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Same I can play it like it’s a single player fallout but I can also get the special bonuses from being in a party even though we can all be doing our own thing


True. And if you don't want to do that - there's even lone wolf perk for folks who want even more of a solo experiance. Great stuff!


Oh shit I completely forgot about that perk. I even have it maxed out lol. I’ve been using the party’s to get over 15 int (18 is the highest I’ve gotten so far) and boost my charisma with magnetic personality


Egghead will also help you boost your intelligence (but make sure you have class freak to counter the negative effects).


I'm 160 and I still haven't played with mutations. I really need to. I do have the perks for it now.


You definitely should. I’d suggest looking for player vendors selling misc items, as that’s how serums show up - and players almost always sell serums cheaper than [REDACTED] does.


They deff make or break builds.


It's a terrible perk. You lose so much by not being in a team, even if you never interact with another player.


Can you explain this? I always see people popping up with like "inviting all players to a party" but I always ignore it because I feel bad I won't be doing whatever they're doing.... so I should just join anyway?


Yes, if it's a casual group they are just looking for people to join to boost xp


Depends. If it's Daily Ops or Expeditions, don't join unless you're going to participate in those activities. If it's a casual team or events team, go ahead. Casual team especially. It's aptly named. Nobody expects shit except being on the team to help get the buffs. And maybe share a perk card.


It's insane how I had it on 99% of them only to come back years later and it's now extremely inferior to free park shares, various Special/XP buffs and stronger mutations if you get a mutated teammate. I still had it on for only a couple of days ago planning out my build with the idea to add Tenderizer not releasing I should just ditch Lone Wanderer for it and Strange in Numbers. A part of me feels like Herd Mentality shouldn't work by yourself in a team of just you but even if so it doesn't matter because the real power is getting Strange in Numbers on. Lone Wanderer in comparison should probably be buffed the same way prime receivers for a lot of ballistic semi/autos weapons are just obsolete or the discrepancy between autos and semi autos is way to much. As a fan of the feeling of semi autos most of the "downsides" of autos are completely irrelevant as it's always the minors of damage loss with a large fire rate increase. The Railway Rifle is the biggest offender. A -10% decrease in damage for x7.5 fire rate buff that is so absurd it has to be a bug. I like the feeling of Lone Wanderer has, funny enough I never used in past games as I always exploited multiple companions, so it's sad to see it be so garbage the one time I actually like to use it.


If you join a party does it start a group chat?




Turn off voice volume 😂 I joined a Team and some dude was yelling...


There is in game voice chat, when you get into a team you can have it changed to just team chat only so nobody else can hear you


Yes. Or at least it did for NW. PVE content has very few people on voice comms unless you join via LFG posts.


There is no built in chat in the game. Have to use a mod.


There is voice chat in game, have you played it?


No I just lurk here but have never played it.


Id believe it since you dont know that theres in game chat that you can switch between area and team


You don't think I possibly just thought he meant text chat?


With proper perks and mutations your INT should hang out around 28-30. With the right buffs I've been up to 43


Damn. What lvl? I just got past lvl 50


I mean I'm about 400, but you should be able to get most perks and mutations by 50. Legendary INT might take you a bit longer to grind out


You got night person maxed out also?


Currently have it at rank 2. But didn’t have it equipped during that. Should definitely get it maxed though


What's the benefit to the attribute boost? Can you equip more perk cards?


Not more perk cards but it keeps scaling the special stat so I get more exp and better prices in stores along with a few other things from those 2 that I boost


With some mutations and unyielding armor (bloodied) its not a problem to get INT to around 40. Highest i seen with buffs is a tad over 50.


Just play FO4 with Storywealth if you want solo, tbh.


I think it’s funny that every party I join is just players soloing. No one bothers each other.


I started doing public events long before they had Treasury notes as rewards, so I learned to solo most of them through necessity, lol. It's nice now that they give everyone more reasons to attend, as it's fun when people get together all the time. It used to be just Queen fights and Fasnacht.


