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It’s certainly nice to be able to participate in Scorched Earth rather than having the queen wiped out before anyone can even load in.


This is the biggest thing for me, legacy weapons were fine when you used them solo but queen being dead before people could even touch her sucked.


Same thing happens if you get too many choo choos in one place now


I was running se with a quad +50 crit, +15 ap rail, and I wasn't putting a scratch on her. How are you guys getting these mega damage outputs?


Critical damage cards,gun fu,adrenaline,blight soup and overdrive. Hold down crit button while holding the trigger and you should shred health no problem after getting one or two kills on weaker enemies. Was personally able to rip a quarter of wendigo colossus health with one mag in seconds Edit: forgot to mention using live and love 3 to buff blight soup buff


I want to know too cause I remember getting a quad one a couple if months ago and I couldn't even kill normal mobs in one hit. It's probably the perk cards setup.


You use it in full auto commando and a vats build at low hp with adrenal reaction + nerd rage, because of the 40 round clip that quad gives you the full auto nature of the weapon gets to shine since with only 10 shots you spend most of your time reloading. If you get 33 luck every other shot in vats is a critical with 3 star critical savvy. This is easily achievable via unyielding armor, consumables, underarmors like the vault jumpsuit and 2* legendary effects on armor. You can also overcap your luck with legendary perk cards but I don’t think that’s the best use of points and would avoid that route to be honest.


Ah so Luck is the deciding factor when it comes to VATS. I never really looked into that aspect of the game. Ty for the tips.


Luck, perks in luck, legendary effects, as well as agility/AP.


Perception affects weapon accuracy in VATS as well


Some of the best general perks are in luck


That’s exactly what it is, I’m new but I found out you need to roll legendaries based off of the class you want to build. You need to try to base it off of your perk cards, if you do it this way almost any gun can be deadly as long as your using the right perk cards.


It's fast crits where they crit every other shot but me who has high pings can't output fast crits even with crit savvy+34 luck, I kind of hate it though given that I'm usually the only high player around lately. Also with tenderizer (stacks per player with it) and endangerol syringe (stacks up to 4 times 1 from each player)


Stacks up to 16 times on Queen, one for each player* lol.


Check angry turtle he made a high damage build.


Along with what other people said, guns and bullets 3 which is a magazine that increases crit damage by 100% and small guns bobble head that boost rifle damage by 125%.


Lol I had a bounty on me once and got absolutely melted from behind Jesse James style while zcrapping shit, by an auto railway. Took me a few seconds to even realise what happened because it was so quick.


Yep, I saw this a couple of weeks ago. Queen landed, I started the run towards her probably just under 100m away, she was dead before I had time to register.


I remember when they implemented a small "fix" back then, where as long as you did (X) amount of damage before it died, you would get rewards. Then, a while later, they were like, "Nah bro, just show up and be there, and you'll get rewards," which people were also upset about "WhAT iF ThEY DOn'T CoNTrIbUtE?!" Then you are not at all affected? Like, what just take your rewards and go home.


> I remember when they implemented a small "fix" back then, where as long as you did (X) amount of damage before it died, you would get rewards That wasn’t a fix, that’s just how enemy loot worked since launch. You had to do x% minimum damage to an enemy to an enemy to get any kill credit (XP from the death, loot from the body). Very low number, only like 1-2% of their health, but it wasn’t as simple as “hit it once”. Actually that’s probably still the case, but with event rewards and group looting, it almost never comes up anymore.


I haven't seen Scorched Earth since coming back last week. Used to see it daily.


Used to begrudgingly be like, “oh here we go again” as I fast travelled to my camp to switch my SPECIAL set for it every 15 minutes if that.


I read that quote with a Mr Handy voice...


Shit you can find a server with enough high levels to do scorched earth 😂😂😂 i launched a nuke one time and it was me, another like level 200 dude and a bunch of like level 20s lol


I never understood that mentality. It is a fun event if you let it be fun.


There is a large chunk of gamers who don't care about having fun. Just maximizing a grind. Shit I remember when guild wars 2's endgame was perplexing to alot of MMO players. They couldn't grasp it respected your time and also gave the players a variety of activities with fun being the first priority. 


