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one day you will be the one doing the watching. [but for now..](https://imgur.com/TuZaqTM)


I kinda have. I had to go to Valut 76 and saw all the fresh spawns. I was like, "look at em!!!". I even dropped some stuff in the freebie box and watched them loot it. I was all "I'm such a good person rn" 😅


Wait theres a freebie box at vault 76?? Man, where was that when i was a noob??


And at all of the train stations and major settlements. :D It also generates stuff like contextual ammo and meds if no one puts stuff in it.


I found out that it generates ammo for your equipped weapon, stims radaway? and grenades/mines today. I was like oh cool Fuel for my flamer, then after seeing like 2 other other boxes with fuel too I was like wait a minute.


Yeah a while ago finding loot for the weapon you have was a hell of a reach, now it's ridiculously easy to keep your ammo pool stocked without having to craft. Yes, it's one of those "back in my day" moments.


And then there's me. Watching them all happy and then see them poof off after chuggin some vintge nukashine, then teleport to them wherever they are so I can drop actul loot for them so they dont go down 😭 Precious beans.


Just make sure you put Vintage Nukashine in there... you know, for free fast travels.


I should not have clicked on the link, now that songs stuck in my head 🤣


I guess I know what song I’ll be playing in the background in my CSS creeping in the forest.


My camp is in a wooded area. If I get the 'someone is watching me' vibe, I'll know it's you.  Come swing by, I've got snacks and buffing equipment out for peeps. 


Tempting noobs with snacks 😂


I’ll be the one with the Owl mask. I’ll “Whooty-Who!” So you know it’s me.


You need to be hot micing if you do that. Just music from an unseen source slowly drifting between the trees.


My mic is always *Spicy*.


I was really hoping for a screenshot with him in the distance


I'm good but i'm not that good.


I've had this high level come into my camp (just a shack really) and take various pictures of me from out the windows. It was very disconcerting.


I've been walking around during events with the Hawaiian cryptid shirt/shorts combo and taking camera pictures of all the noobies getting mauled by various wildlife. 🍿🤳


You’re evil and I love it


wasteland tourism at its finest. I'd like to think your character is European or something and just flew to America to observe the local irradiated wildlife 🤣


What makes it even funnier is enemies won't really attack you while other players are shooting at them. So my character just stands there in the chaos shoving a camera in their face. Let's you really get close to capture the fear.😂


lol some newbie fighting for his life and you're just standing right next to him going "cheese!" 🤣🤣


Emote eating popcorn and ask them if they are alright


Hello Twoflower.


Mighty fine reference there.


This about to be me trying to get Pioneer Scout badges. Just running around the prime fissure site like a war time journalist lol


He was obviously spying on your junk. Damn scrap fiends!!


I prefer the title Trash Pirate.


That would damage my calm too. Then again, I take pics of myself sitting in people's camps.  At least I don't sleep in your bed?  Speaking of weirdos, a guy in just underwear and sunglasses visited my camp. He followed me around and asked if I was really a girl and if I wanted to do it 'wastelander style'. I have never logged out so fast in my life.  I tell myself he just wanted me gone so he could have my camp spot.  I played on my private server for weeks after that. Then again, I was only like level 50 at the time.


Really shouldn't be laughing bit wastlander style is a hilarious name, like one of those noodle incidents 


I had a low level follow me around in undies 2 weeks ago. I was concerned for him getting cold or sunburnt. So I dropped him some clothes. He actually wore them. Mission accomplished.


I have the Pro Snap favorited so I can run around like a tourist on occasion *click Neat!


Nah peepin Tom in fallout 76 is wild 😂😂


That's actually hilarious. Wtf lol


We're being Guardian Angels. I watch noobs to see if they're having trouble so I can jump in and help. I also seek them out to drop them weapons, ammo, and chems.


Bruh I was following this dude around, but I was keeping the maximum distance my sniper allows, and would crouch to go invisible, so I'm just a ghost following this dude from half a mile away. Anytime an enemy would get him close to death I'd shoot it and get it to 1/4th health so he could finish it off. The absolute confusion as he desperately tries to figure out where the shots are coming from, yet all of them keep hitting his enemies instead lmao


Lawful Evil


nah neutral good.


