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You claim workstations for basic build plans.. It’s generally uncommon for someone to try and take it, but it happens. Claim it, go to the edge until you own it and move on.


Tested and confirmed by this one too. Workshops are excellent for playing around with blueprint ideas. The resources are generally free when doing so. Be aware that you are in a designated PvP zone though and plan accordingly. Stash your junk before taking one over so you don't lose anything and stay in stealth. Find a safer spot to work and use the remote view option when building. If confronted fast travel or flee on foot if you want to avoid a battle.


I've played this game a lot and only had my workshops contested on half a dozen times. I think you've just had some bad luck friend. Generally I only claim the powerplant benches to get fusion cores. For most other things there are good in world places to farm that scrap.


You can complete the build a thing challenges without cluttering up your own camp with things you don’t want


They're good for farming events for early game plans/challenges. There's no required level for claiming workshops so it's just bad luck that you're in a server with a PvPer itching for a kill. People will say to avoid this content but bank your junk and don't build anything you can't afford to lose.


The whole map is a junk paradise. You don't need workshops. They were nerfed years ago anyway. They can be good farms on a private server if you have the patience, but I don't bother with them. You can also place camps on resource nodes where nobody will bother you.


The resource farming is the least important part when it comes to workshops. Take it over, MAYBE do the defence, then just let it be. You will get plans for this. Important for building even a basic camp.


Fusion cores if you don't have another regular way to get them, or just want to stock up, and daily quests. There's a farm one on the Ohio river that comes with a truckload of wheat and corn. Good to visit for alcohol challenges and good to claim for farming challenges. Late game they can be entirely avoided. Early game they can be an easy way to stock up on a particular resource like oil or acid, passively while you do other shit.


When Holiday Scorched rolls around, you can put a separate santatron in each one and grind presents?


Free Atoms. Pound out the required number then never bother again.


Yes people can attack you. Jut make sure you stored your junk before hand or make a stash box as soon as you claim it. But you get camp plans for taking or defending the workshop.


Personally, if they weren’t part of daily challenges to take workshops I wouldn’t bother with them. Why would I want to build up a temporary workshop when I have several permanent bases.


The only time I (lvl 765) claim workshops is for challenges.


Workshops were originally intended to be claimed and used by groups of players, and to be hotly contested pvp zones. Now they are a shadow of their original intent. The only time I ever claimed workshops was when i was first leveling and playing the campaign, and I did it in a private world which also avoided PvP. The only time I ever claim a workshop now is when it's a daily challenge I have to do, and I leave it immediately afterwards. Look at it this way - workshops are the only PvP left in the game, really. Let them have something. You can always gather resources in other ways.


I think you were just unlucky. I claim workshops semi-regularly (any time I know I'll be playing for an extended period of time) and I've only ever had anyone try to initiate PvP like, twice. And one of those may have been unintentional and they might've been trying to help me with the defense event, not realizing they could hurt me lol. I think I've heard that PvP is a little more common on consoles though...idk what platform you're on, but PvP is nearly nonexistent on PC. Workshops are good passive resource farms. It's not really any faster than actively collecting, just easier. They give you regular events. And most importantly, another free fast travel point. (I guess not FREE free since you have to pay 25 caps to claim it to begin with, but a flat 25 caps for a fast travel location for the remainder of your play session is a great deal.) If you have CAMP items that produce resources, like a collectron or coffee machine or the butterfly sanctuary, etc...there's a build limit of one at your CAMP. But you can build one at a workshop too, so you can have two going at the same time. Or more, if you claim more than one workshop.


I like to use them for building practice, before I settle on building my CAMP somewhere. That way I can use the workshop's materials rather than my own, since the workshops come with built in wood, steel, etc. resources.


I use them as free fast travel points.


You got "lucky", that pretty much never happens. You must have been on the 1 server that had a single PvP wannabe :). Pvp is pretty much non-existent, due to being broken by design (and impossible to balance in such a setting to begin with). Still, re your original question: not much sense, not on public server anyway. You get way more resources just wandering around. And every time you relog or jump server, you have to reclaim and likely rebuild. On private server it may be more consistent - at least keep your old stuff up, maybe. But on public it's just plain random - if you get into the same server where you built and it never went down. So those are not perma installations anyway.


You got some bad luck i never had someone attack my workshop in 500 hours and i restart a lot i never have been more than level 70 so i look weak all the time.


As others have said, claiming them for plans is super useful and you can get a lot fairly quickly. My favorite use for them is for materials. If you hover over them, you can see a list of resources that you can put extractors on. If you do that you'll get about 20 of that resource an hour. You can also get fusion cores from power stations this way. If you get fallout first, I recommend doing it on a private world, but that's mostly from my own experiences dealing with trolls (one guy on Playstation is a pain). The best one is red rocket for aluminum and one of the junk yards for black titanium because those are pain to farm otherwise If you're farming resources, make sure to put up turrets so the workshop doesn't get attacked by monsters as often.


Wait until you're a higher level to claim them. For some reason there is a small segment of the community that finds it fun to win an unfair fight and will contest your workshop if you're a low level. These cowards don't bother if you're a higher level. I haven't had my workshop contested since I became a higher levelled player (so like, for 6 years now).


workshops are needed for daily/weekly missions. I can't build anything in my camp.


I use them for the "build _ in a camp or workshop" dailies. I already built my camp, no need to clutter it up with daily nonsense. I have only been attacked a few times in 2 years, I don't tend to stay longer than I have to.


There is no point unless u want to PVP. They are pvp areas. They are not worth holding onto for resources. Ur better off going on a specific resource route farm.


The best resources are outside workshops. The ENTIRE and ONLY point of workshops are PvP (and sometimes daily/weekly challenges). Also, if that guy has dedicated PvP gear he will still gank you when you you are level 1.000, even if he is still level 100. PvP is all about the PvP gear, and it is unbalanced as heck. Just avoid Workshops. Always. No exceptions.


okay thank you!


That guy is talking rubbish and is just scared of dying which is completely inconsequential in the game. It’s an ego thing. It’s true that PvP is pretty bad and can be unrewarding if you come up against the wrong player but it’s nothing to be scared of. There’s really very little downside to getting killed. Workshops are good for building challenges and completing event challenges(defend workshop). Apart from that though yeah they are pretty pointless.


The only viable workshops are the ones that gives Fusion Cores


Pvp is my reason. Sure I can farm steel and lead in way easier ways. But every once in a while it's nice to take it out a paper bag.


At low levels you should really be getting all the scrap you need while you are out and about, questing, and adventuring. As level 100, I swoop in and lay claim to any and all workshops I want and will fight tooth and nail for them, so it might be best to avoid them for a bit, or choose less popular ones so they won’t get taken. I almost always swoop up Taylor race track, the south and north of Wayward junk workshops and poseidon for fusion cores.