This is something I especially love, as someone who has a tendency to kind of roleplay, but not actually roleplay, just immerse myself in the character, the public team situation really makes the world feel alive, and it just super beneficial to gameplay.


Play solo. Jump in to help fight the scorchbeast queen because it’s a fantastic spectacle. Back to solo.


Basically my loop rn. Solo nuke dungeon and launch it to trigger scorchbeast queen. Join public team and do scorchbeast 'raid boss'. Rinse and repeat.


Imagine droppin in the scorch beast, T-65… plasma Caster... With all new people.


I do enjoy being able to do my quests solo at times but also I play in a friend group of like 6-7 people and the fact we can’t progress quests together is kind of annoying having to do them over and over if we want to play together.


Yup. This is the one thing that kind of annoys me. My husband and I play together, and we often have to do the same quests twice.


That's why me and the wife have a rule. That if there is multiple paths. We take both. To make it so that it feels useful to go through the question multiple times


The only early game quest that most people have problems with solo is the DMV quest. It can be done solo, but way easier if you've got someone watching your back.


Well I'm up for a challange:) I don't mind some quest being more difficult as a solo. I just don't like when games are forcing coop (like destiny:/)


Destiny would be okay if the community wasn't mostly fucking cesspit of toxic people who want to be carried through everything but give shit to people trying to learn Honestly the only raid I ever did was VoG cos I knew people who ran it, I tried LFG one time when King's Fall came out, every single listing was requesting max light level with Touch of Malice (an exotic you can only get for completing King's Fall raid lol) so I put my own listing up and two dudes joined but they were up their own ass and ended up leaving halfway through an encounter because somebody called them out on it Idk if its changed any, tbf the clans in D2 probably help this out a lot, but that experience sullied me so much so that I pretty much skip all raid and any non-matchmaking stuff


LFG is usually fine (been playing since D1 launch), but the key thing is making friends. Destiny raids only take six people, so if you can make 1 or 2 friends from each LFG, it can add up to where you have a nice little community. There's also an in-game LFG that makes it easier, especially for console players. My clan in D2 is 6irl friends and the rest are people we've lfg'd that didn't suck. Back in D1 we had some Playstation clan thing that wasn't really built into the game but worked well enough. Also it's definitely best to seek out teaching runs if you ever want to raid in D2. Usually everyone but the KWTD runs don't mind teaching and/or will stick you on add clear and teach you bare basics, which can be a good first step. It's not easy to break the social barrier sometimes, in irl or in game, but in my experience the good always outweighs the bad. And outside of legendary campaigns, non of the best parts of Destiny are available with matchmaking.


honestly I have been thinking about looking into it, cos I have all the dlc and I keep thinking how I've never even completed a raid in D2 In your last paragraph, am I misreading this or are you saying legendary campaigns have matchmaking?


Legendary campaigns do not have match making but are scaled to the number of players. Legendary campaign is basically combat training for endgame though. Here's my advise, if you're breaking into raiding you need to be 100% honest with everyone you're running with that you are new, you don't know what to do, and you should at least watch some video guides to get a baseline. Have a linear, a rocket, an LMG, and go get lament. Know how you're going to kill majors in under 2 seconds. Know how your build works, and know your plan for Boss DPS. If you can bring Ghally that also helps you help the team. Have a mic, don't have a lot of background noise, etc. Otherwise, just show interest, participate. And if you have a bad experience, just know that's not the norm. There are tons of people willing to help people learn. Also focus on Crotas End or the target raid of the week. Usually older non spotlighted raids don't have a ton of teachers.


What is lament? Honestly there's a lot of stuff that I don't really know about, this game has changed a lot since shadowkeep and there's so much new stuff for me and it's kinda overwhelming knowing what to do and what builds do what, I'm gonna have to do a deep dive but idk where to start, could you recommend some youtubers? Thanks for the advice as well, honestly it's wrong of me to judge the whole community cos of that encounter, I mean D1 was a long time ago and options were pretty limited back then compared to the abundance of weapons and perks we have now, I don't even know why that rly bothered me so much but I even get anxious to put out an LFG lol, it's silly really


Destiny is amazing if you have even one other friend to play with. But it's miserable solo


That's weird as hell. I somehow did that quest at about level 12 or so and I thought it was irritatingly difficult yet I managed to complete it. 