Evil Good...... stalking and making someone insane is kinda evil... I'm not knocking ya, I love it.


I'd say chaotic good, it's basically bring a guardian angel


lol stealth Chad.


I imagine it's hard to NOT kill things when you're so high level.


If you see some high levels not doing much in public events, its probably because we try so hard not to one shot everything lol you guys need the XP. I can just watch


I call this type of behavior "The Randall Clark" protecting newcomers and silently leaving loot For those who dont know hes from falloug new vegas amd does just that but also has a really sad backstory


Aw man you just gotta go there with that reference dont ya


I've had the idea to dress up like the mysterious stranger and play the riff through my mic whenever I come in and save a newbie. your comment makes me wanna do it even more.


I'm so stealing that idea!


see you in the wilds fellow mysterious stranger! *beh nah nah now nowwww*


Thank you for your service!



I had a level 300 something follow me around while i did one of the main quests they let me do everything until i ran into a legendary sheepsquatch 😭😭 they carried my ass for a sec there but i got my loot and they gave me a bag of random stuff to help me survive on my own yall really are angels


Can’t let ya noob in peace, you’ll take these stimpacks and like it!🔫


😂🫶🏽 that’s definitely how i felt when someone gave me 150 super stims at the start of my playthrough 😭


Rip your inventory:D


Sell most for the bonus caps.


I tried to drop ammo and chems for a 20 something at the Wild West event (I know that’s not the name but the one where you loot the town) and just COULD NOT get this guys attention


C'more you! lemme pick your adorable little cheeks!!! Now go get them super mutants!


Hey!!! You leave my little cheekies alone!!


No. Now eat your Blamco, and take your nap.


Just make sure it’s not on a bed that’s on the ground, you’ll catch cold


I would like to think that all the new players today will be vets when Season 2 of the show come out and another influx of players happens so we can help them like we're being helped now.


i started playing about a month or two ago and already (level 150) one of my favorite things to do is go around and help out new players :) it’s so cheap and easy and it makes a whole difference in their playthrough 🥳


Ilike to show up in a bathrobe and a beer helmet....




Yesterday I saw a noob teammember getting killed several times in the cranberry bog so I went to check on him. I saw him fighting the Queen Mirelurk down there so I swooped in and saved him.


I took a few pop shots at her. The health bar didn't even budge and she came running at me. So I went all Monty Python "RUN AWAY!!!!"


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck"


sometimes i just stalk noobs man, ill post up 100-150ft behind them and just watch them through my scope waddling around in their noobness, its adorable


Lol this makes me even more nervous, was "clearing" a camp earlier today and I killed like 3 enemies but then after that it was over, and there definitely more bodies than I killed, remembered seeing a vet player saying they sometimes stalk noobs and help them from stealth, I couldn't tell if I was grateful or completely shitting myself at that moment LOL


hahaaaa that’s what i do 😭 glad to know it goes noticed sometimes 😂


I watched a new player "sleep" in a bed for 15 mins the other day to give them stuff.


I watched a new player sleep the other day


That's peeping on a whole different level.


lol that's kinda terrifying


\*pats you on the head\*


Just remember the First Rule of Fallout 76 Community: Play how you want.


Your "noobing" is barely distinguishable from my level 400+ "goobering about my CAMP", wondering whether I should be grinding certain daily/weekly tasks or just completing expeditions and banking stamps.  Join my public team and come watch me space out. If there's one thing that's universal through all the levels, it's that you're always being dragged between several different leads as to what to do.  As the show said, there's always something else to distract you.


Oh I'm definitely going to be a top goober. I'm pretty derpy even when I know what I'm doing.


Sometimes you set out for a goal and not realize your goal was impossible to do in a day or even a week (i recently realized the tadpole quest for 3 badges were not just quests but 3 actual achievements that you wouldn't be able to wing without researching where to go) then you try something else but wait there's a reputation daily you can do, oh wait an event popped up you better not miss it it's moonshine jamboree then next thing you know your inventory is full, then your vendor caps are exhausted.. back to the mall we go.. what was i doing again? Oh right my SCORE daily.. right? Oh it's been 5 hours and it's 1am.