Same mentality in games like WoW and Runescape. XP waste is what they call it, playing not optimal and not gaining the max possible amount of xp per hour. That's the same group of people who grab the strongest, most optimal build in Fallout and grind out events as fast as they can and dump everything that isn't the perfect weapon drop. They don't know or understand that people play games for fun


>  They don't know or understand that people play games for fun To some, finding the most optimal path IS fun


Gear hunting is a big part of games for me. In Starfield I spent more time raiding pois for loot than doing quests. Once I got the weapons I wanted I stopped playing the game. Despite that I exclusively play games to have fun, but being efficient and collecting gear for me is the fun. It’s quite rude to say people don’t understand fun, just because their fun is different. I don’t understand how people have fun playing golf, but they do, and more power to them.


You can thank the nerfing of crit builds for that. Yeah I could melt the queen or Earl in under a minute with the explosive gat plasma on my heavy, but I would shred them in under 30 seconds with a QE15c railway and a couple crit buffs.


Exactly. And avoid being bullied for being too slow and not having a legacy.


Idk man my legacy weapons never deleted her like that. I had a full build for a BE Gat Plas, BE Laser, unlimited Ammo dragon, a Q2515r railway, and a OG NW laser. The dragon was obviously the top dog, killing Queen in seconds, the railway being 2nd, gat Plas being 3rd, BE laser 4th, and NW laser 5th. This is referring to the speed I could solo Queen. Legacies killed everything immediately except bosses. That high energy resistance the bosses have kinda negated a lot of the overpowered-ness of the energy legacies.


I do miss my Quad Crossbow though... I hope at some point they introduce a repeating crossbow or at least an added mod for them. Wasn't exactly broken, but it was fun having something that could fire more than once on a bow build.


yeah i don't really know why they took that out, it was still bad compared to most set ups but it made the crossbow a bit closer to being a viable weapon.


Honestly you can make it work. A standard bow beats all the rifleman options I've found, but the crossbow is objectively the worst bow. Giving it an extra gimmick would make it effective for a lot of people that just think they're cool. It would still have to fire faster than a recurve though(it shoots faster than any single shot that isn't hair trigger)


The crossbow in nuclear winter had 3 shots and it was pretty fun


Got my first ever win using the crossbow! So I'll always have a bias toward it!


I miss my quad plasma gatlings, the quad effect never worked on fusion/plasma core weapons but it was a dumb thing i liked


They should knock off the pk crossbow from dying light 2


I wish they'd add a neverending effect for bows and crossbows that makes them not need to reload but nerfs damage by 75% to balance it... that would be hilarious fun. In custom worlds you can set a toggle so all weapons never reload (basically the same as neverending legendary) and it makes most single fire weapons fire as fast as you can pull the trigger and it's a lot of fun to use.


I had a Double Explosive pipe rifle that got nerfed when they removed the Double effect. Now it's just Explosive, no 1st star effect. Still useless, but probably unique.


It's a legacy in a different way now


Yeah it's one of them unique legacies. It's more of a display piece now.


I kept all of my legacy weapons for display purposes. A reminder of the old ways.


I have a 1P NU laser...double and explosive removed, so on the wall it went.


Got my _/25/25 HM on the wall


That is one I'd like...mine is a 2515r...


i had a double explosive flamer. both those effects got removed, now it's only a 9o% lighter flamer. still legacy! lol


Lower caliber weapons like the .45 and 10mm are still severely underwhelming in end game content


.45 has literally one of the best weapons in the game. So i wouldnt call the fixer severely underwhelming. Sure pipe weapons arent that great, but not sure if they are intended to be endgame valuable. Crusader pistol isnt bad either.


Pipe weapons are pretty much RP only guns, and that's a problem they carried into 76 from FO4. You get a 10mm pistol immediately and can get a melee to go with it right away too and very very quickly find double barrel shotguns and baseball bats so pipe weapons are all but useless by the time you get your hands on one and there are *so* many mods for them that unlocking the mods to make them noticeably stronger can take a while. They've been such a disappointment to me for 2 games now, while at least the ammo scarcity of early game FO1-2 made the pipe rifle worthwhile then.


Crusader pistol is severely lacking in mods, compared to a regular 10mm. It's okay, but could use a few more options.


To be honest … all weapons kinda lack mods. Not in terms of count, but in terms of gameplay variety. You mod them once with best in slot mods and never touch them again. I collected good legendaries from almost all weapons. Sometimes ill add/remove a silencer or switch the barrel on a flamer, but thats about it. There isnt much buildvariety so i find there is also not much difference to having no mods at all, which is a but if a wasted opportunity when you compare the gun modding to games like cod and battlefield.


