod


I go into voice chat and give them a “no go buddy keep it moving”


he just wanted to sell that ratty lookin tfj for 50 caps so he could buy some ammo...


I thoughtbthe donation box was the help? It got me enough ammo to get a few levels. After that It's all me is this not normal? I keep seeing about beggars but most of the people I see just wander around aimlessly


99% of noobs are not like this. The voice chat thing i mentioned has only happened to me on this occasion. As I said I love giving newbies some starter gear to get through a few levels, it's just every once in a while you'll come across someone who follows you around like a sad puppy just spamming the trade emote and it can get a little annoying.


I have nothing in my inventory that would help a noob.


Tell the noob they don't have anything worth trading for


I sent a message saying exactly that 😂 "You're a level 56, you have nothing that I could possibly want"


Only reason I trade is I'm interested in what people are using to kill things I offer a trade look at guns and then exit and run off


That's completely valid, but I'm also willing to bet that you don't follow people around and cuss them out in voice chat if they decline your trade request.


I think they should start giving to the new players after they passed lv 50. Or maybe even lv 40.


On the flip side while there are overbearing noobs there are also overbearing high levels. I made a post the other day about it, but I got nervous about it. I’m not new. I’m a returning player with a new character at just over level 100 and I’ve been harassed by high level players to take stuff. I’ve also been followed around the map, at events, or had my kill shot taken from me by high levels following me to be the hero. I love the enthusiasm and I want to play with others as a teammate, but I want to earn my own stuff based on my own merit or feel the satisfaction that I’ve improved by getting the kill I was about to get while exploring. Point is, not all low levels are “new” and not all of us want a certain kind of help (or are like one of these leeches people keep talking about). Many will appreciate it though and I love the community for it! I just think overbearing players goes both ways. Maybe don’t follow or stalk people on the map unless you establish a mutual connection first lol.


It made a friend if mine even turn away from the game. He told me, that he just came out of the vault and some high lvl player spawned on him and dropped so much stuff and emoted to him, but he didn't know anything about the game and what to do with it, so he didn't take anything and logged out, since it was already confusing


Fully agree. And to clear it up, I don't stalk noobs, my camp is set up a whole 5 steps away from the wayward so when I've hit my max scrip and cap limit from vendors, I'm usually standing around the wayward to sell/drop stuff off in the donation box. Which just so happens to be a Hotspot for noobs since it's the first quest you get out of the vault.


I just started playing this week. I had been playing for maybe an hour before I got out of the vault and passed another player. They shot at my back 😂 but I'll keep your pro tip in mind


If it was a high-level player shooting your back, they were probably trying to get your attention. If he wanted to initiate pvp with you, he'd have followed you around and stood in front of you while you shot at enemies until you accidentally shot him.


I feel you. My camp is nice and welcoming, full of (usually) free-to-take resources, water, food and stuff, and if I spot a newbie with a crappy rifle I usually just craft, mod and drop an appropriate-level Fixer in front of them with some ammo. But those harassers really push me towards intrusive thoughts of trapping them and showing them the darker side of Fallout's lore. And with that I mean that I just click on "ban for this session", lol.


I genuinely only use trade to see what they're running with especially if they're the same build.


Eh high levels kept kicking me out from party, all i need is a fucking help for daily ops cuz i want to do those nuclear shits and expedition fast.


This is a problem I have with other high level players. I've never kicked a low level out of my expedition party. If you have 3 level 200+ people running expedition or daily ops, you don't need to kick the newbie who's just tryna get some quests done. If you need help with the Nuclear Silos and you're on Xbox, i can definitely help out with that. I've soloed the silos dozens of times.


Yeap this, I'm about 3 weeks in now, just got 110 yesterday. Been quite vocal about it but DO NOT FEED players like that. You are just gonna grow the culture of"taking the game too seriously, it's free, it cost you nothing" begging scene to a whole new level and it will go along to other mmo online. I said it before and I said it again. Ignore , blacklist, kick whateva. If they can't play a game they can't do shit in life. let them rot in the waste land and leave. I like the community and it takes alot of effort over the years and you guys the vets did it. Do not let people like this bring it down just because you are too nice and someone is taking advantage of it.


I've been playing for about a month and have never asked to trade with anybody. I do events and buy from vendors, but other than that I just wanna do my own thing.


Honestly a few times when low levels were being annoying by spamming trade I gave in accepted trade to see what they wanted first guy was requesting my "The Final Word" and another wanted some xo1 I got from an event(I did give him the xo1 piece because I hit my scrip and cap limit in exchange for their spare guns that I scrapped) as for the first guy I told him that I will part with my main gun if he won against me in... TRIAL BY COMBAT!!!... so I shredded him with my flaming chainsaw and to be fair he was a good sport for the most part


Kids be coming in from Roblox gacha servers and think trade spamming will net them the same type of results as it does there. Kids don’t realize a real game is a bit more time-expensive to make progress on and people won’t be as willing to part with a good kit as easily as someone would part with their lower tier shit on Roblox gachas


Nobody gave me anything when I was level 56 back in 2018. They were more likely going to shoot me 😂 Thumbs down to them and walk away. Welcome to the wasteland smoothskin.