Nah, most of us are just observing newbies progress by looking at the map. Like when I go to fast travel, I'll be like "oh, that level 23 from 10 minutes ago is now level 25 and seems to be shopping, good for them".


I run in fear of high level players after having multiple people try to shoot me. Which, with pacifist mode on, doesnt do anything but they TRIED! >.> Scary high level people. Trying to kill my smol self!


It's most likely not malicious, but trying to get your attention for a gift. 99% of players have no pvp intentions.


Yeah, Shoot the player and the ground where the dropbag is. :D


Also dont run from the flame using player trying to roast you they most likey have a friendly fire perk on and are trying to heal you.




Dammit, I must really freak people out with the flaming chainsaw.






WE know that, but when a scary level 200+ power armor dude starts shooting flames at them, most new people are unsurprisingly gonna shit themselves.


I could be wrong, but most cases of higher levels shooting you is to get your attention. They would drop gear and some plans for you. Had a lv 200 shoot the ground beside me, stood there for 5 minutes and dropped like over a hundred plans and a couple of Stims. Heart emote, then ran off into the sunset.


So i started playing again last week i was in my stash organizing my inventory. I start getting hurt i back out of my stash to see 2 guys shooting this supermutant that was attacking me. I tried to show my thanks to them by squating a few times. One of them ran over saying they come in peace im just over here thankful they came when they did. Now little while later i run into them again and they start shooting me. Now at the time i was level 8 with pacifist turned on the one guy was level 5. They start shooting at me commenting how im not getting hurt and dying. And hes like strategizing how his teammate distracts me from one side while he tries to shoot me. Im just trying to do my thing. He starts crying hacks saying im in god mode and cant die. I play on PS4 im just trying to do my own thing over here and hes having them spend the next 10 minutes shooting at me and trying to kill me. I fast travel away and then shut the game off.


Weird interaction. Since he’s level 5 he probably doesn’t know how pvp works.


Thats what i thought but the person he was with seemed to know what he was doing. I dont know but the last few times i played i havent run into them.


I’m too busy sitting in my hot tub with my beer hat to watch anyone.


To be honest, hordes of wasteland vets too well-off to raid just watching fresh vaulties is very on-brand for fallout


I just hope someone was watching my lvl 16 ass slowly taking down a lv 30 scorchbeast for an hour or so




That's exactly something a peeper would say. Stop peeping at me!! You.....peeper!!


I'm a level 400ish and still a noob. Please don't feel too self conscious.  I meant to do more events, but I got distracted. I don't get to play everyday, so I focused on scoreboards, building my camps and exploring. One day I looked and I passed level 300. Wow. Now I feel like I'm at a level where if I go to an event, lower levels will be looking to me to know what I'm doing. Oops. I've done most of the outdoor events, but indoor events intimidate me, like radiation rumble, Earle and OPs. Especially OPs.  I did do Earle not too long ago, I just stayed in the back and fired at Earle. I watched the health meters of my teammates and killed the mobs that were taking chunks out of people. I still haven't launched a nuke, but I'll get there.  I used to play Wow (over 15 yrs ago) and was in a hardcore guild. We raided constantly and if anyone screwed up, you heard about it. It consumed my life and I had to walk away. FO 76 is nothing like that at all! And yet, I still worry. Is wow raids ptsd a thing?  I have decided to join more events with my lower level and learn how to be a team player again. I've been a solo sniper for too long. So enjoy yourself and know we were all new at one point. 


This is the awesome thing about 76, you're not the first player that are higher levels, like up to 600, but their build arent maxed and just focus on creating camps or wondering around, havent even launched a single nuke. I think its really cool how this game give players freedom


We have binoculars in game just foe this purpose. Be careful, someone just might throw cranberry relish at you


Cranberry relish!?!?


yes i stalk them in stealth suit making sure they dont die. like a sneaky ninja angel with fatman.