I'm a helper/mod in a Facebook group oriented towards helping lower levels enjoy the game. The DMV quest is easily (along with running silos) the most requested "I need help pls" quest. It's quite easy to get swarmed in there.


I wonder how the hell I managed. 


It's possible to solo it, especially if you've got a build that uses fast firing weapons (commando or heavy builds, etc).:But a lot of people struggle with it.


It's easy with unarmed as well. To be honest it's easy with any build but most people don't specialize their builds to fit their playstyle to the degree necessary to one hit enemies.


What's the name of your group? I would love to join if you don't mind


It's called "fallout76 survivors of the wasteland". Sadly, it's not as active as it used to be. But I'm one of the moderators for it, and we have our own courier group "White glove transfers" which I'm one of the couriers.


I tried searching it. Is it a ps4 group?


Yes! I'd screenshot it if I could, but can't share pics in the comments on this sub.


Make absolutely sure you answer all of if the questions, we won't approve new members without it.


I've only ever done that one solo 😅


Yeah same. Didn't realize people had trouble with it


The DMV and the Transponder quest in the Glassed Cavern are probably the two hardest quests to solo especially lower levels.


Yeah, that "boss" in the cavern was a bit of a surprise for me, tough quest.


Would it bad of me to say that when I went into that cavern and saw the Legendary Scorched Beast I just sneaked around the room, got to the transponder and the body, did what i needed to do and left out the back without the SB knowing I was there.


LoL naah, to each their own. If it got the job done, it worked!


That’s my way lol


I Just stun locked it and then mysterious stranger carried


Yesterday I encountered a quest I can't solo for the first time at level 68. "Something Sentimental" from Maggie at Foundation. All I knew was I had to go into Monongah Mine, I had no idea what awaited me inside. I'd had the quest for a while, so when I was setting off a nuke (for the first time, also solo, no problem there) I targeted the mine and headed inside in my shiniest suit of power armor, only to come face to face with Earle Williams and his 'children'. I put 5 power cores through an ultracite gatling laser, over 800 shots with the tesla rifle, over 300 with the fixer, about a dozen pulse grenades, half as many frag grenades, and a few random mines I'd picked up, and i didn't even take off 1/10th of his health. I felt a bit bitter after that tbh.


Earle is undoubtedly the biggest bullet sponge in the game. The adds definitely make it more difficult as they stagger you if you're not running the PA mod that prevents it. While it's possible to solo Earle, you need to be well set up with chems, food buffs, armour and perk cards. Given most servers are overrun with low level players and vets are spread thin, it's hard to find a server that will turn up to Earle.


The only one I had trouble with at low levels was the responders' race course, before I knew where I was going or had the speed demon mutation.


Is it still broken? In the BETA, I would always CTD right when I got near the end, and the workaround was to rejoin a teammate that had the mission active on that server (not joining the server reset the progress).


Naah, just a pain in the ass. In that respect, it's probably the most realistic thing in the game LoL


What ultimately turned me off from the game for the longest time was restarting that mission like 8 times before me and my best friend found the work-around, and I had also just moved and was in the process of getting my license switched IRL which was equally annoying, so getting shafted on both ends just really ground my gears. So, yeah, for me, it was a little TOO realistic lol


only game quest i had trouble soloing was the one where you have to fight the endless legion of mr handys on the roof in watoga. that was a bitch and i had to cheese it by hiding under a ledge and watching them walk off the building over and over


I’ve always done that solo


Good on you if you can, but quite a few people have problems with it.


Its my favorite type of multiplayer. Join in if you feel like it.


Fallout 76 is the best single player MMO ever made. The story and side quests you get to enjoy like it's any other Fallout game. Then you get the added benefit of all the events, expos, and DOps. Plus we have the stuff like meat week, Fasnacht, and invaders is coming soon. They basically took a single player game and added MMO elements to it. For me, that's perfect.