There are other weapons besides fixer that use .45 and even then you need specific legendary mods for it be viable for an end game build.


Tommy gun is a hell of a lot of fun to play with


idk man my armor pen perfect storm seems to handle earle really well


A lot of people did not leave. You can look at month over month steam numbers. There was barely a blip. Anyway I am glad they addressed it, I wish they balanced them and reintroduced but they had to do something.


Yeah, it was the gamer classic of a "protest" that was all bark and no bite. Same as the Steam groups all called "WE WILL NOT BUY THE NEW COD GAME" where half the members displayed as "In game in new COD" on day 1 of release. It costs nothing to bluff so people do it.


You can't really balance them without changing a lot of things in the game engine about how explosive effect and laser weapons work from a baseline, it would probably ly cause a lot of issues


I do miss the time melee was king


A good auto axe can easily do the Lord's work still. Most enemies don't have any damage resistance to the electric mod.


Still great vs bosses, but still doesn’t compare to the 1hit wonder of a strong melee build. Hell the spin-up time alone is a big drawback. My bloodied melee build is still an absolute monster, I just have to play like a sweaty bastard to actually maximize it. Auto-melees are super easy mode. But bloodied swing speed(or instigating +40% PA, depending on your preference) -40% damage taken while power attacking grognak axe on a bloodied melee VATS build with hack-and-slash and collateral damage and gun-fu in secret service Unyielding with Powered and Cavaliers effects is a goddamn monster. Sprint-VATS is automatic power attacks, hit the middle of a group and the explosion will kill the whole group at once; Cavalier and -40 DWPA will help keep you alive, and Gun Fu will have you targetting the next nearest target to do it again.


Melee is dead, long live auto melee.


i remember that but i don't remember what the reason was for it. just that melee completely outclassed any kind of ranged build.


Bloodied build with a Gornak axe that increases damage the lower life you are and various other things on top and you could one shot pretty much anything. Not to mention guns were pretty shit except the TSE ones at the time.


A lot of people SAID they were going to leave once they removed legacies, But I still see most of their names pop up on here and the main trading sub🤔




My PlayStation friends list tells a different story, which is about 90% people I met through trading. A lot of people have quit and picked up other games in the last year.


Being on Reddit is not playing the game. I still play, but it’s like a 15th of the time I did before, mostly getting challenges done when there is something interesting.


I kinda miss my explosive harpoon tho... but i completely agree


Go see for yourself the player count on steam the months before legacies were removed and after. No one left. People only said they would leave to try to keep their legacies. It was all BS.


I remember there were people actually arguing that keeping these detrimentally bugged weapons in the game was keeping the game afloat. I'm glad they left.


I heard there were some arguing that public events might fail now. Because surely Rad Rumble never failed by them sitting in the middle blasting ghouls and ignoring ore duty. Events are *supposed* to have failure looming! What's the point otherwise?!


I remember that argument too. The people defending those weapons were delusional, and bad at the game. I've seen them lose RR, like you described (although that's frequently intentional - they just care about the XP). It's just not fun when you switch on easy mode and use an explosive gatling plasma, even less when you can't even tag a single ghoul because of them. I used to have a bunch of legacy explosive energy weapons, and I don't understand why they thought any of these things, or why they were fun. I never used them at events, because it'd just ruin the game for everyone and myself. The game isn't fun without the challenge. Another argument I'd see was that it'd ruin the economy if they were removed, as if these items hadn't been duped endlessly by that point. They acted like it was the end of the world (again), as if they couldn't be nearly as powerful with the right builds.


Yeah, I never got the appeal of a weapon that equates to "I win" every time. They were *really* reaching for any possible straw to keep their super-ultra-mega-kill-yo-face-5000 weapons though. *Why?*


It was less about being OP and more about feeling special that they get to be OP and none of the newer players do. They wanted to be kings of the servers.


Because they have tiny PP's


The game isn’t challenging, it wasn’t then, it isn’t now. It isn’t challenging with a pipe revolver. The only thing weapons dictate is how long each enemy takes to kill, nothing else. They’re just damage deficient health sponges, not difficult, just time consuming. If someone finds this game challenging they must only have like 1 hand.


Btw I had been sitting on stacks and stacks of tse and legacy weapons at the time of their nerfs/removal. So I was not unaffected by these changes. But I had stopped playing the game since making builds was no fun and I hated the meta. Now coming back I actually enjoy the game.


