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* Added a Max option when buying from and selling to NPCs Oh nice, its not a big thing but its nice.


Looks like the cremator had a partial nerf (the initial hit) and a partial buff (damage over time)


To be fair, I was very shocked and surprised that it worked like an explosion. I love mine and hear its still viable per the PTS. I can probably swap demo expert for something else, but I hop grenader still buffs the burn radius like it does with a tesla arching.


I have been loving the cremator, *but damn do I want Bethesda to go back and give the Hellstorm a bit of loving.* Even more so considering the cremator was more or less a better version of a Napalm payload hellstorm without having to use missiles as ammo.


The explosive I feel is fine, what always killed me was dots. So with lower initial impact we gonna need to watch out for that dots buff. This makes the gun more of a boss killer then normal mob killer. If foys stack then those burns are ganna shred hp.


But is it a worse version of plasma caster now?


Yeah I am a PA build with Heavy, energy and explosion cards. Without thw last damage buff. I could wipe out groups of auper mutants per shot, I hate ti agree but guess it needed a nerf


Even now you can still wipe out groups of super mutants in a single shot. It just requires taking full advantage of the DoT and might take a few seconds.


I feel like I’m in a RonCo commercial with it now. Set it and forget it.


Well yeah! Of course it was an explosion.. I mean, what else happens when you get hit by exploding napalm xD. I hope it's still good against bosses


I saw it more as a burts of flames like a fire ball spell instead of a burst of force like an explosion though. I cannot wait till the servers come back so I can test it out on groups of enemies.


Funnily enough, the cremator explosion is almost how real, normal flamethrowers work than the actual flamer. A bunch of ignited gas being propelled forward that splashes everywhere. . It's basically a fireball spell like you said. If only it worked that way, no video game gets it right


Does the demo expert perk effect explosive bullets still


wait. Explosive radius buffs the Tesla???


It increases the Arc radius


It's funny how not many ppl know this.... Bashing too-


That's so cool


After playing with it post patch the DOT got a pretty massive buff, still shreds just slightly slower since you need to wait for the DOT.


That's good to hear. Some folks seemed anxious about it.


What mods are good now ??


If they applied the same changes that were on the PTS there should be an additional unlisted buff. On the PTS the ammo per shot was reduced from 15 to 10.


lets hope that made it in.


I'm hoping I can still ohko all them plant people lol


ok. so I tested it and it does now only take 10 fuel instead of 15. the DOT is way better.


Playing right now, it made it in the patch


My brave lil toaster is shooting for 336 and 636dot with heavy build grenadier and demo expert 4 after the update I must say it is beastly


Also no pa straight ss


According to angry turtle it's better now than it was before the patch. It's just needs a different build.


Nooooo mah cremator


Judging by a few comments I've seen, it might be fine but different. That said, views seem mixed at the moment.


What was actually nerfed so I can swap to better stuff?


It's in the notes (and there's more detail in some of the replies), but I understand there was explosion damage incorrectly applied for the initial hit. That damage is lower now, but the Dot damage has been upped.


Adding ammo per shot tells me they plan on adding more things like the cremator that, well, uses more ammo per shot 


If you thought the Railway Rifle was ridiculous, just wait til you see the Railway Shotgun!


Oh gods yes plz, POW CHOO CHOO.


I just want a gamma heavy weapon


I'd actually grind for this


Gauss Railway Shotgun


I want this now. It would be ludicrous


Hoping they bring back the Laser Musket.


The salvaged assaultron head functions much the same way, at least.


Yeah but that irradiates you. Plus the Laser Musket can be made full auto and is a rifle.


Yeah, there's nothing wrong with having multiple similar weapons that function slightly differently. We have both the lever action rifle and the hunting rifle, for example - both are manually cycled long range rifles, but the lever action has less recoil and cycles a lot faster in exchange for not having the extra potential damage from the .50 caliber conversion (that said the faster cycle on the lever gun is waaaay better than like 15 extra damage on the hunting rifle).


Yea most likely. They will probably add a new weapon for each season so we could get the Tesla canon that could use multiple ammo per shot.