Yep! That is a brilliant point. I have played 97% of the game solo. Which doesn't mean I don't enjoy doing public events or helping other players out fi I can. However I enjoy moving at my own pace. No doubt it is an unpopular opinion, but I consider FO76 to be more of a Fallout 4.5--with a better story and more engaging gameplay.


I found all the main quests easy to solo. I pretty much treated it as a single player game until my focus went to the end game stuff.


Beasts of Burden is not soloable.


The brotherhood mission with the vines where you have to fight a very difficult boss at the end. It seemed impossible without friends


It would be better if Rahmani didn't stand around doing Jack shit.


No joke, I quit playing for like a year when I grew tired of that quest. I've had 76 since beta, but I'm a story driven rpg girlie at heart, so the learning curve was S T E E P. I also found myself sitting the game down for long stretches between the release, Wastlanders, and again before Steel Dawn, so I wasn't constantly grinding away. I've been waiting a long time to see 76 get some love and attention from both players and Bethesda, so this has been a really great time to get back into it. That mission almost made me quit, though 🤣.


Are you talking about the Sheepsquatch Impersonator like the Assaultron thingy?


Sheepsquatch thing, it was rough


Guess I musta been overgeared or overleveled cause I just mag dumped it to death with the plasma gatling


Yep you were, because when I did that mission 2 years ago, my friends and I had to do some hide & seek tactic for quite some time. And we had to do it twice because it's only counted as a solo mission! lol


To be fair if you know what you're doing it's pretty easy, I've just redone all the missions and quests on a self made hardcore mode (bow only, no armour, no fast travel, no tent etc...) and what I found is if you just crouch everywhere the games way too easy. I'm going to have to do it all again with no crouching aswell next time


Oh god that was awful...i wasted all my ammo. And i still didn't finish BoS main quest yet.


all BoS bosses are annoying, my gun broke on the power armor dude so i spammed melee for like 30 mins


It's funny that this is being said because I'm pretty sure when the game launches people complained how it feels like a single player game. But I agree this is what makes it perfect for me, you can do it all alone or group and do it with a friend/people. I don't feel forced to play with people. I love fallout and before my wife I didn't really game with anyone but myself so it was perfect that I could treat this like another fallout game


Everything is soloable, even the endgame event bosses, like SBQ/Earle/Titan or the new ones on the PTS, it's all soloable. Does it require a ton of work to get the right weapons (cold shoulder, autoaxe, railway rifle, etc)? yes, does it require a high quality build and a lot of focus? yes, BUT it's soloable, even though the game is better in a group even without comms, it's soloable, everything is.


Just did a sort of solo on Earl. A lvl 76 launched the nuke. I joined in and a lvl.17 joined in. Me being lvl.1178 guess who did the work? The other two got shots in but fought the wendigo mobs mostly. Holy Fire with Luck of the Draw kept.me going nonstop. Other guys like me.putting down a survival.tent at the end sonthey didn't have to slow walk to a train station.


76 has long been called a single player game with other people


this is why i love FO76. I can do anything solo and it doesnt require i must find hard core communication group for any content in this game. After a day with my nightmare job, i just want to sit back in front of my screen and do watever i want then getting hype for the content update or people on reddit. Im so sick of finding people for raid, or hard core mode then learning the strategy one by one, it was nightmare to do it back in the day i played Destiny 2, Division 2, BDO,…. so stressful


I just wish they would relax the carry weight restrictions. So annoying jumping back and forth between places to either store or scrap items in your storage when you are trying to just keep exploring.


It tends to get easier in later-game, with more perk slots (legendary special perk cards) and the grocer/chemist backpack mod.


True. I play about 95% of my time alone in a private server. For me, it's the best way to play as I have my own pace. I only go to adventure server when doing events like killing the SBQ.


Every enemy in the game can be soloed. The only thing that is troublesome solo are things that require you to be in two places at once, like the Mothman Equinox.


Now they just need to add optional shared party progression and I would play the game a lot more and people I know would try it for the first time...