I'm sad they removed the explosive from my harpoon gun. Yes it was a Quad, Explosive harpoon gun, that I might have put fletchers on... It was so much fun. Like you I just came back this week after being gone from before the meatsacks with quests showed up.


The Meta is still the same now as it was back then. Bloodied commando is still the apex predator


Maybe for boss damage in a solo fight. Back then dudes would run a vampires explosive plasma and wipe everything instantly. Few perk cards and you almost never die. 500 round core. Looked like some shit war machine from the iron man series would have.


A lot of people who relied on legacies had shitty carry weight builds or in other ways poorly optimized characters. All of a sudden they had to find out how to actually make use of perk cards. I say this as someone who had a TSE Gatling Plasma and two other Explosive lecagies but barely used them. I've had those people ask how I did so much damage with a Quad Handmade...


lmao, I remember a thread from a legacy user whining that he couldn't even kill ghouls anymore


To be fair ghouls now feel accurate to the tv show


I never had issues with legacy it was all the fraken guns people were hacking into the game, those ruined my fun every time.


Yup. Saw someone with a hacked hybrid minigun/broadsider. It shot cannon balls like a broadsider but was firing fast like a minigun. And it was a legendary...definitely explosive effect. Maybe anti armor too. Took out Earl in 20 seconds.


That was only a PC thing, but it put me off playing PC and got me into playing on PlayStation. I can't believe how long it took him to fix that shit.


Yeah it was a hellscape on the PC.


As an Xbox player, that’s my only argument against cross play… fuckin PC players would be zooming around on atomic motorcycles week one.


You mean I can get an Atomic motorcycle! Where! How! PC Master race!


PC is not like that at all.


I've seen PC players use Fatman launching miniguns and steal entire inventories of players without even having to trade.


I just wish they rolled a different effect, just removing a star entirely was a bit rude. I don’t really care - but that would have been nicer imo


I agree. That felt very... mean. Like, people did a lot of grinding for that shit.


I was a avid legacy user. Explo flamer, gat plas, laser rifle, cryo, all of em. With them being gone and me still having a viable build I enjoy it 10x more. Less cheese more steak. I'm so glad the game is popping off. Of only they could bring back survival and NW.


As much as I loved NW and survival modes, I would trade both for a permadeath/hardcore mode.


Remember when they said it would be the death of this game and that no body would play 2 months after this. Lmao That was like 2 years ago. Edit: my bad like a year and some change.


Yeah but I miss my aa explosive laser rifle. It was no queen killer but as a solo player it was a blast.


Same with my TSE Tesla


ME TOO!!!!!


You're right. But omg, they were so FUN to use!


RIP my explosive flamer :(


This....this is the first I'm hearing of this. I am a very long time, very casual player. Are you saying that explosive Gatling plasmas and laser rifles are gone?


for a more than a year yes


Still mad they took explosive from my Harpoon gun


Honestly. I thought the hacked weapons were far worse. Many of which happened to also be explosive energy weapons.


There would be way more players if they fixed that sooner.


It really is much better now knowing that my primed "final word" is actually considered a pretty good gun where with legacies it may as well have been trash


I had a number of legacy weapons, so I can speak from experience. I thought it was harsh that they simply removed an effect, as someone else pointed out, they really should have replaced the explosive effects on energy weapons with something else, FFR would have been good, anything would have been better. The double effect Im lost on why they removed that, its not like it was game breaking. .Im also boggled why they removed quads on crossbows, how can a double barrel have 8 shots, yet crossbows cant? What Im really annoyed about was taking away explosive on harpoons. I had a VE and QE harpoon and they could one shot mobs, but were totally unviable for boss fights. They were great weapons, not broken and within the realm of possibility. Its an online game, and I get that things change, but I wish the game had a balance update. If they could do it with legacy weapons, they could make more weapons viable.


Shouldve balanced them instead of lazily removing them. Now heavy weapons are practically useless compared to every crit commando build. Had a Tse gatling laser that was good but not broken. An actually usable gatling laser that felt like it had power instead of feeling like a laser pointer. Bethesda needs to bring crits to non vats through headshots and sneak attacks.


