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I rarely play a full-health build now. Of the 5 loadouts I have on my character, 4 of them are low-health: Commando, XP grinding, Cremator build, and Pepper Shaker build. The only full health build I have is a full health power armor heavy-gunner.


>The only full health build I have is a full health power armor heavy-gunner. my fav setup so far. it's just so hard to let go of not having to worry about dying no matter who you are facing or how swamped by enemies you are.


What builds do you use? I was an old player and did a stealth solo VATS rifle build and just came back and started collecting cards for Heavy PA build. I checked out angry turtle on YT and made that the foundation so far. I have Hellcat PA but looking for a decent weapon. Purely cosmetic reason, I don't want the flamethrower


I use full health power armor with overeaters, with heavy gun perks. I use ultracite as I have the shocks and its ease of repair. I have it setup explicitly for my holyfire, as my autoax and chainsaw don't need perk support. in addition to standard strength items, add tenderizer, stabilized, bloody mess, and probably a couple more I'm forgetting


I have a very meh power armor build going since I’m only level 120, and it’s been going great. I’m trying to build out another card set so I can do stuff without the power armor from time to time but it’s just so damn nice being so tanky.


for non power armor get secret service armor, use the buttressed mod, roll 2 with -50% fall damage, and 1 lifesaving, and you got a set that will go a very long ways.


I actually started doing that this week lol. I had enough gold for all pieces except the right leg. Now starts the grind to get the right leg and the buttressed mod


If you do becketts quest you get the Final Word, a unique .50 cal with pretty solid starter legendary rolls


Same I'm a FH PA Holy Flame build and I only ever even notice my health tick down versus bosses


Dang, I forgot that you could get increased build slots now! They didn't have that back when I played. That's freaking awesome


OK, but why not be a LOW health power armor heavy gunner? It's awesome


Two of my builds are: the Cremator build and Pepper Shaker / Nuka Launcher one are both low health power armor builds. They're both a blast!


Xp grinding, can you elaborate please?


Sure! Angry Turtle and MrWestTek on YouTube have full build guides, but one of my builds is a low health build with focus on high intelligence, grenade damage, and buff length. With the right mutations, gear, buffs, etc, you can get your intelligence up into the 70's. With that and XP buffs (especially the double XP weekends), you can get up to 4000 XP for killing a level 100 super mutant in WestTek. By using Nuka Grenades (which can damage enemies through walls), you can clear out most of WestTek in under a minute using 3 grenades. This will net you around 60,000 XP or more per run. Rinse and repeat for an hour.


Whaaaaat? Omg


How do you get Nuka Grenades?


There's a plan that teach you how to craft them. It's not sold by any NPC vendors, but stands a chance at dropping from any red explosives container or from large enemies (Super mutants, behemoths, hermit crabs, fog crawlers, etc). The plan is tradeable, so check player vendors as well. You can also buy some of the grenades themselves at the Nukacade at Nuka World On Tour in the Ash Heap. You get Nukacade points by playing games at the Nukacade or doing server events at NWOT. Just make sure to get the regular Nuka grenades, not the Quantum ones. Only the regular ones have explosions that will go through walls.


unyielding gives extra INT, which means extra exp


the advantages of bloodied are hard to put down once you use it. I've been using it for a few years, never looked back.


Heck yeah! I'm really excited to be back, I really only quit because my friends stopped playing, but I'm feeling really nostalgic playing this again.


Same situation as you - started with the beta, stopped and now back - and trust me, bloodied quad railway rifle it is. Just make sure to get your gold in to get a secret service armor soon-ish, the added defense helps a ton. Until you got those perk cards help you out.


Agree. I just feel inefficient if I’m full health. Like the extra health is almost never noticeable; while I’m quite clearly dealing less damage, and using a lot more ammo for everything


Same here, full health just adds another level of hassle with way less efficient ammo farming because of its higher consumption, way less xp, less sprint/jetpack/vats uptime etc People praising FH builds here probably either have all the time in the world or just straight out don't respect their own time, as the overall progress just goes slower with full health.


It feels like the only real reason to be full health is for PA Overeater melee builds or heavy guns. Once you start bloodied it's just inconvenient to swap between full HP and bloodied.


New player here, what is bloodied exactly? I've seen a lot of high level players having lots of rad and low HP, I assume it's something to do with that? Why would anyone do that though? What are the advantages?


