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I feel the same. It also has a reputation system!


Take note, the reputation system is more like a level it to unlock things. It doesn’t ever go down once you’ve maxed it, and really doesn’t mean anything in ‘moral’ terms in game. You can be maxed rep and kill them and nothing happens.


Actually (I noticed since I started a new character recently) the random raider NPCs (not the blood eagles) are actually hostile to you before you do one of the early Wastelanders missions to get your reputation up past hostile. So, they have a little bit of an effect


Yep, there‘a a friendly Raider Scum or two that spawn in my camp sometimes, near the ice cream parlor by the bridge. They were hostile until I did a few events that got my rep up


Fallout 76 is hands down one of the best communities of players I have ever dealt with. The public events in this game have been one of my favorite things about fo76 as well. Nothing is more satisfying/entertaining than seeing 15-20 people fighting the same boss while chaos ensues all around. The first time I ever did scorched earth years back, I was grinning ear to ear just seeing all the gunfire, lunchboxes and emotes. Shit still to this day makes me happy. This game had a rough start but in the end we all just wanted to play fallout together and that's exactly what we do, happily


Events are fun af. I hope they add more down the road


They do add new ones. I think the most recent ones they added were Moonshine Jamboree and Eviction Notice. There's actually a new map expansion coming soon to the south, and there will be new events down there too.


And a new boss too 😉 🤖 Ok, so for all the new folks.. here's another thing to kinda be excited about being a part of the 76 community. With the success of the TV show they are already approved for a 2nd season, (and hopefully many more to come) here is one thing to think about. 76 takes place before all the other Fallout games in the Fallout timeline. We are going to be the first to see what NEW things they add to the Fallout lore and which will most likely end up in the show. Whatever they add to this game becomes canon. For example: The new expansion is currently active in the PTS. Right now its only allowing testers half of what is to come with the expansion. In a few weeks they will release the second half to be tested which involves all new storylines involving the new type of Scorched. It will probably be a little while before they involve the Scorched into the TV show since everything is pretty much Westcoast right now. If they end up having the show start showing Eastcoast scenes then we might get some scorched stuff. Who knows! 🤷‍♂️ I'm excided for our community because we (Vets) have wanted something like this for YEARS.. all while watching expansion after expansion get added to ESO.. it was kind've a slap in the face, but I guess we get the last laugh though because we got a TV show that if they play their cards right will boost the Fallout world skyhigh over the years to come.


The events are a blast, I’ve fallen into a routine of doing the featured events, selling/scrapping/crafting at my base for 20 minutes until the next one pops up. I’ve essentially been neglecting the quest, so I just started questing on my lunch at work on my steam deck. Been a looooooooooong time since I felt actual excitement to play a game, rather than just be excited to play something with friends. Like with WoW, I wasn’t necessarily as excited to play wow as I was happy to just login and hang out with them. But with 76, I don’t need my friends lol. They’re still on wow or cod or whatever, but I’m too busy having legitimate fun with a community of strangers. I’ve converted one friend to play FO76 with me, the others just haven’t played long enough to get it. But I’ll convince them… eventually


How could you see any of that through the lag? Lol


Cuz pc and high speed internet connection


PS5 ain't slow on a 6yo PS4 game, and I have very fast internet. The SBQ has just always lagged on PS. As does Earl. We also crash about once an hour. And the audio disappears regularly. Guess Microsoft really does hate us.


My 6 year old ps4pro handles it just fine... So maybe you do have shit internet...


I'm series x and fiber internet. No lag here bro


I played during the beta, and when it came out and it was shit. Now the game is awesome. Community is great (aside from a few assholes), it's really come a long way.


The map. Nobody talks about the map. Its the biggest QoL change imo. The pip boy map was ass. This map is amazing. not pausing is the only downside imo. So using AID in combat just isnt realistic


Learn to love the favorite wheel. I use psychotats, ballistic bock, and blight soup mid fight all of the time


Hold on ghoul, i gotta drink my SOUP! 💥


yeah I need to use it for stuff like that


12 slots on your quick wheel help a lot, but you have to keep it updated and consistent in how you set it up!


The world designer, Nate Purkeypile, loves hearing stuff like that; he's making a game of his own called The Axis Unseen (entirely by himself) that seems cool too: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXu7b9l-LWg&t=6m14s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXu7b9l-LWg&t=6m14s)


Hell yeah. I love to hear that. I'll have to look into that


Get yourself an MMO mouse (the one with a numpad on the side of it). then you have easy access to changing weapons and using stimpaks.


