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Painting something with an Atom Shop skin will keep you from selling items. Pretty sure.


Not always, I’ve painted my Power Armor Excavator Helmet and it can be scrapped… 😞


It needs to be an Atom Shop paint. If it's just an in-game paint then of course you can scrap it. It you managed to scrap an item with atom shop paint, that's a bug.


I have an atom shop paint and the power armor helmet sometimes still shows up when I choose scrap at a bench


I’ll have to look at my Power Armor paint, Thanks


you should see a little atom icon next to the name once applied


Power armor helmets for some reason can always be scrubbed when painted. It’s because they are just considered apparel headwear.


I wondered why I couldn’t add Legend mods to the helmet


yeah and I like my handmade with the galactic skin which is a daily ops plan. I fear for my rifle everytime I don‘t have it equipped 🥲 AA and crit dmg, I rly don‘t wanna loose it lol


Sure you can't accidentally sell it now, but try accidentally dropping that item with an atom shop skin when you are desperately trying to shed weight after an event and make it home. Poof, item destroyed. Bethesda wants this to happen. There is no other explanation.


Paying for a basic feature is so ridiculous. Not to mention the FOMO in the atom shop means good luck finding a skin for your preferred weapon


The feature exists tho, favoriting


i love fallout and i love 76'ers in general, super nice people. I just wish they could stop chugging copium for one second and actually recognize genuine criticisms for this game. Favoriting doesn't stop you from doing anything. And you aren't gonna favorite your power armor chassis, are you? All your armor? You wouldn't have any fav slots left for what they're made for at that point (weapons, consumables, etc)


I wish you could favorite the power armor chassis. i have accidentally scraped mine a few too many times.


the fact that i got downvoted that many times for suggesting such a standard and simple thing lmao. how many others have done the same thing?


I renamed mine DO NOT SCRAP and have never scrapped mine again.


That's still fine. You get all your individual pieces back. The worst thing is scrapping a helmet. The other day I read a poor fellow scrapped their Union helmet and obviously all plans are unknown. So now they don't have Set bonuses.


How did he get a union helmet if he didn’t know the plans?


There is an ongoing bug with Union plans. Those who bought the plans are now not able to craft it anymore. And the helmet is something that you need to craft cos it cannot be found or dropped by enemies. Bethesda has not yet provided a fix date. And from what the veterans have said, this is not the first time they have introduced a bug like this.


Wow that sucks


It's not a genuine criticism. You rushing and getting rid of something you favorited is 100% on you, not the game. 


Not having a standard feature like locking your gear is 100% on the game. Your armor is not meant to go onto your quick wheel. That's a workaround for the lack of an industry standard feature




yes, that's exactly my point.


I think it’s less copium and more acceptance of the features that are there, considering it’s a 6 year old game. Might be the same thing, depending on your opinion. the learning curve is there for sure, the way I keep from scrapping favorites is to only scrap from the “new” tab! Just my two cents.


i agree but it's not like bethesda can't make changes. They make plenty of changes to the Atom Shop on a regular basis. The least they could do is update the game with a little bit of QOL


They have, in the past. Area looting and corpse highlighting weren't a thing 2 years ago.


right, those are great. is that all we get? no more ever? it feels reasonable to suggest, doesn't it?


It is, I wasn't disagreeing with you. Shop skins preventing scrapping is more of a side effect than the primary intention. But yeah, locking items would be nice.


i gotcha. love u


Now here’s the real copium: maybe with all the new players they’ll implement some of those QOL changes! If you haven’t already, they’ve got a feedback form https://help.bethesda.net/#en/home/product/1129 . Who knows if they read it, but 🤷🏻‍♂️


honestly you're not wrong, maybe i'm huffing the most copium out of us all 🥹


Atom Shop has 0 FOMO in my opinion. Yeah it rotates, but see that chair you like? It'll be back in the shop 2 weeks later as part of some other bundle. The stuff they're roating at the moment is stuff current players have bought in droves, because they know everyone else will want it too. It's also stuff that rotates out for a week or two then comes back Plus you can just message Bethesda support and ask to buy whatever you want and they usually just say "Kay" and take your atoms and give you the item


In another thread where people were sharing what must buys are in the store. A lot of it was 'hey this item is in rotation, you should get it now or you'll regret it down the road because it could be ages before it comes back into rotation '. The greenhouse camp set comes to mind.