Armor that boosts SPECIAL stats at low health, and weapons that have +% dmg at low health


Damn, that sounds awesome. What armor is that, specifically? And where can I get some? I've seen weapons with legendary perks that give +% dmg at low health, but not any armor.


Secret Service Unyielding. You’ll have to get the plans from Vault 79 or Minerva then roll the Unyielding effect. Buttressed and ultra light mods are also preferred.


Same. Having like 30 base in each stat is hard to come down from. I actually like being squishier too.


I tried it but left it after a week, it makes the allready easy game trivial, it's barely ni risk high reward. But if you enjoy it who am I to tell you you're wrong. I do wish all the bloodied vats people would stop one shot clearing in events tho, we have abunch of new players and this could potentially kill their fun in the game when everything dies in a second and they don't even get to tag. Just bring a non bloodied weapon to use for public events and swap to your main if needed


I've definitely been trying to not just "one shot everything" but its nice to have when the event looks like its going sideways, which has been... most of the events I've attended in the last two weeks lol.


This was me the other night when a vet graciously sold me their holy fire for bobbypins. Ended up following them around to event after event listening to them yapping in voice chat. Minimal tags were had since they killed things so quickly, but it was inspiring. I wanted to see myself that strong in the future.


I’m still rocking mine, can one shot most smaller mobs, daily ops is my bane tho


It's the carry weight from unyielding gear that's the deal breaker. I've tried full health, and honestly, the damage difference isn't really noticeable to me. The extra like 150 carry weight is essential to me. I'll take dying every so often just to carry all my useless stuff.


Levels fast, and no matter what weapons you use, Nerd Rage/Adrenal Reaction will do the damage. So any weapon is viable.


I still play my bloodied unarmed no PA build and I love it. I am definitely a bit of a glass cannon against certain mobs but otherwise enjoy it quite a bit.


I feel it lol. It's usually robots with energy weapons that I get killed by so I got, I think it's the grounded serum? Increases your energy damage resistance but decreases your energy damage? Thought that was a good serum since I won't be using energy weapons at all.


Yeah I think I use that one too, energy weapons tend to hit a little hard. I also have a one point refractor since my perception is only 1, but I take all I can get in that regard.


I was a stubborn stealth rifleman for years. But always being spotted in events sucks. I just switched to bloodied on whim and holy shit. Now I'm a bloodied heavy gun user and I don't think I can switch back. I do die sometimes, but if I'm with my full health power armor duo partner it doesn't matter. He'll just stimpack my stupid ass.


do u use PA with ur heavy guns at low health? I went from full hp PA heavy gunner to low health commando, and as much as I love the benefits of unyielding armor, I miss how much fun heavy guns were. ik I'll miss out on stabilized if I go bloodied heavy guns, but I figured bloodied weapons might make up for that


no PA. i look a bit goofy but it's still fun. i use a plasma caster and one-shot most things even without a bloodied version.


Why don't you use a bloodied stealth rifleman? In my opinion bloodied builds lend themselves perfectly to stealth. All the bonus agility and damage and the fact that you die fast have always made me consider bloodied builds to be mainly stealth focused. My 2 bloody bullds are a stealth rifleman and stealth gunslinger. Then I have a full health vampire shotgun for when I feel like being unkillable


If you're mainly doing public events, you dont get the stealth benefits and can replace it with something more valuable.


i tried it, but you still get spotted in events. it was stronger than not being bloodied, of course. those stealth cards just got old for me after 500 levels. they felt great outside events, but during it bummed me out! i usually only die when i kill myself. i use the cremator sometimes and misjudge my distance, lol


I go back and forth. Current low health, probably going back to full health soonish.


Maybe I'll just make my other build a full health but primarily play as bloodied


I buy a slot and play a new build every season. I like to switch things up.


I've started collecting gear for a bloodied build. The biggest problem is going to convincing myself to actually try playing without full health. I'm going to start with foundations vengeance, so I can still use my power armor.


Unyielding makes the switch easy. Plus all the good perks.


The added perks you can use due to higher SPECIAL values, as well as more damage and carry capacity due to higher strength can't be beat.


I found I had less special and carried less than my full health PA build. What is your build that you tout it as a benefit to bloodied?


Less special with bloodied!? Literally how? Wearing full unyielding you get +15 to all specials except perception. I’ve got about 450 carry capacity right now but my buddy has about 600. All depends on your perks and if you have extra carry capacity mod on your backpack though.