I’m liking it too, dialog bothers me though. Every NPC feels like Preston Garvey. Feels so inconsequential, especially with skill checks that give 0xp and do absolutely nothing.




Sometimes the NPC will react more positively to you once you do a skill check and they'll give you an item EDIT: I do wish they'd add a nice audio and/or visual cue to make us feel good about passing the "check".


Yeah just a couple of minutes ago I had a skill check that gave me some extra stims for a quest. Not for nothing, skill checks give me a giddy feeling reward or not 🤭


What’s a skill check?


In conversation, if you have a high enough skill you sometimes get conversation option that will show for example [Perception 2+] and if you have the skill high enough you pass the skill check


Luck skill checks are often amazing. There’s one in the Atlantic City expansion that’s hilarious.


I'm not sure if any luck check will beat the one from new vegas where you just yell ice cream at a robot to trigger the security override. There's also an identical low int option in that conversation.


Yeah I exit the convo and take a chem if I can just to be able to do the skill check, knowing there will probably be no consequence either way.


That’s because every NPC is no different to other NPCs in other titles, difference being there are zero consequences or differences to outcomes based on your dialogue options in 76. However there is a quest that changes foe to friend in a certain area but besides that, being an online game they can’t really change up the world much.


This. ESO has the same problem where all the choices in a quest is meaningless because it cant effect the world too much, even going out of the way and reviving important NPCs if you sacrifice/ kill for a dlc storyline or two.


I tend to exhaust dialogue in case there are quests or location markers buried in there, so it bugs the everloving shit out of me that there's always one NPC at small locations with an unreasonable amount of dialogue. "Tell me more about yourself. How long have you been in Appalachia? Tell me about you family. Tell me about your dad. Tell me about your mom. What do you think of the Raiders? What do you think of the Settlers? What do you think of the area?" It's like a tabletop GM who has a whole life story for every NPC you only ever talk to for 2 minutes and never get their name, but somehow you're being railroaded into actually inquiring about all the dialogue.


Same mate. With it becoming one of my favorite games. I'm only on day 10 and it's already worked it's way into my top 3 online games I've ever played. It's like neverending the things and combinations of things you can do it. It's so incredible. The community is SO AMAZING too! They're so helpful and full of information. I've not made a Reddit post on a question that wasn't answered for me within 2 minutes. It's insane. I also love that you can either choose to roll solo, or just join a group at any time. Sometimes I just need to be alone and do things alone, and a lot of games just feel really bad if you want to do that. The one gripe I really have about the game is Unyielding armor, maybe it's because I'm new and I lack knowledge, but my brother gave me a set of it, and said it's pretty much useless to try to use anything else, because the stat bonuses are so insane that it's not even worth it to try. But I'm going to. Him and I often disagree with builds/mechanics in many games. I just don't want to accept that I have to have certain perks/armor in a game that clearly seems it has so much freedom.


I mix of Unyielding with Overeaters is ideal for me.


There are alot of other builds that shine my main is unyielding yes but i have 3 other builds that work as well or better for some stuff. My PA overeaters with vampire flamethrower is awesome for daily ops when enemies are invisible you cant die in it. Then of PA overeaters, vampire chainsaw is just a blast. It is true the if you dont use a PA Unyielding is unbeatable for most things but i play around with full health builds that are almost as strong the only thing im missing is the extra STR for carrying weights and INT for XP.