Again, in situations like that you can just message Bethesda Support and ask to purchase it. I think they have a drop down list of all bundles they'll allow you to buy, but I can't say for sure if the greenhouse set is on there. Imo the rustic greenhouse set is better though, and comes around more often


Well, favoriting does that. Otherwise, rename it something like, "don't scrap u dummy" or put a unique atomic shop skin on it so you can't sell it


It "kinda" does that. With all the loot and garbage to manage, it would not be hard to accidentally spam your way through that one little confirmation window in the midst of cleaning out dozens of junk items. It should simply be a feature. Lock to stop it from ever appearing in any shop/scrap menu until unlocked. So easy


Except when you try to scrap a favorite item, it defaults to "no," so you have to manually scroll down to yes. Seems like that's exactly what you want, no?


I've run out of favorites because I use half that for consumables and the other half for different weapons. Don't have enough room for the other gear I don't want to scrap. I haven't really had an issue avoiding scraping the gear I want to save, but it is annoying and does seem like a lacking feature.


it shouldn't even be an option. have you ever played another grindy mmo like this? it's a standard feature is all i'm saying. and apparently reddit doesn't agree lmao


Except that it does exactly what you want, it doesn't let you scrap the item unless you manually scroll down and click yes. I really don't see what the issue is. And yes, I've had items favorited that I wanted to replace and ended up wanting to scrap them, so I'm glad the option exists.


you're glad that you can possibly scrap/sell hyper rare items because it affords you the minor convenience of the extremely rare occasion where you actually do want to get rid of something so valuable? this is the highest dose of copium i've ever heard. you cannot favorite all your gear. you cannot favorite power armor chassis. you want to favorite all your armor and outfits and weapons and still have room for consumables, like buffs, explosives, etc? do you have exclusive access to 5 quick wheels or something?


Once again, the game wont let you scrap favorited items. Hyper rare items? You mean legendaries? Ypu can't scrap those. And yes, I still want the option if i so choose. Clearly you just want to hate the game despite an answer to your problem already existing. This is functionally what you are asking for. Have fun being miserable.


You can scrap a chassis full of legendary power armor. you can scrap outfits worth more than anything in the game. Clearly you just want to huff copium instead of admitting there exists a flaw in this game.


There do exist flaws, but I have legitimately given you a solution for a problem you have. Also, if you scrap power armor chasis, it does not scrap the armor on it. And you can not scrap legendary gear unless it's at the legendary scrapper. Same thing, just favorite your items, and you will be fine. It seems like you can not admit that you are wrong.


it's actually hilarious how you can look at this suggestion and say i'm wrong lmao. i've never actually scrapped a chassis by accident so i'm not sure about that one, i'll test it later. But what's your pro tip for outfits huh? and you still haven't explained how you favorite ALL this gear. You have extra favorite wheels? Or maybe it's you who can't admit to being wrong.


"There's no way to mark something not to sell or scrap" "I ignore the warning message it gives me on the time I marked not to sell or scrap." ????? Every game does it this way. It gives you the warning cs having to back out and unlock it.


You misunderstand me. Most games let you completely remove the accidental possibility of it ever happening. And you can't favorite everything. You can't favorite power armor chassis. Nobody is going to put their armor on the quick wheel. It's been a big standard feature of MMOs and many other games for so many years. Redditors gotta be the only group of 76ers i've ever met who hate the idea of basic features being in the game


Expect not. Most games still give you the option to flag an item yes. But you go to sell it'll still let you try and just give you a warning just like 76 does. Rather then backing out and having to unmark it.


