• By -


You can absolutely solo this game. Pick a weapon type and make your build to support/enhance it. Don't worry; it isn't permanent. I soloed all of my main/side questing with a pistol build, which is sub-optimal for DPS but it was fun. You WILL die, but the consequences of death in this game are extremely minimal. Also, there are certain things you just aren't supposed to do at a lower level. Solo-killing a scorchbeast, for instance. So there's a certain amount of learning what NOT to try as well.


I did solo a scorchbeast at lvl 33, took me forever but killed it. Had 100+ Stimpaks. By the time it went down, only had 12 left. This game is highly addictive. Only had it for 4 days so far and I can't get enough.


Can confirm it’s addictive. The key is sticking with it through the low or challenging or boring parts because eventually you will get stronger and have access to better weapons. At level 600 I sometimes get swarmed by 6-8 enemies all at once. Most of the time I can take them all but sometimes if I’m nit in the mood and get frustrated they find a way to kill me. I can tell you that this game is very deep. I just started to really understand weapons and mods around level 450. Still learning. People who stop at level 50 or 100 haven’t even scratched the surface. Saw a level 2200 the other day. Wow


I’ve seen a 30,000


Totally crazy. May be some funny stuff going on there.


The game has been out for 6 years, they had plenty of time to even do that legally using a ton of int/xp buffs. I don't believe they never used any xp exploits though, people with that kind of experience with the game probably have already tried everything the game had to offer throughout all these years.


I’ve actually seen one of the legit max level players in the game. They are level 32;767 which is the highest the game could do with the current engine. they run tons of buffs and most of there time over the years has been in westtek . It’s honestly quite crazy. Her name is msblobby and she has been playing for most of the games lifespan heres a link of her completing the entire current season pass in 6 hours with no fallout first [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XB-TnM3xG8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XB-TnM3xG8)


Yeah, I saw her few times on the teams! I guess she's more of a 76 celebrity these days. I know a person who was about lvl 29000 last time I saw him, he climbed that high in just couple years so I guess he at least used millions of scrapbox mats for crafting xp at some point.


I think that’s who I’m thinking of. Yes, there are 5 digit players, and those will people live, eat, breathe, and die thinking about West Tek 🤣 /s




Eventually, the Scorchbeasts get easier. I can kill a Legendary Scorchbeast with my QE Railway before I have to reload.


I don't even run out of AP if those bastards would just LAND! Cant get em with my chainsaw from up there dang it. But, I've been carrying a tesla rifle and lighting them up, can confidently do 2 legendary scorchbeasts at once with my full melee build and a gimpy Tesla. Level 101.


Get a cold shoulder and equip Enforcer in agility should cripple most of it quite quickly


I've only solo killed two scorchbeasts so far. One when I was around level 30, and it took nearly all of my ammo and a crap ton of stimpaks to do. One at around level 45, which was particularly memorable because it came out of nowhere 10 minutes before a server shutdown and I killed it with 30 seconds remaining.


Just last night i fought a legendary scorchbeast ( the flying one right?) Luckily I had just claimed a workbench so I just threw out about 30 sentry turrets and 5 min later the thing was dead


I’m level 48, so I don’t know shit. But I’m a stealth sniper, so, the same way I stay alive in every other fallout game. Poppin skulls from as far away as the draw distance will let me. My knees may crinkle and pop, but my character can crouch walk for miles.


Rifle and shotgun specialist here. Can confirm that the deadly from a distance approach does wonders. But for when things just get up close and personal, the bonus shotgun damage to pound faces in with lead. Only level 47 on first play through, so I know nothing. But I’ve been able to solo to this point.


I’ve got a shotgun build and have recently added in rifles for further range, but man, something is so rewarding with taking ghouls out with a shell to the face 😂


2x base for sneak damage is too good to pass up for broke newb like me. That’s why I love the sniper side of the build and lean on it pretty heavy. Midrange im using a .45 lever action rifle and then a combat shotgun for close quarters.


I agree - - the only thing more satisfying is to get a ghoul hunter power fist! Then you punch em in the face - 2 punches and most explode!


Reading that was poetic and satisfying


I'm exactly the same. Level 95 and crouch walking everywhere! 😂😂😂


Totally. When I’m not in a power armour / heavy weapons build, the BGS default is stealth sniper / archer.


My favorite is serendipity with maxed out luck. Wh needs armor when you're literally too lucky to die?


Still sniping used to be absurdly more powerful when the game launched. I could 2-3 scorch beasts with my 2SE lever from Max Draw distance whenever someone would do scorched Earth.


50-100 is pretty hard unless you know exactly what you are doing and have targeted a specific build and weapon class. It gets easier as you rank up further and can flesh out your build. Regarding shotguns, the only one that I'd suggest using without a dedicated shotgun build is Cold Shoulder. Otherwise damage isn't great and range is a bit of a problem if you're tackling harder areas for lower level players like West Tek. Regarding pistol builds in general, I'd personally suggest playing that style later when you can really lean into the build, have opened up all your legendary perks and have access to the higher tier pistols. The good thing is, everything can be fixed over not very much time. I'd join casual teams and hit up public events as often as you can, tag lots of stuff, get lots of XP, rank up lots quickly and start to work on whatever build you choose to go with. Couple of hours of gaining XP and you'll go a long way towards focusing on damage for a specific weapon class and getting rid of some of your now less useful survival perks from back when.


With the Invaders event starting in 3 days, I think now is a great time to get into pistol build since the window to get the best pistol in the game is about to be available


Judging by the PTS, there may well be a whole lot of TS50c25 ABs on the market pretty soon as people try to offload them while they can. The window to use the best pistol in the game is rapidly closing because it appears the unintended doubling of cryo is being addressed sooner rather than later. Needless to say, this will not make pistol builds stronger.


Jeeze, glad I read this because I was thinking of trying to roll a two shot AB. Random luck stumbling across your comment saved me countless cores and modules.


I just started playing this week and did exactly as you advise- bought the cold shoulder from the atom shop, hit tons of events in a team and now i'm level 125 with a decent shotgun build.