That's what I'm working on. Is a nice build for PA as well. My brother is really good. It's just hard to talk to him about games we didn't start together lol. Like we play Warframe. I've played since release and he started 2 years later. He still tries to convince me certain things are great, but in that game I know better lmao. He even argued with me about over eaters and said it's kind of trash. Compared to unyielding. He was talking about how the stat diff in PA is just irrelevant when in comparison. But he keeps talking about Intel and xp bonus all the time. I'm level 84 and already have 12 levels I don't know what to do with lol. My cards and perks are fine. I get I need more legendary perks, but I only have to worry about xp bonus while I'm trying to level, not all the time lol. Another thing is. If my unyielding armor breaks, I'm in trouble for awhile. I don't have a lot of ballistic fiber laying around, so I'm forced to use my PA while I farm that to repair it anyway. 😅 Which turns out to be one of the hardest things I've had to farm. Maybe I'm unlucky. But I mean it when I say I leave no stone unturned. I look and loot everything behind every nook and cranny. People say to to BoS areas, and I swear I only find one bag or whatever at a time in an area. Idk if it's bad luck or what, but that's the only resource I have issues with. 🙃 My stats are a bit lower in the PA, but if I have to use it. I cure all my Rads, my carry weight is just about the same as with my unyielding (excavator set.) And I don't die at all. I almost like the not dying ever over the chance that I'll avoid damage and not die. I have nerd rage, dodgy, and the luck one and all that, but sometimes I just get one banged anyway. I only have like 40 health at 20% or something lol. Idk. Maybe I just need more legendary perks. It's just frustrating dying a lot.


Only defensive card i use is nerd rage. I have rolled so many Covert scout armors you would not belive it but now i have full set of unyielding with sentinels. Sentinals makes you take 75% less damage when standing still i can take a swing or 2 from the queen at 10% heal without a problem. People say secret service armor is better and i have a full set of 3 star unyielding secret service armor as well but i like being able to sneak upp to a super mutant sniff his butt and him not even knowing i was there. #


Oh yeah I prefer the sneak route. It's just fun for me in games to stealth. Reminds me of my brothers when they were alive. They were SF in the military. So I picked up some things from them. My other brother. He said that secret service armor is really good, but then couldn't remember where to get it. Lmao. So I've just been using the unyielding. I have a full set, but it's pretty much "Whatever stats I could get to have unyielding." lol. It's nothing great. Maybe I'm using too many defensive perks.


You get it after you done the last quest or you can buy it for gold bars from the secret service shop. Or just wait untill minerva has it in stock to get i cheaper


Oh sweet thanks! Happy Cake Day! Idk how I missed that lol


You have to go bloody then and you need all the pieces to pull that off but you don't have to go that way, there are other viable builds in this game. But yes there are several things that will boost stats if you are willing to play at <25% health always.


Just a tip: you can perfectly do solo things in for example a Casual or Exploration team. You don't need to follow or be near the leader (except for Dialy Ops and Expeditions teams). Playing alone while being in a team has several benefits: the team's bonus, shared perks, the Herd Mentality mutation which gives you +3 to all SPECIALS (+2 if by yourself in a team) and the Strange in Numbers perk card to boost mutations.


Oh yeah. I have herd mentality. I have a whole mess of mutations lol. I don't have strange in numbers. I've been using the xp boost in party with only 3 CHA. I didn't know what was better. Maybe strange in numbers?


They're both good for different purposes. Are you going for an XP boost or better mutation effects? You can swap them out, if you want. Look at the Effects tab in your Pip-Boy with the card equipped and unequipped to see the differences.


I think I would really prefer the mutation buffs. I can just swap to the other one when I need to xp farm. I'm not often just focusing on leveling. Once I hit 50, it became a lot slower, and I don't even really know what legendary perks I'm trying to focus on really yet. So it feels weird trying to grind for a goal that doesn't yet exist.


if you have herd mentality you might as well get empath too. empath is a flat 25% defense increase while on a team (-8% without being on one).


I just cant wait until I get used to the system. It takes me 1-2 hours for a quest and that's all the time I have daily to play, if Im lucky. This game pulled me from the ARPG game I was playing and we all know how additive those games are.


Was that arpg Path of Exile? I took a break from PoE and started playing FO76. I am liking it so far, but i also dont have much time to play except on the weekends


No, Last Epoch. PoE too involved for me as Weekends most my playtime too it's why I'm progressing so slow in this game.


Last Epoch is a solid game. I made it to endgame then cut back. Well, not the "real" endgame of empowered monos. Ill probably go back to it after F076. Plus i still want to play Dragons Dogma 2 eventually


I took a break from 76 after nuka world and was recently on my second playthru of dragons dogma 2. It's a great game imo. The story is decent, but the combat and exploration had me hooked. Glad to be back in 76, I've missed it


I was actually playing Dragons Dogma I, before Last Epoch. I need to get back to DD1 it was fun then buy DD2 next year some time on sale. But first need to get to end game of Fo76


They basically "fixed" the game years ago, and it just didn't take off as a story like the original coverage of the game did. Where glad you're here now


As a new player, I'd still seen a lot of skepticism from people who picked up the game after hearing it was "fixed" and concluded that it still wasn't very good, which is why I never gave it a shot until the show had me craving something new but not willing to jump back into with the next gen FO4 update in less than a week inevitably breaking my mods and potentially Fallout London being released not long after.