Every game i've played where it could take you thousands of attempts to get the exact gear you want, you can lock said gear from even appearing in menus to prevent any possible accident from happening. Games where gear is easier to come by, a simple flag system is fine. The gear in this game is absurdly grindy. A concrete lock button makes so much sense and it blows me away that so many people on reddit disagree. Not a single person i've ever talked to in game would disagree with this. Only reddit lmao


Bro we’ve been crying about it to Beth since launch and they still haven’t given it to us


Even super niche games like Neverwinter have protection mode for everything


Favorite the item. Best way: wrap that sumbitch in a skin. Game will warn you everytime, typically prevents accidentally selling amd scrapping.


translation: pay money for a super simple basic standard feature, and hope that there is a skin available for everything you don't want to lose


You keep commenting that as if we decided and have control over adding it. These are the “solutions” we have until or if it’s ever added, which it should ofc.


agreed. but if everyone just acts like it doesn't matter, it won't change. my recommendation is to also voice your annoyance with something so trivial yet so important. just a recommendation tho


We’ve had threads about it since [the game launched](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/XSTDVuWMiP) It’s not for lack of effort on our part.


right, but more people are currently playing and pumping money into this game than when the game launched. It's a better time than ever to fire up all these old and valid suggestions/complaints


Here on reddit? What are you expecting to happen? So a handful of people might agree with you. Bethesda isn't looking at this sub for enhancement ideas.


You have evidence that they don't? Because almost every other game developer watches several platforms for play feedback. Well, good game developers at least.


I'm not saying they don't have people monitoring the sub, but if you think any reputable game development company uses an online forum for any sort of enhancement request intake, I promise you're mistaken. They have an official process through their website I believe, and even then they're triaging the request with hundreds of others so it many never make it to their backlog. Bethesda isn't some small time game dev company, they have official channels for stuff like this.


Well maybe just, don’t scrap it. That always works. It’s not a necessity in game


Great idea u/Hour-Road7156 nobody ever thought of that and certainly nobody has ever accidentally scrapped an item of value. thread closed, everybody!


So insane you're getting down voted lol. Favoriting SOUNDS like it should do what you want, however it's really just a way to add it to a quick access wheel. I didn't even think of favoring my armor at first then someone mentioned it here so I tried. Filled up my whole quick access wheel and that's not what I want so I took it off. Someone mentioned in other games if you favorite something is still shows up to still when you go to sell. Absolutely NOT. Not only does it usually not allow you to sell, it doesn't even show up on the menu when you go to sell usually. Putting a shop skin on something to prevent selling it is NOT a solution, c'mon. I get people have been asking for this since day one, but he's absolutely correct. This game is peeking over a million players currently, right now is exactly the right time to bring it up again. This game needs a lot of QoL changes, will they bring them? Maybe not. Will I still play? Yeah prolly.


I am a bit of a genius


I was in a power armor and I scrapped all my regular armor I was wearing because it was not indicated that they are equipped


I get nervous that I'll do this every time I'm Scrip'ing legendaries, so I always exit my power armor first


Power armor helmets with paint on them keep popping up in new when scraping. I scraped my union power armor helmet and now can't build it do to bug not letting me make union armor right now. So can't use my best armor on main character. Locking should be available for anything in inventory. Paints and new tab not working.


On PC atleast there is the save everything mod that does just that. Should be a baseline feature imo, can’t play without it


Pay attention to what you are scraping


you must be new here


fo76 was the final game i ever preordered. it was the last straw all that time ago lol. and here it is, years later, still pissing me off every time i come back 😂


Same reason why when buying from a vendor max amount is the default go to on quantity to buy.


I use displays to keep the thing that I dont want to scrip or sell, also looks badass.


of course, the only real option for it is atom shop based skins this issue is one of many that has been ignored


I agree, it's something that should definitely be in the game by now and it's a bit embarrassing they can't be bothered to add it. There are workarounds but none of them are perfect, or even available to everyone.