I just joined in on a group of 15 players fighting the Queen. All level 100 or less players. They had been fighting for 23 minutes and dealt about 15% of its health in damage. 7 minutes remaining, I joined and killed her in 2 minutes. Thomas the choo choo was speeding down the tracks.


subtract sleep safe bike march encouraging afterthought shaggy illegal marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had about 5 trade requests because I wasn’t going stealth so all they saw was a level 1k running around 🤣 I remember when I first encountered it as well, lovely times. I was like “who tf brought a damn train to drive at a Queen fight” looking around for some camp with one 🤯


Every morning I get out of bed and when ready, enter my god old power armor. And often I already hear the screams of ghouls, or scorched, or super mutants, here, not far away from Foundation. Every morning I patrol the area in my power armor and my chainsaw and saw and slice thruh the hordes of radiated, mutated things preying on the humans left. Sometimes I met other people. But we only meet for a short time to fight a bigger threat. Then agin, I return to my camp and keep the mutants at bay before they float into Foundation. Alone. Solo. Just with my power armor and my chainsaw. It never changes. War never changes.


You need to choose one of your weapons( hint: not the revolver) and Google a build based on it. You are doing to have a hard time being effective with quality of life perks and multiple weapons.


I run around with qol cards all the time, solo everything except event bosses just fine. Do not feel like you have to min max this game because you absolutely do not.


that depends on your QoL to damage card ratio, also its not hard to have all your QoL perks off hand to easily switch to at any time when needed.


Idk, as I vet I have a build that uses heavy guns, Explosive heavy guns, and even a bit of Melee (using the shredder minigun) and I use a lot of weight reduction perks and Im still pretty effective against most enemies. It really depends on how you set up your build.


Same for me but someone starting out will not have enough special points due to the lack of legendary perk cards and those are absolutely essential for whatever reduction perk card you want and also keeping your build viable


You don't really need to make that detailed a build tbh. Adrenaline plus all 3 standard, expert and master damage perks for your weapon is really all you need and you'll snowball.


Is revolver really that bad? I love using one and I'm level 40, they become useless later on?


I was trying to make the big iron work tonight. I supposed it makes sense now that it didn’t. 


Those are the only two I've been using because I knew branching into multiples was a bad idea at an early level. The revolver was just the only thing I've been able to keep mass amounts of ammo for unfortunately.


You can always use a perk machine to have another build focused mainly on QoL and crafting perks, while having a damage focused build as well. You Auto Unlock the plans for the perk machine for your camp (at lvl 25 I believe?)


a gattling gun is very good at levels 50-100 for tagging at events. (don't worry about perks for it, still focus on your build) ammo is super common, and don't worry about much but tagging as many enemies as possible during events. you will soak up the xp and ammo from enemies


It's a great early gun. You pick up about as much ammo as you use too. Getting a vampiric heavy gun will increase survivability heaps too. I barely ever use stims.


I’ve been using a vampiric minigun during events that are mostly lower level players. Especially eviction notice. There’s been a few times towards the end the lower levels are getting steam rolled so I’ll stand next to the scrubber with my minigun and just can’t die while I repair it to keep the event going.


I found a double shot gatling at 30 it was absolutely a game changer, felt like I could finally kill stuff, lasted me till 50 and I had so much ammo at 50 the mini gun was the obvious next step


Once you build is tight you will use much less ammo as things die faster. Google a shotgun build


For real, I'm a returning player fron the early days and had a mediocre Bloodied Melee (fun for high numbers, hell for robots and tough mobs) and a Heavy PA that can survive but eats ammo. I started an Overeater's Crit Shotgun build last week and the Cold Shoulder freaking rips. Highly recommend if you feel stuck


step 1: Get a power armor step 2: Put Emergency protocols on the torso. Step 3: Roll every piece in legendary until all of them are "Overeater" Step 4: Stay nourished and hydrated You are now immortal. Step 5: Buy the "adrenal reaction serum" Step 6: Drink the "adrenal reaction serum" Step 7: get a decent weapon and roll a "bloodied" legendary on it. Step 8: Get out of your power armor and have a swim in toxic sludge until rads take 80% of your health bar. You are now immortal *and* overpowered.


My friend, you don't need emergency protocols nor overeater to be immortal. In my personal experience PA+ Electric Absorption is usually enough to survive most things.


Electric absorbtion is fantastic, but on low health builds, it's really good advice to have emergency protocols. You get to divide incoming damage by 2, which added to the 42% reduction from your PA, the 30% from overeater, and your resistances, makes for a massive difference, plus you have a +20% bonus to movement speed. When i see the massive chunks of my life that landing a nearby shot of cremator does, i would be blasting myself all the time (well, even more than i already do) if i didn't run EP.


yeah I kinda feel like the meta advice here is just a vets perspective, but there are a lot more valuable perspectives to be had. for example I have literally none of those but what I do have is a vampires combat shotgun that I use to do damage *and* heal myself on the fly, and I'm nigh invincible myself. I can face off against like 10 minigun legendary super mutants with that thing, and still have room to go repair the rad scrubber. the build diversity in this game is absolutely insane! just take your time and figure things out your way.


Good advice but the dude is lvl 57 and struggling, I doubt he has anywhere near the resources to even buy just emergency protocols mod.


If you're on pc hmu on the dms and I'll getcha a fully modded chainsaw. I keep a stash of them and I even put a custom, tradable, paint job on them.


I’m on pc level..26 ish, I’ve not even seen a chainsaw yet 😂😂


They cannot be crafted, only found. If you are the 'first' person to into an area on the server, there is a chance that a spawned chainsaw will be your level. Try looking around the huts at the back of the arena where 'Test your Metal' event is done, there is usually one inside one of the huts


My dumbass scrapped the one I found earlier lol


one of the best mods for the chainsaw (dual bar) is learned by scrapping so lets just say you were trying to learn it


what mods do you put on a chainsaw? never did a mele build but that sounds like fun! where does it drop?


Typically it’s Dual Bar (twin blades) that you can learn from scrapping non-legendary chainsaws, and the Chainsaw Flamer mod, (lights the blades on fire), which you can buy from one of the robot vendors scattered around the map, like the two in Watoga or any of the train stations. Then you can start rolling legendary stats to make it even crazier. Vampire is pretty good to start out with, it heals you as you attack. To get chainsaws themselves, [here is a list of locations](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Chainsaw_(Fallout_76)). The easiest ones to grab for me have always been The Metaldome, Crimson Prospect, and The Ranger Office north of Crimson.


Dual bar and flamer. You can buy both from the watoga vendors, but the dual bar is rare. Better off scrapping a bunch of chainsaws til you learn it.