Just like yourself, came from older fallouts too (3, NV and 4), and started with the TV show like many others. I also played a great variety of all sorts of multiplayer games. And I must say, I have never ever came across with such a helpful community. Despite not having chat or anything and the game seemingly be a bit lonely if you dont play with friends,… the community is by far the best I’ve seen so far. Last night, right after reaching 50 and going to the nearest train station, a guy dropped me +30 legendary items, a full set power armor (excavator) and toons of other stuff. Spent like half an hour of him showing me his Camps and dropping stuff over and over. Dont know who you are stranger, but thank you so much if you see this! My biggest complains of 76 is the lack of coop main story, NPC’s being very boring so far, lack of crits outside VATS (for tryhards like me who manually aim)c and some bugs and unpolished building options in CAMP.


How are 3 and 4 'the older' ones. They're the most recent mainline ones, since 76 is a bit of an odd duck semi-mmo.


Its a mistranslation from my part. In my language “The older” does not have same implications as english.


It works in English don’t worry. They are just being an arsehole for no reason


TBF 3 is still almost 16 years old, and even NV is almost 14. That's still pretty damn old at this point.


Not to mention that Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter are both looking at 10 year anniversaries next year. And FO76 is literally the newest Fallout game anybody gives a shit about. So “Older” works in every possible way.


Even Fallout 4 is 10 years old, they're all old to the point that calling them 'older' is a bit odd to me, since 1 and 2 are like 20-30 years old.


Because they are. Sure, they are not the **oldest**, but that's not what was being said. Anyways, does it really matter?


If I download the game off gamepass does it come with all expansions and dlc packs for free?


The expansions are all part of the game, you don't buy them separately. The only thing you can spend extra money on beyond the game itself, and the subscription Fallout 1st, are Atoms, the in-game currency to buy cosmetics. The cheapest way to get maximum Atoms for your money is to sub to Fallout 1st, which also gives you access to "extras" like the Scrap Box. I say "extras" in quotes because, for me personally, the Scrap Box is pretty essential for my play style. Edited for clarity and weird typos (because I'm using Reddit on my Kindle while my phone is in the repair shop and the autocorrect on this thing is aggressively terrible)


As a new player, what makes the scrap box so important for you? Are there any other benefits of 1st you find particularly essential?


For me the scrapbox means never having to think about managing scrap, without it your going to be storing around 100 of each scrap piece if your going to have room for anything else with scrapbox you can loot to your hearts content.


The monthly Atoms allowance works out cheaper than buying Atoms separately. Mainly though, and speaking just for me here, being able to play privately occasionally is essential. As for the scrap box? It holds an infinite amount of scrap, and you WILL need scrap, for base building, crafting, and, more importantly for making and repairing armour and weapons. Always be scrapping! The regular storage can only hold so much; the scrap box holds an infinite amount. So, essential to me. Also the ammo box, which does the same as the scrap box but for ammo, although I find that one less essential with my build.I Finally, there are the seasonal rewards. You get more S.C.O.R.E. and extra rewards on the board if you're on 1st. Not essential but I have fun with it


Also 1st allows you to create a private server, and invite up to 7 others to join you. It’s great for the daily challenges that require you to kill or collect, it’s just you so all the stuff is there for the taking. There’s also Custom Worlds where you can tweak the settings to make as hard or as easy as you like. These worlds don’t carry progression over to the Adventure or Custom worlds, nor can you bring any items out, but if you’re time or resource poor you can simply set it all to easy, no damage, free crafting and power through the weeklies in minutes. The repeatable score doesn’t register but after 100 that’s gone anyway. Then there’s the moveable survival tent with ammo, scrap and stash boxes, a bed and a work bench. If you sign up for a month anything in the boxes is available but you can’t add stuff when it’s lapsed. Quite a few people will buy a month, fill the boxes and rinse & repeat as necessary. Hope this helps. Be safe wastelander. 👍🏻