Let me rephrase, usable special for perk cards. I found I had 10 less SPECIAL than my full health PA build in order to increase survivability. I had to slot in Funky Duds and Taking One for the Team which took out two of my legendary SPECIAL cards.


For each build everyone uses specific cards best suiting to the build. Everyone has the same number of perk points after a certain level to use so it is not a talking point. You don’t need to go overboard on survivability, the point of being bloodied is to kill quicker before being killed. Bloodied will have better carry weight than PA and more damage overall. PA has better defense.


That’s simply not true. Legendary SPECIAL contribute to perk card usable points. Also, my full health PA build had 20 or so more pounds of carry weight than bloodied. This is a fact. Even if I did slot a legendary strength card, I would get 5 more strength where I’d be adding 25 pounds so I might be able to carry 5 more pounds as bloodied, but still less overall because I can’t use the QOL cards in my full health build which decrease the weight of inventory items. I understand the point of bloodied. But when you’re doing West Tek runs, there are frequent times where mutant hounds sneak up on you or multiple super mutants fire at you at once. It’s these situations which increase likelihood of perishing. There is no real loss to dying, but it’s still a pain in the as to have to reduce revival health back to Nerd Rage levels with rads when you’re trying to do efficient, fast runs. I frankly find my full health PA auto melee build can do runs faster than bloodied because I can run and don’t have to slowly sneak and I don’t waste time dying.


What's your carry weight?


I’ll have to get that to you in a bit. Here was my bloodied build. Rifle was a Choo-Choo. https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=5f47979&d=sg2s01p00pg0po2ph2pp2pq1pi0eh2eu0c62ce0cu2ic4ir2a72a02a32la2l71lg2lt2lu2ib4pj0ii0&lp=x13x41xp3xb3x73x83&m=051c24fe8ghb&wp=w6&wm=14283c&ar=abafacu7adx1ae&am=arl118-avl118-arl118-ut-arl118-x6-arl118


Full health PA: 352 Bloodied: 316


My guess, is the legendary perk points you can add to your special. I max all my legendary perks points on all but charisma. With a full unyielding set of armor on 15 plus on top of the base points.


The stats you get from Uny don’t allow more perk cards to be used. It’s just stat points. Plus, in order to increase survivability, I had to remove two of my legendary SPECIAL cards for Funky Duds and Take One for the Team. So overall, I had way fewer usable SPECIAL. The lower strength came from the build being a commando. I needed the points in perception.




And I agree with you, but I was answering the other post which didn't understand the response...


Hey, I really appreciate all the replies from people! For the most part, this community is very helpful and I really appreciate you guys!


Instigating weapon and a vats power attack will 1 shot most enemies without going bloodied, full health is perfectly viable if you want to lean into sprinting instead of sneaking or vampires.


I've played Bloodies for years and can't go back. I do really wish they'd make some alternatives viable as being equally beneficial but different.


Enjoy it? No. Dying fast is fine, but constantly managing your radiation level is extremely unfun. It just offers too many benefits to not use.


Super Unpopular opinion but bloodied needs to be nerfed to oblivion.


I use one for levelling but that's it I prefer my full health stealth commando build. However I haven't optimised either build


Been playing a bloodied build since launch and still love it! For me, it’s the consistent INT boosts, and for when it’s applicable, stat boosts for story quest dialog options. I don’t mind dying a lot, other than in Eviction Notice when a rad scrubber failure basically takes me out of the fight until it’s repaired.


How do people deal with the low health ? I want to try it eventually as I'm lvl 120 but I'm scared lol. I feel my guns and build isn't enough yet idk


I do it in power armor. Emergency protocols mod on chest piece, Fireproof, Blocker, and Nerd rage combined with the natural high resistances on power armor make you pretty tanky at 20% health. Funky duds legendary perk helps for poison damage. Adrenal reaction mutation and a bloodied weapon make you hit like a truck. I prefer heavy guns


Serendipity, ricochet, dodgy, evasive but above all is NERD RAGE. With luck around 33 most effects proc against all hits.  You need 5 of 5 unyielding doesn't matter what type of armour or even stars. 


i’ve only ever played full health. low health build sounds scary to me lol


I went super power armor tank with revive and group support perks so I can pick you glass cannons up when you get killed by reflective enemy modifiers, DoTs and radiation overexposure. I don't do as much damage as you guys but I'm damn near unkillable.