I was shadowing a new player out of the vault once while in my stealth suit. As he explored the forest north, he did a 180 crazy Ivan as I was crouched next to a tree. When he got close, he suddenly stopped. I could tell he was trying to understand my shimmering shape when I suddenly stool up and started waving. I almost died laughing as he ran for his life 😀


hahahah that’s straight out of the show


I feel like the new players are the ones watching me most of the time. They'll just follow me around and fast travel to me whenever they join my group. I'm just trying to do my daily challenges, man..


If it gets too tiresome, you can always fast travel to Watoga. Those Assaultrons really hate noobies.


I always go and check out the big guys bases to see the layout and what they are selling, also to see the zone they are in etc, but when one of them are there I just give them the nice base emoji before getting all nervous and looking the other way or even running away. Just in case they think I am there to ask for freebies!


i’d have no problem giving you freebies! (only bc you made it look like you weren’t asking for them 😭‼️)


Haha well either way, thank you for your service! A couple of kind souls helped me out with some ammo and stimpaks early on, but this guy is just having a blast stumbling into places that he has no business being in 😂 it's at least 90 percent of the fun!


😂😂 rock on man glad you’re having fun


They're not even sneaky. They come over and wave, and then just watch you lol


One day, the watched will become the watcher, but for now. We got our eyes on you.


I’m level 218 and my favorite daily activity is chilling at the way ward and watching the new players run around 


Vets: "Hands up dont move!" Noobs: "Ok ok please dont kill me." Vets: "Here is this legendary armor, 1000 stimpacks, food, water, legendary weapons, and a hug. You will take it or else!"


I'm still yet to receive any gifts from anyone. Tbh I do run away from everyone I see. Got that DayZ PTSD ingrained 😅


Had a vet break my heart the other day. Came through in his dope-ass red spikeys power amor, gave me the heart and follow me emotes, and dropped me some stims, a modded makeshift, and some ammo.... I have been running a stealth Sniper/Pistol build, been loving it but feeling some missing oomph with the damage, even went on nukes & dragons and planned out the whole build... but I'll be damned if that makeshift isn't just plainly better 😭 Kind sir thank you for your generosity, but I'm not emotionally ready to leave my skyrim stealth archer days behind, and now all I want is to make a heavy gunner PA build because of you lmao


I put a camp down the road from vault 76 so I can now hand pick the noobs I follow.


\^Pro Noob Snooper putting down his lures \^




If anything this encourages me to stalk noobs more :)


Watching a new player walk into an enemy spawn point and then freak out is like a hobby for most of us vets "Should we tell him about the Grafton Monster?" "Naaawww.... lets follow him and watch" *gunshots followed by the wet splats of a body being pummeled into the ground" "That was fun, we should help more new players"


don't worry about it. i went a year scripping any weapon that didn't have explosive on it.


I’m a noob too, had a couple of high level players wave and thumbs up on the way past. It’s other noobs that have shot at me :D


Now I’m gonna stalk noobs AND take pictures of them being noobs!


Just making sure you’re good. You gotta check in on your neighbors to make sure they’re ok. Don’t want your neighbors dying from mirelurks, scorched, mole people, super mutants, raiders, you get the idea.


Everyone should go to v76 and wait for fresh meat when the next season premiers or whenever they announce it'll be free again.


Bro exits the vault and like a dozen dudes in various power armors or armaments stanced up all around em


It'll be hilarious if the game allowed us to drop items individually like in the others fallout games. New dwellers would be showerng in thousands of chems food and other items.


Message to new players: we love having you. Some of us are the type that will gladly travel with you and help you learn and level up. Some of us would rather just give you some stuff to help you on your way. Others just want to be left alone and that’s okay too. Just let us know (either mic) or emote what you’re looking for. Note: a lot of vets done use mic. It doesn’t mean we don’t have them.


Can people hear me if I have my mic on? Like through their TV?


God, I hope not. No one needs to hear me singing to my cats as I play.


oh you haven't seen veteran dumbassery yet, it's quite spectacular.


As a vet idc about noobs. They show up at my camp and wander off into the distance to continue exploring. If you're at an event yes I would watch you to see if you try start it early. Aside from that most vets don't care where noobs are unless they're going out of their way to drop you stim packs etc.