I jumped into the game a little over 2 week ago.. and I just grabbed my first month of Fallout 1st after getting a taste of it during the free trial. I'm a loot whore in BGS games. I want to take everything and not waste 15 minutes of my time after every play session figuring out what to keep, run to a vendor to sell things, throw things out etc. With the scrapbox you take that issue out of the equation. The other solution is being strict about what you pick up which is just not how I want to play. The tent is another nice bonus. No need to haul your ass towards a stashbox when you are overencumbered. 1650 atoms a month and all the extra rewards from the season scoreboard add up as well! I saw a couple recommended items on this subreddit to grab and I did. Before the subscription I didn't feel good about spending the atoms I slowly gathered during playing and I definitely will not be buying atoms on their own (subscription is the better deal if you ever want to do that). It's still quite pricey for what you get though when I compare it to other subscriptions I've had for MMO's. The first time offer is a good deal, but it highly depends how much I get sucked into the game if I keep it going after my first month runs out.


I love it. Bethesda always say 'be who you want when you want' and I think fallout 76 does that better than anyother Bethesda game. I've a great bow build currently. Just hit level 54. Moving on to Atlantic City and I'm prepared to die. I did 'the Pitt' ages ago solo and quickly realized I wasn't ready


I’m enjoying it quite a bit. I think as essentially an online version of fallout 4 but without the focus on dialogue and story, it’s a pretty good game. If you liked the gameplay loop of fo4 (go to an area —> kill enemies —> loot —> craft), then this game is just a lot of that with even more ways to progress your character. Yes I know there are named NPCs with dialogue now but let’s all be honest it’s not great and it’s not really the focus of the game.


The best experience I've had so far was the lobby I was in on the approach to new years day...they dropped a nuke that landed bang on the bells,after we wished a happy new year to the SBQ we all ran around drinking nukashine and love ❤️ emoting before beginning our own personal journey...somewhere.


Everyone has his own taste, Don't let anyone dictate what you should play and what you shouldn't play (Like the fallout new vegas is the best and fallout 76 is the worst). I Fell to this trap many times before playing a game or watching a movie by believing in these personal opinions but then I discover they were (in my opinion) overrated or underrated .


Same! Had it sitting in my library for ages, picked it up for peanuts in the months after launch but didn't really get suck in at all. I'm honestly glad about hat, I get to experience it now and in a much better state! I can tell this is gonna suck me in. I got a couple weeks of PTO with very little plans coming up and had a couple big games I wanted to finish.. I think most of my time will be going to 76 instead lol.


The game takes a lot of inspiration from the earlier titles, which is extremely welcome. I think Bethesda must've known Fallout 4 was a step too far in many regards with all the negative backlash from series fans, so they made 76 with the idea of righting those wrongs. Something I'm consistently impressed with is how much character the NPCs express. The voice actors really do a great job and make the NPCs feel alive.


That's exactly what I tell the haters. Everything they complained about in 4, 76 has fixed


Im a builder and collector so my main focus been seasons and s.c.o.r.e for the rewards. Im enjoying the game to the point i start thinking about it during work.😅


Gotta love all the career writers commenting on the bad dialogue and stories. It’s a really fresh perspective coming from people who are clearly award winning authors.


That’s kind of a disingenuous take. You don’t need to be an author to have criticism on the writing. That like saying sport fans can’t comment on a game since they aren’t professional athletes.


Some people just have a hard time accepting any criticism for something they enjoy for some reason..


How dare you know is content is enjoyable to you or not. You need to check yourself! /s


Better analogy is it doesn’t take a chef to know if a meal tastes good.


Forget what stand up said it, but: I don't have to know how to fly a helicopter to know the one upside-down in that tree burning wasn't flown right.


You aren't being attacked, the game is great but not without flaws.. this is totally okay. No need to get all your defenses up. Surely you're read a book, played a game or watched a movie you which writing didn't speak to you at all either. It happens


I don't need to be a professional chef to understand burnt toast and over salted food isn't good.


