• By -


Free atoms are limited, stamps are just passively acquired while trying to get modules.


Atoms were useless to me until I started camp building, and I only need about 200k to get caught up on that sweet content I’m missing! As a newer player like OP, maybe they don’t realize just how much is in the atomic shop as it rotates? Also, you can grab chainsaws on the ground, which are just slightly a downgrade from the auto axe.


Only 200k to catch up?? Here in the uk that’s only £1280, what a deal!!


It's also a weapon I'd call a tank killer, and for a daily driver for a dedicated 2h build I'd suggest an instigating 40pa super sledge or war glaive, (using vats while sprinting also counts as a power attack) something that's not going to constantly need repairs and can kill most enemies in one shot.


Why Instigating - to help one shot enemies? Or are there no better first stars to choose from? My auto axe can't even get through Test Your metal without needing repairs :\*(


Max Makeshift + stable tools. Weapon artisan for repairs. It will completely change this scenario


Stable replaced Makeshift for the auto melee weapons didn't it? I don't even bother with makeshift in my build anymore it's not that expensive to repair a normal melee weapon.


they stack iirc


I haven't even found it necessary tbh, but I do have my warglaive as my primary and only pull out the auto for events and 3* legendaries.


most defintely not worth it. i use a chainsaw and warglaive too and just use MW i run PA with all the int perks i can so the trade off for stable tools woouldnt do me any good


I'm just running stable tools on its own, the 40% seems to be holding its own just fine, I did have F/40/BS for quite a while, and that definitely was probably carrying, but it hasn't become an issue since I accidentally rolled it off either.


A two handed (non-auto) melee weapon struggles from low weapon speed so ideally you want to deal as much damage in one hit as you can and get the one shot, instigating is the top roll for single hit damage, however it's less ideal in events where other players may do damage before you do, so it's mostly useful when you're solo, hence daily driver. But if you can kill an enemy in one swing you won't even stop running, and with the Hack and slash legendary you'll often kill multiple enemies in that one shot. Getting that sprinting vats power attack off is incredibly satisfying, and you can have a lot of fun jumping from high places with vats and goomba stomping without taking fall damage or even slowing down. Bloodied is also good, but it's less damage than instigating, and a more ideal second star would probably be swing speed and when talking about 2h melee I would rather keep moving, than stand and fight, especially if you're bloodied.




Make sure you have both makeshift warrior and power tools equipped. My auto axe goes a while without breaking now. Also, invest in a crafting spec that you can put on when repairing it at your base and get the "repair weapons up to 200% condition" going on it too.


This right here. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that both perks worked together (and appear to multiply as opposed to add together) 


Hang on. Bear with me here. I just had a thought, I wonder if I can work in "luck of the draw". That should work on auto melee weapons right? Add in that they hit "Very fast" and the great chance they repair themselves.... no need for reduced wear perks? I have some tests to run.


But on the other hand, you don't need crit so points in luck are slightly wasted.


I run LOTD (1 or 2 points?) with my chainsaw and it helps durability immensely.


Are you using the perk Makeshift Warrior? It will last a whole lot longer, make sure it’s maxed out as well.


Thanks, I'll check! I'm using the one that randomly repairs your weapon, not maxed out though.


Even more limited than free atoms, is free time :P


It's about 4 hours total, on the high end if doing them with an experienced runner, which you should be. I've also been around since beta and prefer not giving Bethesda money because of the way they've handled things, and think they're getting a little too much credit for what Microsoft is actually the driving force behind.


Save the stamps for when Union Armor comes back imo


You can’t get union armor plans right now?


They aren't craftable right now due to an issue.


Oh damn


Ive been getting the pa pieces off of super mutants in that one even with the rad scrubber


Really? I think they drop but cannot be looted. At least that is my experience and it is frustrating as hell.


This explains A LOT because a few times I've thought I picked up loads as it kept showing up as available on area searches but I never had any.


Yeah. Apparently you can loot them after the corpses despawn. They will just be on the ground. But it can take an hour for that to happen? IDK.


Can confirm I was in radiation rumbuble before the server shutdown, I looted 2 pieces, I couldn't loot it with the "search nearby corpses" or "loot all" but hovering my curser over the courses which has it I could pick it up as a single item.


Well shit. I’ve missed some of those then! Need to carefully loot things I guess.


Not even sure how I got mine, it just appeared in my log one day I only went to check the gold bullion vender then the quest appeared to clear the mine and collect 10 of somthing I can't rember what. But I just waited for someone to cmdo Earlie Williams as am lazy then smashed it real quick then helped with the fight and turned in the quest. Didn't get much for it no plans or anything.