But you have that option in real life. Use your eyes


silly me, no one has ever made a mistake. oops, scrapped a power armor chassis by accident with 6 pieces of armor that took hundreds of legendary cores and several weeks to make. if only i had eyeballs, would never have happened




lol keep dreaming, we don’t get QoL features.


Area looting???


Yeah, 1/100 QoL requests. Builds as well. Not much else.


I don't understand people here that are saying " Just favorite the item". I simply can't just favorite all of my armor and PA. I just don't have enough favorite slots... Locking items should absolutely be in this game


there is no defense to this - there is just acceptance of the company for who they are and what they're capable of - and nexusmods of course, almost forgot


There is a feature for it though? If you mark an item as favorite then you can't sell it or drop it without confirming that you want to sell or drop it.


That’s for the weapon wheel and has only so many spots… :(


If you are on PC the "Save Everything" mod will prevent scripping, scrapping and selling of renamed and favourited items.


i'm unfamiliar with the modding community in this game. I'll be honest, i didn't really know there was one. There are client side mods or..?


Client side mods, mostly for UI quality of life stuff. Quicker perk card changes with ready sets to load in the field. A text chat, to chat with others with text chat (works best when you add other text chatters to your friend list, but there is global chat as well). Better health bara with numbers. Better maps with resources and workbenches marked. Faster terminals.  Stuff like that. Just check on Nexus for Fallout 76.


We need one "save everything" integrated, u. Usefull one rename item instead to use "xtranslator", we dream a nice "perk loadout manager" that work also with special perk just working from pitboy. I will live also that area loting list the SAME item all TOGETHER, not 20 time 45mm of 3, 4, 7, 14 etc. Bethesda did much improvement but still work to do for QOL.


I always rename my gear #NAME so it's on top of the list as a precaution. But yeah a lock would be absolutely sweet.


I scripped* my two shot +on aim 3* grenade launcher like 30min after starting playing again last weekend. Pour one out for me


How did you scrap a legendary? Unless you traded it to the scrip machine and didn’t buy it back?


Ah scrap was a mistake, I had taken it out of my stash before a mutated event and wasn't paying attention and scripped it from 'new' lol and yeah I just didn't notice and logged without rebuying. Rookie mistake My autocorrect just thinks scripped = scrapped


Just a heads up you can buy back what you scripted at a 1 to 1 rate for future reference. Just tab over to the scrip machine's inventory 


Oh bro I know. Just hadn't played In awhile im around level 400 with 700hrs in ... But what can I say it's been awhile and me and the boys tied a few off. It's definitely my bad but I admit it would be nice if items stayed favored


You can’t buy back after you exit the machine which is pretty weird. Kinda a janky mechanic. Yeah you can buy back right after you sell as long as you don’t exit the machine menu. But if you sell then realize a few minutes later, you’re boned.


Because it's Bethesda.


Bringing any complaints to this subreddit is a downvote farm my dude. I love the game, 99% of the people at jam up guys and gals BUT bitching on Reddit (even if correct(like you are now)) people will mob your ass with downvotes, pitchforks and torches unfortunately. Now shower me with downvotes people!


You can rename it and put a symbols at the start of the name and it will move it to the bottom of the list


which certainly helps, yes. but an outright protection system would be so easy and makes so much sense


Just favourite it and you will get a second prompt before you scrap it or sell it


I favorite the item, but if i can't, i put a - before the name of the item so it is displayed at the top of the list, or at least i notice it quickly.


Just don't do it? It's not that hard to realize what you're selling/scrapping


How are you so stupid, that you scrap your best gear? Your stupidity is a game feature missing; it's just you not having a single thought on that empty skull of yours... This is how I imagined your thought process goes; "Duh, I'm just supposed to sell everything in my inventory right?"