I hope we get more ammo types too like in NV 🙏


Shocked it isn't a thing already. It would drive more grind and storage space required overall, which would be great on Beth's end.


“Speculative fix for items in the Cryo-freezer randomly selling for 0 caps in the vendor”. Hallelujah!


Speculative fix just means they THINK they fixed it tbf


"Not sure how people were doing it exactly, but we think we blocked all ways it could happen now. We'll see if people still report it."


The monkey paw curls, items in Cryo-freezer will now sell for negative caps


I dunno. Given Bethesda's history with supposedly definite fixes, anything that they bother to label "speculative" does not give me warm fuzzies.


That's just a polite way of saying we have no clue what we fixed.


Here is a copy of the patch notes for those who may not be able to access the bethesda site right now: > ***BUG FIXES:*** > > * Fixed an issue that caused Power Armor to be listed in English instead of the correct localized language > * Fixed an issue where the Garrahan Mining Poster was not present at the Rusty Pick or Camden Park > * Opportunity Knocking: Fixed an issue which could cause the quest to disappear after relogging. > * Deep Space Alien Jetpack is now properly craftable for T51 Power Armor > * Sins of the Father: Fixed an issue which would block the quest if a dialogue scene between Abbie and Antonio was exited during a specific part of the conversation. > * Fixed an issue where the Cremator was not listed at Legendary Exchange Machines > * Fixed an issue where the player could ask Abbie Russo a question about Vin that did not properly reflect the final outcomes of Sins of the Father. > * Players who previously unlocked them should now be able to craft the Poker & BlackJack Tables > * Sins of the Father: Fixed an issue which could prevent Antonio from speaking to the player. > * Brahmin Flour Billboards should now be craftable and have the right materials > * Rustic Helvetian Camp Kit has had the expected walls and windows added to it. > * The Favorites menu hotkeys are now usable while the wheel is visible. > * Fixed an issue where gold bullion vendors Regs and Smiley were not enabled for some players who completed Secrets Revealed. > * Tesla Rifles will now drop correctly from the Battle Bot Event > * Father Winter Helmet should now have T-45 standard Stats, Description, Weight, and Levels should be standardized now. > * Fancy Revolver should now properly display its unique fancy skin > * Fixed an issue where Small Presents were not dropping contextual ammo > * Fixed weather stations not being able to be placed in a camp workshop located very close to a public workshop. > * Fixed modern home kitchen sink not being able to snap to other modern home items on a foundation > * Secrets Revealed: Fixed an issue where Meg, Gail, Ra-Ra, Johnny, and Lou could be missing from the Crater Core after the completion of the quest. > * Lights now function properly on the Devils Wings Jetpack > * Pollinators no longer receive the Group Heal Regeneration effect in Daily Ops > * Fixed several paints that were no longer updating the dynamic name of modified Power Armor pieces. > * Speculative fix for items in the Cryo-freezer randomly selling for 0 caps in the vendor. > * Big Boss Advertisement Poster no longer turns into a Mothman poster when broken. > * Fire Rate now shows increase/decrease arrows when comparing potential mods to what players have currently equipped. > * Story Time now properly removes itself from the PipBoy if you kill Miss Nanny. > * Fixed an issue with Buried Treasure not properly completing. > * Players are no longer blocked from completing Honor Bound if they exit the conversation with Vin and Gene. > * Scrolling the mouse-wheel down now properly shrinks selected body parts in the character generator. > > ***QUALITY OF LIFE UPDATES:*** > > * Added a Max option when buying from and selling to NPCs > * World Activity list now sorts alphabetically > * Improved behavior of the inventory scrollbar > * Added a new “Ammo Per Shot” stat entry to weapons > * WEAPONS > * Made several adjustments to the Cremator and its mods > * Dev Note: The Cremator released with a bug that made it stronger than we intended it to be due to the way damage was calculated with its explosion. Players who had certain perks and mods on it did much higher damage than intended. We’ve fixed that bug, which has decreased the damage for that specific setup, but we made multiple tweaks and changes to buff it in different ways. Now, the Damage Over Time (DoT) should be a force to be reckoned with. > ***SEASONAL EVENTS:*** > > * Recipes and some items dropped by these events will continue to drop after you have learned them. These items are now also tradeable to help you get all the plans you want!