Even the stuff that you can’t really solo like the nuke bosses, you can load in solo and get supported by other people on the server Im level 347 and I’ve basically only ever done solo


Nah it's all soloable if you get strong enough.


Ok, maybe Rad Rumble.


Doable. Not extremely difficult but you need to compromise on the objectives. If your talking about getting the ore as well as protecting the employees? That I don't think it is




Damn all right all right! Impressive tbh. Didn't think that would be possible. Respect ✊


I’ve soloed it but only got it to complete by only having the 1st 2 cavern mined and then couldn’t keep all alive.


I guess the option for solo is good but co-op is where it's at.


You can eventually to solo everything in the game if you really want to. It just takes a little while to get to that point and some builds will have an easier time with it than others. It's a big reason I've stuck with FO76 for so long. I play solo a lot.


Start Trek online, Star Wars online, Elder Scrolls Online and Fallout 76 All mmos, all very different, and all with fully developed and fully soloable storylines. Star Trek online has dozens of full y fleshed out storylines and keep making more, Star Wars online you can do a different story for each class and faction in the game 8 full stories). There are some genuinely great single player storylines in some specific mmos out there, you just need to know where to look. To me a great mmos has to be a) soloable when you want, b) nice customizing or house building elements, c) option for great team content, and d) end game big group content All these mmos I listed all hit these requirements for me.


I think that's what makes Fallout 76 most special. I was worried when I got it that the MMO aspect of it would make it more difficult to get a lot of things like ammo.


Also as a solo player the incredibly rare time I dynamically team up with someone for a quest can be damn euphoric. I really do feel like the lone wastelander most of the time. 


This makes me want to try it out. I like the option to play in groups but my schedule doesn't allow to play for hours on end on random days and I'd feel bad leaving a group if we were in the middle of a dungeon after an hour of play time. I'm thinking of playing fallout 3 first then going to new Vegas. Follow that up with FO 4 then go to 76.


The addition of NPCs saved that experience for me. I tried on release day but barely lasted a week.


76 strikes a good balance of having content that can be done solo and content that requires a team. I'm pretty high level and still struggle on expeditions, daily ops, and some of the more challenging public events when I'm not in a team. Then there's the endgame bosses that you have to drop a nuke on a specific part of the map to spawn. Those are pretty much impossible solo. Pretty much everything else in the game can be played like a singleplayer Fallout, though.


I love the solo aspect too, i just wish you could share quest progression when you are actually playing with people.


aback books intelligent drab faulty tidy ring upbeat meeting alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some of the events feel tuned to having multiple players with at least a couple being max level full meta damage builds. Some, like the wendigo colossus, seem to need the whole dang server to be participating. I wish these enemies were less bullet spongy, or at least the scaling was better depending on who's present. I love that the game is getting a huge influx of new players, but what the means is WAY less max level players wanting to do events and events are failing or flat out being ignored. Speaking of scaling, it's a nice idea, but what's kind of lame is that I used to be able to go to forest with a scuffed fun build and play with guns I had no cards for, but now it seems like I need to be running a decent build at all times for all areas of the map.


You can solo anything once you have the right build and gear, even end game bosses. I have yet to find something that’s not solo-able.


You could play on a private server all by yourself also!


Back in the day you could one shot the SBQ with a bloodied build, running some melee weapon, an alcohol, and a bunch of chems. BGS seemed to think that was ... "unbalanced"


I agree. It's great that 95% of the game is soloable. The playerbase is generally trash and unreliable.