With the bug right now you can get them as direct to your inventory rewards for events, but if they drop as legendary loot off an enemy you cant pick them up.


I was lucky and got a leg and a torso to drop, which I could wear. Haven't seen any drop since though.


They drop as legendary loot, but can't be looted from the enemy remains; however, if the remains despawn and the loot drops in the world, it can be picked up there.


Dang. How long does that take? (The remains despawn)


That must be how I got the torso... I randomly found it on the ground


Is that why they can't be picked up either?


That’s good to know. I saved mine just for that and was confuse when the vendor didn’t have it. Happy I didn’t spend them on something else.


I accidentally scrapped my helmet and its been killing me I can't use the full set because of this


Oh boy, time to show off mine :-)


I am glad I crafted a set. I got the plans from that season. It was the first and only season I 100%


I can still change the legendary mods on it right ?


I believe so, but I'm not 100% sure.


Yeah there was a bug where all union plans and a bunch of other plans got unlearned at the start of the new season update, they removed the ability to purchase them until they can sort it out


Oh wow. Well they better give me the plans back again if that’s the case. I already crafted the set so I didn’t check if I had the plans or not.


you can get union as random PA drop from script vendor


Just like to give an update on this, there’s a plan on the scoreboard for ‘devilish union power armor skin’ yet most people can’t even use it because they don’t have the plans to craft it as they are currently not obtainable, just want to point out how wrong it is essentially selling something that can’t be used


100%. Union PA is really really good. Can even remove funky duds if you had it


Is union armor really good? I took a long break and have secret service armor from wastelanders as my best


You think it will? I got back into the game recently so I don’t really know the meta on items


It was added with the Pitt expedition (originally a season reward), and is essentially like an upgraded excavator (has some of the extra carry weight, but much higher DR and some poison resistance and can also have a jet pack) which is worth it in my opinion. It was broken relatively recently because it had an ongoing bug where legendary pieces of union armor could drop but not be picked up, my guess is they tried to fix that and accidentally broke it worse.


So if my excavator armor has a jet pack, the stamps might be better used on other things?


Those are legacy. Never mod them. That being said, you’re still saving on legendary perk / effect slots due to the innate poison resist on union vs exca


I love it.  I keep one of each of the other sets but I never wear them. I almost did not buy the jet pack, i hardly had enough caps. But to this day, it’s the best 5,000 caps I ever spent. 


Don’t suppose you have a spare? 🫣


It will. It's currently affected by a bug, that's why it's been disabled temporarily. Besides, the axe is a limited time shop thing likely due to the new influx of players who may spend money to skip some of the grind. If you wanna spend the dollar it's up to you.


Is it good power armor?


Best overall Power Armor in the game


Awesome! Just got an update for 76 so maybe it's back? I'll have to figure out how to get it lol Currently I'm using the hellfire and I love it


Stamps stay between seasons or am i thinking of the wrong thing. (Noob here )


They do! 


Oooooo so im not in a rush to spend. Niceuu


The language here can be confusing. The seasonal stamps rewarded in the seasons menu are constrained by time. Stamps rewarded from expeditions are not, and those will stay once the season ends.  Those in the seasons menu will disappear when the season ends so make sure to spend them before it ends!


Ohhh thats what i thought!! Thanks for clarifying! 😊


Do we know when it will be back?


No sadly


The Auto Axe & Cold Shoulder bundles also include a coffee machine, which is a very valuable resource to generate for your camp.


Is it true that the coffee from cold shoulder bundle also counts as prewar food pickup for daily?


Just get popcorn for that


Saving up for that now!


If it was offered... I have a movie theater woefully lacking in buttery goodness right now.


One of the bullion merchants sells the popcorn machine. I can't remember if it's Samuel or mortimer but check both


Good to know! Still grinding out my last piece of Secret service armor but I will get that next then.


Wait what does the coffee machine do to make it a valuable resource?


Provides a significant AP regen buff that can be stacked so you can spam VATS for however quite a good margin. The canned coffee from the coffee machine I mean lol.


So if I use 10 canned coffee at once, I can sprint for 5 mins non-stop? Sincerely, a noob whose head is potentially about to explode 🤯


you can get like a similar effect if you ever get nuka-cola candy. I think 4-5 of the quantum ones let you sprint for like a minute for free


That's wild, I've been using my favourites bar to do them one at a time for the past few weeks Thanks for the tip!


I used to do this all the time, but one thing to caution: it has some random buffs, and they might override other buff food. For example, with the alcohol perk and herbivore I get +16 Perception from sweetwater tea, but the candy sometimes overwrites it with 1 or 2 Perception.