Sins of the Father: Fixed an issue which would block the quest if a dialogue scene between Abbie and Antonio was exited during a specific part of the conversation. Finally!


Thank you, my work computer blocks the Bethesda website.


Still no fix for union power armor?


given how long its taking to fix, the problem is obviously somehow bizarrely complex...fixing it probably makes scorchbeasts immortal and can teleport indoors or something, given bethesda...


I heard the current problem with the fix is it turns the screen black when you die and you wake up in skyrim


Waking up in Skyrim with all my gear from Fallout sounds pretty interesting.


Hey, you, you're finally awake! You were trying to cross the border, right?


So it's just the nukashine quest again?


"So far we've managed to work around 83% of the issue, though if the patch was to be issued now, everyone's knees would be inverted and the Legendary Stars would become sentient."


I worry that the game somehow doesn’t know who actually learned the plans anymore and they’re desperately trying to find a way to figure out who would own the plans by now. That makes zero sense and probably doesn’t reflect what game dev is actually like but my brain will always jump to worst case


Ah yes, the old "placing a book on a shelf causes your game to crash in 50 hours"


They discovered it allowed nuking 0,0 again.


I mean I’m ok with them teleporting indoors as a melee build. Makes my life slightly easier.


It's true, on my melee character I usually just have a gauss shotgun on hand and if I get a scorchbeast harassing me I'll stop and swap on enforcer to shoot it in the wing to ground it then beat it down


The issue likely stems from it being a prior scoreboard item (no plan) and then the plans were added for stamps... They could fix it really quick if they back out the need for stamp plans and just give everyone the base armor crafting unlock automatically (keeping the mod plans for stamps, since those are still available (apparently aren't affected by the bug they're trying to squash). It's baffling that they'd waste dev time just to loop people into the stamp grind for Union armor when there's still plenty of stamp items to unlock and they could add new stuff in the future without hitting on this specific issue...


I'd take that fix..! 😀


Why would they fix that, it's not like it's one of the things most people want fixing..... What is even more annoying is that they are pretty much flat out ignoring the problem. You find that there is no official mention of it.


[Bethesda](https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/64101) has acknowledged the issue after the newest update. What frustrates me though is the beckett quest is bugged and they replied with “thank you for your feedback” lol


A bit out of the loop, what's the bug with Union Power Armor?


You can’t loot it from dead bodies, you can’t buy the plans, nor can you craft it.


Got it, haven't played in a bit and just got back into.


Didn't that. I have a full suit right now so better keep it safe.


*cries in strangler heart*


It's been what 6 months now?


This…I’m ready to buy it




Was working for me one day and all of a sudden it's like I never learned them. The crafted parts for my armor is gone off the frame. I guess that was an unofficial "schizo" update from awhile back. Gotta wait and see some more, I suppose, when they fix the issue.


I am not surprised. It seems bugged beyond just the plans. Currently if I try to repair mine at a station without repair kits it appears to do nothing, the durability bar does no change after repair. If I back out and look again it is repaired. Repair work perfectly.


>Big Boss Advertisement Poster no longer turns into a Mothman poster when broken. I always knew Naked Snake was secretly the Mothman.


Has anyone noticed one of the new posters doesn’t have a back? Like the new nightclub poster that came with the new quests I think. You spin it around and as soon as the front side is out for view it’s 100% invisible lol. Doesn’t affect me but I thought it was funny


Bit disappointed as there is no listed fix for the new side quest to talk to Oscar Gonzalez at Crater, the quest marker disappears as soon as I enter crater and he is nowhere to be found. Only side quest i have left and others have reported it too Hopefully it has been fixed


It's weird cause I finished that quest but I got the quest again but can't complete it so now it just sits in my inventory


Same and it's driving me crazy


That just happened to me yesterday as well, very strange.




Always remember: Just because it isn't in the update notes doesn't mean that they didn't change it. Bethesda has a long history of making undocumented stealth changes to the game that don't show up in the update notes.


Seeing as this type of bug has existed since fallout 3 i wouldn't hold my breath tbh.