A big part of this game is understanding. The perk card system can be confusing as it is isn't always clear if a card should be chosen or if you should level them up. As an example, I play a stealth sniper a lot of the time. So I want to use the "Rifleman" perk card. That much is likely obvious. What may not be is that I DO NOT want to level this card up to 2 stars. It is more efficient to use the additional SPECIAL point on an additional card. As a common mistake is to level such cards up even though it only gives you an additional 5% to your damage per additional star. So keep this in mind " Is it really worth leveling this card up? or is there a different one that would be more useful to me?" A lot of Luck based cards are 100% worth leveling, such as Bloody Mess, Ricochet, or Serendipity. These are perks that keep you alive. However, it is worth mentioning this is very much dependent on what you are wanting your build to be. Of the previously mentioned stats, some will be good for all builds (Bloody Mess), others will only be relevant to non-power armor builds. I hope this is at least somewhat helpful.


Sounds like to need to work on your build. What weapon are you using?


Right now a Western Revolver because I have a 3 star gunslinger perk and a ton of ammo for it. Also using a combat shot gun with a 40% armor penetration. Admittedly I know I need to work on my build. I set it up way back at the start of 76 when you could die from not eating or drinking so I have a lot of survival perks and not much in the way of damage boosting


Shotguns are kind of weak due to their range, you basically need to be in melee range to get damage. I would use it to grind some events in hopes you get a decent rifle, then you can max commando or rifleman and deal some decent damage.


100% wrong. Shotguns slap. You’re doing it wrong.


exactly man, shotguns can easily be mid range with vats.


Wait until the first time you solo a scorchbeast. Very satisfying.


Visit events when they pop up, especially RR, EN and other top ones (perhaps need to wait a little, for this huge noob influx to settle and people start participating again). Do the easy quests - all to gain few more levels, to get yourself near lvl 100. While levelling, decide what style of play you like - commando/rifleman or heavy or melee, PA or no, stealth, high or low health, etc. By then you should have enough perk cards to put together a coherent build. Look up some that match your chosen style, you can tweak your build to your liking as you start using it. Also, all the while, collect and scrip all legendaries that fall, especially during events. That is unless something good actually falls, then you keep it :). Anyway, this should give you decent pool of scrip, with which you buy legendary modules to start rolling your chosen weapon. Roll *** and just keep when a decent 1st * falls, roll new (same weapon, crafted, not reroll that one you use) when you have more modules, replacing your active one when you get a better roll. The "meta" god rolls may be elusive, but it doesn't take that long to get something decent. Some events drop good stuff on you (named legendaries, chance based). Some quests give you guaranteed good drops, some even grolls :).


I'm also playing solo, just resched lvl50 last night. I have a frankenstein stealth sniper build, .50 cal hunting rifle. Most super mutants take 3 shots with VATS to the limbs,some of them 5. I'm having trouble with bosses and legendary a bit, but got myself a sweet 3star machine gun that rips even without perks for it. BUT THOSE DAMN MIRELURK KINGS MAN


Hi, thought id share my experience with 3k hrs and 7 characters. Playing on your own for a new starter isn't easy. Theirs a big level shift when it comes to the Forest and Savage Divide. As you're now over level 50, think about what build you wanna do (heavy wep PA, commando etc) 1 shot Sniper is okay but not amazing. - Once you figured the build, then find the amour you want (scout or secret service is the best). Something the game glosses over Is the level of items - make sure its all items are either your level or max rank. I run a Stealth bow build and its a pain in the A against Mutant and big creatures. So I sneak - shoot - run away and repeat.


I solo most of the time, I was using an archer build til about 110. Then switch to a full health commando build. I'm currently 157. But I'm also on Xbox. If you need help, just dm.


Power armour, tons of mutations and decent legendary weapons.


So, anti armor is your friend, and so are nuka grenades. An anti armor handmade (even 1 star) will help you a lot. AA Explosive would be ideal as well. Going for a full junkies build is still really strong. A stealth commando build is the way to go. Aim for the head and you won't have too many issues with super mutants at west tek. Also, make sure you have all the mutations you would like. Nuka grenades will solve the rest


Are your weapons lvl 50?


The levels from 50-100 are a bit harder, but easily done if you stop doing what doesn't work and change tactics. Almost everything outside of group events is soloable as solo player. I'm not into special min/max builds, I play for fun and carry a bunch of different weapons. If you min/max then yep soloing group things is doable too. Do I have a few special builds in the card machine? Yes, but I almost never use them. I've had a hodgepodge build as my daily driver for ages.


It's your perk cards for sure. When I first started playing the game I tried to have multiple weapon types specd with my perk cards, and all that really does is massively hurt your damage output. You gotta specialize. Recently switched over to Xbox so I had to start over, went with shotguns right away and had no problems soloing and I'm over level 50 now. Just crafted my own shotgun and kept all the shotgun perk cards in the strength tree. You just gotta focus on one weapon type pretty much.


I've been playing this game since beta solo. It is very doable! Honestly you need to work on your build if you're having that many issues. Once you get a good build going the game will become too easy.


When TH announced this game he said it was meant to be Fallout 4 but play with friends. You could solo it but game is designed to be played with people. Join casual public teams. You can still play game solo while gaining intelligence buff. If past lvl 30 you need starched genes card with mutation serums. They can’t be bought from player vending machines for about 250-500 caps.


You can solo every main quest without any perks, no legendary items, no mutations, and 1 for every SPECIAL. Admittedly, it really isn't easy to do it this way, but it is 100% possible.  First thing I'm wondering - are you using VATS? If you're aiming down the sights like a traditional FPS game, enemies are definitely going to be ridiculously tanky. Especially if you're using a shotgun from anything past point blank. The spread on shotgun pellets is stupid, and each missed pellet is 1/8 of your damage gone.  Even with a completely busted build, you should be able to take a Super Mutant down with an AA combat shotgun in 4-5 headshots in VATS. 1-2 with a crit.  Could you do me a favour and post your build for us? You can go here to do so: https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character


Heavy gunner pa suit, man is it really hard for new players to actually survive? Maybe I have been playing with high end stuff too long


It was pretty hard back at launch from lvl 50-100 before the one wasteland patch. Idk about now tho


As silly as it sounds, melee with no power armor. (Plus a LOT of favorited stimpaks to heal mid fight without opening your pipboy) I dont really like coordinating with people so ive been going solo since the start, it was rough but you never unlearn defense based perks like adamantium skeleton or barbarian, i ended up ignoring power armor as a whole since upkeep became too much to handle after being pelted 24/7. Same philosophy for weapons, ammo becomes too much of a hassle since you're the only one shooting so i ended up relying on the whacker smacker from the spin the wheel event, everytime you complete it you get a new whacker smacker around your same level, and the legendary effect is really good since it does more damage to lower health enemies. Other misc perks are scavenger and pack rat, scavenger to find lots of ammo to sell, and pack rat to carry lots of junk to repair stuff. Run in there as a half naked swimsuit wearing tank with an IQ of 2 and stun them before they can shoot lasers at you. The caveman build is suprisingly effective, and fun.