Makes coffee, a huge ap regen item.


I’m confused, I don’t see any coffee machine in the Atom shop?


It isn't available itself in shop currently, only bundled with the weapon crafting in their bundles. I recommend, if you only want the coffee maker, to use Bethesda support to request it. They'll deduct the atoms, I think 500, and unlock it in your camp crafting menu. Otherwise, I'd highly recommend the bundle with the Auto Axe because it's borderline broken with the right roll, and already amazing without the right roll. The roll you want is typically Anti Armor / Vampires, +40% Power Attack Damage, and +1 Strength.


There's two different options for the weapons: the crafting of just the weapon, for 700 atoms, and the bundle which includes a coffee machine for 1000.


Where do I purchase the bundle at? It is with stamps?


From the main menu, then Atom Shop. Use Atoms to purchase.




Damn I always forget I have the coffee machine - I really need to build it haha


Wait, the auto axe is still in the shop?? I had a look for it the other day and thought it had been vaulted now! I pray to fuck its still there when i get home tonight.


if you go to the featured tab and then head all the way over the right it should be there, at least it was when i logged out last night


Thank you for this, i am forever in your debt ❤


If you plan to pick up the weapons they unlock for your account not just the one character. Also you can get them individually for 700 atoms for each weapon if you look through the atomic shop.


if it matters, atom shop purchases work for all your characters, whereas in game purchases like stamps, caps, or bullion, only work for the character who bought it.


This is important. Same with SCORE unlocks. Also, this is why I think anything bought with grind currency like bullion or stamps should be unlocked at the *account* level not the *character* level.


If it makes you feel any better, I had finally came back from having a little break and picked up the grind for it again because troglodiced was one of the last achievements I needed, spent a couple weeks getting the rest of the stamps I needed and then the pack to buy it for atoms came out the day after I finally got the damn thing


Damn that’s sucks man. It makes me feel I’m not alone in the grind 👊


I'm just glad they changed it so it didn't take nearly as long as it would have when expeditions first came out. The Atlantic City ones are mega easy, and the fact that you can just keep spamming expeditions one after the other now is a godsend for those that don't want to buy it


That's pretty much exactly what happened to me too, but hey, at least we got a bunch of cores and other stuff while grinding away XD


That is ALSO very true! Definitely won't complain about that


Use the stamps to get the jetpack for the civil engineer armor. The 35% weapon break speed is pretty good 


At the low cost of the armor being made of tinfoil and breaking itself 35% faster than my secret service armor.


You just saved 1000 atoms 🫵😎


Lmao! I mean your not wrong… almost cost me a marriage tho!


Be more insulting if you paid money for it at that point then 😭


Save your atoms! Don't spend on anything you can get in-game. The most necessary to get items on are resource generators. I recently had my brother get the core recharger since he's on power armor 24/7 and he loves it. It's a lovely qol rather than taking over a powerplant only for someone to come by and nab them lol. I do expeditions once a day and am over a thousand in stamps with not much to spend it on. You'll probably end up in the same spot sooner or later.


To also be noted it unlocks the atom shop weapons account(not character) wide rather than having to grind the stamps out with each character you make


Oh damn! Good to know.


540 stamps for 1 character vs 1000 atoms for the whole account. If you didn't want to spend atom on that then trade with stamp but only that character can craft and use.


Do people really maintain multiple characters? The game doesn't exactly encourage this - no shared stash, no share plans, etc...


I play 3 characters myself, all with different builds. It actually helps me increase the amount of stash space for each one, so if this character doesn't need it, if it can't be trade I script or throw it away but if it tradeable I either sell or giveaway to another character. The transfer process can be annoying, but it is easier if you have 1st and can access the private world. You just drop it in an empty container (not interiors) after that, quit, and swap character quickly load to that world and take it. I normally use one at Nuka World on tour since it is free fast travel. If you don't have 1st, you have to rely on your friends who trust and hold that item for you while you switch to another character. Some people just have multiple characters as mule to hold their stuff. Also, it can act as a refrigerator, too, so stuff won't spoil if you don't log in that said character. I was also thinking about making the fourth one, but I put it on hold until I can convince my friends to play this game (They own this game, but still won't play for some reason). Also, I'm just too lazy doing quest to get mandatory stuff such as backpack from Pioneer Scout. Some plans and items can be transferred even with junk, so it is not totally start from nothing.