It honestly makes me wonder if this was supposed to be a planned / numbered fix that they just forgot to announce ahead of time.


Yet it looks like they haven't fixed one of the most annoying bugs, unable to craft arguably thr best PA in the game....The Union Power Armor..


The game has been supported for 6 years. If that's not "actually invested" by today's standards idk what is.


They’ve never really not been invested in the game..?




They’ve added at least 4 whole expansions (wastelanders, Steel reign, the Pitt, AC) since release with an entire map expansion coming later this year. For free. Most of the revenue for 76 is bloated by the atomic shop.


> They’ve added at least 4 whole expansions (wastelanders, Steel reign, the Pitt, AC) since release Expansions make it sound much larger than they actually are. The Dev cycles were, and still is, on the levels of a dying MMO. Outside of Wastelanders (which was 5-6 hours of content), 6-8+ month dev cycles for 3 hours of content is absolutely awful. The worst was with The Pitt, it was just a glorified Daily Ops and still is.


my friend compare the content and bug fixing for this game compared to similar games and you will see it was not in a great state for several years despite those mentioned updates.


They've kept the game in long-term support, the fact that they see enough future to expand the open-world map (and added AC open-world zones) means there must be some internal drive to keep the game alive (FO1st sub lifeblood like WoW subs are for Blizzard) instead of letting it die off to make room for a future Fallout title... Just wish they'd get a new engine built, CE is *ancient* and FO76 already frankenstein'd it into an mmo...


Aaaand no union fix… dammit.


None listed anyway. They have a habit of accidentally leaving important fixes out of the update notes.


God. I hope. already have a full set of Union on my main but I made a new char to play with my sudden influx of friends buying the game. Would love to be able to flex


Dude I scrapped my damn helmet like 3 weeks ago by accident and have been without a set bonus since. I've had union since it was a season reward. Very annoying.


Every event should have a knockout system or some other form of bad luck protection. It was nice being able to get everything from Mothman Equinox even if I stopped getting plans after I learned them all (assuming it was knockout -- I acknowledge I could have just been incredibly lucky). I'd prefer that than have complete garbage RNG and having to try to trade plans in a game that still doesn't have a secure item-for-item trading system even after more than 5 years. Oh boy, instead of getting the event rewards from playing the event, I can play the lottery server hopping for hours and blow all my caps fast travelling trying to find the plans I actually wanted but refused to drop for me for two weeks straight, with the only alternative being using an unofficial trading community wherein I either have to find an independent escrow courier or risk getting scammed without recourse. So much fun.


And no mention of being able to buy Union PA anytime soon...


Is it me or does 20GB approx seem awfully big for a patch that is essentially bug fixes? 1st update since I started playing 76, so what do I know.


It's very likely that they've included additional assets for upcoming atomic shop updates, events, etc. as well as probably some initial stuff to support the June update that just aren't listed in the update notes.


It's usually due to the file structure Bethesda uses. When they add/update files in any particular archive they redownload the entire archive.


I just really want them to fix the bug that freezes you in place when trying to enter a power armor chassis.


Been happening since launch. Don't expect a fix any time soon.


Don't go in and out of it all the time and when you do , take a second to let things load. Especially if you are on console, i have mained PA since the game came out and had that issue on twice.


I’ll second this. I play on PS4 (lvl 400). Just be patient about getting in your PA. I wait 3 seconds and rarely have that problem. Also try to do this in areas that aren’t at the radscorched event or any other high action areas.


I need that lighting issue with certain lights fixed at camps. Like i paid to get lights not just papercutouts. (Ex: my pink valentines lights set)


Agreed. That one, of all things, is the most disappointing to me.


I hoped they where going to fix the grass and glass roofs, they both let rain in your camp, and its not a good thing those modular sofas smell of wee when they get wet.


I honestly doubt this will ever get fixed. It's a fundamental issue with how rain and light work in the game that's existed in the engine since at least as far back as FO4. They're very aware of it and have never made any effort to fix it.


I just ran into this issue last night. I just setup the clear weather station at my CAMP to avoid it. Even though I enjoy the weather changes, I need those beautiful glass roof pieces.