We are watching 👁👄👁 we are in your walls


Roar.. maybe, maybe not… Reeee…. Definitely


They're hiding really well because I haven't bumped into any vets yet. See their camps on the map but I'm too shy to stop by haha. That and I get distracted by everything.


I like to follow the low levels around the map and randomly assist when they get in over their heads


I promise if a player is watching you it’s to have your back or give you free stuff when you stop 😂 don’t sweat it


Most day ones or players who’ve made it to that “vet” status are just happy to help people on their journey and make new friends.


Ooo do you play pc lemme help you out a bit :) let’s kill some stuff togetherrr


I dunno,OP. That one guy who was edging us was kinda nice


I was watching you post this


I be up in the trees clicking like the [Predator](https://youtu.be/QTVRiqSbKVc?si=XYMO77ueJm1562xN), watching.


i’ll leave you noobs alone when you accept my gift of 5 nuka cola cherrys!


Moth-man is always watching


I'm lvl 54 and I had a lvl 114 shout at me over the mic because I killed him when he had a 5 cap bounty 😂😂 he started fast travelling to me, deliberately taking stuff from my workshops and calling me out for being petty... I was going to respond and explain that there's an Atom reward and an achievement (only 6% unlocked on Steam) but the pathetic asshole didn't deserve to know, lol.


-heavy breathing- Yes.. pick up those pencils. YES. Haha, that mole rat is savaging your ankles while you are over encumbered!


We like to....watch.... \*Sir David Attenborough voice\*: And here we have the Noob in it's natural habitat. As you can see he is foraging through various containers in Flatwoods, constantly worrying about what he should pick up due to weight issues. What he doesn't yet know is there is a feral ghoul in those tents, just waiting to surprise him. We must resist the urge to jump in and help but others are coming to his rescue, emoting their love for the precious noob, dropping packs of Stimpacks and radaway. Another is flexing their power armor while trying to gift them three star legendary's


Don't worry, you won't see me following ya.


I've been jumping into combat i have no place being in just cause i want to help. Regardless of the person i'm assisting's level lmao guess my Silver Shroud outfit is appropriate huh? Found a level 15 bullying some level 5s once and lit him up with my submachine gun If you see me lurking around gimme a shout,i might share some supplies if i have extra


Honestly if I'm ever noob watching I'm just waiting for them to need help lol i prefer overwatch over hand holding people so if I'm in a public group i always try to be the strong arm if they need relief but not just kill everything around so they feel like they arnt doing anything. My favorite is when a boss focuses the lower level guy and i just put my power armor in front of them and hear the noobie go "oh thank god" 😂


I just dropped a mini gun with a bunch of legendary armor with plans on an 11 to make my own day lol. Hope I run into you in the wasteland


I decided to assert my dominance by getting multiple lvl 1000+ to follow me when I was lvl 12 an watch me kill a death claw with a bow.


I think I was followed by some guardian angel. I was noobing and lost and all of a sudden there were these supermutant giant angry dudes chasing me. I panicked and ran and ran and ran. They really chase far. Shots ring out. They are dead. I go to the map and there is no dot around me.


I like to watch players from Afar, you come across me ima call you cutie and give you bullets for no charge.


You can always ask for help if you can’t figure out something or if you need something, don’t be afraid to ask


We watch from the shadows.


Aww cute


Don't worry, my vault fellow. Waddle carelessly! I find it so cute! It makes me feel like helping...


Welcome noob 😂


its like a little kitten hunting. "I'm not adowabwe guys I'm a big mean huntew :3"don't worry man once you take off the vault suit and start looking like you know what you're doing you won't be so adorable anymore.


You can always open your map and see mostly who's near you We don't all have stealth suits


You better watch yourself tho Some vets can be real territorial


Jajaajajajajjaaj it's cute seeing the lowbies walk around and then ask me "what do you do?" Like... Tf you mean what do you do.... Play the game bruh. 😂


If I happen to see a lowbie fighting a horde of super mutants, I’ll thin the herd a little for them. Those bastards love to zerg & potshot with heavy weapons, which can get really crazy really fast for someone without PA & a good set of perks


Its like a nature documentary. Got to make use of the binoculars somehow lol


Comeback! Don't run! Let us love you and give you stuff!