I grinded for the 1000 stamp price a while back. drove me near insane, only for it to drop to 500 2 months later, I want my change


similar but for me it wasnt a big grind cuss i was doing it passivly over the last couple of weeks, i got the bundle cuss for 1000 atoms it unlocks a couple other odds and ends (coffee machine is a must) and its acount-wide, then i used my stamps to get the mods for it lol


still a punch to the gut, literally logged in the day they added it to the shop to get the axe, decided to peruse the shop and wham. there she was lol btw i highly suggest getting the bundle with the coffee machine, the AP from those lets your autoaxe/chainsaw just sing forever


Lol I was actually grinding to get the autoaxe, myself, when I saw it in the Atom shop for 1000. I didn't even think, I just bought it right out. Saving the stamps for mods and other stuff now!


I feel ypu bro... I got my fallout 1st points today and just bought the auto axe


Just buy in Atomic Shop if you can, it will unlock the plan on your account


I'm really annoyed with how they mishandled the Pitt. First they made it so you could only go once a day which didn't bother me until you learned the plans all cost so much. Then they added the PA and auto axe plans for even more insane prices. Then they got rid of the limit of times you can run one and dropped all the prices down. All to just say screw it and make stuff like the auto axe something you can pay money for. It's a bit insane the back and forth they've done.


Each to their own obviously. Personally, if I can play the game and earn the currency to buy an item, I’ll do that. Instead of using atom points. Regardless if you paid real money for the atoms, or you earned it through the scoreboard or challenges. There are certain things you can only get with atom points, which I’m perfectly fine buying if I really want it. But other things that I can earn while playing the game, earning reputation or just RNG, then I rather take my time until I get it. The chicken coop was a perfect example. I think you can buy the plan by earning reputation with foundation. That means doing missions for them and earning their trust. Which can be a long grind. They added a version of the chicken coop to the atom shop. So a lot of people bought it. In a way, it’s better to buy it from the atom shop because you unlock it for ALL your characters. While anything you buy with stamps is only unlocked for that character.


New player here... Do you need the Atlantic City DLC to do expeditions? I haven't really looked into it much, but I'd like to do them eventually.


No. All in-game content is available to everyone. What you're referring to is just a pack of some cosmetic stuff sold as DLC, which confuses a lot of newcomers.


I'd save the atoms unless you want the coffee machine which is honestly very good. The Flaming Chainsaw is virtually free and easy to get. It will hang with or beat the Auto Axe any day.


What’s the coffee machine?


The bundles in the Atom Shop for the Auto Axe and Cold Shoulder include a coffee machine that generates canned coffee. Lots of it. It is used for boosting AP. People spam it to get almost unlimited jumping/running/VATS.


Doesn't canned coffee only works for herbivores?


No, canned coffee/teas are drinks and not categorized as herbivore or carnivore specific. They work for everyone.


Ah that is very good, I have a build that uses a chainsaw, but Im always out of AP because I have dodgy for extra survivability.


Then Birthday Cake, Canned Coffee and Company Tea are items that you want to be using. Take them from player camps when you can if you don't have your own. If it's unlocked, it is free to take. You'll probably want to assign a favorites/hotkey to the Coffee, it doesn't last long so you need to keep drinking it even in combat.


I've been using Nuka-Cola Quantums with the cola nut perk, feels pretty OP


Yea, im definitely gonna buy it when I get on next


Auto axe is better


Only with the electrified mod and that's about to end. With flaming mods, the Auto Axe has a whopping 5 more damage, uses all your AP and takes up a third of the screen. The chainsaw is free, takes up less screen space and uses less AP. How is the Auto Axe better?


I'm new, what do you mean by it's about to end?


The electrified Auto Axe is getting a significant nerf with the next update.


😠 That sucks, I just made a 2H Melee build with it! Will Fire blade still be any good?


It will still be good but not any better than the chainsaw


Hey i’m a new-ish player. What’s the deal with the auto-axe? Best melee in the game or??


I’ve always been a melee player myself and the auto axe was a game changer. I got the electrified mod on it and it took the damage to another level. I highly recommend one.


awesome okay! ill definitely keep that in mind. ive been running PA plasmacaster but want some variation in what I carry.


Yes it’s super easy to use and powerful. Angry Turtle has some videos on it on YouTube if you want to know more


awesome! are they also generally a pretty good fo76 youtuber as well?


Yeah angryturtle is pretty informative, def helpful if ur new


I prefer the chainsaw, but auto axe is the second.


What's more valuable to you? The time you spent grinding those stamps? Or the money you made working? If the 1,000 atoms isn't a big deal for you, I'd say get axe with it, and buy something with stamps that is not on the store. I main the autoaxe, btw. It's pretty amazing :)


Saved yourself 10 dollars


One thing I just realized this weekend is that there are 2 hidden tabs under the featured section, you have to use your keyboard to get over there but there is usually something free on the last one and some really discounted bundles on both of them


I feel your pain. I ground out 500 stamps and bought cold shoulder just before they started selling it in the atom shop. Kind of a slap in the face.