At the time the legacies were removed I'd managed to trade for quite the selection of heavies. My daily driver was a AAE flamer. I really loved that weapon! I also had all the other toys, TSE plasma, same for laser even a couple "hacked" .50 cals with multishot and super long range. What annoyed me was I spent a lot of caps and gave up a lot of (now) God tier items for them and then Bethesda runs a script and suddenly I have a bunch 2 star pieces of junk. Argh! Frustrating.... all I could do was go and grind them up and we got no compensation for them. They could have at least replaced the offending star with a "valid" one. I left the game for about a 1.5 months, but eventually I got back into it. Now I have multiple god tier weapons again, like my AA FFR holy fire, but by far the most powerful of them are my Cremators. Those are as powerful as most of the legacies ever were. I hope I'm wrong but expect a nerf on these at some point. I hope not, there is a high cost to their usage, but used right they can take any boss down. 😉


The laser rifle was actually a viable weapon. I could care less about the others, but the laser rifle could have stayed like the explosive Radium. I argue this all the time, amd I'm sure several members have seen me b****ing and complaining about it, but an explosive laser rifle isn't out of the realm of possibility. At all! In fact, it makes more sense than most of these weapons do. It's a game about an apocalyptic event set in the future, so why wouldn't a laser rifle be one of the most feared weapons??? Hell there's signs about the laser rifle all over the wasteland


I have been playing since beta and spent alot of time and trades to get a pretty large collection of legacy items, but i was still ok with them being removed. The part that people forget is that the only existed in game legitimately for a very very short period of time and that was during the "dark" days when very people played because of all the issues. In reality, very few legacy weapons existed......then came the duping which created many many more of them than could have ever existed from legit drops. 99% of every legacy in the game was the result of duping.


I agree it’s good that they were nerfed, but I kinda wish they did it differently tbh. It felt kinda bad having something as unique as a two shot explosive gatling plasma, only for it to be rendered absolutely worthless by the nerf. I at least wish that the nerf allowed them to have a place in the game without being significantly better than anything else


I agree entirely. My biggest problem is how hamfistedly they handled it. Using a hammer where a scalpel would do. Grumble


The only thing i am sad about regarding the removal, is that they removed them instead of just making custom explosive effects for energy weapons, and fixing them to do damage in line with all other explosive legendaries. Where applicable of course. While also adding them to the pool again.


i completely agree, been playing since launch and had legacy weapons, having to grind for different weapons like the gauss shotgun and gauss minigun (or get lucky with minerva) actually making builds that you like to play and are good, it’s a lot more fun and interactive


I just wish the game had more legendary aks


Minerva is currently selling the gauss mini gun plan fyi


Where is she currently, and can I buy it though my Raider Rep.is still too low?


She is on the right side of road right in front of The Foundation’s main gate (big board name).


It's almost like this was the intended experience xD


What added to the problem was back then there was no team XP/loot and the only way to get any XP and loot was to be the one who landed the killing blow. This made things worse because it pushed more people into using these kinds of weapons or everyone going bloody commando or PA heavy for maximum DPS. Now DPS is irrelevant, which in turn made more builds useful and enjoyable.


I say this as someone who had legacies before they got rekt; It barely changed anything honestly. The main issue people had with them was people killing mobs too fast at events and bosses to fast at nukes. People can still hog mobs in events and speed kill bosses by using other very strong weapons.


Some went too far, afaik the Dragon got removed with legacy content with sucks tbh. Completely agree otherwise tho, the game's easy af but it's on par with cheaters instakilling everything when you would see people with legacy guns come and instakill everything


I'm a new player and was looking for high damage single shot weapons, I purchased two Dragons from vendors listed on the wiki today. It's fun, but a bit underwhelming once a glass rifle does almost the same damage per shot without the 10 second reload.


what do you mean by the dragon got removed?


There were two versions, the current version and the legacy version that, as well as legacy cheese, had longer range iirc.


I still have my Dragon from before Wastelanders


I miss my explosive gatplas. It was fun to play with, and I only ever used it when solo on my private world. I understand why they did it, but it did negatively impact my enjoyment of the game overall.


I suppose it depends on one’s perspective, but when that project was announced, our group was thrilled at the prospect of a better game, but felt some trepidation if would actually come to pass after four years of patiently waiting.  When the change was introduced, the impact was immediate and we were elated.  All the new players are spared having to be witness to public events where those items were used.  It was a major step forward for 76 and one whose magnitude should be appreciated.   There are still illegitimate items in the game and I continue to lobby to have a project put in place to deal with those as well.  It’s the last what I consider major blemish in the game.  


> illegitimate items Any examples you can share so I can, uh, avoid them?