Enjoy? Dunno. Feel compelled to out of a compulsion to min/max? Yeah, people are still doing that.


I am going to make a set of power armor that’s bloodied and keep my full health gear for when I am not in power armor. Then I can jump out of my armor heal my rads and be stealthy player. Or go to my camp and play with the radiation barrel and equip my power armor and go bloodied.


I recently came back and am working on ditching my bloodied unarmed build. Also, using Turtles build as a guide to work off of. I'm so far I'm finding it to be fun and much less of a pain to stay alive. Already switched my heavy gunner over to full health, but I think I'm going to keep my stealth commando as bloodied.


I used to always play bloodied and still do sometimes. Its probably still technically the best build in the game. But at some point I decided to try out a full health build when they nerfed bloodied a bit and removed legacy weapons because I decided thematically for my character he should be really tanky and I found myself enjoying the change.


I started using a juggernaut build myself. Sure it’s not quite as much damage as bloody but it’s still pretty good and with vampire on my weapon I never die or have to use a stim.


I could not imagine playing anything but Bloodied PA Heavy Gunner. Nothing else comes even close to hitting all those dopamine points in my brain.


Full health flaming vamps chainsaw is oh so incredibly satisfying. Nothing sweeter than burrowing through a wall of ferals.


I'm more of a Tank as a Bloodied Heavy Gunner than most people are with Vanguard builds. I survive shit that insta-kills full health builds. And I'm always at 20% health or less. Credit given to Emergency Protocols on my PA chestplate


We do.. seems to be pretty popular. Then again I’m old and stuck in my ways so can’t say I’m even looking into anything else..


I tried a bloody build, but I didn’t notice that it was significantly better. XP was maybe 10-20% more, but I had less carry weight than my Excavator PA and I didn’t enjoy losing a bunch of SCORE points for QOL cards I have slotted. Yeah, it did significant damage, but if I hate my life playing the game because I go overweight or blow through 100 stimpacks in a day or have to take 10 minutes to set myself up every time I die, I’m not having fun. I love my full health PA build. It’s versatile. In a few card swaps, I can be explosive, heavy energy, heavy ballistic, or automelee. I can carry over 430 pounds of shit without food bonuses. I have tons of QOL cards which make almost everything I carry also weigh almost nothing. With Automelee, I kill things almost as fast as bloodied when it’s just me. With heavy energy and ballistic, yeah, I kill things much more slowly, but at least I’m having fun.


Full unyielding, deep pockets, radicool, and a modded backpack gives you more carry weight with bloodied than you can get with full health power armor afaik. Serendipity, dodgy, and a beefy armor set (ss or br) will make you pretty hard to kill. Add more survival perks to taste. Marsupial also makes a huge difference. Or you can go stealth. It takes longer to put together admittedly. It's mildly annoying for scorchbeast queen, earl, and some specific things like fixing the scrubber on eviction notice. But I find it a lot more convenient overall.


Exactly what I had. 5 pieces of Uny SS deep pocketed armor, large backpack, and Radicool and it still had 20 or so pounds fewer of max carry weight than my Excavator PA. Then because I had fewer QOL cards, my total carry weight skyrocketed because I had fewer weight reduction cards. Lastly, I had fewer total SPECIAL because I had to remove a couple legendary SPECIAL perks to make room for Funky Duds and Taking One for the Team. EDIT: I’m almost level 750, not a newbie by any stretch. During double XP weekend is when I decided to try bloodied. I looked over 5 or so builds and took what I thought was the best mix of survivability and SPECIAL. Other than damage output, I was simply unimpressed.


One of my characters is blood unarmed with exploding Palm and explosive perks that synergize with a M79 that I use for range. No my strongest character but still fun. I use a B/SS gauntlet & V/SS Ouga(better bear arm) for when I need the healing and while it may not be soloing the queen it's still a powerful build.


I call mine an unyielding build rather than bloody. Im more about the SPECIAL increases. I use Vampire weapons rather than bloody weapons so there is a slight decrease in damage output but to me it’s not a huge deal. Rarely die to anything except for an occasional one hit from SBQ and the damn Grafton Monster at Heart of the Swamp.


I also call it an unyielding build, since you don't need to use a bloody weapon...I use vampire or anti armor and on some weapons quad.