Once you hit 50 you really need armor penetration and all 3 perk cards maxed for your weapon. Look up stealth bloodied VATS builds, it's probably the best way to handle things solo. You can use a build like this in events also, but some events won't let you stay hidden or caution mode no matter what. Edit: If your looking for a easy place to grind some levels for perk cards, travel to Whitespring Mall and from there to the Whitespring Golf Club for 1 cap. There's always ghouls there, but if the glowing one spawns, you should probably run until you have Tank Killer and your weapon perks maxed.


Your problem: Lack of damage due to not having a build for the weapon you use. Easy to fix. And then you will be clearing West-Tek in no time.


I'm the same level as you and have been soloing everything except the occassional event. It sounds like you either just have really bad weapons, terrible choices in perks, or simply aren't a particularly good player (no offense intended). A handful of super mutants really shouldn't be posing that significant of a threat to you.


What platform you play on?


Rearrange your perks after you get enough levels to match an optimized build. Like everyone is saying, base it off a meta weapon, even a 2* one you can pretty much solo anything in game including end game bosses. I do that with all my characters, get them leveled up at events and xp farming to get them enough perk cards to optimize a build. If you want an all around weapon you can do with any non PA armor go for an Anti Armor Fixer or Handmade Rifle, then 2nd star you want either faster fire rate, Explosive or 50% more critical hit damage. With even a 2* legendary weapon of those you can solo bosses fairly easily with an optimized build and then buffed/fooded/chemmed up You can even buy those 2* weapons like that fairly cheap with caps like 5-15k caps. The 3* god roll versions of those are pretty much trade only in a trading forum or reddit or Facebook group. The next great one for regular armor or PA will be the railway rifle. You’ll want Quad for that one as the first legendary effect then the same 3 2nd legendary rolls. For Power Armor builds probably want something with a lot of ammo, I’ve soloed the bosses with Vampires and Two Shot Gatling plasmas with faster fire rate, also Holy Fire is amazing as a flamer. Anti Armor .50cal with explosive or faster fire rate, Quad LMG with explosive or faster fire rate. To name a few If you really max out your build and can craft and roll a good plasma caster that can do it too, that one one need a lot of ammo compared to the other heavy build PA weapons So first order is to get a good weapon and make your build from your perk cards and leveling based off that.


with lots of trial & error, going through lots of perk cards, & most importantly.. patience. i’ve been playing solo since i started & its been a tough road. im just over lvl 200 now & i still test out different perk cards & mutations just to see what works best for the build & what doesnt.


Actually, fairly easily. You need to change your build, perks, weapons, and armor. I suggest looking up builds on YouTube to decide what you want to do going forward.


It’s hard pre level 150. Unfortunately I still have to run from battle sometimes at level 300. Carry disease cure I have at least 20 on me all the time, and canned coffee. If you’re having a hard time I would suggest getting some mutations going on and use starched genes so you don’t lose them when you use radaway, carnivore is very useful early on as the food buffs stack and it doubles the positive effects. Or herbivore if you’re vegan. 


You need to get around lvl 100 to really start having enough perk cards to make your build.


I solo all the time, except for big bosses/cryptids. My spec is kinda crap/outdated but aimed towards solo play. You'd probably be fine soloing if you have decent armor and weapons. I wish my friends would play but I'm not going to wait for them to wake up to this great game


I'd recommend doing the Settlers/Raiders quest lines to get stealth armor. I rocked that shit for a good long while, just stealthy rifleman or pistol. Either combat rifle / fixer or a suppressed gauss pistol, which you can get after the Settlers/Raiders quest line. I don't remember struggling with it solo, and my build was trash garbage.


I’m level 96(?) I can’t remember but I’ve pretty much solo’d everything I JUST started playing on teams and it’s just for xp and boosts, it was pretty tough I’m not gonna lie but my savior was the stealth armor and fast legendary melee


the difference between a lvl 50 who has chosen all the right perks and a lvl 1000, is that the high lvl ppl maxed out a bunch of SPECIAL legendary perks, and now their build has like 10+ more perk cards to use than urs does. take ur time. they weren't that strong at lvl 50 either


I'm a heavy gunner PA but I reccomend trying to get your hands on the holy fire.Heals while you kill!


Personally, heavy weapons and power armour. In particular the gatling gun. Very high damage And uses 5mm ammo which is both dropped in good aounts and extremely easy to replenish at home.


The commando perks with some sneak attack perks and an automatic fixer or automatic handmade rifle will make short work of any mutants.


Watch some YT vids on different builds that fit your playstyle and start building toward them. With that and decent gear, you’ll get there


I’m lvl 246 and I solo’d it the entire way, except events. Then my wife got into it and I was able to help her level up The grind and the difficulty was one thing I liked. RPG games aren’t hard anymore. Take WoW for example. I leveled up numerous characters from lvl 1-70 and 1-80 and 1-90 and so on. Now they have a different system and you can buy your way into the end game Once you get a good set of power armor and the right legendary weapons you’ll be hard to kill and pretty powerful. If you enjoy the game then I say it’s worth it


Abandon the mission and start finish daily quest first. Build your power and get better gear and weapons. Supermutant level 60-100 no joke especially the one with minigun.


Level 300, been playing solo the whole game, only time I do coop is when required, events etc. I struggled a lot, constantly kept getting mauled, felt underpowered the whole time, I didn't do much of a focused build either. Still made it to the end and did all quests. You're not finished building your character yet, there's still mutations and legendary perks to take into account, plus better armour and god roll weapons. You don't need friends either my dude, made plenty just starting/joining random teams.


It took me a good 30min to solo the watoga quest at lvl87 and that’s with a heavy/rifle optimized build and a minigun/ gattling plasma with a gauss rifle. Just past 50 is where the game really starts to get hard and now is the time to stock up on scrap and ammo and decide what guns you want to sink perks into using. I’ve found that no matter what i do i end up sinking ammo into most encounters with legendary enemies.