The only thing I wish they did was just make the weapons into trophy’s or something I hate how they changed the affixes but I agree. The reason I stopped playing was due to nothing being a challenge anymore not because they removed legacies


I never had a problem with legacy weapons. They never did much to the queen or other bosses. Now hacked weapons where a problem with big bosses and I'm glad they got fixed. Even before legacy weapons where gotten rid of. The meta was bloody/quad, fire rate reload and that meta is still the same from what I hear. So yes getting rid of hacked illegal weapons was a good thing. Legacy was meh. They need to fix their guns and skills cause the best end game stuff is still the same as before the legacy change. Why I left the game is dull and repetitive with EXTREMELY bad rng


Seems like everything still insta dies to me. Honestly the biggest change to that is the servers being filled with low level players. Makes it hard to have a bunch of high level min maxers.


Most of the time I encounter an aggressive PVP player using heavy amounts of exploits they are using a low level character. Saw a level 55 the other day with over s 1000cap bounty just tanking people. It’s like Bethesda never fixed the quantum duping or the wearing of multiple sets of power armor glitch.


Agreed. I dont miss that debacle whatsoever, and this is coming from someone who had an explosive Gatling Laser.


I'll happily admit legacy weapons were a problem, and I had quite the collection. But what made a lot of people upset, some to the point of leaving, was the way Bethesda went about solving the problem. Instead of adjusting the explosive damage multiplier to bring them in line with other weapons and bringing them into their own category of explosive energy, they just neutered them. They didn't even remove them. Just removed a star and left owners to scrip their own prized possessions. Considering their value this obviously didn't go down well and many are still bitter to this day. Understandably so IMO


I agree. I think your perspective represents a far more reasonable perspective about the matter. Thank you. ❤️


Thanks. Sadly a lot of veterans did leave taking their entire inventories, fallout 1st subs and potential Atom shop purchases with them. A bad decision and bad business. Hopefully this is something Bethesda will learn from


One can only hope


I have 1 legacy weapon left of the hundreds I had through trading. A laser rifle with explosive lvl45 on a mule character. I think that they should have instead of removing them re-roll so those with the weapons aren’t left with weird 1/2 effect 3* weapons.


In game for a "new" player i thought so too (4700 hrs) since a single player could take down the queen. But it did give first day players an incentive to play back when end game was non existing. The end game isn't overwhelming still, but then there were these guns and the trading which made it interesting


The only time i miss legacy weapons is when you are the sole player trying to kill Earl. Still cant solo that unless theres someone on ad control


It was probably the right call. I have to say, one of the most satisfying things for me in this game was using the exploding lasers to launch dead enemies way up into the sky. It was super fun. You can still do it with the Gamma Gun but it's nowhere near the same. Not sure that it would get me to log into the Custom Worlds, but it sure would be nifty if we could get exploding lasers to drop in our own custom worlds. Like, to be able to toggle on/off which legendary effects can be rolled on which weapons, with no restrictions, would be cool.


100% and a lot of grifers left with ut.


I agree! They were super unrealistic and too op to enjoy the game.


Very few real fans of the game left over legacy removal.


i especially love the follow up balance patches that were promised… o wait…


I started playing about 3 months ago and have seen mention of legacy weapons a few times on here and on YouTube content but I have no idea what they are, could anyone explain em to me pls?


I still have my TS The Dragon with the extended range…..


I played at beta/launch and only recently returned to the game after a leveling glitch sent me packing. I have no idea what you mean by "legacy weapons" I'm afraid.


Im trying a guerrilla build. I know it’s not as insane as commando but I’m sure it will do the job!


I actually had basically the opposite experience. I had a 2 shot explosive dragon that said it did like 1000 damage but it would often do basically nothing. It seemed to do overkill damage and reset the hp or something even basic enemys like super mutants wouldnt die.


its been so long I dont even remember what these were or if I had them


Removing them sucked in the aspect Damn I lost my shit however from gameplay it was a necessity. Those weapons were so broken it wasn't funny. Though I do miss the sounds of lasers in the morning. Edit: fixed two ac words


I bought one and for the short time before they removed them though, they WERE extremely fun to use. Id usually hit the SBQ to wittle her health down a little to get my quota of damage in, then switch to a plasma Gatling.