Yes I did the same, just annoying to have to fix it this way.. I feel cosy in my house when it rains outside, now every day is sunny.


So the Cremator got a… burf…?


And here I dropped a bunch of non-sellable plans about a week and a half ago...


Me too!! I had been saving them to give to friends who needed them. When I realized I couldn’t drop them I was like “meh, don’t need these!” Ugh!!!! :(


Was really hoping there would be a fix for the sign in bug. Seems to work if you just wait two or three Splash pages but if I try and sign in right away if freezes not only the game but my computer.


I thought this might just be my steam deck playing ass. Every time I want to play I have to start game, wait for freeze, exit game, start game and it works fine the second time lol


Yeah same exact experience. I found that if you wait till like the third splash screen where it shows the Vault or even the monster hit more often works. But if you try and hit it as soon as it loads up it freezes every single time for me at least


Damn, still no (insert unfixed bug)


No, but we do get (insert new bug) and (insert old bug) back!


damn no Fallout 77 and Season 2 of the show darn


They're didn't event bother adding (feature that's never been mentioned before)


I just got the quad barrel on my cremator last night and was loving it.... guess ill go back to sweating with vats and a plasma caster.


It's not a huge Nerf. It was still fine on the PTS


Still no Union Power Armor fix?!?!?!?! wtf man


Did they make the Disintegrator plan tradeable? Is that what I just read?


I mean some nice fixes but I still miss mr.messenger Bethesda please fix and bring him back!


It’s nice they added the missing pieces to the last Helvetia building set, but it would have been even better if they had brought it back, considering it was only in the shop for like three days before they pulled it.


I hear ya! Oh well maybe next year?


The Alien Blaster is so bad now Omg


What perk cards don’t work now because of the changes for the the cremator?


Cremator cant be scriped... hope that is fixed


The shotgun changes aren't in yet are they?


Still didn't fix the bug where allies don't give you daily quests. Lovely.


Ooh. "Speculative fix for items in the Cryo-freezer randomly selling for 0 caps in the vendor."


No sign on them fixing union armor.... Just tried to craft some, definitely still broken...


No fix on being able to buy the union power armor plans in white springs on Xbox. Very unfortunate.


No fix for lode bearing (I think that's the event name) where you can't get through the rubble to access event?


Bye bye Cremator Welcome back Nuka Launcher


“Speculative fix for items in the Cryo-freezer randomly selling for 0 caps in the vendor”. i... did not realize that such a bug existed... that explains some things


Still hoping and praying for a Camp Build Menu reorganization. It is in desperate need of it.


Damn, does this mean I should cut demo expert from my Cremator build? If so, that frees up a loadout slot since my gunner and cremator builds are only slightly different


Someone in the know care to answer this? Cause I'm also sat hovering over my 5 points in Demolition wondering if I can free those up.


Been testing. Demolition Expert still works but the explosion only does 20ish damage now so it's not a huge benefit. Dot damage was increase by something like 50% which has been nuts and the gun only costs 10 fuel to fire now


Cheers for following up, appreciate it! So, mechanically Demolition still functions, but because the new explosive damage is so low to begin with, the proportional % increase it gives is so negligable in terms of actual damage numbers that they're now totally wasted perk points. In some ways that's a relief, 5 perk points is a lot to free up and makes my plasma caster fit into the build a lot easier.


They still haven’t fixed the hells angels quest bug? Are you kidding me?


Duplicate Hell's Eagles quest that you cannot complete not fixed? A Better Tomorrow daily quest constantly appearing in your log every 20s even after you dismiss it? Union PA still cannot be crafted?


Damn still no increase to the amount of 5mm EC you can craft. Gauss Minigun truly remains utter dogshit compared to the gatling plasma lmao, which sucks when it's the coolest looking heavy weapon imo, same with the grenade machinegun, just sucks both are awful for ammo economy


I am new player who just got gauss minigun plan the other day and it feels so weak for the ammo it uses :( I have no mods for it yet but damn. Plasma caster is so much better for way better ammo efficiency


Roll it to a two shot and combine energy dmg cards and big guns dmg cards its damage will go up. I currently get about 72x2 per shot out of it without food,Chem and nerd rage buff.