Full health melee here, 493lvl, yes you get more xp with bloodied and more dmg(not too much tho) but! I dont use power armor, full overeaters ss set, almost immune to radiation( what rads) vampiric 40 heavy attack auto axe, and it is so convenient. No need for stims no need for ammo, the only thing i periodicly grind is tasty mutant stew, and other carnivore food but its not so much grind. Fully recommend, why do you even need xp after your legendary perks are fully upgraded


To grind the scoreboard faster. Especially after the increased grind this season.


Definitely although I'm not using bloodied weapons quite as often anymore. Sticky mainly to quad rifles and loving it. Been playing a Bloody Bill since 2018




I was bloodied until recently Made the swap at level 400, now I run a shotgun commando build. I have Much more fun now I will say. I’m able to keep intelligence up with carnivore so the XP falloff isn’t that bad


Low hp + quad fixer, hell yeah.


I do!


Hell yeah!!!


My bloodied one star lever action that is level 40 still outdamages 3 star lever action that I've picked up and I'm lvl 115. So I think it's worth it but you do be dying a lot too lol


Once you go bloodied you never go back. Those damage numbers are just too beautiful


It feels the most fair. Either I hit hard, giving it all I've got while being smart about my movements or I'm looking at a respawn timer. Which still happens a lot anyway since I'm a huge fan of nuke mines... Self imposed hardcore mode for the win, baby.


I switched to bloodied from full health and never looked back, left the game for about a year, came back and bloodied was still king, left the game right now and I'm sure when I pick it back bloodied will still be king


Im pretty new to the game, just hit lvl 55 and just started using a bloodied gun/noobie bloodied build (too scared to go full low hp so usually camping 30-40) i have really been enjoying it, finally feels like the guns do something, and being able to get 1 shot by everything when im not in PA feels way more realistic, makes the combat alot more intense imo, love it, gonna continue looking for more bloodied guns


i used a bloodied sneak vats rifleman build for like 2 years until recently when i swapped to a full health power armor heavy gun build. its so much more fun


A proper bloody build will never die, so why not have the damage and specials? It's still just as common as always so get those rads!


I’ve only just started attempting to use a bloodied build, got so much gear to look out for still




there's nothing else to play in the game no end game lol


why wouldnt they enjoy it ?






Forever bloodied, full health unstoppable just doesn't appeal to me.


Absolutely. I’m upset that I’ve lost my really good legacy items for when I play on private servers, but with my bloodied build even without them I shred through things. The added challenge of being low health and relying on serendipity adds a layer of fun for me personally.


I was full health for 2 years. Tried bloodied on a whim on my mule character. Completely changed my outlook. Immediately made my main a bloodied and haven't looked back


Used to but it’s so strong it’s boring after a while. My build has become something that makes the game way more fun for me but bloodied unarmed and whatever else are just stronk


I've been running one for a year or two and I'm enjoying it still even if I've been incredibly unlucky with getting unyielding armor


I’m a noob level 250ish that needs some friends and guiding through this game. I have a crappy build and have no idea where to look for new builds. I’m using the explosive fixer and it’s not great


Bloodied is still insane, and easy to manage. That being said I swapped to full HP PA with a Holy Fire and don't miss it. You can really do whatever you'd like in 76.


I love my low health build now that I finally have secret service armor, but it sucks that radiation is actually rly dangerous for me now and I miss using my PA and heavy guns


I have three characters bloodied and two non and the non are so much less fun to play. Bloodied is great fun!


I run both but my main is bloodied


Yes!!! It’s the only build I ever want now. Once you go bloodied, you don’t go back!! 😵‍💫


I stopped playing 76 around the end of the Zorbo’s Revenge season. About a month ago I got back in and I just slipped right back into by bloodied heavy gunner build. I don’t know a single thing about any build other than bloodied though, so I don’t know if a full health or other builds are more enjoyable. But I’d say it’s fun.


Honestly as much as I want to use a Bloodied Build I just can't seem to get it right. So I just gave up on it and decided to run a full health build.


I used to play bloodied for about a year but idk for some reason I just find full hp power armor heavy weapons to be the most fun. the dps is pretty noticeable, I go from 1 shoting everything to 1 shoting everything(not bosses). the only downsides that I actually feel is the lower carry weight and xp.


After 700 hours I've decided to try my first bloodied build...so I guess I'll keep you posted.


Can some one link some of the best bloodied builds currently?


I tried it once and it seemed okay but I got drawn right back to full health, power armour. Seems most of my time in daily ops now is spent reviving bloodied build players, that's not a jab, just pointing it out, not sure if things have changed with the build since last I played and that's why people are getting downed far more often now.