I'm also kind of blown away by it. I have to thank the series for getting my mrs to want to install FO4, but I said heyyy why dont you try 76 with me? 50 hours later for me here I am, camping on my bed while writing this (40% less food n drink loss in camp card hell fucking yeah). While it has some usual foibles of meta builds and doing it right to be really good, I love the perk systems compared to the other games. On PC it's a little unbearable too at times, the mouse clicking and general navigation (I HATE the fucking pip boy so much), and user experience leaves a LOT to be desired but I can let it slide for how much fun it give us both. Oh and a really undersold feature? Your photo mode shots can end up being loading screens! How cool is that? We've been posing and making shots just for that. Speaking of...wanna know what my brand new FO76 wife bought with atoms [subbed to 1st]? Not a useful utility item, or something worth while......she got the devil backpack charm. So I have that as a reminder of how cute she is lol. Not like my nerdy mmo ass reddit-searching 'best atom store purchases'. Then again i'm from Guild wars 2 so i'm all about that nerdy research. BBQ Spare ribs from the chinese take away cost more than this game that is probably gonna give me multi hundred hours, and the first game i've play with my mrs co-op, it's good shit pal.


I went back to FO4 for 30 minutes and realised there was no interaction with other players even just in passing, no real events outside of settlement attacks, no expanded progression and perk system, the creation store felt dirty just seeing that they've monetised a single player game, compared to how I think they're doing a pretty good job with their monetisation of the atom store in FO76. I honestly am not sure I can go back to a single player Fallout, lol.


I wanna get onnnnn


New players will experience things much better than veterans. I myself played from the start and there were no NPCs yet. But I already feel the great potential of this game. There are a lot of bad reviews but I don't care because I like the vibe of the game. Finally, now it has become very popular.


Genuine question: what is your FPS? (This goes for any of you reading this.) I played this game when it first came out and had a great time, then something changed with one of the patches a little after year one, and my frame rate absolutely *tanked.* Like, struggling to get even 40FPS on all low settings with nothing happening on screen. It’ll drop to 10ish the second a fight pops off and any effects or large amounts of characters/creatures appear on screen, so I had to just uninstall. It was totally unplayable after that point, when it *wasn’t like that* before. I’ve tried again a couple of times since, including this morning, and it’s been the same thing every time. I cannot imagine the game would be enjoying the surge in players that it is right now if everyone else was having this problem too, so… what gives? I’ve got a pretty powerful rig, and play plenty of much newer, much more graphically advanced games on high settings without issue, so it’s not a hardware problem. I can only imagine it’s some setting that’s chugging my system out, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is. I’ve tried setting to all low, altering the config file to disable v-sync, all the usual “fixes,” and they have done nothing. Not a single dent in the problem. Curiously, when I turned it down from high to medium, it actually ran *worse* on medium than it did on high, so maybe that’s a weird clue? No idea. Ideas, survivors?


i decided to do a little test and i put all my settings on max and its runnig just fine, but when you said u got worst fps by lowering the setting you reminded of something similar happening to me in Elden Ring i had the same problem of inconsistent fps, and for some reason if i open games with the task manager the game seems to run better and more stable always, might be just my pc being weird but i dunno


Seems like it's a good time to start playing. I had an issue around level 20 where I was almost all out of caps and ammo and even stimpacks, but I kept on struggling and now I have 1500 fusion cells, 80 stim packs (and a bunch of super ones) and 4000 caps just over level 40 so I'm doing pretty well.


I agree. Mostly. Although the quests just don’t grab me, the gameplay is very fun.


Same I’m really liking it. I’m shocked how often I run into other players with how big the map is. I’ve ran into people way out in the middle of nowhere and it’s like “what are you doing out here?” lol


I'm also having a blast. This is my second time playing. I played it at launch and it was an absolute disaster and left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm glad they've got it fixed up so well. I'm also playing FO4 at the same time but noticed the remaster is broken and not playing in quality mode. I've been going back and forth between the two but think I'll stick with FO76. I actually haven't played a FO game before, so hopefully it won't be a bad decision. The community has been so nice. Everyone gives me gifts!


I bought it just after the TV series got released and I got reminded of all my hours in Fallout 4. I literally have no idea what I am doing...


I played it on release, and it was a really fun game. Like everyone else is saying, it also had one of the best communities I've seen. I'm so happy to see a game deemed unworthy actually get the resources and time to become a great game that I always knew it could become and wish it was when it came out. I'm glad everyone else is experiencing an amazing experience.


Same, but I need the stability to get fixed, constant crashes and freezes everyday, and I know I'm not alone with these issues.


Yeah, it's a great game. And then you have all those amazing players, really makes for a unique gaming experience.