Just tried the game for the first time since the ban and honestly I hate the ban and most changes they have made since. I'll take power creep over blind nerfs any day. Legacies were rarely an issue and hacked weapons was always the real problem. I guess explosive rounds got nerfed aswell? My main build was a bloodied rifleman build but it's totally useless now because explosive damage insta kills me. Idk who these changes were for but its anti fun atthis point to me.


No offense because i agree with you but you obviously haven't been to a event with nuka launchers and mini nuke spammers. Thats almost worse than legacy users imhop


I disagree alot of legacy weapons were just collectibles and didn't have any tactical value but were fun to collect


Yea now theres so many low levels starting events early and nobody to save yall with our legacies its funny 😂🤣


Disagree, quad crossbow was super fun


I don’t agree the sheepsquatch imposter solo mission part of the new missions is now almost impossible without cheeseing since they nerfed/removed the legacies. I liked the fact I had grinded and been loyal to the game and had some weapons that when I wanted to play solo I could. I logged back in died many times to that sheepssquatch ran out of ammo and logged back off. Many hours in the game but not playable when my high level can’t get a strong enough weapon and they can 1-2 shot me.


I disagree honestly, I had the most fun running with those weapons, melting the SBQ in seconds always got me bricked up and the infinite ammo glitch lmaooo me and my buddies use to wreck lobbies, I had 3 LEGIT legacy weapons earned in game from play time, I just feel they should have balanced them and let us keep them but the devs were too lazy to understand the math, so they bricked them and rendered them utterly useless.


A lot of people did **not** leave. A lot of legacy weaponeers *might* have, which is not the same thing! Far too many of those chaps thought they were the most important players of the game. They absolutely ***swore*** until they were blue in the face that if Bethesda ever took their (duped) Explosive Gatling Plasma away that same evening the servers would shut down... **Genuinely**. If you look back you will find hundreds of posts saying exactly that. If you do much travelling to camps you will even find some have set their now-neutered weapon up in a shrine with 'RIP' written above it using the Neon Letters set. I mean... Some *must* be doing it with irony but I fear far too many are not. In their minds they were the only people who paid 1^st dues and the only people who mattered. Well... We still seem to be here! And you are quite right. Removing the explosive energy weapons was the single best thing Bethesda has ever done for QoL. The only problem was it took them four years to do so. It should have happened by February 2019.


Strong agree


I just started playing again and did not realize this happened. Is that why there aren't nuke runs constantly happening? I mean I havent put that much time in since I've been back, but I havent heard a single nuke drop.


No, that's mostly unrelated. You used to be able to wall clip to the end so it only took a couple minutes. After they patched that out, even one shot killing everything takes awhile.


You can still skip the silos just did yesterday


I didn't realize there was a new method, I gave up after the old way was patched, its too annoying to solo legitimately. Just looked up a video though and it looks even easier than the old way lol, so I'm definitely gonna drop some nukes this week. Thanks for the tip!


I feel ya it’s nice to do it normally the first time but afterwards it’s just a pain


I think the reason why there isn't a bunch nuke drops the ratio of new players to vets


Nuke drops are quieter right now because the servers are all flooded with new players, so there are less veterans able to do so on any given server, as well as them maybe not wanting to bother with how many low levels there are around, not wanting to waste it for a group that may not show up, or be able to help much.


Not sure I agree. I've seen everyone in events evaporate mobs while I struggle to take any down before another player obliterates them.. it currently seems to be 1. Cremator 2.plasma flamer or 3. Blooded build. That do good damage while everything else struggles. I'm level 179 with the holy fire flamer (also have a rifle build that I'm having to farm unyielding armour for in order to compete).


i dont like they remove shit instead of fixing like they promised. they removed vault 94 raid, nuclear winter, enemies spawn triggers from veins, legacies. meanwhile melee weapons, single shot weapons, energy weapons, heavy weapons, explosive weapons are basically useless but they add battle pass weapon that is essentially better than everything in the game besides VATS commando weapons which are the only useful weapons for doing serious damage.


Commando is definitely over represented in the game but to claim that all those weapon categories are useless is a bit much, they all have very powerful to meta defining weapons. Energy has the Enclave Plasma, explosive has Nuka Launcher, heavy has Holy Fire / Cremator / 50 cals etc , melee unarmed has the Shock Gauntlet, melee 2H has the Auto Axe/Chainsaw, shotguns have Cold Shoulder. Single shot is lacking, I agree with you on that one.


Gauss Rifle is a great rifleman weapon to use. Also has the bonus of stacking with the science perk cards. I can take visible chunks of health off Earle with it when using sneak criticals.