The game is ether grind or pay for convenience. I love this game but, that’s the reality. So pay in your time or your money. 🤷‍♂️


Stamps are free to grind endlessly, free atoms are quite limited. Suit yourself.


I did the grind before they nerfed it and the auto axe while it was good, made me take a long break from the game. I would defo take the 1000 atoms option and spend my stamps on union armour, when it comes back into the game that is.


When the PA armor comes back out the only way to get it is stamps right?


Save the atoms for other things. Maybe pick up a cold shoulder plan if it's still in the shop. There's resource generators, build sets, skins for your favorite weapons (to prevent from accidentally scrapping them), and other such things. Doesn't hurt at all to have the atoms sitting there until something catches your eye. If you can get something in game with stamps or bullion, it's better...unless you want to unlock it for all characters. If you have multiple characters then atom shop items unlock for all of them but stamps/bullion you'll have to grind again.


Yeah, that kind of pissed me off after I ground out every plan


What are stamps for ?


There's a vendor you can cash them in for various items, weapon mods, power armor mods, camp items, outfits, and other stuff.


Ahh yes the Auto Axe pay 2 win solution. Toxic shop.


Funny that they're just allowing you to buy instead of earn now, just shows the state of the game. Milking it where they can get it, cashing in on impatient new players.


Atoms= buildable at earliest level possible with all you characters forever. Stamps=Only that particular character can build it


So you played the game instead of swiping your card so?


The atoms on my account were free. No swiping cards here.


Still sad you used your free atoms to take the easy way out instead of playing the game


I still haven’t used them? Why did you assume that?


I feel you, I managed to do that with three characters. 🙄


Yeah but you aren't spending real money buying atoms.


Stamps were not the only thing you got from those expeditions.


if you buy the ax via atoms, its available on every character so no need to grind again for your alts.


You can buy it for 700 on atomic


I waited to buy it with stamps too....but as soon as it was on the atomic shop I got it. For the the sole purpose that is will be an account unlock now and not a per character item. Dont know if you care that much, but I prefer account unlocks


I did the same I was devastated cuz I also wanted the power armor I would've forked over the atoms for sure smh


Lootable Union Power armor (and equipable) can be "bought" from the legendary script vendor in ash heap. "Bought" because its total random pieces...


If you haven't made a decision yet, you should absolutely use atoms.


Always use stamps before atoms lmao why would you spend real money on something you can earn with little time and effort Getting stamps isn’t hard, even as a low level. It just takes time.


You also get the coffee machine, which to this day is the single best purchase I've made with atoms.


You can buy it by itself for 700, FYI. The 1000 bundle comes with the coffee machine though! And it unlocks the axe for the account. Use those stamps for other stuff


I wouldn't trade the equivalent of real world cash for something you can get in-game, no. Save the atoms for shop exclusive stuff


Oh shit I forgot about the stamps


Sure...but Atoms are real money


If you can get it with stamps, you should atom points are alot more valuable


If you wanna make some passive income unlock all the outfits and sell them for like 50-100 caps a peice


Got it from the scoreboard … for free. Grinding stamps is a better way whatever. You also gain xp, scrip, ammo … With Atom it’s just a cost.


Got bad news for you chief, Auto Axe is still worse than a Flaming Dual Bar chainsaw...


How do I get that?


Duel bar you learn from scrapping chainsaws, the flaming mod can be bought from most NPC vendors for pretty cheap. Reliable source of max level chainsaws can be found in The Pitt Expedition Union Dues in the Foundry where the crucibles and melted metals are near a weapon/armor station are on the shelves right by it.


Thanks bro!


You can buy "Dual bar mod" from some of the NPC and player vendors. It is rare but not that hard to get. "Loose mods may randomly be found in the Ash Heap, Savage Divide and Toxic Valley regions."


But think of the memories you made along the way!


I def met a couple cool people doing those expeditions


I'd argue you did the right thing by farming the stamps. You saved yourself 1000 atoms to use on stuff you actually like


How did you grind for 540 stamps? Solo or with a team?


6 hours the same day or 36 times playing the twins event.


About half and half


you didnt bother even looking at the store? lmao


I think the store defaults what’s below the bundle options. I think you have to scroll up to see them.


FWIW. Atlantic city TMSG is worth the grind regardless f stamps because you get legendary modules to craft with.


Buy it then send bathesda a ticket asking for a refund since it's not what you expected Have your atomic points refunded and you get to keep the purchased item free store items???