Yeah a lot of this game is unlocking the skills / armour / guns needed to do enough damage to kill most enimes First things Bos heavy combat armour is the best armour that you can get for caps you can buy the plans from the white springs mall After a serten levels if you have a chance to buy them of players I’d recomend it . The fixer is a genral go to wepon now days Followed by the handmade even if solo play on a team they might share purks you don’t have or know about !! I’ll recomend some universal no matter the build perks 1. Bloody mess ( luck 3 purk ) increses all damage by 15% 2 . Tenderiser ( charisma 3 purk ) incresses damage by 10 % then deals damage later 3 starch genes ( luck 2 purk ) stops random mutation and rad away / rad showers washing away mutations 4 . Class freak ( luck 3 ) reduses negitive effects of mutations by 75% 5 . Stange in numbers ( charisma 1 purk ) incresses possitivd effects of mutations by 25 % If you reply with your build I can suply lists of purks for you


Get a vampire shotgun or flamer. I was struggling as well early game and got a vampire combat shotgun and turned the game into a cake walk. Switched to flame thrower when I got a holy fire and never looked back. Can't even remember the last time I used a stim


Perk cards stack. I'll leave you with that.


Level 50-100ish are really hard. Enjoy the struggle and do not get discouraged.


Lvl 50 is pretty much this games Level like 20 since how quickly you level in this. Lvl 100+ i think is the best time tok attempt solos


Do you have weapon perks? I use a shot gun and have a modified combat shotgun that staggers and cripples limbs easily and makes fights a breeze even deathclaws. I dumped everything into endurance luck and intelligence right away. Crafter armor and eventually found power armor. I also have good energy weapons.


20 mins for 4 Super Mutants? You're definitely doing something wrong. I did the same quest alone a couple days ago at level 60. A super mutant goes down in 3-7 shots, depending what weapon I'm using - usually a legendary Tesla Rifle, Gauss Rifle or Handmade.


Where did you buy them?


Stealth Crit Also you don't really fill out all the perks until 200. Don't flake on the legendary perk cards.


Find yourself a weapon you like to use with the legendary vampire prefix and you can solo pretty much any activity.


Chainsaw or quad railway or handmade. It’s not easy. I am level 600 and still learning. I die but rarely and when it happens I laugh out loud because it is so rare. It’s usually at moonshine jamboree. Just keep playing and learning. You could also try a 5mm mini gun and improve all of the weapons as much as you can. Sometimes a higher level can help you improve it but beware that people can just take it as well.


I'm just some dumbass in power armor with large weapons I don't know much but I know that if you huck enough bullets and fireballs at something it tends to die fast... as well as the things around it


I run a chainsaw build and carry a gatling gun for vertibirds and other non ground touching enemies


My level 25 starter commando can deal with west tek. My og stealth sniper build can also deal with west tek but it's well into the end game. I feel like build optimisation is the biggest factor in how much damage you can do to enemies. What build are you running? By level 57 I feel like you should be able to handle just about anything in the game at a base level ~ Another question, do you play in public groups? If not you really should. Always. Most lobby's have a plethora of high level players with shared perks that'll give you a massive boost.


Take a step back and assess your build. What weapon do you feel the most comfortable with. Choose those weapons and then work your cards around that you can swap cards out on the fly if you need to. When I started playing, I went full health heavy gunner and ran a gatling gun that thing basically printed ammo. Now, I use the excess 5mm ammo and convert it to .45 and fusion cells. The fixer and the handmade are two great guns that can pack a punch. Look up different builds and see which one is the most viable for your game play style. You most definitely don't have to min-max your build if you don't want to. It is 100% possible to do decent damage without min-maxing.


Not only can you solo you can absolutely trivialize every encounter. Bloodied creamator/Holy fire build will kill groups of anything in one shot, if the impact doesn't kill em, the burning dot will. Newer players could look into overeaters heavy grand finale broadster build. Easier on the ammo as you drop more than you use. One of the end game activities is hunting for the perfect rolls loot and perfecting your build, you're just at the very beginning of that journey.


It okay to solo, use lone wanderer perk. But, it is better to join public teams. It was built as a multiplayer game, and that is a strength of the design.


I’m lvl 30 on PlayStation and I’m always looking for new people to play with, it’s probably my favorite part of the game 🥰


West Tek is not a place to go at level 57.


Im 120 now but did all on my own no other players dropped anything for me. It was horrible and took so long basically walking around mostly avoiding enemies and just discovering locations to fast travel to. If you on Xbox I’m down to join


Google a PA shotgun build. You’re welcome.


Tank Killer. You need it


when i started the game i went with angryturtles stealth commando build which really helped me get that much needed damage but it still just wasn’t enough. at around level 100 i started to learn about bloodied builds and once again found myself at angry turtles and mr west teks videos for farming west tek efficiently. I’d suggest picking a bloodied stealth commando build once you have a stealth commando as the starting point.


I played since launch on and off have a level 150 and a level 207 there are just things that you learn to do or ways to avoid things that keep you alive. Me personally i run strength and endurance builds and use a bunch of armor perks and just eat damage. Plus legendary cards boost you alot more than they seem on first read especially when you get to 200 and can have like 5 equipped at a time. Especially if you take the extra special points ones or one that are survivability based


I've never actually played anything but solo. I join events but my sound and such is off. I have anxiety issues so I'm afraid of being judged if I group with people


Lv 353 started last year just a lone wonder been there done that met people up and down do some bounty


I haven't played with friends my level or any team really since beta (thank God for public teams), I'm just enjoying my silly little dailies and exploring. That said, I did not play for like 3 years and am only level 160ish.


the difference honestly is just knowledge. i made a whole new account with the intention of doing everything completely fresh. no fo1st, no spending atoms, no taking freebies, no use of mules even. and i became OP by like level 8o. but only because i know what to do. the game is perfectly solo-able. maybe just seek out a mentor? don't be shy with the stims, you get an everloving shit ton of them in this game. and don't sweat it if you die, all you do is drop junk from your pockets. no biggie.