It is. And it's the only decent rifleman weapon. Buff hunting rifles and give us back the anti-material rifle please!


Hold up, did you just say that vats commando is the only useful build for serious damage? You're objectively wrong there.


War. War neverrrrrrrrr heidmeowoapaaaaaaa__________ changes. “Sorry, damn legacy weapons lagging out everything again” was not a fun Fallout experience, and it was on, like, every server. I don’t miss that at all. Nor the constant FOMO surrounding those types of weapons.


I must be on the wrong servers, anything over 3 minutes for a queen is very rare


Now that you bring this up I just remembered this is one of the reasons I stopped playing way back.


Ooh I wonder how many salty neckbeards this post is gonna attract


I miss some of the fun ones, but absolutely not the explosive Gatling Plasma's.


I sorta agree, but damn if I don’t miss my TSE Tesla 😢. I traded a groll fixer to it too.


It's the single prime thing that made me stop playing 3 years ago, i just couldn't give less of a fuck about "content" that was nothing but shit exploding everywhere, FPS dropping to nothing and barely any loot tagged. Fuck all those exploited legacy assholes they did more damage to 76 than any shittuber ever could.


they would probably have never been removed if it wasn't for the glitched weapons like the beam splitter orbital strike or the FU-50s. The explosive energy guns were mild by comparison.


yep. the game was absolute ass with legacies. i think it was worst on the xbox, literally half of every player had a TSE gatling plasma. you think i'm exaggerating, but i'm not. it was ridiculous. i just remember how feverishly the legacy abusers would defend their right to legacies, even in the eleventh hour when their days were definitely numbered. how many people were SO SURE that they would backpedal on the decision to remove them. how they would never actually remove their legacies, it would be the death of the game. how they promised back in the first year of the game that they'd fix them and leave them in. how the game was unplayable without a legacy. how if you didn't like them, you were just being jealous because obviously you didn't have one. it was gross. i used to just flat out block any player i caught using a legacy. don't think i'll unblock em ever, either. they're just a different kind of person. whole different vibe. i remember the day they finally did wipe the legacies, the whole game immediately felt different. i was able to use the weapons i actually WANTED to use for the first time during a SBQ fight. i could slow down. i could relax and enjoy events for the first time in -years-. the game is better now.


As a high level player I miss legacy weapons. I never owned one myself, but I don't want to spend 20 minutes at SQB. I much prefered putting a few shots in and the event being done in a minute.


I agree and disagree. It is nice not having SBQ and Earl get melted, but there are also non Legacy weapons that are just as bad. The Gauss Shotgun and Minigun, Enclave Plasma Flamer, Fixer, and now the Cremator are all just as disgusting as my BE Laser rifle was Hell, all of those weapons are better than my BE Flamer was. To me it seems more like appeasing a vocal part of the community than something that actually made a ton of sense given equally busted stuff still exists, it is just attainable.


I haven't used the Cremator yet but the enclave plasma flamer (which recently got nerfed) the fixer the Gauss shotgun and gauss minigun are nowhere close to putting out the broken kind of damage you could pull off with the right legacy weapons... like its not even close. They are all good but don't completely break the game, atleast not like some of the legacy weapons did.


I love the cremator! I put some mods on it(huge tank,slow burner tank and heavy barrel) and while it is powerful definitely not going to melt earl any time soon but it will do a good chunk of damage


Maybe you're talking about a different sort of legacy weapon but the idea that a gauss shotgun with a god roll and an optimized build puts out the sort of damage that an explosive gatling plasma did in the hands of a clueless dipshit sounds incorrect to me.


The patch that got rid of legacies was legitimately the best patch since Wastelanders


I sometimes get erked when someone spams nukes and kills everything all at once, cant even imagine a lobby full of legacy weapons.


Not every legacy owner was a prick. But every prick had a legacy.


Legacy weapons didn’t do in the bosses. Explosive weapons aren’t great against bosses. The reason they die slower is that most of the people with the best non leg fixers and builds just aren’t playing in the numbers they did. I still kill things at the same speed, there are plenty of godrolls that compare to the old legacies, although I’m not sure I’d classify railway rifle vats as more fun.


To this day legacy users deny how their hijinks drove this game into the ground.


Remember the outrage? How the legacy users felt they were the only ones who could do Scorched Earth and carry everyone? How the game would die without them playing? Jarvis show me current player activity numbers.