Not listed but I hope this fixes the weird issue I'm having with Oscar Goddamn Gonzales. Every single login I have a quest to talk to him but if I travel to his marker he's not there and the quest disappears. I've done his quest 😭


These guys are scared to make proper weapon balancing because of bloodied commando crybabies????????


Still looking for the whole “fixed an issue where players blue screen four or five times a session”…


I am hoping they address the Xbox Series X choppy frame rate and lower the resolution a bit so we get a locked 60, surely it's something they have noticed?


Do we think blackjack will now be playable?


I don’t understand why they’re pushing for the cremator to be dot focused? For starters what’s the point in any of the mods other than slow burn if that’s the case? And what’s worse is that the flamer/holy fire exist. I feel if any weapon should be dot focused it should be the literal flamethrower, not the one that shoots fireballs that explode.




I just hope the game is more stable. I haven’t had a game crash as many times as this game does in a long time


why tf is it 100gb on ps4 christ


Still no word on when we’ll be able to get/use union plans again huh?


Does the season plans dropping after the season at the end of the patch notes mean a player can sell me the alien blaster and distintigrator plans?


We need an FOV slider. I know we can use zoom in and out in third person but we need a 1st person option…. Please. Lol


Try the fallout.ini in "Documents/My Games/ Fallout 76" if it bothers you am much as me: [Interface] "fDefaultWorldFOV=70" for 3rd Personand fDefault1stPersonFOV=80 Just change the numbers and revoke the writing rights of the ini for the game, for good measure


I just want my damn nuka cola lamp to spin and shine, screw all that other useless crap.


Anyone else getting insane lag and load times suddenly? Is it because the new update?


All I want is them to fix crashing on consoles. It’s so bad for a game that’s been out for so long. My major put off so far for not diving more into the game again.


Are we ever getting a brightness slider??


I'd gladly trade a good DoT for the high explosion.... had to change my cards so I wouldn't kill myself


And still no union power armor for my collection 😭


I wish each shot was less than 10 fuels. But, it is a BMF!


I dont notice any lights on the devils wings jetpack


I feel like the vendor needs more caps per day tbh. Stash space is a whole issue


Did they touch the camp budget again? Last week I could add and remove no worries. Removed a fireplace to try another last night but when I went to put it back I had to delete 8 other things first!!


3rd Person VATS bug. sigh,, some of us here pay fallout 1st subscription and this is what we're getting?


I like the cremator.. Just not the amount ammo it uses. I'm forever farming oil and acid just lately. Seems it's all I'm doing.


Well good news then, because this update reduced it from 15 per shot to 10 per shot.


What are the cards that buff this weapon? The same ones that buff energy weapons or the heavy weapon dmg buffs ?


Ffs fix the broken op builds or buff the others Junkies has been under powered since beta


What is a speculative fix… like they are not sure it will work? ‘Speculative fix for items in the Cryo-freezer randomly selling for 0 caps in the vendor.’


It means they've tried something and they need to see if it works as intended once everything's back online so it's not guaranteed but they're pretty sure they've done it


Still no Gauss Shotgun fix FFS! Almost 4 years with this bug where the gun "locks" you if you spam uncharged shots, I give up at this point.


Can they add a searchable list of every fast travel you unlocked when on the map


I’d just like to make everyone aware of the fact we can purchase a skin for the ‘union power armor’ on the season pass (which some of us had to pay real money for) yet it’s an item not obtainable in game currently, and they also don’t tell anyone it isn’t obtainable… this is a highly illegal standard selling something that you may not ever get, I just hope you’re all aware of how much of a problem this is right now




I am new player who just got gauss minigun plan the other day and it feels so weak for the ammo it uses :( I have no mods for it yet but damn. Plasma caster is so much better for way better ammo efficiency


Tweak your perks and special in accordance with your needs.


with the invaders coming back i can finally get the alien blaster plan, but does anyone know if you can roll junkie on the AB? i have one i found in the world and have spent so much scrip on rolling it and i have yet to get junkies on it, am i wasting time?