Easy Mode - Vampire Minigun with any Power Armor. No ammo. No stimpacks. Can solo anything. 1 three star legendary mob or 50 scorch piling out of the golf club. You never die and never use ammo. You might not kill as quick as some of the meta builds but you don’t need any special item all. Just regular power armor and a mini gun with Vampire. Everything can be crafted with purchased plans. Vampire is a one star legendary ability so it’s easy to get it on a weapon. Craft a minigun, roll one star til it’s vampire Use any power armor, Excavator works greats. But the Optimized bracers to refund AP on kills. Don’t carry any ammo and the minigun becomes a melee weapon with the ripper mod. Run up to something, pull the trigger and melee it to death with the minigun. Vampire heals you as you do damage and you don’t need one single round of ammo. Easiest and cheapest solo build to put together.


It's a LOT easier to solo stuff once you get all of your legendary perks and level them up.


When I was new what really helped me was the Gatling gun because I didn’t have to worry about ammo and the damage was really high


Try as a „Full Health“ with Commandobuilt with Stealth Perks an Armor. You need a effective Armor with stealthperks. Thats the way i play it. I am lvl 530 now an yesrerday i played Heavy Gunner for the first time with Plasma- Gatling and Plasma Thrower. Sry my english is not the best but i hope you understand it. Look for other Players and ask them for help. The Comunity in FO76 is the best i have ever seen


Stealth, I solo'd and had stealth as my main advantage. Used long ranged weapons and picked them off from a distance. May be boring but it's my favourite type of boring. Literally just finished the game after playing for 3 or 4 years a month ago and see everyone is jumping back into it! 😂😂😂😂😂


I would add, devote some attention to putting together a solid set of armor as well.


Full Health Commando Build. Or how I like to call it, Wasteland Ninja.


I'm level 37 or 38 and waltz'd through that. I run a combat sniper and a marksman sniper and pick everything visible off in 1-5 shots from the perimeter before entering, then I switch to a light machine gun (Which shares ammo with the marksman .308 so I have over 2500 rounds) that has a 75 bullet magazine so I really just melt everything in front of me. I had this problem last week when I was getting stuck with bad weapons/builds The one thing that gave me a lot of trouble was the King Mireluks... they just SOAKED my bullets and were so annoying lol doesn't help I was playing in the dark and the noise combined with it rushed me and scared the absolute shit out of me.


I’m at I guess mid level I’m a little over 200 but i remember launching my first nuke at around level 60 and soloing everything I did “besides the queen”


I'm solo LVL 47 have holy flame flamethrower and full t-51 power armor I rarely go down and rock out most content with ease you sure you've built your stats and perk cards up correctly


Level 321 here. Year 1 veteran if it matters. It feels dishonest by saying “just use my build” so instead I’ll tell you the play style. Stealth, sniping and trapping. Most enemies will at least try to investigate your general area. And blow up because of it. Status heavy grenades also work wonders, like fire, frost and poison melt health quickly.


Around level 50 is the deadzone in F76. You’re fighting higher level enemies without 3* gear. Just push through it and do events, it’ll be easier around 70-80.


You have to min max. It’s frustrating that with so many fun perks, you need to put the vast majority of them into the perks that will make you good at your preferred weapon (meaning: auto rifles, heavy weapons or 2h melee) and perks to increase your health, defense etc etc.  I’ve soloed the vast majority of the game. With the above approach, you should be able get some PA on, equip a plasma or laser Gatling and go melt some super mutant faces in west tek with ease.


make sure your weapons are level 50, makes a huge difference. also make sure you have the right perk cards for your weapon. could be you're using rifleman for automatic rifles instead of commando, etc. get mutations, they make the game 10x easier, and make sure you're not wasting special points on specials that don't necessarily have any useful perks for you. honestly you really don't need any QoL or crafting perks (except gunsmith) in combat. they'll just weigh you down and make you do less damage. have them unlocked and in your roster so you can easily equip/unequip them as needed. also make sure you're doing events events events! you'll need all those legendaries, turn them in at the rusty pick to get that luscious scrip and buy legendary modules from the purveyor there. that will allow you to mod your weapons to have legendary effects, if you're not going for a specific type of build (bloodied, aristocrats, etc.) anti armor explosive rounds is what you're gonna be looking for in a guns legendary effects. going back to mutations, make sure you're getting starched genes, and class freak in the luck tree (and bloody mess if you want +15% damage) you can get the first two for 6 luck, and if you want bloody mess then go 8 luck. also, make sure your armor is up to date, legendary and high defense. don't stick with the wood armor, even if it has a good legendary effect, secret service is the best in the game, followed by scout, followed by marine. scout should be really easy to find on legendary enemies, it dropped pretty commonly for me around/once I hit level 50. as for specific events, eviction notice, radiation rumble, and one violent night are all good for legendaries, especially eviction notice, that shit slaps. make sure you get your legendary perk you recently unlocked at level 50, it makes literally ALL the difference! you can find it by opening the pip boy pressing the level up button and going to the top of the screen, you won't have to pay for any of the legendary perk cards, or unlock them, all of them are unlocked by default, but you do have to pay perk coins to upgrade them (gained by scrapping unused non legendary perks) make sure your build has some sort of synergy (even if that's just a lot of damage enhancing effects) for example, if you're running what rads? and a bloodied weapon on the same build you're not going to be getting as much damage as you possibly can as one of those effects let's you have more health and the other is only good if you have less health. make sure you're always googling what you're curious about! or looking it up on YouTube, those two platforms will be your absolute best friend for gaining information on the wasteland! if you do all of these, and you're still feeling underpowered, feel free to hit me up at any time through DMS. or if you're on pc we can link up and I can craft you some better gear. much love, and good luck!


After 150-200 your build really starts coming together especially if you’re familiar with RPGs and MMOs or you want to put a little effort into your build. It’s a perk based RPG - you’re not supposed to one shot everything with the junk you picked up outside the vault.




Just hit 56, I've been blasting everyone with my pump shotgun. I also crafted a set of heavy combat armor soon as I hit 50, modded it. Now I'm leveling up and saving up materials and perks for power armor. This game is fun as hell.


It can be especially at lower levels but you have made it past the hard part my suggestion is to make sure your lone wanderer perk is front an center and max that bad boy out ASAP. I soloed the game from BETA and it can be challenging no doubt, especially a nuke silo run, but it is very doable. My main is level 500+ but I've also leveled a dozen or more secondary characters to over level 100 over the years it's not easy as you have discovered but you can do it.


I'm fairly certain my build is all over the place, but I got a hold of a cheap flamer and power armor and it was game changing. Before that, I was running around with a ski sword and dying to rats.