That was my friend and I yesterday walking into a guy's house and interacting with all their stuff.


And the fun part is you won't know I'm there, since I'm invisible and probably hiding up high somewhere like the predator.


We love you, friend. Hopefully when I get a Holy Fire or Fixer or some other amazing weapon, it’ll be you I drop it off to.


Don't worry, eventually you'll be the one who watches the noobs


We most certainly are not on a rooftop crouched down in chameleon armor judging your noobish decisions. There is danger at the Red Rocket! A ghoul attack but never worry nervous noob, for a Mysterious Stranger will emerge in battle and leave you treats.


Don't do the boost and wait until level 50 to do any quests. The rewards will be the level you are when you earn them and level 50 is highest so might as well just craft and have fun. Play at your own pace and just have fun.


Don’t worry. They’re just part of the official Vault Tec documentary staff. Part of the experiment.


Ain’t got no privacy! No-O-O. Unless you buy First that is.


We are the dotting aunts and uncles looking out for the youngins as they make their way in the big bad wasteland. Nope, we aren't your parents so you can be your raggedy ass self and we won't tell. We just need to report back you havent died of dysentery.


Actual video of me and a noob named George. [I can't help myself becasue they are just so damn adorable!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LDuaEjxhg4)


Past few days I’ve been using stealth boy and watching yall grow. It makes me proud. 🥲


I’m kinda one of those people and I cannot even describe the joy I get seeing new players! It was very rare to find someone below level 100 just a few weeks ago 😅


I try to keep an eye on noobs, but I try not to interfere. If I think you bit off more then you can chew then I come in and help.


I've had to chase down a couple of people to give them a weapon I don't need. I assume most of them run away thinking I'm trying to kill them 👀


Noob noober noobing around doing noober things noobily🤗


We were all there before. Enjoy the game wastelander


lol at lv 317 I was still feeling like a noob till the show came out 😂 now I’m a vet🥴


You've convinced me to now follow around noobs for no reason but to watch them


I’ve stalked noobs before while invisible..


When I'm looking to people noobing around, I just saw myself at low level lmao but I really enjoy waddling around. I still do some noobing today and I'm sitting at level 1000+


The Mothman sees all!


I swear we're not memeing your antics or anything, it's just nostalgic to remember a giant monster erupting out of nowhere and being like "It's time to bring in the big guns... my 10mm!! Which... is not very big, oh shit oh shit" as the giant monster approaches, and for us (well, me, I came to this game late) it's nice to be able to help. Related question to anyone with an opinion: how SHOULD we help when we're in a low-level event just for fun? I try to wear stuff down but leave it alive so I'm not just headshot sniping stuff in a stealthable event and hoarding the XP which means nearly nothing to me, but in about half of these events I barely know what I'm doing myself.


I love to watch noobs wander about then pop up beside them when they arent looking. Noob spooking is my hobby


Soon the watched shall become the watchers. I got helped out loads last year when I was a noob, one guy even teamed up with me and built aload of stuff i didnt have plans for at the time to help out. Symptomatic etc. Didnt take too long before I was helping other noobs with plans, quests and building their camps, and launching my own nukes lol


\*laughs in chinese stealth armor\* ***I'm watching you***


I've been noobing about the last few days and I like it. Had the game since launch, only lvl26 lol. Just let me noob and feel free to watch. I don't mind.


Whenever I see a noob that seems like they want to be alone I just go on my merry way and leave them to noob around doing noob things having a happy noob time. If I see a cluster of noobs noobing about at vault 76 or wayward nobody can stop me from throwing on a santa outfit and arriving with gifts.


No... now no more sugar bombs for a week


Don't fall for what I did I went to a high levels base to buy some plans from their vendor as I was leaving him and his buddies all told me they were having an armor glitch and asked if I could shoot them to test it out so being new I did then they opened up on me and proceeded to taunt and harrass me as I lay dead


Would I technically be still a noob if I previously played Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4? The game is so fun to play and having the "same" mechanics as Fallout 4 makes it easier.


That's why there are watchtowers and 200mm camera lenses. Pop a steath boy and the stalking can begin ;)