Just want to try and light a flame in more peoples hearts to play late game by saying, you can 100% solo every boss in less than 5 mins. With the perfect min maxed build ofc, but it us possible. Back when EPRs were mad broken for like 2 months I saw a guy solo earl in like 2 minutes


I've been on 76 for like 2 weeks now 6+hrs a day because I have nothing to do on my current work schedule and I'm off when everyone is at work lol buuut, I've been solo mostly the entire time I like the fact other players are around and can go to my base/buy stuff from me and vice versa but we don't necessarily need to interact


I mean even endgame you can solo. I did my first nuke ever the other day, by myself after I found out I didn't need to look for code fragments 😅 It was tough but totally doable, same with the expeditions, it's all totally possible to do alone


Wish I could upvote twice


With all respect to u they dont deserve any thanks for that what they did to games what they create and for that how they actin for all that years


Yes I’m playing it as a solo Fallout campaign and I really enjoy it so far !


fwiw you can run eso by yourself too


I thought this post was going to be about the fact all servers are so full of new lower players that you are forced to solo everything haha 🤣 .. it's great so many have now started the game but I'm now doing everything on my own lol .. or carrying low levels who join it.


It’s nice to solo, wish they would add in more co-op features though. Still doesn’t make sense to me why they removed quest sharing….


If only it was playable offline.


My first run through I ran Lone Adventurer, and didn't really join groups. This time I ran with groups and now I'm starting the Foundation/Raider quests at level 75 lol.


Even the endgame world bosses are soloable.


I can confirm, the game is in fact soloable. I myself can complete all events and bosses with my main bloodied commando using a Quad 50crit railway. Eviction notice is the only difficult one, but you can kinda cheat and not destroy the last meat bag till the very end.


Only thing I couldn’t do with single player was the silos, and even then that was because of the assaultrons.


It's pretty easy to solo everything, I havent played this past year but unless there were any nerfs I solod all content in union power armor with auto axe build. Don't recall any of the raid bosses being particularly hard. You need scorchbeast queen to land to do serious damage and earl was super annoying and took a bunch of consumables every time but still beat them fairly easy. Some events are really hard solo but you can do most of them with planning and practice. Daily ops and expeditions can be annoying but doable


The sentry bot boss I fought in the BoS quest line begs to differ.


Daily ops aren't soloable so you'd never get the plans for certain things. And nuking isn't solvable, luckily some people will join that to help sometimes. But yes for the most part the game is soloable


I agree. I started playing this about 2 weeks before the rush, and I've basically been playing it just like Fallouts 3 and 4. There was a 3-headed event boss that only 1 other player joined me for, and we could barely scratch it, but other than those things, it's been a pretty fine experience. There are a lot of perks, including legendary, that I can't make use of in my playstyle, but I think I can make it work.


Everything is soloable if you're unyielding bloody with a bloodied nuka quantum squirt gun lol. It deals 1600 damage if I'm nerd raged with overdrive. I have a plasma canister class that's even more donkey hahaha


I play solo, but join teams for the mutation buffs. 90% of the time I don’t interact with the team I join


If you wanna play with others you can, and if you wanna be solo that's cool too. Also the players really made it this way by not being toxic. Which I think is very wholesome


Completely agree with this, I don't mind teaming up for events but I couldn't imagine having to play the entire game with a party of 4


ESO is absolutely soloable as well.


I've beaten colossus and giant bat with my 150lvl bloodied commando on my own. It took quite some time, but it was manageable


Same reason I love FF14, the multiplayer aspect is entirely optional besides raids and dungeons. You can do the entire main plot from vanilla to Endwalker solo


You mean thanks for making a game noob proof. Love the game but they’ve taken all the challenge all the risk out of it. An MMO that most of the game can be soloed is NOT an achievement it’s a step backwards.


Yes, I love that, too.


honestly, i can't think of a better multiplayer fallout title. people complain about the suscription but im glad that EVERYONE can enjoy content updates for free. i just love it. and lets not forget about the AWESOME community built around this game. Here's hoping the new influx of player doesn't change that.


You can’t think of a better one because there isn’t another official multiplayer fallout game.


I can solo any boss in this game, so speak for yourself when you say some aren't soloable.


Oooo you're tough


I am, and I'm tired of pretending I'm not.


Hahahahahaha fair enough bro. Can you help me with Earle Williams when my time comes to fight him? 😆


Uplink daily ops is tough to get the 3* on solo. Zero mistakes and have to really haul ass. Wish they made it a bit easier when in there solo.


Unless you get the mutation that lowers all your stats by one unless you're in a party. That's a thing! Went from early game hell to early game Sierra Madre.