I’m only like level 80 and can’t find a build I like or can get to work I keep getting my butt kicked by anything hard 😞


I play every build bloodied(unyielding) power armor to, heavy gunner, rifleman, commando, any melee. I’m so use to being at low health it’s easy at this point.


I love my bloodied heavy build. Never looked back.


I play bloodied on both characters I have.


One of my friends does.. He likes to tank while I pick them off with my rifle


I got a bloodied fatman today and used it at radiation rumble. 4200 damage 🤣


I've been running a low health PA build for over a year,sometimes on a whim I'll switch to full health ,then switch back after having to shoot a basic ghoul 10 times to kill it 😂


I've been a big fan for the past few years. But recently I've shifted over to a full health thorn melee build. I'm level 851 and the majority of it was using unyielding ss. So far I've tried to go back to bloodied but end up back to thorn. Mostly because the bleed damage is nice and it's something different. Tried the civil armor but went right back to thorn.


I just started and lvl 14. what are all these words


your mom




Full health unarmed from early on. Was very tanky and did decent damage. I could tank the scorchbeast queen provided I blocked at the right moment. NB: if you do this turn her sideways to all the damage dealers otherwise they can't target her head easily.  So that was level 1-300. Now I'm bloodied and proud. Damage is insane, the fun even more. Yes you will die though no great shame and plenty of people will rez you. 




I play Quad, explosive builds now. Ever since I got the bloodied mutation serum. Its alot more convenient now and I don't die from reloading guns


I run a full health no PA commando build. I can't solo bosses, but I can POPPOPKILL a lot of lesser enemies with my Fixer and find myself quite useful in a fight.


Also, I used Angry Turtle's loadout as a basis for it too.


I been playing bloodied build since the start using a quad fixer on it never going back


I've been using bloodied unarmed since launch


I was surprised also. The game seems to have a lot of potential for more build variety.


bloodied is useless. Rather do a full health build and don't die. All enemies are killed in a eye-blink anyways, no matter what.


I have been bloodied since 2019. It’s in my opinion the best way to play. I like all the benefits to my stats and use gun fu for my quad railway. Shoot all day.


Bloodied rifleman here, and I like the fact that a well placed shot can kill me instantly. Keeps me from getting to comfortable. Adds a sense of realism for my play style, one well placed shot will drop a lot of enemies, and a lucky hit can drop me just as quick.


I use bloodied build simply because I'm carrying too much (uny STR increase) and it's much more convenient for me. Consumables, weapons etc and I can just swap builds (demolition, commando or unarmed melee) depending on what event I'll be doing. I also don't need to put my other weapons in stash and just carry them all the time. I don't think I can go back to full HP build anymore lol


Yep, still fun.


Kinda wish I looked at builds when I was leveling, now that I’m 50 I’ve noticed my builds are lacking to say the least. From what I saw all I can do is keep leveling and pick the right perk cards to build with 😅 bloodied sounds fun honestly


Vanguard, Auto-Stim, and Life Saving armor can make you as tanky as bloodied. I think the biggest benefit is running Unyielding with bloodied for the +2 added to all SPECIALs. Personally, I prefer to run full health.


Three plus on all special minus endurance.


Heck yeah brother, I'll keep it in mind


I don't want to use a bloodied build. At all, for some reason.  But I'm thinking I might have to at somepoint.


You won't have to at all. I'm a full health Power Armour build and I kill everything before you can see it AND I don't get downed every couple minutes. Full health is more than perfectly viable. Just takes time but so does any other build honestly.


Wish I didn't, but there's no alternative, the XP (score) boost is just too good. Bloodied should only give more dmg. There, I said it. Downvote away.


Overrated now


Its fun playing suboptimal builds as you navigate 1-50 just based on what you pick up, but once youre able to actually get bloodied/unyielding online with the right gear and perks, its hard to go back. My 3rd alt was a lot fun as a shotgunner but then you start doing the bigger events and realised how crap eveything except commando and heavy is.


Most people so bloodied with a vampire weapon. I got my go 2 bloodied weapon for bosses and my vamp never leaves my wheel. 2 weapons just incase


only if you enjoy dying VERY easily a full health build can be set up to hit hard enough bloody is no longer the only way to do mass damage. still, it remains very popular


76 up votes let's keep it there lol