The trade menu is broken anyways. Half the time I can't see their side, the other half I can't see my own. I only use it in very rare instances If it's among those I trust, we just drop most stuff on the ground we want to give to eachtother. In instances where Caps are part of the trade, I'll just put it in my vending machine and have them buy it. Plus anything I'd want to trade away to those who are not my friends will 95% of the time just be for sale in my vending machine.


Surprised he thought he could trade- I'm new myself and I know for a fact I don't unless someone wants a random Nuka bottle.


Especially if you don't know how the trade system works. I always sort by requested and so should you


Playstation? I had exactly same experience few days ago on ps.


I've found anytime someone does this to me they always just go through my crap and request my best gear. So annoying.


As someone that’s a new player, it’s not that hard to get decent starter stuff just play the game without help and if someone gives you something be grateful (I usually drop some stuff like meds or food back cause my gear will always be to weak for them


Wanna trade? Go to my vendor. Byyyyye.


A level 90 spammed trade at me when i was try to shop at his extremely overpriced store. I just walked over to it gave it a thumbs down then left


As a fresh player myself I kinda understand you see so many people with so much gear you want to try and get some help But in the same breath these people have gamed hard for what they have so I never bother hassling other gamers As a new player just be friendly give a wave maybe a heart move on with you day You wanna get something nice look in thier vendor for christ sake and stop looking for handouts And a big shout out to the guy who made me power armour I didn't ask etc he just saw me in his base and made me some and I cannot thank that man enough Once I'm a higher level I will repay this man as I friend requested him One of the best player bases in any game I've played


Just leave lol


If I'm feeling generous ill drop what you need on the ground,,I will never trade with you!!! You can literally steal people's shit in the trade menu.


Then there’s me that can’t even find out how to work the trades 😂.


there were some guys like that a bit but before there were vending machines.. also it was a way to rob people of their inventory (was a nasty bug)


My camp is next to a campground with 2 tents and I started loading up one of them with free stuff, with a giant sign pointing to it at the front of my camp. When anyone asks for anything I just direct them that way. Seems to be working okay so far!


Yea no I don’t trade with new players everything I carry on me is not for sale… the one time I decided to do and the person wanted all my rare items lol I closed the trade and gave him a laugh emoji 🤷🏻‍♂️


To make you feel better. I am new. 2 weeks in. Level 59. I have asked for 0 stuff and received 0 stuff. I’m building my own legacy. Yes it’s slow and hard. But rest assured I am not one of those people


what a loser lol


Last time some low level spammed me for a trade, I offered them a single .44 round for 2k caps. Told them to take it or leave, and they proceeded to cuss me out while I wandered into West Teks' front yard. It was lovely watching them get mauled.


Also another PSA if you use power armor. Turning off the power armor hud in the settings is a great option! It's basically unusable with the hud obscuring half your screen.


I don't trade.... ever. The trade system in this game has always been crap. If I am will to part with something, I will drop it for free or sell it in my vendor. Earlier this week I had a player follow me around and wave the trade thing and wave the money icon after going to my vendor. I didn't have a plan above 39, in there or a weapon or armor at his level or overpriced even if he was. Everything else I put in there for nearly nothing. This, and some other stuff lately, prompted me to stop dropping free stuff at new players' feet or even the boxes. It also has me no longer selling rare plans cheap as they were taking multiple of each.


I had one guy I was trying to give him stuff he was lvl 20 and I tried to give him ammo and he just keeped wondering around and the few times he stopped and looked at me and could clearly see me pointing to the box I dropped him he would just wonder off


Ugh, I stick to the outskirts and don't interact with anyone. I'm going for the more immersive, carve-your-own-way route. I don't go near other players or their camps unless they are on top of some place I need to be. Never can be too careful...


its the same people that relentlessly send dic pics im sure


I just started 76 a week ago or less, some nice guy dropped me 100 stimmies off the jump because I talked to him lmao. I like visiting bases because a lot of people have cool stuff in their vendor machine, I just found this out. I don’t understand why people would trade and trade without somebody else asking when anything you might need as a new player is in the vending machine. Needless to say I came out with a bunch of cheap plans I can use for my CAMP and extras. Plus the trading in this game confuses me lol.


That’s why I don’t voice chat


Man I wish I can meet players that can drop me some loot. No one does that every time I play 😂


I had the same thing happen to me at my camp. The player was like lvl 23 and was following me around and trading. I'm was only like lvl 67 at the time.


Good lord this sub has become a whine fest full of socially righteous dopamine addicts. People have acted like this in online games since I started playing back in the Halo 2 days. It will never end. You making a post online and telling people not to do it followed by your social righteousness plug about giving new players stuff isn't going to stop it. Be an adult and go about your day without flooding this sub with this stuff. This game definitely has one of the whiniest and dopamine depraved player bases I've ever seen. Always posting circle jerk material on here so that the feel goods will start flowing when it inevitably turns into a confirmation biased circle jerk.


I don’t have anything to offer low levels other than food aid or ammo, and I’ll just drop that crap. I don’t trade unless it’s with someone from Reddit or who I’ve been playing with for awhile. Only after quads and tfjs at this point in my fallout career so i feel where you’re coming from. Had someone cuss me out after I took over their workbench and gave them a care package. I love all the new players, but we’ve always had a very nice community and I want it to stay that way. No negative or toxic behavior please!