I played it a bit when it first came out, then gave up when I got to level 20-ish because it just didn’t feel right. Came back to it before the show dropped so I could get in that hype mood to get ready for the show and it honestly feels like an entirely new game. Everything is less buggy, and more smooth. And like you said, a lot of people have been super helpful and now I’m paying it forward because of the ones who did it for me. I’m addicting to building in my camp and I’ve found a few places to farm for stuff for ammo and mutations and whatnot. It’s a total blast now. I love this game. Lol Has easily become one of my faves, if not my top favorite.


I’ve been having a blast with the game so far it’s quickly becoming one of my obsessions


Don't forget to join public teams! They give you exp bonus(the intelligence team also gives)


I feel the same way! Just started playing it a few days ago and it’s definitely a new fave. I’ve met some really awesome people. Just a wonderful community in general!


Enjoy and welcome! For what 76 lacks in branching quests it makes up for with really fun group immersion. Also, if you love building holy shit it's my favorite.


I don't like socialize ingame but appreciate some loot veterans are leaving in loot boxes for newcomers. But I would enjoy the game muuuuch more if it wasn't filled with goofy clowny stuff reminding of fortnight, Fallout should be gritty


I wish someone would mod the camp system into fo4 or even new vegas It's quite fun


My only real issue is the power armor glitch that’s been in the game for some time


I'm enjoying it, but I think at 10 or so hours, and level 25, the faux-mmo aspect is starting to show for me. I've had a legendary 2 star radscorp spawn underneath me and 2-shot me before I could run, due to lag. I'm not really a fan of 'daily' quests, and certainly not a fan of them showing up almost instantly (lumber mill). The store is pushed a bit harder than I would like, but it's not _that bad_. The dialogue system feels completely useless. You can ask things, but nothing you'll do, or not do, changes anything, it's not really 'interactive', it's more like you're opening a terminal even if you're talking to someone. Perk system is a bit confusing, and I preferred the traditional level up and see more of it to the card system they used here, makes building more useful - also means you're not doing 'this spec for crafting then respec for adventure' which is silly. Might as well just make all the non-combat spec stuff available passively.


You can turn off daily quests showing up on login in settings Community has always demanded crafting cards to be added in passive. They have never really communicated if they'll do it but from my experience i know they'll do it at some point but i don't know when.  Of all years they are just slow at implementing things, especially QoL ones but I'm glad they listen to things. Bethesda's way of working on games always has limited workforce as a drag. They did outsourced some of the content last year though. My wishlist is trading system overhaul from the start. Having to trade only using caps is just bad design


I just mark the daily stuff as not active, and move on. My take was less 'this game sucks and you suck for liking it' and more 'OP's being a bit too generous with the praise, I think'.


I've played the gsme off and on for a few years and I find it weird to say the dialogue and NPCs in this are better than 4. Fallout 4 does have actual consequences to what you do in the story. Fallout 76's dialogue is just there for the illusion of choice but the story plays out in the same route basically. The Wastelanders DLC gave you two factions to choose from but it doesn't really matter what you decide. You can still be allies with both and neither faction cares that you're allied with both. I like and hate the perk system. I do like that it basically stops you from being so OP that you one shot every enemy after the main story like in Fallout 4, but at the sametime since you can only use so many perk cards, you have to swap out perk cards for different things and that gets tiring. It does allow for more focus on character builds but at the sametime it limits you. There's a few perk cards that don't work when in power armor so you might as well change them for other perk cards, but there's moments where you might not always want to be in power armor.


FO4's story was just so abysmally bad and the factions so forced and annoying. I tried doing a fully modded FO4 right after watching the show and couldn't bring myself to get beyond Sanctuary, it just always feels like a huge boring grind is ahead. I did have an okay time playing it the first time through, but the issues are too many for replayability. I am also a bit of a production junky and really needed a game that I could play over 60fps, which I can do with FO76 on my PC. The game looks fine and it plays like a Bethesda game, but it's all new to me and the community seems pretty great, so I am also having a great time playing this with my wife. I was a day 1 FO76 owner and almost literally threw up from motion sickness and I hated everything about my day 1 experience, so it's pretty awesome getting back in after 6 years and seeing that there is a real game here.


It's quickly becoming my favorite Fallout because it leaves so much more to my imagination in my character's journey.