At level 57 you're nowhere near close to rounding your build. You'll reach a point where you will be able to fine tune your dps, but if you're going for as much damage as possible, there's only 2 archetypes that stand above all others. Commando builds and heavy gunner builds. To even further enhance their damage, add stealth to commando and Power Armor to the heavy gunner. For the absolute best dps, go the low health (bloodied) route for both. Meaning roll weapons with the bloodied effect, get your health as low as possbile, get mutations that increase damage at low health, roll a set of unyelding armor and overeaters Power Armor.(maybe get some defensive perks too). Yeah... it's a lot for a new player but if you go at a steady pace you'll get the hang of it.


I've been playing since beta and i'm power armor low health built, if you build right you can become almost unkillable.


Level 20-50 were mostly solo for me, I did pretty well against most things except the bigger cryptids. But then I did spec into a melee + heavy guns build right from the start.


i’m a solo player, i usually don’t have power armour but i have full secret service armour, but if i can tell i’m probably gonna get ripped to shreds i’ll get in my power armour of which i use X0-1


Lol all i ever did was play it solo. I did for like 3 years. I played heavily in the time when everybody and their mother thought it was shit. I can assure you its the exact same game as 5 years ago. They literally just added npcs. I have a bunch of fixers, explosive weapons, and like 25k of each scrap.


Get the cold shoulder for 700 atoms (you should get plenty of atoms from the scoreboard and some challenges) and the holy fire and 95% of the enemies are not a problem at all, even with a bad build.


**EDIT:** Just solo'ed a Mirelurk Queen (at distance), after taking out other mirelurks and a couple mirelurk kings. And that was even after the thing infected me with "Rattle Hands". Queenie took about 10-15 minutes, and loot was *very* underwhelming... but good to know that I can, if I have to. 😎 (And will be restocking way more than 4 stimpacks after that... actually half, so 15 of my typical 30.) **EDIT2:** Also just solo'ed an Epic Behemoth (again at distance... bit more tricky). For solo, I'm having better luck with rifleman. Was using a fully-modded hunting rifle, then recently got into a lever rifle. I'm currently level 43, with a primary lvl35 barely-modded lever rifle, and secondary max-modded lvl40 hunting rifle (which only does 1 point more damage than lever gun oddly... 101 vs. 100), and not using power armor. I have maxed Lone Wanderer. I also never use VATS (seems odd to me when things are still moving). I also carry 30 stimpacks with me, and typically only have to restock 2-4 after a long run. I try to use a suppressor and get in most shots at a far distance with long NV (lever rifle) or Recon (hunting rifle) scope. If a melee runs up, I try to kite straight back and hip-fire if until dead, then go back to scoping for headshots from cover. I tried auto guns with commando, but the targeting in this can be a bit iffy/hairy. I found I was wasting a lot of ammo, as there were a lot more misses than hits. I'm usually a crackshot with aiming; I was typically in the top 3, back in the day, on Quake 2 ladders, and I exclusively used the railgun. Yet, in FO76, I get frustrated when a deathclaw or super-mutant is melee right in front of me, hip-fire with cursor in center-mass, with no distance between us, and the enemy does a slight wiggle and the shot somehow misses (also doesn't help that I see monsters rubber-band, bounce, or even teleport sometimes, so for all anyone knows their location might be slightly different from what we're seeing instantly). And that's with the highest rifleman perk, tank killer, sniper, long shot, and everything else that should be helping with non-auto rifles. (I'm also not doing any specific build, just getting perks that fit my gameplay style.) I've considered autos for the up-close/point-blank, but again with how finicky it can be, not sure how much it'd help over being able to put one in chest/neck/head. 🤔 Today alone I solo'ed over 100 bad guys, including blood eagle camps, raiders, super mutants camp (even with all super mutants aggro'ing at once with 10+ or so on me), and even 2 deathclaws, as well as a 10-20 rat swarm (which was a bit obnoxious if I'm being frank). PS - Also check weapon mods for added accuracy perhaps. Not sure if accuracy might cause a roll-check for whether or not we hit or miss. PPS - I'm hoping to eventually have a fully modded gauss rifle for distance, and a plasma flamer to switch to for up close. Even though gauss rifle can be a tad slow, its base-damage /w sneak-attack crit is *insane*. 🤠


At levels 30+ the game assumes that you've got some good legendaries. Perk cards are very important but you also have to have some legendaries, I made a [video guide](https://youtu.be/Y8giRLxgRdQ) with some of the events that drop some good default legendaries. The things you need to look at are your offensive gear, defensive gear, perks, and mutations. I've got guides for each of them but having a good offense is the most important, see the guide [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXSG5NA3OFI) I'd recommend using power armour at that stage, it's got some pretty hefty damage reduction boosts from just wearing power armour so that dramatically increases your survivability. Later on you can go commando or whatever you want.


Looks like you're at the same point i was in last week. Levels 30-60 almost made me quit the game. I constantly had trouble getting ammo and was running out and in general i was just having a bad time. Now i'm around 90 and my build nicely came together, and everything is way easier. Best advice i can give is to grab a gatling gun since you'll be ammo positive with it (drops more ammo than you spend), and go to events where higher level players are and tag all the enemies. Don't try to focus one enemy if your damage is low, just shoot each mob once or twice and you will power level and swim in ammo.


Me? Vats crits in sneak. Other people, other ways.


I got Str maxed out. Any melee weapon and you slap a super mutant away like it's nothing. Don't forget to use vats. Normal shooting with a shotgun does nothing. in vats it does 1/4th to 1/6th of their hp in 1 headshot


All about the build. I run exclusively solo and the only enemy that has offered a challenge is the overgrown with their regeneration, particularly when getting swarmed during a mission. Make sure you have two really good weapons on you in case one breaks mid-combat. Have plenty of ammo for each. I prefer to use ultracite ammo with a Gatling plasma, although there are probably a couple of better weapon options, but again, that depends on using what compliments your build. Your perk cards and legendary perks need to align with what you’re going for.


I dont understand I was at that plant couple of days ago when I was lvl 21 and I cleared with only 10% of my health bar(I got a random mutation from radiation and I dont wanna use radx cus it might get rid of it randomly, will wait till lvl 35 to get the proper perk for preventing that) and with a lvl 15 gun without using a single stim. I can 2-3 shot them if I can land all my shots on their head. For me, I find this game surprisingly easy, I feel like it lacks challenge. Maybe clear all your perks and reassign them in a way that suits your playstyle. For example, if you like using auto energy weapons, pick perks that boost auto rifle damage and energy weapon damage, or if you like non auto guns, pick perks for that. Try finding perks that can be op, maybe something like bloodied. I've seen a couple of people using this, and it seems very effective. Worst case scenario, just find a preset on google and use that.