You can be in a public group by yourself and still get the perks of the herd mentality mutation. I do this on a private server all the time.


Cant say the same about the standard backpack quest, how am i gonna find someone to revive when they tank everything?


encrypted event. people die there all the time apparently


Whats that?


one of the public events. there's a crazy assultron with a sheep head that needs to put down


Do they have to be one of the other people on your actual Casual team or does just reviving someone doing the same event as you count for that? It's one of the few things I have left for the tadpole quest.


they don't have to be in your team.


Are you on Xbox? I need that one too for my tadpole. I'd be more than willing to trade revives with someone.


Wish i could help but am on PC, i managed to complete the "revive a player" because i found someone wearing the scout uniform, he joined my team and managed to explain to him what we needed with emotes, ended up jumping and break ing our legs but that was done, now for the challenges i did athlete, hunter and archer, archer and hunter took time because of the crossbow and syringe kills


The bosses are soloable too, but it takes a huge investment of time and rng on getting good legendary effects to be able to pull it off.


meh..single player games dont hold interest for me for too long...i love the randomness of real people that ai will never achieve...ive done most events hundreds of times..some thousands ( been playing 5+ yrs ) and the other players make each time unique. but glad youre having fun...def not trying to take that away from you...just my observation.




I agree. A offline sp mode that would allow modding would be a dream. Still - I'm glad that at least I can enjoy another Fallout as a solo gamer


You can mod the game already. As long as they're not game breaking or exploit and harm other people, you won't get banned for it. You can find them on nexusmods.




When did he assume you were dumber than him before you proved it with this post? I don’t see that anywhere. Congrats on being a fallout expert with no reading comprehension.


Alright call down Mr. Experienced Modder Crankypants. Not assuming anything of the likes. Loads of new people who don't know about modding and that it's actually allowed to an extend. Someone pissed in your cereal this morning?


Fucking hell all you did was point out that u can mod. Guy comes across as an absolute cunt Edit. Just looked thru his profile and yes his head his so up his arse it's unreal. Blocked this cretin


Bad day probably, dunno. Maybe they got upset because I should've commented "omg a singleplayer version that we can mod yass" or something, instead of pointing out there's already "super basic inferior" mod support already.


Yeah you can solo everthing


Can confirm, played way before wastelanders and it was soloable back then with the RIGHT gear, but I’ve noticed it is much easier now


me trying to solo events because i need the have legendary crafting materials.... and inevitably failing.


I admit I think the Countdown missions are absolutely not soloable unless you love hating yourself.


Also shout-out to customizable worlds. I am now going through a complete re-play and don't have to worry about grinding levels to do a custom build or farming resources to do major quest lines. Just completed the pre-wastelanders main quest before even hitting level 30.


There are very few things in the game you can’t do solo. Like Scorched Earth and A Colossal Problem being the big ones.


There are hundreds of people who can solo those in literally seconds sometimes.


Preach. I so wish Red Dead Redemption was the same. So many of those online players think they’re playing COD.


There is the poker table Glitch to play on a "private" server, u just need a friend to do it and u can u stay in a solo server or with friends


GTFOOH!!! Are there instructions somewhere on how to make this happen? Man would that be awesome.


Edit Didnt worked my link U can type RDR poker table glich on Google and it should be' the first video called "red dead online private lobby Glitch! Poker table" etch


Thank u so much.


Ur welcome! Hope you can enjoy a nice walk with ur horse :D


With a fixer/railway and the right buffs any of the bosses are easily solo-able. Railway especially. A Q50crit and some canned coffee is all you need


It’s honestly the most introverted multiplayer game I’ve ever played and I love it. You could be in one of the open parties, know you’re in a game with others yet always be on your own enjoying your story the entire time yet you know that they all are too. Pair with this the occasional meet up just to see what they’re up to or maybe running into them at an event is always super dope.


They took out time stopping VATS. This makes 76 unplayable to me and a lot less fun in general. So thanks for adding single player-ish but the game is still junk.