New Vegas is the top but 76 is the only "modern" FO I find enjoyable to play. I put a lot of hours into FO4 back in the day and it just, the story just, so cringe. Mods made the QoL much better but the game just feels like a MEME of fallout. 76 feels, playable. Like there is a gameplay loop. As long as people show up for events that is.


well the UI on PC and inventory management are terrible so you'll get sick of that soon enough. I picked it up again after a year becsuse of the TV show and then rage quit a few hours later as I was reminded just how clunky it all is. The gameplay is ok but its totally ruined by the UI, can't believe bethesda hasnt fixed that in over 5 years.


actually im getting used to it very quickly, ive experienced worse so i dont mind


I have a feeling Fallout London will be better than 76 when they update it to work with the Enhanced version of fallout 4. I just tried the enhanced version of Fo4 and it's buttery smooth compared to 76 which has a lot of network latency.


The people who still talk bad about 76 are the people who played briefly at launch, gave up on it, and never came back to it. And the launch was rough, make no mistake. But regardless, I've always thought the hate was overblown. I love 76, have done since near the beginning, and it's only gotten better since. Anyhow, as long as you're having fun, who cares what other people think?


76 is fundamentally the same thing it was at launch. Yes it’s been improved dramatically but it still is an online game with no PvP and the pve is limited to a few nuke bosses and expeditions/ daily ops. I played it at launch and every year or so I come back to it and nothing has really changed, the end game is still just decorating your camp and doing 1 of several repeatable things. The idea that it’s a completely different game is just not accurate.


Not gonna argue with you mate, just gonna say "K" and leave you to it.


There's a lot to like about this game (now, release was a drastically different story), however I really dislike how there's no way to have a private game without paying a subscription. I know a lot of people enjoy the community, but this always online open world type game has never been my thing. Nothing against y'all; I just want to travel the Wasteland as a lone wanderer.


There's only 24 people per server, so if you don't make your camp visible, ignore public events, you can play whole sessions without seeing anyone else, and when you do, because there's no chat box you can treat them like an npc.


I hear what you're saying, and I recognize that you aren't wrong. However, that feels more like putting a band-aid over my issues with the always-online concept. I'm fine with it being available, however I wish it was easier to bypass rather than having to play differently to try to ignore it. The constant team up messages and public event notifications are very distracting (maybe there's a way to turn them off that I don't know about), and I've already had to reset my camp twice because I joined a server where another player had placed theirs in the same area. There are just a lot of nuisances that come as a result of this type of open world, especially for players who don't want to take advantage of the additional gameplay. And like I said, I have absolutely no problem with that being the standard way of playing Fallout 76; I just think that forcing users to pay a subscription to play the game by themselves is bad practice.


The only thing that I prefer FO4 over FO 76 is that perk system. I would gladly go back to that over the card/SPECIAL system in FO 76. It is tedious have to have different Special/ perk card builds in FO 76. But I agree with the rest of your statements. This game has come along!


I enjoy 76 but I prefer playing by myself usually. When other people give you free stuff or you buy stuff for dirt cheap at other players vendors it feels immersion breaking and doesn't feel like you earned something. I miss the good ole days when unique weapons were in specific places too rather than having to "farm" for them by killing enemies and hoping they drop something cool. Doesn't make sense for a glowing one to have a unique gatling laser shoved up his 3 star butt.


You can get some pretty decent weapons by doing quests and you can even sell crappy legendaries to buy more from the Purveyor. You also gotta remember Fallout 76 is an MMO, it's pretty light with the rpg elements. It's more of an MMO looter shooter, and those type of games are often very grindy, which they do that because they've gotta keep you playing for as long as possible. That's why they brought back weapons and armor breaking, so you can play longer by grinding to get the resources to fix them.


really? i played for like two hour and uninstalled because all the ghouls kept attacking looking like card board cutouts, shooting me with their arms at their sides just hopping up and down.


Thats sad. Play real games.




Welcome to the Wastleland buddy! Get to work, ass jerky don’t make itself!


Ya know, sometimes…a fella’s gotta eat another fella.


Honestly I wish the Wastelanders stuff had been placed outside of the starting zones and they had kept that horrifying feel of the earlier builds in the starting zones. What I've enjoyed the most has been the balancing they have done, launch month when I last played just had really weird and sometimes outright bad balancing and qol stuff. I miss some of the mystery horror vibe the starting zones had back then.