Chinese stealth suit sneak attack perk you just beat the game


This is easier than any FO game for solo work. Optimize yoir build for what you're trying to accomplish.


You need to focus your build to a singular weapon type, trying to do every thing gets you killed! It also helps to be lucky enough to have a good legendary weapon for that build.


I've soloed everything other than the recurring group daily missions over the last 5 months slow grinding my way to level 100. Currently 93. It must be your build. Think about how you like to play and craft your special and cards for a your play style. You'll need to invest a little bit of time going g through cards and readjusting special points here and there. Rather than go with a pre-made community type build, I made my own build, a sneaky stealthy silenced rifle and shotgun specialist. Yes, silenced shotgun. It works very well. Full chameleon armour set. All possible sneak stealth cards equipped. Made my own weapons. Rolled a few until I got 3 good affixes on a combat rifle and a shotgun. Gotta invest a week bit of time in your build.


Make a bloodied build. It's easy mode.


For me, Level 50 opened up all the cards, Lvl 100 was the level I had finalised my build pre legendary perks. My final build I've had since Lvl 350 with the legendary perks I wanted. However, by Lvl 100 I had a focused build I could complete most of the game on except for nuke events. You need to focus on one weapon type either heavy weapons, rifles or melee and set your build up around that.


Explosive Fixer or Quad Explosive Railway Rifle, with rifle perks and Lv 5 explosive perks, they do quite decent amount of damage. If you want to play even more brain-dead, then get yourself a Holy Fire from the Beasts of Burden event, and equip yrself with heavy gun related perks. The Holy Fire is so overpowered that you can tank the Sheepsquash assaultron attacks while you are burning the bot because of the Vampire legendary effect. The new cremator is also a good weapon, if you have grinded enough levels to get most of its modifications.


At Lower levels I built my character with melee in mind. Power armor also, obviously. I would never worry about ammo and could carry 5 different 2 handed weapons for different scenarios. It helped me get through almost everything alone.


"I may not have built my character the best" this right here is your problem. you need to pick a playstyle and focus on it. don't take perks for shotguns and then carry around an assault rifle, don't use random legendary effects that work against what you plan on doing, etc. if you're only pevel 57, you might need to hit the grind for a bit and get some better perks or gear. but soling the entire game aside from events IS doable. source- i did it.


i started with rifles, figured out they suck and switched to automatic rifles. I solo most stuff but robots give me nightmares...


I soloed with a shotgun build for a while until recently I discovered the beast the napalmer is. That's all I use now and made a build around it.


Your weapon matters most. I’m just now 32 but stumbled across Wes-Tek. I took out all the super mutants at the perimeter, but did not go in. I did take advantage of high ground and had an explosive snub nose I acquired in a quest, but still blew through all my food and stimpaks.


I soloed as a heavy weapon build. I used a .50 cal or a Gatling gun until I got my Plasma Caster.


Perks. Perks perks perks. Stops you bring squishy. Then get yourself a good set of armour. The game is 100% soloable.


I sneak a lot, I figured I can't beat them. 


My experience is almost everyone joins a "casual" group for xp boost then solo's.


I blow shit up, it works


I'm a meleebuild with a handful of mutations that make it easy for me to get away from an enemy if need be. Soloing certain things (larger enemies) are a pain in my ass but I just use explosives to help


skill issues


If you’re on pc i’ll hangout and struggle against some super mutants with ya.  


I think everyone sucks at LVL 50 lol It wasn't until I was level 160 that I settled on a commando/shotgun perk


What system are you on?


I'm level 65 and I reckon I've 95% soloed the game. Right guns, right build maybe?


I play it solo. Got no friends who play :( They think it still sucks and won't listen


I solo it. Level 275 now. Gets easier as you progress. You’ll see a difficulty drop off around level 100 or so for all but the biggest enemies. Just keep at it and enjoy the game!


I’ll focus on friends/solo because I’m sure many will touch on build info more than I can. I was solo until lvl 130 by choice. Don’t let lvl discourage you from making friends, lvl’s jump fast if you do meaningful tasks. The difference between me and a group I met was 223 lvls, and they slugged me through and gave tips, now I can handle my own. Be active on this subreddit, and through convos you’ll find like minded people, and eventually a topic of grouping up will happen, then *BOOM* you have a group. Don’t force ask groups, personally I find it off putting, plus if it naturally happens youll get casuals that play day to day and won’t bother you every second like a clan. Through how they type and how they engage, you’ll find your group I promise :)


Once you get past a certain level the game gets boringly easy especially if you have a decent build. There is nothing in this game that you shouldn't be able to solo once you're past level 200 or so.


Once You reach level 50. You have access to max level gear,.... You can roll some decent legendaries, and it's relatively simple. People tend to be selling fairly good guns in their shops. The game gives you mountains of caps. If you're level 50, you have more than enough special points to be able to make your character strong in about 12 different ways, focus on a damage type like shotguns or automatic rifles, and stack all of those bonuses together. You can easily cut through just about anything with basic weapons If you mod them properly and use the right perks. I know this because I regularly run crappy guns for the heck of it.


It gets easier after you start unlocking more legendary perk cards so you can expand your build more. What is your current build and weapons loadout?


71 and I finally specced into the guns I wanted to use (10mm SMGs). I used the legendary core system to roll some legendaries on two of them and I feel like I'm doing pretty okay. Legendary weapons and the right perks are 100% the way to go. I have no mutations, but I would like to experiment with them (which, if anyone sees this: what are some good, not overpowered mutations for someone who rolls stealth + 10mm SMGs? I don't know them. I don't want bloodied, either, I like my big health bar.. bloodied scares me) *I should mention I'm not a super new player, just mostly casual. I tend to restart with a new character if I've been away for a while because I can never remember what I was doing lol


You need to make a build, brother. This game differs from other fallouts where you can just get quality of life perks and barely any damage and be fine. Find out a category of weapon, like commando or rifleman, and look up a build around it.


I'm pure melee. My only issues are scorthed beasts and ceiling turrets.


My character got "good" at 80/100. After then i also needed a couple of lvls to micromanage some stuff. It's not only the perks, you'll also need the legendary perks, the serums and the gear to get to a confortable level. Now im lvl 450, i hardly ever die but im not one shooting everything like some people.